(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

mangogal, yep we have bought our place already, just that it's under BTO. but i've heard we might be able to get our keys by next May, so that's really good news! i'll be staying with my parents for the next 4 months so i won't have to "suffer" that much. phew!

just now at dinner i also complained to my sis. she said why not just keep a few sachets of the milo in your cupboard as backup? doh! i never even thought of that! so rather than complaining i really should have thought of a backup plan. :p

yvaine, yah i realised it was misleading when everyone started congratulating me! lol! i really really want her to come out soon!

lena, yah, the way things are going it seems our babies might really come out on the EDD date hor? but i want her to be earlier! my belly button now so ugly, really pop out until the max liao. i thot once pop out it'll be almost time. haizz...

esquare, i guess our MILs are the bochap kind - or rather, bochap about us. sometimes it's a blessing. just have to look on the bright side i guess. anyway, ppl always say MIL & DIL sure cannot get along one, so guess we fall into the norm lah! lol...


Hai regarding my MIL, i see the fridge i just give up, just try to find space for my BM and whatever stuff in lor...dun wan to say ald..

Then earlier, ard evening time when I was just looking at bb sleeping in his cot, she came in to tell me CL complain that she cooked already but we always eat late. I think she is the one complaining lor, I mean this is only the 2nd day CL is with us.

Anyway PSH, I also have the same problem, my boy doesn't really like to latch on, only manage to get him to latch on for a while then he dun wan already, so always got to get CL to follow up with bottle feed.

I also have engorgement on my left, right breast can pump out milk but left side always a bit only and also feels so hard...

Btw do u mummies really pump out your milk or breastfeed dligently every 3 hrs? my timing not very disciplined so the gap sometimes is 4 hrs or more than that...


I dun diligently pump every 3hrs, though of cos good to be diligent la. I also sometimes to the max of 4hrs or when the hardness/fullness becums unbearable. Inital stage tiring cos i pump & btl feed as nipple sore cos funnel doesnt fit my breast & i had bad engorgement tt i cant pump out nor latch properly.

My boy also cant latch properly but i realised tt if i follow TenQ's method of the U Cup holding of breast for my boy & i keep holding thru'out the feed, he can feed at least arnd 8-10mins.. And i jus 'grab' his head gently to make sure he cant 'escape' & drink full full. So tis 2 days with latch & pump, i dun pump so regularly. Maybe arnd 3-4 times only, when my breast felt so full & hard. Cos i think nw their demand nt so much so cant really empty the breast & our breast haven work to our BB demand & schedule yet..

Keep trying!! Dun give up!!

Dear mummies:

I noticed my girl's poo smell of liver.. is it because of all the pig liver I ate for confinement? So if my diet changes her poo smell changes? haha

Dbaby and Sharon, don't give up! The milk should come in soon. Got some colostrum better than nothing. And so longas baby is drinking and growing well mix formula milk also not a crime. So don't stress over breastmilk k. Sharon must massage the hard parts then the milk can drain out well. Try lifting your breasts with your hands and use ur fingers and palm to massage while pumping.

PSH, u are right hor. At least I can let out steam and tell my mum off. I told my mum everyday she come we have to quarrel abt sth. Then my mum said our 8 character clash that why. If it's MIL then gotta 忍. And I'm not the kind who can bottle up one. Not happy must talk abt it.

Oh I forgot to ask if any of u who went through epidural csec had shivering bouts after coming home. Just now I woke up 1230 to go toilet then before gg back to bed I did some stretching n happened to be under aircon. Then suddenyl I felt very very cold and couldn't stop shivering even after hiding under the blanket. Think it was so bad tt my husband also woke up to ask me what happened. End up he had to hug me to sleep to stop the skivering. Quite scary feel. Reminds me of the after effects of epidural.

Morning mummies,

Currently awake as I woke up to pump some milk and couldn't get back to sleep.

The feeling of being a mummy now is so different from having the baby in ur tummy. Everything seems to revolves around my sweetie pie. Emotionally I'm ok as I've received good support from hubby. We decided to spend an extra night in the hospital for me to recover a little more before we head home. For those who are thinking of extra nights of hospital I stay, I'll say GO for it.

Personally this was my experience.

Day 1 admission + delivery will tire you out like mad already but yet if u choose total breast feed baby they'll be sent to ur room at around 12 am, 3 am then after breakfast. Being a first day mum you'll be excited and this keeps u awake somehow.

Day 2: visitors seem to somehow be non stop following into the room. Just as a batch is about to leave another set will arrive. Most want to see baby as well thus bAby may be over stimulated and thus cry. Wanted to send baby back a couple of times due to fear of some unknown virus being spread to him but yet how when the flow of visitors keep coming. At night when baby came to feed I could tell that he was. Over stimulated in the day thus a little more fidgety then the previous night. The visitors in the day will tire u and hubby out.

Day 3: time to check out. But we made the decision to stay another night yesterday as I still was walking very slowly like an old grandmother. Getting in and out of bed also was slow. PD also came in today to say that baby was going to be tested for jaundice and may have to go for phototheraphy. As with most babies, mine had to go for a session as well. Imagine if I checked out, then how will baby have been fed? Cos he will have to stay behind. So I,m hoping that when he does his test later today(day 4 morning) he'll be given the green light to go home with me.

On day 3 evening I started to feel pain in my breast as well. My breast looked so big and I could feel hard lumps forming. It was painful but not engorged yet. Asked the nurse and she said that milk was filling up my breast. I'm really lucky to have milk on day 3 morning. Day 1 and 2 were just colostrum. It was good that I was still in hospital and can get advice from the nurse. So ladies if u have a pump bring it to the hospital. You'll need it. Not being sure whether I was going to have milk, I didn't get my spare parts for the hand me down pump. Looks like hubby has to buy for me tomorrow. Being in hospital still allowed me to borrow their pump which eased the pain by a whole great deal. So when you start feeling soreness start pumping if baby can't feed so much. Nurse was asyung I have good milk flow but baby may not consume so much at this stage so I have to keep pumping when I get home to drain the breast. So something to take note of mummies.

Looks like my maternal instincts are on already. Sleep hours are irregular and all I an think of is my sweet little precious. With each day, I feel my bond with him getting stronger and stronger. Miss him every time he goes back to the nursery.

Mummies another thing to note, if u are taking single bedders u can have the option to room in ur baby but I highly advice not to so that you can have enough rest hours to recuperate.


Tks for all the encouragement.. I aldy gt milk supply n else than feeding my boy, i haf been storing BM for in case.. Nw i think i haf abt 2L++ of BM in freezer... Once nearing 'expiry', i will clear n pump new stock for reserve.. Haha..

Wat i'm doin nw is learnin very hard on hw to latch properly n be careful of another engorgement... Gonna work hard n be a moomoo for longer periods..

Shiver bouts

I also get it almost every other days though mine was natural w/o epi.. So nw i wear a jacket & at least 3/4 or long pants to sleep then i dun get it liao. I also slpin in air con rm since day 1.. Hee =) I think its our body too 'weak' or 'liang' after birth. Jus need to 'tiao' back..

Lovebyte, good tt ur milk supply is coming in fast! I agree on the visitors part therefore I restricted viostors to only very close frens. I told colleagues to visit me when I get home instead. The key thing is don't tell them ur room no! Really allowed me to rest more in bed and concentrate on breastfeeding. U take care, rest well and enjoy bonding time with bb!

I was just about to doze off and bb started hiccuping. Any one knows any remedies for hiccups?

Dbaby, 2L!! Haha u are really a Mature cow now. Haha. How many days can we store the milk for? Oh so its normal to shiver. Think I should wear 3/4pants and jacket to sleep too. I usu feel warm even in aircon room one leh. so was shocked to find myself shivering suddenly.

TenQ when baby was in tummy with hiccups gynae did say that it will stop on it's own. So for baby hicuups I think same since we can't feed then water.

Anyone got constipation problem? I find myself on the toile bowl with the urge to poo but nothing comes out. I think I'm too concern about the stitches.... N pain.


I store in freezer compartment, can keep up to 3 months. So once arnd 2 months, i can start jus pump for new batch to store & clear up all old batch for BB to drink. If we leave in the normal fridge side to defroze, can keep up to 24hrs. So i normally let it thaw slowly the other side instead of warming up cos after tt cannot keep excess. Nw trying to build my supply lo..

I guess shld be normal to shiver ba. I had it when i had no.1.. Not sure if its normal.. See if other mummies knw anything ma..

Hiccups, i play cheat. I give water. Normal after 2-3 suckle, no more hiccups liao..

U also wake up to BF?? I jus done n gonna go bk Zzz.. Nitey..

Reporting from labour ward! Haha...

Suppose to admit at midnight but i dilly dally till 2am!!!

Was hooked on to ctg machine for 2hrs and 1st tablet inserted at ard 3plus...

Not on drip yet, think most likely bb will arrive in e evening... So far, only frequent bh and nothing else [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dbaby, ya I wake up 3am everyday. By the time finish pumping usu 4am+. Will wait for bb next feed which is now 6am!

Rainbow, jiayou! An exciting journey awaits. Wish u smooth delivery!!

reporting from d delivery suite too!

Checked in at 11pm. Strapped on to CTG machine at 1130pm. Liz got upset with d doppler on my tummy n she tried to kick it off, resulting in erratic heartbeat n causing d nurses to panic.

First tablet was inserted at 1230am n had super painful contractions every 2-3 mins. No change to my dilation though. Now waiting for gynae to come n check on me...

rainbow/muddypaws, jia yew will see bbs soon

okie my birth story:

26th Nov: got up as usual with lower back pain near to the tailbone felt no other pain etc so went ABout with the usual. went to toilet saw brown discharge kept quiet hahah went back to lappie to tell my cols and boss "this could be the day" then told hubby cos dun wan him to over-react hahah cos i noe he needs to be in office that day for a meeting. DH ask me does the brown discharge has jelly like substance, i said err dun tink so dunno le.

so went toilet again when i wipe oo.. got some jelly strands called clinic, nurse said o unless has the 3 BIG "SYMPTOMS" if not dun need to go to hospital now.. so went out wth DH to his office and went to jalan by late afternoon, pain got worst. walked like a super old woman.

walk 5 steps rest 10 steps that kind. got home bot 4ish tried sitting down and rest but back hurts started timing by 530 or so pain was like 8 mins apart, called clinic again waited for half an hour for them to call me back ask the assistant the assistant said no big 3 no need hospital could be bb pressure on lower back i was like oki.... by then wan to eat ppl liao.

slam phone.. went back to sofa. pain came and subside came and subside by 715 pain was super bad started crying and screaming. felt sooo exhausted cos i totally could not sit i had to be on all 4s at all time cannot lie also cos the pain position. by 745 told DH i cannot take it already i dun care if its contractions or not i wan to go to hospital. the drive there was bad...

it was onli 10 mins max and i was literally clutching the dashboard cos i cant sit and when the pain came DH was telling me not to go thru the windscreen.

reached hospital at 8ish wanted to go to delivery ward DH said okie he park his car and then will come i was like park wat car jsut dump it there the valet will do it... i tink DH had cold feet then cos i was like a monster liao aahah...

i went in concierge saw me ask me how i was and if i was in pain,,, but cos i didnt have the admission papers end up i stood in the lobby waiting fro DH to "park" car, end up he just parked it at the side and then came in with the papers, the lift journey to the 5th floor felt soo longg.. finally spilled into the delivery ward,

nurse saw me immediaiely said y u came in soo late? told her clinic said no 3 big S dun come in. nurse said i scold them for u tomorrow. changed got strapped up etc by bot 830. nurse said u wan epidural? i said YES!! now now.. nurse said okie.. called the anasthetist already.

she asked me to clear bowels she inserted a soft liquid into the anus.. almost immediately i went but half way thru contractions came cant poo and have pain at the same time so thot i was done went back to bed. thnafully they put the blue waterproof sheets on bed already cos once i laid down i started pooing. so thruout the nite they kept changing the sheets. anasthetist came he said he's goin to inject epidural i was already very tired out by then..

when he injected there was a big pressure but no pain, i started shivering almost immediately. anasthetist asked me if i'm stil in pain i said yes yes still pain he said okie wait so when next contraction started again i wan to scream the nurse said dun scream u will be soo tired out breathe deeply in from nose out from mouth so i followed and it worked. after while epidural became happiedural and i'm monster no more...

by then i was 3cm dilated... calmed down and laid for a while signed some consent forms etc and its 930 gynae came and check he said ooo very good i'm 7-8cm dilated.. but gynae found that ethan was in a posterior position hence my pain was in the back, he tried to turn ethan to the right position and he said okie let's wait. nurse was happie she said oooo looks like will be before 12.

everyone left the room and DH gave me some bread and water cos we did not eat dinner so we sat back and rest.. tried to get some sleep.. and wait. i started feeling itchy so kept scratching only later then i found out i'm ALLERGIC to epidural!!

27th morning: still no dilation, nurse came in tried to help me massage ethan downwards.. she did that for bot 30 mins or so... i started feeling some pressure... but still no dilation

215am still nothing

230am felt pushing feeling but still no dilation.. V area felt very suan ... and there was a lot of pressure asked nurse can i deliver? she said no.. the 2 cm dilation didnt dilate...

250am nurse came in, can u breathe deeply into your oxygen mask? i said okie... so i kept breathing in and out in and out.. until i was so tired...

315am suddenly all the lights came on i thot it was time... nurse said darling, ur bb's heartbeat is dropping we need to do e c-sect i was like wat!! started crying cos it was so sudden and then they check for jewellery, dentures, contact lenses i was like i'm wearing contacts... DH went to take case and i tried to take out contacts.. i tried and tried i said no mirror i cant take out.. nurse laffed hahaha no mirror.. i said never mind my make up pouch has it...

DH rushed to find and i finaly got my lenses out... nurse said okie daddy put the things there and follow us.. DH said okie okie.. but he started looking for contact lense solution, nurse said ur hubby soo good got to make sure contact lenses are properly stored arh.. i was ya... he's a good man..

by then they started wheeling me out of the delivery ward already and towards the OT, i started shivering.. DH caught up and when they were pushing me thru the doors they asked him to wait outside first, DH gave me the thumbs up sign and i cried even more.. felt soo alone ...

went in looked at the lights above it was soo scary... nurses, anasthetist and my gynae appeared they told me who they are and prep me for wat's coming up...

and then gynae said okie let's bring in the daddy... i was soo relived.. after he was seated everything began, cos i was behind a screen so i cant see anything but i could feel the pressure from the cutting and then gynae said okie i'm going to push your tummy downwards, so that bb can come thru u will feel pressure but no pain...

when the anasthetist and nurse started pushing.. i felt a very big vacuum/suction like pain in the tunmmy. the pressure was HUGE! i cried again... cos it was soo "painful" shortly after i heard ethan cried.. almost immediately i started to doze off.. in between i heard them telling DH to follow them to see them do tagging, and check on weight etc ... i saw ethan briefly when he was back and asked if i wanted to carry him i shook my head...

i was soo zonked by then... its like being high and see everything moving in slow mo, voices came in thru a haze and its like matrix or soemthing voices pouring in from all over telling me things but i cant grasp them... i heard my gynae toking to the anasthetist bot his new tv and duno wat projector screen and y plasma is better then LED. ahhah...

open eyes, close again... lights off..

open eyes, i'm being wheeled out...

open eyes i'm being transferred into bed ...

so that's the birth story hahaha. hhah sorry for being long winded

morning mummies ^_^

woke up at 6am to send hubby to work then cant sleep le.

tenq: at least no matter what, she is your own mum... talk it out and it will be fine. for mil, the crack will always be there. they will resent us and keeps making things difficult for us.

milo: haha, i think Ash can feel the same sentiments as you. luckily your mil never spout nonsense. else super unwelcoming man!

amuro: great! D day is getting nearer for you. so enjoy all you can now. keep us posted.

dewdew: yes, rant all you want here. at least you will not be black-faced in front of them. i think after ranting, my face will still be super black de. wahaha... sometimes i find myself too emotional for my own good. i know how hurting it must be to be unable to dabao your mummy's nice healthy food home and kena that kind of remarks from mil. but just tell yourself soon soon you will be out of her boundary. hehe... jia you!

yvaine: your gal is too comfortable in your tum tum le. maybe really like her jie jie, she will be a 40 weeks baby loh. happy nua-ing in office. hehe..

psh: no matter how modern your mil can be, the peer pressure around her can greatly influence her de. take care ya..

dbaby: me too will forbid anyone from rocking or swaying my baby. cause it will make taking care of the baby so difficult.

esquare: if your mil really so heck care, so be it loh. we dont need their sympathy. your boys have all the tender loving care they need from you, hubby and your maternal sides.

at first i was thinking about the pasting of names too but then i think it will cause more misunderstandings and unhappiness between her and inlaws. worse come to worse, the son i.e. dewdew's hubby will have a talk with the parents or worse case scenario will be to paste the food with his name instead of dewdew's.

sharon: how about getting a bar fridge to store your ebm? more hygienic and you can be sure of enough storage space.

tenq: the shivering bouts sound scary leh. can call to ask your gynae if its normal?

lovebyte: wow! your milk came flowing on the 3rd day. thats great! i can imagine the overwhelming effects cause by visitors on you, baby and hubby. but somehow we cant stop them from coming also hor?

i cant wait to hold my gal after what you have shared. rest well and take care. waiting for your photos ^_^

rainbow and muddypaws: jia you jia you jia you!

crystal: that is such an amazingly beautiful birth story.. u made me feel like i was there with you guys.. ur hb must be very touched for all you've been through to give birth to Ethan.. :)

crystal: oh man! you made me cry with your birth story! paiseh, so emo today. maybe cause i had nightmare last night. luckily im at home and not in office. hehe..

take care and upload photos of Ethan soon ok?

crystal, thank you for such a detailed birth story. you really xin ku le.. but great that everything worked out fine even with epi allergy. Happy for you!

lovebyte: thanks for the advice. I believe that if I need the extra day in the hospital, I'll go for it too. great that your moomoo career is taking off!

rainbow and muddypaws: almost there, jia you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've done my nesting duties and packed my hospital bag, but I don't know why I keep having the nagging feeling that I've not done something. Saw all those pretty Christmas catalogues and feel like ordering Christmas meals and having people over but don't dare scared that suddenly it's my turn.

Wow crystal, wat a night for u! But hey, ur darling is out and u can enjoy the bonding! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u also v good le, to endure for so long before admitting. Go scold the nurse after u r ok. Hee..

Jiayou rainbow, muddypaws! Waiting to hear from u girls!

I'm still waiting to the day I get better and can sit upright longer to use the pc. I can only read from my phone and difficult to post. Hope by then I be okay to come in more frequently and giv all of u support!

mummies: tratties also delivered liao at 7.45am today. hehe..

cherrry: you mean until now you still have an issue sitting upright arh? oh no, im scare just hearing that. is it the perineal wound?

Yalor eoneon, so sian of the pain down there. I can sit up to hav my meals, bf and pump. But it will take me awhile to push myself up from lying position and even sit, I Also land my butt sideway. I don knw hw long is the cut I don dare to look. Lol. Last night reached my limit so painful tat I ask hb to help me see if the wound is ok anot. But I keep asking if he's ok to see anot I don want to freak him out. And lucky he's ok. He tell me it's v red and sore so it so be healing. Hospital will giv painkiller. The pain only hit me on the 3rd day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cherrry, the stitches below will disappear(aka "melt") by itself right? Need to go back to Dr Woody to check if the stitching is healing well? I only scared yours got infection that's why pain. I think there's also a special type of pillow that has a depression in the middle and meant for mummies who gave birth naturally to sit.

Ya Debbie, the stitches will disappear on it's own. Will need to go see him this wk as he say to see him 2wks after deliver. I asked few of my frds they say it take 2-3wks to recover. Tats why I ask my hb to check got infection anot. Haa although I don knw if he knows hw to see. I'll go to dr woody either tmr or thurs le

cherrry, ic.. ya maybe really take 2-3 weeks. I think so long as your hubby never see any yellowish pus or any liquid should be fine. Just hang on! You'll be fine soon..

congrats to all the mummies who have popped! Congrats Tratties! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jiayou to all the other mummies who are still waiting to pop or are in the process of popping!

Hi Crystal, your birth story sounded very much like my first one(son also called Ethan). I remembered crying before deciding on the e-csec..and worse still, in front of my mil cos my hubby brought her in.. dunno why. I was shivering, scratching and nauseous as well, but didnt know that it was an allergy to epidural. Did the nurse tell you that?

Anyway, what's most important is that mother and baby are healthy in the end, so congratulations!

cherrry: oh, mine! i thought the wound will recover in 1 week leh. cham liao, my expectation is too high. 1 of my biggest fears of delivery is the perineal wound leh... gosh!

debbie: i think we can also buy those children float to sit on.. think i will ask hubby to get one for me liao..

Cherry, u can sit on extra cushion for the discomfort, my gynae chk my stiched 5 days later delivery. Ddi you have episotomy? I didnt so my wound heal within 5 ot o6 days. Cos usually if hv episotomy, the wound will take longer to heal, take care gal but it is good to lie down more[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, thks for ur birth story, so touching n hilarious :p

Muddypaws, rainbow & yvaine, jiayou!!

Crystal, I also hv allery itch on my back becos of happidural, hee..this time they wil change the cream for me :p

mangogal: wow! you didnt have episiotomy? thats something i hope i can achieve but according to mrs wong, 99% of asian women will have it. so i wont be harbouring any hope on not having it.

Hi mummies, think the chills may have resulted from breast engorgement? I had that too with my first but mine was also accompanied by fever so i had to be put on antibiotics. Best to seek advice from your gynae instead of a gp if it continues.

Hi all mummies, happy and touched by all your birth stories... we really go thru it..

I went for my checkup on fri, gynae found that baby never gain much weight, only 2.2kg for week 36, she comment if i have to rest at home this whole week to monitor, if weight still didnt gain, she might wan me to deliver early. She put me to CTG for 1hr on friday at labour ward, to monitor baby heartbeat and movement. Luckily heartache is normal and she comment there are some tightening when baby move, sometimes tightening is also sign of early labour, i shall rest this whole week and go back to check on thur...My EDD is on 23 dec, still another 3weeks to go, gynae say is better to wait till at least week 38 then deliver...

Morning mommies!! Like rainbow n muddy, I'm also reporting from the labour ward now!! painful Contractions from 5+am and knew this is the real thing. I really almost forgot how real labour pain feels until 5+am, hahaha. And it's only 2.5 yrs ago. So brought my gal n maid overto my mom's and hubby drove us to hospital. Thank God for happidural. At last count 6-7cm dilated so anytime now. Just resting now in preparation to PUSH ;) will keep posted n meanwhile have a great day!

Crystal, ur birth story set me laughing. Ur hub so cute! Think he also shocked and blur at the sudden change of event. Hehe glad to know tat I m not the only one tat cried in the OT. I was so frightened tat my tears couldn't atop dropping.

Eon, though mil didn't sprout rubbish but hor Ash been crying nonstop since she left [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] always wanted to be carried and also dunno cry for wat. My mil kept on carrying ash till my CL also told her off... Carrying so often will make it a habit! *clap*

Cherry, hope u r feeling better. My wound still hurts as well. Finding difficulty to get up from lying position so I rather nap sitting up than lying down! I always tot natural birth heal faster. Haiz... We same same but we are getting on the road to recovery with each passing day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jiayou my friend!

Eoneon, yup i heard about some using the baby float before. My SIL lending me use her special pillow to sit if i deliver naturally too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

c@ndy, you mean you experience some heart/chest pains issit?? So if your gynae want you to deliver early, you would be inducing or going for c-section??

yvaine, All the best to you!! Keep us updated! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Debbie, no, i only feel abit of mense like cramp last thur, and i went for gynae checkup on fri morning. Gynae put me to CTG to monitor baby heartbeat as baby weight didnt gain much.. last weight is abt 2kg, fri weigh is abt 2.2kg only.

Eoneon don worry ba it'll be over. I'm also enduring lol.

Thanks Debbie gotta really take note of the wound eh I didn't get the pillow/cushion/float to sit. And I think the most pressure comes from breastfeeding cos holding bb weight while sitting upright.

Yalor Milo, it's the same, either way of delivery also got wound to heal eh. Ohya speaking of mil, mine coming later. Sian I gonna hide in my room to nap.

Mango, ya I got episotomy tats y take longer to heal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yvaine jiayou and hear from ur update soon!

c@ndy, i feel some menses like cramp occasionally too! Gynae told me to monitor and time the cramps if it occurs frequently cos could be labour signs too. My baby didn't grow from week 32 to week 34 so i tried eating more meat, milk, fish and took some supper whenever hungry at night. It helped as baby put on 700g from week 34 to week 36. You can try drinking more milo and milk and eating meat too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon, ysa I was surprise no episotomy, cos I only had a small tear so stich is small too, no need to 'cut' :p

Hope this time roud also,hehe!!

candy, rest well n so lnog as hbb healthy, u can beef up ur bb when born[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine! So excited for u, yup will pray for smooth delivery[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milo, how is Ash? She cried last nite ah?

Ur boy so far ok wif Ash? Love meimei, hehe

good morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovebyte, thanks for your advise on the hospital experience, really need to consider [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal, yr birth story also made me tear!

dun worry too much, u n ethan are well now, rest more and have a speedy recovery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mango, can we choose whether to do episiotomy?

think i checked with my gynae b4, she told me most prob have to do haiz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

c@ndy, dun worry too much on baby's weight...

since 2 weeks ago my gynae never scan me n my baby weight remains unknown, haha!

maybe coz dun wan to worry me on the weight, my baby also small..

milo, nice to see u back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think i should also restrict ppl from carrying after seeing yr comments haha!

only i can carry :p

aiyo Cherry, sayang, maybe take some painkiller if pain is unbearable? painkiller is safe for bfing..

Sit on float or lie dwn as much as u can[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy, at first i also thot episotomy is standard or compulsory wor....but when I push quite easy n only a smal ltear, so gynae didnt 'cut' me..she allow natural tear n stich up...think it also depends on bb head n the pushing effort and pressure that contribute the tear? U ask ur gynae[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mums,

GOOD luck yvainne.

I am still waiting for my real contraction pain, as for now occasional cramps and hardening thats all.

candy, my baby is 2.4kg as of last week and now i am into my 38weeks already,so dont worry.

My gynae commented if my natural labour dont start now, most prob will induce by end of this week and i am thinking of sunday.

amuro, 38 weeks will be good week for labour, baby have fully developed.. All the best to u! can get to hold your baby in your arm soon....

yvaine: u sound so calm and cool! jiayou.. wish you a smooth delivery...

re: contractions

Have been having this tightening since last nite, with on and off menses cramp, but nothing serious.. lady boss says my tummy still high up, so, shldn't be soon.. ceh!


candy: dont worry, during my 36 weeks scan, my gynae also said my princess hardly gained any weight. but a week later, she gained 300g leh. dont worry ok.

yvaine: jia you! hope to hear good news from you real soon.

milo: aiyoyo.. ya, i think Ash has become "used" to your mil carrying thus wanted to be carry liao. kids get used to such things easily de. rock once and they will want it. carry too long once and they will want it.

cherrry: aiyoyo.. must endure loh. scary scary.

haha, go nap in room when she is there bah.

debbie: oh, okok.. i think i will just get the float cause should be cheaper. haha.. can pass to my niece or nephew to use during swimming also. wont waste money. keke..

mangogal: oh oh.. im praying hard to have no episotomy too!!! but wont harbour hope lah. keke.. sound a bit contradicting like that. wahaha

