2WW - for those TTC-ing

ya I still see dr su. but she ask me to go back only after a mth coz she prescribed me with some soup then she wants to see if got impact.

anyway hor u ask ur hubby select sold and ship by amazon. above 125 no need to pay shipping.

Dr us asked u to rest for how long before TTC again?:)
good morning ladies! Happy 2014!! Hope this year we all can spread baby dusts and migrate to new thread:)

chocopiggie, we are so excited for U!!!
Dr us asked u to rest for how long before TTC again?:)
she says rest 3-6 mths. she says no point gan chiong and then screw up my body. lol so I listen HALF only.
I don't actively TTC but im not preventing it. just let nature takes its course this few mths. maybe relax will help :)
she says rest 3-6 mths. she says no point gan chiong and then screw up my body. lol so I listen HALF only.
I don't actively TTC but im not preventing it. just let nature takes its course this few mths. maybe relax will help :)

I agree.. In fact almost all my frens who TTC for very long only conceived when they start to give up and relax (meaning no taking bbt, no check ovulation etc). Relax will definitely help:) me too.. Will only actively TTC maybe starting April.. At least I'm assured now my menses did not go haywire after op.. Still report faithfully on CD30 ..dunno should be happy or not.. Hahah
actually ah... when everyone says "relax" to conceive... what do you actually refer to? relax while BD-ing? or throughout the few weeks/months/years while TTC-ing? I suppose relaxation will help make sure the hormonal levels are right, and we ovulate (or hb soldiers are good)... but if we measure and know that ovulation is happening... does tt mean we're "relaxed" enough??
Thanks all! Still thinking whether to book appt for HSG if AF come on Monday... very scared of the pain lei... anyway it's tough to relax while ttcing unless u totally give up hope ba...
actually ah... when everyone says "relax" to conceive... what do you actually refer to? relax while BD-ing? or throughout the few weeks/months/years while TTC-ing? I suppose relaxation will help make sure the hormonal levels are right, and we ovulate (or hb soldiers are good)... but if we measure and know that ovulation is happening... does tt mean we're "relaxed" enough??

Yes, I think as I hear from my fren's sharing, most got pregnant when they gave up hope liao.. Cos they really tried very long like more than 3 years.. Recently one of my frens who jus got her BFP told me she tried for 1 year plus , never strike and got discouraged, gave up hope and stopped all temp taking and checking of ovulation and that was when she got her BFP out of her surprise .. I guess that is what they mean by "relax" .. I supposed is totally give up .. As I recall my first pregnancy when I got my BFP at first try, I rem we were not in a hurry to strike, I was still thinking won't strike at first try, probably need to try for a very long time then can strike.. I didn't take bbt , didn't check for ovulation, just BD and enjoying our life as a married couple (we decided to start trying one year after we got married). Comparing now to last time , I feel now I'm more kan chiong.. Probably becos now getting older .. Biological click ticking.. Last time younger, still think I have more time to try.. But as I get older, it is hard not to be anxious.. But as age s catching up, I think our body also not as fertile as b4.. Sigh..
she says rest 3-6 mths. she says no point gan chiong and then screw up my body. lol so I listen HALF only.
I don't actively TTC but im not preventing it. just let nature takes its course this few mths. maybe relax will help :)

Yes I agree.. Jus let nature takes it's course these few months.. Who knows you might jus strike and have a healthy bb! :)
Doodoo123: Ya, Dr Loh asked us to check if we wanna make sure my tubes are not blocked... cuz my eggs reserve is OK, and I did the blood test n hubby did the SA not long ago... so we meeting him on the 15 for the blood & SA results... the HSG must book appt on cd1 of the cycle as it can only be done b4 cd10... and also must entirely finished menses then can test.. my menses usually end on cd7, so if menses come this cycle, best day to do HSG will be 13.. then 2 days later dr loh can give us results of all 3 tests when we go find him ma... but I scared... hahaha
Angel_mommy: this time round really no symptoms lo. Probably party too hard till I only feel tired most of the time. Other than that, nothing!
Yes I agree.. Jus let nature takes it's course these few months.. Who knows you might jus strike and have a healthy bb! :)
lol but hor relax also very tough one. coz my cm will tell me when im roughly fertile. like now I don't do OPK, but my body symptoms tell me I Oing and then with CM confirmed I probably O yesterday or Today. but I nvr purposely tell my dh. lol so he doesn't know whats going on.
lol but hor relax also very tough one. coz my cm will tell me when im roughly fertile. like now I don't do OPK, but my body symptoms tell me I Oing and then with CM confirmed I probably O yesterday or Today. but I nvr purposely tell my dh. lol so he doesn't know whats going on.

Heheh.. Me too, can tell from my CM too.. And for me I'll usually have sore breasts just after ovulation. . For me too, hard to relax cos I'm
36 this year liao.. Feels like time is running out for me:(
another thread, the lady I think turn 39 this year, first baby just delivered in dec last year. lol last year sounded so far back right :)

so u still have time, somemroe u have a kid already right.
Hello Ladies! wow this thread is so happening that I couldn't catch up! :)
Hope everyone had a great new year and all promote to mama soon!
Hahah.. You mean that time when u get a smiley face , u get the smiley face everyday when u test? For me , I get smiley face then after that, empty circle for one week plus then suddenly get smiley face again. Becos I used the clearblue advanced digital ovulation test kit, the smiley face will remain there for two days so can't test again this morning. The smiley face will only disappear tmr (different from the clearblue easy digital ovulation test kit) .. Sigh .. Maybe the ovulation test kit siao siao.. Make me confuse.

You mentioned you use SMH ovulation test kit.. Good ? Is clearblue fertility monitor good? You used before? I jus wanna ensure that my ovulation does go haywire after my op:)

Wah, so difficult to catch the egg!
I think the particular clearblue advanced digital ovulation test kit may have problem. The advanced ovulation test kit is the one that has the flashing smiley face (measure estrogen level that signals high fertility cos after rise in estrogen will come the LH surge) and solid smiley face (signals LH surge meaning peak fertility). On Monday I had the solid smiley face (2nd smiley face within this month's cycle ) then I can't test again the next day cos this advanced digital is made such that the solid smiley face will stay on the screen for two days. On Wednesday , I really very curious and itchy hands too, went to test again.. Become flashing smiley face. This morning also flashing smiley face. I concluded that my particular batch may be not working very well. I still have about 6 sticks left.. After this, I think I'll buy the fertility monitor.. Since you ladies have tried and tested and it is quite good. Hope to have more accurate results when i start to TTC :)

Hi angel_mommy,
Sorry for the late reply. I think it's the same test kit we are using... boo.... I ordered from Amzon. Another set I ordered from Qoo10 coz I have too many balance strips! Second one also smile all the way.
So now I use the balance strips w/o test kit. It works like other normal OPK :) 2 lines means positive. So don't waste it.

What I did for this cycle is,
1) Use Clearblue digital strips for first urine
2) Use cheap cheap OPK (abt 70cts a piece) bought from SMH forum for second urine.

I ordered the green OPK from this seller.
hey gals, when TTC, do you BD every alternate day for all 3 weeks when AF is away, or do you only do so in the 2-3 days of fertile period according to the ovulation strips/calculator?

Also, is it better to "clear" and get "new" soldiers ready after being inactive for a couple of weeks during AF, before the actual BD during the optimal days?

Hi doodoo123, this month I more active. start BD on alternate days starting from CD12 for 1.5 week. My hb almost died :p wahaa.... he said he felt being used. Cannot imagine how to do for 3 weeks!
Hi doodoo123, this month I more active. start BD on alternate days starting from CD12 for 1.5 week. My hb almost died :p wahaa.... he said he felt being used. Cannot imagine how to do for 3 weeks!

Hahah.. I laughed when I read your post:) I think our hubby all feel being used by us during our fertile period.. Hahah.. I also tried before alternate days for one week and hubby said he almost died.. Wahahah.. There are a few times he came home late and when I requested (cos my peak fertile period) he jus lie down there like a dead fish and asked me to "self service".. Heheh.. Other days he would say his 精价上涨。 he is very cheeky, always make me laugh.. :)
Hi angel_mommy,
Sorry for the late reply. I think it's the same test kit we are using... boo.... I ordered from Amzon. Another set I ordered from Qoo10 coz I have too many balance strips! Second one also smile all the way.
So now I use the balance strips w/o test kit. It works like other normal OPK :) 2 lines means positive. So don't waste it.

What I did for this cycle is,
1) Use Clearblue digital strips for first urine
2) Use cheap cheap OPK (abt 70cts a piece) bought from SMH forum for second urine.

I ordered the green OPK from this seller.

Thanks for sharing, babysee:) I also jus ordered some cheap and sensitive ovulation test kits and pregnancy test kit from Qoo10.. Will buy clearblue too but will use concurrently to check if accurate and consistent result from both test kits.. Sigh.. Tested for so many months but still no luck.. Sometimes feel like giving up and don't test liao .. But no choice.. Have to keep trying lor..
hey ladies, I came across the "zhu sheng niang niang" thingy & was wondering how does the egg thing work? As in if we see the eggs being offered at the table there, do we like just pray & take or what? Has been like trying for 2yrs naturally but no news, went to KKH for tests & was told that I had low egg count in bank reserve which makes mi feel very upset & like dui bu qi the hub...haiz..
Share tips - I bough from amazon. Cheaper compared to buying in Singapore :)

Oh but hor the fertility monitor worse. Once peak you cannot test again. Unless reset it then can test. But I have nvr reset it before to just try.

So I have a pack of those strips type and normally those will give me peak the night before and then the monitor only detect in the morning. Tried for 5-6roubds very accurate.

So I'm waiting to try, next time I will test at night. Think will be even more accurate!

hopeful_mum, can check how to buy the monitor from amazon? my friend is thinking of buying but tried to look for those under free shipping and the only one she saw was a bundle with monitor + sticks + pregnancy sticks. cannot seem to buy individually and the price of the bundle is US$195 which is like S$250??? seems similar pricing to buying from SMH and SMH having offer now. can share how to buy cheaper? many thanks! :)
hopeful_mum, can check how to buy the monitor from amazon? my friend is thinking of buying but tried to look for those under free shipping and the only one she saw was a bundle with monitor + sticks + pregnancy sticks. cannot seem to buy individually and the price of the bundle is US$195 which is like S$250??? seems similar pricing to buying from SMH and SMH having offer now. can share how to buy cheaper? many thanks! :)
Can buy separate ah just don't select
Those with bundle. Smh as in the singapore motherhood site? Oh nvr explore before here. If cheaper than u just buy direct from smh.

Basically just go with which is the cheapest :)
hopeful_mum, can check how to buy the monitor from amazon? my friend is thinking of buying but tried to look for those under free shipping and the only one she saw was a bundle with monitor + sticks + pregnancy sticks. cannot seem to buy individually and the price of the bundle is US$195 which is like S$250??? seems similar pricing to buying from SMH and SMH having offer now. can share how to buy cheaper? many thanks! :)

Is the SMH one the website that babysee share in this thread?:)
Can buy separate ah just don't select
Those with bundle. Smh as in the singapore motherhood site? Oh nvr explore before here. If cheaper than u just buy direct from smh.

Basically just go with which is the cheapest :)

The fertility monitor quite ex hor.. But if good then it is worth the buy:)
Halooo ttc mummies..
especially to stoneystoney, pooh.. *waves waves*
stil remember me mah??

2014 new year, new hopes!!!
i hope u all wil get BFP BFP soon..
So fast im already in my 25weeks soon.
u all jiayou ok!!!!
Hahah.. I laughed when I read your post:) I think our hubby all feel being used by us during our fertile period.. Hahah.. I also tried before alternate days for one week and hubby said he almost died.. Wahahah.. There are a few times he came home late and when I requested (cos my peak fertile period) he jus lie down there like a dead fish and asked me to "self service".. Heheh.. Other days he would say his 精价上涨。 he is very cheeky, always make me laugh.. :)

lol babysee and angle_mommy... your hbs all so farnie! 精价上涨 really make me lol!! but shouldn't they be happy? since men are always the ones who want the most activity... now we request.. they should be happy!! :p or maybe they are happy but hide it secretly dun reveal their excitement =P
Hi doodoo123, this month I more active. start BD on alternate days starting from CD12 for 1.5 week. My hb almost died :p wahaa.... he said he felt being used. Cannot imagine how to do for 3 weeks!

i also planned to do tt! wanted to start CD7 and for 2 weeks!! lol. but suay suay hb suddenly went on medication and cannot bd for the rest of the cycle. HAIZ
Blur02: hihi!!! U forgot about me le... sad sad... haha, just kidding! How're u!?? Time flies so fast!!

My AF supposedly to report today but so far no sight of it yet... I'll give 2 more days of waiting before testing ba... cuz got a feeling it'll report anytime soon..
last time my gynae taught me to bd every alternate day. then first time I strike liao, but end up miscarriage.
coz I hav long cycles, abt 34-40days. so he ask me to start from CD12 to CD 20.
so you count, actually bd abt 5 times only mah. shd be okay one.

if your cycle is 30 days or less, you start earlier, maybe cd 8 to cd16 or cd 18.
last time my gynae taught me to bd every alternate day. then first time I strike liao, but end up miscarriage.
coz I hav long cycles, abt 34-40days. so he ask me to start from CD12 to CD 20.
so you count, actually bd abt 5 times only mah. shd be okay one.

if your cycle is 30 days or less, you start earlier, maybe cd 8 to cd16 or cd 18.

My gyne also said best to BD alternate days.. :)
so anybody knows about the zhu sheng niang niang ting which I asked...?:oops:

Jeslyn83, I heard of it but never tried b4 and don't know how it goes.. Btw, are u still seeing gyne to follow up on your low egg count? Jia you okie, we all ladies here are also trying our very best.. Hope you BFP soon too:)
Blur02: hihi!!! U forgot about me le... sad sad... haha, just kidding! How're u!?? Time flies so fast!!

My AF supposedly to report today but so far no sight of it yet... I'll give 2 more days of waiting before testing ba... cuz got a feeling it'll report anytime soon..

Chocopiggie, no AF means got hope!! :) hope to hear good news!:)
Blur02: hihi!!! U forgot about me le... sad sad... haha, just kidding! How're u!?? Time flies so fast!!

My AF supposedly to report today but so far no sight of it yet... I'll give 2 more days of waiting before testing ba... cuz got a feeling it'll report anytime soon..

Chocopiggie, no AF means got hope!:) hope to hear good news !:)
Jeslyn83, I heard of it but never tried b4 and don't know how it goes.. Btw, are u still seeing gyne to follow up on your low egg count? Jia you okie, we all ladies here are also trying our very best.. Hope you BFP soon too:)
well u need to pray, then say how long u married, age , where u stay and hope for a baby. also need to promise like u will also go back and return how mnay eggs etc. u can ask the uncle there, he will teach u.
angel mommy, no see after the last full checkup. I juz go on naturally & didnt check oval strips, etc..just let nature take it course, also no BFP till now..today AF 1st day.. sometimes wondering skali till 35 yr old liao still don haf how sia..
angel mommy, no see after the last full checkup. I juz go on naturally & didnt check oval strips, etc..just let nature take it course, also no BFP till now..today AF 1st day.. sometimes wondering skali till 35 yr old liao still don haf how sia..

Maybe u wanna consider seeing gyne again and perhaps gyne can help to rectify any hindrances that could be preventing u from getting a BFP.. Or can see a TCM to tiao your body:)
tink main ting is the low egg count in bank reserve ba, already accepted the fact, bt will jz bd naturally lo...no like calculate when la, oval la..
i don tink i gt the determination to keep continuing seeing TCM to tiao, beside hub already mentioned will go try IVF see how
Can buy separate ah just don't select
Those with bundle. Smh as in the singapore motherhood site? Oh nvr explore before here. If cheaper than u just buy direct from smh.

Basically just go with which is the cheapest :)

sorry for the questions but both of us are new to buying on amazon so not sure how to go about getting the free shipping. I also went in to look and when click on free global shipping, only the bundle set appears. there is no other option to buy separately. can just click on the separate ones (those not under free global shipping) and can still get the free shipping? tks for all the help! :)

Is the SMH one the website that babysee share in this thread?:)

yes, SMH is the Singapore motherhood site here and the one babysee quoted. went in to look see and normal price is about the same as the bundle from amazon but now got 10% off so quite attractive. also think ready stock and no need to wait for 2-3 weeks shipping from amazon. maybe I get my friend to check it out coz amazon seems a bit complicated for us and we a bit blur one! lol...
sorry for the questions but both of us are new to buying on amazon so not sure how to go about getting the free shipping. I also went in to look and when click on free global shipping, only the bundle set appears. there is no other option to buy separately. can just click on the separate ones and still eligible for the free shipping? tks for all the help! :)

yes, SMH is the Singapore motherhood site here and the one babysee quoted. went in to look see and normal price is about the same as the bundle from amazon but now got 10% off so quite attractive. also think ready stock and no need to wait for 2-3 weeks shipping from amazon. maybe I get my friend to check it out coz amazon seems a bit complicated for us and blur blur one! lol...
actually don't need to click on the globalsaving one. u can just click separate, as long as its over 125 usd, sold and fulfilled by amazon can already.
then before u pay u can see at check out if u are eligible for the free delivery, if not eligible u just delete. u try explore first bah.

I just checked its very expensive from amazon.

Check it out. If ships from amazon and sold by amazon the price is higher. So more ex. That time I got it at 125 I think. The price fluctuates also. Then with this u can get the free shipping

If you select other seller than u won't get free shipping

But u also need the test sticks. If can have bundle and cheap then u can consider.
Last edited:
Happy New Year Ladies.. I am back from my vacation~ :)

AF reported and drag on during the trip. Haiz.. So i have to start over again

Hi ladies

What a blue Monday for me:confused:

Made an error at work and caused me to rectify the whole morning.:(

Tml still gota face boss nagging sianzo_O
