(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Hi Yvaine, me blur, mixed up you and Andrea Lim. Just saw the email, we have the same surname Sim/Shen and I am hokkien, are we from the same village many years back? Me get really blur sotong[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


How much is a day confinement lady? I was thinking of spending a few K for confinement lady is really ex. I was thinking of asking my dh to take 1 or 2 whole weeks of leave to help out my mil so that I can rest more

TanTan & Rainbow: Will bring the sample on Sat. Then you decide okays?

Rainbow: Go to LaSenza! Got D cup bra. 3 for $60 cheap cheap

E Square, thanks for sharing. Don't feel bad about being a sahm and having a maid. I am a sahm too with one. I resisted as long as I could but I was losing so much weight with inadequate rest and meals plus breastfeeding that I had to give in. Also, my boy is incredibly active, need someone to chase after him and protect him, else under my watch sure fall down a lot.

It's not easy being a mother to three boys. I salute you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have a high density foam cot mattress - 28" x 52" x 4". Used less than 1 weeks. My new born prefers to sleep with us. Does not like to sleep in the cot.

Very very brand new and in plastic bag.

Retail Sgd80

Sell Sgd35

Call 98204176 to transact.

Hi Mummies: Ya... i agree that CL realli is very ex... Hai... But i got no one to do for me, so i still gotta engage a CL... How i wish my mum can do for me lo but no choice cos she gotta work...

Hi Lilsunshine, Tin should be ok ba... Try increasing your appetite bit by bit lo... Cherrry also din gain alot of weight but her BB's weight is healthy too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Wait till you go for the detailed scan then you will know how much your BB weighs... My girl girl weigh 350g at exact 20 weeks, i wonder izzit too heavy cos i have been eating alot of sweet things n junk food... I'm a bad mummy but i reali do having the cravings at times and also tried to control liao... So far, i have gain about 4 kgs liao...

Hi Lovebyte: Wa... U r so 'Fong Man'.... Haha... i just started buying maternity clothes and some maternity bras that's made of soft wire with padding, can be used for nursing as well... I spent $420 one shot... So heart pain although my hubby paid for it but at least it's a better deal cos i did check the prices elsewhere and sure more ex!

Hi E-Square: Dun take it to heart about what others said... Just do what you tin is best, people dun understand your situation so for them, 'talk' is easy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I wonder how they measure the weight of the baby. I wonder how many gram are my baobeis when I already put on 15 kg

crown, when is ur detailed scan? are u still seeing Dr Irene Chua@ KKH?

m wif KKH also, n had my detailed scan last week but they din tell me baby weight. so sad... forgotten to ask them too.. coz i went in n out ADC 4x for the scanning..

remember to ask them if u have not done urs. btw when is ur edd?

Hi Mummies

Just went to see gynae earlier, my aminocentesis test results are normal which means my baby is healthy and results also show that I am having a boy. Actually both me and hubby prefer gal and dunno y , perhaps cos of this and that my hairstylist and colleague said I look more radiant, I thot I would be having a gal and was in fact thinking of gal's name, Natasha. well now confirm its boy got to start thinking of boy boy's name le. Anyway I told hubby as long as baby healthy, its ok whether its boy or gal. At least now I can finally start really preparing for my boy's arrival. Otherwise for the past month, have this big question mark over our baby's health. Hmm...but seems that most mummies here are having gals, who else is having boy?

Also told gynae that I go toilet frequently on some days and some days got no feeling to go toilet, he said he is not sure y but it should be ok.

Tmr probably will ask my mum to help me find CL, my MIL said no need to engage but I am not so sure she can help to take care of my baby cos she is quite old already.

Btw muddypaws, don't think too much about work and rest well at home, but just curious so doc gave you hospitalisation leave? cos mc for most is only cap at like 14 days or so.

Congrats sharon.In anyway a healthy baby is a blessing yah.

Talking about gender,ever since we knew we had a girl, and has told some friends,or collegue or family, the reaction we have are ,oh anth girl,nvm can try for the 3rd time for a boy. I knew its natural reaction and feeling for people to want to have a single gender each. The way they react as though it doesnt take a lot of effort to concieve and bear and educate a single child at a time regardless of boy or girl.

Anyway, am glad it doesnt come from my parents in law or my own parents.

Sigh, woke up to urine and can't slp again

Bloom_May, yes I am with kkh. Who is your sonographper? Cos this time i don't want Li Li. They insisted that I must go back every 2 wks hence this thurs my week 19 plus, they will do the detailed scan on top of checking the blood flow to my babies. Originally, I am scheduled to see dr irene chua in mid aug but due to my swollen feet, she wan to see me after my scan

hi crown,

will make the transfer later. same like you. nowsadays always wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep.

hi sharon,

congrats! glad that everything went well. can now enjoy your pregnancy and bonding with baby.

hi bloom,

usually kkh will not tell u the weight until ur 3rd trimester. asked my previous gynae and she said now no need to know. baby will gain more weight rapidly during the last 1 month. just need to know the size of the baby through the measurement of the bones cos usually they will follow the growth curve.

hi rainbow,

just saw ur post. think we take a look at the dress 1st. maybe it will fit u better cos i'm rather short.

hi lovebyte,

thanks a lot.

Hello Mummies,

Any one of you have interest in signing up with cordlife? My colleague and I have plans to sign up, if we all signed up together we'll be able to get better promotion even compared than the Baby Talk. Please PM me if any mummies is interested.

Sharon: My doc is giving me hospitalisation leave.

Tantan/Crown: Same here... I go to pee every 2hours each night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mommies: Has anyone gotten their baby cot yet? Hubby and I were thinking of letting Princess sleep in playpen first, but after hubby saw how little support the playpen provides, he now insists on getting a proper cot for her. Considering the Taurus Cot from the baby Kingdom website. Any good?

morning all mummies,

yest went to BHG Bugis to shop for bb stuff...buy quite a lot, there's too many tings le shop untl i dun kw wat to buy.


we hd order a bb cot at Robinson sale price quite reasonable, will deliver to us end of Aug, initially we aso wan to buy a playpen but after viewing a few we feel tat bb cot stl e best. one ting we muz consider tat playpen is lower tat mean we gt to bend dw more often which is nt gd for our back especially after giving birth den 2nd ting is playpen can onli use up to 2yrs but bb cot can use up to 5 yrs, tat y we change our mibd n buy bb cot.


i hd sign up wif Cordlife during e last motherhood fair.


e bb cot tat we buy is $269 (UP:$499) but it cm will mattress onli...its fine wif us cos bedding set my sis will buy for me n she is passing sm pillow n bolster to us.

stefie & rainbow: D cup n above bra, you can easily get from marks n spencer ... not too expensive though .. you might wan to try there .. coz i have to go there to buy if not no size for me n too ex for me for buying other brand also

Lena: Blessed with Twin Peaks la but then hor damn hard to find clothes that fit. Usually everywhere fit then middle there cannot button. Sianz. =) I'm also looking for nursing bras but dunno where to find le. Need to get some soon. =)

Bloom: U check the report they give u after the detail scan, should have baby weight inside.

Sharon: COngrats on having a Prince. =) I'm one of the few mums having a prince as well. =) One of the names my hubby and I thought of was also Natasha if we had a girl. Natasha will be her middle name.

TanTan & Rainbow: Would you rather I model the dress for you or bring the dress to the gathering? =)

Amelia: I so agree man. I remember there was once I went to Metro Triumph to find bra, wha lau all they have in BIG sizes are the auntified coloured and lacely looking ones. YUCK YUCKS!

PSH: Thanks! too bad the Robs sale is over already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Has anyone purchased anything from Baby Meadows (marine parade) or Baby Kingdom/Hypermart? Thinking of dropping by to check out the cots later.

lovebyte: ya ya ... other brand's designesp those in supermarket, most of them really auntie until i dun wan to buy at all .. the best part is i went to BHG once, and then the biggest size for their materntiy bra is C cup .. faint ..

good morning mummies!

congrats sharon on the good results and your prince. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think only milo can invite u to join the group in FB. maybe u can pm her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

those looking for nice bras, can try online also. i found really pretty and sexy ones for nursing under this brand called Hot Milk. Apparently they distribute in Singapore also, but I only saw at Maternity Exchange and the prices are not as good as online.

crown, i think day CL is more expensive than stay-in CL cos hav to pay more for them to travel back everynight.

Thanks Lena! We really got 'yuan fen' kept bumping to each other! my girl girl weight abt the same as urs at the detailed scan! its okay, u can still eat more! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bloommay, i saw the baby's weight written on the report for the detailed scan.

Hi morning. During my last scan, i checked with my gynae on the weight of the baby, after seeing most mummies here know the weight of their babies. However the gynae told me, the baby is still too small, no need to know the weight yet, at that time i was in week 18.

This morning, I made a trip to Harbourfront to buy mcdonald, craving for the fish burger. Then my boss sms me, so I tot alright offer to help her buy. She made her order for herself AND the other boss!! So fine... help them buy, but sms her telling her that I can only buy the food not the drinks coz I can't carry too much. Bare in mind that I need to take a bus back to Bukit Merah where our office is and it's raining. And you know what, instead of saying "No prob" or anything close, she said (quoted from her) "I also don't want". Crap. Nvr mind... I want to have a happy mood today. She came in shortly after I arrived at the office. Then next moment my junior came in with HER TEA! First she nvr offer to get me a drink, secondly she asked someone to get it for her! WTH manz. And the other boss not even in now to have his breakfast, so she prob helped him order without telling him. Make me lug all the way from Harbourfront to Bukit Merah.

bbribena,your boss is really too much. You are pregnant, and taking bus to office is really tiring and usually packed in the morning. She still expected you to help her buy breakfast..

morning mummies, wat a sleepy wet morning, yawn...

Sharon, congrats to your healthy boy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah so many buy cots liao?

Anyone getting pass down cot or 2nd hand cot thru ebay?

Cos think I will get 2nd hand for my #2 also..

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember your pills hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and drink more water.

I need to rush some urgent reports for my boss. Catch up with the post later[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw I have finished my Alexis crochet sweater, I will upload the photos later[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


if i were you, i think i will not help her buy, its rather dangerous to carry so many things when its raining. i fell once in the rain while carrying my gal and i know how it feels back then. must take care of yourself and your lil one inside you. not worth the trouble kk. enjoy your day while you can, dont be bothered by those bosses of yours. feel like slapping them for you.

bbribena, why u offer to buy for her in the first place? aiyoh, really ah... this type of boss no need to be so good to her one, she won't appreciate! next time just act blur.

mangogal, i'm getting a passdown cot from my colleague.

ribena, your boss hor, really deserve a slap. KNS sia.

cherrry, i think i am not hiring a CL, really ex. Need to save the money for 2 of them

crown, u gng to hv twins, better to hv maid la..save $$ for maid nt on CL, bo hua..

Ribena, yalor act blur la, it is nt ur responsibility or obligation to buy BF for ur boss esp nw u are preggie

Dewdew, hehe ok...save some $$, just buy brandnew mattress and pillow set

esquare, ur child's health quite weak. i heard from the elders tt drinking cordyceps during pregnancy will help to build the child's health. u wanna try tt?

bbribena, ur boss veri the over liao lor.. pregnant woman shld take more care lei... like andea said, raining weather, the roads are so slippery. it's not good for u to be lugging things arnd... and its the peak hour period when pple are rushing arnd...

bbribena: Your boss is such a meano, so insensitive and self-centred. Next time, don't offer to buy any food for them. You are pregnant now, and you and kiddo are number 1. Touchwood, but if anything happens to you while buying brekky for them, would the boss be responsible or feel guilty? I doubt so.....

Crown: Agree with Mangogal that you should have a maid. The maid can help with the confinement cooking too.

Dewdew: I wanted to get a cot from Salvation Army last time :p But now, my parents have decided to be pantang and say a new one is better for the baby. We are planning to buy one that can be used till Princess is 7 years old (a 'transformer' bed!).

Muddypaws, the cot can use till 3 or 4 yrs old, happy liao..

THe reason of getting 2nd hand or pass down cot is some babies may nt like to sleep in cot of too long, as they grow older they like to move around n cot space is limited. My #1 using now n think once she turn 2 and older, she wil lbe lseeping in children normal bed...wil lbe getting a new bed from Ikea

i never thought of buying baby cot at all leh, i will buy a single bed instead to put beside my king size bed then let the babies sleep. When they are awake in the morning, i will put them in playpen

Good morning all mummies!

sharon - congrats on baby prince!

crown - I'm also the same, sometimes after urining also cannot sleep. worst still after a bad dream canot slp!

muddypaws - I was thinking of looking at cots too, but currently now no space to put a cot so was thinking maybe buy cot the last.

bbribena - your boss is really thicked skinned and inconsiderate! Doesn't she know that you're pregnant? Horrible boss! Is she married?

mangogal: yeah, was thinking that way about kiddo not wanting to sleep in a cot. So rather than buy another bed after kiddo gets sick of it, I can 'transform' the bed into a regular one for her. Save money in the long run. My hubby is adamant about not having the kid sleep in our room, so princess has no choice (haha!). We have the playpen for day-use downstairs. Solves a lot of logistics problem.

sharon, i'm also one of the mummies having boy.

muddypaws, i'm getting a hand me down cot which can sleep till the child enters pri school. my boss who is giving it to me bought it online from UK. her daughters never use so its as good as new.

bribena, u poor poor thing le... next time just buy breakiie for yourself la.. dun bother bot ur boss its not worth it. She's a monster.

mommies coming for the gathering i have packets of sample powder milk from anmum (if i did not remember wrongly) which i got from my gynae. I'm banned from drinking milk so would like to give them to whoever that drinks. let me know oke?

