(2008/04) April 2008

Hi Calamari,

I'm thinking of going to trial classes at GUG. I wanted to go for wkday but GUG said wkday is 2 lessons per wk whereas wkend is once. Therefore I had to opt for wkend. Tot that twice a wk is too much for him.. Anyway which enrichment centre is your kid currently with?

Hi Koori,
Pls share ur tots abt GUG after the trial..

Hi Scubababe,
My kid has nvr joined any classes as my hubby insist on only joining 1 class when he is 18mth old. I have heard abt Little Neuro Tee. It teaches 3 languages rite? Which branch r u at?
Caitlin: Yep they teach 3 languages, Eng, Chi and Jap. I am at Tampines coz its near my place.

FYI, did you know that if you visit the A&E of any govt hospitals within 24 hrs, you do not have to pay the consultation feed on the 2nd visit! I brought Byron to KK again last night as his diarrhoea and fever did not get better. Was relieve I did not have to pay the $80 again! ha
caitlin: My girl is with Julia Gabriel now. This Sat will be her 4th lesson. She is in the once a week weekend Bilingual Playclub.
hey calamari: Fever gone yday night luckily. He refused to let me sponge him so I had to let him play with water to wet himself yday several times. Guess that brought the temperature down. But diarrhoea stil recurring just not as frequent as the last 2 days.
Hi mummies

saw the mid-autumn pics on babybliss's FB... looks like you had a good time.

anyone with baby #2 liao? I have some questions to ask cos I am expecting baby #2 and I am going through some things that were not present in the last pregnancy. hope you all can help.
hi all,

Can i ask where your kiddos are sleeping now? My gal sleeps with me and daddy on our bed, but thinking of getting her own bed for her. Problem is that she has a habit of rolling everywhere, so for those children's bed, even with the railing on the sides, worried that she may roll off the bed cos when she sleeping she can even roll until she ends up on top of our bolsters.

And she likes to sleep against the bolsters, so if she sleeps against the railings she may not like it cos not comfortable. And I can't imagine buying a few bolsters to pad each side! Any advise? Thanks!
calamari - the JG playclub is for 18mths and above? Cos I asked abt it, and they said to wait till she 18 mths to join. But your gal not 18 mths when she join rite?
Hi mummies who brought their kids to cruise, may I know what do u all do there to keep the small one occupied? I m considering whether to go cruise or KL.

I don't know what we can do on the cruise other than eat and swim. If KL will be staying at Berjaya Times Square where there's indoor theme park and shopping so can play there til she knock off then can sleep soundly. Cos my girl can't sleep when outside so need to make her super tired then hopefully she can sleep well.
haha, your gal's sleeping habits are the same as mine... she will roll all over the place thats y until now we haven't let her sleep in her own cot in her room. Currently she is sleeping in a co sleeper turned playpen next to our bed. Maybe you could let her sleep in a playpen instead of a cot since playpen all sides are soft not like cot where you have the wooden rails... And also its very low so no fear that she might fall off the bed
Amy - ya, they are really good at rolling around.. hehe....there was once i thik she sleepy sleepy climb off the bed in the middle of the nite and dun know how ended up sleeping on the floor. My hubby woke up, on the light and realised she was missing. He woke me up and asked me where is the baby. I blur blur asked him wat baby! Then she let out a cry and we found her on the floor at the end of the bed ;-) thanks for the suggestion of the playpen... will check out the playpens cos now we dun have one.
Haha, thats so funny but at the same time dangerous... My hb was very worried that we might squash her so quite early on we let her sleep on her own next to us... And lucky she is very small size so until now haven't out grown the co sleeper yet...
sputnik: yah hahhaha, Kayla is not yet 18 months (even until now). She joined at 17 months, 1 month short. JG told me apparently they don't do exceptions, but they did it for Kayla. :p

shelyn: there are play sections for kids as well, you can bring your girl there. Also there are daily programs for kids, e.g. mascots performances, art & craft sessions etc. Look out fot the programme sheet when you enter the cruise.
sputnik: Kayla sleeps in a travel cot (like a playpen but bigger) now. Will be migrating her to her cot next month
Just surround the cot sides with bumper.
Any babies sleep on children's bed already? Actually dunno whether to convert her cot to the bed or not. Afraid she will roll down even with the bed guard.
hey there mummies...
been awhile since i last posted.
been so bogged down with work. sigh.
anyway, on the topic of where babies sleeping...
me and hubby going to get children's bed for our darling son this weekend. he has been sleeping in his cot / our bed. he's outgrowing his cot(playpen) already. haha. so we thought it's time we get him a bed. he's rather active while asleep too. hope this works out (",)
calamari - my gal used to sleep in a cot too with bumpers, but the cot which was given to me was quite small, so dun feel like buying another one now. I also wondering when can convert her to bed.
sputnik - i got the same problem too! i'm thinking of putting our queen mattress onto the floor & add another single mattress next to it so we dun have to worry about leo falling off & we get more space on the bed
Sputnik: actually u are right. Now I am thinking twice whether I should migrate her from her current travel cot (which is huge) to a normal cot or even convert the cot to a children's bed. Cos it is relatively smaller. But if u buy a children's bed, I think its the same size as a convertible cot leh.
leo's mum - actually they said kids sleep on floor the best, no chance of them falling off the bed. Unfortunately i can't do this cos i got a doggie at home, so if my gal sleep on the floor, my doggie sure go and snuggle up next to her and may pee on the mattress!

calamari - wat type of travel cot u using? My cot dun thik can convert to bed leh.. cos it was given to me, so no instructions and think some screws missing... haha... saw that u bought a turtle... me also bought one from the same person.. hope it is nice ;-)
Sputnik: its actually a bigger version of a playpen, wider and longer, from this brand called Valco. If your cot cannot convert, then can straight away buy a children's bed liao
Ikea has many selections hehe. Oh yeah, the turtle looks interesting ya? Hahahaha...
Bed : ju used to sleep in travel cot. Recently, I changed him to mattress on the floor. The mattress is sandwiched in between my bed and the baywindow. But, I do up some cushions to surround the baywindow. In the afternoon, he sleeps on the queen size mattress on the floor in his room. I lay the surroundings with playmat and mattress. Ju also kick everywhere on the bed. I think most kids are like that. Sometimes he sleep on my bed and will kick and slap my hubby. We thought of putting him in his own room but just bu she de. Hahaha.

Turtle : Calamari, Sputnik, u mean the turtle that can shine light in the dark? My friend got me 1. Ju loves to play with it. He will shine the wall, pillow.. everywhere. He'll pretend to count stars too.
Been a long long time since I log in ... Lappy still under servicing

Scubababe: Hope Byron gets well soon. Xavier caught a bug at the CC, ended up coughing and having runny nose for three weeks, seen doc twice. Might be having airway infection .. And best spread the virus to both hubby and me.... what a virus ..

Shelyn: Basically, Xavier just walked around and explore the wholeliner at the same time taking pics everywhere. One thing good about cruise is, no need to worry about food, changing him and lugging out the heavy diaper bag !

Best part was he even went to the Karaoke lounge with us and enjoyed himself there ! There is even a childcare service with an indoor playground for the kids.
hey mummies thanks for the well wishes. Byron is finally ok I guess. His appetite has come back. He actually rejected his fav biscuits and bread when he was sick, but since yday he has been asking for food.

Bed: I agree that all babies kick like mad. Byron been sleeping in his cot but since he was sick we let him sleep with us so we can monitor his temperature etc. Last night was especially bad, he kicked and roll and slapped me and hb till both of us woke up with super backache. We are also thinking of getting a single bed on the floor for him.

Ikea have nice toddler bed but one thing i dun like is that you have to get their mattress too, and i feel their mattress are not that comfortable
Leo's mum,
Jax is like your leo. almost took up my entire bed when he sleeps with me and hubby.

maybe you can try those local funiture shops like silver river? they have cheaper and nice kids furniture.

Jax is having high fever on and off for 2 days already... pd suspected him to either have hfmd, dengue fever or false measles... haiz... hope he is just having false measles...

you found your vitamins for your kid already? previously i mentioned i gave Jax neurogain's DHA. it is now on BP.
hi hi...
seems many of our darlings are sick... hope all will get well soon...
just an update...
we bought the bed for our darling son. he knows it is his and doesn't allow us to lie on it. but he refused to lie on it himself. so exasperating. haha.
finally managed to entice him to lie on his bed when i changed the bedsheet to one with mickey mouse prints. we got him to point out where mickey was. in order to point out, he had to climb onto the bed. finally... he was on his bed.
haha... guess the bedsheet plays a really huge part...
Artist: Hope Jax recovers soon. Do look out if he refuses fluid intake, as there might be throat discomfort if it's HFMD. Then again, dun worry too much as it might not be HFMD too as the PD only suspects, boil some barley for him ya.
ladies, paiseh to intrude

anyone keen to enrol in Julia Gabriel 5 days hols prog, if 4 kids sign up, we can get 20 percent off

website pls refer to

click on shark for hols prog

Regarding Julia Gabriel Hols Course, we an choose any of these week at any venue :)

Week 1 (23Nov to 28 Nov): Fine Feathered Friends
Week 2 (30 Nov to 4 Dec) :Wonderful Watery World
Week 3 (7 dec to 11 Dec) : Marvellous Music Makers
Follow us into the fantastic worlds of fish, fowl and music! We invite
toddlers and their parents to join us as we expand vocabulary, sounds
and ideas through stories, art and craft, speech and drama, puppets,
music and more. Our exuberant PlayClub environment and lively,
caring educators kindle children’s imaginations, stimulating them
to participate in both group activities and independent learning. To
help bring each fun-filled journey of discovery even more alive, we
visit Jurong Bird Park in Week 1, Underwater World in Week 2 and join
a school symphonic band in Week 3.

3 venues to choose fr, depending on where is nearer ur hse
Venue: Forum
Times: (Weeks 1 to 3) 9.00-11.00am, 11.30am-1.30pm
(English and Mandarin)
Venue: Evans Road
(Weeks 1 to 3) 9.00-11.00am, 11.30am-1.30pm (English)
(Weeks 1 and 2) 9.00-11.00am, 11.30am-1.30pm (Mandarin)
Venue: East Coast Parkway
Times: (Weeks 1 and 2) 9.00-11.00am, 11.30am-1.30pm (English)

Cost: $282.48 for 5 lessons after discount and GST ( if 4 kids sign up, not necessary at same branch and not necessary for same course)

do PM me =)

My sale price for 6 packs at $13 each.
(Retails at $17.30.)
Brand new. Sealed.
Self collect at Seng Kang or Bukit Batok.
Price negotiable if taking 11 packs.

Please PM me if interested. Thanks.

Xav's mum,
thanks for your concern. Jax recovered on wed and he now happily goes to cc. he didnt get any hfmd or false measles... prob he was just having a viral infection...

mummies, will teething cause high fever?

dadgear backpack is nice. missed this and bought allerhand instead. btw where you can purchase the dadgear backpack? u are going to order it online?
artist - teething shouldn't cause high fever, maybe a slight one like 38 or 38.5

calamari - how much did yu pay for the DadGear & where did you get it from?
artist: Glad to hear that.

Re: Teething
depending on individual. IMO, teething fever would be those low grade fever not exceeding 38 deg. But in my PD's view, he doesn't believe in teething fever. He told me no such thing when I asked him the last time.
xav : ya.. some pd dun believe. Some people say teething might cause loose stools or runny nose but some pd say it's not related.

Mummies whose babies just went cc, how are they coping? Hope all's well.
Hello mummies!

Jules' Mum, my gal just started at Brighton Montessori for 2x/weekly half-day programme last week. And she has been crying each time we take her there!
Cos caregiver is not allowed in and she has never been left on her own without me or my mum, coupled with the new environment and older kids, think it must be quite a shock for her.
Sigh, seeing her cry like that makes me feel like pulling her out of the program and just take her for parent-accompanied enrichment classes.
She loves her weekly lessons at GUG but now the moment we take her to Brighton, she'll start screaming "No,no" and will cling on to me or my mum.
Any mummies experiencing the same thing?
Am at a loss now..
Hi I also need some advice from mummies here regarding cc.

The CC that I wanted to send my girl to is now full. So frustrated! The person in charge din mention limited vacancies when we went to visit, 3 weeks later when I want to sign up she say full. Will only have vacancy in Feb/March.

I m going back to work in Jan. Wanted to start CC in Nov, starting with 2-3 hours and slowly stretching to full day. So now, I don't know whether I shd put her in another CC first, then switch her in March, or should I wait til March?

If I start her at another CC now, I have the time to let her adjust slowly. Would they still be crying etc if they are used to one CC and we switch her to another? Or will they adjust easily? If I start her in March, I won't have the time to let her start a few hrs a day. So it might be a sudden change for her....
Shelyn: if the 2nd option you have can allow your gal to start early, why not consider putting her there instead? IMO, the little ones will be "stress" in adapting to a new environment. By putting her in one and withdraw her to be placed in another new environment is as good as giving her another "stress" to get used to the new place and new people around her.

If situation allows, you can wait till march then enrol her to your preferred choice ?
Re: teething fever
i checked several websites and all said teething will not cause high fever.... hmmm... then is teething fever a myth? but this is what many mummies experienced leh...

agreed with xav's mum. unless you are going to put your gal at the cc of your 2nd choice long term. else switching her to another cc just 3 mths later is going to give her anxiety problem... then you will be very heartache

why not explore the 2nd option? maybe the 2nd option is also good?

i put my Jax in the cc of my 2nd choice. so far so good.

Jule's mum,
Jax finally stopped crying when he was 3rd week into cc. he now looks forward to going to cc and likes to be carried by the teachers. haha... he also "learnt" to be independent. he seems ok to go far away from me and seldom clings to me already... he very naughty. haha anyway i am most glad that he is adjusting well. but the other thing that i hate is he kept falling sick. i even bought an expensive probiotic (LactoGG) in hope that he would fall sick lesser... hope this works.

most kids will cry one... you will have to hang on...

artist: yah lor...but I am afraid they will pack too big, and send by vpost etc, even more. So play safe opted for their int'l shipping. But hubby really likes that bag, so now give the man a chance to buy a bag :p

shelyn: imo, if circumstances allow, don't switch her from 1 cc to another. Will introduce anxiety and stress. If possible, even better if u can find a school which offers programs from pre-N all the way to K2 as he/she does not have to readjust to a new environment, friends and teachers again.
