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  1. S

    (2008/04) April 2008

    hi mummies, anyone knows of any contact for good nanny?
  2. S

    (2008/04) April 2008

    Hi nawratul, my gal is also like yours- breastfeeding and refused all formulas. I tried various brands and she'll spit it out. Finally, she took to Pediasure and slowly, i started introducing her to fresh milk and she slowly adapted. Curently she's taking either fresh milk/ Pediasure or...
  3. S

    (2008/04) April 2008

    calamari, wow sounds good. how much do you have to pay for this? never knew that teachers go to the home to teach pre-N children. So is Kayla enjoying it?
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    hello mummies, Re: Childcare It's true that it's really quite painful to see them crying and having to "grow up" suddenly when we send them to childcare. But i guess kids are a resilient lot and they do adapt fast. I am happy that my girl has finally settled in. Was on the verge on giving up...
  5. S

    (2008/04) April 2008

    calamari: tink i might just do tat too.. very kiasu i now but knowing how long the waiting list is... hehe.. jamie: my girl likes to snack so usually when we go out, i'll bring biscuits, cereals like cornflakes or raisins. if the outing is longer and will reach her mealtimes, i'll usually...
  6. S

    (2008/04) April 2008

    calamari, wow! 10 mths is a long time..guess i am lucky to get the 9-11am slot so fast then.. did you put Kayla on the waiting list for Edudrama as well? Not sure if i am going to do tat cos Sarah is already on the waitlist for ACT3.
  7. S

    (2008/04) April 2008

    calamari, my girl will be in the 9-11am class at East Coast. the 2-4pm slot is very popular right?
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    hi calamari, thanks for reposting the entry. glad to know that your girl really enjoys the class. i just got a place for my girl. she'll be starting this sat.i tink she'll be starting mid-term. hope she'll enjoy it as much as your girl. which branch is your gal at?
  9. S

    (2008/04) April 2008

    hello mummies! any mummies send their tots to Julia Gabriel Bilingual Playclub? Will appreciate any thoughts/comments. Thanks!
  10. S

    (2008/04) April 2008

    Hello mummies! Jules' Mum, my gal just started at Brighton Montessori for 2x/weekly half-day programme last week. And she has been crying each time we take her there! Cos caregiver is not allowed in and she has never been left on her own without me or my mum, coupled with the new environment...
  11. S

    (2008/04) April 2008

    hello mummies! my gal has 8 front teeth and 4 molars.. the molars came out abt 2mths ago when she was abt 16 mths.. had a drop in appetite during that period but no major problems. sometimes she will use her finger and poke inside the mouth and say "pain". No signs of any new molars coming...
  12. S

    (2008/04) April 2008

    hi maro, thanks for the contact no!
  13. S

    (2008/04) April 2008

    hi hi mummies! does anyone have the contact for mr&mrs james chan, the agar-agar makers? thanks in advance!
  14. S

    (2008/04) April 2008

    hello mummies! not posted for a long time..been really busy. Lynn, your gal is like mine. not grown much for some time. and she's still so petite- going to be 13 mths soon but weight only abt 8.3kg and height abt 71cm. and like your gal, she doesn't drink much milk. previously only let her...
  15. S

    (2008/04) April 2008

    morning mummies! Maids I have very bad experience with my 2 previous maids; both phili. The first one, work wise she's very good, in fact i would say almost perfect. She's very neat, clean and has a lot of initiative and common sense. However, she's very rude. Will give black face to my mum...
  16. S

    (2008/04) April 2008

    Farah, Jules' mum, Any idea how can i contact mengchoo? there's no contact number/ email on her website.. thx!
  17. S

    (2008/04) April 2008

    gd morning mummies! just wondering...any mummies order from cupcakedivinity? How do their cakes taste? good? farah, wow..your nephew's bday looks really grand! your sister is one great party organiser. May i know where did she order the cake and agar2 from?
  18. S

    (2008/04) April 2008

    morning mummies, jojoz, lynn u can try I have tried their cupcakes, they taste good. chewy, nice cake! must have been a great party
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    (2008/04) April 2008

    morning mummies! amy, am so sorry to hear abt your incident with Michael..but am sure the party went well nevertheless.. was going to book Michael for his services but after hearing abt your bad experience, i changed my mind.. already he takes so long to answer my emails..more than 2...
  20. S

    (2008/04) April 2008

    gd morning mummies! angel, nice cake! am tinking of ordering from Smiling Orchid as well. wat flavour did you choose? Jules' Mum, I brought my bb for influenza vaccination when she was abt 10mths old. will need 2 jabs at least 4 weeks apart for first timer. So far, no side effects...
