2WW - for those TTC-ing

Dear ladies.. do not give up hope too! must really stay happy and be positive.. i've been trying for a few yrs too after marriage with no news.. was also very disappointed after seeing those around me getting preg.. So decided to leave it to fate and even wanted to try IVF this august.. end up tested for positive two weeks ago after a small get away with hb =)

Congrats Jocelyn!!

Thanks to everyone who came in and console me... I was like holding on to my tears and once I reached home, had a big cry. Haiz... Never ending cycle of tears and disappointment.

Sincerely hope all of us here can BFP soon... Hope our day come soon.

Congrats to u, jocelyn!
Thanks to everyone who came in and console me... I was like holding on to my tears and once I reached home, had a big cry. Haiz... Never ending cycle of tears and disappointment.

Sincerely hope all of us here can BFP soon... Hope our day come soon.

Congrats to u, jocelyn!
Hugs piggling many of us feeling the same way as u... huggy huggy! Cry it out and then life goes on.. life is still beautiful!
Piggling I feel is better to get yourself check n rectify any problem if there are any. If your tubes are block then you are wasting time trying in vain. Give yourself a dateline n after that go to fertility dr to do a full checkup. Age is impt in TTC so like what u said every month count n u don't want to waste it. Just my opinion. Take care girl.
Thanks to everyone who came in and console me... I was like holding on to my tears and once I reached home, had a big cry. Haiz... Never ending cycle of tears and disappointment.

Sincerely hope all of us here can BFP soon... Hope our day come soon.

Congrats to u, jocelyn!

Hugs to u, Piggling... Like what Chloe said... Life goes on, the visit to my gynae on last thurs wasn't a happy one too. Was tearing a bit when my dh sent me home. But I hold back my tears and think abt it, crying and being sad all the time also no gd for our body... Let ur emotion out for now and start a fresh new u, things will get better when u are happier! :)
hey girls are there any off-the-shelf tonic stuff ah? besides those must buy and brew one? i dun have a home of my own so brewing is not convenient....
My TCM's meds are packet type just put water stir and drink....very convenient no need to brew. If not u can consider to take bak foong wan.... i read before they help ttc.
Dear ladies.. i actually tested BFP last week too... just want to thank all of you who have been supportive here, though i am not sure who was the one who recommended on TSB... I am very grateful to have seek help from her early.

After ttc in vain for few months i decided to go for check up as i have been having very light menses flow (1-2 full days only) since few years back, was being diagnosed with low AMH (anti mullerian hormone) which means i have low eggs count. I am 29 this year. Although ive just start TTC only in january this year but i too felt the pressure from friends who are not sensitive and commented on how i look fat and pregnant when im just bloated... and its definitely very hurting especially when one is ttc in vain.

Drag DH along to visit TSB with me for 1st consultation
Subsequent 2nd and 3rd consultations i went alone but helped DH got his medicine too.
3rd consultations i showed tsb my blood test result and told her that my gynae actually asked me to seek help in ivf... tsb said why did i go and scare myself with the bad result and said to give her sometime to tiao my body if i want to go for ivf.. but i told her if possible i wld not want to.. and just last week i tested positive and went back immediately to find her.

TSB told me to share with you ladies her with low AMH not to be despair.

Just to share with you ladies what i did differently this cycle,
I drank red bean soup two times from dessert stall in hoping to thicken my lining and almost totally avoiding any cooling food as my body is cooling type already
BD on cd 11,12,14,16,18,20 - you can see how desperate we want a kid so just BD as much as we can since gynae told me to try harder too as not sure when eggs will run out (tested O on cd16 and noted that previous cycles i always stopped BD on the day i tested O and not after that anymore)
Tried to held my buttock up after BD with a pillow underneath my butt but not touching it for short while
I was silently reading on the ivf threads that ladies eating eggs i don't know what issit for but both dh and me did try to increase eggs intake too
Exercise - gym cycling, brisk walking

As for my DH
he increased his exercise regime this cycle
reduced tremendoulsy on his alcohol diet for past 2 cycles which i believed helped alot other than tsb medicine, the first visit to tsb she mentioned to him that if you dont want big head babies pls dont drink ...
we had fresh oyster on cd16 when i tested O

Anyway for ladies who BFP please don't use any medicated oil on ur body or smell them as advise by tsb and refrain from wearing heels too.
plus dont anyhow drink herbal soup outside like bakuteh etc ok

congrates werrywert! there are so many posts that i quickly browse thru to get the gist of all the updates. missed yours. congratulations and thanks much to for sharing all the tips!!! i think i also cooling body type. v v sked cold and easily feel cold. and wow..u are very hardworking too. i think i haven't been so hardworking like u all..exercise..hold legs to chest...(i didn't know abt this)... i'm gonna try all ur tips!!! and by sharing ur story, u gave us hope that, there's always a chance no matter how slim :) *wink at Emily Tan! ok, i will need to go hunt for red bean soup!!! can we boil ourselves? :) den no need to hunt. hehe...not sure how to boil though..

Yup, normally after BD will hub will lift my legs up to slot the pillow in. Den i will let my knees go close to my chest... Not really hug, no force need... jus relax and let it lean on ur chest / boobs hahahah...
hehe..wahh.. DH so sweet. help to cooperate also! i must also ask mine to do de same. so..the steps are..after BD, slot pillow below buttock? then knees go close to chest. hehe..for 30 mins. correct? Does your DH laugh seeing u do so? hehe.. i think mine would..wahlau..hug for 30 mins!! i think i also feel numb!!!

Realised that I have many classmates who got married later than me or around the same time as me, all BFP le..
I feel so useless and helpless. Very upset and disappointed.
I really don't know how to motivate myself or to keep a positive mindset.
Just feel negative... :( ..
Piggling!!! how come i'm hearing these from you??? you are my encouraging friend!!! stay positive :) just continue trying and trying :) don't give up yet. if others can persevere for 6 - 10 years, you too!! me too!! hmm..ok maybe not me..10 years is too long..heheh...i think i will give myself til 40 years old? i scared i x have enough energy. as i said b4, i also saw a lot of pregnant ladies... but is ok, just remember, the few of us here who are still ttc-ing. we are in this journey together. don't give up ok? we are in the same boat, same pressure..*pat pat shoulder we are here! hugs! :)

Piggling i feel you too. I got married for 1.5yrs and have been TTC-ing even before my wedding as i noe it wont be so easily strike. My cousin who got married 3mths before me alr has got a few mths old daughter, and now his wife is suspecting preggy again... How stress i can be.. Fren who got married almost the same time as me their kids alr 1yo.. and expecting 2nd too... haizzzzz

This round BFP, i also worried. cos heard lots of cases, my cousin detected empty sac at abt 3mths. I got so worried i mayb like her too... Faint... BFP stress, BFN lagi stress.. Tat is y i want to go for blood test to confirm cos i m afraid the device give me false hope. Best part is my hub even told my mil abt BFP alr!!!! If anything happen i also dunno how to tell the follks...
aiyo iwanbaby...u so fast so negative..keep praying and check with gynae the best way to protect ur precious :) we will keep u in prayers k? ask every1 to pray for ur bb!

yar me been doing the hug-leg thing on chest... also coz simply raising legs in the air is too tiring!! hugging at chest simpler.. hee.. but still no news.. hopefully soon!!

i also have cold palms/feet leh... but tcm never really say my body heaty or liang... my bbt is <36.5 before O, and >36.5 after O.. is tt highi or low???

me too!! feel so sian!! i actually have formed concrete plans to move... by next June... will only cancel it if got bb... if not.. byebye to singapore+family+friends.. got enuff of busybodies probing my family life
doodoo..so u have 1 year from now to ttc? why u want to give up so soon? oh..what age range are u? are u really really serious that u want to leave SG just because of not wanting to face ppl? :-s dun like that leh..we are all in this journey together..we are grabbing baby dust...so let's not give up!!!
btw, i know that i have PCOS because i read that people who have irregular menses are prone to be diagnose with this issue. sigh..so i kinda like suspected it but to hear from the dr is like..woah... nearly got got tear drop..but i hold it ..................Now, just try the dr advice first. if no conceive, i really don't know if i want to go for fallopian tube check. i damn sked of pain. maybe i will go dr TSB to try. but very far.. at NTU rite? haiyoo......
Hugs to u, Piggling... Like what Chloe said... Life goes on, the visit to my gynae on last thurs wasn't a happy one too. Was tearing a bit when my dh sent me home. But I hold back my tears and think abt it, crying and being sad all the time also no gd for our body... Let ur emotion out for now and start a fresh new u, things will get better when u are happier! :)
tinkerbell...what is your story ah? can share share so that we can let go our tears together ...:)
Thanks to everyone who came in and console me... I was like holding on to my tears and once I reached home, had a big cry. Haiz... Never ending cycle of tears and disappointment.

Sincerely hope all of us here can BFP soon... Hope our day come soon.

Congrats to u, jocelyn!

Hi Piggling,
I believe our time will come where we can share our BFP stories. I am very anxious over TTC because of my age and really have no time to play with.
I am setting myself a target to lose excess weight of 5kg! How tough is that? However, I think that is a good distraction from TTC and I believe a healthier body definitely helps!
Why not engage in some exercise and trust me, it really helps to take your mind off for awhile!
littlebabysheep, FYI I was also diagnosed as having pcos in march. .:) I struck lottery after having only 1 cycle of natural af in march after I stopped my oral contraceptives in Dec 2013. no scientific evidence behind this but it appears that fertility is good immediately after stopping ocps, even for pcos sufferers. saw a in the UK forums that there r a no. of such cases. btw I was also taking metformin and I took clomid in march(I doubt it was the clomid that worked for me this time since I bfp only in early June)
Piggling I feel is better to get yourself check n rectify any problem if there are any. If your tubes are block then you are wasting time trying in vain. Give yourself a dateline n after that go to fertility dr to do a full checkup. Age is impt in TTC so like what u said every month count n u don't want to waste it. Just my opinion. Take care girl.
Thanks Jumbo girl for your advice. I really appreciate it. :)
I thought about it, I think I will give myself till end of the year before going for a full checkup.
Starting to shortlist a gynae for that. :)
Hugs piggling many of us feeling the same way as u... huggy huggy! Cry it out and then life goes on.. life is still beautiful!
Thanks chloe, you are always so encouraging too! :)
You are right, life is still v beautiful. :)
congrates werrywert! there are so many posts that i quickly browse thru to get the gist of all the updates. missed yours. congratulations and thanks much to for sharing all the tips!!! i think i also cooling body type. v v sked cold and easily feel cold. and wow..u are very hardworking too. i think i haven't been so hardworking like u all..exercise..hold legs to chest...(i didn't know abt this)... i'm gonna try all ur tips!!! and by sharing ur story, u gave us hope that, there's always a chance no matter how slim :) *wink at Emily Tan! ok, i will need to go hunt for red bean soup!!! can we boil ourselves? :) den no need to hunt. hehe...not sure how to boil though..
hehe..wahh.. DH so sweet. help to cooperate also! i must also ask mine to do de same. so..the steps are..after BD, slot pillow below buttock? then knees go close to chest. hehe..for 30 mins. correct? Does your DH laugh seeing u do so? hehe.. i think mine would..wahlau..hug for 30 mins!! i think i also feel numb!!!
Piggling!!! how come i'm hearing these from you??? you are my encouraging friend!!! stay positive :) just continue trying and trying :) don't give up yet. if others can persevere for 6 - 10 years, you too!! me too!! hmm..ok maybe not me..10 years is too long..heheh...i think i will give myself til 40 years old? i scared i x have enough energy. as i said b4, i also saw a lot of pregnant ladies... but is ok, just remember, the few of us here who are still ttc-ing. we are in this journey together. don't give up ok? we are in the same boat, same pressure..*pat pat shoulder we are here! hugs! :)
aiyo iwanbaby...u so fast so negative..keep praying and check with gynae the best way to protect ur precious :) we will keep u in prayers k? ask every1 to pray for ur bb!
doodoo..so u have 1 year from now to ttc? why u want to give up so soon? oh..what age range are u? are u really really serious that u want to leave SG just because of not wanting to face ppl? :-s dun like that leh..we are all in this journey together..we are grabbing baby dust...so let's not give up!!!
btw, i know that i have PCOS because i read that people who have irregular menses are prone to be diagnose with this issue. sigh..so i kinda like suspected it but to hear from the dr is like..woah... nearly got got tear drop..but i hold it ..................Now, just try the dr advice first. if no conceive, i really don't know if i want to go for fallopian tube check. i damn sked of pain. maybe i will go dr TSB to try. but very far.. at NTU rite? haiyoo......
Thanks babysheep, I also hope I can persevere...
But sometimes I wish I can give up on ttc-ing... then life will feel so so light.
Whenever I am home, don't need to face anyone, I feel so light...
maybe it is the pressure all around... Like everyone are having their kids so fast but actually it is very normal to take a while...
I must really let go and learn to relax more.
Hi Piggling,
I believe our time will come where we can share our BFP stories. I am very anxious over TTC because of my age and really have no time to play with.
I am setting myself a target to lose excess weight of 5kg! How tough is that? However, I think that is a good distraction from TTC and I believe a healthier body definitely helps!
Why not engage in some exercise and trust me, it really helps to take your mind off for awhile!

I am hoping to do more exercises too.. Don't know is it I lazy to live quite far away from workplace. By the time, I get home, I always think should I exercise or try to cook dinner or just tabao? I think the daily hassle of life is stressing me out.
The other day, I was asking my hubby, do people die faster from stress or poor diet? I conclude maybe is stress.. lol... then maybe I should let my hair down and don't be too strict on myself on diet. As I try to want to eat healthily, so I hope can cook on my own. But honestly, by the time I m home, I am so tired le... So it feels stressful. :(
I also hope we can have our BFP stories soon. :)

By the way, if it helps, I read before that diet can help to lose weight more, compared to exercise. So maybe you can start from there too. Light exercises coupled with more focus on healthy diet. :)
littlebabysheep, FYI I was also diagnosed as having pcos in march. .:) I struck lottery after having only 1 cycle of natural af in march after I stopped my oral contraceptives in Dec 2013. no scientific evidence behind this but it appears that fertility is good immediately after stopping ocps, even for pcos sufferers. saw a in the UK forums that there r a no. of such cases. btw I was also taking metformin and I took clomid in march(I doubt it was the clomid that worked for me this time since I bfp only in early June)

gamma, I always find your story inspiring... It really gives hope to many ladies here who have PCOS.
Hope more PCOS ladies can grad like you too.
Thanks everyone who came and gave me your support, I really really appreciate it.
Sometimes it is hard to express how grateful one feels, using words. But every word and encouragement that you ladies gave, I see it and it really touched my heart.
It is like swimming in a deep cold ocean with nothing in sight and you ladies are around to lend some warmth and floats. At least it make me feel I am normal and not alone.

Yesterday I had a big cry and my husband managed to come home earlier than usual and accompany me.
He bought my favourite hor fun for dinner and I ate a big fat ice cream (sorry, I know is bad for ttc-ing but cant help it) and feel really satisfied. Then I just dozed off really early and had a long sleep.. I feels so so so much better... I wish I can just live my life like that everyday and need not think of ttc-ing...
hahaha.. this is tempting.
Thanks everyone who came and gave me your support, I really really appreciate it.
Sometimes it is hard to express how grateful one feels, using words. But every word and encouragement that you ladies gave, I see it and it really touched my heart.
It is like swimming in a deep cold ocean with nothing in sight and you ladies are around to lend some warmth and floats. At least it make me feel I am normal and not alone.

Yesterday I had a big cry and my husband managed to come home earlier than usual and accompany me.
He bought my favourite hor fun for dinner and I ate a big fat ice cream (sorry, I know is bad for ttc-ing but cant help it) and feel really satisfied. Then I just dozed off really early and had a long sleep.. I feels so so so much better... I wish I can just live my life like that everyday and need not think of ttc-ing...
hahaha.. this is tempting.
That's very sweet of ur hb. Cherish him and enjoy every moment with him cos he loves u
Just remember that being diagnosed with pcos isnt being handed the death sentence.

Hi gals, I've not been here in a while. I had my bfp in Apr. This thread was most encouraging, thanks to you gals! ;)

I agree with gamma that being diagnosed with pcos doesn't mean that it's gone case. In fact, the condition can get better and if you consult a fertility dr, sometimes he/she can also prescribe medication to help induce ovulation. Just to share that even with pcos, I managed to conceive 4 times (although I had 2 mc before) of which I managed to strike within first/ second cycle. My dr told me it's really all about bd during right timing and before and on ovulation. For two of these pregnancies saw my fertility dr who monitored my follicle growth and told us exactly when must bd.

Oh ya about the raising if legs after bd. I did it for all TCC months and i think it did help me conceive. :) I put my legs against my bed head and put a pillow on my back for support for about half an hour. Not tiring coz u get ample support fr the bedhead and pillow. After that, when I sleep at night, I put a pillow on my thigh to elevate my legs. Double kiasu.

Some of you gals had really great temp charts so jiayou and I'm praying for more bfp here! :) may July bring even more good news!
Hi Piggling,
I believe our time will come where we can share our BFP stories. I am very anxious over TTC because of my age and really have no time to play with.
I am setting myself a target to lose excess weight of 5kg! How tough is that? However, I think that is a good distraction from TTC and I believe a healthier body definitely helps!
Why not engage in some exercise and trust me, it really helps to take your mind off for awhile!

@oceandeep78 I also not young liao....tis yr alrd 33...I'm doing everything I can to see if it helps with fertility more. I just started doing yoga and hot yoga about 1-2 mths back to lose weight and improve health. What exercise do you do?
Thanks everyone who came and gave me your support, I really really appreciate it.
Sometimes it is hard to express how grateful one feels, using words. But every word and encouragement that you ladies gave, I see it and it really touched my heart.
It is like swimming in a deep cold ocean with nothing in sight and you ladies are around to lend some warmth and floats. At least it make me feel I am normal and not alone.

Yesterday I had a big cry and my husband managed to come home earlier than usual and accompany me.
He bought my favourite hor fun for dinner and I ate a big fat ice cream (sorry, I know is bad for ttc-ing but cant help it) and feel really satisfied. Then I just dozed off really early and had a long sleep.. I feels so so so much better... I wish I can just live my life like that everyday and need not think of ttc-ing...
hahaha.. this is tempting.

Piggling i feel u. i so agree with ur 'swimming in a deep cold ocean with nothing in sight' cos thats exactly how i feel right now.
I am diagnosed with PCOS and have had trouble ovulating. Failed clomid, metformin, 2 IUIs, one fresh IVF, one blastocyst FET, and one FET gave me a blighted ovum that ended up in D&C. Own cycle of TTC also failed. I felt super down over the past few days. i dont know how to describe the feelings, yet i keep seeing preggy ladies all around me, like adding salt and alochol to the wound.
My TCM's meds are packet type just put water stir and drink....very convenient no need to brew. If not u can consider to take bak foong wan.... i read before they help ttc.
thanks chloe for the info! i'll consider tt :)
congrates werrywert! there are so many posts that i quickly browse thru to get the gist of all the updates. missed yours. congratulations and thanks much to for sharing all the tips!!! i think i also cooling body type. v v sked cold and easily feel cold. and wow..u are very hardworking too. i think i haven't been so hardworking like u all..exercise..hold legs to chest...(i didn't know abt this)... i'm gonna try all ur tips!!! and by sharing ur story, u gave us hope that, there's always a chance no matter how slim :) *wink at Emily Tan! ok, i will need to go hunt for red bean soup!!! can we boil ourselves? :) den no need to hunt. hehe...not sure how to boil though..

hehe..wahh.. DH so sweet. help to cooperate also! i must also ask mine to do de same. so..the steps are..after BD, slot pillow below buttock? then knees go close to chest. hehe..for 30 mins. correct? Does your DH laugh seeing u do so? hehe.. i think mine would..wahlau..hug for 30 mins!! i think i also feel numb!!!

Piggling!!! how come i'm hearing these from you??? you are my encouraging friend!!! stay positive :) just continue trying and trying :) don't give up yet. if others can persevere for 6 - 10 years, you too!! me too!! hmm..ok maybe not me..10 years is too long..heheh...i think i will give myself til 40 years old? i scared i x have enough energy. as i said b4, i also saw a lot of pregnant ladies... but is ok, just remember, the few of us here who are still ttc-ing. we are in this journey together. don't give up ok? we are in the same boat, same pressure..*pat pat shoulder we are here! hugs! :)

aiyo iwanbaby...u so fast so negative..keep praying and check with gynae the best way to protect ur precious :) we will keep u in prayers k? ask every1 to pray for ur bb!

doodoo..so u have 1 year from now to ttc? why u want to give up so soon? oh..what age range are u? are u really really serious that u want to leave SG just because of not wanting to face ppl? :-s dun like that leh..we are all in this journey together..we are grabbing baby dust...so let's not give up!!!
btw, i know that i have PCOS because i read that people who have irregular menses are prone to be diagnose with this issue. sigh..so i kinda like suspected it but to hear from the dr is like..woah... nearly got got tear drop..but i hold it ..................Now, just try the dr advice first. if no conceive, i really don't know if i want to go for fallopian tube check. i damn sked of pain. maybe i will go dr TSB to try. but very far.. at NTU rite? haiyoo......
abt there lor... is just very sian lah... now can still give excuse to pple abt not having kids yet... but they still expect you to have a kid one day... it's like a default that everyone MUST want kids and MUST have kids... 10 yrs later, if still dun have, what will they say? and only singaporeans keep harping on tt lor.. all my non-local friends dun have such expectations.. tt's why i juat want to be away from singaporeans... and my family... and anyway have the opportunity, and i lived overseas before so i know i like it... if not for family i would not have come back... so if no kids, tt will just give me another reason to return overseas... anyway bb stuff aside, now singapore like getting more and more difficult to live in too...
Thanks Jumbo girl for your advice. I really appreciate it. :)
I thought about it, I think I will give myself till end of the year before going for a full checkup.
Starting to shortlist a gynae for that. :)

Thanks chloe, you are always so encouraging too! :)
You are right, life is still v beautiful. :)

Thanks babysheep, I also hope I can persevere...
But sometimes I wish I can give up on ttc-ing... then life will feel so so light.
Whenever I am home, don't need to face anyone, I feel so light...
maybe it is the pressure all around... Like everyone are having their kids so fast but actually it is very normal to take a while...
I must really let go and learn to relax more.

I am hoping to do more exercises too.. Don't know is it I lazy to live quite far away from workplace. By the time, I get home, I always think should I exercise or try to cook dinner or just tabao? I think the daily hassle of life is stressing me out.
The other day, I was asking my hubby, do people die faster from stress or poor diet? I conclude maybe is stress.. lol... then maybe I should let my hair down and don't be too strict on myself on diet. As I try to want to eat healthily, so I hope can cook on my own. But honestly, by the time I m home, I am so tired le... So it feels stressful. :(
I also hope we can have our BFP stories soon. :)

By the way, if it helps, I read before that diet can help to lose weight more, compared to exercise. So maybe you can start from there too. Light exercises coupled with more focus on healthy diet. :)
diet helps to lose weight very quickly, but not useful in the long run de. unless if you keep dieting for the rest of your life... exercise helps coz it builds muscle... which means even at rest your metabolic rate is higher so you continue to burn calories.. which is so good! resting also losing weight :p
yaya. the leg lifting up after BD is quite zhun. help the spermies to go in better.
becoz if u go do IUI, after injecting the sperms in, u will also be lifted leg up. to enable to spermies to go in....
I did tat for my last cycle.

so even detect PCOS also not end of the world. me also got PCOS. end up conceive naturally....
So ladies, pls JIA YOU!!!!!
Thanks everyone who came and gave me your support, I really really appreciate it.
Sometimes it is hard to express how grateful one feels, using words. But every word and encouragement that you ladies gave, I see it and it really touched my heart.
It is like swimming in a deep cold ocean with nothing in sight and you ladies are around to lend some warmth and floats. At least it make me feel I am normal and not alone.

Yesterday I had a big cry and my husband managed to come home earlier than usual and accompany me.
He bought my favourite hor fun for dinner and I ate a big fat ice cream (sorry, I know is bad for ttc-ing but cant help it) and feel really satisfied. Then I just dozed off really early and had a long sleep.. I feels so so so much better... I wish I can just live my life like that everyday and need not think of ttc-ing...
hahaha.. this is tempting.

We cannot eat ice-cream when TTC??? Oops. I've been eating too much of it. :(
@werrywert serious? how come ar? I mean, what abt hot yoga that is not good for ttc? I just curious
Bcoz sperms like a cool environment to swim in. If ur body temp is too hot it actually lower ur chances for them to survive in he body. I stopped hot yoga too when I was ttc. I read it from what to expect.

Therefore best not to take hot showers the night u want to bd. Or at least let ur body cool down first.
@werrywert serious? how come ar? I mean, what abt hot yoga that is not good for ttc? I just curious

i not very sure.. maybe the heat?


If you’re into yoga:
Yoga is an ideal exercise before pregnancy. It builds strength, balance, endurance, and muscle tone, and it helps to relax you — all things that will help your conception efforts. But it’s not without risk (hey, it’s hard to make like a pretzel!). Yoga injuries are common, and they can derail your baby-making efforts (imagine trying to get busy under the sheets when you have a back injury!), so you’d be smart to seek out the guidance of a teacher who can help you pinpoint your body’s limits. Plus, if you’re a fan of the super-hot Bikram yoga, you’ll probably want to cool it with that one for now. This form of yoga involves doing poses in a room that’s heated to between 95 and 105 degrees, and some doctors don’t recommend it while TTC. First, this is an especially strenuous type of yoga (which can leave you dizzy and dehydrated even if you’ve been doing yoga for years) and could potentially interfere with your cycle. Second, if you’re actively trying to get pregnant, sperm and egg can meet at any time, making you officially pregnant even if you haven’t gotten the happy confirmation from a pregnancy test — and exercising in an overly hot room isn’t safe for your brand-new developing fetus. But there’s no reason you can’t adapt your yoga routine to your needs now. Talk with your yoga instructor (and your doctor) to find the yoga style that will work for you.
[QUO TE="werrywert, post: 7204663, member: 159359"]anyway i used to do... but stop gg already as well when i read it.. i am not sure if it really affects or not. just be safe than sorry =)[/QUOTE]
It probably has an effect. Just like after getting BFP and when pregnant cannot do steam bath etc becox it's too hot for ur body. And increase body temp is not good for the fetus too. So when they recommend to exercise do it at the least hot period of the day and need to hydrate to keep body temp okay and not too high. Hope this helps :)
Bcoz sperms like a cool environment to swim in. If ur body temp is too hot it actually lower ur chances for them to survive in he body. I stopped hot yoga too when I was ttc. I read it from what to expect.

Therefore best not to take hot showers the night u want to bd. Or at least let ur body cool down first.

based on the advices from my gynae .. he advised my hb to take cold shower or normal temp, not those hot shower type, as spermies cannot survive long in hot body ! and no good to reproduce new spermies ..
based on the advices from my gynae .. he advised my hb to take cold shower or normal temp, not those hot shower type, as spermies cannot survive long in hot body ! and no good to reproduce new spermies ..
So when I ttc I also make effort to shower in less hot showers before I seduce my hub. I basically love hot showers and hate cold water. But I will make effort the last one min ofy shower to have cold water to cool my body.
tinkerbell...what is your story ah? can share share so that we can let go our tears together ...:)

Littlebabysheep, my story considered quite alright as compared to all the sisters in this forum. Me and my DH only tried ttc last year sept and I was tested to be BFP before a family trip to BKK, and being excited about it, I happily scheduled for the appt with the gynae which was after the BKK trip. So I went for the appt and checkup and had my blood test done which show BFP too but I went back for the 2nd appt to do the blood test to make sure the hcg is rising, but instead it was going down and I had a U/S which shown empty embryo. That was when I was informed that this pregnancy is not viable. I was advise to mc naturally and true enough after 4, 5 days after the last appt with gynae, I got the impact of full cramp and AF reported. Weird thing is, after my mc I had 2 mths of 28 days cycles, but after taking the tcm med, my cycle got lengthened to 35/36 cycle days. Even till now, my cycles seems to be getting weirder sometimes got lengthen to 40/42 cycles days. Every mth, all preggy symptoms will show up after ovulation, as we still ttcing. But everytime go for blood test all shown BFN and there’s once, my hcg level is 3 when I got all symptoms again and the clinic nurse called me again to check on me which then I know might be possibility that the beanie trying to attached to the wall but not successful. Somehow when I was got my BFP last sept, my er jie also preg with ard 4 mths and is her 3rd bb already. My da jie who also with irregular menses since young also managed to have bb when she was 27 yrs old and now whenever seeing them how to teach kids definitely will comment a bit, then they will comments u got no kids u know one or wait till u got one then u will know, these all sound so pain to my heart as though is easy to conceive. After trying for 8 mths, it seems like really not easy to conceive, we even went to feng shui to see whether it is really our hse having issue. Just last thurs I went for gynae bcos my menses got delayed and I was having 41 cycle days and with cramping here and there 1 wk before thinking shld be it shld be it, but… yet another BFN. Well, I cant keep letting myself go on this way, being sad and depressed my DH is understanding enough too but to him as long im healthy that is the most impt. So I have to move on, check up I will still go, prob change TCM and move on with my life do what im happy most too to divert myself away too. Well my story sure not as inspiring as all the sisters here, but I will keep trying and don’t give up. Getting close to 30 yrs old though, my gynae also keep telling me don’t give up.
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Hi gals, I've not been here in a while. I had my bfp in Apr. This thread was most encouraging, thanks to you gals! ;)

I agree with gamma that being diagnosed with pcos doesn't mean that it's gone case. In fact, the condition can get better and if you consult a fertility dr, sometimes he/she can also prescribe medication to help induce ovulation. Just to share that even with pcos, I managed to conceive 4 times (although I had 2 mc before) of which I managed to strike within first/ second cycle. My dr told me it's really all about bd during right timing and before and on ovulation. For two of these pregnancies saw my fertility dr who monitored my follicle growth and told us exactly when must bd.

Oh ya about the raising if legs after bd. I did it for all TCC months and i think it did help me conceive. :) I put my legs against my bed head and put a pillow on my back for support for about half an hour. Not tiring coz u get ample support fr the bedhead and pillow. After that, when I sleep at night, I put a pillow on my thigh to elevate my legs. Double kiasu.

Some of you gals had really great temp charts so jiayou and I'm praying for more bfp here! :) may July bring even more good news!

@Daffodilgal just curious about follicle growth and exact time to BD....can share more?
Thanks everyone who came and gave me your support, I really really appreciate it.
Sometimes it is hard to express how grateful one feels, using words. But every word and encouragement that you ladies gave, I see it and it really touched my heart.
It is like swimming in a deep cold ocean with nothing in sight and you ladies are around to lend some warmth and floats. At least it make me feel I am normal and not alone.

Yesterday I had a big cry and my husband managed to come home earlier than usual and accompany me.
He bought my favourite hor fun for dinner and I ate a big fat ice cream (sorry, I know is bad for ttc-ing but cant help it) and feel really satisfied. Then I just dozed off really early and had a long sleep.. I feels so so so much better... I wish I can just live my life like that everyday and need not think of ttc-ing...
hahaha.. this is tempting.

Piggling ur hubby so sweet... My hubby for the first few times... I keep thinking whether pregnant or not.. Then cry and cry.. My hubby will be a bit frustrated... But now he getting better and understanding, think communication impt ba.. Cos I also nv really tell him how I feel abt having kids or not...
Piggling i feel u. i so agree with ur 'swimming in a deep cold ocean with nothing in sight' cos thats exactly how i feel right now.
I am diagnosed with PCOS and have had trouble ovulating. Failed clomid, metformin, 2 IUIs, one fresh IVF, one blastocyst FET, and one FET gave me a blighted ovum that ended up in D&C. Own cycle of TTC also failed. I felt super down over the past few days. i dont know how to describe the feelings, yet i keep seeing preggy ladies all around me, like adding salt and alochol to the wound.
Baby_sparkles, I know it must have hurt your heart given all the procedures you have gone through, trying for your baby. You definitely have it hit you hard... You wan to consider having a short getaway to take your mind off? Sometimes a short trip may do us good.. I also looking for opportunity to take a break. :)
thanks chloe for the info! i'll consider tt :)
abt there lor... is just very sian lah... now can still give excuse to pple abt not having kids yet... but they still expect you to have a kid one day... it's like a default that everyone MUST want kids and MUST have kids... 10 yrs later, if still dun have, what will they say? and only singaporeans keep harping on tt lor.. all my non-local friends dun have such expectations.. tt's why i juat want to be away from singaporeans... and my family... and anyway have the opportunity, and i lived overseas before so i know i like it... if not for family i would not have come back... so if no kids, tt will just give me another reason to return overseas... anyway bb stuff aside, now singapore like getting more and more difficult to live in too...
diet helps to lose weight very quickly, but not useful in the long run de. unless if you keep dieting for the rest of your life... exercise helps coz it builds muscle... which means even at rest your metabolic rate is higher so you continue to burn calories.. which is so good! resting also losing weight :p
Hi doodoo, by diet, I don't mean dieting. As in good with a good and balanced diet, eat healthy things. I have a colleague who was sick earlier and had to undergo an operation. After that, she totally changed her diet, to be more light and healthy and she lost a lot of weight, in a good way. During that period of time, she was unable to exercise due to her op but she looked much better with all the healthy food. Doing exercise is good but must coupled with good eating habits also as some people may indulge/eat more as they feel they are exercising a lot but end up still pile back the kilos.
I was surprised too but I read that food actually account for like about 70% of the change in terms of our weight/size then about 10-20% is due to exercise, the rest is genes. :)
We cannot eat ice-cream when TTC??? Oops. I've been eating too much of it. :(
It seems that too much cooling food not so good for us, so ice cream is quite cooling too. (as in cold)
But don't worry, if you have to eat, just go ahead. :) Just try to eat in moderation.. afterall, sugar is not so good for us. :)
@werrywert serious? how come ar? I mean, what abt hot yoga that is not good for ttc? I just curious

I also heard before that hot yoga is not so recommended for people who are ttc-ing. It is the heat ba. There has also been debates about whether hot yoga really help us to achieve healthier bodies or not. Some people believe the heat can force a person to perspire and let out the toxics but then I think another school of thought is probably that you may be losing more minerals or something de. So maybe just try to stick with normal yoga?
Piggling ur hubby so sweet... My hubby for the first few times... I keep thinking whether pregnant or not.. Then cry and cry.. My hubby will be a bit frustrated... But now he getting better and understanding, think communication impt ba.. Cos I also nv really tell him how I feel abt having kids or not...

tink3rb3ll, I understand what you mean.. there have been times where my husband feel frustrated about my reaction towards ttc-ing also and quarrels, etc and it hurts me too. I think yesterday was really bad till he very worried ba.
I agree that we must try to communicate to learn about each other's expectations. At least like that, we won't let ttc-ing hurt the marriage. :)
Bcoz sperms like a cool environment to swim in. If ur body temp is too hot it actually lower ur chances for them to survive in he body. I stopped hot yoga too when I was ttc. I read it from what to expect.

Therefore best not to take hot showers the night u want to bd. Or at least let ur body cool down first.

@hopefulmum thks for the info :) I thought only guys cannot go. I didn't realise it's not good for women who r ttc too.

Seriously hor, for me, I'm the one who always take cold showers cos I always feel it's too hot. The hb is the one who takes hot showers which I think is not good but he said he scared of cold @@
Bcoz sperms like a cool environment to swim in. If ur body temp is too hot it actually lower ur chances for them to survive in he body. I stopped hot yoga too when I was ttc. I read it from what to expect.

Therefore best not to take hot showers the night u want to bd. Or at least let ur body cool down first.
whoa... is this a reason singaporean fertility is lower? :X
[QUO TE="werrywert, post: 7204663, member: 159359"]anyway i used to do... but stop gg already as well when i read it.. i am not sure if it really affects or not. just be safe than sorry =)
It probably has an effect. Just like after getting BFP and when pregnant cannot do steam bath etc becox it's too hot for ur body. And increase body temp is not good for the fetus too. So when they recommend to exercise do it at the least hot period of the day and need to hydrate to keep body temp okay and not too high. Hope this helps :)[/QUOTE]
hmm uh oh, planning to go hot springs in taiwan soon!! >.<
based on the advices from my gynae .. he advised my hb to take cold shower or normal temp, not those hot shower type, as spermies cannot survive long in hot body ! and no good to reproduce new spermies ..
whoa really ah? whoa i only knew boxers.. din noe shower too! ok later go tell hb. hb body also heaty type... do u think tt matters?
@hopefulmum thks for the info :) I thought only guys cannot go. I didn't realise it's not good for women who r ttc too.

Seriously hor, for me, I'm the one who always take cold showers cos I always feel it's too hot. The hb is the one who takes hot showers which I think is not good but he said he scared of cold @@
haha yah now i'm glad i'm not a man! i love hot showers...hehehe
wonder if hot showers also not recommended if we expecting to O and waiting for the implantation period? since the spermies should be waiting in there..hmm...
Asian fruits aso more cooling as per advised by my dr cos of our hot weather. N aso the food we eat, many are cooling too.
She said look at ang moh ladies getting pregnant at 50yo, as most of their body are warm due to their cold weather w the food .n fruits they consumed..
Asian fruits aso more cooling as per advised by my dr cos of our hot weather. N aso the food we eat, many are cooling too.
She said look at ang moh ladies getting pregnant at 50yo, as most of their body are warm due to their cold weather w the food .n fruits they consumed..
so... the food we consume has more impact than the weather? hot weather no effect on heaty/cooling one issit?
Qtn: at week 6, v scan cant see anything?

I went to kk earlier... Urine test +ve... V scan can see abit but tis doc tell me too small to determine hw many weeks.. And she is afraid the sac landed at the wrong plc, scared unhealthy, scared will miscarriage etc... She tell me all sorts of such things.. She gave 2 option:
1- wait for 2 weeks den scan
2- take blood test to check HCG

I ask for her opinion and she replied, the earlier the btr to know lor... I was like WTF! She is giving me alot of wrong tots... Haizzz

Anyway i opt for blood test so shall wait and see the result :)
Qtn: at week 6, v scan cant see anything?

I went to kk earlier... Urine test +ve... V scan can see abit but tis doc tell me too small to determine hw many weeks.. And she is afraid the sac landed at the wrong plc, scared unhealthy, scared will miscarriage etc... She tell me all sorts of such things.. She gave 2 option:
1- wait for 2 weeks den scan
2- take blood test to check HCG

I ask for her opinion and she replied, the earlier the btr to know lor... I was like WTF! She is giving me alot of wrong tots... Haizzz

Anyway i opt for blood test so shall wait and see the result :)

hi.. i went to kk for scan yesterday too.. 5 weeks plus. can only see the sac and yolk, think only by 7 or 8 weeks den can see better.. think just for the min time dont stress yourself too much..
Qtn: at week 6, v scan cant see anything?

I went to kk earlier... Urine test +ve... V scan can see abit but tis doc tell me too small to determine hw many weeks.. And she is afraid the sac landed at the wrong plc, scared unhealthy, scared will miscarriage etc... She tell me all sorts of such things.. She gave 2 option:
1- wait for 2 weeks den scan
2- take blood test to check HCG

I ask for her opinion and she replied, the earlier the btr to know lor... I was like WTF! She is giving me alot of wrong tots... Haizzz

Anyway i opt for blood test so shall wait and see the result :)
U may have O later and implanted late also. It will have an impact on the scan as well even just by a few days. Wait for the hcg results first.
Ok... Hopeful mum, yes i O late so i guess still early but this doc dun clearly explain jus tell me all the negative... She said "all i can tell u is u are pregnant. The rest i m unable to tell"

Qtn: at week 6, v scan cant see anything?

I went to kk earlier... Urine test +ve... V scan can see abit but tis doc tell me too small to determine hw many weeks.. And she is afraid the sac landed at the wrong plc, scared unhealthy, scared will miscarriage etc... She tell me all sorts of such things.. She gave 2 option:
1- wait for 2 weeks den scan
2- take blood test to check HCG

I ask for her opinion and she replied, the earlier the btr to know lor... I was like WTF! She is giving me alot of wrong tots... Haizzz

Anyway i opt for blood test so shall wait and see the result :)

@Iwanbaby good job! I think blood test can tell via ur HCG level liao. From my gynae last told me, if you are preggie, ur HCG level will keep increasing higher n higher. will pray for you! :)
