2WW - for those TTC-ing

Angel_mommy & hopeful_mum: hmmm... Hope so baa... last month my AF arrived at CD35, today is CD33... FF show these 3 days AF will report... think wait till cd35 then see how lo....

hi hi..joining you ladies here can? Im in my 2ww now..taking baby aspirins and also progesterone inserts as support :)
welcome to join, hope i don't see u back in SG in feb :)
good luck!! when is ur target test date?

Think next fri/sat can test already ..or i'll see maybe hands itchy haha might test some days earlier and jab my own hcg for support as well as put extra progesterone
Think next fri/sat can test already ..or i'll see maybe hands itchy haha might test some days earlier and jab my own hcg for support as well as put extra progesterone
But u need to test first before jabbing right? Wishing u best of luck! Sticky baby dust.

I hope there are more bfps this new year!
hi hi... so long no c u here. so fast time passes.... u already in wk25.....

yup. did SO-IUI but failed.
wat to do? lol.... nvm. try again.

still got hope. wait for another few days ba.
This mth seems will be super long mth for me. :(
til date cannot detect O. oops...
so can only pray hard. lol...
anyway if AF report, will have to take clomid liao.

Jia You!!! This cycle works harder.
me is cannot predict when this cycle over.
now is on n off BD. as n when as til date cannot detect my O....
hi hi..joining you ladies here can? Im in my 2ww now..taking baby aspirins and also progesterone inserts as support :)

how does the baby aspirin / progesterone / hcg jabs work? where do you get them from, or is it prescribed by your gynae to help in making the possible pregnancies stick better?
View attachment 173592

Check it out. If ships from amazon and sold by amazon the price is higher. So more ex. That time I got it at 125 I think. The price fluctuates also. Then with this u can get the free shipping

If you select other seller than u won't get free shipping

But u also need the test sticks. If can have bundle and cheap then u can consider.

Tks for the info. Ya, I think $163 is very ex and this is in USD. I vaguely remember it was much cheaper last time. Think price increase a lot. Going to recommend my friend to check out the SMH thread as got bundle of monitor and sticks at S$200. Many tks! :)
sorry for the questions but both of us are new to buying on amazon so not sure how to go about getting the free shipping. ...

Hi newmummy00,

I bought the Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test 20 Count, which I see it cost USD35.35 (S$45.95) now at Amazon.
SMH seller selling at S$88

since you have friends combining the purchase, you may also order the clearblue pregnancy test kit to top up to USD125.

I do the sums for you k....
For Clearblue Fertility Monitor and 20 Monitor sticks
SMH selling at S$223 (20 counts)
Amazon selling at USD135.99 + 46.99 (30 counts) = USD182.98 (S$237.87)
I see Amazon is slightly cheaper for this case. But you need to wait very long for the global super saver delivery.
Oops, I forgot to check if these were sold by Amazon. Need to do some homework on that. Since not much savings, just order from local seller.
I dint use the Fertility Monitor.
Just wondering... can we take sashimi during the 2ww?
I'm nearing the end of my 2ww... very scared to even take a test coz I scared of disappointment! Dislike the side effects from clomid :(
Stoneystoney, let's jiayou together! my current cycle also messed up. Dunno y my AF got heavier and longer. So i dunno whether i will O as per my calendar. We just anyhow whack lo. So by right i just started my my 2ww
Hihi, I'm new here :)

Having been TTC for one yr plus and found out few mths ago that I am not ovulating so is taking clomid for past 2 mths. Finally ovulating but still no news yet... :(
hahaha.... for me tis round i start track O since C13. now already CD24. still cannot c O. but on off still BD.
so tink not too bad. lol.... hope dun go to haywired can liao.... hahaha...
but i expect tis mth to be long wait liao...
Oops, I forgot to check if these were sold by Amazon. Need to do some homework on that. Since not much savings, just order from local seller.
I dint use the Fertility Monitor.
wah u very hardworking.
ya must be sold by amazon then can hor. globalshipping abt 2weeks will arrive. they usually arrive before their stated time.
hi hi... so long no c u here. so fast time passes.... u already in wk25.....

yup. did SO-IUI but failed.
wat to do? lol.... nvm. try again.

still got hope. wait for another few days ba.
This mth seems will be super long mth for me. :(
til date cannot detect O. oops...
so can only pray hard. lol...
anyway if AF report, will have to take clomid liao.

Jia You!!! This cycle works harder.
me is cannot predict when this cycle over.
now is on n off BD. as n when as til date cannot detect my O....
jia you. hope that ur AF report soon, maybe just nice u missed the surge.
how does the baby aspirin / progesterone / hcg jabs work? where do you get them from, or is it prescribed by your gynae to help in making the possible pregnancies stick better?
Hi doodoo,

I answer on behalf of chrisL, all these medicine prescribed by drs and HCG shots are very expensive. Baby aspirin u can get from pharmacy. but better see a dr to take all these. Coz my gynae says if im not trying for baby shdnt take such medication at all and may not be suitable for everyone.

progesterone are sometimes prescribed when they find that you have low levels. then may ask ladies to take immediately after O. some only take after pregnant etc. its a hormone pill, so don't anyhow take. if not suitable can screw up the cycle :(
Hopeful_mum: AF arrived today.. hmm.. wondering should I call to arrange the HSG test... scared lei..... :confused:
:( sucks!
no scared, but take pain killer before u go. I will tell u its super painful so at least u are prepared. coz many ladies told me it was just uncomfy not painful. lol no one pre-empt me, so I feel a bit of pain. its uncomfy at the beginning, then when they inject the dye its like cramp.

coz I hardly cramp or cramp so badly during AF, so to me its a painful.
jia you. hope that ur AF report soon, maybe just nice u missed the surge.
hahaha. hope so. or 9 mths dun come. lol....

dun scare. if there is a need juz go. the nurse will aid u along. tat time got a nurse comfort me during the procedure. so still not tat bad....
Stoneystoney, let's jiayou together! my current cycle also messed up. Dunno y my AF got heavier and longer. So i dunno whether i will O as per my calendar. We just anyhow whack lo. So by right i just started my my 2ww

Welcome back!!!!

I'm also quite confused on my own cycle.

Used to be very accurate but its like ranging from 28days - 30days now.
So I also anyhow whack.

I sort of calculated and estimate that I will O around 5 - 9 Jan.

And any of you ladies here experience mild dull cramp during mid cycle?

Read that it could be mittelschmerz but I'm not sure does it mean that I will O on the day when I get the cramp or like O will happen only after a few days.

I sometimes feel like just dont care.
Dont wana calculate the dates anymore..
Welcome back!!!!

I'm also quite confused on my own cycle.

Used to be very accurate but its like ranging from 28days - 30days now.
So I also anyhow whack.

I sort of calculated and estimate that I will O around 5 - 9 Jan.

And any of you ladies here experience mild dull cramp during mid cycle?

Read that it could be mittelschmerz but I'm not sure does it mean that I will O on the day when I get the cramp or like O will happen only after a few days.

I sometimes feel like just dont care.
Dont wana calculate the dates anymore..
yes, I do. I feel very bloated too. so I always bloat around O day, so not sexy! lol and still have to act sexy. bloating already so uncomfy but still have to look pretty! lol

Stoney - ya I hope for u also, no AF for next 9 mths, then pop a baby :)
yes, I do. I feel very bloated too. so I always bloat around O day, so not sexy! lol and still have to act sexy. bloating already so uncomfy but still have to look pretty! lol

Stoney - ya I hope for u also, no AF for next 9 mths, then pop a baby :)

LOL!!!! I totally feel you..
Same goes for me too!
Hi doodoo,

I answer on behalf of chrisL, all these medicine prescribed by drs and HCG shots are very expensive. Baby aspirin u can get from pharmacy. but better see a dr to take all these. Coz my gynae says if im not trying for baby shdnt take such medication at all and may not be suitable for everyone.

progesterone are sometimes prescribed when they find that you have low levels. then may ask ladies to take immediately after O. some only take after pregnant etc. its a hormone pill, so don't anyhow take. if not suitable can screw up the cycle :(

Thanks hopefulmum for the info! I'm soooooo glad there are so many of you experts here to help answer questions :)
Just wondering... can we take sashimi during the 2ww?
I'm nearing the end of my 2ww... very scared to even take a test coz I scared of disappointment! Dislike the side effects from clomid :(

i'd suggest staying off? not sure what it prevents (besides bacteria coz it is raw), but i had a chemical preg when i went for a sashimi buffet during a 2ww... of course it is just a correlation, but better safe than sorry right? :)
Hihi, I'm new here :)

Having been TTC for one yr plus and found out few mths ago that I am not ovulating so is taking clomid for past 2 mths. Finally ovulating but still no news yet... :(

Just wondering... many girls here I see discovered they are not ovulating... maybe I should go test earlier to check? Are there specific gynaes you would recommend for such a check, and how much does it cost to check? What's the procedure like? I'm hoping nothing too invasive? :(
Welcome back!!!!

I'm also quite confused on my own cycle.

Used to be very accurate but its like ranging from 28days - 30days now.
So I also anyhow whack.

I sort of calculated and estimate that I will O around 5 - 9 Jan.

And any of you ladies here experience mild dull cramp during mid cycle?

Read that it could be mittelschmerz but I'm not sure does it mean that I will O on the day when I get the cramp or like O will happen only after a few days.

I sometimes feel like just dont care.
Dont wana calculate the dates anymore..

Hi Whinypooh, I took Clomid this cycle and did experience some cramps during mid cycle. I was thinking if it was the clomid that made my body haywire.
i'd suggest staying off? not sure what it prevents (besides bacteria coz it is raw), but i had a chemical preg when i went for a sashimi buffet during a 2ww... of course it is just a correlation, but better safe than sorry right? :)
Thanks doodoo123! okie, then i better guai guai and dun anyhow eat.
Hi Whinypooh, I took Clomid this cycle and did experience some cramps during mid cycle. I was thinking if it was the clomid that made my body haywire.

What does Clomid do actually huh?

I'm also thinking of going to my gynae to do a check if I still do not BFP in another say 3 months?
Just wondering... many girls here I see discovered they are not ovulating... maybe I should go test earlier to check? Are there specific gynaes you would recommend for such a check, and how much does it cost to check? What's the procedure like? I'm hoping nothing too invasive? :(

I think it's good to check and find out why if you have been trying more than 6 months? No particular gynae as most gynae can advise.
clomid helps to ovulate.

to test whether tubes block or not need to go for HSG test. its a dye test. any gynae shd have this facility. mine cost me abt 600+
u mean ur HSG cost u 600+ or all the checks u do cost 600+???

I heard Clomid is to simulate ur brain to ovulate. tats wat i heard fr my gynae....
:)Hi doodoo123, I checked my bills. My first visit to gynae with virginal scan costs $150, second visit $50. My gynae charges are considered low...
I was just about to ask what is HSG test! Thanks hopeful_mum. wow u know a lot leh!
wow. ex. mine only cost 200++ got HSG. Did n TMC....
:( I thought mine is cheap. I rem hearing somewhere got more ex one.
wah can do 3 times leh! faint. but I wont do again, I scare pain.

babysee - will try to share what I know. ttc so many years liao, so many miscarriages, so I read up a lot. find out a lot also.
Hi doodoo123, it's good to for a check early..I onli went to my gynae after 1 yr of trying and sad to know its becos I have not been ovulating.

Any advice if taking clomid for too long will be bad for our health??
Hi doodoo123, it's good to for a check early..I onli went to my gynae after 1 yr of trying and sad to know its becos I have not been ovulating.

Any advice if taking clomid for too long will be bad for our health??

I read that prolonged taking is no good. and shd slowly increase dosage. but I guess its how much we want a baby and what the Dr says. if dr think is okay then shd be find bah. some pple say cannot take more than 6mths. so after 6th mth must stop and rest. but again, check with gynae will be better.
Hi jRin,
Yes, Clomid cannot be taken on long term. My gynae cut off is 3 months, while online website says 6 months.
It will cause thin lining and duno what...
Hi jRin,
Yes, Clomid cannot be taken on long term. My gynae cut off is 3 months, while online website says 6 months.
It will cause thin lining and duno what...
ya then they will ask u to take aspirin so to help blood flow to uterus to have better lining etc. lol
also clomid makes ur cm drier.
how does the baby aspirin / progesterone / hcg jabs work? where do you get them from, or is it prescribed by your gynae to help in making the possible pregnancies stick better?

i got them from my fertility doc, actually it is for my impending FET (frozen embryo transfer) but i used this on this cycle natural TTC see how. Cos i miscarried before and also some chemical pregnancies before so now taking to help. Duno if help not will try and see, this mth 1st mth trying natural with aspirins and progesterone..Aspirins help to thin blood and thus making implantation better and some says it thickens the lining of womb as well. The Progesterone is taken after ovulation as it helps with ppl who make little progesterone themselves in body..You can get from pte gynae clinics, the progesterone pills or gel to insert in V, then the baby aspirins (think ard 80mg in a tablet) get from pharmancy
Hi doodoo,

I answer on behalf of chrisL, all these medicine prescribed by drs and HCG shots are very expensive. Baby aspirin u can get from pharmacy. but better see a dr to take all these. Coz my gynae says if im not trying for baby shdnt take such medication at all and may not be suitable for everyone.

progesterone are sometimes prescribed when they find that you have low levels. then may ask ladies to take immediately after O. some only take after pregnant etc. its a hormone pill, so don't anyhow take. if not suitable can screw up the cycle :(

hehe thanks for helping..not easy with a 7hr time difference :)
Hi doodoo123, it's good to for a check early..I onli went to my gynae after 1 yr of trying and sad to know its becos I have not been ovulating.

Any advice if taking clomid for too long will be bad for our health??

Actually Clomid is more for those with PCOS, maybe ask your doc for another called Femara/Letrozole. Also to induce ovulation but no effect on lining. For me, I took femara..
Thanks for the info, ladies :)

My skin get itchy recently, not sure if it's the side effects of clomid..

I jus read online clomid might cause cryst too..so scary..cannot dun take but taking it gotta worry side effects..

The aspirin is to be taken that with clomid?

Thanks for the info, ladies :)

My skin get itchy recently, not sure if it's the side effects of clomid..

I jus read online clomid might cause cryst too..so scary..cannot dun take but taking it gotta worry side effects..

The aspirin is to be taken that with clomid?
Some drs will prescribe it with asprin. So really depends on what u require. coz anything hor take long term wi have side effects. I suggest u check with ur dr
