(2008/04) April 2008

<font color="aa00aa">happy birthday to all babies..

the agar agar cake is cheap, may i know how many kg? i always order from this Mrs Chan, cost abt $40 if i rem correctly..

anyway, just had orange clove last fri for my company's dept lunch. musy say the presentation is v impressive and they came real early to setup and food arriving on time just before noon..

wow.. angel, 100+ guests? I had 50+ guests for E's advance b'day party and I was busy till no time to eat. I ordered from eatz catering, halal and the serving was more than enough. They were very sweet, gave me a cake. Jus nice, for non-durian lovers, as I ordered durian cake. Will upload the photos once I get them
Wow, the agar agar looks so yummy! Kiefer bday party is on 18th April 2009 at Coasta Sand.

Cater for 70pax, hope the food will be enough!!!
<font color="0077aa">happy birthdae to all babies :D

angel, dana's agar agar very pretty heehehehe.. . hmm..the price oso very resonable. .btw where is beauty world ah??

btw ur caterer orange clove is it halal??

<font color="0077aa">scubababe, thanx i read ur PM already, last week i already ordered frm pines liaoz.. given them my cake topper so hopefully will look great too :D, mine is a garden theme

maro, juz wondering.. do u have facebook?? hehehe</font>
alamak office laptop no shockwave, can't go Orange Clove's website. Angel, can ask you if the food's halal? If so then maybe I can ask Hort Park if can order from them, the setup looks realy different from the usual gaudy pink/red...

And for Michael, hubby called him this morning and he said he has already received numerous calls over the weekend regarding the complaints on him being late. He has sent an email to confim my party details and agreeed to set up mine earlier cos i can't take the risk of having a bare room. So mummies if you've confirm with Michael and placed your deposit, pls do check if he has sent you a similiar email to assure us. Really hope everything goes well!
Lynn and strawberries, yes Orange Clove is fully halal certified
Contact Joyce Ling, she's really professional and nice. Even came down personally to oversee the setup on a Sunday which is her off day on her own accord.


Lynn, Adel's party is at Hort Park right? Shouldn't have hiccups cos Kaylen's party was there too and everything went well (I believe)...But still good to re-confirm event details for peace of mind

Strawberries, agar agar cake is at Beauty World, Bukit Timah
The stall is inside the hawker center.
Oh... Stupid me... Poor zhiyan didn't have her balloons coz her stupid mummy engaged a party decorator that didn't know how to get to the chalet on time to do up the decor.

Mummies this is a reminder to you. Balloons and chalets dun mix ok...
dont be sad. i'm sure yan yan enjoyed herself too without the balloons. not forgetting you have a great scrapbook for her as momentous.
Yes Amy, your scrapbook creations were so creative and nice, not many mummies can boast of that. Am sure your guests were very impressed by your creativity and efforts {hugs}.
Yes I was there and I can attest that Amy's scrapbook is VERY VERY VERY nice!! Amy: Yan yan enjoyed herself for sure...her usual friends were there with her !!
And that was a beautiful party ... so don't think too much. Balloons and decor are just accompaniments, they don't make the party, main star is Yan Yan...
For those of you who had their babies' 1st birthday party, congrats for the good job!

For those who are celebrating this weekend and for the rest of this month,...good luck. Am sure all will go well. Some of us are quite stressed out by it, but it will turn out well eventually. I am 1 big stresser, and spent half of my time at work keep thinking about the party this weekend. What will go wrong? Will my mascots turn up? Will my cake be crushed along the way? Will I forget to bring something? Can the sound system play the MP3 I have recorded for the mascots grand entrance? Will there be enough food? Will the cake be sufficient? How late will my guests be? Will Kayla be cranky? Am going crazy haahahahha!!!
<font color="0077aa">amy, dun call urself stupid ahz.. well though zhiyan din have balloons fer her party but i believe she enjoyed herself ahz :D &amp; 1 thing is tat i agreed wif angel ur scrapbook creations were definitely creative &amp; nice ya.. compared to me who is a started but no creativity ehehhehe

Jaspire oso very creative on her scrapbook hehehe

maro noted hehehe.. will add u tonite.. </font>

My agar agar cake is from this aunty at Joo Seng Road. It costs $28. U juz have to order from her 3 days in advance. Taste pretty nice..
Calamari, me too, quite a worried mama. Before Dana's party, worried about:

- the catering (what menu to order, how much to cater, which caterer to use etc), then
- the venue (enough carpark lots for guests a not, where can my grandma alight so she needn't walk too far to the party, are there enough seats, will guests know how to get to the place, how will the decor turn out etc),
- then most stressful is worried about the 'star' of the party (how to keep her healthy and accident-free from falls and bumps before the party, how to get her to sleep before the party so she won't be cranky, what to dress her in etc).

All these thoughts were constantly weighing on my mind till I couldn't sleep well few nights prior to the party! But thank God, phew everything went well and everyone had a fun time, except that hubby and I were so busy entertaining that we both didn't eat a single morsel for lunch throughout the party and nearly had gastric! Hehe

I'm sure Kayla's party will be a resounding success too with so much detailed planning gone into it few months back.

Sunday will come really soon make sure you relax, smile and take in the moment!
angel, koori: i hope all will go well hehehe. + I am extra assured I Angel's hubs is helping me with the photography for the day!

Just to share. Kayla can tell us when she poos hahaha. For the past 3 days, everytime when she poos, she will call my mom "por por, poo poo". At first we thought it was a coincidence, but everytime she says this, true enough she pooed. Hhahahh!
anyone ordring cupcakes from cupcake momma? received no response from them, and urgently need to confirm the cupcakes for my Muslim guests!

or any mummies know of any other halal cupcake bakers?
<font color="0077aa">hi lynn, i ordered from cupcake momma, when u emailed her?? hmm.. sometimes there's too many order tat she may overlook some orders or enquires which happened when i ordered for my boy full month, perhaps can emailed her again.. but fer my boy 1st birthdae she responded to my mail after 4-5 daes ahz
Thanks calamari
You are right
Its sure is great that her little friends were there at the party despite the rain earlier in the day
Am sure your party is going to be a blast :D Try to relax a bit so that you can enjoy it too

Thanks for all the kind words. I have gotten my refund and i rest my case. What is done cannot be undone. Lesson learnt, i will never engage BBOL again. Mummies who have engaged him for the upcoming parties please make sure that he doesn't ruin yours like he did to mine. Make sure you all buffer him many many hours before the party so that even if he is late there will not be any damage done...
Hi Mummies,

v v v long never come online to chat...office can't even come into SMH forum...so only at night when my kids sleep already then able to surf SMH.

Hope everyone is fine...wow...our babies are all turning or turned 1 year already...

those banners are nice...never come online for so long and i missed out all those BP... =(

wow those cakes are very nice...i do agree that pines garden cake are nice...when my son's 1st birthday...we got him a 3D cake...
and on his 2nd birthday we got him a train cake ...
all are lychee martine cake...very nice...

as for clairese 1st birhtday cake will also be from pines garden...i will be doing up my own decor.

Hope to catch up with u all again ... take care k...

Happy birthday to all april babies!!!

Angel, Geryl: the cakes looked so nice!!!

Amy: Sayang amy mummy! I am understand your frustrations. Think Yan enjoyed herself still :D she looked so happy and cute when she saw her beautiful cake!

Calamari: Dun stress dun stress, am sure your party will be a great one! Enjoy!

Angel: Tried Orange Clove's food at a birthday party too, nice! They just started not long I think, must say the presentation have some standard :D
BBOL: MIchael did a nice job with the balloons, esp the extra scuplture which I got a nice animal theme bubble balloon. However, he took really long to finish the job. Luckily I booked 2 rooms so my guests were gathered in the other while he was finishing up my cake cutting room, which in the end, did spoil some plans for crowd control. I was surprised when he was supposed to inflate my walking pets balloons, his staff was inflating the next party's balloons, at my premise... tsk tsk. Only when I reminded twice I needed the walking pets then action was taken.

I must say the sculpture tree was a great job done. All my guests were impressed with the decor and it really felt like a jungle theme. However, my party would hv been perfect if it started on time at 2pm instead of 2.30 with guests witnessing the mess Mic &amp; his staff were in. So ladies, I regretted not booking extra hour to " play safe"... after hearing so much stories about Michael.
stomp video: OMG! What made the maid do that? Such strong hatred for the little gal? Or is it the parents? The Parents have to really sit down to discuss why such behavior is resulted. I strongly believe it's not solely the maid's fault.

It's not easy looking after a baby singlehandedly which all of us here can understand. At times, I have hair tearing experience at home looking after Elliot. He bites me ( some mums here have SEEN my bruises.. hahaha), hides my controllers, emptying my wardrobes, etc,etc. I sometimes feel so frustrated handling this little terror! Can't imagine letting a maid who has no relation to us to look after a baby!
i also did not rec any response for 3 days le when i reply her with qty + preferred design. duno shd look for other alternative or not.
chewy, which rooms did you book? I spot the flower room? It must have been a huge party for you, and glad Michael turned up for your event.

mine will be at Hort Park too, but I only booked the smaller Leaf room (hope not too cramped!) but for the entire day. Already requested for Michael to come super early at 10am to finish up the decor by the time my party starts. By the way the jungle theme looks great! Mine will be a typical girly girl theme though, baby boys can have the fun safari/jungle adventure theme

by the way, which caterer did you engage? did you have to choose from their 'approved caterers' list? very short list only, very sian dunno which to go with too.

too many things to stress over cos we have arranged for the photographer to come in the morning for outdoor shoot at Hort Park, then gotta supervise the balloon decor, dunno where my girl can nap (she's a super light sleeper) before party time. a zillion coordination to do for balloon decor, cake and halal cupcake delivery (gotta get from different baker, stupid right?), toy rental delivery, catering setup etc etc.. the list to stress over is endless..
jojoz, you mean cupcake momma huh? i also emailed them a couple of days ago but no reply so far too. which other baker is halal certified (or is a Muslim) and also does nice cupcakes? headache..
morning mummies!

Chewy, Elliot's party looked truly magnificent! The cake was exceptionally pretty, is it from aimummy too? I'm sure your guests had a blast judging from the well-coordinated jungle theme
Don't you feel the party ended too quickly? We spent so many months planning for the big bash, then in a flash, it's all over? Hehe

Calamari, clever girl Kayla is, can potty-train so young! Thanks for entrusting the photography to David. He'll be there at 1.30pm to snap some shots of the birthday star first. Remember to give her sufficient rest before that
Hi mums
wanna enquire, when do you change your baby's milk - immed when they turn one, few mths after they turn one or ?

angel: I akin our baby' 1st birthday celebration to our own wedding hahahaha!

Oh this morning, Kayla did it again. While she stood at her playpen, she called me "ma-mai (dunno why she calls me that, she can't pronounce 'mi'), poo poo" and true enough she did poo hahaha. And this morn she gave my dad an early present. She called him 'gong gong' for the 1st time. Previously it was 'gang gang' kekeke.

chewy: Nice party! My son-in-law is still such a looker!

farah: I am going to start transiting Kayla to Gain IQ a week after her birthday. Don't want to introduce anything 'major' to her before her bday. ;)
Aiyo... Kayla is so clever
think she is the first baby in this thread who is ready for the potty. Think she might be a baby that hates the sticky yucky feeling of poo thats y she learnt to tell you all so fast :D
with regards to agar agar cake..
can share with me the famous mr n mrs xxx contact..

i am a forgetful mummy..forget is mr n mrs what liao.. =X
tks for the info, however yummyumkinsis closed on 19 apr

but her response is v fast!

lynn, u might wan to try yummyumkinsif ur date is not 17 - 19 apr which they are close.
