(2008/04) April 2008

yes this pdt is difficult to find. try supermarkets whr expats frequent like tanglin, holland, cold storage.
now loking at educational dvds, and if you remember the lady whom some of us got the YBCR and leapfrog/vetch toys from, she has some educational dvds at GREAT prices..

Wheels on the Bus 3 dvd set - $20
Wordworld 6 dvd set - $60
Leapfrog dvds - $15 each

will not be consolidating orders or anything, just to share a good deal, here's her ebay store for more stuff
Pls do say you were recommended by Lynn

RE: bamibini outing
leo's mum
jules' mum

** I also prefer to go after sch so out session more private.. heeheehee. These days EVERYWHERE is packed with children..**
Xav's mum: Steam cakes look good! Can store in fridge? Will peng shan if i hv to make this so early in the morning.. hahaha

RE: breakfast
Had problems with recipes too.. hahaha..Elliot is teething with his premolars, so damn fussy! He already rejected cereals, french toast, bread & cheese, sweet potato mashes, in fact mashes are no-no now. He prefers more chewy stuff. So he loves biscuits now.

Lunch I cook him different pasta, sometimes even noodles and macaroni as he finds porridge boring already. AK recipes are my fav! I also use recipes fr Super baby food & Feed your child right

Understand some concerns abt exposing babies to TV. I feel it is the selection and the duration which we shld be mindful. Elliot so far only watches YBCR 2-3x a day. He will be upset and sign "no more" whenever each CD finish .. funny boy. I see the benefits as he can read some words and recognize the thgs shown by indicating to us. He will take the flash cards to me to play with him in fact! I tried Hi-5 but he's bored after 5 mins... when we watch our adult shows, he shows no interest. Unless I switch on animal planet or discovery channel, showing him animals.
angel: babe, ur pix looks gd man! Always hope hv time to blog... ELliot is so active now. Can play hide & seek... & catching

calamari: babe, so envious u r still going Australia! With the flu, we are not going anywhere yet if it's for leisure.. so boring. Inlaws are so concerned with H1N1 tat at times we are reprimanded for bringing Elliot to crowded places... sigh

Lynn: elliot also likes to feed himself so I let him be altho it's a hair tearing experience. My poor neighbours hv been hearing my awful screams every morning...
RE: reading
Elliot loves GOODNITE MOON now and WHERE's SPot after his FIRST VEHICLES book. I recommend GOODNITE MOON as elliot loves to look for the little mouse and identifying other objects in the house!

Amy: yan yan also same as Elliot ..needa read many books before slp. In fact ELliot has his own mind what to read usually so tiring sometimes.... & so strange. Read so many times, I already falling aslp but not him...

strawberries: CONGRATS BABE!!!!

leo's mum: YES, I AM STILL BREASTFEEDING!!!! Gosh, a few days ago I hv a sore boob. Think overworked at nite as Elliot teething, so latch on alot.

sorry for the above mass messages babes, din check for ages. SAHM now = Siao At Home Mum, i am busier as Elliot is like an r2d2!
chewy, so funny, Siao At Home Mum, me also temporary SAHM, happy to watch her grow up but also exasperated with her endless demands, can't even go bath after doing housework! everytime i shower she has to be in the bathroom, watching the sprinkler and getting wet and having a mad giggle feast! at least one of us is enjoying my shower time -_-

Elliot and yanyan both so guai, I have not finished Goodnight Moon from cover to cover once, everytime she'll snatch the book away from me to 'read' it herself. She really loves normal paper books as opposed to boardbook, not sure why though, maybe it's lighter and more like daddy's and mummy's books? I'm on a book buying craze, think I'm at borders almost every week, and joined a few overseas sprees to get books from UK, even though shipping is ex but overall still worth it.
Chewy!!! So long no see le!!!!
Haha, Yan also like Eillot... She also wants a part in selecting her books. SO usually we pick out some books and she will choose which one she wants to read first and if its not enough she will pick up that book and shove it to me again... Ya, I think they love repetition. Some books that yan like, i can read the same book to her for 2 weeks and she still likes it, sometimes wants me to read 2 times the same night... LOL...
chewy: glad we will be catching up soon!! ;) I am still keeping my fingers crossed after yesterday's 30% increase in the number of H1N1 virus in Au, although 85% of it is contained in Melbourne...hope it does not impact Brisbane any further!

amy, lynn, chewy: hahaha, your babies choose books. Mine chooses her clothes *faint*!! She only wants to wear the clothes which she says are "nice". tsk tsk...As for books, I am still at the Eric Carle series and those Firsts books.
Any mummies know if the kiddy palace sale is still on? any idea how much is the Avent BPA-free bottles selling here? I saw and then forgot
lynn- wat books you buy fron the uk? my fren said taka got those bottles at 30% off. now the motherhood fair at expo also got sale?

chewy - try changing positions when BF & teething. it helps to have baby's head tilting up so the teeth don't rub on you. i chnage to football hold or him sitting on me to feed.

use napi san to bleach baby's clothes?

huggies ultra going at $25 for 2 packets at motherhood fair. and if buy 4 packets then will get free tent or little tike animal torch light.
chewy: yeah. I can't make that early in the morning too!! I made on tt day and fridge. The next morning steam it for him. Should be alright cos I used milk powder instead of coconut milk.

Re: Reading

I cannot even flip to the third page. X will just snatch the book away!! I bought 2 spot Books from Borders sale. He likes the one with music and glad that he can recognisr the Star shape! When the music is played, xav goes "tar tar tar" as if singing twinkle twinkle! so funny ! can't help but laugh and sing along with him.
Angel: if you happen to see this post. Do you mind email me your carrot cake recipe? I wanna try to make. Your carrot cakes left a nice, deep impression in me
Hi Xav_mummy, good morning! I'm happy you enjoyed the carrot cupcakes. Have emailed you the recipe. Feel free to ask if not sure of any step.

Enjoy your weekend with your bubs mummies.
hi mummies - just sharing..why not try fidgets instead of go go bambini?fidgets has a baby ( below 4 yr old) play area, it's bigger n it's only $8 for babies. Was there afew days ago ..
fidgets is at turf city.
leo : I been to both to look at. fidgets is very big. they got a big corner for below 4 like little princess mentioned. I went to bambini before e renovations so can't comment much.

just got back from the little big club. julian enjoyed it so much. glad I brought him there. think I'll bring him to hi 5 next. Hehe.
Hi Mommies,

Besides courses at Kindermusik and Julia Gabriel, any other schools/centres to recommend for a 13th month toddler?

Thanks in advance.
piggy mummy : julian is attending kindermusik since 5 months. I find it not bad. I've just changed him to e monday class.
Jules' Mum,

Thanks. I will going for the trial this sunday..

called shichida oso, but they give me a feeling like "bo chap", not very happy with their service..
RE:Anyone interested in playgym at Gracekids(My gym) at great world city?

Hi mummies, anyone wanna join us for a trial @$45? It's this sat 11.15am for 1.5hrs.
-New Term starts this week if anyone decided to sign up with them.Trial session shall then b considered 1 session to be offset from package.
-$421 for 10weeks.
-Wkday: 9:15am every thurs, wkend: 11.15am every sat



am interested!

RE:Anyone interested in playgym at Gracekids(My gym) at great world city?

Hi mummies, anyone wanna join us for a trial @$45? It's this sat 11.15am for 1.5hrs.
-New Term starts this week if anyone decided to sign up with them.Trial session shall then b considered 1 session to be offset from package.
-$421 for 10weeks.
-Wkday: 9:15am every thurs, wkend: 11.15am every sat



piggy mummy : I think it really depend on individual. some mummies whom we started together quit after 2 terms or so cos it's repetitive. my son loves it. he always look forward to e drums and sticks. julian enjoys e home cd too. he calms down when hearing e songs. I do see that he developed a steady beat after going there. hope this info helps. do pm me if u need more info. are you a sahm? if yes, do join me on monday.
Ladies, need your precious opinion on this. I'm planning to get a diaper bag from this bp >>> http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/2457781.html?1242048725 for my sil who will be having a boy. In a dilema now as I'm not sure which to choose. Deciding between the following:-

1) Carter first design (blue) - Classic design so anyone shd like it, roomy

2) Carter last design (blue) - Fancier design with sweet flower (My sil quite girly, she's even abit disappointed when she knew she is having a boy), roomy

3) Pooh design - My sil like pooh bear but I think this design not as nice as the Carters', not as roomy but is cheap at $17!

Any input is appreciated. Thanks in advance! =)
esther - the 1st design i have, very big bag. good for travel. but 2nd design also nice. the pooh bag ugly leh

anyone keen on my gym weekdays at great world? how come 1.5hrs?
leo's mum: I am organising the ALPHA BABES.

scubababe, babybliss, cotegr, pls note the timing is changed to 1.15pm on sat by gracekids.

we be attending alpha babes 2. Alpha babes programme intro a wide range of stimulating multi sensory experiences, including their exciting Mystery Box and hands on Touchie-feelie activies. There's art & crafts and language buildind activies including story telling thru colourful pic books , puppets as well as finer plays & songs for children and parents to enjoy (info by gracekids)
i liked the gymboree music a lot.

sat can't make that time otherwise would love to go.

if shichida must ask for steven. the rest all so rude
leo's mum- u in shichida too? yes, agree that steven is v helpful .. even you go to the centre the aunties all cannot make it.

seems like all centre reception all the same.. GUG too.
