(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Crystal, cos he worried I will tell him, Honey it is time in early morning, so sleep early he would be better rest. ha!! ha!!! Cute right. My silly hubby[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sorry Eon eon, you ladies enjoy hoh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PSH, yes massage boobs nw wif warm towel t ostimulate better milk flow, I be donig that frm week 37 onwards[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So all mummies here PLEASE start massage boobs frm week 37 onwards to avoid suffer frm hard rocks:p

Good Morning Mummies,

My wife had 3 rounds of pain in the tummy area last night. it was so intense she could not sleep properly.

Initially I thought this is it, but after the pain subsided it never came on again. Wonder what that was all about?!?

Eoneon, use wet warm small hankerchief/towel to go either clockwise or anticlockwise to massage ur boobs gently each side takes abt 5 to 10mins...avoid nipple unless u want to pop now cos nipple stimulation may trigger labour :p

Hold ur boobs while massaging gently[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mommies! i see some of us have been up since early morning. me too, i woke at 4am, only got back to sleep ard 6+... then woke up late for work. yawn...

tantan - so no more contractions liao huh? mine stopped after friday evening... sat it was back to sporadic BH contractions... and now since the Daddy has no cover at work today and wed, i'm telling my little girl to wait a little bit more so Daddy can be around to catch/kiss/hug/sayang her the moment she comes out ;)

bubbly - can still have easy delivery, dont' give up hope!

Eon, Stefie, yuening, mangogal - ya lor, i guess now my hospital bag is truly packed, hahahah.... and since my hubby cannot find work cover for today and wed, he has asked me not to walk so much these few days, to stall baby's arrival, hahahah...

Eon - so cute!!! your hubby's very hands on! good job!!

Dbaby - how's the feeding now? hope the breastpump is helping! is your no.1 reacting to di di's arrival? hope she'll settle down soon else so stressful for you. jiayou!

woolsey glad you're ok now!

bribena - good to hear the update from you. take care n rest as much as you can [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yugal: could be false alarm to prep you guys for the real one bah. you ask wifey to monitor.

mangogal: haha, okok. thanks. nearer to date i will stimulate the nipples for popping session. wahaha... cause dont really wana be delivered by gynae's friend.

yvaine: talking about hospital bag, i better go check that i have 90% of the stuff and the rest of the 10% like charger and laptop to be packed later. have been procrastinating a lot when it comes to the bag. hubby so nervous about it and kept asking.

yes, he is always saying he wana let his princess feels his love through actions. thus he loves diying for her room.

eoneon/stefie, i see i see ahaha i gong gong. ya never thot of that hahah

breast massage

i did accordingly to what lovebyte learnt from teh nurse from TMC the other day and can see effect le... bit of dried milk i tink i will "come out" after the massage i guess those are the "stuck" ones?

can anyone tell what does the dripping of water bag is like? issit like discharge? but it shld be like brownish then is water bag leak issit?

crystal: haha.. me also will be in my gong gong mode quite frequently nowadays.

oh lovebyte shared massaging techniques from TMC? how come my nurse never teach me anything de. aiyoyo... can share?

raspy: My next checkup is this sat. Doc did advised that if my water drops lower, then it's induction time. But of course, my preference is that Liz comes out when 'she feels like it'.

Joking with hubby about the origin of parent-child conflict... "During pregnancy, we all tell the baby not to come out early. Then in the last trimester, we all want the baby to come out faster so as to ease the discomfort. Poor baby must be thinking 'First you ask me to stay, now you want me to come out... What you want?????'"

Stefie: My hubby seems to be sleeping earlier too. Maybe he building up the 'reserves', like your hubby.

RE: Discharge/Aches

I've been getting yellow discharge over the weekends. Normal? Also feeling sharp pain on and off at the lower back. Baby's head feels much lower. I'm walking as though i've a water balloon between my leg now.

eoneon, ya hahaha.. getting more and more gong hor hahah... and forgetful hahha..

sure, let me look for it... i post here again. hahah i copied and print it out and stuck it on my toilet mirror hahaha.. so that i wont forget hehee..

oh dear Esquare that does sound painful... it's one of those things u can't find much relief from... when r u due? hope it gets better after delivery..

morning mommies and daddies

dewdew / eoneon

i should be joining you later, will call either one of u when i reach town ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaws, i've also been getting yellow discharge since weekend.. not sure if this is normal ahahah hoping someone can ans us hahaha.. but so far no other pains for me.

eoneon, here is the massage technique that lovebyte posted.


Work on 1 breast at a time.

Using your palm do the following steps repeatedly:

1) From the left of the breast to the nipple

2) From the right of the breast to the nipple

3) From the bottom of the breast to the nipple

4) From the top of the breast to the nipple.

Either combination is fine. Do this for one whole min after your shower.

After you will require 2 fingers to hold your nipple.

Place fingers on left and right of nipple and pull outwards once.


Place fingers on top and bottom of nipple and pull outwards once.

Once done. Switch Breast.

The pulling of nipple might hurt a little.

She did say that if there is anything that comes out. Just wipe away

with a wet tissue.

She taught me this when I was lying down before Ultrasound. WHen I do

at home I'm usually sitting up. Lying down seems easier.

Hope this set of instructions is clear enough to understand.

Eon - your hubby so sweeet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaws- can imagine your anxiety. me also, my hubby has no work cover for today n wed, so he was saying it'll be very sad if he's not around to see baby if she arrives on these days. so i've been telling our little one to wait a little bit more so daddy can be around to hug her the moment she's out. anyway you still have about one week plus before he flies away. Lizzy being such a daddy's gal, will probably arrive with daddy around.. let's pray hard n keep our fingers crossed that our hubbies will be able to catch our babies! ;)

muddypaws: haha, adults are very good at contradicting at some point. poor kiddos!

me too having yellow discharge these few days. and im putting on at least 700g everyday. think im a goner liao. haha

crystal: ya loz... cant help it ley. lol

Crystal, waterbag leak shld be clear or pale yellow, if gt coloured like brown or even green coloured, could be waterbag get infected or bb poo poo inside...

andrea: great! see you later ^_^

yvaine: haha, hope hubby can persevere to the end. he can be 5 minutes hot pattern kind. wahaha


Not meeting..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] the flesh is very painful .. Like a super big pimple so ripe and pain.. Now that it is outside .. When I walk rubbing against my buttocks so pain..

Eon eon,

I have got plenty of button top that I bought from bugis .. Want me to pass 2 long sleeve and 2 short to you?

me too been getting yellow discharge, so it shld be normal...

Yvaine, all the best n update us!

Hi PSH, I started massaging even before the milk came in. 3 hourly, and then sometimes using breast pump too.. for 15min each side. After a day, you should see some effect.


ThankQ so much on sharing ur breastfeedin experiences and all e tough times, and also on e benefits of it =D and its really amazing how u can B breastfeedin ur gal for so long! i also pray and hope i can breastfeed for as least 9mths too =)ThankQ on providing e tips on massagin on our breasts now even B4 we deliver, will definitely B spendin some time to make sur ei massage w warm towels =D


U rest well ya? hope to see ya again someday soon =D mayB after u deliver =D


ThankQ for ur breastfeeding story as well, will take note and also persevere! hahaS


Yep, its great tat ur milk supply is comin in! Don give up okie, try to remember e important thngs that e breastfeedin consultants n e mommies here haf provided in aidin u through ya? to prevent engorgement n etc.. JiaYou, its not easy but don Give up yea? JiaoYou!!


U too JiaYou k?? Jiayou, lookin forward in ur posting of good news too =D


ThankQ so much for sharing on ur breastfeedin experience as well, and sharin on e rental frm Mt Alvernia as well, as i will B deliverin there, but TenQ, manually pumpin breast milk will B tiring and especially when u're pumpin for both breasts, and u'L also need as much rest as u need as well, so mayB cna consider renting frm e Hosp, or buy one, to go a long way? ThankQ also for sharin on e metabolic screening thingie, will find out more on wat's tat as im a FTM n also more cost conscious too =) JiaYou and pls do rest well if u can k? JiaYou JiaYou=D


oh dear, ur piles sounds painful indeed, as u're even feelin e pain while u pass urine, mayB go to ur gynae n ask for some onitment to apply to ease e pain so u wont B so uncomfortable ya? mayB can also try to take frequent and small meals together w some medicine so can help to soften ur stools as well, so u won't need to "gek" when u need to go ya? and mayB drink juices instead of H2O to prevent u from peeing as much, yet can help in relievin ur bowel system.. =) Poor thng.. How's ur boys too by e way?? =)

mangogal, if waterbag leak wat kind of feeling issit? like now i change my liner like 3 times a day... cos i keep feeling it wet wet like that le ahahaha i dunno if its due to increased discharge or wat hahaha scarly in my gong gongness tinking its discharge but its leaking hahahhaa

Yvaine: Yup, just have to pray that the little one stays in till their daddy is back.

What is your FB posting about? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon: How come you are putting on so much weight?

Crystal: My yellow discharge comes out in streaks... wld continue to monitor. Was just telling my mum about my aches and she says it's near! Hopefully so....

Stefie: Despite my hubby sleeping earlier, he kept waking intermittently to say he loves me and to kiss me. If I get out of the bed to pee, he would wake up "Huh, is it time already?". No wonders why he needs to sleep more... i think i'm causing more disruption to his sleep than anything else.

Hi Muddypaws...ur mom and my mom the same..i was complaining about backaches..and she says it's near...i told her hope not so fast..need to "ren" another 2 weeks for 37 weeks...scary

hello ladies,

almost time for me to head out of house liao.. so will see some of u at the high tea later!

eon, rbr to call me when u reach orchard and need company. i'll be there after 12, i think. will be having lunch there.

yuening, i have your number also. just give me a call.

stefie & esquare, pity you two can't join this time. catch u again maybe after we pop? lol... take care!!!

andrea, wonderful if u can join us! seeya later!


Poor thng, pls rest well at home then, can try to feel tat rubbing pain frm ur description in my anus if im walkin outseide as well, guess ur Xmas presents, myt haf to hold le.. =)


Yes Yvainve, do update us if possible here okie? =) Bcareful also while workin, and all e best! =D

RE: Piles

I saw my gynae about it last time cos I had a low of bleeding during poo-ing. Gynae says it's the pressure of the baby against the rectum/anus area. She gave me some cream to ease the piles, or you can use aloe vera gel. It may be cos it's heaty too. Drink plenty of fluids.

crystal: thanks for the instruction from lovebyte.

esquare: you are not meeting us today too? take care and rest well. if really too painful you go to your gynae.

oh, its ok. i can easily get a few from my area. thanks for offering ^_^

muddypaws: haha, ya loz.. me too thinking about yvaine facebook posting.

i dont know why im putting on so much. thus far everyone is telling me its water retention but the water retention in my body seems the same. worser from evening onwards and the next morning it will be slightly better but the whole cycle continues. im not eating a lot more. just the normal 3 meals plus little bit of snacking on certain days. dont know why. last week i put on 900g within 1 day!

haha, my hubby will wake up whenever i wake up to pee and warn me to walk slowly and be careful.. think he is not sleeping very soundly as well.

Dewdew, i don haf ur number leh!! hahaS, can u pls sms me tellin me u're Dew? HahaS so i can call u when my Mom and i reach?? =D

Hi Eon Eon,

How are u? Just curious...Dr ben is going on leave soon from 2-12 dec...is there covering gynae for him during this period??

Ethan: im good! just having uncontrollable weight increment issue. haha...

he will be on leave from 5-12 dec... he said his many expert friends will stand in for him should we go into labour. but i still prefer to have him leh. hoping to have my princess delivered within the first week of dec before he took off for his holiday. but i think low likelihood as my princess is not engaged yet.

eoneon, dun worry bot ur weigh gain its very likely due to water retention if not u ask ur doc when u see him next? he can tell. my fren had the same prob as u during her last preg and her gynae told her its cos every part of her is having water retention except for the roots of her hair...

Good morning mummies!

Thanks all mummies for the concern over my super late morning sickness. haha. I'm coping well with it. Never going out without plastic bag anymore. Hee.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies going for hi-tea today. Enjoy yourselves!

Re: breastfeeding

I agree that breastfeeding is not an easy task for many mummies. Don't give up! Mummies who are still trying, don't feel depressed if the milk ss is not really there yet. It's alright. Nothing wrong with FM.

cherrry, thanks for the info on Mt A not selling the nursing tea [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] That time i think Klitz got post up a link on one of the bulk purchase on the forum that sell the tea for $7.50 or something if i nvr remember wrongly. Link below [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Anyway don't feel depressed or anything about breastfeeding. Actually i think first time mother may have lower supply. I'm also prepared to have a hard time breastfeeding. But it's alright!! Perservere! Have lots of rest, drink lots of warm water, massage, latch and pump!! Jiayou!

The link to the bulk purchase selling nursing tea. I think it's different from the one Klitz posted the other time. I forgot which is the one she posted but anyway this is what i found (look under supplements for nursing moms):


Eon: Have you been taking salty stuff? Blood pressure ok? Is the weight gain all round or concentrated at specific areas? Have you spoken to your gynae about it?

Mommies going for the hi-tea today... Have fun! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


do u haf my no? can i haf ur no as well so i can call u when i reach? =) wat time is e high tea startin? i cant remember le hahas=)


i also thnk mayB ur weight gain is due to water retention, and how's ur bld pressure as well? Haf u told gynae about it?

muddypaws, ur hubby will wake up when u get up... mine sleeps like a dead log... haiz... i tink next time BB cry, my hubby will still continue slping away... he's a super deep sleeper, i'm a light sleeper.

cherry, SMH BP is selling the nursing tea if u nid. i posted the link here before.... i go find it again for u. they sell nursing tea as well as raspberry tea leaves.

To share with u gals, i went to my sinseh and he asked me to get a herb wang bu liu xing during confinement. Its to add in the fish and papaya soup to increase milk flow.

Stefie, so sad u're not joining us... have a gd rest at home ba...

yuening, hello!! You how many weeks already? When is your EDD ah? soon right??

eoneon, i also think your weight gain is water retention, don't worry so much ok!! Most importantly is your princess growing well!

mummies, njoy ur hi tea today[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Eon Eon,

Br ben is quite particular about weight gain..me too..ask me watch my diet..so far i gain 10-11kg. But becos bb is 2.5kg at week 34, he asked me to watch my intake carefully and also exercise thru out, since i have been exercising all thru out the pregancy period. He ask me not to stop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but from this week onwards, i will reduce the number of times gradually. I hope my princess comes 2-3 weeks time cos now pretty xin ku [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i too hope dr ben ard while i deliver my princess

crystal: at the rate im putting on, i will resemble a 100 tonnes water bucket liao. last thursday when i told my gynae that i put on 900g within one day, he never provide any reason. maybe this friday i will ask.

muddypaws: nope, i dont take salty food de. have been drinking lots of water too. blood pressure is normal. my water retention is mainly from calves onwards. but certain days will be on the wrists, palms and fingers. one day i even woke up with swollen face, eyelids and neck. will check with him regarding this alarming weight gain.

yuening: i have texted you liao. receive? high tea starts at 3.30pm. hubby was asking if he can join. haha...

blood pressure fine. nothing abnormal except the weight gain.

klitz: okok.. thanks for the herb name. wah, hard to remember the name leh. haha.. sounds like 忘不了亲.. wahaha

debbie: during the checkup last week, princess hardly grows. at first gynae was a bit alarmed but when i told him i was 2.6kg during birth then he said maybe princess is taking after me genetically loh.

klitz: yes, im going town early. will reach around 1.30pm. thinking of getting a wallet as xmas gift for hubby but i dont know what brand to buy. cant buy too ex cause he will be pissed. so must moderate on the price and yet find nice pattern. wana meet me earlier? im going to paragon to buy the raspberry leaf tea too. hehe..

ethan: Dr Ben wasnt too concern with my weight until during one of the checkup, i put on too much and from there on, he started monitoring my weight increment liao. you gained so little. i gained almost 20kg plus the recent crazy weight increment. my baby was only 2.4+kg at 36+weeks. i remember your edd is around xmas right? if thats the case, he will surely be around.

good morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re discharge:

i was having bad constipation last night, and when tried to use force, i realise discharge also increased.. not sure if it's linked to my constipation?

high tea:

sorry i will not be joining today..my 1 foot is swelling.. recovery doesnt look good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mummies, enjoy yrselves [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


recently been having the puking feeling again!

seems to be haunting me every now and then, getting so sick of it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

