(2008/04) April 2008

Hello hello,

Anybody here? LOL, how are all the mummies and babies? Anyone been to town to look at the lightings? Am thinking of bringing yanyan to look at the xmas lightings next week, anyone with any suggestion like which mall has the nicer xmas tree or which mall has activities that are more suitable for our tods?
<font color="0077aa">hi chewy, so long not heard from u
i oso been quite some time to follow up the thread too. .hehee.. glad to hear u are settling well there but do tk care of urself ok.. hehehe.. how's elliot doing??

<font color="0077aa">hi amy, i brought my boy to town to look at the lightings.. hehehe.. hhehee.. can bring ur gal down too.. ehehe.. ... which mall had the nicer xmas tree ahz.. hmm.. onli brought him to c the one at taka, ion and the erm.. paragon one.. hehe</font>
hey mummies, ya our thread very quiet of late ah...

just came back from Vietnam. Bad bad place to bring babies, air is so dirty and SO MANY motorcycles! Any suggestions to cook for us and babies to cleanse the system ah? Wanna clear all the polluted air out of Byron ha
hi, sorry to intrude:
Urgently need to sell 3 Jungle book tickets for this Sunday 13 Dec 09 11am - Original price $90 for 3 tickets, now selling $60. Self collect at any town mrt stations or clementi mrt station. Pls PM me.
halo mummies,

hope all those preggy again can take good care of themselves...

cos it's the bad flu season...

got a que...

how old will the childcare place our kids to nursery?
i heard from someone that her child got into nursery after 22 mths...
meanwhile my CC have not told me anything about having my ger into nursery yet...
***scratch head***
Hi Mummies,

Which milk powder are u currently giving ur toddlers? Im currently giving Gain IQ but i find tat my gal oways got constipation.Wana poo poo oso very xin ku. Oways cry..Now have to give her Dhactulose almost everyday so tat her stools are softer. Not sure if the milk is the problem. I give her 180ml abt 3 or 4 times daily.
Hi mummies,

I am bringing my boy to HK in January. It will be cold so would appreciate any tips from mummies here. Do we need the winter full gear for my boy? It's our first time bringing our little one. MIL is concerned abt the winter condition.

I'm also thinking whether to let him take the flu H1N1 vaccine. Should I?

How's the food at HK for kids? I'll be staying at Kowloon. Any recommendations for dining?

Deby : My son took enfa and constipate too. I changed to Friso and is better. Try to give her more water.

Caitlin : I was going to ask the same questions. I just got a sudden wedding invitaion yesterday! The wedding is on 29th dec! It's my 1st time bringing my boy overseas too. I'm really dilemma. Wanna bring him or not. Nothing's booked yet.
If I remember correctly,GainIQ's tin has written maximum one day consumption shld be 2 times, so total of 480ml. Cld you have given too much milk that's why constipation?
deby82: I give Kayla the same amount of milk as you are giving. About 180ml of GainIQ x 4 daily. So far no problem. PD said the amount is ok. What did PD advise you? What about trying to give probiotics?
Hi Jules Mum,

Are u heading to HK too?
The list of things to bring for him seems to be endless. Now contemplating whether to let him take the H1N1 vaccine or the normal flu jab.. Sigh..
Caitlin :

I'm still considering leh. Wanna go for the wedding yet dunno wat to do with Ju. If I dun bring him there, he'll miss us and sure cry one. Now weather cold somemore...

I ask my PD regarding the H1n1 jab. Ju took the normal flu jab 6 months ago (2 dose). He is "protected" from some strains of flu but not H1N1. My pd suggest if I really wanna bring him to HK, to take the H1N1 jab too. Best 2 weeks before and 2 jabs 1 month apart.

For Ju, since he's eating our food and can drink fresh milk, I guess it's not as difficult for me. ONly need to prepare enough clothes, toys and diapers (though there can buy la. ahha) The most important thing is I am worried it will mess up his routine and I get a cranky boy!
deby - My gal also drinks gain IQ, abt 500ml-800ml per day depending on her mood, and usually poop abt 2 times a day, sometimes even more. Do u give yr gal fruits? My gal eat quite a lot of fruits and I also put veg in her porridge.
Jules' Mum:

Same here. We kept thinking whether to bring Ash but i know he'll be asking for us, esp at night. I'm only worried abt the climate change now. But I guess it will be fun for him cos we will bring him to Disneyland.

I am just skeptical of the H1N1 jab as it is a new jab so clinical trials are just within these few months. But I guess it's better to be safe than sorry to take the jab.

Mine is not drinking fresh milk. Still on formula. As for food, he does eat our food at times. So I guess it should be ok. His luggage is bigger than mine.
I am bringing extra coldwear for him.

I guess I have the same worries as u. I'm quite particular abt routine so going to HK definitely put his routine off track. Juz have to cross fingers.. and handle as it comes.. That day, I heard from my gp.. She has brought her daughter for 6 trips to Europe, Australia etc within her 1st year. Therefore she asked me to relax and enjoy..

Does anyone know abt a music school located at turf city? Think the way the lessons are conducted is quite similar to kindermusik but can't remember the name. Thanks!
Hi there Mummies,
Its my first post here. Just wan to get some advice from anyone..my gal is still breastfeeding...fully no formula supplement..I have tried quite several formulas actually...some with flavours some more...but she rejected all. Even asked her to taste fresh milk..also dun wan. I am thinking of stoppng bf already since she will reach 2 soon. But how to do it?
<font color="119911">hii mamas and babes.. been ages since my last post too geez..

heye scubababe, went away for how many days? u can check with the person from chinese medical hall, they shld be of help de.. i usually frequent Fu Hua medical hall

Heye Leo's mum, u may want to try out si4 sen2 fen3 to add in leo's meal, it may help too.. i too resort to huai2 san1 too

hii, Xav_mummy, hugs for Xav.. perhaps he missed ya companion too much le lah</font>
<font color="119911">yo Chewy! Merry xmasss.. how nice to hear from u here.. miss the Chewys too
hope for ya return soon and have fun ya</font>
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Hi nawratul,
my gal is also like yours- breastfeeding and refused all formulas. I tried various brands and she'll spit it out. Finally, she took to Pediasure and slowly, i started introducing her to fresh milk and she slowly adapted. Curently she's taking either fresh milk/ Pediasure or flavoured UHT milk (no choice, better than nothing) and i'll latch her on at night only.
I tink one way is to express the breastmilk and slowly mix with formula milk so that she'l get used to the taste.
good luck!
Hi all
I seldom write in the forum. But I do read the threads.

For KL, its quite clean. Can boil from the tap. But when I brought my boy (Apr 08 too) to Phuket and Taiwan, I bought bottled water from the 7-11 and boil from there. I also sterilise them w hot boiling water (from the bottled water). I would suggest distilled water. Usually available.

I sent my boy to GUG since he is 13 mths. The program is similar to what calamari describe. You may wish to check that out. Find their program not bad. Just to share only.
Hi goodbb,

I'm back from my KL trip. Jus to let u know, Berjaya times square do provide playpen upon request (I asked for baby cot they say have but when they brought it to my room it's actually a playpen). I had king size bed but I think they have twin beds too.

But my trip was not really very enjoyable cos my girl refuse to eat her food. Sigh.... i almost pull out all my hair and wanted to scream at her. But she's always giving me problem with her eating lah, not only when she's there. These few days also give me all kinds of pattern. Just now for lunch, only wan to eat plain rice with soup. Dunno wat's wrong with her.
kindermusik is better. we went for the trail at the turf city music school. i think it's too tough. not as fun as kindermusik &amp; it's $380 for 10 sessions!! kindermusic is not so expensive!!
hi shelyn,

thanks so much!think they are at the age of choosing food,mine likes to eat adult food instead of their own food,any good restaurant that u would recommend there?
Hi goodbb,
I can't recommend any restaurant cos din really try out many restaurants. In fact, we bought back to eat in the room for 2 meals cos my little princess was still sleeping during mealtime so we let her sleep. There are many types of cuisines there. So not to worry. There's also a foodcourt. Tried the food there once, not too bad. Quite a wide variety to choose from.

i didnt go to KL, last min changed to malacca instead. i think usually hotels baby cot is playpen. only in HK the one i stayed provide baby cot. my recent trip to Oz, Langkawi &amp; malacca, all of them provide playpen. as for food, i would usually pack some cereal incase couldnt find any rice or porridge. of coz and also bread too. actually i prefer to buy back or order room service than eating outside. my younger boy is really a terror!!

hows berjaya times square? heard KL's traffic is really bad so tats why changed to malacca instead. but traffic in their city/ attraction also just as bad!!
didnt do much site seeing coz cant find parking so site see in the car lor haha!! lucky the hotel we staying hv nice pool &amp; kids playroom to entertain the kids.
Yah I brought cereal and jar food and that's the main thing she ate there. I feel happier feeding her with these food cos no need to feel frustrated but not much nutrients so alwiz end up trying to feed her with other food so alwiz end up getting very frustrated haha. At home also the same thing. When she don't want to eat the food I cook for her, I'll give her cereal or jar food and she happily finish them. So I told my hubby next time no need to waste time cooking for her, just give her cereal and jar food.

Berjaya times square hotel is quite good. The shopping also not bad. I din venture out of the hotel so dunno how the traffic is but doesn't look very bad from what i saw from the hotel room leh. It didn't take too long to travel to and fro airport also. The hotel has nice pool and playground but didn't try that out hehe... no time
Hi mummies,

would like to seek your opinions &amp; suggestions for the following...

1) my son just had his MMR jab last mon. His high grade fever started last fri and it has been ongoing till now. Now it's hovering around 38.4 degree celsius. And his body is full of rashes but not itchy. Is this ok? I'm thinking if he is able to take the flu vaccine on 6th Jan as we are going HK in mid Jan.

2) Will the customs allow us to bring in 2 bottles of hot and warm water (abt 300ml), with his thermos of porridge etc? Our flight is 0815hrs so we need to pack his milk and lunch etc.

piggy_mummy: which slot class r u going? Kayla is in the Sat 2-4pm. This is our 2nd term there. To cut things short, I would highly recommend any tods to JG. I can see myself registering my no.2 for JG when he turns 18 months too and Kayla continuing for a long time.

Merry Christmas to all...
hi, all

need to schedule for spring cleaning again... need to source for a cleaning company as I will be in the 3rd tri and not in a state to clean alot of things...

do you have any spring cleaning companies to recommend?

pls share with me... thanks
strawberries: yup .. have started work not long ago .. but as Xav has been sick for too long, doc advised to withdraw him from childcare till he is older then send him back to school. So came to a conclusion to resign from the job and look after him.

Xiang: Congrats !!
Merry xmas mummies &amp; tots! New year coming. Advance happy new year!

Xiang : Congrates! Hmm.. When will it be my turn? haha.

Xav mum : How is it to become sahm again? hehe.
