2WW - for those TTC-ing

this list has gotten soooo long ever since we started it!! :D but hor... i wonder why am i perpetually at the bottom? :confused:
doodoo123 LOL must be somebody added u in. hopefully the list becomes shorter.

CD26 for me. Keep having slight stomach cramps feeling. Abit like gastric feel n got loose stool too :(
Little bud, same here for me. Sat i cramp and a bit diarrhea. my stomach oso got bubbles. CD38 already.

stones?!?! whoa sounds painful and uncomfortable!!

your TCM's comments make it sound like she's very confident you are preggy? as though even if her feeling of your pulse doesn't show, the test should show! :D
doodoo123 yup nt painful but uncomfortable. like e stones knocking at my tummy wall. stirring and such. my TCM said my pulse is smooth pulse and have phlegm inside. the phlegm part dono is it good or bad, she din say or maybe she said i forget already. she mentioned tt pregnant will have smooth pulse, she said my smooth pulse seems a bit like preg pulse, a bit only, cannot confirm. but i googled online it showed tt b4 menstruation oso can have smooth pulse. so i guessed.. hmm... i wont be so lucky one la.

haiz very sian. i hope this time wont be like e previous time that i need to take the medicine for menstruation to come. CD38 already still no symptom of AF nor any pregnancy symptom... i really hope i can have a baby b4 year 2015 :)
Stoney: thanks alot buddy, I will jiayou de!

Emily: how I wish me can be as relaxed as your hubby lo.. tried so hard to tell myself it's OK, but still cry at the end... haiz...

Angel_mommy: Ya, that's the final hurdle to see if it's becuz of blockage that keep us from conceiving successfully..

Dora: the hsg X-ray is to check if your fallopian tubes have any blockage.. they'll inject the X-ray ink then take X-ray to check... heard that it's painful... even dr loh tell me straightforward it's painful...

Dustygritty: thanks alot... :)

angelbaby924: my hubby oso say if conceive naturally cannot, then iui lo.. iui cannot then ivf lo.. cannot ivf can adopt... bit still will be abit sian ma.. if everything is gd, y cannot strike!!! :(

Your hubby is very sweet and supportive.. Treasure what you have..

dustygritty, hmm sometimes if my tummy has gas or wind i will have butterflies in my tummy.
But this time seems like menstruation cramp cramp a bit and my tummy to the gastric area feel upset :( seems like there are stones bouncing inside too. and slight headaches too. i really hope it's a good sign for me.

booy , my TCM ask me try clomid if this mth cycle failed to preg. :( afterwhich she said maybe can try IVF she said successful rate super high for me cos i have eggs inside.

haha doodoo123 , i will test again end of this week. also seeing my TCM this week and she said if she feel my pulse no preg she wan me to test again on the spot.

How long have you been trying? Can try iui first..
haiz very sian. i hope this time wont be like e previous time that i need to take the medicine for menstruation to come. CD38 already still no symptom of AF nor any pregnancy symptom... i really hope i can have a baby b4 year 2015 :)
hmm if can go for IUI first before IVF. clomid shd do the job. sorry i so kpo, but i really think u shd see gynae and tcm at the same time. like that higher chances. if not u keep guessing and guessing, i see liao heartache for u. your mind don't get rested, so affecting u emotionally will also affect ttc also :) but i wish u best of luck, hope u get ur bfp when u test :)
My gynae asked me to do so-iui next month.. The jabs just scare me.. How I hope there's a miracle and I wake up tomorrow being pregnant.. Can understand the pain of seeing others preggy easily and here we are whining about why isn't it us? Let's hope more baby dust will spread to all of us here..
not all IUI need jabs. don't worry first, find out more.
Your hubby is very sweet and supportive.. Treasure what you have..

How long have you been trying? Can try iui first..
hahaha our posts crossed. u doing SO-IUI thats why need jabs or i think the basic ones don't need jabs right? think take clomid only.
if it's implantation bleeding, you should test positive ~4-5 days after tt. Wait a few more days then test again.. fingers crossed! :)

Waited two weeks see if o then wait two weeks see if ad come then wait again to see of bfp when it keeps showing bfn

Wait and wait and wait

Does bbt drop during ib?
hi ladies,
finally i appeared ! super busy with my work but still reading the postings quietly.

i think i can remove myself from the list.
cos i have been having cramps and alot of discharge, i just went to test, and its BFN !
So looked like my AF is reporting any time.
Super disappointed !
hmm if can go for IUI first before IVF. clomid shd do the job. sorry i so kpo, but i really think u shd see gynae and tcm at the same time. like that higher chances. if not u keep guessing and guessing, i see liao heartache for u. your mind don't get rested, so affecting u emotionally will also affect ttc also :) but i wish u best of luck, hope u get ur bfp when u test :)

not all IUI need jabs. don't worry first, find out more.
Thanks hopeful mum, yup i intend to visit my gyane again if my AF come go for ultrasound, cos no AF oso useless to do scanning to check for PCOS or not. If AF din come, i will also visit my gynae as my TCM suggested to take clomid if AF failed again :( sob sob. so i will be seeing TCM and gynae.

Your hubby is very sweet and supportive.. Treasure what you have..

How long have you been trying? Can try iui first..
booy, IUI is it the cheaper one or is it IVF?
hi ladies,
finally i appeared ! super busy with my work but still reading the postings quietly.

i think i can remove myself from the list.
cos i have been having cramps and alot of discharge, i just went to test, and its BFN !
So looked like my AF is reporting any time.
Super disappointed !
hello pooh232. althou i don wish u coming bk (cos i hope here can have lesser ppl and many proceeded to BFP) , but i will oso welcome u. LOL
Thanks hopeful mum, yup i intend to visit my gyane again if my AF come go for ultrasound, cos no AF oso useless to do scanning to check for PCOS or not. If AF din come, i will also visit my gynae as my TCM suggested to take clomid if AF failed again :( sob sob. so i will be seeing TCM and gynae.

booy, IUI is it the cheaper one or is it IVF?
IUI is the cheaper one. IVF is the one that have to go thru counseling if I'm not wrong. then have to take a lot of jabs, go through GA/LA to extract the egg from the ovaries etc. so thats why more ex. the thing is, IVF if unsuccessful can be very devastating. that is a super stressful procedure, coz hopes are very high usually. i always admire ppl who go thru ivf more than once. but if it can help give u a baby, why not :)
hi ladies,
finally i appeared ! super busy with my work but still reading the postings quietly.

i think i can remove myself from the list.
cos i have been having cramps and alot of discharge, i just went to test, and its BFN !
So looked like my AF is reporting any time.
Super disappointed !
babe don't be dishearten, 5 more days to ur test date. cramps could be implantation, u are in the implantation stage now. dp0 7-12
thanks hopeful mum and emily,
thanks for the kind words.
dont think i am THAT lucky, cos i didnt manage to test any O period this month.
Just doing alternate, then stop then do ..... so no chance one la !
i will be back in the list for March date ........... sad to the max
Hello ladies! Just read ALL the posts after a v long day at work. Felt so guilty to work until 9pm tonight cuz I feel like im spoiling my body. :( applied for new jobs too. Going for sth w 9 to 6 so I wont need to ot. Current job really stressful.

No menses symptoms yet but my temp decrease fr 37.4 to 37.0 today :( stomach feeling tingly but I think maybe menses? Hahaha. not sure what is gg on. Tml AF supposed to reportm will try the test kit tml.. first time peeing into a stick (if I miss AF laaaa) so excited. Hope af doesn't report tml!! Wish me luck!
hahaha our posts crossed. u doing SO-IUI thats why need jabs or i think the basic ones don't need jabs right? think take clomid only.
My first iui failed.. Gynea said clomid wil thin lining.. So not very good for me so asked to try so-iui next.. Higher chances as well.. Iui chances decreases with repeated tries.. So cannot do too many times..

Thanks hopeful mum, yup i intend to visit my gyane again if my AF come go for ultrasound, cos no AF oso useless to do scanning to check for PCOS or not. If AF din come, i will also visit my gynae as my TCM suggested to take clomid if AF failed again :( sob sob. so i will be seeing TCM and gynae.

booy, IUI is it the cheaper one or is it IVF?
iui is definitely cheaper.. The procedure is less than 1k.. Ivf should be abt 8k to 10k.. So usually gynea will advise iui first unless sperm quality is really bad..
Hello ladies! Just read ALL the posts after a v long day at work. Felt so guilty to work until 9pm tonight cuz I feel like im spoiling my body. :( applied for new jobs too. Going for sth w 9 to 6 so I wont need to ot. Current job really stressful.

No menses symptoms yet but my temp decrease fr 37.4 to 37.0 today :( stomach feeling tingly but I think maybe menses? Hahaha. not sure what is gg on. Tml AF supposed to reportm will try the test kit tml.. first time peeing into a stick (if I miss AF laaaa) so excited. Hope af doesn't report tml!! Wish me luck!
Your temp is pretty high ya.. Good luck!
hi ladies,
finally i appeared ! super busy with my work but still reading the postings quietly.

i think i can remove myself from the list.
cos i have been having cramps and alot of discharge, i just went to test, and its BFN !
So looked like my AF is reporting any time.
Super disappointed !
Pooh, you still have 5 more days before AF due , so don't give up hope yet:) this cycle did you use OPK or clearblue digital ovulation kit to track O? You have any EWCM? Don't be discouraged yet.. Wait for your AF due date then if AF late, test again.. hUGZ!! :)
Hihi gals, can anyone who has attempted iui or going to share with me which hospital/ gynae they r going to and the approx cost/ procedure?

AF supposed to report today but not yet. Tested bfn just now :( but still keeping my fingers crossed. Lol super optimistic. Whahahahahha.

I did an us scan last year and realised I have retroverted womb. Pms ovary etc are ok but after going to see tcm last month.. He advised me to look at iui coz my pulse etc ok so maybe just the r. womb keeping me from preggy. Oh welllsssss
Hihi gals, can anyone who has attempted iui or going to share with me which hospital/ gynae they r going to and the approx cost/ procedure?

AF supposed to report today but not yet. Tested bfn just now :( but still keeping my fingers crossed. Lol super optimistic. Whahahahahha.

I did an us scan last year and realised I have retroverted womb. Pms ovary etc are ok but after going to see tcm last month.. He advised me to look at iui coz my pulse etc ok so maybe just the r. womb keeping me from preggy. Oh welllsssss

Maybe it's good news!!! What's iui?
These two days I very dry... Heard if preggie will have a lot of CM. :( oh no

Still got another week to test... Argh hate the suspense. Other than little to no CM I seem to feel something but having disappointments for months I can't help feeling it's just psychological. Suddenly depressed. Ming Ming v happy this morning with sore boobs lol
Hello ladies! Just read ALL the posts after a v long day at work. Felt so guilty to work until 9pm tonight cuz I feel like im spoiling my body. :( applied for new jobs too. Going for sth w 9 to 6 so I wont need to ot. Current job really stressful.

No menses symptoms yet but my temp decrease fr 37.4 to 37.0 today :( stomach feeling tingly but I think maybe menses? Hahaha. not sure what is gg on. Tml AF supposed to reportm will try the test kit tml.. first time peeing into a stick (if I miss AF laaaa) so excited. Hope af doesn't report tml!! Wish me luck!
Good luck!! Still got chance!!

I guess for us ladies the priorities really do change after family planning... I used to be v career minded but now... Can go home early um chio liao.
My first iui failed.. Gynea said clomid wil thin lining.. So not very good for me so asked to try so-iui next.. Higher chances as well.. Iui chances decreases with repeated tries.. So cannot do too many times..

iui is definitely cheaper.. The procedure is less than 1k.. Ivf should be abt 8k to 10k.. So usually gynea will advise iui first unless sperm quality is really bad..
Oh I see. I didn't know cannot do too many times. In the miscarriage thread, one of the ladies in Norway has been given femara. Apparently it works like clomid but doesn't thin linning. Not sure sg has this.
hi ladies,
finally i appeared ! super busy with my work but still reading the postings quietly.

i think i can remove myself from the list.
cos i have been having cramps and alot of discharge, i just went to test, and its BFN !
So looked like my AF is reporting any time.
Super disappointed !
Still a few days away from your testing date... Would be too early to detect anyway! Cramps is normal, so is having discharge
Thanks hopeful mum, yup i intend to visit my gyane again if my AF come go for ultrasound, cos no AF oso useless to do scanning to check for PCOS or not. If AF din come, i will also visit my gynae as my TCM suggested to take clomid if AF failed again :( sob sob. so i will be seeing TCM and gynae.

booy, IUI is it the cheaper one or is it IVF?
Hello ladies! Just read ALL the posts after a v long day at work. Felt so guilty to work until 9pm tonight cuz I feel like im spoiling my body. :( applied for new jobs too. Going for sth w 9 to 6 so I wont need to ot. Current job really stressful.

No menses symptoms yet but my temp decrease fr 37.4 to 37.0 today :( stomach feeling tingly but I think maybe menses? Hahaha. not sure what is gg on. Tml AF supposed to reportm will try the test kit tml.. first time peeing into a stick (if I miss AF laaaa) so excited. Hope af doesn't report tml!! Wish me luck!

As long af doesn't report, change is always still there! Baby dust to all!
As long af doesn't report, change is always still there! Baby dust to all!


Good luck!! Still got chance!!

I guess for us ladies the priorities really do change after family planning... I used to be v career minded but now... Can go home early um chio liao.

True, career used to be my greatest priority but I see my perspective shifting after I decided to be a mum.

Anyway, wanna share sth silly w u girls. I dreamt that I had a BFP. Haha siao. I must be gg nuts thinking of conceiving.. anyway. . I dunno.. no symptoms, as mentioned. sighs. AF supposed to report today. Will update u all. Hahas.
Ladies, ivf no need come out cash because of govt grant n medisave. Ivf success is higher when u are younger so don't drag too long. Is not as invasive as what u think. Jabs similar to Soiui just that higher dosage. ER will be under anesthetic so u won't feel a thing.

As for iui u need to come out cash if I am not wrong n a lower success than ivf. Anyway from my own experience I would urge girls to do ivf while u young. Success drop when u reach 35.

Also don't go to normal gynae for fertility cos I feel that their experience are more on preg ladies n not tackle fertility issue. I wasted one yr with my normal gynae until I realized it one day. Going to a fertility dr open your eyes to a wide new world n they provide solutions for u.
Just want to share.
angel mommy,
yes i did test 2 days on CD13 and CD15 with clearblue but all detected negative
i suspected likely i O early on CD10 which i didnt realise .... just that the discharge is more than usual and longer days ....

Just need to stay positive on this TTC journey.

i am also very career minded, and in fact ... all the while
now i am beginning to think, shall i slow down or give up ..... since now i also fly around alot for my job.
maybe its about time that i must put family first, rather than my job.
angel mommy,
yes i did test 2 days on CD13 and CD15 with clearblue but all detected negative
i suspected likely i O early on CD10 which i didnt realise .... just that the discharge is more than usual and longer days ....

Just need to stay positive on this TTC journey.

i am also very career minded, and in fact ... all the while
now i am beginning to think, shall i slow down or give up ..... since now i also fly around alot for my job.
maybe its about time that i must put family first, rather than my job.
Did u test after CD15? Maybe u ovulate late? This month I'm also tracking my O.. At CD10, I started tracking using clearblue. CD11, I started to have a Some EWCM. But clearblue gives a blank circle. CD12 I continue to have EWCM, still have blank circle with clearblue. This morning I at CD13 I also have EWCM , and I use my second morning urine to test and finally got a smiley face. Tonight I'll check again with clearblue.. See if I still get my smiley face.. Will track until smiley face gone to understand my cycle.. Jus hoping that I can O every month.. Taking bbt at the same time. I hope u can strike this cycle pooh!:) but even if not, Maybe next cycle you can start tracking earlier..to cover all bases:) Jia you!:)
morning mummies! i've graduated!! cannot resist and went to test this morning with first urine. felt something isn't right cause AF suppose to report in 2 days but stomach just feels weird.


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morning mummies! i've graduated!! cannot resist and went to test this morning with first urine. felt something isn't right cause AF suppose to report in 2 days but stomach just feels weird.
OMG!!! Congrats little bud!!! So happy for you!! How does "isn't right" feel like???
  1. morning mummies! i've graduated!! cannot resist and went to test this morning with first urine. felt something isn't right cause AF suppose to report in 2 days but stomach just feels weird.

    Congrats! So envy you! I am still waiting for my af to come hasnt come yet but temp seem to drop liao. Spread lots of baby dust to us ya!!!!
morning mummies! i've graduated!! cannot resist and went to test this morning with first urine. felt something isn't right cause AF suppose to report in 2 days but stomach just feels weird.

good morning ladies!

Congrats!!!!!! so happy for you!!!!!!
I got four things to write about... but must write in bullet point because no link. lol

1) Hypothetically and otherwise, when do you inform your employer about your pregnancy? If only say after 3 months (and just nice by then is after my probation for example lol), feel like being dishonest to them... >_<

2) I've been feeling like crap all night. The sore boobs and everything else totally hindered my sleep. I'm a side sleeper, so fall leftside or rightside also will have dull ache. And then I have heart palpitations... like heartbeat very fast, then sweat in aircon room. In the end 5am then manage to doze off.............. then wake up at 7am again to prepare for work. Heart palpitations got better in the morning. Hope it's not any cause for concern. :/

3) I getting cold turkey from not drinking coffee for the past week, so I cheated today by drinking kopi gao. LOL. Cannot last through the day with so little sleep lah! Hopefully this does not impact anything. >_<

4) Though my af coming on 18, I decided to test on 14 to see if can give my ah lao a Vday present. That, and I forgot to buy a gift anyway. :x
dustygritty, i keep having cramps occasionally. on and off. feels abit like pulling sensation when got food poisoning hahaha and loose stool as well. i get the cramps when i had my #1 last time and I tot AF is reporting soon. decided to get the non digital clearblue to test and see. i thought my eyes playing tricks on me when i saw a faint + sign haha so try again on the digital clearblue :p

i'm taking blackmore CW for both #1 and now. i'm halfway through the box and i think somehow it does help me :)
thanks ladies!! spread all my baby dust to all of you!!

i'm still having the occasionally cramps now. i think is uterus expanding. my hubby also very happy and we're so excited!! have not told anyone yet. told him not to tell in law too
dustygritty, i keep having cramps occasionally. on and off. feels abit like pulling sensation when got food poisoning hahaha and loose stool as well. i get the cramps when i had my #1 last time and I tot AF is reporting soon. decided to get the non digital clearblue to test and see. i thought my eyes playing tricks on me when i saw a faint + sign haha so try again on the digital clearblue :p

i'm taking blackmore CW for both #1 and now. i'm halfway through the box and i think somehow it does help me :)

Gong xi gong xi little bud! So happy for u!!
doodoo123 LOL must be somebody added u in. hopefully the list becomes shorter.

doodoo123 yup nt painful but uncomfortable. like e stones knocking at my tummy wall. stirring and such. my TCM said my pulse is smooth pulse and have phlegm inside. the phlegm part dono is it good or bad, she din say or maybe she said i forget already. she mentioned tt pregnant will have smooth pulse, she said my smooth pulse seems a bit like preg pulse, a bit only, cannot confirm. but i googled online it showed tt b4 menstruation oso can have smooth pulse. so i guessed.. hmm... i wont be so lucky one la.

hee no i added myself.. but everyone else is "chup-ing" the queue... and the month seems to never end!! lol

phlegm... in the tummy? can phlegm exist in the tummy? wow that's quite cheem.. smooth pulse... too abstract... haha... but sounds good that you're getting pulses similar to preggie ladies!! :D
Hihi gals, can anyone who has attempted iui or going to share with me which hospital/ gynae they r going to and the approx cost/ procedure?

AF supposed to report today but not yet. Tested bfn just now :( but still keeping my fingers crossed. Lol super optimistic. Whahahahahha.

I did an us scan last year and realised I have retroverted womb. Pms ovary etc are ok but after going to see tcm last month.. He advised me to look at iui coz my pulse etc ok so maybe just the r. womb keeping me from preggy. Oh welllsssss

being super optimistic sounds good!! whoa what is retroverted womb?? does it affect anything much?
These two days I very dry... Heard if preggie will have a lot of CM. :( oh no

Still got another week to test... Argh hate the suspense. Other than little to no CM I seem to feel something but having disappointments for months I can't help feeling it's just psychological. Suddenly depressed. Ming Ming v happy this morning with sore boobs lol

oh issit? preggie lots of CM? i only know O period is lots of CM... something new today :) so then throughout pregnancy all 9 monthsa also supposed ot have alot of CM ah?
morning mummies! i've graduated!! cannot resist and went to test this morning with first urine. felt something isn't right cause AF suppose to report in 2 days but stomach just feels weird.
Congrats little bud!:) so happy for you.. You must take good care of yourself okie:)
Ladies, ivf no need come out cash because of govt grant n medisave. Ivf success is higher when u are younger so don't drag too long. Is not as invasive as what u think. Jabs similar to Soiui just that higher dosage. ER will be under anesthetic so u won't feel a thing.

As for iui u need to come out cash if I am not wrong n a lower success than ivf. Anyway from my own experience I would urge girls to do ivf while u young. Success drop when u reach 35.

Also don't go to normal gynae for fertility cos I feel that their experience are more on preg ladies n not tackle fertility issue. I wasted one yr with my normal gynae until I realized it one day. Going to a fertility dr open your eyes to a wide new world n they provide solutions for u.
Just want to share.

wow thanks for sharing, jumbo girl. never knew got differences between normal gynae and fertility gynae leh... thought all gynae experts in it!! :O
morning mummies! i've graduated!! cannot resist and went to test this morning with first urine. felt something isn't right cause AF suppose to report in 2 days but stomach just feels weird.

congrats lil bud!!! such great news early in the morning (and early in the week) ^_^ share share more hints about "weird">??
dustygritty, i keep having cramps occasionally. on and off. feels abit like pulling sensation when got food poisoning hahaha and loose stool as well. i get the cramps when i had my #1 last time and I tot AF is reporting soon. decided to get the non digital clearblue to test and see. i thought my eyes playing tricks on me when i saw a faint + sign haha so try again on the digital clearblue :p

i'm taking blackmore CW for both #1 and now. i'm halfway through the box and i think somehow it does help me :)

some technical details -- must use 1st urine of the day hor? so when you wanted to double check... how? 2nd urine also can?
thanks hopeful mum and emily,
thanks for the kind words.
dont think i am THAT lucky, cos i didnt manage to test any O period this month.
Just doing alternate, then stop then do ..... so no chance one la !
i will be back in the list for March date ........... sad to the max
pooh232, i think we are a bit similar. i oso din test O and my TCM see my temp chart oso tell me i nv O. She has never seen me O :( i use the kit oso nv O, but sometimes the line is lighter sometimes no line. i oso dono how to see or judge so what i did was BD once every 2 to 3 days, if too tired then forget it, it's ok. Cos i knw if it's yours it will be yours. :oops::rolleyes:

Hello ladies! Just read ALL the posts after a v long day at work. Felt so guilty to work until 9pm tonight cuz I feel like im spoiling my body. :( applied for new jobs too. Going for sth w 9 to 6 so I wont need to ot. Current job really stressful.

No menses symptoms yet but my temp decrease fr 37.4 to 37.0 today :( stomach feeling tingly but I think maybe menses? Hahaha. not sure what is gg on. Tml AF supposed to reportm will try the test kit tml.. first time peeing into a stick (if I miss AF laaaa) so excited. Hope af doesn't report tml!! Wish me luck!
hwifie, ur temp 37.4 not fever??? wah if my temp goes up to so high i cfm fever lie on bed liao. cos my temp always very low one like 35+ degree C. GOOD LUCK!!! But sometimes it will be too early to test lei. My friend missed AF then she test after 3 days she missed, it was BFN. After 1 week+ she test again and got BFP.

My first iui failed.. Gynea said clomid wil thin lining.. So not very good for me so asked to try so-iui next.. Higher chances as well.. Iui chances decreases with repeated tries.. So cannot do too many times..

iui is definitely cheaper.. The procedure is less than 1k.. Ivf should be abt 8k to 10k.. So usually gynea will advise iui first unless sperm quality is really bad..
Thanks booy for clarification. Haiz i dono y. I am very forgetful and blur nowadays. Like super tired till drained. got the feverish feeling too. :( everyday dragging myself to work. and i have heavy head like anytime wanna doze off lol :p:D huh clomid will thin lining ah, alamak! i don think i will want to take tt, my health oso not very strong kind, ltr my lining thin till i die lol. my tcm ask me t
Good luck!! Still got chance!!

I guess for us ladies the priorities really do change after family planning... I used to be v career minded but now... Can go home early um chio liao.
that shld be the way! Jobs there are many... if your boss don like u, u can always change. No big deal. Family, u only have ONE. There is no way u can change family. Once it's shattered, hard to put them back. Jiayou! few more days to test! excited for u too.

As long af doesn't report, change is always still there! Baby dust to all!
thanks gooiee! :)


True, career used to be my greatest priority but I see my perspective shifting after I decided to be a mum.

Anyway, wanna share sth silly w u girls. I dreamt that I had a BFP. Haha siao. I must be gg nuts thinking of conceiving.. anyway. . I dunno.. no symptoms, as mentioned. sighs. AF supposed to report today. Will update u all. Hahas.
Good luck to u. once in a while having those dreams are good lei. I long time nv dream liao.

Ladies, ivf no need come out cash because of govt grant n medisave. Ivf success is higher when u are younger so don't drag too long. Is not as invasive as what u think. Jabs similar to Soiui just that higher dosage. ER will be under anesthetic so u won't feel a thing.

As for iui u need to come out cash if I am not wrong n a lower success than ivf. Anyway from my own experience I would urge girls to do ivf while u young. Success drop when u reach 35.

Also don't go to normal gynae for fertility cos I feel that their experience are more on preg ladies n not tackle fertility issue. I wasted one yr with my normal gynae until I realized it one day. Going to a fertility dr open your eyes to a wide new world n they provide solutions for u.
Just want to share.
jumbo girl, wat u mean by normal gynae? i tot all gynae help to give birth in hospital? where to find fertility gynae? confused now :( sob

angel mommy,
yes i did test 2 days on CD13 and CD15 with clearblue but all detected negative
i suspected likely i O early on CD10 which i didnt realise .... just that the discharge is more than usual and longer days ....

Just need to stay positive on this TTC journey.

i am also very career minded, and in fact ... all the while
now i am beginning to think, shall i slow down or give up ..... since now i also fly around alot for my job.
maybe its about time that i must put family first, rather than my job.
pooh232 why not u go n buy those test strips? i bought from forum or q0010, 50 60 cents each , those very cheap ones and test everyday? for me i test almost everyday. cos my O and CD also messy one.

morning mummies! i've graduated!! cannot resist and went to test this morning with first urine. felt something isn't right cause AF suppose to report in 2 days but stomach just feels weird.
CONGRATS little bud!!! i dono how to read the left one? saw only 1 red line??? happy journey MTB :)

dustygritty, i keep having cramps occasionally. on and off. feels abit like pulling sensation when got food poisoning hahaha and loose stool as well. i get the cramps when i had my #1 last time and I tot AF is reporting soon. decided to get the non digital clearblue to test and see. i thought my eyes playing tricks on me when i saw a faint + sign haha so try again on the digital clearblue :p

i'm taking blackmore CW for both #1 and now. i'm halfway through the box and i think somehow it does help me :)
little bud, i rmb wivi, a member who graduated from this chat., oso tell us abt blackmore CW too. :) wow amazing ...

some technical details -- must use 1st urine of the day hor? so when you wanted to double check... how? 2nd urine also can?
actually my tcm told me check any time also ok one. so long as b4 checking u din consume a lot of fluid. cos when i see her for urine test it is also at night le.
Waiting for BFP:
5 to 10 Feb - Emily Tan (tested bfn. AF nv report nor sign of pms)
9 Feb - qin17
9 Feb - gooiee (tested bfn)
11 Feb - hwifie
15 Feb - Pooh232
15 Feb - catinthesky
17 Feb - maerceci
18 Feb - dustygritty
19 Feb - mshoon
20 Feb - Jumbo girl
20 Feb - bel_vodka
22feb - hopeful mum
24 Feb - Whinypooh
24 Feb - stoneystoney
25 Feb - doodoo
28 Feb - Sonia78
2 Mar - Booy
11 Mar - chocopiggie

Congratulations to those happily proceeded to BFP in Jan:
tanja78, dogdog and wivi789
Congratulations to those happily proceeded to BFP in Feb:

Hi gals, pls copy and paste the whole lot with the titles too :) so that new member will know what is this list for.
copy from """"" Waiting for BFP: all the way to Congratulations to those happily proceeded to BFP in Feb: little_bud"""""" the colored ones

little_bud, i have transferred you to the BFP in Feb :) hee hee
