“There is no norm to follow” says this mum about the GEP (Gifted Education Programme)

Eight to nine-year-olds in Singapore undergo their first education milestone when they wear a sorting hat called the GEP screening in Primary 3. The letters stand for the Gifted Education…

PSLE Revision: 9 Easy Ways to Help Your Child with Last-Minute Mugging

P-S-L-E. These four letters strike panic in the hearts of parents while their kids stay sanguine, enviably relaxed and oblivious (or is it just mine?). The biggest national exam for…

Cheapest Baby Diapers in Singapore 2020 – We Got It Covered!

True fact: in the first year alone, a baby can go through up to 2,500 diapers. That’s a lot of money drowned in pee and poop! If you are an…

10 Things to do Before your Baby is Born

If you are a first-time mum, awaiting the arrival of your baby can be exhilarating, and sometimes, scary. Every single day brings a brand new experience, whether it’s the first…

May School Holidays 2020: Cool stay-at-home Activities your Kids can do

The mid-year school holidays in May? Who’d have thought this would happen? But unprecedented circumstances thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic means unprecedented school holiday dates, and the need for unprecedented…

March School Holidays 2020: Great Fun for Kids Indoors and Out!

Perhaps you’ve been keeping your little ones at home after school and on weekends because of the Covid-19 outbreak. Come mid-March though, when the March school holidays 2020 start, we…

10 Things To Do after your Baby is Born

Congratulations! As a first-time mum, you have been looking forward eagerly to your little one’s birth. Now, Baby is born and when you finally meet her or him, it is…

10 Nosy #NoFilter Questions we’ve been asked during CNY Visits (and how to answer some of them)

The Lunar New Year is a time for feasting, family fun, and… interrogation? Well that’s what it can seem like, especially when relations whom you have not seen since the…

November & December School Holidays 2019: 35 Fab Events and Activities not to be missed!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year; the year-end school holidays are here! Six weeks of holidays means six weeks of non-stop fun for the kids. There’s so much…

Fruit and Pregnancy: Which are Best for You and your Baby?

When I was pregnant, I was advised to avoid eating certain fruits. Pineapples, I was told, could be “bad” for the pregnancy. So I steered clear of this tangy fruit….

September School Holidays 2019: 26 Fun Events and Activities to Keep your Little Ones Busy

It’s the September school holidays again. If your children are attending local schools in Singapore this is the second, and last week-long holiday of the year for them. It’s also…

SNTC offers Peace of Mind for Parents of a Special-needs Child

Having a special needs child can be a lonely experience. Even if your child has siblings, concern over his or her future beyond your lifetime could weigh on your mind….

Cheapest Baby Diapers in Singapore 2019: Where to Buy

True fact: in their first year, a baby can go through up to 2,500 diapers. That’s a lot of money drowned in pee and poop. If you are an advocate…

June School Holidays 2019: 43 Super-fun Things for Kids to do

The four-week long June school holidays break is almost here! Have you got your jet-set plans all mapped out? Not to worry if not, for there are TONS of things…

Gallery Children’s Biennale 2019: Play by a river, explore a kampung, go underwater, and more!

The first Gallery Children’s Biennale in 2017 pioneered the idea of a dedicated visual arts festival just for little ones. More than 286,000 visitors thronged the National Gallery Singapore to…

Ain’t No Mountain High Enough for Hazleen Panayiotou, founder of the Amazing Trekkers Club (ATC)

Two weeks after tearing a muscle in her knee, Hazleen Panayiotou defied her doctor’s orders to rest and recuperate. Instead, the founder of the Amazing Trekkers Club (ATC) put on…

34 Awesome Activities for the March School Holidays 2019

The March school holidays 2019 are a welcome break from school and we’re looking forward to trying out as many on this list of awesome activities as we can. Join…

32 Exciting Year-End (November-December) School Holiday Activities 2018

The November-December school holidays are the best time for play because they come after the end of the academic year. Here’s some of the fun the kids can have this…

September School Holidays (2018): 21 Fabulously Fun Learning Experiences to enjoy before the mugging starts

The September school holidays are the final break your school-going children will get to enjoy before their year-end exams. Here’s a tip: let them have their fun. Need ideas? Read…

PSLE Exams: 9 Easy Ways to Help Your Child Do Last-Minute Revision

Is your child taking the PSLE exams this year? If he or she has not started revising yet, it’s time to buck up ‘cos they’re only a month and a…

38 Cool New Things to Do This June School Holidays 2018

Breathe. It’s just a week to the June school holidays and non-stop fun for the kids. But there’s lots to enjoy as a family as well. Read on, gather friends,…

March School Holidays 2018: 26 Super-Fun Activities for Kids to Enjoy

In a blink of an eye, the first term of school is over and the March school holidays (10-18 March 2018) are here. Check out what we’ve found in and…

“This is Not a Market. You’re Disturbing (sic).”

Should kids only be seen and not heard when they are out with you? How often have you, as a parent, received dark looks, head shakes, and grumbles because of the…

31 Year-End School Holiday Activities (2017) to keep Your Kids Engaged this November and December

It’s the year-end holiday in a week. What will your kids be doing? Here’s a list of activities that will keep them entertained, engaged, and even impart knowledge to their…

Is your K2 Child ready for P1 English?

In Primary One your child will be introduced to the first of many assessments in her academic life. While these are not ‘real’ exams and tests per se, they will…

20 Activities to Jazz up Your September School Holidays 2017

The third term of the school year is coming to an end. It’s time to start making plans for the upcoming September school holiday week School is officially out from…

10 Things Teachers Would like All Parents to Know

Being a teacher is not an easy job, especially in this day and age. This Teacher’s Day, we give teachers voice to say what they wish parents knew about a…

41 Exciting Activities for the June School Holidays 2017

It’s that time of the year again, the mid-year break. One whole month to unwind, recharge and bond. Why not expose your child to new adventures in the upcoming June school…

20 Fun March 2017 School Holiday Activities + Tickets to A Peter Rabbit Tale & The Wonderful World of Disney On Ice!

It’s March! If your child is in school, this means that Term 1 of the academic year is almost over. That was fast, wasn’t it? If you’re feeling like you…

Selective Mutism: When Your Child Just Won’t Speak

Shy, quiet, or scared? When a child has selective mutism, it could be a combination of all three, and it’s a condition that needs to be addressed, our writer discovers…

17 Pregnancy and Birth Superstitions You Should NOT Believe

Pregnant? Don’t look at animals. Don’t renovate your house. Don’t eat ‘cooling’ food. But most importantly, don’t believe every single thing you hear. Now that’s the truth, not the superstition….

30 Terrific Year-End Holiday Activities for Children (2016)

The longest school holiday of the year is here and we’ve found 30 great activities for families and kids to have a fabulous time! School’s out. Time for the kids…

Pregnant & worried about Zika? Find out what these mums-to-be are doing to protect their unborn babies

Are you pregnant? Do you worry about Zika in Singapore? You are not alone. Find out what these mums-to-be are doing to protect themselves and their unborn babies from the…

21 Fun September Holidays Activities + Kaboodle Kids Passes!

The September holidays may be short, but they are a much-needed and very welcome break from school! Here’s to interesting activities, learning, and lots of fun! Forget Pokemon GO. This…

31 Fun Activities this June School Holidays (2016) for Everyone in the Family to Enjoy

The mid-year break is finally here! All together now, say “yay!” This year, we’ve broken down the activities into four categories to make it easier for you to decide. Ready?…

20 Creative March School Holiday (2016) Activities for Children in Singapore

Let your child take a breather from anything academic this coming March school holiday, and get involved something fun, creative, and inspiring — like these activities! 1. Enjoy Classical Music…

10 Ways Dads can Help with Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is only for mums. True? Yes, but the success of mum’s breastfeeding journey depends (partly) on the man. Here in Singapore, 99 per cent of new mothers try breastfeeding, half…

Helping My Introvert Child Cope in Primary School and Beyond

When my daughter Rachel was younger, she attended ballet and piano classes — just like her older sister. She wanted to be as good in them as her jiejie (older sister in Mandarin) in these activities. But…

23 School Holiday Activities for Children to enjoy this Year-End! (2015)

Can you believe it? After the flurry of graduation concerts and SA2 exams, the reality of another year coming to an end kicks in. Whether you are going overseas on…

What My Teacher Taught Me

Both teachers and parents are similar in the way they want the children to grow well, learn more and develop positive attitudes towards life. Both teachers and parents ride the…

18 Great Activities for the September School Holiday (2015)

The one week (10 days if you include the weekends!) September school holiday is on the horizon. As the wise mothers say, encourage your children to work hard but let…

Choosing a CCA for your Primary School Child

When I was young, I took up a different CCA every year. These extra after-school classes gave me with opportunities to learn things I would not have been exposed to…

28 Things to Do This June School Holidays (2015)

They say “You will never be like the ‘Little Engine That Could’ if you sit around on your caboose.” This holiday, get the kids off their cute cabooses to master…

8 Common Baby & Child Skin Problems

The skin of newborns may be flaky and dry because it has yet to mature. A young child’s skin is delicate and therefore vulnerable to becoming dry too. Lessening exposure…

10 Free Online Tools for Parents & Kids

The first Youtube kids app was launched a few weeks ago. As a parent I have always been wary of giving my children access to apps. But this app was…

Take Charge of Your Body: PCOS & Fertility

If you have been trying for a baby but have yet to be successful, you may want to check if you have a condition called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). While…

March School Holiday Activities for Kids in Singapore (2015)

Congratulations! You (and the kids) have made it through the first school term of the year. That’s 10 whole weeks! You’re probably looking forward to the first school holiday of…

ADHD: What You Need to Know

Alex*, a five-year-old boy, has been on his mother’s nerves. Although most three-year-olds can dress themselves, Alex is still unable to dress himself sometimes. When outdoors, he does not walk,…

Homeschooling As An Option

The mandatory six-year primary school education scheme was implemented in 2003 in Singapore. Apart from government, autonomous and independent schools, there are a handful of choices for alternative educational paths…

10 Tips to Console The Inconsolables

Have you ever gazed teary-eyed at the sweet angel-like face of your baby while he or she is asleep? Don’t you just feel like the luckiest person in the world…

Should my Child have a Mobile Phone?

Your child goes to primary school in a few days. Should you get him or her a mobile phone? As a parent who has waited for my children at the…

Using Epidural for Normal Delivery

As a first-time mother, I spent 16 hours in labor. Going in and out of a pain I had never experienced before, I remember being told to curl up on…

Year-end Holiday Activities Planner (2014)

Don’t wait until the report cards are handed out and the teacher-parent meetings are over to start planning your child’s year-end activity calendar. There are loads of events to enjoy…

Dealing with the Haze

I remember last year’s June school holiday very well. My husband was overseas. Only my two young daughters and I were at home. Thanks to the haze, the view from…

15 Ways to Enjoy the September School Holidays

Three quarters of a school year has passed by and now the September holidays are here! Unfortunately we only have seven days to squeeze in all the amazing activities available…

The Tuition Debate

When Parliament met in September last year, Senior Minister of State for Education and Law Indranee Rajah answered concerns about the on-going “phenomena” of the private tuition industry here. [banner][/banner]…

Is it Worth being a Parent Volunteer?

If you do not have any affiliation to your school of choice – you are not an old boy/girl, not an active community leader, and are not a member of…

The Imagination Journal

Earlier this year, I wanted to make a gift – instead of buying something – for a friend’s daughter who was celebrating her eighth birthday. The birthday girl is a…

Does Your Child Need Supplements?

Walk into any pharmacy and you’ll be greeted by rows of colourful bottles promising to make your children taller, healthier, and brainier, and give them good vision and excellent digestion…

Online Maternity & Nursing Fashion for Mums-to-be in Singapore

When you’re pregnant and feeling more fatigued than usual, even the thought of shopping for maternity clothes – which you will need, really! – can bring on a migraine. That’s…

12 School Holiday Activities (March 2014)

One week may not seem like much at first but really, it’s seven days long! Add in the weekend before and the kids can have nine whole days of fun,…

What to Expect: Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC)

Vaginal Birth After Caesarean or VBAC is the term used to describe the process when a woman gives birth vaginally after having had a previous caesarean delivery. It includes birth…

Introducing Your Child to Science

Imagine role-playing life, climbing through a nine metre tall structure to a loft that transports you into a kaleidoscopic dream world, creating experiences with art and nature, discovering STEM with…

All Babies Are Clever

When I was expecting my first child eight years ago, I checked with my obstetrician if it was all right to eat this and that, or do this and that….

10 Facts about Surviving Primary 1

This time last year, parents of children who were born in the year of 2006 were frantically preparing their children and themselves for the first year of the wilderness known…

Road to a Successful C-Section

Wong Lina, 37, who manages a travel agency, is the mother of three children aged 12, 10 and 5. She delivered all her babies through C-section. For the first one,…

A New Mum’s Best Friends

When you got married, you figured out a system for your household, from the division of labour to what goes where, to finding a solution for the laundry/cooking/car wash that…

20 Year-End Holiday Activities 2013

The longest school holiday of the year is coming soon. What would an active child with an inquiring mind to do to while away all these weeks? One of these,…

The Best Kiddy Birthday Parties

Once they are old enough to understand what having a birthday means, children start to dream about how they are going to celebrate their next one. Some are content to…

Positive Parenting

Positive parenting. You’ve probably heard these words while in conversation with other mums and dads, or maybe read them in a magazine. But what does positive parenting really mean? In…

When Children Lie

First things first. Lying is early childhood is not a sign of delinquency. Your child will not be thrown into the slammer just because of one lie. “Children start telling…

Optimising the September 2013 School Holidays

The school year is progressing fast and we are approaching the end of term three. Make the most of the upcoming week-long break by letting your young ones broaden their…

Child Care Options in Singapore

Staying at home to look after your offspring is a great idea. However, this is not an option that everyone can take. For parents who both work, alternatives abound. Consider…

Primary 1: How is it Different from Preschool?

“Dear Mr Pig, I am feeling excited because I am going to the zoo tomorrow!” My daughter, who started Primary 1 this year, had written. Under her words were a…

A Father’s Day Tribute: Dads about Dads

How well do you know your dad? How did his dad influence his parenting style? This Father’s Day, we ask four fathers how they feel about their roles, and what…

10 Fun Things to do this June Holidays!

The mid-year break is just a fortnight away! This means an upcoming four weeks of fun, fun, fun for the children! In between homework (yes, there will probably be some…

Real Motherhood in Singapore

Mothers in Singapore – local and foreign – share their experiences of living here and being a mum in Singapore. [banner][/banner] Tan Su-Lynn, 39, ex-Senior Marketing Executive, now a SAHM….

First Aid for Families

You’re pregnant, you’ve bought the necessary baby items and spent a load on infant paraphernalia. You’ve read up on how to breastfeed, how to burp the baby, how to distinguish…

Parent Aid: Benefits and Subsidies for Parents in Singapore

Bringing up children in Singapore is too expensive, many people say. Indeed, the first few years of a child’s life are often the most costly for parents. In addition to…

Coughing in Children: Home Remedies

Children are prone to suffer from sore throats and coughs. There are no known statistics on how often they get this illness. Says Dr Penny Lo, a general practitioner, “It…

10 Activities for Children This March School Holidays

One more week, and school-going children of all ages will be able to breathe a sigh of relief.  The first break since the start of school year is here! Never…

Improve Your Chances of Conceiving

So the wedding has came and gone. You have support from your parents and the parents-in-law. Even government support has been increased. The only thing you need to do now…

Teaching my Child to Give

“Look at that bird. He has no family or friends. He has to dig rubbish to look for something to eat. Don’t you think he is pitiful? You are lucky…

How To Sail Through The First Weeks of Primary 1

There are only a few weeks left before The Big Day — the first day of school. Uniforms have been bought, washed and ironed. Textbooks have been dressed in plastic…

10 Year-End Activities for Children

Be a deejay. Skate like a pro. Play the ukulele like Jason Mraz. Build a bear. Learn strategy through chess. That’s right. There’s absolutely no excuse for any child to…

The Cost of Having a Child in Singapore

You’re married and ready to hear the pitter-patter of little feet. Or perhaps you peed on a stick and a big fat positive appeared. Whether you’ve been putting away a…

Striving for a Normal Primary School

My daughter has a good friend, J, from her old preschool. He recently visited us on a playdate. It was a pleasant surprise to see that he was interested in…

Build Compassion: Encourage Your Child to Volunteer

Last month, as President Tony Tan launched the Volunteer Drive as part of the President’s Challenge, he said, “The purpose of this new initiative is to show that all of…

Common Newborn Conditions

New mothers are consistently on the alert when it comes to their babies. We worry about the smallest things – from whether baby is breathing properly to whether baby’s poop…

Let Children Learn How To Learn

Within 30 minutes, Nicole Chang had completed her multiplication homework and made a chart on her responsibilities at home for her upcoming show-and-tell session at school. After this she read…

Directory: Shops for New Mothers & Mums-To-Be

Aside from department stores which carry maternity and nursing wear, you will be able to find clothing, creams, pads, and even furniture for your little one from these shops. If…

6 Things To Do with your Kids this September Holidays

There are more interesting activities to do this September than the number of holidays we have to do them all. Make this break refreshing and memorable by bonding with your…

Preparing For P1: Preparatory Classes

Five months before Primary 1 starts is an ideal time to start actual preparing your child for the next stage in education, educators say. As Ms Grace Yong, the Executive…

Directory: Singapore’s Free Shopping Mall Playgrounds

Aside from regular neighbourhood playgrounds, our little ones can have much fun for free at these play areas in our major shopping malls. All you need to do slather on…

P1 Registration: The Final Ballot

By now, Phase 2B is already old news. The letter from our dream school, ticked at the “your-child-has-been-unsuccessful” box, is lying on the shelf. It is not a pleasant souvenir…

P1 Registration: That Balloting Business

When we went to register at our primary school of choice for our daughter, we were anxious to see so many cars seeking parking lots, and couples with folders asking…

P1 Registration: Something To Look Forward To

The Primary 1 (P1) registration frenzy has started. Congratulations, if you have already managed to get your child into the school of your choice. The rest of us who are…

Anxiety Over Primary 1

Since the dates were announced by the Ministry of Education, my husband and I have been reminding each other daily how many days there are left to the Big Day….

My Tantrum-y Two-Year-Old

Two weeks ago, we had a teacher-parent meeting at the girls’ preschool. The teacher of our two-year-old girl told us good naturedly, “All children who are quiet at school, are…

Directory: Nursing Rooms in Singapore Shopping Centres

When you are out and about with Baby, it would be a good idea to familiarise yourself with the shortest way to get to the nearest nursing rooms and changing…

6 Kid-Friendly Places to Explore in Hong Kong

Hong Kong, just a three and a half hour flight away, is one of Singaporeans’ favorite places to visit. With kids, you’ll probably have to tone down on designer shopping and…

Your 9-Month Pregnancy Guide

“My mouth seems to fill up with saliva all the time, and swallowing it makes me queasy.” “I’m in the bathroom every half hour. Is it normal to be urinating…

Sleep And Your Young Ones

If you were walking past Raffles Place in March, you could have seen people napping on the lawn outside the MRT station. They were doing that in celebration of World…

Choosing A Primary School for your Child

In less than two months, your child’s education foundation will be decided when you register him for primary education in Singapore. So how do you choose the right school for…

Doula: Give Birth Comfortably with a Friend

It was one in the morning. Something happened while she was dreaming. She was all wet. But it was still two weeks before her baby’s due date. Was this the…

Being a Parent: Often Misunderstood, but Always Meaningful

This morning, I walked into a deserted fast-food restaurant for breakfast. I noticed the cleaner, a young well-built male, spiffy, with decent looks, and not a trace of grumpiness in…

5 Baby Care Basics for every New Parent To Know

Alas, babies do not come with instruction booklets. When you’re still in the hospital, glowing (or groaning) from the aftermath of delivery, baby care is probably the last thing on…

Confinement: The Process of Reconditioning Yourself After Pregnancy

The first 30 to forty days after you give birth is called confinement, the period where new mothers are ‘confined’ to a certain regimen comprised of nutritious diet, to-do’s and…