2WW - for those TTC-ing

Ahemz.. she will confirm tell u do not use any eo.. haha... im using lemon, thieves, peppermint, lavender, and Progessence Plus Serum... alot hor..
i will not use those no-no eo for pregnancy.. even if im not preg now..

@bel_vodka wah seh...really alot of eo ar....hahaha i tot of getting progessence plus serum....jialat tis is going to be a serious addiction i tik.

Another 1 of my colleagues preggy.. After 1st trimester already... Now my office got 3 preggy...

Understand how you feel... This few years have been good years, dragon la, snake la, horse la... every fertile woman all trying like crazy... I even remember got one thread in the forum is for mummies who have dragon babies and horse babies... so close in years.. Sigh... everywhere full of pregnant ladies. :(
what does the EO do, sorry ah curious here. :p

@sunflower307 erm, i guess just stating what it does shd be ok. I think for alot of purposes, EO can help you bah, whether for wellness, health or for sickness. So how the EO does is, you apply it to your vital points so it can heal you. Just to be clear, I'm not selling anything and neither am I a member of YL trying to promote anything at all.
I see. not for ttcing la. haha coz I hear until blur blur. haha

I have a bottle of essential oil too, I use it when I am having nose block, stomachache haha.
I also use EO... but more for purpose of sleeping well and relaxing at night. I use lavendar, chamomile, and clary sage. For illness, i also have eucalyptus and rosemary. I buy from iherb cuz i find it cheaper... YL is very expensive... no offense to anyone who sell or use YL here.
I also use EO... but more for purpose of sleeping well and relaxing at night. I use lavendar, chamomile, and clary sage. For illness, i also have eucalyptus and rosemary. I buy from iherb cuz i find it cheaper... YL is very expensive... no offense to anyone who sell or use YL here.

@chloe_ng no worries abt the YL. I just get from my frd cos I heard got a specific type I wanted. You are preggie alrd right? Better check on the chamomile with your gynae cos from what I read on research, chamomile tea is to be avoided as it can induce mc. I'm not too sure about external application.
@chloe_ng no worries abt the YL. I just get from my frd cos I heard got a specific type I wanted. You are preggie alrd right? Better check on the chamomile with your gynae cos from what I read on research, chamomile tea is to be avoided as it can induce mc. I'm not too sure about external application.
Haha I wish i am but no luck so far! Bfn 4 cycles already.
@bel_vodka wah seh!! super alot eo u use leh hehehe I tot of getting Progessence Plus too. Jialat i suspect this will b an addiction lol
haha my hse nw still hv alot collection yet to try .. as long as u are using wad u need shd be able to curb the obsession

what does the EO do, sorry ah curious here. :p

whats there to be sorry abt :).. young living eo can heals, maintain ur health and mind.. haha like magic oil like tt.. my ds hv constipation so i Use 1 essential blend - Digize it helps him.. also helps relieve fever.. actually if u google n read up it helps alot .. it even helps w cancer patients. and most impt they use top grade for this eo
my dr haven't prescribe metformin. so is this another kind of pills? what abt the jab? the jab is suppose to help break loose the eggs inside the ovary? maybe daffodil can also help in this Q. and yes gamma, I was heavily relying on ocps when because it helps make my skin pretty! :D I have v bad skin. but I have stopped taking it since I got married in 2 years ago. and have been trying to ttc...............I really hope no side effect. I took ocps on and off for abt 5 years.....dr didn't ask me this... shud I tell him?

yeah, if by normal post, will send to ur letter box. :)

thanks angel mommy for that summary of how to take bbt. haha...it helps because after buying, I don't know how to make sense of my numbers. let alone interpret the graph as posted by many of u... ok partly my fault, because I haven't been going lessons from the website.

metformin is a tablet. I didn't have any jab. when did u last stop? for me I did mention I stopped in Dec 2013 cos it's relevant info given that it may take up to 6 mths for ur cycles to return after stopping ocps
I don't care for which zodiac also. as long as I get pregnant and baby is healthy.

I understand, me feel the same way too.
Just trying to say got many people trying because of the years.. and seeing so many pregnant ladies around makes people like us sad. At least for me, I feel sad to see so many pregnant ladies around. :(
I also felt the same way when I was Ttcing, I was even complaining to my husband, telling him that govt say no babies but everywhere I go, I see babies or pregnant ladies. I eventually got over it not becoz that I got pregnant but I think I came to peace with myself. Took like a good 6-8 months.
Wah! EPO must take 3 times a day? Yikes i am really bad at such things which is why I dont take BBT... keep forgetting.

anyone using Watson OPK? need to start today for CD8 :p
I also felt the same way when I was Ttcing, I was even complaining to my husband, telling him that govt say no babies but everywhere I go, I see babies or pregnant ladies. I eventually got over it not becoz that I got pregnant but I think I came to peace with myself. Took like a good 6-8 months.

Ya, it really doesn't help that I stay in a young estate so babies and pregnant ladies were everywhere.
My feelings were like roller coaster.. on certain days, I can handle it. On some days, I will be very upset especially after AF just report. But the intensity gets lighter and the recovery period gets shorter... hopefully I will learn to be at peace with myself soon. :)
My feelings were like roller coaster.. on certain days, I can handle it. On some days, I will be very upset especially after AF just report. But the intensity gets lighter and the recovery period gets shorter... hopefully I will learn to be at peace with myself soon. :)

Mine too... i will be happy and eager during 2WW. When AF comes... I will like so sianz and do whatever i want like. eating liang food etc and junk.
tk it ez.. maybe they also try v hard for it.. nvm ur time will come okies! cheer up!
I survive my 2 best friend and my sis getting pregnant last year. Take it easy.
Thanks Bel and sunflower... Ya taking it easy now... Though having a bit of roller coaster mood...
One of them tried for 16 yrs, her 1st daughter already 16 yrs old..
1 tried just 1 mth and the last one probably also try for quite a while too...
Understand how you feel... This few years have been good years, dragon la, snake la, horse la... every fertile woman all trying like crazy... I even remember got one thread in the forum is for mummies who have dragon babies and horse babies... so close in years.. Sigh... everywhere full of pregnant ladies. :(
I don't care for which zodiac also. as long as I get pregnant and baby is healthy.
Ya everywhere with pregnant ladies... trying to kan kai also...
Ya as long can pregnant with healthy bb can le...
yea lor...tis is only my 2nd time tking bbt so not v sure when will temp starts to drop since my 1st time bbt results in a mc.
i got a test kit ready in my hse yesterday. the fortel preg test kit (can test after 7 days of bd) ... waiting for the expected period to due b4 i test..
need to noe hit or don hit.. coz i still thinking of changing job! haha .... tis will be the critical factor for me.. hit means stay.. no hit means go...
you're already ~10dpo isn't it? if so can test already right, according to tt kit?
My gynae asked me to go back for v scan.. To check overall first I think after AF...
what does v scan check for anyway?
i only took EPO twice a day when i was having my AF, then one everyday after that.
Ya, it really doesn't help that I stay in a young estate so babies and pregnant ladies were everywhere.
My feelings were like roller coaster.. on certain days, I can handle it. On some days, I will be very upset especially after AF just report. But the intensity gets lighter and the recovery period gets shorter... hopefully I will learn to be at peace with myself soon. :)

I learn to be at peace coz I realize I am straining my relationship with my hub. was pressuring him and stuff, he keep assuring me that even without baby he is ok. I just felt worthless coz he love kids a lot. Then after talking to my close friends, I started to let go of my feelings, then it got better.
I had my good and bad days also.

Jia you.
Wah! EPO must take 3 times a day? Yikes i am really bad at such things which is why I dont take BBT... keep forgetting.

anyone using Watson OPK? need to start today for CD8 :p

@yoshi_trying i guess it'll be good to take bbt so u can gauge whether u r ovulating from ur bbt or whether any changes to ur body via ur bbt chart.

hehehe I using digital ovulation kit, not the opk one. today is my day 9. i started testing also liao. yay!!
too many posts to follow up..

Littlebabysheep i hope i have answered your questions here.

I was diagnosed with PCOS. then before i started anything i went for HSG to chk for blocked tubes,. everything fine. Doc started me on 3-4 cycles of clomid (first 1 tab then up to 2 tabs). I ovulated (tested on progesterone BT) but still BFN. I tried metformin, also failed. Metformin gave me bad side effects. i kept vomitting ... Whatever i ate came out.

Then i did IUI with letrozole.. failed.. moved on to Puregon jab with IUI. also failed.

Did my fresh cycle last Aug, failed too but had 6 embryos in total. I had high fever from the stim. did FET in Dec, BFP but end up blighted ovum. Did D&C in jan. Did another FET with 2blastocysts in May also BFN.

Preparing for next fresh in the next few mths..
Hi littlebabysheep

Reply to yr questions :)

2. after meeting a gynae, how long after then you are able to conceive?
- It was immediate - first cycle.
--> that was fast! so what do u thing helped? because the dr help to inform u when to BD accurately?
---> I responded well to clomid and it's really a lot of grace that I conceived. Also, I didn't miss the O - bd days before and after O. And I did the legs up after bd, like what the rest did. :)

3. when the dr help u to monitor your follicle growth, was this during the 1st time you conceive? (but i guess later mc? do you know why?)
- Yup it was during my first preg. I later mc - one chemical and one blighted ovum. Both are early preg losses. Blighted - only empty sac, bb had passed away early so no foetal pole seen.
--> yer so sad hor..I am also concerned if mine is like that...coz when I read pcos issues, they say high risk mc.
it is so hard to conceive..and so easy to mc.. :(
---> yes pcos apparently higher risk of mc though my Gynae doesn't agree. He thinks prob with pcos is mainly fertility (ovulation), thereafter mc reasons vary and not related. But what tcm told me is that clomid/ western med only bothers about the quantity and not quality of egg.

--> yeah I better BD before I see him on CD14. but I wonder what kind of check will he be doing to do the follicle check. he didn't say how nor did he use this term "follicle check" he only said will see the progress and advice me on best time to BD. I wonder if the check will insert the stick scanner inside of me. I HATE this!!! I was sooo uncomfortable and "in pain" :(
---> yes they have to use the v scan and insert into you. :( no choice. In early pregnancy they will also scan using that before moving on to abdominal scan.
Mine too... i will be happy and eager during 2WW. When AF comes... I will like so sianz and do whatever i want like. eating liang food etc and junk.
LOL i am like u too hhaa :D

i only took EPO twice a day when i was having my AF, then one everyday after that.

I learn to be at peace coz I realize I am straining my relationship with my hub. was pressuring him and stuff, he keep assuring me that even without baby he is ok. I just felt worthless coz he love kids a lot. Then after talking to my close friends, I started to let go of my feelings, then it got better.
I had my good and bad days also.
Jia you.

at times me too:( i kind of stress hubby cannot take tis cannot take tt during e BD days... cos cannot be too restricted if not there's no meaning of living sob sob :( many a times i try not to stress hubby, try not to let him know i am very sad and stress over this baby making... but i found myself crying to sleep (hubby snored n zzz in wonderland le)

seriously i do not have friends who can talk too... they have their own family, own lives, no time for me. only at times messaging to release some sorrows. But every time i msg chat with them, i even sadder!!! there's no much encouragement, yet instead keep asking and asking many questions like:
why u don like this why u don like tat? why like tis why like tat? why waste money go gynae and do this do that to add stress? since doc said u have very very low percentage of chance conceiving, why not don see any gynae and relax? why not go for holidays and relax and make babies? why this why that?

i told them if i don't check or see gynae, i would have lost a chance... even thou doc said very low chance. already spent money on gynae and pregnancy needs, where got the money to go holiday? even if got money, also must save for e future if really have baby. or save for IVF.:( sob sob

They can get preg easily, very easily till they dono how hard those ttc-ing ladies gooing thru emotionally stress, financially stress , physically stress... they just don't understand why do i always need to pop by at gynae's place...

My gynae is helping me to check my follicles to see what he can do to help my hubby's poor sperms and my poor eggs. btw this is e new gynae i have just seen, so far i think he is very detailed and speak very slowly so as to let his patients digest and drop down quick notes. my previous gynae just couldn't handle my case and hinted us to go for another gynae. :( this is really depressing! i could cry any time! yes any time! still trying to handle my emotions.

sorry for e lengthy post
jincha!!! haha u make me happy xim hong hong... tml morning if got time will use fmu to test :p
hee hee... true ma... ur chart indeed looks good. my chart this cycle went hay wire... by e way i have long cycle. today is CD38. got O no O oso dono. but i think no O. very sad.

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Emily Tan fertility friend will also provide some comments ? "Estrogen drop....etc..etc" ? wah like quite useful.
is ok la.. when u have no where to turn to, just log on to the forum and we will encourage each other. ppl who never experience the challenge of ttc-ing will never understand.

good that you are seeing a gynae again :)
oh btw, can i get every1 to intro :
1) you are ttc-ing for baby # ?
2) how long have u been ttc-ing for this baby? (referring to Q1)

i ask so that it's easier for us to remember who and the # of kids u have. easier to identify your stories too :) i start first...

1) #1
2) 2 years
Emily Tan fertility friend will also provide some comments ? "Estrogen drop....etc..etc" ? wah like quite useful.
is ok la.. when u have no where to turn to, just log on to the forum and we will encourage each other. ppl who never experience the challenge of ttc-ing will never understand.

good that you are seeing a gynae again :)
littlebbsheep, nope that one is like advertisement, will keep showing different things. u can sign up n read . use hp app better.

ya sometimes i will rant in tis forum. but how long can i rant? ppl see already oso sian. just like if i tell my friends, thy listen oso sian. but i think if hav problem of cos must treat. not young liao, how many yrs can we wait? right or not?
hee hee... true ma... ur chart indeed looks good. my chart this cycle went hay wire... by e way i have long cycle. today is CD38. got O no O oso dono. but i think no O. very sad.

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Thank u Emily for sharing ur chart.

But don be sad ur cycle is shortened aft seeing tsb right ...

Don b sad thinking u don hv frds who understand u . Sometimes they nv been thru also can't say much.. juz come forum we are always here . Times when I'm not active but im definitely reading in silent ;)
too many posts to follow up..
I was diagnosed with PCOS. then before i started anything i went for HSG to chk for blocked tubes,. everything fine. Doc started me on 3-4 cycles of clomid (first 1 tab then up to 2 tabs). I ovulated (tested on progesterone BT) but still BFN. I tried metformin, also failed. Metformin gave me bad side effects. i kept vomitting ... Whatever i ate came out.

Then i did IUI with letrozole.. failed.. moved on to Puregon jab with IUI. also failed.

Did my fresh cycle last Aug, failed too but had 6 embryos in total. I had high fever from the stim. did FET in Dec, BFP but end up blighted ovum. Did D&C in jan. Did another FET with 2blastocysts in May also BFN.
Thanks bb sparklers for sharing... wah..u also went thru quite a lengthy process... so u only started taking clomid after HSG.
meanwhile, i am going to take clomid soon. I'm waiting for my AF to report. I'm now on CD25. v sien... and no mood to do any BD. because i know BD also no baby! i test opk these few days..no more faint line. worst hor?? the earlier days, CD14, at least got faint lines... now just completely stop. resetting and waiting for nx cycle.Oh as i'm talking, i'm also drinking longan, red dates and wolberries :)
oh yeah IUI means insemination pregnancy? did ur dr explain why it fail? what do u mean by 6 embryos??
---> yes pcos apparently higher risk of mc though my Gynae doesn't agree. He thinks prob with pcos is mainly fertility (ovulation), thereafter mc reasons vary and not related. But what tcm told me is that clomid/ western med only bothers about the quantity and not quality of egg.
--> how did you overcome ur 1st mc?bcoz 1st time u conceive and also 1st time u mc right? and OH NO... the stick scan inside ur V will continue to happen few more rounds!!! :( oh noooo.. when i did my first time, i was so scared that i told dr i need to hug my shawl :p and he said, ok can also hold the nurse hand. which i also did.. after the process, i told her sorry..coz i know i hold her hand quite hard when the stick was inside of me and he was changing the direction. my gosh. i cannot even focus on his explanation! :( im scared to go for follicle growth check now.....
littlebbsheep, nope that one is like advertisement, will keep showing different things. u can sign up n read . use hp app better.

ya sometimes i will rant in tis forum. but how long can i rant? ppl see already oso sian. just like if i tell my friends, thy listen oso sian. but i think if hav problem of cos must treat. not young liao, how many yrs can we wait? right or not?
what app to dl? is ok la..just rant. we are ok to listen. hehe :) anyway, rant and still enjoy life. making bb is not everything. i am quite prepared if i x make it. my hubby is ok.. although of cos, deep down i do want la..at least for the nx 5 years, still many ppl will ask me. after dat i will say "is ok, i close shop"
oh btw, can i get every1 to intro :
1) you are ttc-ing for baby # ?
2) how long have u been ttc-ing for this baby? (referring to Q1)

i ask so that it's easier for us to remember who and the # of kids u have. easier to identify your stories too :) i start first...

1) #1
2) 2 years
1) this is still my #1. we have been together for 10 yrs as of now , married for 3 yrs but 1st yr we relax relax... We thought we could slowly step into marriage since we were not hurrying for a kid at those early yrs.
2) 1yr relax mode, 2 yrs active

But we only see gyane this year.
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Thank u Emily for sharing ur chart.

But don be sad ur cycle is shortened aft seeing tsb right ...

Don b sad thinking u don hv frds who understand u . Sometimes they nv been thru also can't say much.. juz come forum we are always here . Times when I'm not active but im definitely reading in silent ;)
yup seen improvement. every time i see her like seeing GOD. i feel very happy and good seeing her despite good news, or no news. as long as no bad news can le. no bfp not counted as bad news :p
many a times i m oso a silent reader. sometimes just no courage to log in to rant or reply.
sometimes at night got time but wanna BD so save e time for intimating haha :oops: shy

now i just pray that i do not have blocked tubes, i din go n check bcos i m really fearful sob sob, meanwhile gynae oso nv ask me go for hsg.
can i check with ladies here....
i have never had clomid...
is clomid meant for helping in ovulation? my previous gynae didn't prescribe to me... i ovulated some cycles, although not all e cycles. dono if this is e case that he is not prescribing me clomid?? any one knows? if not maybe i will ask my current gynae next week. TIA
yup seen improvement. every time i see her like seeing GOD. i feel very happy and good seeing her despite good news, or no news. as long as no bad news can le. no bfp not counted as bad news :p
many a times i m oso a silent reader. sometimes just no courage to log in to rant or reply.
sometimes at night got time but wanna BD so save e time for intimating haha :oops: shy

now i just pray that i do not have blocked tubes, i din go n check bcos i m really fearful sob sob, meanwhile gynae oso nv ask me go for hsg.
don't be silent lar.. give some encouragement leh :) or at least keep the forum active :) so u are also visiting tsb huh. :)
hahah..ya ..i noticed mostly ppl at night x really online except me. the only chance to catch up on all de posts.
yeah ler..every1 BD and i'm not.. .. TSB didn't ask u to check anything? just go visit? then how does she analyse ur situation?
can i check with ladies here....
i have never had clomid...
is clomid meant for helping in ovulation? my previous gynae didn't prescribe to me... i ovulated some cycles, although not all e cycles. dono if this is e case that he is not prescribing me clomid?? any one knows? if not maybe i will ask my current gynae next week. TIA
yes. i think clomid helps with ovulation, since pcos sufferers have this issue.u ask TSB la.. :) my dr recommend me and my cousin. but on the other hand, my cousin is not diagnose with pcos though. her menses is zhun zhun 28 days. still...she is also getting clomid. i guess it help increase in ur chances...my dr only said so. dunu much oredi.
u are also in ur 2nd year trying huh? serious trying liao.. just like me.
today is CD38... till date i still cannot see O. althoug tested opk positive and cb digital O positive.. my temp keep fluctuating like 35.8sth then go up 36.4sth then go down 36.2sth...

having cramps (dono is it like ovulation cramps) i dono want is ovulation cramps like.
gassy, can feel something hitting on my tummy wall
thirsty and headache cos of e hot hot weather
ovulation cramps is it abdominal cramp?

Now i just hope either i going to O soon or AF faster report to start afresh. i really hate dragging. i like straight fwd. want to come faster come, wait for wat? for e sky to drop? :eek::D
OH NO... the stick scan inside ur V will continue to happen few more rounds!!! :( oh noooo.. when i did my first time, i was so scared that i told dr i need to hug my shawl :p and he said, ok can also hold the nurse hand. which i also did.. after the process, i told her sorry..coz i know i hold her hand quite hard when the stick was inside of me and he was changing the direction. my gosh. i cannot even focus on his explanation! :( im scared to go for follicle growth check now.....
littlebbsheep, don be scared. u are not alone. i oso went for follicle V scan. and i did tat many times. actually i quite like to see e scan. dono y, i just enjoy seeing my inside opps. tmi. :oops: for me i don feel pain cos e gynae will put a durex condom on e stick then apply lubricant so i wont feel e pain at all, it is jus pressure that will be a little uncomfortable, but to me ok la. not much of e feeling. u very cute. i laugh when i read ur msg. u hold ur shawl. hahahah so funny .

yes. i think clomid helps with ovulation, since pcos sufferers have this issue.u ask TSB la.. :) my dr recommend me and my cousin. but on the other hand, my cousin is not diagnose with pcos though. her menses is zhun zhun 28 days. still...she is also getting clomid. i guess it help increase in ur chances...my dr only said so. dunu much oredi.
u are also in ur 2nd year trying huh? serious trying liao.. just like me.
ya lor. 1st yr slow slow relax, scared ... i oso scared i cannot handle giving birth, so at tt time i wasnt tat active. bd only when e mood is here. i oso nv chart my temp cos my O oso not accurate, cycle oso varies. so i didn even care. then 2nd yr start to panic till this yr still trying lor... sian.. my friends already no2. somemore their children oso went to sch liao lor... haiz
TSB nv mention abt any western med for me to take. maybe bcos her med is doing good on me? i dono lei. i also v scared of asking her questions. if can don ask i wont ask. cos every time i ask her hor i oso wont get ans de lei. like if i ask her how is my health, my pulse etc, she will ask me, how to determine ur pulse good or no good? o_O ask me back wor. how i know? then i keep quiet lor.

but i can see improvement .. at least my cycle can manage better. shorter. last time must see e AF mood de lor. sometimes 30 days sometimes 40+ days sometimes 90+ days!! :eek:
i think cos i v stress tt y. like this cycle i v v v stress. CD38 liao still didn see any sign of AF lor. but can feel crampy
