2WW - for those TTC-ing

OMG me toooo!!!!! my husband also quite young, non-smoker, fit, non-drinker so we thought try 1-2 months can liao. then since last august until now nothing. =//// i am SOOOOOO ready to be a mum... all i need is a BFP! im having my AF - sadness plus cramps wah lao. and going on holiday during O period so wish me luck!!!! hope to update in 2-3 weeks :)

Jiayou jiayou!!! I hope you manage to conceive during your holiday!!! I will update abt my AF too. Hahaha. Im so sensitive about every little sensation im feeling in my stomach. So afraid tt it would be cramps. Cuz if it is, then it may mean AF is coming. Haha. Cannot wait to unravel. And yes, my hubs also young n no bad habits. Haha. Wth. :p jiayou jiayou!!!!

OMG me toooo!!!!! my husband also quite young, non-smoker, fit, non-drinker so we thought try 1-2 months can liao. then since last august until now nothing. =//// i am SOOOOOO ready to be a mum... all i need is a BFP! im having my AF - sadness plus cramps wah lao. and going on holiday during O period so wish me luck!!!! hope to update in 2-3 weeks :)
Hope you conceive during your holiday. I conceived during my last weekend trip overseas during my O period. Jia you! Jia you!

This is positive right? :) hahahaha. Like strike lottery like that.
share something funny with you all.. last week my boy was looking at his photos in my smartphone. I happened to take a pic of the clearblue ovulation test kit with a smiley face many months ago wanting to wats app to my hubby and telling him it is a good time to BD that night.. out of curiosity , my boy asked me what it is.. too late to scroll away the photo of the test kit, so I just tell him innocently that the smiley face means maybe there is a chance I can give him a baby brother or sister. But if it is a blank circle, means no chance yet. I didnt want to explain in details.. just say it in a simple and innocent way:) He smiled and say excitedly that he wants to have a sibling but I told him so far no good news yet. He said he will pray for me ;)

This morning before I get out of bed, I was taking my bbt using the bbt thermometer. He woke up earlier than usual today and came to look for me in my bedroom. He saw me with the thermometer in my mouth, then waited patiently at the side of my bed quietly. AFter I ma done, he asked me excitedly," Mommy, is it a smiley face or black circle?" I burst out laughing! :D I showed him the thermometer and told him,"I am taking my temperature. This is a thermometer. But if we are going to have another sibling for you, I will surely tell you." Children are so cute and innocent :p on a side note, I really wish I can give him another sibling ... hope that day will come soon! :)

awwww.... your boy is SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!
hi maerceci, my TCM said if temp goes up gradually then maintain that high eg... 35.5 up 35.7 up 35.8 up 36.0 up 36.1 up 36.2 up 36.4 up 36.5 up and maintaining at 36.5 or go up higher for many days that means pregnant. If go up gradually many days then suddenly dropped drastically that means menses coming :(
My temp dropped to very very low now :( but she said for me hard to see cos my temp very messy. tdy up tmr dwn next day up again next day dwn again. like see saw. she also mentioned i have nv ovulate. same for previous mths. she cant see from e temp chart that i ovulate. temp varies in terms of diff ppl. my lowest is 35.5 highest is 36.4 so it reaally depends. My fren preg her temp like fever. 37.0 to 37.3 like tt.

wah #2 liao, good la. at least u have 1 already. better than many of us here, none. :( How old is ur #1? cannot believe e test one. even for clearblue oso not 100% accurate. blood test and 1st tri symptoms is e most accurate one. I read of an article saying that a woman cannot get BFP until she was 6mths 7mths preg. Even her blood test didn't show tt she was preg. She has very low hCg.

wow, like fever.. i wonder if feeling feverish can be considered as an early symptom then?

so low hcg is it healthy for the baby? take 7 months to get bfp very kua zhang leh!!
Hehe, we have only just started! How are ur cycles after coming off ur OCP? This is going to be my first cycle since coming off my OCP, had my withdrawal bleed on Jan 2, till now no AF yet. Probably gotta wait till 3rd week of Feb or end Feb to test if AF isnt here next week (Cycle length usually abt 6 weeks on avg before I started taking the pills).

And some people really is like 1 hit 1 kill. Know of someone who got married in end Nov and now is preggy liao!! OMG.

YAR some pple are just super duper lucky. I also had friend (not married) decided to try for a kid... just decided, then first time try and tio already!!! even she was very unprepared.. coz she was hoping for a kid a few months later, and expected to need to try for some time first then successful, so very surprised
gammahedging i have a fren oso. nov married dec have liao :( 1 mth+ later have liao.

pray pray for all of us! i oso hope my AF don come. due 2 days ago.

hee hard to say lei. mayb b4 AD the sperms already inside but havent conceive. Then aft AD menses nv come then preg liao. hard to calculate. cos preg can be from 35 weeks to 38 weeks. some ppl delay till 40 weeks.

sad la... this year got 3 babies coming out... (friends baby) should be hearing some more good news very soon ... but my stomach still flat flat.

hmm so these pple never wait 3 months then announce preggie ler ah
Now even O seems so far away for me.. Everday im counting down to O. I cannot imagine the 2ww.. Haiz..

hee count down for others in the thread first. I think that whole chart is helping alot!! and now the thread is so busy... keeping my mind off my own countdowns... :)
I am like gamma all ready again and now the little girl is sensible to help around. I also just need a BFP! :(sometimes coz of ttc-ing do u girls find yr mood fluctuate v fast??!!

hmm yar. sometimes my poor hb has to bear the brunt of it >.< but trying not to be stressed... if not even harder to succeed
The luteal period after O is always 2 weeks? Coz I count ovualation as today then 14 days later AF come?

That means all the while I might have count the O wrongly! :p
Emily tan, good luck to you! Hope you are the BFP in feb.

Mshoon, just whack for 2 more days of BD and you can rest..
thanks booy. praying harddddd :rolleyes:

Need to alternate wor for the spermies to grow? I last bd on wed night. :)
my TCM advised... if u are Oing, u do 2 days then stop 1 day then do another 1 day.

OMG me toooo!!!!! my husband also quite young, non-smoker, fit, non-drinker so we thought try 1-2 months can liao. then since last august until now nothing. =//// i am SOOOOOO ready to be a mum... all i need is a BFP! im having my AF - sadness plus cramps wah lao. and going on holiday during O period so wish me luck!!!! hope to update in 2-3 weeks :)
enjoy ur trip. where are u going?

Oh no. I'm drinker, smoker and super unfit. Perhaps that's why we no bfp. Sigh
u shld cut dwn on that :) alcohol is really bad for health, smoking too.

Hope you conceive during your holiday. I conceived during my last weekend trip overseas during my O period. Jia you! Jia you!
Congrats. Not sure if i have spoken to u b4 here or not. :p did u see any TCM b4 u conceive?

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This is positive right? :) hahahaha. Like strike lottery like that.
YES it is positive! But heard one of them said positive means u already O. we shld do b4 O right? I am still learning though.

wow, like fever.. i wonder if feeling feverish can be considered as an early symptom then?

so low hcg is it healthy for the baby? take 7 months to get bfp very kua zhang leh!!
yes there is. u can google n read abt it :)

The luteal period after O is always 2 weeks? Coz I count ovualation as today then 14 days later AF come?

That means all the while I might have count the O wrongly! :p
depending on your cycle days actually. varies.

anyone encounter aft BD their temp will go dwn slightly a bit e next day???
hi gals i am bringing this table back cos i wish there will be some BFP to update! Good luck everyone! and good luck to me too!!!

Those waiting to test for BFP:

5 to 10 Feb - Emily Tan (cycle varies, not tested, afraid to test)
8 Feb - chocopiggie (AF may arrive 1-2 days later)
9 Feb - qin17
15 Feb - Little Bud
15 Feb - Pooh232
15 Feb - catinthesky
18 Feb - dustygritty
19 Feb - mshoon
20 Feb - Jumbo girl
20 Feb - bel_vodka
21 Feb - maerceci
22feb - hopeful mum
24 Feb - Whinypooh
24 Feb - stoneystoney
25 Feb - doodoo
28 Feb - Sonia78
2 Mar - Booy

Congratulations to those happily proceeded to BFP in Jan:

Congratulations to those happily proceeded to BFP in Feb:
Last edited:
hi gals i am bringing this table back cos i wish there will be some BFP to update! Good luck everyone! and good luck to me too!!!
Those waiting to test for BFP:
5 to 10 Feb - Emily Tan (cycle varies, not tested, afraid to test)
8 Feb - chocopiggie (AF may arrive 1-2 days later)
9 Feb - qin17
15 Feb - Little Bud
15 Feb - Pooh232
15 Feb - catinthesky
18 Feb - dustygritty
19 Feb - mshoon
20 Feb - Jumbo girl
20 Feb - bel_vodka
21 Feb - maerceci
22feb - hopeful mum
24 Feb - Whinypooh
24 Feb - stoneystoney
25 Feb - doodoo
28 Feb - Sonia78
2 Mar - Booy

Congratulations to those happily proceeded to BFP in Jan:

Congratulations to those happily proceeded to BFP in Feb:

looks like quite a few are potentially going to get awesome vdae presents this yr!!! :D
hi gals i am bringing this table back cos i wish there will be some BFP to update! Good luck everyone! and good luck to me too!!!

Those waiting to test for BFP:

5 to 10 Feb - Emily Tan (cycle varies, not tested, afraid to test)
8 Feb - chocopiggie (AF may arrive 1-2 days later)
9 Feb - qin17
15 Feb - Little Bud
15 Feb - Pooh232
15 Feb - catinthesky
18 Feb - dustygritty
19 Feb - mshoon
20 Feb - Jumbo girl
20 Feb - bel_vodka
21 Feb - maerceci
22feb - hopeful mum
24 Feb - Whinypooh
24 Feb - stoneystoney
25 Feb - doodoo
28 Feb - Sonia78
2 Mar - Booy

Congratulations to those happily proceeded to BFP in Jan:

Congratulations to those happily proceeded to BFP in Feb:
Good luck
thanks booy. praying harddddd :rolleyes:

my TCM advised... if u are Oing, u do 2 days then stop 1 day then do another 1 day.

enjoy ur trip. where are u going?

u shld cut dwn on that :) alcohol is really bad for health, smoking too.

Congrats. Not sure if i have spoken to u b4 here or not. :p did u see any TCM b4 u conceive?

YES it is positive! But heard one of them said positive means u already O. we shld do b4 O right? I am still learning though.

yes there is. u can google n read abt it :)

depending on your cycle days actually. varies.

anyone encounter aft BD their temp will go dwn slightly a bit e next day???

Emily: if you are using OPK, positive means there is LH surge detected and you are going to ovulate ... Haven't ovulate yet.. May or may not ovulate.. But once you see positive on OPK, gg to work hard to BD:)
Emily: if you are using OPK, positive means there is LH surge detected and you are going to ovulate ... Haven't ovulate yet.. May or may not ovulate.. But once you see positive on OPK, gg to work hard to BD:)
Oic ic. aiyo so confusing. thanks angel mommy for the clarification. i am really bad at these kinda thing.
The luteal period after O is always 2 weeks? Coz I count ovualation as today then 14 days later AF come?

That means all the while I might have count the O wrongly! :p
mshoon jia you tonight. it's weekend!!! rmb to BD tonight and tmr night. rest 1 night then BD again .
Oic ic. aiyo so confusing. thanks angel mommy for the clarification. i am really bad at these kinda thing.
Hahah.. No worries:) I'm still learning too:) so remember , if you see positive OPK like mshoon saw on her OPK, must seize opportunity to BD:) Jia you!:)
hi gals i am bringing this table back cos i wish there will be some BFP to update! Good luck everyone! and good luck to me too!!!

Those waiting to test for BFP:

5 to 10 Feb - Emily Tan (cycle varies, not tested, afraid to test)
8 Feb - chocopiggie (AF may arrive 1-2 days later)
9 Feb - qin17
15 Feb - Little Bud
15 Feb - Pooh232
15 Feb - catinthesky
18 Feb - dustygritty
19 Feb - mshoon
20 Feb - Jumbo girl
20 Feb - bel_vodka
21 Feb - maerceci
22feb - hopeful mum
24 Feb - Whinypooh
24 Feb - stoneystoney
25 Feb - doodoo
28 Feb - Sonia78
2 Mar - Booy

Congratulations to those happily proceeded to BFP in Jan:

Congratulations to those happily proceeded to BFP in Feb:

And there's me too! 11 Feb. :))
The luteal period after O is always 2 weeks? Coz I count ovualation as today then 14 days later AF come?

That means all the while I might have count the O wrongly! :p
It depends on individual. Mine is abt 14days. The usual ones are from 12-14 days. :)

All the best with ur big O bd session. Hahaha
hmm... but doesn't the hb want the kid too? shouldn't feel used if both of you want kids leh!! the hubby put in 2 weeks' work, wifey must do 9 mths wor!
I do want it too, just the process of timing it makes it seem like all she want is sperm...... hope I can feel that she wants baby because it's our baby and not just because she wants baby. Oh well, most important how we can have bfp
But i don have any symptom of af now except the drop in temp.. so hopefully it don come lah.. pray pray pray.. My menses supposed to due yesterday but then i think i late ovulate based on opk so think if af nv come by tue then can start to test! But then i tested 4 days ago it is BFN. Really don know how.. hate the waiting period !!!
my AF due few days ago. temp was very low. den suddenly shoot up. what's e meaning? anyone knows? got hope or no hope? i havent test yet.

my AF due few days ago. temp was very low. den suddenly shoot up. what's e meaning? anyone knows? got hope or no hope? i havent test yet.
Emily perhap you can test tml morning since it is due few days ago already? Good luck to you! Waiting for u to spread the bb dust!!!! :) I not sure why the temp is very low then suddenly shoot up? Maybe is implantation? hee. Btw you took the temp same timing?
