(2008/04) April 2008

ah so nice to see pics of our babies!

here is byron... now he like to tuck in some corners and juz squat and look cute haha


oh i showed Byron pictures of the gals and ask him which one he want........ he looked for a while and point to each one... then later he kept pointing to Kayla and say "This this this
' hahaaha"

(oops cannot steal gf from elliot.. hahahahahha)
baby: oh yeah...she is with Impact Models. You sharp leh hehe ;)

sputnik: yes, a bit overcrowded. Maybe cos they just opened.

scubie: hahahah...Kayla is missing Elliot in Nanjing. Byron still so cute hor? hahhaha...how are his eyes now? Hope he has got used to the DHA keke. And so nice to see you again after the last time they went swimming. Still such a hot mama!
rem her well as she went for interview with my son~
and she was very not shy kind~
my hubby say she so cute lo~
she was dancing and very active la~
not like other girls of her age that are quite shy~
so really had her in mind~~
baby: oh u are Zephen's mummy! Think both of them went to the Kodomo audition is it? Hehehe. My mom and hubby were telling me Zephen very handsome wor!

strawberries: I am in my 29th week. Getting clumsy liao hahaha. I have a good maid agent to intro but he only does Filipino maids. He is introduced by some in the SMH forum and my current maid is intro by him. Very responsible agent. I will pm u his details.
Lynn,Joelle,Jule's Mum,

Tks for the advice.
Will try giving her fruits.Oh ya, she oso drinks ribena everyday. Any idea if its good?
they also rem his name?
yeap zephen's mum~
he is going thru the noti 2 stage now lo~
no longer handsome k~
like mad kid now~cant take it~
well your gal really is a fast learner le~
as she can speak quite well compair to my son~
maybe girls learn faster??
i intent to send him off to school so i can relax abit~
hey congrats on your #2 le~
envy here~~
as keep trying but no news siean~~

how have you all been? its been so long since i have logged on! have been so busy with my 2 boys. :p #2 is now 3 mths already. heheh seeing that you all are on the topic of photos... here are some of mine!


playboy in the making?



heheh, hope this makes your day!
have a great day! :p or rather have a great night's rest
baby: Zephen still very handsome. I can imagine him when he grows up, sure have many girls queuing up hahaha. My hubby and mom told me the handsome boy's name starts with Z but dunno exactly how to spell. So when you told me your son and Kayla went for the same audition, I looked up the Impact Models webby and found Zephen's name
I think maybe girls are more talkative, so tend to speak faster?

jasmine: nice to see you appearing again. Hope you are coping well with Elijah and Elisha. Both Elijah and Gideon look like such good pals and so grown-up! Love the 2nd pic ;)
<font color="119911">Stephen Joseph GoGo Bag, any mummies?
Grabbed the Zoo design at $38.90 for Owen (w/ embroidered name). Seem cheaper thou.. Check out TuTeeTu for detail

adorable Zhiyan, Kaylen, Luan and Kayla blooming prettier day by day

Byron big boy liao, still as beefy as last time geez..</font>}
<font color="119911">Calamari, could have save that 90cts lorrrr *blah*.. comforting part is they dun hv the zoo(old) design I aimed geez >.<

what you got for Kayla?</font>
mummies, in case anyone looking for name embroidery for bags and towels etc for kiddos starting childcare like mine..

there's this unassuming shop at transit road.. http://www.hockgiftshop.com/WebPage/Help/ContactUs.htm that does name name embroidery for bags/towels/hats etc that you can bring in yourself. first time we did one was charged $5, then subsequently we went back to get more stuff embroidered and was charged $3 a name

no fanciful fonts but there's a couple of sweet-loking ones suitable for kids' stuff.. just sharing cos if you're like me, there'll be a ton of things to get labelled for childcare..
babyliss: yeah I saw many asking for the zoo design which have ran oos. Wanted to get that for my boy but thot its too soon hahaah! Huh??! u mean Zoo is an old design? Then maybe I can get now first from your source. I got the Butterfly Purple for Kayla

:p coping was not too well in the 1st few months... :p almost went nuts... became a moo moo cow... no need to care about the house just rotate baby to bf... :p at least now there is a routine setup and thing are starting to look better... :p heheh was actually locked up at home for a good 2 months without going out at all! to the point that we had our groceries delivered to the door step. diapers too...

well at least have past that stage and now am getting more rest.

thanks for the compliment for the pix! heheh well will find the time to post up pix of my #2 soon! you must take care of yourself too k. rest well and sleep all that you can now!
<font color="119911">calamari, the zoo design from TuTeeTu is diff from the BP so I assumed it's not the lastest zoo design ba. What?? need not to get so early hor, wait for new design lah geegeez</font>
well he is not that popular la~
so sick of him throwing temper every now and then le~~
wanna faint~
bring him to see his pre-school 2molo~
hope can enroll him in asap so i can have some rest~
well i think maybe girls are fast learner lo~
mine also talkertive~
if bring him out he will pick those pretty OL then jie jie~ jie jie~
i so peisei~~~~~
Jasmine: aiyoh, sounds daunting hehe....I have the CL for help during the 1st month and my mom throughout, so hopefully it'll be ok. You really superwoman, to be able to cope with 2 under 18 months with no help! I won't be able to do that! *clap clap*. Glad you have gotten into a routine now

babyliss: ok hehe

baby: do u intend to send Zephen to half or full day school? near ur place?
Calamari:will enroll him for those full day de~
but their full day is from 9am to 3.30pm~lol
at least can still rest and do some BP in the morning~
i will be sending him to art kids~
i am not sure if anyone heard of it~
but in another thread one mummy told me it is quite nice there~
and so far no bad comment about this school yet~
but due to the ex fees of $650(aft sub) i wanna take a look 1st and see how it goes~
as hubby say cant affort~
the place is at tiong baruh CC there~
i am staying opp ikea so can say quite near lo~
can save money on the school bus too~

ur gal neh?
she go which pre-school?
does pre-school really helps?
any feed back?
as i dont wanna a child care as i can look aft him whole day myself as i am a SHWM~
if not i will just send him to MY GYM~
baby: the full day timing quite good. Yes, have heard of Art Kids but I know some programs of theirs do not have naps. May make it very tiring for kids so young. Otherwise, should be ok, and so convenient for you to ferry. My girl ah? I am still trying to delay sending her to school cos my mom is still helping me look after her. Until she cannot cope when my #2 comes along, then I will send her to half-day preschool at Pat's Schoolhouse which is also near my place. I reckon should be about 28 months when i send her there as I have secured a place in that school. Otherwise, in my opinion, weekly enrichment classes suffice for now.
calamari:i just came back from the school~
well they so have nap time for tods~
i see a few lay flat liao when i go there ard 12plus~
my son seems to blend in well~
he treat it like his home walk everywer and best part~
go know all those jie jie~-_-"
actualli i went there it is not very near any MRT or my house also~
so damn ulu the place~ but so far so good~
nice director,teacher and the kids there dont really cry that much la~
all happy with their own stuff~
your gal should be doing fine de i guess as she so friendly~
and also can talk le~
i think send them in early helps to lighten our load~
as i keep going sieao at home looking aft him as he is so active~
have to bring him out all the time so he will behave lo~
i juz came back from Chiangmai with Byron and super extended family. Must say traveling with baby was not as bad as I thought. Byron was mostly cooperative most of the way. He even sat through a 40 mins elephant ride, brave through a raving waterfall and did a trail in the highest mountain in thailand all without fussing or crying at all! very proud of him!

calamari &amp; babyliss: thanks for the compliments. Ya his eyes are alright now. Bad case of throat infection/runny nose i guess. He doesn't like the DHA still! will try it on him later la. Very picky with food now i notice, only eat alot of junk food.
baby: hehe good that Zephen is adapting well to cc

scubie: U r back! Hope u all have enjoyed the trip. Wah sounds so adventurous! Got waterfall somemore and mountain trail! Can't wait for your FB pics.
hey mommies, any of your babies have molars yet? my boy has been screaming every night the past week.. can't sleep well.. i don't know if it's coz the molars are erupting.. any experience?
hello mummies!

my gal has 8 front teeth and 4 molars..
the molars came out abt 2mths ago when she was abt 16 mths.. had a drop in appetite during that period but no major problems. sometimes she will use her finger and poke inside the mouth and say "pain". No signs of any new molars coming out yet though..

luann is on food strike when she had her molars abt 2 mths back....it nearly killed me n my hb, she will be crying n whinning non-stop
bear with it, shld be over soon...once the tip are out he will be happy again...
sales time..

Edventure Books year end Sale
i just walked in and signed up to be a member, and of cos burnt my pocket buying a whole lot of books.. and then eyeing another lot to buy before the sale ends... oh no!

And.. The Mattel (Fisher Price etc) sale..
1-11 Oct
No 1 Lok Yang Way
good for those mummies expecting #2 bah.. most of our little ones are outgrowing the FP toys liao bah..
hi luann_mummy,
thanks! yah.. can't figure out why he's so whiny these weeks.. hopefully it will come out soon... i getting seriously sleep deprived.. haha
i have very bad chronic fatigue. anyone can help? i've seen dr already who says i must stop breast feeding &amp; get unbroken sleep. but i'm not keen to stop yet
can i check with those that give their babies Pediasure Complete, what is the difference between the Purple cap and Transparent cap can? Both says Pediasure complete rite?

Byron ate something bad and has been having diarrhoea since yesterday. Poor boy been juz poo-ing every 30 mins or so. Brought him to PD today and he advised me to stop giving him his usual milk powder and change to Pediasure for the next few days coz its for lactose intolorent babies. I asked if the calorie amount is higher for Pediasure but he told me its the same for all milk powder ha. I scared feed Byron that for the next few days he suddenly gain alot of weight! He is heavy enough hahaha

I'm thinking of sending my kid (18 mth) for weekly enrichment. Any mummies have feedback on Growing Up Gifted? Are the kids able to concentrate for 1.5 hrs?
Hi Caitlin, my daughter can concentrate for 2 hours in enrichment class (btw she's not in GUG). It all depends on the type of activities and how prepared the instructors are.

Anybody knows if anywhere selling the Daytripper at $99 now? Thot i saw that somewhere selling but can't seem to find the place. Thanks!
Scubababe - why not try soy base milk like isomil or mamil soy? also good for diarrhea. Also give plenty of water, PD ever ask me 2 go pharmacy to buy Pedialyte, its to replenish water lost, good to take for diarrhea. Hope Byron gets well soon. Apply lots of cream on his buttock, sure very sore one, poor thing.
Hi calamari,

Thanks.. But my son has rather short concentration span. He can't watch tv for more than 5 mins. Sigh.. I'm not sure how interesting GUG's classes are.
caitlin: why don't you try bring him to trial class at a few schools? TV is static, so might not be interesting enough for him, that's why he cannot concentrate for more than 5 mins. You can try out many schools available e.g. GUG, Zoophonics, Julia Gabriel, Grace Kids, Little Neuro Tree, Mindchamps, Shichida, etc...
hi koori &amp; caitlin,

i'm interested in the GUG programs too... havent not gone for the trial.

hi koori,

long time never see u liao or did i overlook ur posting, heehee
can feedback the lessons done at GUG...
thanks koori. now let him take the pediasure the PD gave first lor. His diarrhoea not letting up and fever is coming on and off... worrying. Last nite 4am rush to KK coz saw a bit of blood in his stools. He has never been this sick before. Despite everything he still wants to watch his Nemo, at least twice a day!

caitlin: if your kid has not attend any lessons before he will definately not pay attention the whole lesson, but that does not mean he is not listening. Byron attends Little Neuro Tree, its an 1 hr lesson. After say 10 mins he may drift off and climb on tables etc, but he will pay attention again when the teacher starts to play music or do certain activities. I see some improvement to his language and counting skills thats why i decide to enroll him

VonVon - ok will let u know after my trial.

Caitlin - my ger also din really pay attention during her class at gracekids but the teacher say let her do wat she want but parents follow the teacher so our kid will follow wat we do, after a while we caught her attention and she did wat the teacher &amp; us do, keke.
