(2008/04) April 2008

thanks joelle, i think i will get foogo too..
still cheeky, refuse to call us, only recognise food and will only say mum mum..

Congrats, sherin

so many mummies having #2.. spread more baby dust, i need alot for bb plan in July, hahaha...

welcome, sapphire
Birthday bash

finally got time to log in today.
I want to thank those mummies for orgainsing the birthday bash on 2nd may. My boy- kang kang really enjoyed himself.
I have upload some photo. Please add me in your facebook
[email protected]
BTW, i just snap and snap , some babies i took without the mummies permission. I hoped you don't mind and like the photos too.
Hi Shelyn,
I have forwarded the email from schoolhse to u in regard to the fees.

Hi Jamie,
My nephew is studying at MMI Katong. Actually I did consider there but my hubby and I prefer a school with outdoor playground & activities. Hopefully Shaws will be done with the construction next yr. I did hear abt the level of hygiene at Schoolhouse. Sigh..

Hi Maro,
The Chinese sinseh & EYS staff said that cordyceps is considered as nourishment (bu) so can only take when the child is fully recovered.

Hi Xav's mummy,
This is my personal experience to share.
I'm a total believer in Chinese herbs & med. My son always come down with cough. Once, he was on western med for a wk, it subsided and occasional coughing and I switched to Chinese med and it worked very well. The very next time when he coughed with runny nose, I decided to go to Chinese sinseh instead. That was the worst move I made. He had the Chinese med for a day and the cough worsened. It became very chesty and he started wheezing, difficulty breathing and I had to send him to TMC outpatient at night and he was immediately given neubilizer plus chest x-ray.
My lesson learnt was to give Western med first and when he's recovering, Chinese med would be ok.
actually i also prefer shaws coz its non aircon & i like the concept of learn thru play. but i think the surrounding construction will be ongoing for quite awhile, dont think will be done by next year.
Hi Maro,
I double boiled with chicken and wolfberries and mix it in his porridge/rice.

Hi Jamie,
Hopefully the nearby construction will end soon. Maybe I will check out the completion date when I pass by. Anyway did u consider Nanyang Arts Kindergarten @ East Coast area?
nanyang arts kindy is abit far off for me. before i settled for MMI, Brighton montessori & shaws are my shortlisted schools. but the one i like best is The odyssey at wilkinson road. but their fees is so ex! will be too taxing for us coz i'm a sahm with 2 kids, fees also x 2.

wow such a sweet cake. thanks amy. and Happy Mother's Day to all April mommies

me also looking for childcare/ playgroup in cck area. i intend to send ivan there once he is abt 18 mths old. do keep me in the loop if you girls come across good ones ok.

thanx for the cake..did you bake tis urself

did not celebrate mother's day today...had a bad migraine and luann is starting to haf diahorrea again....she not been drinking milk or taking her usually porridge....thk i beta stick to SOY for good n not try Cow's milk...
Maro: Din know what the doc prescribed to Xav. All mixed into powder form.

Caitlin: Thanks for sharing. Agree with you tt have to give western med first in emergency. Western med are immediate relieve for symptoms whilst chinese med are good when they are recovering as it takes slower and longer time to recuperate back the body.

Amy: Nice cake !!

Luann_mummy: Do take care & wish Luann get well soon *Hugs*
Thanks mommies.

A belated happy mothers day to all of u. =)

Finally i manage to log in.

My last day at work was 28 April.
From then till now, everyday has been a crazy day.
Manage to sent my maid back. I'm so tired of her black face. Im not working now, so i also dont want to incur an additional cost.
I was "re-learning" on how to do household chores and all. Phew. It's super tiring.
Summer was teething in e first week. She was super clingy !!! i cant even walk a few steps away from her. SHe will just start wailing and screaming. I think now her teeth are out. About 6 new teeth at one go. She is learning to settle down with me at home, learning to be more independent. =)
hey summer mama do you intend to get another maid and go back to work soon after this?

also to mummies out there who can advise a cure or help advise what is wrong - my son has been having watery stool for almost a week..been to PD 2X stopped awhile on sun and today 4 times already. What to do??
Sherin, glad to know Summer's feeling better and less tiring for you already

Adel is super clingy and cranky too, and refusing her solids once again over the last week since her vaccination. Every moment also scream 'bao bao' and raise her arms up high. And I tought I'll have an easier time now that she's taking her first steps but now she's like superglue. Have to carry her and cook her lunch/dinner and then watch her refuse the food and put up a fight. Hiaz..

Really hope it's just teething.

Farah, have you tried giving probiotics? So far it has worked wonders on my girl, be it for watery stools or constipation. It has managed to put things right. The one I have is Reutefene drop from my PD. What did your PD say?
she initially said it will take about a week to recover..now is pass a week already ..am getting worried..thank you Lynn, i an writing down the name now...is it a med or vitamin this probiotics?
it's more like a supplement? it's essentially good bacteria for the gut, like yakult. but think our little ones are still too young to take stuff like yakult. so far it's my lifesaver, i use it when she has watery stools, constipation or just poor appetite
Lynn, initially it was so difficult to even cook a meal for her. She will be wailing at the top of her voice.
Now she's much better. But somewhat she became glued to the TV. I took out the Baby Einstein set for her. She is learning to like it.
I hope I am not turning her into a TV addict.
Today my hubby was home in the afternoon. Summer was like super guai, playing her toys on her own and all. So he commented that she is easy. (!) I feel she's like putting on a show for daddy.

Farah, I think short term wise, i wont be getting another helper and also wont return to work. Want to spend some time with my girl.
summer mum

got time to come online ah. good to know u r settling well.

julian's super clingy recently. going to work is so tough. recently he doesn't want his playpen too. keep wanting to sleep on my bed. dunno if I should let him cry till he stop or not. haha.
My ger now on the reverse doesnt cling to me, hahaaa, tik she grew more attached to her daddy who was taking care of her whole of last week. Now she don like to carry, she will crawl away and crawl much faster than i chase after her.
Oh she has a Bad habit now, want to stand real near the tv to watch, anyone bb also like tat? gotto grap her away and distract her. Now i can do my own things cos she entertain herself by exploring the whole house.
Jules' mum - Kaylen hates sleeping in her own cot, i put her in whenever she falls asleep but she will wake up middle of nite and stand inside her cot and keep making noise or cry. Once we carry her to our bed, she falls asleep immediately. :p

Summermama - finally u sent back ur black face maid heheheee...tough now u gotto manage summer, housewk and ur pregnancy.
koori : julian is exactly e same! he will wake up and point at my bed. last night got my hubby to tuck him in. he was screaming and looking for me to rescue him. I pretended to sleep. in e end he know he won't get his way. he kept quiet and tried to sleep. heartache la but bo bian. see these few nights how lo.

yesterday julian did something funny. I gave him bread and cheese on his plate. he picked out all e cheese and threw it on e floor and ate e bread.
koori: my baby also same! stand right in front of the tv.. nose almost touching the screen! everytime have to tell him to "come back come back!!" hahaha.. happy to know this is somewhat normal then.. he also keeps wanting to touch the fan even when we keep telling him not to! *faint*
koori, my son is like that too, he will stand in front of the tv but he does not stop there..he will poke the screen with his fingers or bend down and turn the speakers on and off, turn the knob..

Lynn yest i went back to the PD and she gave me Reutefene too..hope it works...
Good morning mummies!

Hope everyone had a special Mother's Day Celebration with your bubs. Amy, your cake looks so yummy!

Summer'sMama, congratulations on your 2nd pregnancy. Hope it's a boy this time round for you
you also had 'black-faced maid' prob like some of us? It's better to send them home since they're unhappy working here. Perhaps you might want to engage a part-time helper to do housecleaning so you can get more rest...

Koori, dana's like kaylen, prefers to sleep with us on our bed. Sometimes in order not to be disturbed so many times in the night, we just give in and let her sleep btw us :D
Angel, Maro : How's ur new maid? My maid's coming this week. Just saw her at the agent's place yesterday. Looks ok la. I hope she's good. hehe.

Angel.. ya.. Sometimes in order not to be disturbed I let him sleep in between us too. but, I think it's getting worse.
Hi mummies

Just want to share Javier's behaviour recently

TV: same here, he will like to stand infront of my room's tv and watch, if he never moved when i called him I will immediately off the tv...he bo bian will find other things to play...if he is at living room, I have a big coffee table to block him but he still will walk to the side of the table and stand there and watch, sometime even crawl underneath the bamboo chair that suppose to block him too just in order he can stand right infront of the big screen tv...headache too cos he already a tv addict.
Sleep: if we put him in cot after slept, he will wake up in middle of night and stand there cry and call : mama mama mama, heartpain so no choice let him sleep with me....sometime he will crawl all over me and get out of matteress and look for his toy to play.....faint...
mifi, i was there Sat 130pm. You there?

Violet, my gal 12 and a half months and also no tooth! *high 5!* my PD said tooth coming out since the past few months liao but still haven't come out. she said the latest she've seen was 2 years :p
so long! I also went to PD to check, the doctor said her gums not swollen at all.. She asked me not to worry but i don dare to feed her solid food if she don have teeth to chew..
Violet, PD said her gums hard and swollen, so the last time she said coming out. Last week went for jab told her still not out yet, heehee. she took a look and said should be coming out soon leh. hiaz just gotta wait and enjoy her tothless grin lor. Adel has no tooth but can chew on very small pieces of shredded chicken, but take damn long lah, so i pek check to feed her that. Fish flakes would be the easiest for now.

but i quite worried she has not grown in length for the past 2 months, but my PD and hubby both not gan-geong type so only i worried. dunno how to make her taller.
Haha.. Lynn, you got the same worry as me. My gal also has not been growing since her 11mth. I'm also worry abt her future height.

I did gave my gal solid food like papaya and carrot, she'll choose to swollen instead of chewing --"
wah violet, your gal and mine really similar. Your PD also not concerned?

Mine finally on partial FM, gave up trying to train her to drink milk while awake. She's so intrigued by her cousin drinking milk she'll go over and hover above her face and keep patting her laughing. And she'll feed the baby doll milk and say 'milk'. But she won't drink it herself! not from the bottle or the cup. hiaz..
i have a yaolan (not automatic) one, bought by my mum. think use less than 10 times cos hubby dont like so dismantle it after 2 wks. if interested, pls pm me :p

summers' mama..
i dont think u're turning summer into a tv addict.. for me, i let my boy watch like once or most twice a day. he kinda enjoy and really learn a lot from there.. his current favorite: wheel on the bus.. haha

my boy constipate a lot too.. where u get the probiotics? PD? or at pharmacy?
hello mummies!
not posted for a long time..been really busy.

your gal is like mine. not grown much for some time. and she's still so petite- going to be 13 mths soon but weight only abt 8.3kg and height abt 71cm.
and like your gal, she doesn't drink much milk. previously only let her latch on cos she refused all FM or EBM and doesn't want the bottle since 7mths old! Now, she's refusing to be latched on either. And recently, going on a soft diet strike. Only wants finger food.

Any mummies training their babies to eat from spoon? Cos i am thinking of letting her start self-feeding from spoon. tink the novelty of letting her eat herself might get her to actually eat..
Yap Lynn.. She said no need to worry too much.. Her teeth will grow out eventually.. But my MIL has been asking my gal each time she sees her "why you no teeth ar?" --"

My gal can drink and eat while, her weight is increasing but i don see her growing much in height. Just measured her height ard 2 weeks ago, was abt 75cm only...
My girl only 69cm and 8kg leh, so small built. But my PD said she's born small, and all the time on the 25th percentile curve, so no need to worry. But 2 months no gain in length ok meh? Strangely, I tot she did grow taller, cos she's reaching places and knocking into things she did not reach before. But when measure, no gain

Before and after the photoshoot saw so many babies all so much bigger than her, boy or girl 7 month plus also look same size as her. She's a little like big head, small body now.

Mifi, you came when we're finishing ah? Throughout the shoot she refused to stand unsupported or walk. Want to lave already then happily hold my hand and walk. Grrrr... Yours is a boy right?
Same lor.. She looks like growing but the height never change one. I was very envy when i saw babies younger than her yet bigger size than her. My HB also asked me not to worry too much.. There's a tall tales saying tat, mulitply their height when they're 2 yrs old, tat will be their future height.. Dunno how true is it... Btw, my gal is on formula and was given 2 time of porridge each day. I think that's the reason she is growing more in weight.
lynn : Julian always on the 10% percentile lor. Hahhaa. Say already also paisay. I dunno his height now but he is only 8.2kg! Very small for a boy. Very paisay sometimes people tell their baby.. say hi to didi.. then found out Julian's older than them. Julian just changed to enfa 1 week ago. He can accept the taste but his poo is hard! poor boy.. now i'm diluting the milk.
Hi girls,

1) I have 2 adult tickets to the Bird Park for sale. U.P $18 a pax, now gg for $28 a pair. Expires 30th June 2009.

2) Also have a BINB Beddie Bye Zip Around Blanket for sale, "Replaces loose blankets for safe comfotable sleep" U.P $34, now gg for $28. Color: Light Yellow, Size: L, for up to 31" in length.


3) Lastly, I have a BN Mustela Specific Support Bust Cream for sale. U.P is $38.50, now gg for $27. http://www.mustelausa.com/specific_support_bust.html

Do pm me if interested!! Thanks!!

i think sometimes the height measurements at PD is not accurate cos they babies keep wriggling about. if she is reaching further and higher then there is definite growth! i think good nutrition and exercise boosts height growth.
