(2008/04) April 2008

the cupcakes are nice and colourful...

think me lousy..
cos only got a simple tweety pic cake for my ger...
Lynn_, no worries about the teeth, my friend's chile 1st teeth came at 15mths.

Chessycake, nice decor and nice cake. Happy Birthday to Chevelle.

your party look so grand to me leh!! wow!! alot of effort wor.. and the cake is SOOO NICE!! hahaaa
realli pei fu u all..so creative...
Thanks mummies...

Happy birthday to all April babies too!

Yup I put into lots of effort into Chevelle's party
All on my own without much hubby's help. Its really tedious to organize such party on my own. My guests love the cakes and buffet.

wow small world. really salute to your sis planning for the party. can see the effort put in.


Chevelle's party is so nice. the cake look very pretty. yup lots of effort. i can the photo album there. i have get ready a photo album for my gal too but dun have much photo. if no it wld be nice to display.
Hi farah,
would u be able to check with your sister on where to get the party flavours for the sesame street?

It looks very impressive!!
Yvonne: Ya she is very good at it..i don't even dare to try throwing a party...if she dont help i wont do otherwise will be seriously over shadowed.

Winnedy: I'll go ask her now..hang on..
Happy Birthday Chevelle!
Your Party look so lovely and sweet! I love the Carebears theme, was crazy over them when growing up. Btw, where did you order the cake from, look so pretty!
can KIV for 2nd Bday
she told me mostly she got online from e-bay...here is what she summarised for me. I copy and paste her email..hehe


www.cherylshuen.com - for cake


mylar balloons - go to www.ebay.com then search for sesame street mylar,
theres a lot of stores selling

www.ebay.com - search for sesame street party and there are a lot of stores
selling all kinds of favours

cake / cupcakes - http://mengchoo.livejournal.com/

If you have a lot of mylars to pump you can rent the tank from - greg / his
website www.grefio.com.sg

of course there may be better or cheaper options out there but this was how she gots hers..
Cheesycake, wow, that's a great idea which you gave them. It's special to have the names designed into blocks

Sharing with mummies here a pic of Bday Girl Dana and top tier of her bday cake which we brought home cos there were too much food leftover!

angel, Dana looks so different now, like a big girl already! photos of the birthday star smiling and enjoying the party is so precious right?

Gorgeous cake too! congrats for a successful party

So sad Hort Park insists we can only choose from their approved caterers list, and out of the 2 we shortlisted, only Smiling Orchid reverted to us

Any mummies with experience with Four Seasons?
hi lynn,
i understand what you mean abt the caterers.. im very upset as well... haiz...

i read in temporary holding place that four seasons like not very good leh... there are some reviews there...
dareve, i think she refers to her own preparation (ie order cake, book venue, liase with vendors). don think she is referring to your ideas.
hihi dareve..
dun mean to offend you or anything..
but personally i feel that we are sharing ideas here and there...so there may be similarities in the designs/setups or cake etc..

though i dunno her personally, but i feel she meant she put in effort to do up the place and alot of coordination is being done ba...

to do up this alone without hb help is ALOT OF work
be proud..people copy & paste becoz they like ur ideas...but she do have alot of similar things that you have.. haa...
No worries abt it
since i have decided to pen down my thoughts here, im ready to receive neg comments.

Whatever it is, I believe cheese will know very well.
I blog and I shared my everything with my readers.
But I cant accept this : )
Genevieve (hikkie)

i dunno who u are lar... but be fair to cheesy ok..if u wan to comment and say pple copy, use your original nick...dun come here put nasty words lar.. (but of coz this is a free forum..anyone can go create a nick and come here to comment.. cannot control at all)

DarEve: actually I agree with Genevieve. If people follow your ideas, you should be proud. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Perhaps Cheesycake likes your ideas, so just take an idea or 2 (after all its in your blog and this forum is to share anyways), but I think she meant putting in a lot of effort to coordinate the stuff herself lah.
cheesycake: dont worry about it...its a feat coordinating and planning for a bday party...! and you did a wonderful job!
Hi choc(tge25).. i dont think i've put any nasty words about Cheesy lei..my comments is that she realli have alot in common with dareve (base on all the pictures) for the b'day party.. and wanna let dareve know that ppl copy & paste her ideas (or rather i should re-phrase: follow upon her ideas) is becoz they liked it..should feel proud of it..hmmm...
Choc…you seemed very offended that I have stepped into the zone of the April mummies.
Anyway I’m not here to create any HOO HAA.
Whatever it is, IT IS
That's the fact : )
hmmm..which part of my post say i offended?

oh dear... my english very poor one (all of them noe)... sorry ah... dun mean to create any hoo haaaaaaaaaaa tooo
Hi choc..i guess she's referring to the post for me..so she tot u are offended by all these..=)..becoz ur post to me is quite harsh too..
ah choc,

here not english class la, no need "powderful" one, we all understand u can liao.

aiyo...choco v smooth and nice one la....wont be harsh de =) choc, next time add more cream la then smoother mah :p
sob sob...hehee..my ang mo never good...

hahaha...ok lar..back to the sharing of birthday parties!! aiyoo...i been having headaches recently becoz my boy love mickey mouse..and the topper for this so hard to find... ai...where to get cheap figurines ah... hehhee

i heard taka got... hahaa..going there this weekend to see...

was hoping he like carebear or those not copyright one

draw..dun wan lar..the cake shop charge me 45 for the design on cake..must make full use...

but i going to get a few figurines... stress hor..to prepare bday... hehehee... if can do without..best
calamari..si bei exp u noe...compare to BP price..sob sob...

cham liao..as date draw nearer, my cake havent finalised..hahaaaaa..buffet havent order... balloons from michael!!!
choc: ai zai, mai gan jiong!!! no choice, if last min then need to get from shop, bo bian...

dolly23: yes i saw the winnie one there at Party Joy too...
thanks, i have ordered one of the pooh figurine from her, but it turned out to be quite small, so scare that it is not enough, planning to get somemore, but dun know where.
I just gave birth to baby Esther on 4 April after inducing her.

She weights 3.16kg and 51cm.

Jia you all the mummies, once u see your baby prince and princess, all the pain its worth it men.

now trying to breastfeed baby but not too sure if the milk supply is enough for her men... hai

dolly, she has some new designs for Pooh cake toppers, very nice leh. Maybe next yr the party theme shall be Pooh, cos so easy to get cake toppers and part supplies etc!
