2WW - for those TTC-ing

AF ... Aunt Flo (menstruation)
BBT ... Basal Body Temperature
BD...Baby Dancing (Love Making)
BCP ... Birth Control Pills
BFN...Big Fat Negative (Pregnancy Test Negative)
BFP...Big Fat Positive (Pregnancy Test Positive)
BOB...Baby on the Brain
B/W, b/w ... Blood Work
CB ... Cycle Buddy
CD ... Cycle Day
CL...Community Leader
CM ... Cervical Mucus
D&C ... Dilation & Curettage
DH... Dear (or whatever other D word seems appropriate at the time) Husband
DI ... Donor Insemination
DPO ... Days Past Ovulation
DPIUI ... Days Past IUI
DTD ... Do The Deed or Did The Deed
ET ... Embryo Transfer
EW...Egg White Consistency (related to CM)
EWCM ... Egg White Cervical Mucous
FET ... Frozen Embryo Transfer
FSH ... Follicle Stimulating Hormone
GP ... General Practitioner
HPT ... Home Pregnancy Test
HSG ... Hysterosalpingogram
ICI ... Intra-cervical Insemination
IF ... Infertility
IUI ... Intra-uterine Insemination
IVF ... In Vitro Fertilization
KWIM...Know What I Mean
LAP ... Laparoscopy
LH ... Luteinizing Hormone
LMP ... Last Menstrual Period (start date)
LOL ... Laughing Out Loud or Lots Of Love
LPD ... Luteal Phase Defect
MC, m/c, misc. ... Miscarriage
NP ... Nurse Practitioner
O ... Ovulation
OB/GYN ... Obstetrician/Gynecologist
OMG ... Oh My Goodness!
OPK ... Ovulation Predictor Kit
OT or O/T...Off Topic
PCO, PCOD ... Polycystic Ovary Disease
PCOS ... Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
PG ... Pregnant
PID ... Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
PMS ... Pre-menstrual Syndrome
POAS ... Pee On A Stick
RE ... Reproductive Endocrinologist
RI ... Reproductive Immunologist
ROTFLMAO ... Rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off
SA ... Semen or Sperm Analysis
STD ... Sexually Transmitted Disease
TTC ... Trying to Conceive
US, u/s ... Ultrasound
UTI ... Urinary Tract Infection
*IL ... *(whatever) In Law
2WW ... 2 weeks waiting[/quote]

I'm also new, trying to pick up, these are what I follow
Just updated my date. i O earlier than expected. Could be due to the TCM that i was taking. Now on post O medi liao. TCM doc advised me a few things to follow for post O. Probably ladies here can take as guideline not sure if it does increase the chance of pregnancy. :rolleyes:

Food to avoid: Pineapple , Hawthorn,Aloe Vera, Crab, Raw and cold food, Shanghai Green
Avoid exercise. Walk is ok. Do not to run or jump. Avoid carrying heavy items of more than 8kg.

Not sure if he is being conservative. I think for people with weaker body is safer to follow to increase the chance.

Thanks for the advice! of all those things, i am only aware of pineapples and raw food! i'm gonna follow all that... seems easier to avoid all these than to TTC :p
Thanks for sharing:) he is very detailed in sharing with u what to avoid .. I didn't know shanghai green not good to take .. I take aloe Vera too.. And I love crabs.. Did he say why ? And no exercise .. Can do gym workout? But i don't lift weight.. Jus follow my hubby to gym to do the treadmills and some simple machine workout.. I used to do that.. But after my laparoscopy , I was told my gyne to stop strenuous exercise for about 3 months and not to carry heavy things

i've always heard this abt not carrying heavy things... esp when preggie and unstable... but why is it so? does carrying heavy things create stress on the womb?
It's always a gd sign when AF never reports!
i agree!! :D stay positive!
No more. Back to 36.9 last night. Then 37.4 this morning. Dunno what's up w my body. :( anyway ive no pregnancy symptoms too. No sore boobs, no ms, no nothing. So ive a bad feeling abt this. Hahaha. Waiting for 11 feb. Cuz my AF is usually v accurate. Sigh

as long as temp remains high... you never know :) and not all pregnancies have symptoms...
I had implantation bleeding during my first pregnancy.. At first I thought it was my AF cos it happened jus a few days before my AF actual date.. The spotting is light and by the 3rd day, it is completely gone .. Didn't have those AF flow.. Jus brown spotting .. Looks Like old blood.. The day before implantation bleeding I tested and had BFN. After spotting has stopped , I was puzzled by the AF flow never come.. Waited a few more days still didn't come. Went to GP and he did a urine test and saw a BFP. Did blood test and he told me my HCG level was about 600+. So that was how I discovered I was pregnant during my first pregnancy.

thanks girls, for the opinions. Still not certain, but hoping it's not AF.. coz i'm only at CD16... way too early for my AF!! (actualy way too early for implantation too, according to most reports) It's getting a little heavier... but i read heavier implantation bleeding is possible... so i'm keeping fingers crossed... if not... then my cycles are terribly screwed up with AF reporting at CD16!!
i've always heard this abt not carrying heavy things... esp when preggie and unstable... but why is it so? does carrying heavy things create stress on the womb?

my guess is you probably will bend fwd to carry the items. That relies on the strength of your back and your waist to support your body. While carrying, your waist is also supporting your body to carry the weight. So like what u said that may cause stress to the womb for weaker woman.
Hi gals, I'm new here and ttc. AF by right should be here these 2 days but crossing my fingers. Been feeling nauseous for 2-3days but for the past 3 months have always been like that just before AF. Anyone with the same experience?
Tested this morning cos my temp climbing up and maintain a bit n AF nv report nor sign of pms. few days ago tcm doc said I my pulse is smooth like ppl goin to be pregnant. tot got a bit of hope. BFN :( perhaps late again.

Those waiting to test for BFP:
5 to 10 Feb - Emily Tan (tested bfn. AF nv report nor sign of pms)
8 Feb - chocopiggie (AF may arrive 1-2 days later)
9 Feb - qin17
11 Feb - hwifie
15 Feb - Little Bud
15 Feb - Pooh232
15 Feb - catinthesky
17 Feb - maerceci
18 Feb - dustygritty
19 Feb - mshoon
20 Feb - Jumbo girl
20 Feb - bel_vodka
22feb - hopeful mum
24 Feb - Whinypooh
24 Feb - stoneystoney
25 Feb - doodoo
28 Feb - Sonia78
2 Mar - Booy

Congratulations to those happily proceeded to BFP in Jan:

Congratulations to those happily proceeded to BFP in Feb:
emily, if af really shows are u going to see dr to scan again? if af really shows and u wanna baby soon, better just make sure all is fine first. then easier to conceive. but i hope u get ur bfp.
Hi gals, I'm new here and ttc. AF by right should be here these 2 days but crossing my fingers. Been feeling nauseous for 2-3days but for the past 3 months have always been like that just before AF. Anyone with the same experience?

yeah... ever since starting TTC, been feeling nauseous on and off just before AF... think it's psychological for me.. hope yours is due to some good news tho! :D
thanks girls, for the opinions. Still not certain, but hoping it's not AF.. coz i'm only at CD16... way too early for my AF!! (actualy way too early for implantation too, according to most reports) It's getting a little heavier... but i read heavier implantation bleeding is possible... so i'm keeping fingers crossed... if not... then my cycles are terribly screwed up with AF reporting at CD16!!
My fren had quite a heavy implantation bleeding.. She thought it was a light menses.. Such that 2nd month when AF didn't arrive then she realised she is pregnant :) and she will be delivering next month :)
Hi gals, I'm new here and ttc. AF by right should be here these 2 days but crossing my fingers. Been feeling nauseous for 2-3days but for the past 3 months have always been like that just before AF. Anyone with the same experience?

Hello dora! Jiayou! For me I felt nauseous haha but AF came. I googled n websites say it's psychological. But I hope it's not a false alarm for u this round! Im feeling absolutely nothing though AF due in 2 days. Haha. Hoping for a BFP this month. Been trying since Oct:(
Hi gals, I'm new here and ttc. AF by right should be here these 2 days but crossing my fingers. Been feeling nauseous for 2-3days but for the past 3 months have always been like that just before AF. Anyone with the same experience?

Yes I feel Nausea before AF in fact during 2ww everytime.
I also feel nauseous jus before O or during O.. And jus before AF too.. Could it be due to the rise of hormones? I also dunno..

I see. Maybe coz I nv really take note of the nauseous feel until hb and I seriously start to try. Crossing fingers it can be good news though ☺️
Hello dora! Jiayou! For me I felt nauseous haha but AF came. I googled n websites say it's psychological. But I hope it's not a false alarm for u this round! Im feeling absolutely nothing though AF due in 2 days. Haha. Hoping for a BFP this month. Been trying since Oct:(

Best of luck to u!! Hopefully it can be a BFP this month. Also started trying seriously since Oct. Hopefully baby dust upon us this month
Hopefully. Hahaha. Now everything becomes a symptom for me. Even a fuller tummy cuz of weight gain. Mwahahaha.
Same as me loh. Hahah everything feels like a symptom now!! Imagination goes into overdrive ever since ttc. I was craving for sour stuff and I was like OMG nandao!! Then my hubby tell me "but you always liked sour food what" mehhhh >_<
so tempted to test with HPT but at the same time worried i'll be so disappointed if it's a BFN. AF suppose to report in another 3 days according to the period tracker app
Morning everyone!~ 8 days to go. Just ordered test strips from Qoo10. :p Hahahha so ex to get from pharmacy monthly. Just nice give the seller a week to send to me.
so tempted to test with HPT but at the same time worried i'll be so disappointed if it's a BFN. AF suppose to report in another 3 days according to the period tracker app
I also don't dare to test so quickly :( even if my af late I will also wait for 3 days... My last chance at having Oct baby (cuz I also Oct) :(
Morning everyone.

Good luck to those testing for BFP!

My af still hasnt arrive. Temp is 36.68. suppose to due on sunday. But tested BFN twice liao.. don know wat wrong with my body. Not pregnant yet no af means cannot restart engine. Haiz.. I don think is HCG is low that y cant detect. My temp onli 36.68. When I preg with #1 the temp is 36.8-37 one. Worried wat wrong with my body!
Qin17, hang in there. Probably it is still early to test. I totally understand ur feeling when AF did not appear when it is due. Jia You!
Good morning all..

I forgot to test my temp tdy haha. Can share how the temp goes abt ?

Tdy is cd 19th and i'm feeling some slight tugging feeling and backaches ... Any1 experience the same ?
Qin17, hang in there. Probably it is still early to test. I totally understand ur feeling when AF did not appear when it is due. Jia You!
Thanks.. I hope that I have BFP lo. If not then af faster come then i can restart engine. Now is neither here nor there. Still waiting..
Good morning all..

I forgot to test my temp tdy haha. Can share how the temp goes abt ?

Tdy is cd 19th and i'm feeling some slight tugging feeling and backaches ... Any1 experience the same ?

The temp will go up after O for abt 10-14 days depending on your luteal cycle. If it drop after 14 days, af will arrive soon. If it continue to increase, means preg.

I have backache also.. feel like lying down don wan to move hee
Just updated my date. i O earlier than expected. Could be due to the TCM that i was taking. Now on post O medi liao. TCM doc advised me a few things to follow for post O. Probably ladies here can take as guideline not sure if it does increase the chance of pregnancy. :rolleyes:

Food to avoid: Pineapple , Hawthorn,Aloe Vera, Crab, Raw and cold food, Shanghai Green
Avoid exercise. Walk is ok. Do not to run or jump. Avoid carrying heavy items of more than 8kg.

Not sure if he is being conservative. I think for people with weaker body is safer to follow to increase the chance.

Oh.... avoid exercise? I am doing pole dancing.. lots of core muscle used and strength used to climb up the pole and invert. Hope will not affect my chance of conceiving. Love pole too much to give up, unless I'm really preggy...
Good morning all..

I forgot to test my temp tdy haha. Can share how the temp goes abt ?

Tdy is cd 19th and i'm feeling some slight tugging feeling and backaches ... Any1 experience the same ?
For me is cd20 and I have the tugging feeling also... but I thought it was my lactose intolerance haha (had curry a few nights ago because couldn't resist -.-). I also have backaches but that's common... my sitting posture not good :p
Oh.... avoid exercise? I am doing pole dancing.. lots of core muscle used and strength used to climb up the pole and invert. Hope will not affect my chance of conceiving. Love pole too much to give up, unless I'm really preggy...
I have a friend who's into pole dancing too! But I too fat liao, cannot learn LOL! the pole will breakkkkk
I also don't dare to test so quickly :( even if my af late I will also wait for 3 days... My last chance at having Oct baby (cuz I also Oct) :(
Me too! Always will wanna wait a few days overdue then check coz test kit is ex plus disappointed to see negative! hopefully this week can see a BFP to time my oct wedding anniversary. Hehhh
Me too! Always will wanna wait a few days overdue then check coz test kit is ex plus disappointed to see negative! hopefully this week can see a BFP to time my oct wedding anniversary. Hehhh
Wow, hope you strike so u and your hubby can have a previous gift for your wedding anniversary! :) Jia you Jia you!:)
I justed tested today nt using first morning urine though. Is a bfn again. Sigh. But my af still hasnt arrive. Today temp is 36.6
wah how come u gals' temp so high one?? my average temp always very low. below 36.0

Emily u gt high chance. All the best
All good signs! Maybe too early cannot detect yet. Jiayou!! Try again in a few days ba :)
but i don have any symptoms lei. initially 3 weeks ago have den suddenly stopped. cannot feel anythin much except once in a while abdominal slight cramp. seeing TCM this week again. Hope she can reveal good news to me!

It's always a gd sign when AF never reports!
Hope i can hear good news from here :).....
hopefully good news for me cos AF din report. But hold my horse first, maybe 1 week later report :(

Hi gals, I'm new here and ttc. AF by right should be here these 2 days but crossing my fingers. Been feeling nauseous for 2-3days but for the past 3 months have always been like that just before AF. Anyone with the same experience?
hi welcome dora. Yes yes me. i always get nausea, dizzy and headaches b4 and aft AF. This time round also. but this time round a bit weird. the nausea only came by when i lie dwn and sit up. Other than tat no other way feeling nausea. maybe bcos my gastric acid oso tt y feel nauseaed


emily, if af really shows are u going to see dr to scan again? if af really shows and u wanna baby soon, better just make sure all is fine first. then easier to conceive. but i hope u get ur bfp.
hopeful mum, if AF reported, and i am in time to see my gynae, i will do for e ultrasound scan to check if i have any PCOS or not as tt time gynae advised to come during e 2nd to 4th day of menses. If menses goin to finish then no use seeing. The clinic don open every day. :( And dono y my AF prefers coming during weekends. Oso good for me la. so i go work not so painful. at least unwell weekend can rest n slp. cos i alwys very very tired and uncomfortable when AF came.

Morning everyone.

Good luck to those testing for BFP!

My af still hasnt arrive. Temp is 36.68. suppose to due on sunday. But tested BFN twice liao.. don know wat wrong with my body. Not pregnant yet no af means cannot restart engine. Haiz.. I don think is HCG is low that y cant detect. My temp onli 36.68. When I preg with #1 the temp is 36.8-37 one. Worried wat wrong with my body!
stay positive qin17! maybe too early. many ppl can only detect when AF late 1 or 2 weeks.

For me is cd20 and I have the tugging feeling also... but I thought it was my lactose intolerance haha (had curry a few nights ago because couldn't resist -.-). I also have backaches but that's common... my sitting posture not good :p
dustygritty, i oso encountered fluttering/tuggling feeling. like some butterflies in the belly and stomach area. i oso have mild lactose intolerance, and acid in my gastric. recently have been having headaches, feeling very tired and moody. and i have got the fever feeling. but no fever , temp 35.7

Me too! Always will wanna wait a few days overdue then check coz test kit is ex plus disappointed to see negative! hopefully this week can see a BFP to time my oct wedding anniversary. Hehhh
pray pray for u. i oso hope i can strike this week so tt i have a valentine's day present for my husband
my temp was climbing up for a few days then dropped again by 0.4 degrees today. Anyone encountered aft BD temp will drop???
my stomach and belly area a bit uncomfortable these few days. having the butterflies flying feeling.
feel nauseated when i get up from lying down on bed. headaches on and off. feeling very tired as if feverish. but i am not having fever. maybe monday's blue.
i really hope i can have a baby this year. 31 dec 2014 also good lol
my temp was climbing up for a few days then dropped again by 0.4 degrees today. Anyone encountered aft BD temp will drop???
my stomach and belly area a bit uncomfortable these few days. having the butterflies flying feeling.
feel nauseated when i get up from lying down on bed. headaches on and off. feeling very tired as if feverish. but i am not having fever. maybe monday's blue.
i really hope i can have a baby this year. 31 dec 2014 also good lol
Emily, rly hope u strike toto (Friday $10m toto plus BFP plus Vday).

Am also hoping that this CNY will be an awesome one for me in more than 1 way!! Would be great to have an Oct bb (Wedding anni and hb + my bday). Wooo!! Tho I am not entirely sure when to test.... not sure to wait till end next week or what cos I am not sure of my cycle length as yet , this being my 1st cycle aftre coming off OCPs. Previously my cycles were looonnngg.. like 1.5-2mths, sometimes haywire 3 mths.. Boobs are like quite engorged now but well...Hope no AF!!
Emily, 36.6 not high leh.. i used to get 36.8 and above one..
just now saw at my panty liner got spotting again.. don know wat wrong???? or is it i carry my #1 (12kg)? haiz.. don like the waiting game! If at least now i preg, i can eat the hormones pill to prevent spotting. Now don even know lor.. how to eat! haiz. Sickening af. If wan come, come full flow.. now come a bit don know wat to do. My new cycle is considered 1st day onli when af come full force?
Me too! Always will wanna wait a few days overdue then check coz test kit is ex plus disappointed to see negative! hopefully this week can see a BFP to time my oct wedding anniversary. Hehhh
wow good luck!!! hope you'll have your best wedding anni present :)
Hi everyone!! Yesterday went to my hubby's reunion lunch with his sec sch frens n his brother n his wife.. all of them already parents or parents-to-be.. talk everything about babies n related stuff... I can only sit there n stuff myself with food... when I came home I bursted out with tears, again. My hubby saw me so sad he also cried, made me even more upset.. he told me he'll stand by me no matter we have kids or not, n the top priority is to be happy in our marriage, nothing else matters.. cuz monthly I'll cry when AF arrives n he's very heartpain to see me go thru this again n again.. anyway he knew I was upset after the lunch, he brought me to Pandora & bought me 2 charms to cheer me up.. :)

And i've scheduled for hsg xray this Sat morning. Hopefully i can survive thru the pain!!:confused:
no lah.... no one is too fat for pole.. its really fun.. :p Maybe can help to seduce hubby to bd more often... too bad my hub don't like me to pole..
If only I can slim down more and have sexy body :/ oh well. but now ttc like abit pointless to go all out for slimming lol
Hi everyone!! Yesterday went to my hubby's reunion lunch with his sec sch frens n his brother n his wife.. all of them already parents or parents-to-be.. talk everything about babies n related stuff... I can only sit there n stuff myself with food... when I came home I bursted out with tears, again. My hubby saw me so sad he also cried, made me even more upset.. he told me he'll stand by me no matter we have kids or not, n the top priority is to be happy in our marriage, nothing else matters.. cuz monthly I'll cry when AF arrives n he's very heartpain to see me go thru this again n again.. anyway he knew I was upset after the lunch, he brought me to Pandora & bought me 2 charms to cheer me up.. :)

And i've scheduled for hsg xray this Sat morning. Hopefully i can survive thru the pain!!:confused:
u can de. dun be sad. ok?
ur hb so gd.... buy pandora for u.... keke...
Jia You..... Sure can survive de....
Emily, rly hope u strike toto (Friday $10m toto plus BFP plus Vday).

Am also hoping that this CNY will be an awesome one for me in more than 1 way!! Would be great to have an Oct bb (Wedding anni and hb + my bday). Wooo!! Tho I am not entirely sure when to test.... not sure to wait till end next week or what cos I am not sure of my cycle length as yet , this being my 1st cycle aftre coming off OCPs. Previously my cycles were looonnngg.. like 1.5-2mths, sometimes haywire 3 mths.. Boobs are like quite engorged now but well...Hope no AF!!
lol gamma u very the funny LOL. :D hope everyone strikes!! i don wanna strike toto 4D or horse gamble. i wanna strike baby lol. same like me... my cycle oso very messy one. sometimes 32 days sometimes late till CD40 days or just come a bit to 敷衍 me.

Emily, 36.6 not high leh.. i used to get 36.8 and above one..
just now saw at my panty liner got spotting again.. don know wat wrong???? or is it i carry my #1 (12kg)? haiz.. don like the waiting game! If at least now i preg, i can eat the hormones pill to prevent spotting. Now don even know lor.. how to eat! haiz. Sickening af. If wan come, come full flow.. now come a bit don know wat to do. My new cycle is considered 1st day onli when af come full force?
ya come a bit a bit not really counted. qin17, my temp low can be 35.5 lei so if 36.6 consider up 1.1 degree le. everyone is different.

Hi everyone!! Yesterday went to my hubby's reunion lunch with his sec sch frens n his brother n his wife.. all of them already parents or parents-to-be.. talk everything about babies n related stuff... I can only sit there n stuff myself with food... when I came home I bursted out with tears, again. My hubby saw me so sad he also cried, made me even more upset.. he told me he'll stand by me no matter we have kids or not, n the top priority is to be happy in our marriage, nothing else matters.. cuz monthly I'll cry when AF arrives n he's very heartpain to see me go thru this again n again.. anyway he knew I was upset after the lunch, he brought me to Pandora & bought me 2 charms to cheer me up.. :)

And i've scheduled for hsg xray this Sat morning. Hopefully i can survive thru the pain!!:confused:
chocopiggie!!! jia you! wow so sweet eh your hubby. wah he can cry with u oso. so sweet. my hubby oso don care if i strike or not. to him have is a good news don hav oso good news. can still enjoy life :eek: ur hubby really very sensitive and sweet. still buy things to coax u. how nice! i wonder do i have any present this vday or not. but if can strike, it's e best present liao
Oh.... avoid exercise? I am doing pole dancing.. lots of core muscle used and strength used to climb up the pole and invert. Hope will not affect my chance of conceiving. Love pole too much to give up, unless I'm really preggy...

I think the Dr will advise you not to do pole dancing when you are in 2ww. I think before O you still can go for it. Why not u give it a try to pause it only when you are in 2ww for like 1 or 2 months?

Last edited:

urs 40days cycle is nothing liao. haha.. mine got 1 time go up til ard 70days.
more horrible. lol.. but now seldom le. most time is ard 35 days after c gynae. so sort of stable abit.
Only 1 time 28days. which is the time i go IUI.
