2WW - for those TTC-ing

Thanks Angel mommy
now i understand more. tt means previously what i did was wrong. i always wait till i see almost positive opk then i BD, by right if positive opk means too late to BD cos u ovulate liao, so must be expecting to see AF liao. but i seem to nv get positive opk :(
I oso tried BD-ing when i see faint line of opk. meaning it read negative but there is a line there but lighter than the control line. BD at e time is it right?
yes, i am seeing TCM cos my health not very strong one. Drinking e yerky medicine to improve health. i am seeing the one at tampines. How abt u?

Emily, if you are using OPK, if it is positive, it means it detect LH surge and your body may ovulate soon.. So must BD:) and good to BD after the supposedly ovulation period to cover all bases, in case ovulation takes place later than we expected.. Bbt is different. Once you detect a spike in temp, it could means you have ovulated.. Cos releasing of an egg stimulates the production of progesterone which increases the body temp

Emily: I'm seeing TCM Tan Siew Buoy. Her clinic is at NTU.. At the NTU clinic. Im
Staying in the west area. Are u staying in the east area?:)
Emily: jus to add, when we use OPK , it only tells you that it detects LH surge if OPK positive (meaning you may ovulate.. But sometimes may not ovulate too ).. But from what I read, bbt can gives u an idea whether you have ovulated.. Detecting LH surge does not mean we will 100% ovulate.
Actually... I have ignored all the "must not do" things during the tww. I continued to eat sashimi etc. Feel that if its yours, its yours. I have a friend who didnt know she was already preggy. Still went for those slimming/ facial / eat sashimi etc. In the end, she still got a healthy baby. Don't stress too much. Must learn to relax.. =)

oh preggie cannot do facial too?
My bbt always drop one or two days before AF. However sometimes it remain high n I thought got hope but AF still come. Tested also negative. N ever since I TTC I have all the preg symptoms. I think is all in my mind. Previously when I am not ttcing I never feel it. We must all learn to relax. Maybe we are all too stress.

hehehe YAR!! i also always feeling symptoms... even right after my AF, when obviously there's nothing but i also feel symptoms!! lol
Emily, if you are using OPK, if it is positive, it means it detect LH surge and your body may ovulate soon.. So must BD:) and good to BD after the supposedly ovulation period to cover all bases, in case ovulation takes place later than we expected.. Bbt is different. Once you detect a spike in temp, it could means you have ovulated.. Cos releasing of an egg stimulates the production of progesterone which increases the body temp

wah so chim... big thank you for explaining all my doubts!!! Nope i stayed in the East. I went to Tampines TCM Dr Xu. It's a clinic below HDB estate. Sadly i hardly can judge my O. cos even if i use opk all oso negative. Sometimes got 2 lines but test line not as dark as control line. Sometimes it's a blank test line = cfm negative. I am also using charting my temperature. But my temp seems to be up hill dwn hill. nvm when i see my TCM i will ask her again. Last mth oso like tt she said no O. previous previous mth oso no O. haiz! this mth dono got O or not.

oh preggie cannot do facial too?
really meh? preggies cannot facial??? I disagree wor. so long as we don use the equipment, it is ok de. but steaming e face, shoulder massage, extracting pimples, mask shld be ok. de. Don't do those ipl or sth like tt.
Hi everyone! I've been a silent observer of this particular thread for obvious reasons :) I can fully feel with the anxiety the worry and nervousness during the ttw .. It's a journey that perhaps many of us are destined to go through.. But I think eventually we will treasure a great deal what we are fighting or have fought (those with a BFP ;)) so hard for!

I suffered from vaginismus for 2 whole yrs.. For those of you haven't heard of the term (u lucky girls :)) it means that we can't have sex because I felt pain every time he attempted to penetrate. Ive always loved kids and around me everyone was popping .. I was attending 1mth parties and then 1 yr parties, my fb newsfeed was flooded with photos of lil kids taking their first steps.. Family photos etc u get the drift. During my 1st yr of marriage my husband and I cld buy ourself some time and to be honest we weren't ready to plunge into parenthood yet so things were fine but in our 2nd yr, stress from the PILs and from our frens now moving on to their 2nd kid started to take its toll. The demands from work made it worse as we started drifting apart and we hardly had the energy and mood to be intimate. Eventually I fell into depression, I didn't feel comfortable sharing this with anyone so I ended up breaking down quite a lot when I felt that I couldn't communicate with my husband. Eventually we decided to take a more proactive approach to it and to cut the long story short, we managed to consummate our marriage late last year. Before that I wouldn't have imagined I would one day be looking at a motherhood forum!

So that's my story so far.. Apologies for side tracking a fair bit.. but the main reason for wanting to post is to chip in on something I've learnt about recently.. Hopefully this wld work for some of u out there!

I recently heard from a friend that she had managed to conceive when she least expected to..it was when she was sick and down with a horrid cough and was taking lots do cough syrup. she had been trying for a while now a and imagine her surprise when she found out that she was conceiving! She is now due in a couple of months time:).. I decided to do a bit of googling on it and it turns out that the answer may have been in the cough syrup!! Apparently there's an ingredient in it called guaifenesin that helps thin down the mucus in your lungs and this apparently has the same effect on ladies with hostile CM ie those that are too thick to prevent the sperm from getting through.

There are quite a lot of personal anecdotes on its effectiveness that you can find alone and Robitussin sees like the most popular choice. Check to make sure they contain only guaifenesin as an active ingredient and do not contain decongestions which will dry up your mucus. There are varying accounts on how long u should take and the dosage but from what I've gathered I reckon 5 days before ovulation shld suffice and to take the recommended dosage as u wld if u have a cough. There are so many success stories on the web so I guess it's worthy try! I'll pro give it a go myself if I don't manage a BFP this time...Hope is all we need! All the best ladies!

wow that's nice to hear. no need to spend a lot to get preg :)
Emily Tan said:
Any one believe this or heard of this or who has tried something like this? The video is about 25mins long :eek:
It says abt fertility problems. This lady is sharing her infertility problems and everything incl artificial fertility treatment like IVF, on clomid etc that she did to make herself preg etc. Still cannot preg. She also mentioned that not to eat too much supplements or vitamins, which can caused cancer :eek: This book is SGD63+ She got preg aft giving up all supplements etc and she wrote this book. Dono how true it is.


doodoo123 u try again. maybe network

hmm... nothing in he video one leh.... watched like never watch liddat...
Emily: I'm seeing TCM Tan Siew Buoy. Her clinic is at NTU.. At the NTU clinic. Im
Staying in the west area. Are u staying in the east area?:)
Want to ask if Tan SB operates after working hours/weekends? I tried to google but her clinic seems to only open during office hours...
Just want to check with you girls. Does it mean that once temp spikes it means ovulated already? If no spike mean no ovulation? how abt temp went up gradually?
Just want to check with you girls. Does it mean that once temp spikes it means ovulated already? If no spike mean no ovulation? how abt temp went up gradually?
Yes temp spike means ovulated. If temp went up gradually n remain high should mean ovulated too.
Want to ask if Tan SB operates after working hours/weekends? I tried to google but her clinic seems to only open during office hours...
Hi, I'll take a pic of my appointment card to show u the operation timing:)
Just want to check with you girls. Does it mean that once temp spikes it means ovulated already? If no spike mean no ovulation? how abt temp went up gradually?
I have the same question too.. Next time when I see TCM I'll ask her.. But from
What I read, one article says a temp spike of 0.4 to 1 degree Celsius .. But dunno how true.. But for my last cycle, there is an increase of about 0.66 degree Celsius. But I'm gg to continue to monitor for feb and march cycle, then show TCM and see what she says.. Cos I also wanna know if I have really ovulated without having to go gyne clinic to do ultrasound scan..
just wondering when is near the fertile period, do you start testing everyday or alternate days for ovulation using the kit?
Hi iwk14, I just joined this thread and has been reading through all comments. I totally understand what u have been go through, other than the sex part. I am 38yo this year, I had a kidney transplant 2 yrs ago and only recently I have gotten approval from my doc that I can try for a bb. Its been 4-5 months and still no news. But whatever u have gone through, I totally feel u coz I knew about my conditions 7 years ago so imagine all these while....but though I love kids I do have the mentality that if have have, if dun have I am still gonna be happy and may even go for adoption. So lets not lose hope and encourage each other on this process. God bless!
wah so chim... big thank you for explaining all my doubts!!! Nope i stayed in the East. I went to Tampines TCM Dr Xu. It's a clinic below HDB estate. Sadly i hardly can judge my O. cos even if i use opk all oso negative. Sometimes got 2 lines but test line not as dark as control line. Sometimes it's a blank test line = cfm negative. I am also using charting my temperature. But my temp seems to be up hill dwn hill. nvm when i see my TCM i will ask her again. Last mth oso like tt she said no O. previous previous mth oso no O. haiz! this mth dono got O or not.

really meh? preggies cannot facial??? I disagree wor. so long as we don use the equipment, it is ok de. but steaming e face, shoulder massage, extracting pimples, mask shld be ok. de. Don't do those ipl or sth like tt.

Oh... true... i suppose the machines are what we need to avoid... i was still wondering maybe extraction is too stressful/painful and will be unhealthy for the baby or something lol
Do call the clinic to check tan Siew buoy's working hours.. Certain days she only has afternoon clinic .. Certain days morning .. Not sure about evening.. The clinic has a few sinseh.. If you don't mind which sinseh, then can make appointment at any time of your convenience :)
thanks angel! =)
Want to ask if Tan SB operates after working hours/weekends? I tried to google but her clinic seems to only open during office hours...

I am seeing her at Chinatown clinic.. Think she goes there on certain days of the week.. Usually she is there on sat and sun for consultation. You can call to ask.
Hi iwk14, I just joined this thread and has been reading through all comments. I totally understand what u have been go through, other than the sex part. I am 38yo this year, I had a kidney transplant 2 yrs ago and only recently I have gotten approval from my doc that I can try for a bb. Its been 4-5 months and still no news. But whatever u have gone through, I totally feel u coz I knew about my conditions 7 years ago so imagine all these while....but though I love kids I do have the mentality that if have have, if dun have I am still gonna be happy and may even go for adoption. So lets not lose hope and encourage each other on this process. God bless!
Hi angelbaby, I have a fren who also went for kidney transplant .. After about 1.5 year, after she has gotten approval from doc to TTC, she strike and now have a healthy 4 month old cute little baby girl :) so don't be discouraged:) it will happen:)
AF reports!!! South Africa trip, I'm coming!!! :D

Hi chocopiggie, though the wicked AF came, but I'm happy that you have something to look forward to ...a nice South Africa trip with hubby! :) I have never been there.. but should be a very nice experience for you :) how long are you going to be there? If AF ended and you are still there, nice time to make baby too.. :p enjoy yourself! :)
Hi angelbaby, I have a fren who also went for kidney transplant .. After about 1.5 year, after she has gotten approval from doc to TTC, she strike and now have a healthy 4 month old cute little baby girl :) so don't be discouraged:) it will happen:)

Hi angel_mommy, thanks for the encouragement. never lose. No la, I am not losing hope, I am very positive de LOL, just impatient. My AF should be due next Mon, just hope she dun come. I have been reading and realised many TTC-ing take your temperature and I never do that leh, I think very stressed. So all along, I use app and I just BD when I am supposing to O according to the app, then when I went to gynae for a checkup den realised doesnt mean during that period will O, thats when he gave me the jab. After that I BD all nights after that, Think if this time fail, I shall try doing daily monitoring, please guide me along :)
Hello all, I'm new here. Been following the forum for the past month and decided to sign up for an account. I've been TTC-ing since Nov 2013 and still no news. Just got news of 4 other friends who are pregnant and this is getting me stressed. Now I'm wondering if I should have been less stubborn and tried to have a kid earlier.. :( I'm 30 this year. Really afraid of being unable to conceive though my gynea told me that there is nothing wrong with me.. Just went for CNY visiting and a very kaypoh relative asked me in the presence of all why my stomach so "bu4 zheng1 qi4". Felt like tearing, but decided to just smile and said no news yet..

Hoping to get some support here and to also provide support to fellow mummy-wannabes. Hope we all get good news soon!
share something funny with you all.. last week my boy was looking at his photos in my smartphone. I happened to take a pic of the clearblue ovulation test kit with a smiley face many months ago wanting to wats app to my hubby and telling him it is a good time to BD that night.. out of curiosity , my boy asked me what it is.. too late to scroll away the photo of the test kit, so I just tell him innocently that the smiley face means maybe there is a chance I can give him a baby brother or sister. But if it is a blank circle, means no chance yet. I didnt want to explain in details.. just say it in a simple and innocent way:) He smiled and say excitedly that he wants to have a sibling but I told him so far no good news yet. He said he will pray for me ;)

This morning before I get out of bed, I was taking my bbt using the bbt thermometer. He woke up earlier than usual today and came to look for me in my bedroom. He saw me with the thermometer in my mouth, then waited patiently at the side of my bed quietly. AFter I ma done, he asked me excitedly," Mommy, is it a smiley face or black circle?" I burst out laughing! :D I showed him the thermometer and told him,"I am taking my temperature. This is a thermometer. But if we are going to have another sibling for you, I will surely tell you." Children are so cute and innocent :p on a side note, I really wish I can give him another sibling ... hope that day will come soon! :)
Hi angel_mommy, thanks for the encouragement. never lose. No la, I am not losing hope, I am very positive de LOL, just impatient. My AF should be due next Mon, just hope she dun come. I have been reading and realised many TTC-ing take your temperature and I never do that leh, I think very stressed. So all along, I use app and I just BD when I am supposing to O according to the app, then when I went to gynae for a checkup den realised doesnt mean during that period will O, thats when he gave me the jab. After that I BD all nights after that, Think if this time fail, I shall try doing daily monitoring, please guide me along :)
glad you are keeping your spirit up! jia you! :):)
btw, what is the jab that your gyne give? And what is the jab for? I'm curious :)
AF reports!!! South Africa trip, I'm coming!!! :D
Enjoy your Diamond trip!! hehee..

My af suppose to come on this sunday.. I really hope it wont come lor.. I start to feel nausea and crampy stomach which is similar to af reporting soon also.. Keep telling myself don think so much but it seem like so hard! And hopefully is cos hcg is low that y have negative result.. Really hate the 2WW..
When I have my #1 i keep having negative result also till the date I miss my menses.. But then the test kit can onli test after menses but that time itchy butt go test.. now ttc for #2, the test strip can test up to 4 days.. and it show negative.. Really hope for a miracle!
Hello all, I'm new here. Been following the forum for the past month and decided to sign up for an account. I've been TTC-ing since Nov 2013 and still no news. Just got news of 4 other friends who are pregnant and this is getting me stressed. Now I'm wondering if I should have been less stubborn and tried to have a kid earlier.. :( I'm 30 this year. Really afraid of being unable to conceive though my gynea told me that there is nothing wrong with me.. Just went for CNY visiting and a very kaypoh relative asked me in the presence of all why my stomach so "bu4 zheng1 qi4". Felt like tearing, but decided to just smile and said no news yet..

Hoping to get some support here and to also provide support to fellow mummy-wannabes. Hope we all get good news soon!
welcome! :) I feel stressed whenever hearing that friends are pregnant too... CNY period is the worst. Usually I just say "Er ren shi jie first" though in my heart I think differently... Don't worry, we have each other ok? Waiting for your good news!! :)
share something funny with you all.. last week my boy was looking at his photos in my smartphone. I happened to take a pic of the clearblue ovulation test kit with a smiley face many months ago wanting to wats app to my hubby and telling him it is a good time to BD that night.. out of curiosity , my boy asked me what it is.. too late to scroll away the photo of the test kit, so I just tell him innocently that the smiley face means maybe there is a chance I can give him a baby brother or sister. But if it is a blank circle, means no chance yet. I didnt want to explain in details.. just say it in a simple and innocent way:) He smiled and say excitedly that he wants to have a sibling but I told him so far no good news yet. He said he will pray for me ;)

This morning before I get out of bed, I was taking my bbt using the bbt thermometer. He woke up earlier than usual today and came to look for me in my bedroom. He saw me with the thermometer in my mouth, then waited patiently at the side of my bed quietly. AFter I ma done, he asked me excitedly," Mommy, is it a smiley face or black circle?" I burst out laughing! :D I showed him the thermometer and told him,"I am taking my temperature. This is a thermometer. But if we are going to have another sibling for you, I will surely tell you." Children are so cute and innocent :p on a side note, I really wish I can give him another sibling ... hope that day will come soon! :)
Aiyoh so sweet... can't wait to have one of my own >_<
Just want to check with you girls. Does it mean that once temp spikes it means ovulated already? If no spike mean no ovulation? how abt temp went up gradually?
hi maerceci, my TCM said if temp goes up gradually then maintain that high eg... 35.5 up 35.7 up 35.8 up 36.0 up 36.1 up 36.2 up 36.4 up 36.5 up and maintaining at 36.5 or go up higher for many days that means pregnant. If go up gradually many days then suddenly dropped drastically that means menses coming :(
My temp dropped to very very low now :( but she said for me hard to see cos my temp very messy. tdy up tmr dwn next day up again next day dwn again. like see saw. she also mentioned i have nv ovulate. same for previous mths. she cant see from e temp chart that i ovulate. temp varies in terms of diff ppl. my lowest is 35.5 highest is 36.4 so it reaally depends. My fren preg her temp like fever. 37.0 to 37.3 like tt.

AF reports!!! South Africa trip, I'm coming!!! :D
chocopiggie, when are u going to south Africa? go how long? hopefully u see animals u happy and relax then can BD and bring one MISA (made in south africa) baby bk :)

Hi angelbaby, I have a fren who also went for kidney transplant .. After about 1.5 year, after she has gotten approval from doc to TTC, she strike and now have a healthy 4 month old cute little baby girl :) so don't be discouraged:) it will happen:)
that's a very positive news to share! We all shall keep trying! Dont give up. At most we just think that nvm la, no baby then we can keep playing BD no need worry abt accidents. Those easily conceive oso got a bad point, that is they need to always have protection if not sure another bb come out :) look ahead, look left and right and absorb any thing that is good and positive for u. have a happy mindset :) OK OK easier said than done ah. I know how it feels when comes to disappointment! angel mommy, ur son so cute. so 贴心. so sweet.

Hi angel_mommy, thanks for the encouragement. never lose. No la, I am not losing hope, I am very positive de LOL, just impatient. My AF should be due next Mon, just hope she dun come. I have been reading and realised many TTC-ing take your temperature and I never do that leh, I think very stressed. So all along, I use app and I just BD when I am supposing to O according to the app, then when I went to gynae for a checkup den realised doesnt mean during that period will O, thats when he gave me the jab. After that I BD all nights after that, Think if this time fail, I shall try doing daily monitoring, please guide me along :)
hi angelbaby, welcome here. we are here to guide one another, give advice, share articles, share experiences and most of all, encourage each other. keep your spirit up! jia you!

Hello all, I'm new here. Been following the forum for the past month and decided to sign up for an account. I've been TTC-ing since Nov 2013 and still no news. Just got news of 4 other friends who are pregnant and this is getting me stressed. Now I'm wondering if I should have been less stubborn and tried to have a kid earlier.. :( I'm 30 this year. Really afraid of being unable to conceive though my gynea told me that there is nothing wrong with me.. Just went for CNY visiting and a very kaypoh relative asked me in the presence of all why my stomach so "bu4 zheng1 qi4". Felt like tearing, but decided to just smile and said no news yet..

Hoping to get some support here and to also provide support to fellow mummy-wannabes. Hope we all get good news soon!
hi hwifie, don bother abt those 38 (read in mandarin) aunties. sometimes that is e only way to communicate to others.

Enjoy your Diamond trip!! hehee..

My af suppose to come on this sunday.. I really hope it wont come lor.. I start to feel nausea and crampy stomach which is similar to af reporting soon also.. Keep telling myself don think so much but it seem like so hard! And hopefully is cos hcg is low that y have negative result.. Really hate the 2WW..
oh qin17 everyone here for sure understand and can feel u. me too me too. AF due 2 days ago but till tdy haven't come yet, it's either delay or better don come and give me a BFP! :) dare not even test :( mayb 1 more week still no AF, i see got any symptoms or not. Or wait till another week (2 weeks later) then test. my pms already gone last week, by right aft pms , AF shld be arriving le. crossed fingers.

When I have my #1 i keep having negative result also till the date I miss my menses.. But then the test kit can onli test after menses but that time itchy butt go test.. now ttc for #2, the test strip can test up to 4 days.. and it show negative.. Really hope for a miracle!
wah #2 liao, good la. at least u have 1 already. better than many of us here, none. :( How old is ur #1? cannot believe e test one. even for clearblue oso not 100% accurate. blood test and 1st tri symptoms is e most accurate one. I read of an article saying that a woman cannot get BFP until she was 6mths 7mths preg. Even her blood test didn't show tt she was preg. She has very low hCg.
hi5! almost same period as me... but i having trying since dec though... so far no good news

Hehe, we have only just started! How are ur cycles after coming off ur OCP? This is going to be my first cycle since coming off my OCP, had my withdrawal bleed on Jan 2, till now no AF yet. Probably gotta wait till 3rd week of Feb or end Feb to test if AF isnt here next week (Cycle length usually abt 6 weeks on avg before I started taking the pills).

And some people really is like 1 hit 1 kill. Know of someone who got married in end Nov and now is preggy liao!! OMG.
share something funny with you all.. last week my boy was looking at his photos in my smartphone. I happened to take a pic of the clearblue ovulation test kit with a smiley face many months ago wanting to wats app to my hubby and telling him it is a good time to BD that night.. out of curiosity , my boy asked me what it is.. too late to scroll away the photo of the test kit, so I just tell him innocently that the smiley face means maybe there is a chance I can give him a baby brother or sister. But if it is a blank circle, means no chance yet. I didnt want to explain in details.. just say it in a simple and innocent way:) He smiled and say excitedly that he wants to have a sibling but I told him so far no good news yet. He said he will pray for me ;)

This morning before I get out of bed, I was taking my bbt using the bbt thermometer. He woke up earlier than usual today and came to look for me in my bedroom. He saw me with the thermometer in my mouth, then waited patiently at the side of my bed quietly. AFter I ma done, he asked me excitedly," Mommy, is it a smiley face or black circle?" I burst out laughing! :D I showed him the thermometer and told him,"I am taking my temperature. This is a thermometer. But if we are going to have another sibling for you, I will surely tell you." Children are so cute and innocent :p on a side note, I really wish I can give him another sibling ... hope that day will come soon! :)

Awwww... Kawaii!!
Hehe, we have only just started! How are ur cycles after coming off ur OCP? This is going to be my first cycle since coming off my OCP, had my withdrawal bleed on Jan 2, till now no AF yet. Probably gotta wait till 3rd week of Feb or end Feb to test if AF isnt here next week (Cycle length usually abt 6 weeks on avg before I started taking the pills).

And some people really is like 1 hit 1 kill. Know of someone who got married in end Nov and now is preggy liao!! OMG.
Ive a fried who got married in jul and is preg by aug liao! She was also shocked cuz she didnt know about her pregnancy and went for her honeymoon. Haha. My AF is suppoed to report next tues.. I hope she doesnt come.. Ive been waiting for a baby for 4 months liaoooooooo

Ive a fried who got married in jul and is preg by aug liao! She was also shocked cuz she didnt know about her pregnancy and went for her honeymoon. Haha. My AF is suppoed to report next tues.. I hope she doesnt come.. Ive been waiting for a baby for 4 months liaoooooooo
Ho ho.. Hope u don't see red for the next 10 mths. I remember my cousin also got preggers soon after her AD. But not as hiong as the one who got married in nov.
