2WW - for those TTC-ing

Yup yup Dr Su from fu Nan tcm, my friend went 2 to 3 mths to tio body and successful with cute bb girl now...
I also go to her! My #1 I get very fast but now #2 no luck leh... this wed gonna bring hb to see her as well cuz she hinted may not be my issue...
The only sad thing I hear from tsb today Tat my enczema outbreak on my legs is bo pian, can't takes any medication now. Common among preggy women n some even spread to tummy. First thing she commented Tat Mark Lee's wife aso like Tat when preggy. Then she said I heaty. Not enough slp I replied Ya lor these few nites itch until can't slp in peace.
sometimes going on holiday temp might defer. cos our mood oso diff. we feel excited or not normal.. so temp oso weird weird de. sleeping patterns change, diff bed, diff room diff temp/weather, maybe oso diff time, so temp oso change. my temp this mth oso very weird. like see saw. up n dwn. think i din O :( hopeless le
yar definitely expect changes since room temp is diff.. plus time differences.. but i'm already back at home but my temp still weirdo!! >.< just wondering if my thermometer is spoilt because of the flights.... my opk confirm got positive, and usually 1 day later is measured O by FF... but this month temp says nothing about O at all... zzz
Just say u cannot takes too liang lor. Already took western medication dun want to mix...
oh smart smart. i always dunno what to do during tww... mil makes all sorts of liang teh everyday... forced to drink at least 2 cups gao gao each time.. but scared too liang so i make different excuses to avoid taking, until now i think she abit pissed off already :X
Apparently cross ing ur legs is bad for blood circulation
well, i guess tt's true! coz if i cross too long legs will get numb.. but nv really though abt its effect on womb...
For ivf 2ww, we are advised wat not to eat. Especially chocolate or drinks w cocoa, ba ku teh, herbal soup n etc. Just Tat my previous ivf centre super kiasu n imposed tons of no to me until I feel like I m imprisonment for 2 weeks each cycle..
@littlebabysheep , i lean my knees against my chest for 30mins everytime i BD lei, abit kiasu this round.. Cos previous time i only lift my legs up straight and can merely hold on for 10mins. Then, my sis told me her fren tried tis method and succeed 1st round, so this cycle i tried too, and YES it works!!. Use a pillow to jack ur butt, den hv ur knees to you chest as close as possible for 30mins. (During this 30mins is self entertain time, watch drama on ipad else will play game) For me, after this method, there is very little spillage.

I do not know if red dates contradict with western medicine cos i m on chinese medi together with red dates and wolfberries.

@werrywert , Congrats!!
trying to follow and congrats all the BFP mummies;)

Hoping to get some baby dust too :p

my feet is always cold, does it mean i have cold body?
YAY!!!! so happy for you!! The last time I also used this, quite zhun. Another way I determine was through the food I eat. I love to eat durians alot...but when I passed by the durian stall, I had to walk or run damn fast because it smelt like some stinko dumpster that has alot of rotten food. :)

Grace, till now i still love durian.. Food wise not much diff jus tat i hv no appetite lately.

Anyway i will be going for my blood test tml to confirm... Hehehe a bit too much but i just wan to confirm i'm BFP. :)
Grace, till now i still love durian.. Food wise not much diff jus tat i hv no appetite lately.

Anyway i will be going for my blood test tml to confirm... Hehehe a bit too much but i just wan to confirm i'm BFP. :)

Hehe can understd. I believe you won't be the only one doing this too. Remember to have more rest, no carrying of heavy stuff.
@littlebabysheep , i lean my knees against my chest for 30mins everytime i BD lei, abit kiasu this round.. Cos previous time i only lift my legs up straight and can merely hold on for 10mins. Then, my sis told me her fren tried tis method and succeed 1st round, so this cycle i tried too, and YES it works!!. Use a pillow to jack ur butt, den hv ur knees to you chest as close as possible for 30mins. (During this 30mins is self entertain time, watch drama on ipad else will play game) For me, after this method, there is very little spillage.

I only laid down after BD.... though that will help. Realised it is much tougher to get pregnant when older :oops:
@littlebabysheep , i lean my knees against my chest for 30mins everytime i BD lei, abit kiasu this round.. Cos previous time i only lift my legs up straight and can merely hold on for 10mins. Then, my sis told me her fren tried tis method and succeed 1st round, so this cycle i tried too, and YES it works!!. Use a pillow to jack ur butt, den hv ur knees to you chest as close as possible for 30mins. (During this 30mins is self entertain time, watch drama on ipad else will play game) For me, after this method, there is very little spillage.

I do not know if red dates contradict with western medicine cos i m on chinese medi together with red dates and wolfberries.

@werrywert , Congrats!!

@Iwanbaby You mean, immed after u BD, you just hug ur knees to your chest when you use pillow to prop your butt? won't flow out meh? Squeeze tightly also in the process?
@littlebabysheep , i lean my knees against my chest for 30mins everytime i BD lei, abit kiasu this round.. Cos previous time i only lift my legs up straight and can merely hold on for 10mins. Then, my sis told me her fren tried tis method and succeed 1st round, so this cycle i tried too, and YES it works!!. Use a pillow to jack ur butt, den hv ur knees to you chest as close as possible for 30mins. (During this 30mins is self entertain time, watch drama on ipad else will play game) For me, after this method, there is very little spillage.

I do not know if red dates contradict with western medicine cos i m on chinese medi together with red dates and wolfberries.

@werrywert , Congrats!!
i also do tt leh! but hor... usually ~20min then legs are numb already... then must move move abit but still legs in the air... but then hor... 6-7 cycles doing this ler still no bfp!! >.<
your palms also cold too?
feet/palm cold means body is liang?
hey girls are there any off-the-shelf tonic stuff ah? besides those must buy and brew one? i dun have a home of my own so brewing is not convenient....
i also do tt leh! but hor... usually ~20min then legs are numb already... then must move move abit but still legs in the air... but then hor... 6-7 cycles doing this ler still no bfp!! >.<

feet/palm cold means body is liang?

@doodoo123 I'm not too sure but seems to hear ppl saying that very often and then they also mention that they have low bbt. Seems to have a connection but I dare not presume. Because I have very warm or hot palms and feet but till now, still no news also. Somemore my bbt is more than 36.5 normally. I saw tcm before and she did mention that I have heaty body.
@Iwanbaby You mean, immed after u BD, you just hug ur knees to your chest when you use pillow to prop your butt? won't flow out meh? Squeeze tightly also in the process?

Yup, normally after BD will hub will lift my legs up to slot the pillow in. Den i will let my knees go close to my chest... Not really hug, no force need... jus relax and let it lean on ur chest / boobs hahahah...
@Iwanbaby You mean, immed after u BD, you just hug ur knees to your chest when you use pillow to prop your butt? won't flow out meh? Squeeze tightly also in the process?

Yup, normally after BD will hub will lift my legs up to slot the pillow in. Den i will let my knees go close to my chest... Not really hug, no force need... jus relax and let it lean on ur chest / boobs hahahah...

i also do tt leh! but hor... usually ~20min then legs are numb already... then must move move abit but still legs in the air... but then hor... 6-7 cycles doing this ler still no bfp!! >.<

feet/palm cold means body is liang?

Doodoo, i tried uplift my legs in the air.. Doesnt work for cycles too and its so damn tiring and tedious.. After 10 mins my legs start to shake...
So i change to bend my knees near to chest... u can give it a try next round.. hope you BFP too.
@doodoo123 I'm not too sure but seems to hear ppl saying that very often and then they also mention that they have low bbt. Seems to have a connection but I dare not presume. Because I have very warm or hot palms and feet but till now, still no news also. Somemore my bbt is more than 36.5 normally. I saw tcm before and she did mention that I have heaty body.

my body always been liang i think but no issues conceiving before. Dunno if Birth Control Pills affected my fertility....
Realised that I have many classmates who got married later than me or around the same time as me, all BFP le..
I feel so useless and helpless. Very upset and disappointed.
I really don't know how to motivate myself or to keep a positive mindset.
Just feel negative... :(

Feel like quitting my job and running away from everyone so that I don't need to see another friend getting pregnant or hear anyone asking me when is my turn...
I also wish my turn comes soon but it just won't... and every failed cycle means at least another 30+ days of wait... Day by day, it just goes by...
What can I do if heaven has forgotten me when it is planning for babies?
So upset...
Piggling.. I feel you. But keep trying ok... we will have our turn one day.
Did you do any checkup? Better to do so incase so that can solve the problem if any and not waste anymore time.
Realised that I have many classmates who got married later than me or around the same time as me, all BFP le..
I feel so useless and helpless. Very upset and disappointed.
I really don't know how to motivate myself or to keep a positive mindset.
Just feel negative... :(

Feel like quitting my job and running away from everyone so that I don't need to see another friend getting pregnant or hear anyone asking me when is my turn...
I also wish my turn comes soon but it just won't... and every failed cycle means at least another 30+ days of wait... Day by day, it just goes by...
What can I do if heaven has forgotten me when it is planning for babies?
So upset...

hugs hugs :)

I feel the same way especially with my surrounding friends getting pregnant with 2nd or 3rd or 4th kid. Makes me feel like am i taking so long. Worse thing, is they are on IUD and manage to get pregnant :(

just have to stay positive and say, planning for finances. having a baby is our choice anyways not theirs.
Piggling i feel you too. I got married for 1.5yrs and have been TTC-ing even before my wedding as i noe it wont be so easily strike. My cousin who got married 3mths before me alr has got a few mths old daughter, and now his wife is suspecting preggy again... How stress i can be.. Fren who got married almost the same time as me their kids alr 1yo.. and expecting 2nd too... haizzzzz

This round BFP, i also worried. cos heard lots of cases, my cousin detected empty sac at abt 3mths. I got so worried i mayb like her too... Faint... BFP stress, BFN lagi stress.. Tat is y i want to go for blood test to confirm cos i m afraid the device give me false hope. Best part is my hub even told my mil abt BFP alr!!!! If anything happen i also dunno how to tell the follks...

Try to stay as positive as possible... i am trying too as well... Lets jiayou tgt!
Piggling.. I'm feeling the same as u... really exactly the same... but all we can do is to wait patiently lo... I believe all of us can reach the finishing line, but some are faster n some slower.. like in a marathon lo! If all reach finishing at the same time, trophies 不是要分很多个??? :D anyway I always tell myself, maybe it's not time yet lo.. but will definitely come sooner or later... makes me feel better this way....

By the way, congrats to all June bfps!!! Pls pour bb dusts on me ok???
Piggling... not give up.. dont give urself too much stress... my side also the same a lot of them married later than me also got preggy and have bb.. some also already got 2 kids... im sure we will have our BFPs soon... dont think too much to stress urself further.
Relax urself go for exercise... BTW i also hands and foots cold the moment im in air con plc... but i get heaty easily if i eat those heaty food.
might be due to weak blood circulation?
Yup, normally after BD will hub will lift my legs up to slot the pillow in. Den i will let my knees go close to my chest... Not really hug, no force need... jus relax and let it lean on ur chest / boobs hahahah...

Doodoo, i tried uplift my legs in the air.. Doesnt work for cycles too and its so damn tiring and tedious.. After 10 mins my legs start to shake...
So i change to bend my knees near to chest... u can give it a try next round.. hope you BFP too.
yar me been doing the hug-leg thing on chest... also coz simply raising legs in the air is too tiring!! hugging at chest simpler.. hee.. but still no news.. hopefully soon!!
@doodoo123 I'm not too sure but seems to hear ppl saying that very often and then they also mention that they have low bbt. Seems to have a connection but I dare not presume. Because I have very warm or hot palms and feet but till now, still no news also. Somemore my bbt is more than 36.5 normally. I saw tcm before and she did mention that I have heaty body.
i also have cold palms/feet leh... but tcm never really say my body heaty or liang... my bbt is <36.5 before O, and >36.5 after O.. is tt highi or low???
Realised that I have many classmates who got married later than me or around the same time as me, all BFP le..
I feel so useless and helpless. Very upset and disappointed.
I really don't know how to motivate myself or to keep a positive mindset.
Just feel negative... :(

Feel like quitting my job and running away from everyone so that I don't need to see another friend getting pregnant or hear anyone asking me when is my turn...
I also wish my turn comes soon but it just won't... and every failed cycle means at least another 30+ days of wait... Day by day, it just goes by...
What can I do if heaven has forgotten me when it is planning for babies?
So upset...
me too!! feel so sian!! i actually have formed concrete plans to move... by next June... will only cancel it if got bb... if not.. byebye to singapore+family+friends.. got enuff of busybodies probing my family life
Thanks Hlixian, Yoshi and chocopiggie for your encouragement.. I am sure it must have been just as painful for you ladies too.. Months after months of BFNs... :(
I really don't know how to be positive.
Hlixian, I have not gone for a check yet as I was thinking to try first and also hubby is also encouraging me to just try naturally first.
I realised that some people tried for quite awhile and got BFP on their own then realised actually their body got problem, e.g. one tube blocked, fibroids, PCOS... but maybe because they do not know their condition previously so they can try without stress, although chances of succeeding is smaller.
I scare I will be badly affected if I hear of bad news...
Feel so down, I really don't know how to pick myself up.. I really admire ladies here, most of you so positive and upbeat and looking forward. Sometimes I can but I feel my fighting spirit is getting lower and lower.

Iwanbaby, thanks for your encouragement and sharing your stories. I understand what you mean even though I have never BFP before... I read/hear many stories about uncertainties in early pregnancies and also feel that things can be so so unpredictable. Even for a healthy couple, really anything can happen. Please take good care, I hope for you that everything will run smoothly and that you will have a baby in your arms soon.

I hope I can try to convince myself that maybe babies is just not in the plans for me. Lower expectations, lower disappointment. :(
Piggling... not give up.. dont give urself too much stress... my side also the same a lot of them married later than me also got preggy and have bb.. some also already got 2 kids... im sure we will have our BFPs soon... dont think too much to stress urself further.
Relax urself go for exercise... BTW i also hands and foots cold the moment im in air con plc... but i get heaty easily if i eat those heaty food.
might be due to weak blood circulation?
hi tink3rb3ll, yah, I think I give myself a lot of stress... I think I am going crazy soon, form the roller coaster of feelings... one moment up, one moment down... haiz... Why? Why must I let this control my life? I know there are many beautiful things in this world but why I must let myself get so upset over this? :(

yar me been doing the hug-leg thing on chest... also coz simply raising legs in the air is too tiring!! hugging at chest simpler.. hee.. but still no news.. hopefully soon!!

i also have cold palms/feet leh... but tcm never really say my body heaty or liang... my bbt is <36.5 before O, and >36.5 after O.. is tt highi or low???

me too!! feel so sian!! i actually have formed concrete plans to move... by next June... will only cancel it if got bb... if not.. byebye to singapore+family+friends.. got enuff of busybodies probing my family life

Can you share what you mean by move?

This morning, I also just asked my husband, can we migrate? Haiz.... :(
only when I'm in this thread, then I realise I'm also not alone. hugs to all those who are also ttc-ing. Everyone have their own story behind them. Yes, everyone ard me also preggie or ttc and really preggie in the end. It's been sad and even more saddening when sometimes it feels like it's so near, but yet so far :(

Then again, we must never lose hope until the very end.
I also go to her! My #1 I get very fast but now #2 no luck leh... this wed gonna bring hb to see her as well cuz she hinted may not be my issue...
Ya i think she is quite gd so she is popular too. my friend said need to q for very long too. Will be gg down soon with my DH so can see together.
only when I'm in this thread, then I realise I'm also not alone. hugs to all those who are also ttc-ing. Everyone have their own story behind them. Yes, everyone ard me also preggie or ttc and really preggie in the end. It's been sad and even more saddening when sometimes it feels like it's so near, but yet so far :(

Then again, we must never lose hope until the very end.

I understand what you mean because everywhere I go, there will be pregnant ladies. Literally everywhere. Even when I take a bus ride, I just looked outside, I can see a pregnant woman.
Everyone is pregnant...
At least my closed friends are not... But because they are not ttc-ing, I also find it hard to confide in them...
Piggling.. I'm feeling the same as u... really exactly the same... but all we can do is to wait patiently lo... I believe all of us can reach the finishing line, but some are faster n some slower.. like in a marathon lo! If all reach finishing at the same time, trophies 不是要分很多个??? :D anyway I always tell myself, maybe it's not time yet lo.. but will definitely come sooner or later... makes me feel better this way....

By the way, congrats to all June bfps!!! Pls pour bb dusts on me ok???
Choco I give u a bit of dust first (and other ttc ladies here), after my 8 wk scan on fri i will splash more dust if all is ok :D
only when I'm in this thread, then I realise I'm also not alone. hugs to all those who are also ttc-ing. Everyone have their own story behind them. Yes, everyone ard me also preggie or ttc and really preggie in the end. It's been sad and even more saddening when sometimes it feels like it's so near, but yet so far :(

Then again, we must never lose hope until the very end.
Same here... :(

During 2WW, Dh and I made out on CD24 then AF came on CD25 (spotting) , i was so sad, thinking i caused miscarriage. coz AF only stayed for a day for CD26 then after that spotting. I went to take pregnancy kit hoping to see BFP :(
Ladies.. please do not give up hope. Keep trying and praying. Have faith and we will surely get our turn some day. I know easier said than done. I have my share of disappointment and hearing bad news (both tubes were blocked). Tried to clear it once but not successful. I was so devastated cos I was the one having problem. Almost went for IVF. Luckily for me, Dr THH advised me to try again. Dr Luke managed to clear both my tubes. And now I'm trying naturally again.
Have faith gals. =)
Re lifting of legs after BD...I just prop my butt with a pillow for 3 mins (or i lift my legs up if there is a lot). Then put a piece of hand towel (those that u use to dry ur hands in the public toilet), wear back my clothes while lying down then go and sleep le... loll
hi tink3rb3ll, yah, I think I give myself a lot of stress... I think I am going crazy soon, form the roller coaster of feelings... one moment up, one moment down... haiz... Why? Why must I let this control my life? I know there are many beautiful things in this world but why I must let myself get so upset over this? :(

Can you share what you mean by move?

This morning, I also just asked my husband, can we migrate? Haiz.... :(
Piggling.. ya when too much stress will affect our body too.. so this rd i really just do as per what i use to do which is to go jogging, go exercise what i enjoy most.. u shld also start to relax urself and dont let it control your life anymore.. i also have the tot of migrating but my DH got a lot concerns in migrating unless there is very gd opportunity out at the plc we moving to then we can go ahead with it.
Choco I give u a bit of dust first (and other ttc ladies here), after my 8 wk scan on fri i will splash more dust if all is ok :D

Yay!!! Thank u thank u!! :)

Piggling, I also go everywhere will see big tummies infront of me n sometimes on emo days I will 撒娇to my hubby n say when will my tummy be big big also... then he'll sayang me n distract me say he'll bring me go eat buffet n then my tummy will be big big also!! Hahaha... then we'll just laugh it off jiu no more emo le... :p
Piggling.. ya when too much stress will affect our body too.. so this rd i really just do as per what i use to do which is to go jogging, go exercise what i enjoy most.. u shld also start to relax urself and dont let it control your life anymore.. i also have the tot of migrating but my DH got a lot concerns in migrating unless there is very gd opportunity out at the plc we moving to then we can go ahead with it.
Thanks tink3rb3ll, I will try not to be too stressed... and try to live life normally. :)

Yay!!! Thank u thank u!! :)

Piggling, I also go everywhere will see big tummies infront of me n sometimes on emo days I will 撒娇to my hubby n say when will my tummy be big big also... then he'll sayang me n distract me say he'll bring me go eat buffet n then my tummy will be big big also!! Hahaha... then we'll just laugh it off jiu no more emo le... :p

Hehehe, your husband v funny!
I dare not say when will my tummy be big... because I think my husband will say, it is already very big! hahahahaa.
Fat tummy...
Sometimes so sianz... People de big got babies.. mine is all fats. :rolleyes:
Dear ladies.. do not give up hope too! must really stay happy and be positive.. i've been trying for a few yrs too after marriage with no news.. was also very disappointed after seeing those around me getting preg.. So decided to leave it to fate and even wanted to try IVF this august.. end up tested for positive two weeks ago after a small get away with hb =)
Thanks tink3rb3ll, I will try not to be too stressed... and try to live life normally. :)

Hehehe, your husband v funny!
I dare not say when will my tummy be big... because I think my husband will say, it is already very big! hahahahaa.
Fat tummy...
Sometimes so sianz... People de big got babies.. mine is all fats. :rolleyes:

@Piggling haha I cannot stop laughing when you say this.

"There's always a rainbow after the rain" so must not lose hope ok? Just remember that you are not alone, can liao
Thanks tink3rb3ll, I will try not to be too stressed... and try to live life normally. :)

Hehehe, your husband v funny!
I dare not say when will my tummy be big... because I think my husband will say, it is already very big! hahahahaa.
Fat tummy...
Sometimes so sianz... People de big got babies.. mine is all fats. :rolleyes:
Ya! try to find ur interest back ... soon u know u will be BFP le ;) so many of them here spreading the BB dusts around and so many tips given by all sisters here :)

Congrats Jocelyn!!
hi tink3rb3ll, yah, I think I give myself a lot of stress... I think I am going crazy soon, form the roller coaster of feelings... one moment up, one moment down... haiz... Why? Why must I let this control my life? I know there are many beautiful things in this world but why I must let myself get so upset over this? :(

Can you share what you mean by move?

This morning, I also just asked my husband, can we migrate? Haiz.... :(
migrate lor. we always toyed with tt idea... but this bb thing can be the final catalyst to make tt happen... we have better opportunities out there...
Hi ladies, i am back!

Congrats to werrywert, gamma, iwanbaby, pooh232 and pumpkeen! Wow, we have 5 BFPs this June! Productive month!

Anyway, so sad lo.....i was eagerly waiting to BD during our holiday trip coz i predicted i would ovulate one of the days there. In the end, i think i did ovulate but alas! We were not alone in the hotel room....my maid slept in the same room as us. I tried to "get rid" of my maid by wanting her to sleep in same room as my in-laws but my in-laws insisted she slept with us.....sigh. I was like @#*&@%. We did BD two times after we came back to SG but i think no hope for another March baby la (my #2 born in March). So envious of the BFPs this month!

Think i shall work harder in July! Waiting for AF to come later this week and then chiongggggggg ah.......

Jia you, everyone!
alamak, why the ILs so buay-zi-dong one?!?! issit they ownself want to ahem issit.. lol

Piggling , Big Big hugs to u:) we are all here for each other.. :) feel free to pour out your feelings here:) u are not alone too.. Me too, two failed cycles since i started TTC in May. I know what u mean about the starting over again and the whole cycle is yet another 30+ days wait.. But let's pray for each other and continue rooting for each other :)

Chocopiggie, you and your hubby so funny and cute!:) I laugh until my tears come out:) good to laugh and keep such positive spirit to keep us going in this TTC journey :)
