2WW - for those TTC-ing

Hi littlebabysheep

My ans to yr qns. ;) I have one kid (fr first preg).

1. how long did you ttc with no results that you decided to check with a gynae?
- I saw the gynae even before my TTC journey (for my first kid) n diagnosed with pcos. So I didn't wait till I try with no result before going.

2. after meeting a gynae, how long after then you are able to conceive?
- It was immediate - first cycle.

3. when the dr help u to monitor your follicle growth, was this during the 1st time you conceive? (but i guess later mc? do you know why?)
- Yup it was during my first preg. I later mc - one chemical and one blighted ovum. Both are early preg losses. Blighted - only empty sac, bb had passed away early so no foetal pole seen.

4. now that you are preg, this is your 5th try? and did the dr helped you to conceive from the 1st til the 5th?
- This is my 4th preg. Dr helped monitor follicles in first two preg and helped me conceive.

5. dr also gave me clomid. this is to be taken from day 3 - day 7. then i need to meet him again on day 14 to check. Daffodil gal is this day dr will check for the follicle growth? my dr only said he will check on my progress and let me know best time to BD.
- You may wanna chk with him? My dr usually ask me for scan starting cd 10. If not big enough, he will ask me back few days later. But should start to bd even before you see him. Coz cannot miss the egg - we may O earlier or later. And it is also advised that even after you suspect O, should bd again, just in case. That's what he told me. Else must wait one whole month. Plus clomid cannot be taken long term. Usually dr will give a threshold in terms if number of months.

For my latest preg I tried bbt but I'm not v good at taking temp and my zz is always disrupted. :( And I thought I stopped bd too early n missed the boat but thank God managed to conceive. Bbt is actually a v good tool, can also help estimate whether possibility of preg if temp remains high, which is really great! ;)
Your follicle could have released a mature egg on sat? If negative means ovulation over. So if yr opk is fr positive then negative, it's a good sign. Hope u bd during those few days ;)

Hmm, okay. Guess I can only conclude that it is an Early release as compared to what the Dr thought would have been the actual release date. Yupz, BD on those few days. *crossfingers*
what is blighted? btw, i think your explanation is somewhat the same as my dr. but the thing is, in the opk that i tested, i have never gotten a positive. SAD rite? :( so i'm thinking because the egg wasn't able to release although the last check,, he said i have. he didn't use the word follicle, but reading your comments, it means the eggs not able to come out from the follicle right? if so, then what will he do to help the eggs to be released for BD timing? is this also how u r able to conceive now? how long have u tried btw? and u actually took his clomid medicine and ur tcm medicine to tiao your body?

can i ask...what is the importance of CM? i also dunu what epo is for, just that ppl also said it helps. so i bought. haven't take for now. can we take folic acid + epo together? shud be ok rite? or shud i take epo after my AF ?

Like yourself, my opk was never positive before even though my dr monitored my follicles and confirmed that I did ovulate with a mature egg released. That's when I questioned him and he told me to forget abt opk. I guess opk doesn't work for me coz maybe I tested at wrong time?

Hehe dunno if I can really explain the follicle and egg thing clearly. Maybe you can get more reliable info if you google on it. Follicles carry eggs inside and we need a mature egg. If follicles too small, can't have a nice big mature egg. Pcos = prob is follicles too small and multiple ones like 'chains of pearls' around ovaries. So clomid will help 'recruit' more follicles and also help to induce bigger follicles aka eggs. Something like that. Hope I explained correctly.

My mature egg released automatically by itself, dr did not do anything except tell me estimated date of O.

I went tcm to tiao for only one month coz of my mc, as I wanted my menses cycle to be on track. I conceived after that but I dunno whether it's really due to tcm or coz I had mc recently (late last year) so the body is more fertile.
Hi ladies, ask you all a silly qn.

For those who bought ovulation/pregnancy test strips online (the cheaper strips), i.e. from Qoo10, did you receive them via your letterbox? Or is the whole package handed to you personally through the door? I just purchased online yesterday and i think i might receive them tmr but i will not be at home.

Thanks in advance!
@sunflower307 I third this! KKH A&E docs may be busy but dun mean they can shrug off their responsibilities. I went there when I had mc the last time. In the end, they say hcg level drop all the way down so cannot be. Then discharge me and ask me to go home even when I complained of nagging pain on my left side. If i really go home and forget about it, I think I would have lost my left ovary because of them. Thankfully I went to see another private gynae for second opinion.

The instructions they give are very vague also. When the doc said my pregnancy was not viable and tell me to wait for bleeding to start they say to return to A&E if bleed too much but they did not explain how much is too much and I was in a shock that I just couldn't ask any questions.

2nd MC, I went to see NUH, the nurse were very patience and told me everything in detail and what I should look out for.
Hi ladies, ask you all a silly qn.

For those who bought ovulation/pregnancy test strips online (the cheaper strips), i.e. from Qoo10, did you receive them via your letterbox? Or is the whole package handed to you personally through the door? I just purchased online yesterday and i think i might receive them tmr but i will not be at home.

Thanks in advance!

@yew_yew if u din indicate taqbin or registered mail, i tik it shd be norm post bah
The instructions they give are very vague also. When the doc said my pregnancy was not viable and tell me to wait for bleeding to start they say to return to A&E if bleed too much but they did not explain how much is too much and I was in a shock that I just couldn't ask any questions.

2nd MC, I went to see NUH, the nurse were very patience and told me everything in detail and what I should look out for.

@sunflower307 start bleeding then return to A&E?!? by then still got hope or not? haiz...like tat i rather pay more go to private gynae who can give better medical advice
@sunflower307 start bleeding then return to A&E?!? by then still got hope or not? haiz...like tat i rather pay more go to private gynae who can give better medical advice

No they told me to prepare for bleeding then if too much then must return to the clinic. but they din explain to me how much is too much. and how will I have the mind to ask this question at that point of time.

I am with NUH as a private patient, I felt the nurses and the doc is more caring, at least they show care and concern.
Hi darbi, did u take bbt? If u have bbt record, it can help to confirm when u exactly ovulated. But I think judging from your ovulation test kit result, my feel is that you probably ovulated starting Sunday (one of the days but I can't tell unless you have your bbt record ).. Positive opk jus simply means that u have LH surge detected at a high level .. Theoretically , your body is going to ovulate soon. Once you detect your very first positive opk, your body will typically ovulated the next few days.. I read that once opk turns negative right after a positive opk, you probably going to ovulate soon. But we can only confirm with bbt record or best is by the v scan . So what dr Tham predicted , in my opinion is pretty accurate.. That ovulation probably will happen between Sunday to wed. That is the mistakes I used to make .. Once opk turns negative after I got my positive opk, I relax and didn't bd much .. Thus risking the fact that I might have missed the boat. That is my 2 cents worth of thoughts :)

Hi Angel_mommy,
Unfortunately, I don't have a bbt record. Previously tried to be diligent but I always find myself very forgetful and blur in the morning. Dr Tham did the V scan and advised me to take the OPK test starting from Saturday as he predicted that I wil be ovulating sometime around this week.

Oh, so once opk turns negative right after a positive opk, ovulation is going to occur. I always thought ovulation occurs when the opk is positive. Ahh... I learn something new today. Thanks for your reply! I think that was really helpful! =)

So technically speaking, when the OPK is positive should BD every alternate day, the once it turns negative, I should continue as well for like a 4 days?
Yes, take bbt and test with opk will be able to shed more lights :)
Positive opk tells you that your body detected LH surge and body seems to be preparing for ovulation but seeing a positive opk doesn't mean ovulation is confirm going to happen .. Only by v scan or bbt will we know if we have ovulated. Once u see your very first positive opk, must bd diligently .. And take bbt daily (ideally to take bbt from cd1 onwards). I'll continue to take my bbt and test with opk until it turns negative. Check bbt , if the temp rises and stays high or continue to increase for the next 3 days onwards , you can be pretty sure ovulation has occurred. The bbt should continue to stay up signaling that the body is producing progesterone.. If no fertilization of egg by sperm, , 1-2 days b4 AF comes, bbt may start to drop.. Signaling that progesterone level is slowly decreasing while estrogen takes over again.. Meaning AF will report .
I'm still learning too.. Hope we can all bfp soon!:)
No they told me to prepare for bleeding then if too much then must return to the clinic. but they din explain to me how much is too much. and how will I have the mind to ask this question at that point of time.

I am with NUH as a private patient, I felt the nurses and the doc is more caring, at least they show care and concern.

@sunflower307 exactly. I think the nurses or doctors should have explained clearly. Previously I went to TTSH A&E also similar. Now I don't trust A&E anymore, even more so if it's govt. the TTSH A&E dr told me there's complications in my womb and I need to remove the whole womb @@ In the end, went to KKH and the dr said i have 2 huge cysts and nothing is wrong with my womb. =_="
Wow, but TTSH A&E doc are not gynae rite? KKH A&E are gynaes I think.
That is super anyhow say lei... remove whole womb is a really serious matter.
Yes, take bbt and test with opk will be able to shed more lights :)
Positive opk tells you that your body detected LH surge and body seems to be preparing for ovulation but seeing a positive opk doesn't mean ovulation is confirm going to happen .. Only by v scan or bbt will we know if we have ovulated. Once u see your very first positive opk, must bd diligently .. And take bbt daily (ideally to take bbt from cd1 onwards). I'll continue to take my bbt and test with opk until it turns negative. Check bbt , if the temp rises and stays high or continue to increase for the next 3 days onwards , you can be pretty sure ovulation has occurred. The bbt should continue to stay up signaling that the body is producing progesterone.. If no fertilization of egg by sperm, , 1-2 days b4 AF comes, bbt may start to drop.. Signaling that progesterone level is slowly decreasing while estrogen takes over again.. Meaning AF will report .
I'm still learning too.. Hope we can all bfp soon!:)

Thanks for the info angel_mommy! It was really helpful. Next Cycle I will be more diligent! Yup Yup, hope can BFP soon! Seeing mummies BFP this month, gives a lot of us hope. ;)
i'm struggling to kick start exercising.. hehe... are u ttc-ing for 1st kid?

wow u are so lucky! really struck lottery! btw, why do you need to take metformin? i google this medicine because i don't remb what is the usage and it seems that it's for ppl with diabetic. how does that contribute to helping us conceive? also, there's also side effect to this medicine. did u manage to ask dr abt it?
oh according to your comment, once u stopped ocps, you strike lottery! i think this works as good as bak zhen? but my dr say don't eat.... :( east cannot mix with west!! argh! actually if u ask me, i feel more comfortable taking chinese medicine. at least i know it's organic stuffs :D

Daffodilgal, thanks for sharing your story. at least i can learn from you..and CONGRATES on your BFP. is this your first kid? i got a few questions:
1. how long did you ttc with no results that you decided to check with a gynae?
2. after meeting a gynae, how long after then you are able to conceive?
3. when the dr help u to monitor your follicle growth, was this during the 1st time you conceive? (but i guess later mc? do you know why?)
4. now that you are preg, this is your 5th try? and did the dr helped you to conceive from the 1st til the 5th?

oh dear..baby sparkles hugs hugs. so u are also trying for first kid? now dat i am diagnosed with PCOS, dr also gave me clomid. this is to be taken from day 3 - day 7. then i need to meet him again on day 14 to check. Daffodil gal is this day dr will check for the follicle growth? my dr only said he will check on my progress and let me know best time to BD. baby sparkles.. are u ok to share with me how many cycles u tried clomid and the rest of the things? my dr said we probably try for 3 cycles..and then he will only check if fallopian got blockage anot. is this part of your stage above? hope u are ok now to share.. no matter what, you have our support k? don't give up.. im not giving up too. i'm just finding it a challenge to find the right date and right time to have bb :) anyway, life goes on..and appreciate everything around us :) esp our hubby! haha sometimes i think we, wifey also stressed them hor? ask them to change diet, change to boxers, shower with cold water, cannot eat this and dat.. he onced told me b4..v stress.. :p

Hey metformin is commonly prescribed to pcos peeps because insulin resistance is common among pcos sufferers. by reducing insulin resistance , there is a chance that fertility is restored. it is very safe, side effects are hypoglycaemia, nausea,bloating and diarrhea. my side effects were minimal, only bloating but hey it does help with wt loss cos u don't wanna ewt too much . oral contraceptives are much better than ba zhen when it comes to menses regulation la... u know when u will definitely bleed. I took a few rounds of ba zhen in Mar /may ( maybe 5?) but it didn't "regulate" my periods. I didn't get any period since March lol ( partially cos I bfp !!!) but note oral contraceptives r not for everyone ..while they worked like charm formme (great skin,weight loss , predictable periods) some ppl have side effects like outbreaks and migraines
Oh btw I am not taking any Chinese herbs now. I am actually very skeptical about them because there are no proper large scale studies done to determine the effects (specifically interaction with pharmaceuticals) their efficacy. It also seems that there is no advice on precautions to be taken. whereas for western medicine u r clearly advised on the side effects and precautions. e.g. metformin can cause hypoglycaemia, and this can be ameliorated with taking some sweets etc.

my mil seemed a bit concerned about the duphaston I am taking ( I don't know if she wanted to boil Chinese herbs) and asked me if I can skip it..I told her...gynae give so take la cos it helps to provide support. don't wanna go into technicalities like how the corpus luteum may not be produsing enuff progesterone and hence bleeding may occur ..and that duphaston is good for this . too chim and I ain't the expert too
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Wow, but TTSH A&E doc are not gynae rite? KKH A&E are gynaes I think.
That is super anyhow say lei... remove whole womb is a really serious matter.

@sunflower307 yes they r not gynae. Honestly not too sure abt KKH A&G dr though. Yes, to ask someone to remove womb is such a horrible thing esp if you haven't really checked properly and make such diagnosis. Good thing the hb quickly ask them to trf me to KKH. If not, I won't be in this forum at all @@
Yes, take bbt and test with opk will be able to shed more lights :)
Positive opk tells you that your body detected LH surge and body seems to be preparing for ovulation but seeing a positive opk doesn't mean ovulation is confirm going to happen .. Only by v scan or bbt will we know if we have ovulated. Once u see your very first positive opk, must bd diligently .. And take bbt daily (ideally to take bbt from cd1 onwards). I'll continue to take my bbt and test with opk until it turns negative. Check bbt , if the temp rises and stays high or continue to increase for the next 3 days onwards , you can be pretty sure ovulation has occurred. The bbt should continue to stay up signaling that the body is producing progesterone.. If no fertilization of egg by sperm, , 1-2 days b4 AF comes, bbt may start to drop.. Signaling that progesterone level is slowly decreasing while estrogen takes over again.. Meaning AF will report .
I'm still learning too.. Hope we can all bfp soon!:)

@angel_mommy thks for the information on bbt. Definitely very good to know. Good to know whether our bodies are on 'track' with this bbt info too :)
I wasn't very diligent in taking haha. I took in the morning daily till ovulation then stop. I think did increase, can't remember coz I only took a while then sian already. haha
hahaha so now u are not taking anymore? I bought a big bottle. haven't touch yet too. from GNC.
okies la..i shall take it.
I'm now taking folic acid, fish oil and now add epo..
later CD3-7 have to take clomid.
then as what gamma suggested, I will also drink wolfberries+red dates+ longan
I hope I am not taking too many things. Ladies pls highlight if I am doing too much!! :)

2. after meeting a gynae, how long after then you are able to conceive?
- It was immediate - first cycle.
--> that was fast! so what do u thing helped? because the dr help to inform u when to BD accurately?

3. when the dr help u to monitor your follicle growth, was this during the 1st time you conceive? (but i guess later mc? do you know why?)
- Yup it was during my first preg. I later mc - one chemical and one blighted ovum. Both are early preg losses. Blighted - only empty sac, bb had passed away early so no foetal pole seen.
--> yer so sad hor..I am also concerned if mine is like that...coz when I read pcos issues, they say high risk mc.
it is so hard to conceive..and so easy to mc.. :(

5. dr also gave me clomid. this is to be taken from day 3 - day 7. then i need to meet him again on day 14 to check. Daffodil gal is this day dr will check for the follicle growth? my dr only said he will check on my progress and let me know best time to BD.
- You may wanna chk with him? My dr usually ask me for scan starting cd 10. If not big enough, he will ask me back few days later. But should start to bd even before you see him. Coz cannot miss the egg - we may O earlier or later. And it is also advised that even after you suspect O, should bd again, just in case. That's what he told me. Else must wait one whole month. Plus clomid cannot be taken long term. Usually dr will give a threshold in terms if number of months.
--> yeah I better BD before I see him on CD14. but I wonder what kind of check will he be doing to do the follicle check. he didn't say how nor did he use this term "follicle check" he only said will see the progress and advice me on best time to BD. I wonder if the check will insert the stick scanner inside of me. I HATE this!!! I was sooo uncomfortable and "in pain" :(

For my latest preg I tried bbt but I'm not v good at taking temp and my zz is always disrupted. :( And I thought I stopped bd too early n missed the boat but thank God managed to conceive. Bbt is actually a v good tool, can also help estimate whether possibility of preg if temp remains high, which is really great! ;)
--> tell me abt it. until today I dunu how to make use of the bbt inside my drawer hehe. do we take the temp as soon as we opened our eyes from our sleep?

Like yourself, my opk was never positive before even though my dr monitored my follicles and confirmed that I did ovulate with a mature egg released. That's when I questioned him and he told me to forget abt opk. I guess opk doesn't work for me coz maybe I tested at wrong time?
--> I test everyday.. during CD14 I saw fine line for O.. but it has never reached dark line as the control line. so I don't know if I did ovulate. from educational point of view, I didn't la. because it shud be darker than test line ma...

Hehe dunno if I can really explain the follicle and egg thing clearly. Maybe you can get more reliable info if you google on it. Follicles carry eggs inside and we need a mature egg. If follicles too small, can't have a nice big mature egg. Pcos = prob is follicles too small and multiple ones like 'chains of pearls' around ovaries. So clomid will help 'recruit' more follicles and also help to induce bigger follicles aka eggs.
--> I think your explanation correct ba..because I remember he said I have eggs..and small small eggs and cannot come out... I think next rd when I visit him, I will ask more and bring along my pen and note book! hahah...

I went tcm to tiao for only one month coz of my mc, as I wanted my menses cycle to be on track. I conceived after that but I dunno whether it's really due to tcm or coz I had mc recently (late last year) so the body is more fertile
--> why after mc will be more fertile one?
Hey metformin is commonly prescribed to pcos peeps because insulin resistance is common among pcos sufferers. by reducing insulin resistance , there is a chance that fertility is restored. it is very safe, side effects are hypoglycaemia, nausea,bloating and diarrhea. my side effects were minimal, only bloating but hey it does help with wt loss cos u don't wanna ewt too much . oral contraceptives are much better than ba zhen when it comes to menses regulation la... u know when u will definitely bleed. I took a few rounds of ba zhen in Mar /may ( maybe 5?) but it didn't "regulate" my periods. I didn't get any period since March lol ( partially cos I bfp !!!) but note oral contraceptives r not for everyone ..while they worked like charm formme (great skin,weight loss , predictable periods) some ppl have side effects like outbreaks and migraines
my dr haven't prescribe metformin. so is this another kind of pills? what abt the jab? the jab is suppose to help break loose the eggs inside the ovary? maybe daffodil can also help in this Q. and yes gamma, I was heavily relying on ocps when because it helps make my skin pretty! :D I have v bad skin. but I have stopped taking it since I got married in 2 years ago. and have been trying to ttc...............I really hope no side effect. I took ocps on and off for abt 5 years.....dr didn't ask me this... shud I tell him?

For those who bought ovulation/pregnancy test strips online (the cheaper strips), i.e. from Qoo10, did you receive them via your letterbox? Or is the whole package handed to you personally through the door? I just purchased online yesterday and i think i might receive them tmr but i will not be at home.
yeah, if by normal post, will send to ur letter box. :)

Yes, take bbt and test with opk will be able to shed more lights :)
Positive opk tells you that your body detected LH surge and body seems to be preparing for ovulation but seeing a positive opk doesn't mean ovulation is confirm going to happen .. Only by v scan or bbt will we know if we have ovulated. Once u see your very first positive opk, must bd diligently .. And take bbt daily (ideally to take bbt from cd1 onwards). I'll continue to take my bbt and test with opk until it turns negative. Check bbt , if the temp rises and stays high or continue to increase for the next 3 days onwards , you can be pretty sure ovulation has occurred. The bbt should continue to stay up signaling that the body is producing progesterone.. If no fertilization of egg by sperm, , 1-2 days b4 AF comes, bbt may start to drop.. Signaling that progesterone level is slowly decreasing while estrogen takes over again.. Meaning AF will report .
thanks angel mommy for that summary of how to take bbt. haha...it helps because after buying, I don't know how to make sense of my numbers. let alone interpret the graph as posted by many of u... ok partly my fault, because I haven't been going lessons from the website.
but is generally still an upward trend... looking good! :)
yea lor...tis is only my 2nd time tking bbt so not v sure when will temp starts to drop since my 1st time bbt results in a mc.
i got a test kit ready in my hse yesterday. the fortel preg test kit (can test after 7 days of bd) ... waiting for the expected period to due b4 i test..
need to noe hit or don hit.. coz i still thinking of changing job! haha .... tis will be the critical factor for me.. hit means stay.. no hit means go...
hahaha so now u are not taking anymore? I bought a big bottle. haven't touch yet too. from GNC.
okies la..i shall take it.
I'm now taking folic acid, fish oil and now add epo..
later CD3-7 have to take clomid.
then as what gamma suggested, I will also drink wolfberries+red dates+ longan
I hope I am not taking too many things. Ladies pls highlight if I am doing too much!! :)
--> I stop after a while, took EPO, blackmore concieve well, folic acid, then i grew very fat, dunno issit water retention or stress. then I stop everything after 1st MC then only take folic acid and drink herbal soup.
I am pregnant now, so not taking anything other than folic acid. :) Don't take clomid for more than 3 cycles, will thin your uterus lining. I drink a lot of wolfberries/red date/ longan drink, my TCM say drink everyday and as often as you can. when I was Ttcing, my tcm advise me to drink 十全大补汤 every week to prepare my body. note: pregnant cannot drink. I think herbal soup have to consult your TCM, don't anyhow drink.

--> why after mc will be more fertile one?
--> I felt that my factory open, I have 2 consecutive MC then pregnant now. :p start from Jan this year. and when I MC, I see my tcm and tiao my body back. my TCM say 危机就是转机.
hahaha so now u are not taking anymore? I bought a big bottle. haven't touch yet too. from GNC.
okies la..i shall take it.
I'm now taking folic acid, fish oil and now add epo..
later CD3-7 have to take clomid.
then as what gamma suggested, I will also drink wolfberries+red dates+ longan
I hope I am not taking too many things. Ladies pls highlight if I am doing too much!! :)

2. after meeting a gynae, how long after then you are able to conceive?
- It was immediate - first cycle.
--> that was fast! so what do u thing helped? because the dr help to inform u when to BD accurately?

3. when the dr help u to monitor your follicle growth, was this during the 1st time you conceive? (but i guess later mc? do you know why?)
- Yup it was during my first preg. I later mc - one chemical and one blighted ovum. Both are early preg losses. Blighted - only empty sac, bb had passed away early so no foetal pole seen.
--> yer so sad hor..I am also concerned if mine is like that...coz when I read pcos issues, they say high risk mc.
it is so hard to conceive..and so easy to mc.. :(

5. dr also gave me clomid. this is to be taken from day 3 - day 7. then i need to meet him again on day 14 to check. Daffodil gal is this day dr will check for the follicle growth? my dr only said he will check on my progress and let me know best time to BD.
- You may wanna chk with him? My dr usually ask me for scan starting cd 10. If not big enough, he will ask me back few days later. But should start to bd even before you see him. Coz cannot miss the egg - we may O earlier or later. And it is also advised that even after you suspect O, should bd again, just in case. That's what he told me. Else must wait one whole month. Plus clomid cannot be taken long term. Usually dr will give a threshold in terms if number of months.
--> yeah I better BD before I see him on CD14. but I wonder what kind of check will he be doing to do the follicle check. he didn't say how nor did he use this term "follicle check" he only said will see the progress and advice me on best time to BD. I wonder if the check will insert the stick scanner inside of me. I HATE this!!! I was sooo uncomfortable and "in pain" :(

For my latest preg I tried bbt but I'm not v good at taking temp and my zz is always disrupted. :( And I thought I stopped bd too early n missed the boat but thank God managed to conceive. Bbt is actually a v good tool, can also help estimate whether possibility of preg if temp remains high, which is really great! ;)
--> tell me abt it. until today I dunu how to make use of the bbt inside my drawer hehe. do we take the temp as soon as we opened our eyes from our sleep?

Like yourself, my opk was never positive before even though my dr monitored my follicles and confirmed that I did ovulate with a mature egg released. That's when I questioned him and he told me to forget abt opk. I guess opk doesn't work for me coz maybe I tested at wrong time?
--> I test everyday.. during CD14 I saw fine line for O.. but it has never reached dark line as the control line. so I don't know if I did ovulate. from educational point of view, I didn't la. because it shud be darker than test line ma...

Hehe dunno if I can really explain the follicle and egg thing clearly. Maybe you can get more reliable info if you google on it. Follicles carry eggs inside and we need a mature egg. If follicles too small, can't have a nice big mature egg. Pcos = prob is follicles too small and multiple ones like 'chains of pearls' around ovaries. So clomid will help 'recruit' more follicles and also help to induce bigger follicles aka eggs.
--> I think your explanation correct ba..because I remember he said I have eggs..and small small eggs and cannot come out... I think next rd when I visit him, I will ask more and bring along my pen and note book! hahah...

I went tcm to tiao for only one month coz of my mc, as I wanted my menses cycle to be on track. I conceived after that but I dunno whether it's really due to tcm or coz I had mc recently (late last year) so the body is more fertile
--> why after mc will be more fertile one?

@littlebabysheep fertile good mah ;) That shows that tiao body is good de, allow the body to slowly regain back to normal :)
i asked tsb she tell me don need drink so much of red dates longan coz is heaty.. even my black sugar ginger cube from tw she also don like tt idea of me drinking.. i told her tt i will drink during AF den she ok.. when i told her abt Essential oil.. she juz ask me don use. :( coz she wan the bb to be jian jian kang kang juz base on her med..
i asked tsb she tell me don need drink so much of red dates longan coz is heaty.. even my black sugar ginger cube from tw she also don like tt idea of me drinking.. i told her tt i will drink during AF den she ok.. when i told her abt Essential oil.. she juz ask me don use. :( coz she wan the bb to be jian jian kang kang juz base on her med..

@bel_vodka then i guess just listen to what tsb said bah...she will know whether good or not for u since she's following ur case de
--> I felt that my factory open, I have 2 consecutive MC then pregnant now. :p start from Jan this year. and when I MC, I see my tcm and tiao my body back. my TCM say 危机就是转机.

how to know if it is MC?

Uh oh hahaha i just popped EPO into my mouth together with Folic acid.
I tested positive on both occasion then start spotting shortly, went to see gynae, can't see anything no sac no nothing. The doc then ask me go take blood test compare the hcg level. at the same time I started bleeding both times were natural miscarriages.
@bel_vodka hahaha what eo u using? I just asked my gf to get the dragon time eo leh. If i go see tsb in july n she tell me cannot use, i will cry

Ahemz.. she will confirm tell u do not use any eo.. haha... im using lemon, thieves, peppermint, lavender, and Progessence Plus Serum... alot hor..
i will not use those no-no eo for pregnancy.. even if im not preg now..
what is EO? Essential oil?
yes .. we are actually referring to young living essential oil :)

my bff also preg after 2 mc nw .. im glad for her.. i feel abit sian sian is bcoz i was on hospitalization leave when she broke e news to me. nw tt i see her tummy growing reall happy for her
Ahemz.. she will confirm tell u do not use any eo.. haha... im using lemon, thieves, peppermint, lavender, and Progessence Plus Serum... alot hor..
i will not use those no-no eo for pregnancy.. even if im not preg now..

@bel_vodka wah seh!! super alot eo u use leh hehehe I tot of getting Progessence Plus too. Jialat i suspect this will b an addiction lol

@sunflower307 yes they r not gynae. Honestly not too sure abt KKH A&G dr though. Yes, to ask someone to remove womb is such a horrible thing esp if you haven't really checked properly and make such diagnosis. Good thing the hb quickly ask them to trf me to KKH. If not, I won't be in this forum at all @@

Ya lor, heng you din act irrationally. haha Horrible doc to say such things.
