(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Stefie, eon, milo.. Just dun care wat mil does/says la.. As long as we're happy and hubby treat us well can le. We as mothers wld definitely want e best for our kid. Can avoid them avoid.

Stefie, dun say u bad.. If my mil buy from cash converter, think my hubby (his own son!) Will throw away in front of her.. Cos it's so diff from hands down, we won't know who is e previous owner lei..

stefie: haha, i show my displeasure readily on my face too de. i cant control despite the fact that i wanted to. wahaha.. 我不能带着面具作人!

you are not bad lah. just that we have beyond imagination ils... haha...

crystal: mine is $ face & at the same time loves to pretend in front of others that she cares but she doesnt even care loh.

rainbow: i am the most happy when mil doesnt come to disturb me and make those lame comments! the moment i hear it! thats it... my blood boils and i will erupt like volcano within.. yes only within nia. wahaha.. useless!

Dbaby, Yup.. Lucky my mum willing to help... But i also scared it's gonna be tough on her cos i'm following market rate to pay her the confinement rate and nanny fees.. I scared nanny fees not enough for her expenses cos afterall, my dad is not ard anymore and she gotta pay utilities bills etc.... I did told her if cannot tong liao let me know lo... i cant afford to gif her more either cos not earnin much...

Good idea to take as a part time job since you r SAHM and likes children... I will also encourage my mum to take care 1 more kid if got lobang so can help...

Stefie, Jia you in buyin the tins ya... i know it's tiring cos reali alot to buy and gotta to compare prices somemore... I still got ard 5% tins to buy too... Quickly settle liao and we can sit back and relax waiting for BB to come out liao... Hahahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milo... CONGRATS! Can start counting down the days to ML liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U takin 3 months first then got 1 month left? My company dun allow this so i gotta take 4 months straight... Hai.. Wonder when to start... U got less than a month to go... So shiok!

Lena, think different company different policy ba. 8 wks continuous is a must and remaining 8wks can be taken flexible but subject to company and boss appproval. (i've tsf the $ to u le. heee! paisay keep forgetting)

I managed to find someone selling Red rice wine, just contacted the lady. Will update how much she is selling it. Wow can't wait to eat this during confinement. I love red rice wine chicken and red rice wine mee suan, even I am not hakka[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yummy


E urban walker is good price @ og... Cos i got it 289 from kiddy palace aft some mummies said got sale. Original 359 if i rem correctly. So i tot alr a bargain.

It's really a decent unit i feel. I like e brown especially so i pre-order a teddy bear n pillow (filled w/bean sprout husks n w/brown teddy bear fabric) to match e stroller. Heehee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Today got jl expo sale?


Yup... Pine garden cakes r super nice esp their lychee martini. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] slurp. Cupcakes shd b superb too ba. N agreed, there's more cutie designs. But i reali worried cupcakes r v sweet wor.

Wow... Submitted ML alr. Start so early? n hw cm oni end 30jan? Not 4mths ML meh?


Wat's zoe brand FM? I din take note lei. So clueless of which FM. Mayb enfa since im drinking enfamum... Heehee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


tot ntuc got sale on toyogo containers/shelves? 1of the mtbs flashed a sale poster e other day?

Or really still cheaper @ tpy??


Tks for e 2 links.

I heard of furnituresg.com.sg but was unsure of using them. U used them before? Reliable? If items delivered n not satisfactory can change? Ie. Some corners chipped off?


cash converters. hw cm your mil buys fm there? Is it cos there's an outlet fm there? Or she doesnt koe these are used items so she tot cheap?

Can understand la, first time mummies definitely want to buy new stuff ma. Cos since first time experience. Mayb she tell her stop buying cos v 浪费 When she buy n u really wun use them at all.

Where is this NEX? Duno if it's near me. If near me wld b good cos my plc here no malls. Im a west girl, aft married moved in w/hub n inlaws. So i always find west better cos v convenient.

We shd all stay in touch, esp we hv kids ard same age. Easier to get advise fm one another. contact nos, emails, msn. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Im unsure of tooth extraction. I guess e dentist will b professional and will advise u what u can and cannot do. If unsure, mayb get different opinions fm another dentist? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope u feeling ok still.


Were u the one telling me tt's a list of dec mtbs on fb? Tink e list doesnt incl all. But at least i koe u r deon? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eon, guess i am alittle lucky here cos my hubby himself buay tahan his mother! he told me if not happy then dun go cos his mother upset him as well!

rainbow, i agree with u leh... why would any grandparents in the right mind buy 2nd hand stuff from cash converter??? cash converter also siao to take in milk bottle also. next time i sell mine to them la :p

lena, yup! think my co will be more happy if i can come back after 2 mths ah but dun think i wan la... my mum will be the first to kill me by passing her a less than 2mths old baby :p

stefie, ur red rice wine is it know as rice wine or is different thing huh? my CL never tell me wat to buy and i am totally clueless since this is like my first real confinement!

cheryl, yeah! PG cakes are nice but ever since preg, cannot buy their lychee maritini cake from the store... will usu order and ask them to exclude the liquor *drool* heard many good reviews abt their cupcake so i guess shld be nice? abit siao if i order some for me to eat now hor? heehee

Hi mummies, long time never update. I stay in Serangoon too (lorong chuan area) so will love to meet up with other mummies in the vicinity.

Have booked Ros as well - she is coming tomorrow. Now having second thoughts.. but I did have another session of prenatal from Maya mummy before. She is quite gentle but effective, and seems quite qualified - so I think she is ok. Maybe I just have to let Ros know not to press too hard.

Hihi Mummies,

Im back after being mia for sometime. Wasn't feeling well and was grounded at home. Just went back to work after being away for 2-3weeks.

Milo: Read that you're starting your ML on 8-Nov, congrats! Im also planning for my leaves these few days. My initial thoughts was to start my ML on the day of delivery, so I didnt really plan for it. Until recently, I found that I forgotten to clear my AL. Oops.. I need to clear around 10days of it. My boss advise to take during my week 38 and 39 so that I can go ahead and deliver on week 40 without having to return to work. But my hb was worried that I might go into labour before that (e.g. 37 or 38th wk) and those AL will be eaten up cause need to clear by this year. I think its really hard to plan cause don't know when will bb decide to come out. Any experienced mummy can share if I should clear all by wk 37?

Stefie: Look like you have started to get the bb stuff, gosh... I haven't start on anything yet. Haven't buy anything apart from disposable wipes during the taka fair. Think I better get moving, cause already 32wk now and yes, I haven't start packing my hospital bag also.

Melissa: Im also staying at your area. Im beside the temple near the 315 bus stop. I think muddypaws also just few blocks away. Hee.. Im also looking forward to NEX, think they indicated Nov-2010 as the openning date. Hopefully we can shop there before we all popped. Hee..

Cheryl, yes leh cheap right, I just called cheong choon, Winnie is selling it at $250. Hubby will go down to Kaki Bukit with his friend then decide after the road test[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yours is the other colour range which is more by $30. The one we are looking at is Orange, blue, pink one. Slightly cheaper than yours.

Yes leh, started yesterday till 17 Oct IIRC.

Zoe endosed on Similac milk powder.

My MIL giam one, everything must buy cheap. So she love Cash converters. She knew it is used items, and she love it at cheap price. I don't mind used items, but till certian extend. She love to use "very Cheap", "very worth it" everytime. My hubby knew I hate these 2 words she used, and he will empatise it when come to these words, like, it is WORTH(say it louder and slower) it. Notti hubby right. Only thing I like is the MC sleep rompers which are not used.

NEX is in Serangoon NEL (Circle line interchange).


how much did you pay for the red rice wine? i pm someone and was quoted $10 per 300ml. buy 5btls will have free delivery. i have yet to confirm with her though.

i love red wine chicken and red wine mee sua [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheryl: yes... im the one. i tried to include all mummies who joined our facebook group le. not everyone in the forum here join our facebook group. thus far, thats the most updated version. recently i just added one mum on facebook from the group but i cant link her to anyone here in the forum... let me check it out.. hehe

bryanelin ho... are you here? can give me your forum nick? thanks ^_^

milo: haha.. good for you in that sense loh.

haha, i think we can really sell our milk bottles to cash converter next time le. so funny de!

if im not wrong hor, there are 2 kind of rice wine. one is rice in colour de and the other is translucent de. i personally only tried the translucent kind once. the red colour type is more common and we can use to cook red wine chicken and mee suan. your confinement lady should know how to cook. if she doesnt know. i teach her. wahaha... easy and nicey de.

not siaoz loh. we should try the cake to see if its nice because we give as gift mah. wahaha.. excuses for my gluttony!


Yup, good tt ur mum helping u.. My grandma also doing confinement for me then after tt i take care of my BB & gal myself.. I am only giving grandma a red pkt of $500 cos she actually dun wan to take $$.. But tis mar, i brought her along with us to Taiwan as a way of expressing my gratitude too.. So OK la.. Cos own ppl and she didnt wan me to spend so much, worried burden. Plus she staying with me, in a way i'm also taking care of her so perhaps she take it as she helping out.. And i always bring her out for good food.. Haha..

Will consider taking care of children when my #2 at least 2-3yrs to supplement expenses ba, provided HB allows.. Hahaha.. Still early..


The NEX shopping is at Serangoon MRT there, opening in Nov.. Not sure near u ma..

Pine Garden

Yes, their cakes are nice.. And yup, the lychee martini.. Slurps... But nw cant eat le.. Hahahahah.. I also like their brownie but i always buy the individual sticks at $1.. Yummy!! Really tempting.. Makes me drool...

Finally went to buy the Medela cream.. Right side, nipple a bit itchy & dry.. Seems like gt a bit of milk too.. Hahah.. I think i am almosy ready for the 'moo moo' career once again..


please teach me how to cook both dishes =PP can post here so other mommies can learn too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks!

Bubbly: We went to the toyogo at TPY last month. I think their stuff quite cheap, esp. if you buy in bulk. Both hb and I think its better to go there instead of NTUC cause they got more designs and quantities over there. We're also consider getting a plastic drawer stack to put our bb stuff instead of real furniture. Because we might want to do-up bb room when she's older like 3yr old so the furniture for infants might not fit by then. Just our thoughts.

Milo: We also got pinegarden cakes during our wedding. Everyone was very happy with it cause its really nice. After the cake exchange, we took a box back and finished up the whole box by ourselves (just the 2 of us and we wasn't really into cakes usually). Hee.. By the way, instead of cup cakes, does pine garden have any box set with their cakes for bb full month?

Milo, hong chou jiu, hakka used it alot in their cooking. Very nice one. Since your CL lady didn't ask you to buy then don't buy. My hubby free-lance Confinement Gentleman mah, so can buy anything I want and he will cook, we have the some Confinement cooking book, he can learn from there.

The milk bottle is new one, I also don't want Alexis to use it leh. Tollyjoy one, got strong plastic smell. I am eyeing tommee tipee one, which is selling $21.60 for 2 x 260ml bottles. It has temp sensor, anti colic, BPA free and cool bottle design. This type of small things no need to save lah.

Raspy, we are looking at big items now. Will update any good buys, so you can have some ideas also. Small items decided liao, will buy everything at 1 go.

Andrea, yours cheaper. This lady 2 years ago price is already $15 for beer bottle + some extracts. May I have your contact instead?

Now thinking of red rice wine chicken (Alexis also very excited, ha!!! ha!!!She thump thump abit)

Sorry to intrude..

I have a brand new tube of Medela Purelan 100 (37gram) still in box to let go.

Expiry: 03/2012

Info on Medela Purelan:

Soothes sensitive or dry nipples, dry baby skin and dry skin.

If you experience breastfeeding problems, PureLan cream protects your nipples from dryness during breastfeeding. It contains 100 per cent pure lanolin (wool wax) without any artificial additives or preservatives. This means it doesn't have to be removed before breastfeeding. You can also apply it to other dry skin areas. The PureLan cream is so safe, you can even use it on your baby's skin to act as a moisturizer.

Collection at CCK / Yew Tee MRT or Normal Mail can be arranged.

PM me if interested. Thanks!

Last night my hubby was telling me if I plan for no.2, it will be another BOY! It really turns me OFF lor... I think i'll stick to just ONE...

raspy, yeah tpy toyogo has more selections and slight cheaper..

Just washed some bb's clothings... Kodomo smell niceeeeee....

raspy, wah long time no see! miss u also! has ur baby turn?

they dun really have box set for full mth leh. maybe i shld pop by next wed and ask them! so excited to be planning all these but good to settle on it first cos dunno by then confinement still got mood for such stuff or not :p


emailed you alr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i just ordered 5btls from the same lady.


how your hubby knows the next one will be boy? the komodo you bought is powder or liquid form? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How i know him... he just stared at my tummy and tell me this! I think he ate too full last night. Cannot tell him off cos today his b'day.. LOL. But i really wan a gal lei..

When we knew e bb's gender, he told my mil. MIL reply "huh boy ah.. sure our genes one.. all boys"

Andrea, my sis ask me to buy e liquid kind.. WOW.. I love e smelllll.....

Andrea, Thank you very much[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rainbow, wow your hubby so cute, how he know no. 1 still in process leh, already know no. 2 gender, ha!! ha!!

rainbow, wow u started on ur washing liao?

new clothes wash 1 round shld be enough hor? really so excited now! later leaving office early to go recce taka!

Rainbow, don't get upset, pray hard no. 2 girl[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Then not cos of his family genes liao. Ha!!! Ha!!!

Milo, enjoy hoh. I zero mood to work now. Can't nap also. ha!! ha!!

Bubbly: No problem. For us, my hb doesn't like wood stuff, so we always looking at plastic stuff (easy to clean, wash and maintain). The plastic drawer stack, can be easily converted to store other stuff next time. So most likely we'll get it.

Rainbow: Your hb really like boy boy, #1 boy haven't come out, he planning for #2 already. Hee..

Milo: My previous 2 scan, Dr Ho said bb head is down. Her legs are at the area below my chest and hands at the bottom tummy. Sometime she very naughty, kick my ribs and then grabs my bottom at the same time. Both my top and bottom pain, don't know which area to soothen first. I don't know if the space is too crampy for her already, cause I can feel her movements alot esp. when she try to turn, my whole tummy can see the movement. There was once, I think she got into a weird position (her butt infront, cause I can feel the kick inside instead of kicking out), and she try to turn so hard and violently that I was feeling the push and gave hb a shock cause he put his hand on the tummy and can feel the violent push/turning. Think my bb gal quite rough and violent.

milo, i scare lei cos my place no sun light so i gotta make sure it's very dry.. New clothes i soaked than washed 1 round also..

stefie, cos he asked me to stop dreaming of no.2 as i'll be disappointed. He already planned for future le.. He says we better save $ now so tat we can take care of ourselves when we're old cos cannot rely on "son". LOL...

Rainbow, what's your religion? I heard some old aunties tell me can go to pray to Zhu sheng niang niang and use red or white flower to indicate you want baby girl or baby boy before you TTC. can't remember which colour for which gender. Can try that method[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha!!! Ha!!! When i pray to zhu sheng niang niang is just to wish have soon soon delivery and Alexis health[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, i think i switched off dunno since when le :p the only thing i enjoy abt coming into office is the FREE AIRCON!

raspy, good to hear tat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think nowaday girls are very chor lor. no longer the demure type liao. heehee my girl has also turned but too bad will still opt for c-section. have paid the delivery deposit liao and seeing him next week.

rainbow, think i shld start with washing the bumper cos they are so thick! alot of packing and cleaning still need to be done but its fun right? getting everything ready to welcome our new family member [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

andrea: okk.. mine is the super simple version. limited ingredients and seasoning.



ginger - sliced into strips

red wine lees

red wine/water (depending on how concentrated you want the dish to be)

oil/sesame oil

mee suan

salt/light soy sauce

(before cooking: marinate chicken with red wine lees for at least 15 minutes or more)

red wine chicken:

- heat wok, add oil/sesame oil. add ginger strips. sauteed till fragrant.

- add the marinated chicken. stir a few times to make sure the chicken are evenly cook.

- add a bit of red wine/water. the quantity depends on how watery you want the chicken dish to be. i like it thick so usually add a little nia. once boiled, turn fire to the lowest and let the chicken simmer till the doneness you want. season and serve.

red wine chicken mee suan:

- wash the mee suan to remove the excess starch. boil a pot of water and put the mee suan in to cook till the right consistency. drained and dish onto a bowl.

- using the red wine chicken which you cook, add more wine/water till the right consistency you want, season and pour onto the mee suan you prepare earlier.

p/s: some people add garlic as well. i dont cause i personally think the garlic spoil the red wine chicken taste.

bubbly: yes, milo created for us. its called Dec 2010 MTB.

rainbow: your hubby very funny leh. haha.... you also leh.. say he eat too full.. keke

Rainbow: hee.. so the odds are there. But, I think its 50%-50%, cause besides genes, also depend on the bd timing.

Stefie: Yah, if you see any good buys, must share share. I read that there's a bb fair coming up on 22-24/oct. Think we'll try to get most of the stuff there.

milo/stefie, same same switch off liao...

milo, can start washing liao and then keep them properly lo.

rainbow, i agree with ur hubby le hahahha we got to save for ourselves esp ours is boy hahhaha quite hard to depend on them hahaha

mummies: can ask who is the managing agent for east coast park chalet huh? last time it was udmc and ntuc right? now who huh? long time never book chalet so lost touch liao. hehe....

Milo: We paid the delivery charges in Sep but Dr Ho hasn't discuss with us on the birth method yet. Will he discuss with us beforehand or only when Im going to pop? Im seeing him tomorrow. Yah, think she's probably going to be rough next time. But everytime we see her during the scan, she's hardly move much and behave like an angel. Hee.. so funny right?

Raspy, no problem, good lobang will sure share one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hubby now the kan cheong one. ha!! ha!! for me I am looking at wines, herbs and confinement stuff.

Confinement - I was talking to my Malay colleague. Malays can shower, eat normal, no need to be like chinese like that must shower with herbs. So me and hubby decided to follow Malay, chinese and Ah mo style. I will bed rest more, eat confinement food and shower normal. Ha!!! Ha!!! i guess my mom is going to faint if she know what am i planning for my confinement.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Raspy, your gal smart baby man, know when to behave and when to be notti. Babies nowasday already very smart in the wombs liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks so much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw whats red wine lees?? i can imagine the aroma now! goodness me hor =P

andrea: red wine lees are the zha/渣 from the wine. wahaha.. not you nia loh. i also crave for a bowl now loh. but dont think we should eat that now. so just wait.. another 2 months.


Eoneon: I think the new management is now goldkist. You can try the site below.


Stefie: Yah.. she also always behaves when I called my hb to come and see how she bully me at night. Hb only managed to catch her in action afew times. Hehee..so naughty gal.

Andrea: Im not sure. Hee.. we 1st time parents, so everytime the clinic ask us to pay, we just pay. Maybe milo can share more on this.

