(2008/04) April 2008

Jules' Mum and Maro, I can so empathise with you both on Maids prob being such a headache
mine is erratic, we would also be changing her if she still does not improve by end May.

JRrain, how was your Malacca trip? Got any tips for me? We'll be driving up for short getaway too next month

Maro, the Rainforest Kidsworld at the Zoo has a great waterplay area. Can try going there someday!

Thanks for the advice, but so far oni gt rusty smell. The residue nv turn rusty lei. And the rust smell nt so strong when i smell the powder oni after I add water to make milk then the rust smell is strong lei. Do let me know when ur fren gt the report from them. Thanks.

The trip was great but Malacca is very humid. Can try 2 bring small handheld fan, sun hat & mayb umbrella oso cos sometimes rain oso if u bring Dana along. When u r there must try the chicken rice with the rice balls wan, gt 1 nice store(1st store) @ the "Ji Chang Jie" near the Red Melaka church. Oso must try their chendol there same place cheap & nice.
juniorrain, i think it's best to discontinue with the milk powder. I read earlier posts on abbott's reply on the milk powder having iron content that's why rusty smell right?

it's absolute rubbish! either the person was an idiot or thinks that we are the idiots, the iron content does not equate to iron III oxide which is rust. the most probable reason i think think of for the rust is that the can (tin coated iron can) has imperfect tin coating, resultng in microcracks in the tin coating where the iron is exposed to air and forming iron III oxide (rust). whatever it is, it is definitely not safe to feed our babes. call them and demand an explanation. but take lots of photos and keep the evidence!

now going to transit Adel to FM and was thinking of giving similac, now having 2nd thoughts already. they do not seem to be a very responsible and honest company.
<font color="0077aa">my boy is currently tking smiliac 2.. thinking of switching him to gainIQ after we come back from penang trip next week.. after seeing wat ur post.. im having 2nd thoughts of changing to gainIQ .. if let sae i wanna change it from similac 2 to other brand milk .. how do i go bout it?? (for eg. similac 2 to nan?)</font>
Jules'Mum and Maro

came home from work and my maid pull a super long face. When we asked her what happened, she outrightly requested to be sent home, with the excuse that her family is having prob. But last Sun when she made her call back, she was still happy as ever, didn't mention abt any prob at all. Just as well, we're also just tolerating her till we can find a replacement. Now have to source for a new maid and re-train all over again....the thought of it just makes me depressed....
I need help. Any good agency to recommend?
angel, it's really so hard to get a good maid now. I'm trying to get my mum's ex maid back. *hope she will* I think if not, I'm planning to get old one. I'm scared of young graduates. think they can't get a job in service or education line in singapore so no choice be maid.

yvonne: ya I tolerate her for so long. I told her. she has been slow, forgetful, stubborn and irresponsible but I still keep her cos she's honest. but she still take me for granted. I told her she forgot to bring julian's bottle out and he was crying in e car asking for milk (kept doing milk sigh) and I never scold her. yesterday I scold her cos she left e iron on e floor and julian went to touch it. she can answer me cold already. I ask if I'm wrong to scold her. Aiyo. enough is enough. now my mum's changing maid with me till I get a new maid. my current will go back on 28.
re: maid
can try my agent. her fee is abit high.
But she tries her best fit the right maid to family. She prefer interviews in the employer house so that she can also gather feedback from the maid if she wants to work for that household.
The agent is a phil herself so she will "educate" them before introducing. If she thinks the maid is no good, she is quite frank with it. Of course, she is not God.. not all the time she is right.. :p
<font color="aa00aa">morning mummies..</font>
thanks, going wkday during my boy bday next wk, hope he enjoys it.. :p

angel, jules' mum
ah.. headache la employing maid, chancing a good maid is rare, like striking toto.. hehe.. i'm getting a new Indo maid waiting for MOM approval. once ok, send the current one back.. think she has no interest working in s'pore already. this wk when reach home from my mil's place, did not do household or taking care of bb, but straight to sleep and later yakking on the phone till late.. cant stand..
my biggest mistake is giving her a hp, thinking she missed her children, haiz.. but apparently heard from my neighbour's maid that she has a bf.. oh my.. cant wait to get her out of my place..

btw, if sending her back, when do u normally inform her? my colleagues all told me a night earlier will do but like a bit harsh..

i got a contact of a good phil maid from my colleague, if u wan, i can give u her contact.. she is at philipines now. will not recomend my agent, expensive and not helping me at all, everything cost $$ for her..
morning mummies!

I have very bad experience with my 2 previous maids; both phili.
The first one, work wise she's very good, in fact i would say almost perfect. She's very neat, clean and has a lot of initiative and common sense. However, she's very rude. Will give black face to my mum on and off and will answer back. We were very fed up with her and sent her back.
second one, a bit older- has 3 kids. Work is very slow but attitude is better. However, she's always talking abt her husband and kids back home. One day, she created a big drama at home - said her husband was shot and she needed to go back to look after the kids. Called the agent and after some talking to, realised that she was lying. We kept quiet and wanted to see what she would do next. And the next thing we knew, she ran away to the embassy!
This third one, also phili, english not good but work wise and attitude so far ok. Hoping for the best..
Guess it's really the luck of the draw..difficult ot get good maid.
maro, where did you get your Indon maid from? Thot of switching to Indon since Phil maids have been demanding and unappreciative thus far.

Jgal, how much is your agency fees?
Hi gals,

May I know how you all manage to bring your kids for overseas trips for so many days? I need a lot of advice on this. Cos I have been thinking of trying out m'sia first. Feel like going to KL Berjaya Times Sq and Genting 1st world, all those where everything is self-contained in one building but so scared my girl cannot get used to being out for so many days.

My gal sleeps in sarong swing in day time and she can never sleep when she goes out (in pram) cos she will be too busy looking around. How do all your kids sleep when overseas? Do they sleep well in other bed?

How do u all prepare milk and porridge for your babies? I don't breastfeed so I wonder how to sterilise the bottles, boil hot water etc etc. And my gal still eats very mushy porridge cos she don't want to chew. What kind of food do you give your babies? Is it ok to give jar food throughout the whole trip?

And water in m'sia is not good for babies rite? Also cannot give mineral water? So do you all bring own water?

Re: Maids
I've experienced 2 indo and 1 phil maid... and from my own experience, indo maids are far far better than phil maids, though there are people who ever told me never to get indo maid. i sent my phil maid back to agent in less than a week.

From what is posted here, I think I must have strike toto twice cos both my indo maids are very good. That's why I recommend my indo maid agency cos I think she selects her maids very carefully.

However, my sis also got a maid from her recently but seems like not so good. Attitude wise is ok but my sis says she's careless, forgetful, don't know how to play with babies. Mine has initiative, can speak and read english, can give me good advice, plays with my girl very well. So i think it really depends on luck.
the first one was from an agent recommended by my hubby's boss. suppose to be very good cos she will interview and select the best one based on our requirements. her fee super ex also, $600 exc insurance. now we hv problems, seeking her help but hv to pay for everything though my current maid is less than 1 yr. she says no transfer, guess she thinks her maid is good, so any transfer will cost $$. so i thought rather risky if in the end i do not like the maid after wks/ mths, i hv to pay some more so in the end change to another agent recommended by my colleague. not sure if she is good cos maid not approved yet..

anyway, msg u the agent recommend by nana, her indo maid is good but already asked my colleague help so did not contact her :p

u reminded me of this incident that my maid suddenly told me her kid is hospitalised, need $$ so was going to remit money but next few days she nv mentioned liao, dont know wat she is up too!
Hi Shelyn,

you're right. Our agent kept telling us dun hire Indon maids, say they're slower, do thing not so hygienic and clean etc etc. But Phil maids tend to be full of pride, dun have humility to accept their mistakes. Think they're not desperate enuf for $.
am thinking of trying an indon next. Can you recommend me your agent too? Btw, how much do they charge? I think we've spent too much on all these unnecessary admin fees already

Maro, thanks for the contact. Heard very tough to get Christian Indon maids. Is it true?
hi mummies
anyone using lucky baby safty gate? thinking to get one but my door measure 87cm while the gate said to be fix 85cm...may i know can it still be fit?

maid: I am searching for maid agency thinking of getting a maid,,,but after reading all the sorrows from you mummies...I think I better think twice or consider childcare....

Maro: My friend had ever mentioned to her maid sending her back...you know what she do...she disappeared.......so now she will plan everything and at last min ask her maid pack infront of her and bring her straight to agency.
hoon, i have 2 lucky baby gates at home, my room doorway only 82cm, the 85cm is the max of the stated width range already?

Can buy extension to fit wider doors, i bought extension to use with the kitchen doorway cos it's much wider, think 90+cm

i also dun know why 85cm max(stated there) and mine 87 cm...maybe my hubby measure not accurate? thinking of getting it to try on but scare wasted if can't fix...extension is another 12cm...so definitly can't fix...
my next to be approved maid is a christian indo maid, think shd not be too difficult to get, just tel the agent yr requirements. was not really my criteria but since my mil always complain that hv to cook separately for indo maid so my as well get a christian one though i always tell her it's not necessary to accomodate maid as long as long we did not starve them.

i'm quite lucky then, anyway she is a transfer maid, cin cai just take first since can get free exchange unlimited for 1 yr if not happy. but dont think wil do that, cos hv to retrain and retrain.. my only hope and requirement is to be able to get along with my mil which is realy challenging, haha..

that's the part i most worried, sneak away at night for example.. guess i hv to be harsh this time :p
hoon, extansion is 12cm but then you add the minimum width stated (the range is around 70cm to 85cm right?) plus 12cm, still cannot fit?
though agency tell us unlimited replacement, MOM states we can only hire up to 4 maids within 1 yr.. anything more than 4, we have to go MOM for "interview", etc... applications will be harder to go thru...

i only learnt abt this when i called up MOM...
angel, i got same maid problem with you. Now going to start all over again looking for a new maid and re-training her. I am super sick of doing this wor...
Re: Maids
Aiyo, as for me, I am afraid my Fili maid will go back after her contract ends in 1 year's time. I had an Indon maid before and she was horrible. Not clean to my standard and her English sucks so can't understand simple instructions. I even caught her throwing water after mopping the floor into the sink!! *faint* Guess its really up to the agency which you select and luck. My Fili maid now is quite good altho she can be a bit kaypoh.
shelyn: I brought along a container, pop in a sterilising tablet to sterilise the bottles. I will be heading for hols for 2 weeks in Jul and will bring along a slow cooker to cook porridge for my daughter as we rented a service apartment with kitchenette. Otherwise, you can bring cereals. As for water, you can boil them before giving to baby.
hi jaspire

you can call Peter from I-R Employment (at Katong Shopping Ctr). I've just done a tele-interview with their training ctr in Java and selected my next maid from him.

Check biodatas here: http://iremployment.com

He's giving a special promo price of $188 now with free insurance and banker's guarantee. Pray hard that this Indon will be a good one...
maro,yah, saw the ad in the classifieds, gave them a call and the service was good and prompt so decided to pick the maid from them. Only time will tell cos maids are humans after all, even the best agent in the world cannot guarantee if the maid can be good/trustworthy/reliable/humble etc but at least the agent must be experienced and honest. Now only can pray and keep our fingers crossed....
re :maid
Angel : If the agency does not take money from the employer, means they take the money from maid. How much deposit you need place for the maid. If the sum is big, when you change her going to be manfan. Also risk that the agency take in maids that was rejected by other agencies and turn to them.

My friend , who intro me to the agency, advise me to take transfer maid that I can interview in singapore.. at least can see how they behave etc. My friend was very lucky that time, her maid has a nursing degree and stay with her for 2 yrs before "migrating" to Canada with my friend's help.
My agent charges 800. It's on the high side. But I think it's worth it. The phil agent i went to only $288 but she's very dishonest. This indo agent, if anything I'm not happy with the maid, I can bring the maid to her for some lecturing (though it only happened once for my 1st maid. My current maid is not a problem so far).

Also, this agent serves a lot of rich people. My 1st maid from her used to work in a lawyer's family, looking after lawyer's kids while his taitai wife go shopping. My current maid used to work in doctor's family so she knows about all the CANs and CANNOTs of looking after baby haha.

where can I get the sterilising pills? juz pop into tap water and put bottles in to soak? cos I sterilise my bottle using the traditional boiling method... so not sure of such new methods =P if everything can be simplified then I can go for a 3D2N trip... if not try out with 2D1N only..
Oh I need to ask also.. How do I teach my girl how to suck using straw? My fren told me can let baby drink dutch lady milk... there's one which is in pkt and provides additional nutrition compared to normal pkt milk. so was thinking of letting my girl drink that milk when travelling.
shelyn: you can get the Pigeon sterilising tablets available at all leading department stores. Just pop the tablet in and soak the bottles and teats. Boiling also can

You can try the Pigeon Mag Mag straw cup for your girl to try. Hmmm, I did not teach her how to use the straw, just let her try out and they will know it after one or 2 tries.

Btw, can you pm me your maid agent number? Am collecting all these reliable maid agent numbers just in case my maid has to leave next year.
ya i brought 1 big tub of drinking water for my boy for drinking &amp; making milk cos I oso tot Msia water nt safe to drink even after boiling. I oso brought some instant cereal &amp; instant pigeon porridge along but the instant porridge is very little so I bought some plain porridge from some chinese restaurant in Genting to mix with the instant wan. As for the btls &amp; their eating utensils I did nt sterilise oni wash with bb detergent.
I think u emailed to me before and I already replied to u?..

Hi JuniorRain,
Seems like it's going to be a lot of barang barang to bring hor. When did u go genting with your baby? Actually I wanted to go last Dec when she's around 8 months but in the end no courage to go haha... now also not very sure whether can go but seems like all who went overseas came back feeling very happy.
Hi Lynn

I was thinking if i add in the extension 12cm...it will be bigger then my door....where i just need another 2-5cm..
am i correct if i think this way?
hoon, no not like that. cos the gate itself can fit a range of width from like around 70cm to 85cm, depending on how you adjust the screws. i believe you can set the width of the gate to the minimum, and add the narrowest extension, then will be just nice.

box itself actually explains this as well, at the back where they introduces the extensions of various wdiths.
mummies, anyone ordered 2 tier birthday cake can share tips on how to cut the cake? do we cut down 2 tiers at once or what?
yes brought alot of barang barang for him like 'pao lu', hahaha
I went last wkend, my boy is 1yr oredi. Oh I stay in 1st world genting, then the head spray for bathing is mount 2 wall wan, so i oso brought a small basin along to bath him inside that basin as nt possible 2 bath him juz like us. Oso remember to bring some med for him to standby like for fever, cough or flu wan.
re: lucky baby gate
I just fitted my yesterday..quite easy to fit.
i think 87cm needs an extension(12cm). My kitchen "walkway" is 87cm on top and 90cm below because i am fitting btw wall and kitchen cabinet. I got it for $59.99 at mothercare. how much did you gals paid it for?
Re: Pneumococcal
Just to share.. While i was on leave,I finally give my gal her jab last wk
by the GP below my blk. And I muz say i am impressed. He give my gal the jab while my maid is holding on to her. Very swift and steady. My gal didnt even know what hit her.. hahaha.. she just blinked her eyes and it's done.
Best of all, it's only $150 for the jab, incl consultation charges.
I was quoted $170 (excl. consultation) by her regular PD.

i just came back from melbs with my ger on a 10day trip...

plane wise she is good...slept through most of the journey as its a night flight and on the way back she slept for 1/2 e time and played on the floor for 1/2 the time...

food...i buy rice n pork n vege from the supermarket and cook everymorning before going out and i'll bring the thermal flask out with the porridge to feed her ard 11-12am...nv bring any slow cooker...there are also heinz food that can add into the porridge veli nice....

bottles..thk dun haf to sterilise if your bb is abt 15-18mths already but if you really wan can be the same like dolly, bring the sterilising tablet n a container make sure tt container can measure water coz most tablets will tell u how much water to 1 tablet...got pigeon/mothercare/tolly joy brand..all similar

journey in the car....she has been good so far usually abt 2hr journey from 1 location to the next she will take her nap n once we reach she will be super awake n happy...but do bring some toys n snacks so that can feed her along the way....

hope this info helps...
hi all, need some advise..planning to stop bfeeding soon, anyone can share their how long it takes to stop milk production once i extend the pumping interval? Cos wanna time it such that i stop before i go perth, which is in abt 2 weeks time. Now pumping 3 times a day, planning to extend to 2 times a day. If anyone can share their experience on how they stop, would really appreciate it ;-)
Lynn - u can try removing the top layer then cut the top and bottom layer separately. That's was the advice given to me by aimummy whom i got the cake from and it was pretty easy to cut.

calamari - the cake from aimummy is really nice rite? So yummy...Worth every dollar ;-) Hehe, mine is the Pooh one for Isabelle on her blog, which she posted last weekend.
sputnik...what i did 2mths back was to reduce to 2x then 1x then go cold turkey...totally stop pumping...but me lucky no engorgement...

good luck to u...

HI mummies, hope the april babies &amp; mummies had a great time with all the partying! Heeheehee... For those still yet to party, have fun and enjoy! I was hoping Elliot's party would last longer..

Birthday cakes: Heehee quite an experience cutting them man! Looks like many apr mums got from aimummy :D btw, I had too many cakes this mth!!! My MIL, my parents plus ELliot all apr babies!! I had cakes every week!!! Psssst, for mummies who wanna put on weight can try this method.. hahaha!

Oh mummies, I am also selling bags online.. hahaha! Hope can have some support as it's mothers' day :D Oh Steph, not trying to compete, just that we are having promo now.. heehee.
Hey babe, I actually visited your site before, I din know you were one of the partners for this brand :p

Having mothers' day sale! Babes, do visit too :D Thanks so much!
