(2008/04) April 2008

Hi Angel,

Thanks loads for the long note on the muffin recipes... heaps of thanks and appreciation. I will try it out and revert on success the next time. rdgs- RAR

hi lynn - sorry i missed the spree. hubby blacked out & fell onto the road & is banged up very badly. i had to bring him to the hospital to get stitched up on thur morning.

sigh bad month for me. 1st leo fell then vomited so we had to go hosp, now hubby fell & also had to go hosp. i've had enough of falls & hosp to last me a long time!!
leo's mum, hope all is well with your family now..

as for the dadgear diaper bags, i've actually received them today, delivery is superfast. if you are still keen i am starting a second batch order..
Hi JuniorRain,

My girl will be starting next week... still not ready to 'release' her yet haha... very 'bu she de' leh. But this week I m bringing her to the school to look everyday... today is the 2nd day.

But today I had a bad experience from observing them. I was standing at the window looking in to let my girl see the children and teacher. There's this chinese teacher teaching a group of playgroup kids (the group that my girl will be joining). When I was there, she was teaching them colours and shapes. There's a boy doodling on a paper throughout, not paying attention. The teacher didn't do anything at that time. She was very friendly, wave to my girl etc.

Then after a while, I walked away. Suddenly, I hear a kid crying. So I walked back to the window with my girl and saw the doodling boy crying badly. And he doesn't have the paper and crayon anymore. So I presume after I walked away, the teacher snatched it away from him. He was really crying quite badly until I wonder whether the teacher do other things to him or not. When the teacher saw me at the window again, she tried to carry the boy to console him. At that time, I felt very sad for the boy. Then I thought to myself, is this the way my girl will be treated as well? Is she expected to follow the timetable exactly? Now I m having 2nd thoughts about sending her to childcare.

I'm not trying to say that it's not right for the teacher to do that. Anyway, I don't go around looking at what other teachers in other centres do so for all we know, this happens at all childcare centres. So I m wondering whether my girl is ready to start childcare and follow timetable or not... sigh.... I really pained my heart to see the boy crying and if it's my girl, I think I might withdraw her. Can't bear the thought of my girl not being able to doodle as she please =P

Also, from my 2nd day of observation (I only observe for about 30-40min from window, ard 9.30am), I find that most of the time, the children look quite restless. They are always seated on the chair, either doing nothing, drinking water or for today, supposedly listening to the teacher. I can't expect my girl to remain seated for so long. Jus wondering what will happen to my girl if she can't remain seated and yet made to sit already make my heart pain.
hi all

any recommendation for those 2hrs playground lesson trial? i called Julia gabriel but no lesson on MOnday..preferbably on this monday coz i on leave....anyone please advice??? all i found is childcare which i don like..prefer like julia gabriel 2hrs type of lesson
From what you described, it sounds to me that the teacher prob took the paper away as she hopes that by doing so the boy will join in with the class. Maybe she felt pressured that with someone watching her it might seem as if she cannot manage the class.

My gal has started CC for about close to 2mths already. Like you, i am initially quite upset also. I saw the kids sitting down on the floor singing with the teacher to no music and my gal was wandering around freely. I was also worried that the teachers might force her to do things she do not like but then again the idea of attending school is so that she learns a routine also. As of today, my gal still wanders around and when she like she will join in the class and when she dun like she will do what she wants... I told the principal that my priority for my gal is that she enjoys school. Learning ABC and 123 is not my priority at this point of time and they have assured me that it will take sometime for her to adapt and be like the other children.

I suggest that for a start, speak to the playgroup teachers and understand from them how they would manage new children who have not adapted to the routine they have in school yet. If you are not comfortable with the replies then maybe look around somemore and also if the children in the school do not look happy and contented this might be an indication of something lacking in their program?

I must admit, i am not a very nice mummy to the teachers and principal in my gal's CC. I complained about everything :p even the activities they do for her coz i felt they were not age appropriate and engaging enough but hey what to do? its my gal's welfare at stake. But i do see the the things that she learn in sch and what she enjoys and as of this week she is no longer crying when she goes to sch and happily lets any teacher carry her not just her toddler group teachers. To me this is an indication that my gal has come to like the sch and is very comfortable and contented to go to sch.
Hi Amy,
I brought my girl to the school to look around again today, but at a different timing. And I think the boy has some attitude problem. During lunch today, he was not eating like the other kids, played with his spoon on the table, doesn't allow the teacher to feed him and keep making spitting sound. So I think the problem lies with the boy.

My hubby also said that the reason why we put her in school is so that she'll learn to be more disciplined. Actually there's nothing wrong with the teacher taking away the paper lah. It's just that my heart softened when I heard the boy crying and imagined it to be my girl (good imagination haha...)

Anyway when I went today, it was their playtime and they all looked very happy. The teachers also looked caring and friendly and I also had a talk with the principal so overall, I think I've made a good choice. Now I just hope my girl will like her school too.
Maybe the boy is new... trying to gain attention?

Like you, my imagination also run wild... Like when i saw one boy pushing another i start to worry that he is the class bully and will bully my gal eventually... then when i first left my gal at CC when i see her like a big gal though not crying but i cannot tahan i want to cry... I feel like i forcing her to grow up... Then when i saw one new boy crying i checked with the teacher how long has he been around they said 1 mth i was like thinking to myself die... 1mth still crying dunno my gal will be like that or not... Heng now she ok liao...
hi amy,

i went to cambridge to reg Lucas for Jan enrolment.Yan Yan very guai and adapting well..I think Lucas will take longer time to adapt, he likes to cry...
Amy : Good that Yan is adapting well.
Ju's suppose to start last week but I kinda chickened out cos I really bu she de.. My hubby kept encouraging me saying Ju's going to have fun there.. esp since Dana is in the school. I must really learn to let go la.
Jules' mum,
Wow, thats cool... so many of our kids are each other's classmates!!! Actually its true lei, the she bu de part... Lucky yan did not cry for very long if not i will have nervous breakdown... In fact some people around me feel that we parents like very 'heng xin' the child just turn 18mths then we send her to childcare liao...
Amy: don't worry lah. Sometimes parents send the child to childcare, also because they have no other choices. Every parent wants the best for their child.

Jules' mum: think i am like you, cannot let go. So still delaying sending Kayla to pre-nursery, even if its for only half day. Hopefully can delay until 28 months. I am getting a teacher to come by once a week (weekday) to engage in enrichment through play activities with my daughter. At the same time, she still continues her weekend JG bilingual playgroup class.
hello mummies,

Re: Childcare
It's true that it's really quite painful to see them crying and having to "grow up" suddenly when we send them to childcare. But i guess kids are a resilient lot and they do adapt fast. I am happy that my girl has finally settled in. Was on the verge on giving up but with much support from the teachers and principal, she's much better now.

Calamari: wah your girl got personal home tutor! Is it one to one enrichment?
shah: yah one to one enrichment through play to develop her fine motor skills and lengthen her focus before she goes to pre-N. I am a FTWM, so no chance during weekdays to engage in this sort of activities with her + also can't bear to send her to pre-N now.
So trying this out to occupy her 1 weekday a week, 1.5 hours with a qualified trainer.
wow sounds good. how much do you have to pay for this? never knew that teachers go to the home to teach pre-N children.
So is Kayla enjoying it?
i'm gonna send leo to cherry brook. they have a 2hour accompanied program called cherry tots cos i also can't bear to have him cry for so long but i want him to go to sch to interact wif others
Calamari : Ya. I really bu she de. I planned to let him go there twice a week for half day. But, still can't bare to let him go. Keep telling myself he's going to be there for 1 year only.. He'll be at another place in Pre-N. So, why do I make him adapt to new places twice? Is that a good exuse? haha..

Amy : Like you, my intention of sending him there is not so much for academic. Just want him to have fun and play with other kids. They should have more fun now.

Leo's mum : Didn't know Cherrybrooks has accompanied program. Morning or afternoon?
leo, shah, lynn: have replied your emails.

jules' mum: yes that is a good reason! No point making him adapt twice
The pre-N you intend to send him don't have the toddler care program?
Calamari : He'll be going to St James. They start from Pre-N.

Mummies, Do you use shampoo for your kids? Is it necessary? I've been using his sebamed for his hair. Dunno if I should get shampoo.
Jule's Mum, calamari,
Seems like all of us the same, not the kids having seperation anxiety... Its us the adults... LOL...

Jule's mum,
Yan is using the johnson and johnson strawberry one... smells nice... Think they have a few fragrances to choose from
Hi mummies,
Can I ask when you bring your little ones overseas, wat water do they drink? Do you boil your own water from the tap?

I m bringing mine to KL, 1st time overseas. I intend to boil water for her but i'm not sure whether the tap water in KL is ok for kids. I wanted to bring bottled s'pore tap water there haha... my hubby says too 'kua zhang' where got pp bring tap water for holiday one. Not sure whether it's ok for 1.5yr old kid to drink boiled tap water from KL.
Leo's Mum : Ya. Ju got a place in St james. I did the registration last yr. Kiasu I know.. ahhaha.

Amy : Ya lor! i know Ju's character, he will be ok after 3-4 days. he's quite easily adaptable. But I still scared leh. Dunno if he will eat properly or not.. Will anyone bully him or not.. haha. I really think too much. Ok. i'll try Johnson2 or kodomo.. I heard the strawberry is very nice.
Amy: yah lor, i cannot imagine the day where I have to send her to school. Surely super stressed out and kek sim hahaha.

Jules' mum: Not kiasu lah, so you can secure a place mah ;) My friend registered her daughter there 1 month after she was born hehehe, for Pre-N. The efforts we parents put in for the best of our children... ;)

shelyn: hmm...i should think boil the tap water should be ok gua.
friend's baby had bad salmonella poisoning, because she rinsed the milk bottles with tap water from public restroom in M'sia. baby was very young back then but u can consider bringing mineral water over.
I intend to just pour boiled water into milk bottle to sterilise it. Do u think it's ok? Bring kids overseas is so headache hor...sigh..

Hi Joelle,
Oh it's so scary... I did a check on web about tap water in KL and general feedback is that it's ok to drink so if I boil should be quite safe. Which state did your friend go? My mum always tell me mineral water not good, will have 'stones' in the kidney if drink too much so don't dare to let my girl drink too much mineral water. But of cos between mineral water and poisoning i'll choose mineral water lah haha..

Advice from mummies who can share,
I m going to KL, staying at Berjaya Times Square. Anyone stayed there before? Or know about that place? I wonder whether the cold storage there sells Heniz jar food. Cos that's my backup food. If they don't have then i'll have to bring 10 jars of that haha....

lastime i went HK when Lucas was 1yo. I only rinse bottle with hot water.is ok, no need to sterilise..

water in KL:

I am from KL, water there is safe to drink no need worried...just boil tap water..
Hi piggy mummy,
Thanks for the reassurance. So I guess no need to lug bottles of tap water in luggage liao hehe. But last time when I went HK I don't dare to use their tap water also. I drink mineral water. So everyday my hubby and I will go watsons and buy many bottles of water haha.

I really 'pei fu' those mummies who bring their kids overseas when they were so young. Even when I bring my girl now, at 18months, my hubby and I are jittery and even planning a warm up weekend hotel stay to see what problem we'll face. And the list of things to bring is soooo long, I wonder how big a luggage I need to bring. If only I have magic power like doraemon, can make her grow up a bit for a while, when come back then go back to original haha...
Hi shelyn, i bought mineral water in thailand and fed Byron with it. The water there is not portable even after boiling. I guess if its just a few day of mineral water is fine. But i wash and sterilize the bottles with tap water, then i soak in hot water with the sterilizing tablet.

so many babies going to cc already, any of you not sending your babies to cc?
it was on route around JB.
can try distilled water too. guess u just hv to be v mindful of using boiled water for cleaning as well as consumption e.g. wash fruits, wash utensils.
anyone can recommend any good places to send leo for chinese classes? or any good cc or kindy that i can send him to that is chinese focused?

heh my chinese very bad & my frens all laugh at me when i speak chinese, they all say i sound like ang mo trying to speak.

i also can't bear to send leo to CC & let him cry for 2-4weeks!! anyone know of accompanied schools besides cherry brook? i know JG also have. got any others?
Shelyn : It'll be good if u can bring 1 bottle of water from singapore to KL to mix with the water there. Though the water is portable, I dun think I will risk giving my child tap water there though it's boiled. I would give him distilled or mineral water. like wat scuba mentioned, few days is ok la...

calamari : Ya.. ju's lucky he's born in April. My friend's baby in dec couldn't get the morning slot. I heard the admin staff told me some pregger mums went to register but was told they can't cos have to produce BC.

Leo's mum : Actually there's quite alot of schools that as accompanied program. Playdays, Act 3, Centrestage, GUG, Bibinogs, Pat's, White lodge, zoophonics.
jules' mum- but i'm keen for schools that do accompanied that then progress to kindy, like cherry brook. i'm not so keen on the interview bit. or rather, i'm ok but hubby dun wanna go. sigh
wat brand of diapers do you gals use at night? how long can it tahan b4 leaking?

leo's can only tahan about 6hrs b4 it leaks!! i've tried goon & sometimes use mamypoko
hmmm... not sure how u define bulky :) Using M size now, 44 in one pack, i usually order direct from supplier when they have promotion, have to order 6 packs, $10 per pack. When buy from NTUC, I thik one pack abt $14+.
I use nepia, can tahan for more than 10 hrs... sometimes my princess sleep for more than 12 hrs also no leak. I used mamy poko before but doesn't last as long as nepia. And nepia cheaper. I buy L size, 42 pc each pack, during ntuc promo it's $28.95 for 2 packs.
<font color="0077aa">leo's mum, i used huggies ultra fer Gideon. . it had been so far so good.. sometimes my boy slept fer 10 hours and it din leak.. perhaps can try.. now ntuc got promo .. </font>
<font color="0077aa">scubie so far had not tot of sending my boy to CC.. perhaps when he is going to be in nursery age ba.. still tinking in process..

calamari, tat time u sae u wanna send me ur maid agency no.? perhaps can email me or send me thru FB?</font>

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