2WW - for those TTC-ing

Hehe, we have only just started! How are ur cycles after coming off ur OCP? This is going to be my first cycle since coming off my OCP, had my withdrawal bleed on Jan 2, till now no AF yet. Probably gotta wait till 3rd week of Feb or end Feb to test if AF isnt here next week (Cycle length usually abt 6 weeks on avg before I started taking the pills).

And some people really is like 1 hit 1 kill. Know of someone who got married in end Nov and now is preggy liao!! OMG.
gammahedging i have a fren oso. nov married dec have liao :( 1 mth+ later have liao.

Ive a fried who got married in jul and is preg by aug liao! She was also shocked cuz she didnt know about her pregnancy and went for her honeymoon. Haha. My AF is suppoed to report next tues.. I hope she doesnt come.. Ive been waiting for a baby for 4 months liaoooooooo
pray pray for all of us! i oso hope my AF don come. due 2 days ago.

I wonder what they do .. Is it strike before/on/after AD. Omg!!!
hee hard to say lei. mayb b4 AD the sperms already inside but havent conceive. Then aft AD menses nv come then preg liao. hard to calculate. cos preg can be from 35 weeks to 38 weeks. some ppl delay till 40 weeks.

sad la... this year got 3 babies coming out... (friends baby) should be hearing some more good news very soon ... but my stomach still flat flat.
Ya Lor! U can't really tell one. Like my parents had their ad in jan (rom was before their AD). Oct I was born liao!! But for my mom, it was cos her waters suddenly broke. She said she went to the gynae a few days' before and was told she wasn't due so soon. Omg scary lor
gammahedging i have a fren oso. nov married dec have liao :( 1 mth+ later have liao.

pray pray for all of us! i oso hope my AF don come. due 2 days ago.

hee hard to say lei. mayb b4 AD the sperms already inside but havent conceive. Then aft AD menses nv come then preg liao. hard to calculate. cos preg can be from 35 weeks to 38 weeks. some ppl delay till 40 weeks.

sad la... this year got 3 babies coming out... (friends baby) should be hearing some more good news very soon ... but my stomach still flat flat.

Hehe, let's all get a baby soon! How long have u been trying for emily?

I never thought that it is so hard to conceive until i try for a baby myself. Last time hubby and I always thought it is very easy to 1 hit after 1 try. hahaha. :p
Emily, thanks. Looks like i have already ovulated and not aware of it becos i din expect it so early. I think i ovulated a day before seeing Dr Tan KS. On that day, my temp in the morning already spike from 36.3 to 36.6. He took my pulse and checked my egg size. He said it is 14 - 16mm and i might ovulated a few days later. It seems like even Dr cannot tell if i have ovulated. My temp again went up. Got to see what he say this Saturday when i go back.
glad you are keeping your spirit up! jia you! :):)
btw, what is the jab that your gyne give? And what is the jab for? I'm curious :)

hi angel_mommy, the jab is called HCG. According to my gynae, it is something that when we O, this will be created in the body. So since he detected that I have a matured egg, he says it should released in a day or 2, so asked me to test. I tested for 2 mornings, and there are no double strips, so I went to the clinic to get the jab and this will help me to release the egg in 36 hours. After that I never tested, I just DD for 3 nights consecutively, so I am very high on hope that AF should not come on Mon, else it will means that I should probably have a problem.

hi emily, thanks for the warm welcome. though I am probably one of the oldest here, there are so much that i do not know about this, definitely good to have all of you here to talk about

hi hwifie, i am married for 7 years and everytime people ask me how come I dun have kids, while I wanted so much, yet I dun wan them to go on a conversation so usually I just smiled and say let God decides. And let them go and figure themselves, whether I wan kids or dun wan....and that usually do the trick :)
Emily, thanks. Looks like i have already ovulated and not aware of it becos i din expect it so early. I think i ovulated a day before seeing Dr Tan KS. On that day, my temp in the morning already spike from 36.3 to 36.6. He took my pulse and checked my egg size. He said it is 14 - 16mm and i might ovulated a few days later. It seems like even Dr cannot tell if i have ovulated. My temp again went up. Got to see what he say this Saturday when i go back.

Dr Tan KS is a gynae or TCM? How to check the size of the egg?
Hey angelbaby. Thanks! All the best to all of us. Haha. I nv knew ttc can be so stressful ahh. Haha. Hope af doesnt report on tues. Hubby hopes to have an oct baby. We have been bd-ing every other night and I find it v puzzling why it didnt hit the right spot. Haha
Emily. Yes.. if preg the temp is forever very high one. So now i really hope my temp wont come down these 3 days.. Pray hard.. the temp fluctuate is it coz u din take the temp at same timing or environment (aircon or non aircon)? My #1 is going to be 2yo soon. So hopefully can have another baby to accompany her.. but seem like try so long still nv strike! haiz..
Hehe, we have only just started! How are ur cycles after coming off ur OCP? This is going to be my first cycle since coming off my OCP, had my withdrawal bleed on Jan 2, till now no AF yet. Probably gotta wait till 3rd week of Feb or end Feb to test if AF isnt here next week (Cycle length usually abt 6 weeks on avg before I started taking the pills).

And some people really is like 1 hit 1 kill. Know of someone who got married in end Nov and now is preggy liao!! OMG.

actually i cant differentiate withdrawal bleed and AF.... tat y i bought the ovulation strip to test it out...
i read online sometimes ovulation will comes 6months after stopping birth pill..
Hey angelbaby. Thanks! All the best to all of us. Haha. I nv knew ttc can be so stressful ahh. Haha. Hope af doesnt report on tues. Hubby hopes to have an oct baby. We have been bd-ing every other night and I find it v puzzling why it didnt hit the right spot. Haha

seems like we should be having the same AF due time....lets just hope its BFP for both of us
WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH today thread is so busy.

haha I just want to say ALL THE BEST TO ALL and have a BFP!

chocopiggie - don't go Pandora, look at raw diamonds by the side of streets better. keke

angelmommy, ur boy so cute!! I also want one!

to new comers - welcome and hope u strike soon!

I got this again but is darker than yesterday. I just tested nia. Should I test later in the day or wait till tomorrow? :) feeling hopeful!
Actually is those O kit from taobao or Qoo10 reliable? I bought a few from Q100. Non tested positive. But TCM said I actually did O by just looking at bbt. o_O
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Emily tan, good luck to you! Hope you are the BFP in feb.

Mshoon, just whack for 2 more days of BD and you can rest..
Actually when to stop bd-ing? For example I first started resting with the opk on Saturday morning. It looked positive. But when I repeated Tt test on Saturday evening, it's negative.
Hb and I bd on Saturday and Monday. Before I tested last Saturday we bd on Thursday (cny eve) and.. Last Tuesday (?) after Monday we stopped liao .. Hmmm. Is it stop when it turns negative or???
Actually when to stop bd-ing? For example I first started resting with the opk on Saturday morning. It looked positive. But when I repeated Tt test on Saturday evening, it's negative.
Hb and I bd on Saturday and Monday. Before I tested last Saturday we bd on Thursday (cny eve) and.. Last Tuesday (?) after Monday we stopped liao .. Hmmm. Is it stop when it turns negative or???
ya u can stop bd after turn negative. if u scare just bd once more. if can just enjoy the process, so that hub don't feel used hahaha
Hello all, I'm new here. Been following the forum for the past month and decided to sign up for an account. I've been TTC-ing since Nov 2013 and still no news. Just got news of 4 other friends who are pregnant and this is getting me stressed. Now I'm wondering if I should have been less stubborn and tried to have a kid earlier.. :( I'm 30 this year. Really afraid of being unable to conceive though my gynea told me that there is nothing wrong with me.. Just went for CNY visiting and a very kaypoh relative asked me in the presence of all why my stomach so "bu4 zheng1 qi4". Felt like tearing, but decided to just smile and said no news yet..

Hoping to get some support here and to also provide support to fellow mummy-wannabes. Hope we all get good news soon!

Hi dear, i feel you! I also am scared that I can't conceive even though im just about your age plus i only tried 4 months but it's been an incredibly stressful journey because i start crying every time i see my AF. Best part, my sis in law (who was married in Nov last year) is now 6 weeks pregnant and me (married in 2011) no sound no picture. :/ Then seeing my in-laws fawn over her makes me want to go into depression. But alas, what can we do. Just have to chin up and keep trying.

Very thankful for the support from these ladies here. You all are keeping me afloat in this difficult time. *hug*
Hi dear, i feel you! I also am scared that I can't conceive even though im just about your age plus i only tried 4 months but it's been an incredibly stressful journey because i start crying every time i see my AF. Best part, my sis in law (who was married in Nov last year) is now 6 weeks pregnant and me (married in 2011) no sound no picture. :/ Then seeing my in-laws fawn over her makes me want to go into depression. But alas, what can we do. Just have to chin up and keep trying.

Very thankful for the support from these ladies here. You all are keeping me afloat in this difficult time. *hug*
don't stress, I got married in 2007! hahaha no babies yet. but we choose not to have it so earli, so started ttc since 2011. things happen for a reason. Jia you! don't give up and don't compare why others get pregnant soon.

maybe u get pregnant later so that u can prepare better to be a mum and provide a better living for ur kid :)
Hi dear, i feel you! I also am scared that I can't conceive even though im just about your age plus i only tried 4 months but it's been an incredibly stressful journey because i start crying every time i see my AF. Best part, my sis in law (who was married in Nov last year) is now 6 weeks pregnant and me (married in 2011) no sound no picture. :/ Then seeing my in-laws fawn over her makes me want to go into depression. But alas, what can we do. Just have to chin up and keep trying.

Very thankful for the support from these ladies here. You all are keeping me afloat in this difficult time. *hug*

Haha I got married in 2011 too. But it was my choice to start ttc in oct last yr. But I didnt know it's so hard to conceive lor. Haha. Sucky feeling. To think I told my friend not to be stressed when she was trying for hers. Now I feel how she felt at tt time. Haha. Whenever my AF comes or if I feel symptoms I automatically feel v depressed. Hahaha. Oh wellssss. Jiayou ba! I will update everyone nx wk. I hope no more AF for the next 10 mths. Sick of seeing red every mth. Haha. Wanna see my stomach balloonnnnnn.
ya u can stop bd after turn negative. if u scare just bd once more. if can just enjoy the process, so that hub don't feel used hahaha
Haha yes!! Tho Saturday one is hb said... Just whack. Lol!!! The ones before.. Is spontaneous one cos my opks weren't here yet hehehe
Haha I got married in 2011 too. But it was my choice to start ttc in oct last yr. But I didnt know it's so hard to conceive lor. Haha. Sucky feeling. To think I told my friend not to be stressed when she was trying for hers. Now I feel how she felt at tt time. Haha. Whenever my AF comes or if I feel symptoms I automatically feel v depressed. Hahaha. Oh wellssss. Jiayou ba! I will update everyone nx wk. I hope no more AF for the next 10 mths. Sick of seeing red every mth. Haha. Wanna see my stomach balloonnnnnn.

OMG me toooo!!!!! my husband also quite young, non-smoker, fit, non-drinker so we thought try 1-2 months can liao. then since last august until now nothing. =//// i am SOOOOOO ready to be a mum... all i need is a BFP! im having my AF - sadness plus cramps wah lao. and going on holiday during O period so wish me luck!!!! hope to update in 2-3 weeks :)
Hi dear, i feel you! I also am scared that I can't conceive even though im just about your age plus i only tried 4 months but it's been an incredibly stressful journey because i start crying every time i see my AF. Best part, my sis in law (who was married in Nov last year) is now 6 weeks pregnant and me (married in 2011) no sound no picture. :/ Then seeing my in-laws fawn over her makes me want to go into depression. But alas, what can we do. Just have to chin up and keep trying.

Very thankful for the support from these ladies here. You all are keeping me afloat in this difficult time. *hug*
Hug hug.. Soon it will be ur turn to be the dowager at home .. Imagine ur Mil doing ur nails, FIL massaging ur feet and ur hb feeding U birds nest. Not sure if it helps but mebbe visualize Tt, and that the sperm successfully meets w the egg and the embryo implants itself in ur womb...
Hug hug.. Soon it will be ur turn to be the dowager at home .. Imagine ur Mil doing ur nails, FIL massaging ur feet and ur hb feeding U birds nest. Not sure if it helps but mebbe visualize Tt, and that the sperm successfully meets w the egg and the embryo implants itself in ur womb...

haha thanks!!
awww hughug! but at least you have your 1st :) many of us 1st also dont have :(:(:(

I am like gamma all ready again and now the little girl is sensible to help around. I also just need a BFP! :(sometimes coz of ttc-ing do u girls find yr mood fluctuate v fast??!!
I am like gamma all ready again and now the little girl is sensible to help around. I also just need a BFP! :(sometimes coz of ttc-ing do u girls find yr mood fluctuate v fast??!!
Yes I find not as happy as before. A lot of things restricted. So am trying not to behave like this.
So confused. Yesterday her bbt dropped to 35.8 with af symptoms, so I told her just forget it and enjoy penang trip and food. Today tested 36.6 ! Is it due to the durian she ate?
So confused. Yesterday her bbt dropped to 35.8 with af symptoms, so I told her just forget it and enjoy penang trip and food. Today tested 36.6 ! Is it due to the durian she ate?
If its up then got hope. Sometimes implantation will cause bbt to drop n go up again. Did she take at same timing?

OMG me toooo!!!!! my husband also quite young, non-smoker, fit, non-drinker so we thought try 1-2 months can liao. then since last august until now nothing. =//// i am SOOOOOO ready to be a mum... all i need is a BFP! im having my AF - sadness plus cramps wah lao. and going on holiday during O period so wish me luck!!!! hope to update in 2-3 weeks :)
Oh no. I'm drinker, smoker and super unfit. Perhaps that's why we no bfp. Sigh
