2WW - for those TTC-ing

so... the food we consume has more impact than the weather? hot weather no effect on heaty/cooling one issit?

@doodoo123 yes every type of food is either liang or re type de. So if we eat sth that is liang then eat together with sth that is re, that is the way to counter it. But I believe if you were to eat fruit by itself, i tik the liang/re type of the fruit will count then. eg. durian, mango these are heaty type of fruits which is also re. For liang fruits, it's like watermelon those kind.

the weather cooling or hot has nth to do with the liang/re type for the food/fruit.

dont scare yourself first ... you O late, and thats why !
i went to see gynae to get support, but i also didnt had any scan or blood test.
for the scan, gynae said likely cannot see anything yet, as for blood test, it is only to test if at this stage, is it a good or bad pregnancy, but nothing much can be done as at, so tt why i decide not to do anything till 6 week when i see again on 1 July.
Wk5 usually can't See much. For some wk6 can See sac or hb. Anyway it's still early stage, dun scare urself. The dr just want to prealert u in advance on all possibility but didn't put in a nice gentle way especially it's ftm.
Iwanbaby, i saw hb at 6 weeks. However I'd say fret not, implantation may have occurred later than u thought. be patient and let nature run its course ,and return for a scan later cos that's the only modality to be sure that bb is fine
i went to scan at wk5+. only can c sac lor. gynae scan to make sure the sac at the correct place.
so 2wks later i went bk to check. can c heartbeat le. juz tat the no. of wks become wk6+... lol...
so dun worry. wait for another 2 wks n u will knw.
@Daffodilgal just curious about follicle growth and exact time to BD....can share more?

Hi graceakaclouds

The fertility dr prescribed me clomid for those tcc attempts, so he needed to make sure that I ovulated and the eggs are mature.

Fr what I know, even if the opk is positive, it just measures that the body is having LH surge. However, opk can't see if the follicles are not big enough/ eggs mature enough. So if follicles are small (which is a common prob with pcos), there won't be a valid ovulation that month (that is, can consider no egg to fertilize that month). So we may 'ovulate' or body can gear up to ovulate (thus positive opk) but not release an egg, resulting in an anovulatory cycle. Which was what I experienced with pcos - so bbt chart will not show a clear increase in temp after ovulation cutoff.

So the dr will help to monitor the growth of follicles, when it is of an acceptable size, he can estimate roughly when will the egg break through fr the follicle. My dr discouraged me fr using opk, he thinks scans are most accurate way of confirming ovulation coz we can physically see and measure size of follicle and after estimated ovulation he will scan again to look for some dunno what 'shell of follicle' which will confirm that I have ovulated as it means an egg popped out of the follicle and it's hanging around somewhere if it's fertilized.

For your qn on timing. Sperm can live in body for a few days but egg can only be around for half a day or at most maybe a day? So the sperm should be there before the egg so that once the egg comes along, the sperm won't miss it. So the dr will ask us to bd on various dates before that happens.

Frankly, I feel that finding a reliable fertility dr is a fast way to conceive. But for this latest preg, I went to see tcm to tiao coz I had recurrent miscarriages before, one of them is blighted. :( So I guess no point being fast but also must have a healthy preg. Think many if us here combine western and also tcm. ;)
Qtn: at week 6, v scan cant see anything?

I went to kk earlier... Urine test +ve... V scan can see abit but tis doc tell me too small to determine hw many weeks.. And she is afraid the sac landed at the wrong plc, scared unhealthy, scared will miscarriage etc... She tell me all sorts of such things.. She gave 2 option:
1- wait for 2 weeks den scan
2- take blood test to check HCG

I ask for her opinion and she replied, the earlier the btr to know lor... I was like WTF! She is giving me alot of wrong tots... Haizzz

Anyway i opt for blood test so shall wait and see the result :)

Hi, I don't like kk doc, felt they are not very caring, like matter of fact thing.
My 1st Mc, I went to kk A&E coz I was spotting at 5wks +, V scan also cannot say anything then go on too tell me all the super negative stuff like what you mentioned above.

I also did 2 blood test to compare the HCG, the 2nd blood test, I saw another doc on duty and she also said the same thing. I ask her if got possibility if it is too early, she keep saying not possible, it is just not viable.

Having said the above, i am pregnant now and when i was at my 5 weeks scan (went early coz of previous 2 MCs), i can only see the sac and nothing more. my NUH doc also don't dare comment much just ask me to come back in 2 weeks for another V scan.. After 2 weeks, i can see the heartbeat and everything. Sometimes its just too early. Keep your finger cross and positive thoughts
must remember to lay down and raise legs and no cold food

maybe we should do a To Do list for TTC :p
good idea!! :) list of ttc, list for tww, list for hb, list for preggers... lol!
I think i will go scan end Jul ba, aft thurs blood test...

I went to guardian to grab palmer stretch mark cream jus nw.. Buy 2 free 1.. Hehe :p
whoa seh you so early buy already ah!! hahahaha
Ok... Hopeful mum, yes i O late so i guess still early but this doc dun clearly explain jus tell me all the negative... She said "all i can tell u is u are pregnant. The rest i m unable to tell"
whoa the doc v untactical leh... give you a big picture of all possibilities also shudn't say in tt manner right? anyways dun worry lah worry also no use... just wait for your results and next scan :)
Ok... Hopeful mum, yes i O late so i guess still early but this doc dun clearly explain jus tell me all the negative... She said "all i can tell u is u are pregnant. The rest i m unable to tell"

Tat doc on duty dun even admit i am pregnant, she said i am not clinically pregnant coz she did not found the sac. :mad:
today is CD7. Did BD on CD5 , probably of no use *lol*

confused what will be my cycle this month since it was 26 days for June and 28 days previously.
Hi graceakaclouds

The fertility dr prescribed me clomid for those tcc attempts, so he needed to make sure that I ovulated and the eggs are mature.

Fr what I know, even if the opk is positive, it just measures that the body is having LH surge. However, opk can't see if the follicles are not big enough/ eggs mature enough. So if follicles are small (which is a common prob with pcos), there won't be a valid ovulation that month (that is, can consider no egg to fertilize that month). So we may 'ovulate' or body can gear up to ovulate (thus positive opk) but not release an egg, resulting in an anovulatory cycle. Which was what I experienced with pcos - so bbt chart will not show a clear increase in temp after ovulation cutoff.

So the dr will help to monitor the growth of follicles, when it is of an acceptable size, he can estimate roughly when will the egg break through fr the follicle. My dr discouraged me fr using opk, he thinks scans are most accurate way of confirming ovulation coz we can physically see and measure size of follicle and after estimated ovulation he will scan again to look for some dunno what 'shell of follicle' which will confirm that I have ovulated as it means an egg popped out of the follicle and it's hanging around somewhere if it's fertilized.

For your qn on timing. Sperm can live in body for a few days but egg can only be around for half a day or at most maybe a day? So the sperm should be there before the egg so that once the egg comes along, the sperm won't miss it. So the dr will ask us to bd on various dates before that happens.

Frankly, I feel that finding a reliable fertility dr is a fast way to conceive. But for this latest preg, I went to see tcm to tiao coz I had recurrent miscarriages before, one of them is blighted. :( So I guess no point being fast but also must have a healthy preg. Think many if us here combine western and also tcm. ;)

@Daffodilgal this is really interesting. I've heard about the follicle size from a gf who has PCOS too. She tried for 4 yrs n in the midst of that, she go to tcm to tiao her body although tcm told her v hard to conceive. She conceived naturally in the end. So I believe nothing is impossible.

For me, I had 1 op for removal of cysts before. I went to see tsb but she said it's hard to conceive if u ever had cyst op before. So after 1 round of her med, I got preggie but had miscarriage due to complications from my left ovary which was entangled with fibroids and I also had cysts at the same time. Gynae did op to untangle the left ovary, removed fibroids n cysts and cleaned the fallopian tubes which he said were abit blocked too. Since then, gynae said shd be all clear to conceive liao. However, we have been trying since this Jan. Till now, no news. Dunno is it never BD much or wat....I made appt to see tsb again next mth. hopefully, soon will have gd news.

u could be right...go to western n tcm to tiao body is prob good bah
today is CD7. Did BD on CD5 , probably of no use *lol*

confused what will be my cycle this month since it was 26 days for June and 28 days previously.

@yoshi_trying hahaha treat tat BD as romancemaking ;) u checked when u O as in using strips or digital ovulation kit? a few days before ur O n once u know u hit O for the next 5 days, can continue every alt days
hi girls... random question here... anyone does situps / leg raisers / crunches? Any idea if these are not good for ttc, and when exactly in the cycle is it not good? i.e. throughout tcc? or only during tww? or only after bfp??
Hi graceakaclouds

The fertility dr prescribed me clomid for those tcc attempts, so he needed to make sure that I ovulated and the eggs are mature.

Fr what I know, even if the opk is positive, it just measures that the body is having LH surge. However, opk can't see if the follicles are not big enough/ eggs mature enough. So if follicles are small (which is a common prob with pcos), there won't be a valid ovulation that month (that is, can consider no egg to fertilize that month). So we may 'ovulate' or body can gear up to ovulate (thus positive opk) but not release an egg, resulting in an anovulatory cycle. Which was what I experienced with pcos - so bbt chart will not show a clear increase in temp after ovulation cutoff.

So the dr will help to monitor the growth of follicles, when it is of an acceptable size, he can estimate roughly when will the egg break through fr the follicle. My dr discouraged me fr using opk, he thinks scans are most accurate way of confirming ovulation coz we can physically see and measure size of follicle and after estimated ovulation he will scan again to look for some dunno what 'shell of follicle' which will confirm that I have ovulated as it means an egg popped out of the follicle and it's hanging around somewhere if it's fertilized.

For your qn on timing. Sperm can live in body for a few days but egg can only be around for half a day or at most maybe a day? So the sperm should be there before the egg so that once the egg comes along, the sperm won't miss it. So the dr will ask us to bd on various dates before that happens.

Frankly, I feel that finding a reliable fertility dr is a fast way to conceive. But for this latest preg, I went to see tcm to tiao coz I had recurrent miscarriages before, one of them is blighted. :( So I guess no point being fast but also must have a healthy preg. Think many if us here combine western and also tcm. ;)

Hi Hi,

Daffodilgal, your sharing got me interested. I'm a silent reader here btw and I really enjoy the encouragement every one gives each other, its really heartwarming. I personally have been tcc fr the past 2 years but has been unsuccessful. Currently in my 2ww as well.

Just to share: I went to see Dr Ben Tham (TMC), last Thursday. He saw that I have an egg about 16mm, normally with each day it grows 2mm. He says that the eggs will be released between 20mm - 28mm. So if I do the maths, the eggs should be released for ovulation between Sunday to Wednesday. I was a little curious, so I took clear blue test on between Thursday to Sunday & Monday. I received a positive result from Thurs to Sat after which it was negative for 2 days after. I found it quite puzzling but I have no answers to reconcile the difference between my gynae's advice and the test kit results. If any ladies here may have some answers to what could have happened, could you share with me?

Many Thanks in advance!
yar i've been taking folic acid for ages too... but i din noe hb shud take too???? oops should have stocked up for more. is it the same effect for hb? prevent neural defects too?

Doodoo, my hb took clomid too for a few mths but tat is after his sperm analysis and being prescribe by doc.

Hahaha i super kiasu, now guardian hv promo faster grab... I go to few guardians liao most of them OOS den jus now pop by bugis went to take a look still hv stock den grab lor... Last few anyway... And the staffs there tell me the palmer stretch mark cream are fast seller... Best! Bugis outlet can mix and match... The one at my hse there cannot mix and match... Thou still buy 2 free 1
Hi, I don't like kk doc, felt they are not very caring, like matter of fact thing.
My 1st Mc, I went to kk A&E coz I was spotting at 5wks +, V scan also cannot say anything then go on too tell me all the super negative stuff like what you mentioned above.

I also did 2 blood test to compare the HCG, the 2nd blood test, I saw another doc on duty and she also said the same thing. I ask her if got possibility if it is too early, she keep saying not possible, it is just not viable.

Having said the above, i am pregnant now and when i was at my 5 weeks scan (went early coz of previous 2 MCs), i can only see the sac and nothing more. my NUH doc also don't dare comment much just ask me to come back in 2 weeks for another V scan.. After 2 weeks, i can see the heartbeat and everything. Sometimes its just too early. Keep your finger cross and positive thoughts
I hate kkh dr especially A&E duty dr. On my 1st mc the duty dr says got the symptoms of mc ask me go home wait for natural mc or if I wan she can admit me but waste of time only. Damn pissed off
by the way, i have been taking folic acid for the past 2 months. was reading evening primrose will help also. anyone taking?
Hi... just a word of warning for epo... I myself took it a few mths ago to improve cm. I only took it like slightly over a week. That cycle, I had mid cycle bleeding... and I o very late. 4 days late. End up my cycles from then become longer at 30 plus days when it used to be 29 days on the dot. Totally regret taking the epo.... but that mth I had super a lot of cm so it really did help cm.
I hate kkh dr especially A&E duty dr. On my 1st mc the duty dr says got the symptoms of mc ask me go home wait for natural mc or if I wan she can admit me but waste of time only. Damn pissed off

I find the A&E docs really suck. I had to go back for a review after my first MC and the clinic doc is not bad at least he took the time to explain to me.
I felt the A&E doc don't provide other options for us. They never mention about giving me jabs to stabilse. the most hurtful was she said she can't say i am pregnant coz she din not see a sac.
Hi Hi,

Daffodilgal, your sharing got me interested. I'm a silent reader here btw and I really enjoy the encouragement every one gives each other, its really heartwarming. I personally have been tcc fr the past 2 years but has been unsuccessful. Currently in my 2ww as well.

Just to share: I went to see Dr Ben Tham (TMC), last Thursday. He saw that I have an egg about 16mm, normally with each day it grows 2mm. He says that the eggs will be released between 20mm - 28mm. So if I do the maths, the eggs should be released for ovulation between Sunday to Wednesday. I was a little curious, so I took clear blue test on between Thursday to Sunday & Monday. I received a positive result from Thurs to Sat after which it was negative for 2 days after. I found it quite puzzling but I have no answers to reconcile the difference between my gynae's advice and the test kit results. If any ladies here may have some answers to what could have happened, could you share with me?

Many Thanks in advance!

Your follicle could have released a mature egg on sat? If negative means ovulation over. So if yr opk is fr positive then negative, it's a good sign. Hope u bd during those few days ;)
Ya I can identify with you gals who shared abt insensitive remarks fr drs. I had bad experiences in hospitals but more with nurses. When the dr couldn't find any sac, the nurse told me, don't worry, maybe it's just a chemical pregnancy. I was so upset coz whether it's chemical or clinically recognized miscarriage, a mc is a mc. It's the loss of a hope. :(
Ya I can identify with you gals who shared abt insensitive remarks fr drs. I had bad experiences in hospitals but more with nurses. When the dr couldn't find any sac, the nurse told me, don't worry, maybe it's just a chemical pregnancy. I was so upset coz whether it's chemical or clinically recognized miscarriage, a mc is a mc. It's the loss of a hope. :(
True true. Both my mc all chemcial but I still treat as mc.
Hi Piggling,
I believe our time will come where we can share our BFP stories. I am very anxious over TTC because of my age and really have no time to play with.
I am setting myself a target to lose excess weight of 5kg! How tough is that? However, I think that is a good distraction from TTC and I believe a healthier body definitely helps!
Why not engage in some exercise and trust me, it really helps to take your mind off for awhile!.
i'm struggling to kick start exercising.. hehe... are u ttc-ing for 1st kid?

littlebabysheep, FYI I was also diagnosed as having pcos in march. .:) I struck lottery after having only 1 cycle of natural af in march after I stopped my oral contraceptives in Dec 2013. no scientific evidence behind this but it appears that fertility is good immediately after stopping ocps, even for pcos sufferers. saw a in the UK forums that there r a no. of such cases. btw I was also taking metformin and I took clomid in march(I doubt it was the clomid that worked for me this time since I bfp only in early June)
wow u are so lucky! really struck lottery! btw, why do you need to take metformin? i google this medicine because i don't remb what is the usage and it seems that it's for ppl with diabetic. how does that contribute to helping us conceive? also, there's also side effect to this medicine. did u manage to ask dr abt it?
oh according to your comment, once u stopped ocps, you strike lottery! i think this works as good as bak zhen? but my dr say don't eat.... :( east cannot mix with west!! argh! actually if u ask me, i feel more comfortable taking chinese medicine. at least i know it's organic stuffs :D

Hi gals, I've not been here in a while. I had my bfp in Apr. This thread was most encouraging, thanks to you gals! ;)

I agree with gamma that being diagnosed with pcos doesn't mean that it's gone case. In fact, the condition can get better and if you consult a fertility dr, sometimes he/she can also prescribe medication to help induce ovulation. Just to share that even with pcos, I managed to conceive 4 times (although I had 2 mc before) of which I managed to strike within first/ second cycle. My dr told me it's really all about bd during right timing and before and on ovulation. For two of these pregnancies saw my fertility dr who monitored my follicle growth and told us exactly when must bd.

Oh ya about the raising if legs after bd. I did it for all TCC months and i think it did help me conceive. :) I put my legs against my bed head and put a pillow on my back for support for about half an hour. Not tiring coz u get ample support fr the bedhead and pillow. After that, when I sleep at night, I put a pillow on my thigh to elevate my legs. Double kiasu.!
Daffodilgal, thanks for sharing your story. at least i can learn from you..and CONGRATES on your BFP. is this your first kid? i got a few questions:
1. how long did you ttc with no results that you decided to check with a gynae?
2. after meeting a gynae, how long after then you are able to conceive?
3. when the dr help u to monitor your follicle growth, was this during the 1st time you conceive? (but i guess later mc? do you know why?)
4. now that you are preg, this is your 5th try? and did the dr helped you to conceive from the 1st til the 5th?

I am diagnosed with PCOS and have had trouble ovulating. Failed clomid, metformin, 2 IUIs, one fresh IVF, one blastocyst FET, and one FET gave me a blighted ovum that ended up in D&C. Own cycle of TTC also failed. I felt super down over the past few days. i dont know how to describe the feelings, yet i keep seeing preggy ladies all around me, like adding salt and alochol to the wound.
oh dear..baby sparkles hugs hugs. so u are also trying for first kid? now dat i am diagnosed with PCOS, dr also gave me clomid. this is to be taken from day 3 - day 7. then i need to meet him again on day 14 to check. Daffodil gal is this day dr will check for the follicle growth? my dr only said he will check on my progress and let me know best time to BD. baby sparkles.. are u ok to share with me how many cycles u tried clomid and the rest of the things? my dr said we probably try for 3 cycles..and then he will only check if fallopian got blockage anot. is this part of your stage above? hope u are ok now to share.. no matter what, you have our support k? don't give up.. im not giving up too. i'm just finding it a challenge to find the right date and right time to have bb :) anyway, life goes on..and appreciate everything around us :) esp our hubby! haha sometimes i think we, wifey also stressed them hor? ask them to change diet, change to boxers, shower with cold water, cannot eat this and dat.. he onced told me b4..v stress.. :p
hopeful mom...what about drink cold water before BD? there is also another side of the story is that, 1 person who has been ttc-ing for years also cannot get preg. then after she went to eco paradise, this spa/sauna thingy, then she managed to conceive! i also dunu how true but my sis encourage me to go......

tinkerbell, your story is quite saddening too..tested bfp, and then it is actually not. but i dun understand how come it can be an empty embryo? and what is chem pregnancy? since ur dr also not giving up, so u cannot give up ya :) i think u will have good news in dues time since ur sisters are all so fertile. hehe..u can do it!! gambateh..!! just tiao your body for now :)
Fr what I know, even if the opk is positive, it just measures that the body is having LH surge. However, opk can't see if the follicles are not big enough/ eggs mature enough. So if follicles are small (which is a common prob with pcos), there won't be a valid ovulation that month (that is, can consider no egg to fertilize that month). So we may 'ovulate' or body can gear up to ovulate (thus positive opk) but not release an egg, resulting in an anovulatory cycle. Which was what I experienced with pcos - so bbt chart will not show a clear increase in temp after ovulation cutoff.

So the dr will help to monitor the growth of follicles, when it is of an acceptable size, he can estimate roughly when will the egg break through fr the follicle. My dr discouraged me fr using opk, he thinks scans are most accurate way of confirming ovulation coz we can physically see and measure size of follicle and after estimated ovulation he will scan again to look for some dunno what 'shell of follicle' which will confirm that I have ovulated as it means an egg popped out of the follicle and it's hanging around somewhere if it's fertilized.

Frankly, I feel that finding a reliable fertility dr is a fast way to conceive. But for this latest preg, I went to see tcm to tiao coz I had recurrent miscarriages before, one of them is blighted.
what is blighted? btw, i think your explanation is somewhat the same as my dr. but the thing is, in the opk that i tested, i have never gotten a positive. SAD rite? :( so i'm thinking because the egg wasn't able to release although the last check,, he said i have. he didn't use the word follicle, but reading your comments, it means the eggs not able to come out from the follicle right? if so, then what will he do to help the eggs to be released for BD timing? is this also how u r able to conceive now? how long have u tried btw? and u actually took his clomid medicine and ur tcm medicine to tiao your body?

Hi... just a word of warning for epo... I myself took it a few mths ago to improve cm. I only took it like slightly over a week. That cycle, I had mid cycle bleeding... and I o very late. 4 days late. End up my cycles from then become longer at 30 plus days when it used to be 29 days on the dot. Totally regret taking the epo.... but that mth I had super a lot of cm so it really did help cm.
can i ask...what is the importance of CM? i also dunu what epo is for, just that ppl also said it helps. so i bought. haven't take for now. can we take folic acid + epo together? shud be ok rite? or shud i take epo after my AF ?
Hi Hi,

Daffodilgal, your sharing got me interested. I'm a silent reader here btw and I really enjoy the encouragement every one gives each other, its really heartwarming. I personally have been tcc fr the past 2 years but has been unsuccessful. Currently in my 2ww as well.

Just to share: I went to see Dr Ben Tham (TMC), last Thursday. He saw that I have an egg about 16mm, normally with each day it grows 2mm. He says that the eggs will be released between 20mm - 28mm. So if I do the maths, the eggs should be released for ovulation between Sunday to Wednesday. I was a little curious, so I took clear blue test on between Thursday to Sunday & Monday. I received a positive result from Thurs to Sat after which it was negative for 2 days after. I found it quite puzzling but I have no answers to reconcile the difference between my gynae's advice and the test kit results. If any ladies here may have some answers to what could have happened, could you share with me?

Many Thanks in advance!

Hi darbi, did u take bbt? If u have bbt record, it can help to confirm when u exactly ovulated. But I think judging from your ovulation test kit result, my feel is that you probably ovulated starting Sunday (one of the days but I can't tell unless you have your bbt record ).. Positive opk jus simply means that u have LH surge detected at a high level .. Theoretically , your body is going to ovulate soon. Once you detect your very first positive opk, your body will typically ovulated the next few days.. I read that once opk turns negative right after a positive opk, you probably going to ovulate soon. But we can only confirm with bbt record or best is by the v scan . So what dr Tham predicted , in my opinion is pretty accurate.. That ovulation probably will happen between Sunday to wed. That is the mistakes I used to make .. Once opk turns negative after I got my positive opk, I relax and didn't bd much .. Thus risking the fact that I might have missed the boat. That is my 2 cents worth of thoughts :)
@oceandeep78 I also not young liao....tis yr alrd 33...I'm doing everything I can to see if it helps with fertility more. I just started doing yoga and hot yoga about 1-2 mths back to lose weight and improve health. What exercise do you do?

Hello graceakaclouds,
I have been doing slow jog. However, as what piggling said, dieting is more effective than exercise when it comes to weight loss. Hence, we must try to control and not indulge in good food just because we exercise. I am trying to reduce my food intake and definitely reduce carbo intake.
Let's jiayou together! I am going to try again next month. Took a break of one month and never bother to check for ovulation hehe. Just trying to focus on weight loss and tiao body with acupuncture and eating more healthy stuff.
@hopefulmum thks for the info :) I thought only guys cannot go. I didn't realise it's not good for women who r ttc too.

Seriously hor, for me, I'm the one who always take cold showers cos I always feel it's too hot. The hb is the one who takes hot showers which I think is not good but he said he scared of cold @@

graceakaclouds, your hb same as me leh so I know I cant suggest to him to shower with cold water. I am the one who has been taking cold showers these days because it's simply too hot! I can't stand hot shower anymore.
[QUOTE="littlebabysheep, post: 7206675, member: 165053
can i ask...what is the importance of CM? i also dunu what epo is for, just that ppl also said it helps. so i bought. haven't take for now. can we take folic acid + epo together? shud be ok rite? or shud i take epo after my AF ?[/QUOTE]

they say cm is to allow the sperms to have an optimal environment to live and make it to your egg. The fertile Cm should be like egg white. You can google abt it.
Cm works for me.. when I see egg white cm, I chiong haha.
they say cm is to allow the sperms to have an optimal environment to live and make it to your egg. The fertile Cm should be like egg white. You can google abt it.
Cm works for me.. when I see egg white cm, I chiong haha.

Haha thanks sunflower! did u take morning after breakkie or night before sleep? daily? would there be too much cm?
i'm struggling to kick start exercising.. hehe... are u ttc-ing for 1st kid?

wow u are so lucky! really struck lottery! btw, why do you need to take metformin? i google this medicine because i don't remb what is the usage and it seems that it's for ppl with diabetic. how does that contribute to helping us conceive? also, there's also side effect to this medicine. did u manage to ask dr abt it?
oh according to your comment, once u stopped ocps, you strike lottery! i think this works as good as bak zhen? but my dr say don't eat.... :( east cannot mix with west!! argh! actually if u ask me, i feel more comfortable taking chinese medicine. at least i know it's organic stuffs :D

Daffodilgal, thanks for sharing your story. at least i can learn from you..and CONGRATES on your BFP. is this your first kid? i got a few questions:
1. how long did you ttc with no results that you decided to check with a gynae?
2. after meeting a gynae, how long after then you are able to conceive?
3. when the dr help u to monitor your follicle growth, was this during the 1st time you conceive? (but i guess later mc? do you know why?)
4. now that you are preg, this is your 5th try? and did the dr helped you to conceive from the 1st til the 5th?

oh dear..baby sparkles hugs hugs. so u are also trying for first kid? now dat i am diagnosed with PCOS, dr also gave me clomid. this is to be taken from day 3 - day 7. then i need to meet him again on day 14 to check. Daffodil gal is this day dr will check for the follicle growth? my dr only said he will check on my progress and let me know best time to BD. baby sparkles.. are u ok to share with me how many cycles u tried clomid and the rest of the things? my dr said we probably try for 3 cycles..and then he will only check if fallopian got blockage anot. is this part of your stage above? hope u are ok now to share.. no matter what, you have our support k? don't give up.. im not giving up too. i'm just finding it a challenge to find the right date and right time to have bb :) anyway, life goes on..and appreciate everything around us :) esp our hubby! haha sometimes i think we, wifey also stressed them hor? ask them to change diet, change to boxers, shower with cold water, cannot eat this and dat.. he onced told me b4..v stress.. :p

I am ttc-ing for my first kid. :)

I also interested in the questions you asked Daffodigal. :)
Haha thanks sunflower! did u take morning after breakkie or night before sleep? daily? would there be too much cm?
I wasn't very diligent in taking haha. I took in the morning daily till ovulation then stop. I think did increase, can't remember coz I only took a while then sian already. haha

I find the A&E docs really suck. I had to go back for a review after my first MC and the clinic doc is not bad at least he took the time to explain to me.
I felt the A&E doc don't provide other options for us. They never mention about giving me jabs to stabilse. the most hurtful was she said she can't say i am pregnant coz she din not see a sac.

@sunflower307 I third this! KKH A&E docs may be busy but dun mean they can shrug off their responsibilities. I went there when I had mc the last time. In the end, they say hcg level drop all the way down so cannot be. Then discharge me and ask me to go home even when I complained of nagging pain on my left side. If i really go home and forget about it, I think I would have lost my left ovary because of them. Thankfully I went to see another private gynae for second opinion.
