(2008/04) April 2008


Very mean person. She must be mad! So angry after watching that video. How could she kick the poor child. She just wanna go toilet only ma. The poor child.

That xxxx maid need to be caned in prison to understand e pain. zCannt be let loose. Is she charged alreadi?
RE maid:
Ya lor after i watched the maid kung fu kick the girl... i just cannot get it out of my head. If i video tape my maid doing that to my boy...I will do the exact same thing to her before handing her over to the police. Disgusting!!!

Re Balloons: thanks mommies... will inflate on the day itself... but you all got it really cheap...the one near my house charge $3 per balloon ah!!!!
Hi Mummies

it's been such a busy week at work that I hardly have time to log in.
How tiring physically and mentally!

Re: Maid
haven't had time to watch the video, but based on all your descriptions, can't bear to watch cos sounds really abusive!

Re: Bb's Birthday
Celebrated an early birthday for Dana at her infantcare today. This is the Sesame St. cake we ordered from Smiling Orchid, all her teachers commented it tastes good. Happy with this choice.
Now keeping my fingers crossed for her actual party on Sunday to go well too

Oh Gosh, I watched the clip after my post and I am utterly shocked!!! That maid is EVIL or mentally unsound! How can she bear to treat a young child so abusively and now the employer has to live with the guilt of subjecting her children tp such violent physical abuse by their care-giver (which is the maid). The poor child may have emotional, physical or psychological damages...so sad after watching the clip
and so scary as many of us here hire domestic helpers too...

Good morning. Julian woke up at 6 then decided to sleep again at 630. Poor me.. cannot sleep already. Must spank his backside. Haha.

Anyone gave their child flu vaccine? I'm thinking of giving him. Dunno got side effect or not.
hi joelle

they do not deliver....self collect..
they do rent the helium gas tank , small one at $60.00 with $200 deposit, can do 50 balloons

But i haven't decide to get from them cos imagine if i order 20s i need to find a big bus to ferry it haha...

i so far bought a few packs of balloon and the stick ...maybe just blow and give to children on party day
gd morning mummies!

angel, nice cake! am tinking of ordering from Smiling Orchid as well. wat flavour did you choose?

Jules' Mum,
I brought my bb for influenza vaccination when she was abt 10mths old. will need 2 jabs at least 4 weeks apart for first timer. So far, no side effects although some kids may get a bit of flu-like symptoms.

Re: Maid abuse
I dun even dare watch the video..but i wouldn't dare leave my kids in the care of a maid. would rather put them in childcare. Unless there's someone else to supervise the maid..or the maid has been with you long enough to earn your trust.
angel: nice! Hope Dana had fun at the infantcare with her friends with the birthday celebration!

For babies having their birthday parties this weekend, hope they are a blast and happy birthday!
lovely cake, hope dana enjoy her birthday celebration. Happy birthday, dana

re: maid
that maid is crazy, ought to be shot.
dont dare to watch but catch a glimpse when hubby watch. He was so so angry and me too. I feel we really hv no choice in s'pore cos both parents working and hv to depend on maid, sigh.. I'm glad i hv my mil to depend to, at least someone to supervise.
Thanks Mummies for the compliment on the cake. For those who enquired, it costs $130 with all figurines you see on the pic inclusive. It's a 2-layer Choc and Vanilla spongecake with blueberry filling. Yummy without being overly sweet.
We fed Dana some too as we believe birthday girl must get to taste some of her own cake
Happy 1st Birthday to all Apr babies!

Sori if i'm intruding .. i'm actually seeking for help if any of you are buying stuffs from Kidzloft warehouse as all 1st Birthday babies r entitled or 50% discount .. and I would like to 'tumpang' in using this privilege in buying some stuffs from there.

May PM me .. thank you ..
Hi Angel,
The cake is lovely, looks yummy 2.

Re:Maid Abuse
I dun dare to see the video after all mummies describe. The maid must b punish severly, how can she b so ruthless...........
hi mummies, anyone know the details of kidzloft's 50% off for first birthday babies? any exclusions and must the purchase be in person on the day of te birthday itself?
Hi swipfygal and all

you can call Raymond - 97323129 for the balloons. The package comes with 1 helium tank (enough to blow up 100 latex balloons) + manpower to blow it up (no decor though). Transport is all inclusive. $100. No GST. If you have ur own big foil/ bubble balloons, you can blow those first. Remaining will be the latex balloons provided by Raymond.

Oh ya, streamers (ie ribbons) inclusive. I find this service good cos you dont have to pay for deposit and timing can be arranged.

Do let him know that you are recommended by Catherine from La Casa. All the best for the preparations.
Wow Angel

almost marvelled over yours/ ur hubby's photography skills. Very motivated to pick up photography...

the cake is so cute and yummilicious looking. Good thing that Jayden is not there or he will eat it up.

Today is Dana's first birthday! Wishing her all the best for every new day that come by. Happy birthday.
<font size="+2">Mummies using BBOl (Michael) for their party decor. Please be very very very dilligent in calling them and make sure that they turn up on time.</font>

Zhiyan had her party yesterday and Michael was more than 1.5 hrs late!!!!! I had previously told him to come do up the decor at 2.30pm because my party is from 3pm to 6pm. But by 3.30 pm there was still no sight of him... I called him and was told that his wife will be coming over shortly she is in charge of the east jobs yesterday and is nearby at aloha loyang. But at 4pm there was still no sight of him or his wife. I called him again and he said his wife will call me shortly. About 10mins later she called me and said will get her staff to deliver part of the balloons to me so that i have some balloons at least by the cake cutting ceremony which was scheduled for 4.30pm. I was very upset with them and told them i want a full refund
Amy, great party yesterday! So upsetting Michael did not turn up right? Very irresponsible of them
But good thing you already had some pretty decor up already.

I've now put hubby in charge of calling Michael up and liasing with him for the balloon and extra stuff. I did not buy any party stuff myself except the birthday banner, now real worried that they'll have no-show at Adel's part too.
HI Amy

Did Michael turn up at all or he was very late? Coz i also booked him but very worried as already heard many complaining about his lateness..
Hi Lynn,
Ya lor i feel so bad for zhiyan coz no balloons for her party... But really no point in letting him come anymore since only half an hour to cake cutting. I think you have to be fierce with him... Maybe that could get him to work. I actually called him 2 days before and the day before to liase with him about the time... But he is still late

Michael was very late so late that i told him no need to come and give me a refund. i told him to come at 2.30 my party starts at 3pm by 4pm he is still not there and my cake cutting was 4.30pm.
Amy: its ok, u still had a good party without the balloons, k? Cheer up!

I am using Jollytown if anyone else still has not booked for balloon decor. So far the person ic Daphne is very responsible and very prompt to answer my queries. I am generally a very fussy person and so far she is up to my expectations hahah. Keeping my fingers crossed for Kayla's party next week.

Sputnik: yes u r right! Ur memory very good leh. Its a Steelcraft (Britax) Strider 4. I ordered online and had it delivered to my friend's hotel when she was there. U can google it and have a look.
but warning, its a bit heavy BUT extremely sturdy!
calamari - haha, and they said ladies who have given birth have bad memory ;-) must be all the DHA I'm taking....no lah, selective retention...thanks! Will check it out.
Hi mummies

good evening. After I knew about Amy's incident y'day, I smsed Michael immediately to remind him about Dana's party today and was very happy to report that everything went well with the balloon decor job.
He turned up on time to set up the decor and my guests (both young and old) loved the balloons!
I think Michael also did a good job for Chewy's.

I did asked him briefly abt the boo-boo with Amy's party and he explained that for birthday parties held at Chalets (e.g. Amy's and Prawnie's), sometimes they get held up because they couldn't find parking lots or security give them problems etc so if that's the case, do request for him to turn up earlier. As my party was about to start, we couldn't talk further so we left it at that.

After seeing the way he works, I want to assure all mummies that he is not a rooky vendor who's out to disappoint or ruin our party. In fact, he's too accomodating to customer's requests so he may overshoot the time at one venue and end up being delayed for the next. Balloon decorations is a very time consuming and tedious job as customer expectations and demands are high. I am no related to Michael and are not obliged to speak up for him But he did a good job for Dana's party today and hubby feels we have to give credit when it's due.
Angel : Happy Birthday to Dana !! Nice cake with the lovely characters !!!

Re: BBlos
I dun think I will ever engage his service again. Think not only he is late fr mine and he is really late ! one and a half hour late due to looking for car park lot or stopped by security, I personally feel that it's far too exagerating.
I give him the benefit of the doubt though. Just hope that he can have better time management for his future assignment.

Jule's Mum: There wun be any side effects of Influenza Jab. But have to bear in mind that does not mean that after having this jab, he will not get any flu or cough. It's just a prevention against the influenza which is more serious than the common cold as explained by the PD.
Happy birthday.. to all the apr babies

Happy birthday zhiyan!!!
Amy : i am sure all the guests were impressed by your efforts on scrapbook. It muz be a great party afterall..

re: bblos..
aiya.. i think michael got to really have learn to take more responsibility in these matters.

If he's going to be late or have difficulties at chalet parties.. he shld let the mummies knows and "prepare" for it, or chose another prvider that dun have such problems... security and parking issue is quite lame excuses.
As much as he is very accommodating with his customers.. he needs to know that 1 most impt thing is he got to turn up for parties on time..Frankly, why ppl will hire him if he does not turn up on time.
Hi Angel,
Dana is sure one lucky baby to get all her balloons
Out of the 5 parties that i knew Michael was doing the decor he was late for 4. I believe given his experience in the biz, being late is not an excuse and being late at chalets in particular is not even a valid one. Surely he would have found a way around it and in the event there is no way around it he should have gotten to the place earlier to work those potential problem out. When his wife called me or when i called him yesterday there was no mention at all that he was trapped in the carpark or he was blocked by security. If he had mentioned, i believe we would be able to help him.

I think its a simple case of a greedy vendor who overbooked himself coz he can't bear to turn away customers. Then again maybe my job was not big enough to entice him to be responsible or maybe because i wasn't recommending customers to him.

Angel - heng calamari warn you, if not urs might end up like Amy's one...kekee.

Michael's deco is nice, he also did mine, he really needs frequent reminder, tik all the moms here not so free to frequently call him. Nevertheless good deco comes with good business attitude, u don mess up pple's party becos of your tardiness, they need those deco...its very upsetting to see that all your hard work gone down the drain just becos of one person. No matter wat excuses or reasons is not a valid reason, u are late means u are late, cos you are in business and such attitude cannt be tolerated.
Btw the party i attended yday and today , both parties he was late and VERY LATE, like 2hrs, not acceptable....tik Michael really needs to buck up on his time management and don accept so many offers if cant MAKE IT ON TIME.
Amy and Koori, this is very terrible. Seems like Michael and his team (only his wife?) are more often late than not. It's very distressing for him to turn up so very late, knowing that they are in charge of an very important part of the party - the decor. They should be in the business long enough to know that birthday parties are ususally planned for 3 hrs max, and being late for 2 hrs (or more) means that the party is essentially OVER before the decor is even set up.

I am very disturbed, will get hubby to contact Michael to get an assurance that he will not be late. If he cannot give us a clear answer as to who is in charge of the party set up and commit exactly what time they'll be here then I think we will have to take our business somewhere else.
On top of being late for 2hrs set up takes about 1 hr plus minus depending on your scale. SO you can safely say that by the time his decor is done you are saying goodbye to your guest liao... or else extend the party and end up with a very cranky birthday baby.
strawberries: sorry I just replied your PM, busy celebrating Byron's actual birthday
My cake is also 3kg and everything you see is from PG.

angel: Nice cake! Dana like sesame street too like Byron ya!

thanks prawnie! You remembered Byron's actual day hee

Ladies just to share I brought Byron to this place in Dempsey called Go Go Bambini on his birthday. Dunno if its well known or anything but its our first day there and he had fun in the ball pool! In fact all 3 of us (Byron, me and hubby) were swimming in the ball pool alot haha. Cool place to just chill with our kids coz they can play by themselves while we have a coffee etc
Hi Amy,

U celebrated ur kid's BDay @ Aloha Loyang on sat? mine was same day &amp; venue as yours...

Sorry to hear abt the experience with Michael.. But I'm sure ur child had a fun time..
morning mummies,

amy, sorry to hear about e balloon incident. I'm sure yan yan enjoyed herself even without e balloons.

cloudme, how's your tooth? better? I had an wisdom tooth pain last night too. keep brushing and bled so much. e pain was so bad tat I can't sleep. i tried using julian's teething gel to numb my gums and it works. haha. this morning e pain gone already.

caitlin, e cake is very nice. I ordered from pg too. e colour of ju's cake is similar to ashton's. but his is blue on top and yellow bottom. hope ju's one is as nice.
Hi Jules' Mum,

Thanks!!! I'm sure yours will be nice... We have ordered from Pines several times. No disappointment..
amy... i feel so upset when i read about ur incident... sian leh..i oso make a deposit to him liao...wonder how late he will come for my party... now i see a BP going on, the lady also provide helium services...

wonder can refund bo... hai...

amy... am sure yan yan enjoyed the party...coz mummy there mah!!
the worst part is...after i place the payment..no reply from him at all... call him he always say he busy at seminars..

so who else engage his service here ah?
my wisdom toothache is much better...but keeping my fingers crossed ...
hope the pain doesn't come back at all...

hmm...teething gel...dun know preggi can use or not...

i didn't get any bleeding when i brush my wisdom tooth...cos there is a lobang there...and a big one...
morning mummies!

am so sorry to hear abt your incident with Michael..but am sure the party went well nevertheless..

was going to book Michael for his services but after hearing abt your bad experience, i changed my mind..

already he takes so long to answer my emails..more than 2 weeks and still no reply from him..
Just to leave my party decorator cum organiser's details here, just in case anyone needs it last min: Daphne, Jollytown: 81010388. Say Dolly recommend (not sure she will give discount or not ahahha). She is slightly more ex, but very responsible so far.
Hi Mummies,

Had Kayla's advance birthday party on sat... all went well except food was not enough. The serving of Angeli was really very little wor... in the end we had to buy more food &amp; drinks back for our guest. So paiseh...

Hi mummies

good morning. Jaspire, glad Kayla's party went well
Those who would like to order agar agar cake can go to:

<font color="0000ff">Auntie Alice
Food Mapping
#04-25 Beauty World Centre
Tel: 90686047</font>

She has a variety of designs to choose from and is only $25 per agar agar cake (much cheaper than James) but must self-collect and order 1 week in advance (she only takes limited orders per day so best to order early). We ordered 2 for Dana's celebrations.


As for buffet, we had 100+ guests and we catered from Orange Clove, a subsidiary of Neo Gardens. Thumbs up for service, food presentation, taste and serving. All my guests were really impressed!
We've used many caterers before but none surpassed this in terms of service, esp worthy of mention is their very friendly and helpful Asst Sales Manager, Ms. Joyce Ling. Email her at [email protected]


As for balloon vendor Michael, his baby daughter is in hospital again today (2nd time in 2 weeks) so if you have problems getting in touch with him, please do be patient. I guess he's starting out on his biz and has to iron out some teething time management problems. But I agree he can't do it at the expense of his customer's functions...
