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  1. A

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Btw, I don't pump at all. Try to latch on demand. Cos I find that my medela PIS overstimulates my breast. For my no.1, I had mastitis countless times just because I forgot to wake up to pump. This time round, I'm a sahm and I don't want that kind of pressure. Just going to let the body adjust to...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hi mummies, thanks for the advice on coping with 2 children. I've taken LushVelvet's advice and have my no. 1 stay at home on some days, and I find that it helps to soothe his emotions and he is slowly getting used to having the baby around. Bad news is my csec wound got infected and recovery is...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hi all, am awake due to engorgement. I can't help but empathise with LushVelvet. My boy just turned two and I'm trying to manage his emotions as well as coping with a csec wound and tbf my baby no. 2. He sort of knows about the baby and sort of refuses to understand. So far, his affection for...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hi mummies, think the chills may have resulted from breast engorgement? I had that too with my first but mine was also accompanied by fever so i had to be put on antibiotics. Best to seek advice from your gynae instead of a gp if it continues.
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hi Crystal, your birth story sounded very much like my first one(son also called Ethan). I remembered crying before deciding on the e-csec..and worse still, in front of my mil cos my hubby brought her in.. dunno why. I was shivering, scratching and nauseous as well, but didnt know that it was an...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hi PSH, I started massaging even before the milk came in. 3 hourly, and then sometimes using breast pump too.. for 15min each side. After a day, you should see some effect.
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hi mummies, reading about all the posts on breastfeeding reminded me of my past experience. It was definitely more difficult than I imagined it would be. I remember my son being in NICU for 5 days and me not being able to latch him on properly. Then I discovered my nipples were kind of flat and...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Everyone is so excited about their labour but I am still in the thick of preparations for my no. 1's birthday party next saturday even tho' I'm turning 37 weeks soon. Hopefully baby will stay till kor kor celebrate his birthday.
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hi mummies, anyone experiencing preterm labour symptoms yet? I carried my boy a lot last friday and yesterday I ended up in tmc with contractions 10mins apart. Thank God it was relatively mild and they send me home without any medications, since I'm turning 36 weeks soon. But I'm having lots of...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hi mummies, long time never update. I stay in Serangoon too (lorong chuan area) so will love to meet up with other mummies in the vicinity. Have booked Ros as well - she is coming tomorrow. Now having second thoughts.. but I did have another session of prenatal from Maya mummy before. She is...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hi oshgosh, I'm probably going to put no.2 in a separate room with a baby monitor so he won't wake anybody. I think my no. 1 will feel insecure if we put him in a separate room and no.2 with us; besides, I don't want the no.2 to wake up daddy and now no. 1 can more or less sleep through. I...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hi oshgosh_baby, my 20 mths old boy is sleeping on a mattress in my bedroom now. He still gets up in the middle of the night to look for me though to pat him back to sleep, so I put him in my room for convenience. We started by putting him on a mattress on the floor in his own bedroom...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hi Crown, though I do not know you and am not active on this forum, my heart goes out to you and your family and I pray God will help you get through this difficult time.
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    E Square, thanks for sharing. Don't feel bad about being a sahm and having a maid. I am a sahm too with one. I resisted as long as I could but I was losing so much weight with inadequate rest and meals plus breastfeeding that I had to give in. Also, my boy is incredibly active, need someone to...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    E square, how will you cope with 3 boys? Do share!
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Thanks CC. My first boy is very active and now i think of another boy, i wonder if i have the energy to keep up. But I hope all these doubts will disappear once I see him! [IMG=]
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Gosh... been calling him meimei for the past 4 weeks! I know I should be grateful but I can't get over the disappointment and guilt at the same time for feeling this way. I guessed we had really wanted a girl..
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    I came back from my detailed scan yesterday and am still in shock. After believing I am having a girl for 4 weeks, I found out that the baby is actually a boy. Now I will have two boys... still can't believe it...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hello ladies, haven't been here for such a long time, though have been a silent reader. You are responsible for so many of my recent cravings, from crabs to bak chor mee at bedok to mee siam and all. I think this has become quite a foodie forum as well! Just to update: The gynae says I've a...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Just came back from gynae. He checked the baby and placenta and all are ok. Said the brown discharge is old blood and can be due to anything, like a burst blood vessel in the cervix that may happen when you strain, cough or sneeze. Told me to come back only when the discharge turn to bright red.
