(2008/04) April 2008

hehehe...cos papa's a fan! and remember an ad showing a lil tod in yellow bruce lee jumper?...wah, so cute!!!!!
hey, u've mia recently?
sure v cute de!!

hahaa...u missed me arr
haha. good luck to mummies trying for no 2. I'm still not ready. haha. or I may stop at 1.
thinking of e problems I face really scares me.
Jules'mum... dun tink too much..let nature take its course...maybe the next pregnancy be a smooth smooth one leh...


nana...u MIA also no use... i will "haunt" u in hotmail.. LOL
choco, my pregnancy was easy. I'm scared of all e not eating, excessive crying, night feeds. haha. think also scared le. then I dun have enough time for him. unless can convince my hubby I dun need to work la. haha.
dunno wat's wrong with julian. eating less and drinks very little milk. last time could drink 260ml for night feed. now can't even finish 200ml. this morning only 80ml. sigh.
Jule's Mum, my girl also like that for a while. Can drink up to 300ml before sleep but now can't even finish 180ml... Guess the higher quantity intake means they are having growth spurt?
jules mum...
mine also..used to be a power milk monster... can drink at least 200ml for every feed..now shrink to sometimes 80ml,100ml, 120, 140...then best time now is 160ml... i also no idea why...

i tell myself...as long as he drink something to keep himself hydrated.. i shldnt panic...(how not to???)
tink got to do with the growth spurt ba.. and maybe teething?

Esther... 300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! alot leh.. wow... how u do it?
haha choc, that's the max la, sometimes will still have leftover ard 1 oz. Hmm.. maybe I din feed her enough during dinner time... ;p She definitely cannot drink 200ml at every feed!

But that's thing of the past lor.. hope another growth spurt come soon and I can stuff her with food.. My sil said she seems to look slimmer.. guess that is one word you dun wish to hear about your child. lol.
esther... AIYOOOOO... same same... pple say my boy slimmer..i also sian 1/2..that time he sick and i find him like bamboo..the first comments my BIL see is WAH SO THIN...i also very sad...

hahahaha... max leh...300ml is not a small amount.. hahaa

u stuff ur girl with biscuits..or the yogurt..hahaaa...my mum keep feeding my boy potato porridge...faint
choc, esther, I'm hoping for another spurt too. haha. my son has never been fat before. every time people comment why ju so skinny like I never give him food. he dun want also bo bian. now I tried not to be affected la. like wat u say how not to be worried. few months back I shout at him, beat him for not eating till he scared of highchair. so I learnt my mistake. dun force him la. last time on isomil at least drinks properly. recently changed to friso, not as much. not sure because he dun want so much or because of e change. gave him enfa and e intake was worse.

I'll give ju bread, cheese or biscuits if he not eating well lo.
leo's mum : I think u can call grace kids or just turn up for e trial. should be open to public too. hope I didn't give u wrong info. :p
mummies...any1 of u sending ur bub to the little neuro tree? me thinking of sending Luann there...their programs is kinda interesting...

wan to know if there's any feedback...
<font color="119911">luan_mummy, you brot luann for trial?
was keen for a trial at JE center n told to hv at least 2 bb to open another class.. n d trial consists of 3 diff sessions @ $150.. tt made my interest gone gee..

hii mamas who were at Gracekids trial ytd, it was such a fun filled 1.5hrs bonding time wif our lil one. Thanks Chewy for organising!
sth i realised.. they do not examine bb's hand &amp; foot upon entering class, this to exclude any HFMD.. otherwise it's def. a great place to chk out at.

oh, btw any bb attending this cuming term 9.30am GUG class, UE sq? I'll be there, has enrolled lil'O for this term</font>

just attended kindermusik today, my boi love it..but my hubby want to let him try other b4 decide which one to go..i am considering trail at GUG, but i think my son not those siiting down type n listen to the zoophonics leh
hihi! it was nice meeting some of you at Gracekids trial yesterday! Thanks to Chewy also!

babyliss: that was my hubby's comment also! no checking of hands and feet.. comparing it to GUG
we went when baby was about 8 months.. (suntec branch)

leo's mum: GUG - growing up gifted
Hi jules..u might wan try pediasure? Its for fussy eaters and 1 feed can replace 1 meal so dont have to worry tat ju is lack of nutrients?

This is a 15Mos baby tat we bump into last sat @marina barrage. So MACHO!!! Alaric looks so petite next to him hahaha.....

hi Ladies

It's not my first time here... but I am not really chatting here as I am a FTWM. But coming July, I will relinquishing my FTWM role and takin on a SAHM role.

Are there any SAHM here?
Von : These 2 days he's little better. Maybe he was teething la. I hope. Very sian leh see him like that. I'll standyby pediasure too.

nana : The boy really big size! Ju also very small size leh. haven't even reach 9kg. hahaha.
hi leo mum

Thank you for your sharing! Is your boy also a Apr 08 baby? Cos I know some users in this thread are not Apr 08 mummies...

Btw, can you share with me what are some things that you do with leo at home?
leo's mum: No lah! Leo doesn't look small! he looks really tall actually!

welcome babysteps! i'm a FTWM also.. i guess the grass is always greener on the other side
choc, my mum also kept feeding my gal with potato porridge! She said she likes it. :1

Jule's Mum, when I was around 3/4 yrs old, my mum also cannot take the pressure of relatives commenting that I'm too thin and kind of force feed me with hill-like level of food every meal. And if I dun finish it, she will lock me in a room with light off! Haha! Though now I dun blame her, I still remember.
pediasure... hey..i tink this is good leh..my fren's gal hor...been drinking pediasure..and i see her result leh... now abit chubby... so maybe those who see their babies abit small size and wan them to pump up abit..can consider..

but do b careful ya...monitor the weight growth...also dun wan them to be overweight

Cote Gr

Thank you for the welcome... I am not exactly new, just hardly in here. Cos my workstation is in the open, so I tend not to come in...
