2WW - for those TTC-ing

Thanks bb sparklers for sharing... wah..u also went thru quite a lengthy process... so u only started taking clomid after HSG.
meanwhile, i am going to take clomid soon. I'm waiting for my AF to report. I'm now on CD25. v sien... and no mood to do any BD. because i know BD also no baby! i test opk these few days..no more faint line. worst hor?? the earlier days, CD14, at least got faint lines... now just completely stop. resetting and waiting for nx cycle.Oh as i'm talking, i'm also drinking longan, red dates and wolberries :)
oh yeah IUI means insemination pregnancy? did ur dr explain why it fail? what do u mean by 6 embryos??
--> how did you overcome ur 1st mc?bcoz 1st time u conceive and also 1st time u mc right? and OH NO... the stick scan inside ur V will continue to happen few more rounds!!! :( oh noooo.. when i did my first time, i was so scared that i told dr i need to hug my shawl :p and he said, ok can also hold the nurse hand. which i also did.. after the process, i told her sorry..coz i know i hold her hand quite hard when the stick was inside of me and he was changing the direction. my gosh. i cannot even focus on his explanation! :( im scared to go for follicle growth check now.....

My first preg resulted in a live birth of my bb. Second and third preg are mcs. I'm currently in my 4th preg, just entered second trimester and praying this one will stick.

Mcs are v painful. Many of us in this thread and the mc thread can testify that. Just have to move on and trust that the next gets better.

For V scan, my Gynae are quite fast and it helps when we relax so that it goes in smoothly. So do relax yah? ;)
Hi.... I'm ttc #2... since dec 2013... but I stopped 2 cycles in between, so consider tried and failed 4 cycles. My #1 just turn 1 yr old. I enjoyed my first preg and I wish to be preg again! Dunno why no luck so far.
ya lor. 1st yr slow slow relax, scared ... i oso scared i cannot handle giving birth, so at tt time i wasnt tat active. bd only when e mood is here. i oso nv chart my temp cos my O oso not accurate, cycle oso varies. so i didn even care. then 2nd yr start to panic till this yr still trying lor... sian.. my friends already no2. somemore their children oso went to sch liao lor... haiz
TSB nv mention abt any western med for me to take. maybe bcos her med is doing good on me? i dono lei. i also v scared of asking her questions. if can don ask i wont ask. cos every time i ask her hor i oso wont get ans de lei. like if i ask her how is my health, my pulse etc, she will ask me, how to determine ur pulse good or no good? o_O ask me back wor. how i know? then i keep quiet lor.

but i can see improvement .. at least my cycle can manage better. shorter. last time must see e AF mood de lor. sometimes 30 days sometimes 40+ days sometimes 90+ days!! :eek:
i think cos i v stress tt y. like this cycle i v v v stress. CD38 liao still didn see any sign of AF lor. but can feel crampy
ah? TSB so funny! ahha ask u back the Q. hahahahh but yeah, im like u. i x check O, x take bbt and x take opk. i learnt all these from the forum. and thanks to all helpful ladies im learning everyday. i also sked to ask Qs but i was thinking, i pay consultations leh... better make full use of it. coz is not cheap. On top of dat, waited so long in the Q... must make d session worthwhile. :)

ooh it's a good thing that your cycle has improved!!! so now AF come report earlier, u shud be happy. tiao ur body :)
Hope u bfp this cycle!!! :)
LOL i am like u too hhaa :D

at times me too:( i kind of stress hubby cannot take tis cannot take tt during e BD days... cos cannot be too restricted if not there's no meaning of living sob sob :( many a times i try not to stress hubby, try not to let him know i am very sad and stress over this baby making... but i found myself crying to sleep (hubby snored n zzz in wonderland le)

seriously i do not have friends who can talk too... they have their own family, own lives, no time for me. only at times messaging to release some sorrows. But every time i msg chat with them, i even sadder!!! there's no much encouragement, yet instead keep asking and asking many questions like:
why u don like this why u don like tat? why like tis why like tat? why waste money go gynae and do this do that to add stress? since doc said u have very very low percentage of chance conceiving, why not don see any gynae and relax? why not go for holidays and relax and make babies? why this why that?

i told them if i don't check or see gynae, i would have lost a chance... even thou doc said very low chance. already spent money on gynae and pregnancy needs, where got the money to go holiday? even if got money, also must save for e future if really have baby. or save for IVF.:( sob sob

They can get preg easily, very easily till they dono how hard those ttc-ing ladies gooing thru emotionally stress, financially stress , physically stress... they just don't understand why do i always need to pop by at gynae's place...

My gynae is helping me to check my follicles to see what he can do to help my hubby's poor sperms and my poor eggs. btw this is e new gynae i have just seen, so far i think he is very detailed and speak very slowly so as to let his patients digest and drop down quick notes. my previous gynae just couldn't handle my case and hinted us to go for another gynae. :( this is really depressing! i could cry any time! yes any time! still trying to handle my emotions.

sorry for e lengthy post

Hi Emily,
I feel you, most friends will just tell you go for holiday, relax, don't be stress... Of cos we all know we need to relax and everything, but its always easier said than done and they don't understand that part. I guess they can't help but say those stuff as well, cos they can't do anything for ladies like us who are ttc.
Which I why I started to join this forum... cos I feel that the positive energy that every one gives each other also helps me to get more information (everyone has good experiences to teach each other), feel better, less guilty (about not being able to conceive) and give me hope.
oh btw, can i get every1 to intro :
1) you are ttc-ing for baby # ?
2) how long have u been ttc-ing for this baby? (referring to Q1)

i ask so that it's easier for us to remember who and the # of kids u have. easier to identify your stories too :) i start first...

1) #1
2) 2 years

@littlebabysheep here's mine.

1) you are ttc-ing for baby # ? #1
2) how long have u been ttc-ing for this baby? (referring to Q1) since May 2013 (relaxed mode) but aug had mc so technically Jan 2014 is the official re-trying mode (this time more kancheong)
oh btw, can i get every1 to intro :
1) you are ttc-ing for baby # ?
2) how long have u been ttc-ing for this baby? (referring to Q1)

i ask so that it's easier for us to remember who and the # of kids u have. easier to identify your stories too :) i start first...

1) #1
2) 2 years

Hi littebabysheep.

I am the same as you. :)

1) ttc #1
2) 2 years
LOL i am like u too hhaa :D

at times me too:( i kind of stress hubby cannot take tis cannot take tt during e BD days... cos cannot be too restricted if not there's no meaning of living sob sob :( many a times i try not to stress hubby, try not to let him know i am very sad and stress over this baby making... but i found myself crying to sleep (hubby snored n zzz in wonderland le)

seriously i do not have friends who can talk too... they have their own family, own lives, no time for me. only at times messaging to release some sorrows. But every time i msg chat with them, i even sadder!!! there's no much encouragement, yet instead keep asking and asking many questions like:
why u don like this why u don like tat? why like tis why like tat? why waste money go gynae and do this do that to add stress? since doc said u have very very low percentage of chance conceiving, why not don see any gynae and relax? why not go for holidays and relax and make babies? why this why that?

i told them if i don't check or see gynae, i would have lost a chance... even thou doc said very low chance. already spent money on gynae and pregnancy needs, where got the money to go holiday? even if got money, also must save for e future if really have baby. or save for IVF.:( sob sob

They can get preg easily, very easily till they dono how hard those ttc-ing ladies gooing thru emotionally stress, financially stress , physically stress... they just don't understand why do i always need to pop by at gynae's place...

My gynae is helping me to check my follicles to see what he can do to help my hubby's poor sperms and my poor eggs. btw this is e new gynae i have just seen, so far i think he is very detailed and speak very slowly so as to let his patients digest and drop down quick notes. my previous gynae just couldn't handle my case and hinted us to go for another gynae. :( this is really depressing! i could cry any time! yes any time! still trying to handle my emotions.

sorry for e lengthy post

@Emily Tan totally understd how u r feeling. It's always easy for ppl to say, comment and criticize when they are not in ur shoes. I think sometimes it's really very hurting especially it's ppl who r closest to u just cos they r not at the same stage as u. Nevermind, you have us here. *hugs* We totally understd how u feel de. This journey is not going to be an easy one. You need support of mutual peers, ur hb and urself too :) Kambatei!!!
LOL i am like u too hhaa :D

at times me too:( i kind of stress hubby cannot take tis cannot take tt during e BD days... cos cannot be too restricted if not there's no meaning of living sob sob :( many a times i try not to stress hubby, try not to let him know i am very sad and stress over this baby making... but i found myself crying to sleep (hubby snored n zzz in wonderland le)

seriously i do not have friends who can talk too... they have their own family, own lives, no time for me. only at times messaging to release some sorrows. But every time i msg chat with them, i even sadder!!! there's no much encouragement, yet instead keep asking and asking many questions like:
why u don like this why u don like tat? why like tis why like tat? why waste money go gynae and do this do that to add stress? since doc said u have very very low percentage of chance conceiving, why not don see any gynae and relax? why not go for holidays and relax and make babies? why this why that?

i told them if i don't check or see gynae, i would have lost a chance... even thou doc said very low chance. already spent money on gynae and pregnancy needs, where got the money to go holiday? even if got money, also must save for e future if really have baby. or save for IVF.:( sob sob

They can get preg easily, very easily till they dono how hard those ttc-ing ladies gooing thru emotionally stress, financially stress , physically stress... they just don't understand why do i always need to pop by at gynae's place...

My gynae is helping me to check my follicles to see what he can do to help my hubby's poor sperms and my poor eggs. btw this is e new gynae i have just seen, so far i think he is very detailed and speak very slowly so as to let his patients digest and drop down quick notes. my previous gynae just couldn't handle my case and hinted us to go for another gynae. :( this is really depressing! i could cry any time! yes any time! still trying to handle my emotions.

sorry for e lengthy post

Emily, is okie... Come to the forum and talk.. Everyone here can understand de... Like what bel said, sometimes we silent reading and don't say anything but actually we also feel it in our hearts, the same things as you de. It is really very upsetting when disappointment after disappointment keeps hitting us. It is normal to keep feel like crying but you must try to be strong, okie? Cannot let ourselves sink into depression.

If tsb is helping you to shortern your cycle then you must keep your faith and continue. Maybe as your cycle improves, your chances also improve. Anything is possible, we must continune to hope that miracles happen to us. Jia you. :)
@Emily Tan totally understd how u r feeling. It's always easy for ppl to say, comment and criticize when they are not in ur shoes. I think sometimes it's really very hurting especially it's ppl who r closest to u just cos they r not at the same stage as u. Nevermind, you have us here. *hugs* We totally understd how u feel de. This journey is not going to be an easy one. You need support of mutual peers, ur hb and urself too :) Kambatei!!!
my support only from here and at times from hubby lor. my friends will only say "relax la. so stress how to have baby? if u wan, u wont have. so just relax and don think."

for us,, we feel stress bcos we don hav bfp not bcos we stress and no bfp :( those are really hurting words tat came out from best friends. so at times i wonder... are thy really my best friends? whenever i am down n depress, thy wouldnt be able to support my emotions or at least help lightened my sad emotions. thy are like... happy things, enjoyable stuffs can share with them.
Emily, is okie... Come to the forum and talk.. Everyone here can understand de... Like what bel said, sometimes we silent reading and don't say anything but actually we also feel it in our hearts, the same things as you de. It is really very upsetting when disappointment after disappointment keeps hitting us. It is normal to keep feel like crying but you must try to be strong, okie? Cannot let ourselves sink into depression.

If tsb is helping you to shortern your cycle then you must keep your faith and continue. Maybe as your cycle improves, your chances also improve. Anything is possible, we must continune to hope that miracles happen to us. Jia you. :)
thanks piggling, bel and e rest of e ladies.. :) yup always picking up ourselves.
the only thing tat is bothering me is ... whether if my tubes are block or not??? haiz i really don have e courage to do e hsg. anyone knows if we can be sedated during hsg? i don wanna know what's happening in e process. is it good to be sedated? aiyo i very scared of cramps and pains. is it like menstruation cramps tat pain or just like vaginal ultrasound scan, injection that kind of pain???
dun give up. ok....
tell u my story.
last time when juz married, i also slowly slowly. not so active. got mood then BD. no mood dun BD.
after 2-3 yrs then start to kan cheong. finally last yr feb go c fertility gynae for checks.
fr there then knw i got PCOS and hb sperms not gd. I take clomid n metformin. but although able to ovulate better wif help of 3pills of clomid daily for 6days each cycle. hb still quite co operative. he really work hard during tat time. BD alt days or 3 days once. but then still no news.
even tried 1 time so IUI. he see the jab i take, he also pity me. say no IVF even no bb. tat time i so sad. when iui failed.
then c TCM. fr there, my hb change his diet. eat more supplements, drink more water and wear boxers. n i started to track O by using OPKs. as i so tired of taking BBT. feel more stress. as BBT is damn zhun when AF reporting.
I also started wif exercise more.

miracle happens. I stopped my clomid after my IUI failure. seen tcm 2 times.
2nd cycle after my failed IUI, i conceive naturally. super suprise. but happy of coz.
tat cycle i also use OPK to track. n fact is i only BD3-4 times near n when O. dun knw whether i got catch my O or nt.
now i happily in my wk21.

so there as long as there is a will, dun give up.
but if can tell ur hb to work wif u is still the best. tink wif spouse support, its easier to hang on.....

Jia you.......
dun give up. ok....
tell u my story.
last time when juz married, i also slowly slowly. not so active. got mood then BD. no mood dun BD.
after 2-3 yrs then start to kan cheong. finally last yr feb go c fertility gynae for checks.
fr there then knw i got PCOS and hb sperms not gd. I take clomid n metformin. but although able to ovulate better wif help of 3pills of clomid daily for 6days each cycle. hb still quite co operative. he really work hard during tat time. BD alt days or 3 days once. but then still no news.
even tried 1 time so IUI. he see the jab i take, he also pity me. say no IVF even no bb. tat time i so sad. when iui failed.
then c TCM. fr there, my hb change his diet. eat more supplements, drink more water and wear boxers. n i started to track O by using OPKs. as i so tired of taking BBT. feel more stress. as BBT is damn zhun when AF reporting.
I also started wif exercise more.

miracle happens. I stopped my clomid after my IUI failure. seen tcm 2 times.
2nd cycle after my failed IUI, i conceive naturally. super suprise. but happy of coz.
tat cycle i also use OPK to track. n fact is i only BD3-4 times near n when O. dun knw whether i got catch my O or nt.
now i happily in my wk21.

so there as long as there is a will, dun give up.
but if can tell ur hb to work wif u is still the best. tink wif spouse support, its easier to hang on.....

Jia you.......
thanks stoney! i sort of heard a bit of ur story last time when u posted... or dono is it u. i read for so many till i confuse n forget who is who, and there were so many newcomers here.
although my blood test stated i don have PCOS, my gynae said my follicles are too big to come out to meet e sperms :( i also have immature eggs + hubby also have poor sperm quality. but sperm counts are normal. heng ah. i have not started clomid as i do ovulated some cycles and my come is often very wet kind though i do have my dry days.
indeed bbt is very stressful... last time i temp at 8am. then after that my body woke me up at 7.30am then 6.30am.. then 6am!!! wah see so stress up. ytd i woke up at 3am and my first thing was to reach out of my thermometer and temp... then i think n think, not right lei. e sky still so dark, no vehicle sound.. i see my clock, it was only 3am in e wee morning... wah lao got so stress or not... :rolleyes::eek::D
this few mths we start to be more active. try to do 3x a week if not at least 2x. i din catch when is my O, so i nv BD so close to e days. i just try n error bd 3x a week. still waiting to see my O though CD38. hubby has been quite supportive recently aft he knows his spermies oso not so good.

Last of all Stoneystoney, i wish u have a smooth delivery, cute baby, healthy baby, 乖乖 baby (guai1 guai1 baby)
my support only from here and at times from hubby lor. my friends will only say "relax la. so stress how to have baby? if u wan, u wont have. so just relax and don think."

for us,, we feel stress bcos we don hav bfp not bcos we stress and no bfp :( those are really hurting words tat came out from best friends. so at times i wonder... are thy really my best friends? whenever i am down n depress, thy wouldnt be able to support my emotions or at least help lightened my sad emotions. thy are like... happy things, enjoyable stuffs can share with them.

@Emily Tan maybe they r not at the same stage as u, they just won't understd de. To them, say is easy but alrd u trying so hard liao, when u hear such things, u will feel v upset. Maybe they dunno how to console u n make u feel better bah. Dun be so sad abt them.
thanks stoney! i sort of heard a bit of ur story last time when u posted... or dono is it u. i read for so many till i confuse n forget who is who, and there were so many newcomers here.
although my blood test stated i don have PCOS, my gynae said my follicles are too big to come out to meet e sperms :( i also have immature eggs + hubby also have poor sperm quality. but sperm counts are normal. heng ah. i have not started clomid as i do ovulated some cycles and my come is often very wet kind though i do have my dry days.
indeed bbt is very stressful... last time i temp at 8am. then after that my body woke me up at 7.30am then 6.30am.. then 6am!!! wah see so stress up. ytd i woke up at 3am and my first thing was to reach out of my thermometer and temp... then i think n think, not right lei. e sky still so dark, no vehicle sound.. i see my clock, it was only 3am in e wee morning... wah lao got so stress or not... :rolleyes::eek::D
this few mths we start to be more active. try to do 3x a week if not at least 2x. i din catch when is my O, so i nv BD so close to e days. i just try n error bd 3x a week. still waiting to see my O though CD38. hubby has been quite supportive recently aft he knows his spermies oso not so good.

Last of all Stoneystoney, i wish u have a smooth delivery, cute baby, healthy baby, 乖乖 baby (guai1 guai1 baby)
Thanks Emily.
Hb support is gd lor. but dun stress urself over BBT.
mayb u can stop 1-2days from BBT. to let urself relax bk. wake up then take. dun keep tinking.
tat time i also like tat. so i totally stop BBT.

ur case special. but since u can ovulate, gynae will not prescribe u clomid. clomid helps u to release eggs n help the eggs to grow to the size require,

can i knw ur hb spermies wat not so gd? is the shape or quantity???
ur hb got mumps b4?? i heard guys who have mumps before will affect the spermies quality. my hb is one of them.
@Emily Tan maybe they r not at the same stage as u, they just won't understd de. To them, say is easy but alrd u trying so hard liao, when u hear such things, u will feel v upset. Maybe they dunno how to console u n make u feel better bah. Dun be so sad abt them.
thanks grace for your comforting words :) sorry for being so losoh... :oops:

Thanks Emily.
Hb support is gd lor. but dun stress urself over BBT.
mayb u can stop 1-2days from BBT. to let urself relax bk. wake up then take. dun keep tinking.
tat time i also like tat. so i totally stop BBT.

ur case special. but since u can ovulate, gynae will not prescribe u clomid. clomid helps u to release eggs n help the eggs to grow to the size require,

can i knw ur hb spermies wat not so gd? is the shape or quantity???
ur hb got mumps b4?? i heard guys who have mumps before will affect the spermies quality. my hb is one of them.
hee hee i will try to take bbt only when it is my real waking time e next round... opps!! did i just say my next round?? :p:D anw this round wont strike, i know very clearly. i have also gotten a new thermometer that can store my temp so tat if i really wake up at my usual time like e weekdays during weekends, i could easily temp n see my temp when i really wake up. :)
oic (abt clomid). gynae said my follicles too big to release e eggs. my hubby's morphology (shape, many odd shapes) is LESS than 1%. he has odd shape sperms that couldnt enter to e eggs. But e rest in terms of motility (active) and sperm count (quantity) etc are ok, normal. quality i think ok ba. not sure is it gonna do with morphology?? nope he has not developed any mumps.
thanks stoney! i sort of heard a bit of ur story last time when u posted... or dono is it u. i read for so many till i confuse n forget who is who, and there were so many newcomers here.
although my blood test stated i don have PCOS, my gynae said my follicles are too big to come out to meet e sperms :( i also have immature eggs + hubby also have poor sperm quality. but sperm counts are normal. heng ah. i have not started clomid as i do ovulated some cycles and my come is often very wet kind though i do have my dry days.
indeed bbt is very stressful... last time i temp at 8am. then after that my body woke me up at 7.30am then 6.30am.. then 6am!!! wah see so stress up. ytd i woke up at 3am and my first thing was to reach out of my thermometer and temp... then i think n think, not right lei. e sky still so dark, no vehicle sound.. i see my clock, it was only 3am in e wee morning... wah lao got so stress or not... :rolleyes::eek::D
this few mths we start to be more active. try to do 3x a week if not at least 2x. i din catch when is my O, so i nv BD so close to e days. i just try n error bd 3x a week. still waiting to see my O though CD38. hubby has been quite supportive recently aft he knows his spermies oso not so good.

Last of all Stoneystoney, i wish u have a smooth delivery, cute baby, healthy baby, 乖乖 baby (guai1 guai1 baby)

@Emily Tan u v cute lah!! wake up at 3am to clock bbt...really sibei stress hehehe maybe just take it as sth to do before u get off the bed to go toilet in the morning bah.
@Emily Tan u v cute lah!! wake up at 3am to clock bbt...really sibei stress hehehe maybe just take it as sth to do before u get off the bed to go toilet in the morning bah.
hee hee sometimes when i get up to pee as early as 5am.. i oso dono wanna temp or not.. cos if i don do so, later i wake up at 6 or 7am, e temp might not be right. unless if i wake up at 3am 4 am to pee then i wont bother to temp. :) dono how abt u ladies here?? they said we must have 4hrs of quality slp b4 we temp. meaning if ur usual waking time is 7am. u wake up at 3am to pee, u nv temp it is ok. u go bk to slp and temp at 7am it is ok.
thanks grace for your comforting words :) sorry for being so losoh... :oops:

hee hee i will try to take bbt only when it is my real waking time e next round... opps!! did i just say my next round?? :p:D anw this round wont strike, i know very clearly. i have also gotten a new thermometer that can store my temp so tat if i really wake up at my usual time like e weekdays during weekends, i could easily temp n see my temp when i really wake up. :)
oic (abt clomid). gynae said my follicles too big to release e eggs. my hubby's morphology (shape, many odd shapes) is LESS than 1%. he has odd shape sperms that couldnt enter to e eggs. But e rest in terms of motility (active) and sperm count (quantity) etc are ok, normal. quality i think ok ba. not sure is it gonna do with morphology?? nope he has not developed any mumps.
oh. so ur hb issue abt the same as my hb....
he also morphology issue. sperms shape no gd.
mayb if he is willing, can try drink more water. ard 2L per day.
then wear boxers. n take supplements like mulit vits n CQ10. ask him dun take too much oily, fried food.

tat is wat my hb do to improve his morphology. n is advise by tcm. tink it works....
u might wan to try.....
LOL i am like u too hhaa :D

at times me too:( i kind of stress hubby cannot take tis cannot take tt during e BD days... cos cannot be too restricted if not there's no meaning of living sob sob :( many a times i try not to stress hubby, try not to let him know i am very sad and stress over this baby making... but i found myself crying to sleep (hubby snored n zzz in wonderland le)

seriously i do not have friends who can talk too... they have their own family, own lives, no time for me. only at times messaging to release some sorrows. But every time i msg chat with them, i even sadder!!! there's no much encouragement, yet instead keep asking and asking many questions like:
why u don like this why u don like tat? why like tis why like tat?

sorry for e lengthy post

same here, last night try to BD. but hb said tired.......
took the kit last night, 1 dark on C and light one on T, does it mean LH surge is approaching?

forgot to bring my EPO out today *slams forehead* and worse still HB has weekend outing!!!! which is my CD11 and CD12 !!! hiaz. cannot BD on those days... sianz...
oh. so ur hb issue abt the same as my hb....
he also morphology issue. sperms shape no gd.
mayb if he is willing, can try drink more water. ard 2L per day.
then wear boxers. n take supplements like mulit vits n CQ10. ask him dun take too much oily, fried food.

tat is wat my hb do to improve his morphology. n is advise by tcm. tink it works....
u might wan to try.....
he has been wearing boxers since young. only exercising then he will wear underwear. yup he drinks quite enff of water but he oso loves drinking sweet drinks :( home made fruit juice not counted ah, cos it is naturally pure n fresh, good for health too. but he likes those can/bottle sweet drinks and fried food. ;( but trying to cut dwn :) yup gynae gave him Q10. he just started last week. and also we will try to cook dinner as often as possible. u know la by e time we reach home already 7+pm. cook n eat already 8.45 pm... :( ltr gotta wash tis n tat. lazy

thanks stoney :) muack muack
he has been wearing boxers since young. only exercising then he will wear underwear. yup he drinks quite enff of water but he oso loves drinking sweet drinks :( home made fruit juice not counted ah, cos it is naturally pure n fresh, good for health too. but he likes those can/bottle sweet drinks and fried food. ;( but trying to cut dwn :) yup gynae gave him Q10. he just started last week. and also we will try to cook dinner as often as possible. u know la by e time we reach home already 7+pm. cook n eat already 8.45 pm... :( ltr gotta wash tis n tat. lazy

thanks stoney :) muack muack

tats gd. juice all tat dun count. water is good for spermies. keke...
so encourage him drink more.
tats gd. i also dun cook alot. like tat i feel like cooking tonite. hmmm....
later c hw. if able to go hm early can cook my favourite food. hahaha...
seems like ur hb got chance to improve his spermies. so muz JIA YOU!!!!!
took the kit last night, 1 dark on C and light one on T, does it mean LH surge is approaching?

forgot to bring my EPO out today *slams forehead* and worse still HB has weekend outing!!!! which is my CD11 and CD12 !!! hiaz. cannot BD on those days... sianz...
yoshi, maybe. our body has LH surge, so most of e time u can see very very faint test line or no test line (if no surge at all esp right aft AF. if e days b4 no test line and now e test line is slowly approaching, u can keep a look out. (of cos just BD if e mood comes) e test line will be considered positive if it is as dark as e control line or darker than e ctrl line. u wanna show ur pic? if ur test line is stronger by e day, meaning u are O very soon.

eg: 1st (-), 2nd got line but light, 3rd also faint line. so... maybe going to O. All these 2 below considered negative O.
20140428 29 e.jpg

eg: same time same urine. clearblue digital said O positive. :) face means O. no face, just a blank circle means no O
below is e opk stick. very dark test line so i know i O positive tat's y tested with digital to double cfm.
20140502_082625 e.jpg

eg: this one, opk seems not positive, but my cb digital showed positive... hmm.. so not 100% accurate. oso must see temp chart and cervical mucus to cfm. i always do that :)
20140430_101112 e.jpg
Ah yoh. I didn't take pix. Will do that tonight when I test.

Ask, when do we start CD day? The first we get menses even if brown discharge or when it is red blood then counted?
tats gd. juice all tat dun count. water is good for spermies. keke...
so encourage him drink more.
tats gd. i also dun cook alot. like tat i feel like cooking tonite. hmmm....
later c hw. if able to go hm early can cook my favourite food. hahaha...
seems like ur hb got chance to improve his spermies. so muz JIA YOU!!!!!
yup fingers cross! hopefully my tubes are good too... haha what is ur fave food? sometimes cooking can de-stress too
yup fingers cross! hopefully my tubes are good too... haha what is ur fave food? sometimes cooking can de-stress too
urs shld b ok lar. dun worry too much.
hmm. is braised pork wif mushrooms. hahaha.
last time once awhile will cook.
now no liao. becoz super tired when hm. n hunger will hit me.
totally cannot wait til my food to be cook. hahaha....
bel, u are only in your 14dpo / 15dpo right??? why not u test 1 week later? my friend oso like tat. missed AF tested bfn. then 1 week later she tested faint positive. in between i dono she got test or not.

hee hee and hor... did u buy progessence from YL? i see their web very expensive wor. :eek: if it really works then it is worth buying.


Yup. .dpo 13 n cd29. . Nw waiting n hoping AF to come.. suddenly hv no tots of bfp so I can chg job .

Dilemma !

That's the price for retail .. but hor tsb don encourage the usage of eo... so u muz tink tink twice ..
thanks piggling, bel and e rest of e ladies.. :) yup always picking up ourselves.
the only thing tat is bothering me is ... whether if my tubes are block or not??? haiz i really don have e courage to do e hsg. anyone knows if we can be sedated during hsg? i don wanna know what's happening in e process. is it good to be sedated? aiyo i very scared of cramps and pains. is it like menstruation cramps tat pain or just like vaginal ultrasound scan, injection that kind of pain???

Hi Emily,

Let me share with u my experience abt checking if yr Fallopian tubes is block. I have done it before. I feel that it is very important to check the tubes first. Cos if it's blocked, the eggs can't be release to meet the sperms.

I done it at Glen E few yrs back, cost ard $250+++. The room look like surgery room and I need to lie on a bed which is made of metal.

First the doctor (I can't choose doctor cos it a referral from my gynae and this procedure take certain doc to do it) will ask u bend yr knees to yr stomach (this part kinda embarrasing cos yr VJJ will be exposed in full view to him.) He will inject some liquid into yr VJJ (feel like doing pap smear). Than u need to tilt left than right slowly, he say this liquid is like X-ray dye. Then the tv screen on top will show the doc when u tilt left & right, the liquid will flow into the tubes. If it flow thru, yr tubes are not blocked, If it never flow thru than the tubes are blocked. He will tell u immediately the result after seeing the screen. (So i think can't be sedated cos u need to move yr knees)

Than i will pay & wait for the X-ray report which u will show to yr gynae. Afer that will have very slight cramping but not painful. Can resume life as normal. You may want to bring along a sanitary napkin to wear after the test because some leakage of the X-ray dye may occur along with slight bleeding.

I am not sure if there is any improvised method cos i done it like 4 yrs back. And i have check with my gynae if i need to keep checking every few yrs to know if the tubes are blocked, he say no. Yr Fallopian tubes will only be blocked in the event u got serious illness like cancer. Other than that check once is enough.

Hope this info helps. I feel why we women so many things to check siah, damn stress..
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Bel_vodka, when are your af suppose to come? Maybe test next week.
Hi tae yang. . . Yup.. no hurry ..

Af Shd be these few days .. not sure if my af will be delayed as tis shd be my 2nd af after mc .. if 30 days shd be tml as tml is cd30 .. if not maybe Will be next Monday bcoz tsb mark my bbt chart. .
yoshi, maybe. our body has LH surge, so most of e time u can see very very faint test line or no test line (if no surge at all esp right aft AF. if e days b4 no test line and now e test line is slowly approaching, u can keep a look out. (of cos just BD if e mood comes) e test line will be considered positive if it is as dark as e control line or darker than e ctrl line. u wanna show ur pic? if ur test line is stronger by e day, meaning u are O very soon.

eg: 1st (-), 2nd got line but light, 3rd also faint line. so... maybe going to O. All these 2 below considered negative O.
View attachment 320802

eg: same time same urine. clearblue digital said O positive. :) face means O. no face, just a blank circle means no O
below is e opk stick. very dark test line so i know i O positive tat's y tested with digital to double cfm.
View attachment 320805

eg: this one, opk seems not positive, but my cb digital showed positive... hmm.. so not 100% accurate. oso must see temp chart and cervical mucus to cfm. i always do that :)
View attachment 320806

@Emily Tan wah seh!! u v hardworking ar use cb digital n still use opk. The opk thingy too chim for me. I just use the digital one. Woohoo!!! u have smiley face!! JIAYOU!!!
today is CD38... till date i still cannot see O. althoug tested opk positive and cb digital O positive.. my temp keep fluctuating like 35.8sth then go up 36.4sth then go down 36.2sth...

having cramps (dono is it like ovulation cramps) i dono want is ovulation cramps like.
gassy, can feel something hitting on my tummy wall
thirsty and headache cos of e hot hot weather
ovulation cramps is it abdominal cramp?

Now i just hope either i going to O soon or AF faster report to start afresh. i really hate dragging. i like straight fwd. want to come faster come, wait for wat? for e sky to drop? :eek::D
har? CD38 u are still taking O test? i stopped liao wor.. u are taking it because u don't know when is ur next AF? at CD38 still can get O positive? so good. eh means, ur conditions ok leh. i never see positive in my test b4!!! :( why? ok nvm. i ask dr the next time i visit him. these few days my body preparing for AF's arrival, so boob aching. i also hate this feeling. because hor..last time, i thought got chance. but actually no.... sigh O sometimes gives me fake symptoms. :( i also hope AF fast fast come then i can really try the effectiveness of clomid.

littlebbsheep, don be scared. u are not alone. i oso went for follicle V scan. and i did tat many times. actually i quite like to see e scan. dono y, i just enjoy seeing my inside opps. tmi. :oops: for me i don feel pain cos e gynae will put a durex condom on e stick then apply lubricant so i wont feel e pain at all, it is jus pressure that will be a little uncomfortable, but to me ok la. not much of e feeling. u very cute. i laugh when i read ur msg. u hold ur shawl. hahahah so funny .
i know i not alone.. but in the room..except dr and nurse. iam aloneeeee... :( yeah, i felt so farnee asking dr permission to hug my shawl. ahha...
i x dare to see the stick. and when he insert, i keep fidgeting.. and i feel uncomfy.. and he stay buttocks down..buttocks down.. :p v gently la.. he is quite nice :D
yeah lor yoshi v good le..bb#3 d..:)g reat to hear many are sharing.. at least easier to identify who and who. haha.. and who is on the same journey. i find that omst of us are actually starting serious ttc journey in 2013 :)

last time when juz married, i also slowly slowly. not so active. got mood then BD. no mood dun BD.
after 2-3 yrs then start to kan cheong. finally last yr feb go c fertility gynae for checks.
fr there then knw i got PCOS and hb sperms not gd. I take clomid n metformin. but although able to ovulate better wif help of 3pills of clomid daily for 6days each cycle. hb still quite co operative. he really work hard during tat time. BD alt days or 3 days once. but then still no news.
even tried 1 time so IUI. he see the jab i take, he also pity me. say no IVF even no bb. tat time i so sad. when iui failed.
then c TCM. fr there, my hb change his diet. eat more supplements, drink more water and wear boxers. n i started to track O by using OPKs. as i so tired of taking BBT. feel more stress. as BBT is damn zhun when AF reporting.
I also started wif exercise more.

miracle happens. I stopped my clomid after my IUI failure. seen tcm 2 times.
2nd cycle after my failed IUI, i conceive naturally. super suprise. but happy of coz.
tat cycle i also use OPK to track. n fact is i only BD3-4 times near n when O. dun knw whether i got catch my O or nt.
now i happily in my wk21

thanks stoney for sharing your story with us! i think v useful for us who dun really understand pcos well.. and at least we see lotsa hope in the forum...congrates on ur bb!!! happy for u !! finally !! :) oh got a question, the JAB is meant for IUI huh? so no jab until if u want IUI?

although my blood test stated i don have PCOS, my gynae said my follicles are too big to come out to meet e sperms :( i also have immature eggs + hubby also have poor sperm quality. but sperm counts are normal. heng ah. i have not started clomid as i do ovulated some cycles and my come is often very wet kind though i do have my dry days.
indeed bbt is very stressful... last time i temp at 8am. then after that my body woke me up at 7.30am then 6.30am.. then 6am!!! wah see so stress up. ytd i woke up at 3am and my first thing was to reach out of my thermometer and temp... then i think n think, not right lei. e sky still so dark, no vehicle sound.. i see my clock, it was only 3am in e wee morning... wah lao got so stress or not...
hahahaha... farnee ler u!! hahah..see the more u talk, u bring some funny stories for us to laugh abt. we need this medicine in times of ttc-ing.. :)

oh. so ur hb issue abt the same as my hb....
he also morphology issue. sperms shape no gd.
mayb if he is willing, can try drink more water. ard 2L per day.
then wear boxers. n take supplements like mulit vits n CQ10. ask him dun take too much oily, fried food.

tat is wat my hb do to improve his morphology. n is advise by tcm. tink it works....
u might wan to try.....
mine too! what is CQ10? is this an ingredient we tell pharmacy? or a brand? i need to buy boxers for my hubby liao..and a 2L water bottle. watson sales!! ehehe

Let me share with u my experience abt checking if yr Fallopian tubes is block. I have done it before. I feel that it is very important to check the tubes first. Cos if it's blocked, the eggs can't be release to meet the sperms.

I done it at Glen E few yrs back, cost ard $250+++. The room look like surgery room and I need to lie on a bed which is made of metal.

First the doctor (I can't choose doctor cos it a referral from my gynae and this procedure take certain doc to do it) will ask u bend yr knees to yr stomach (this part kinda embarrasing cos yr VJJ will be exposed in full view to him.) He will inject some liquid into yr VJJ (feel like doing pap smear). Than u need to tilt left than right slowly, he say this liquid is like X-ray dye. Then the tv screen on top will show the doc when u tilt left & right, the liquid will flow into the tubes. If it flow thru, yr tubes are not blocked, If it never flow thru than the tubes are blocked. He will tell u immediately the result after seeing the screen. (So i think can't be sedated cos u need to move yr knees)

Than i will pay & wait for the X-ray report which u will show to yr gynae. Afer that will have very slight cramping but not painful. Can resume life as normal. You may want to bring along a sanitary napkin to wear after the test because some leakage of the X-ray dye may occur along with slight bleeding.

I am not sure if there is any improvised method cos i done it like 4 yrs back. And i have check with my gynae if i need to keep checking every few yrs to know if the tubes are blocked, he say no. Yr Fallopian tubes will only be blocked in the event u got serious illness like cancer. Other than that check once is enough.

Hope this info helps. I feel why we women so many things to check siah, damn stress..
thanks doinky!! for sharing. u give a detailed understanding of how HCG works...also known as the fallopian check right? but 1 thing u missed, was it painful?? since u x make mention, i assume u can are highly tolerant to pain :) anyway, yes if clomid doesn't work, he told me he will do x ray. and in my mind..is the normal x ray lor..stand there and snap photo. but my cousin told me..no...they will insert this liquid inside of u and that pain is VERY VERY painful.pain until can faint!!! my gosh...... think also sked..
Hi ladies, joing back this thread as going to start engine after af come on 9 july. Actually today is cd15, i can feel body change as ovalution approach..

Hi tae-yang, welcome back. :)
Can share what changes you feel to your body?
I don't know why... sometimes closer to O, I feel I got outbreak of pimples.
