(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Hi mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can't sleep, so might as well wake up early, maybe later will eat Mcdonald's breakfast[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alexis kicking non-stop and the dogs are also up now beside me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy, I think my puking is due to Holicks, cos the milky taste very strong even without the milk. Milo is the only drink I can drink now.

Milo, poor mine work until so late, better take care. Take a break this weekend since your hubby is free from NDP right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks muddypaws, it is sad that MILs forgot how their MILs treated them and behave like their MILs also. After all they have been DILs also. If like my Mom, she will just let her DILs do what they want, she wouldn't bother them at all. My lucky SILs.

My mom would only said as long I am eating and baby is healthy, nothing is more important.

Woolsley, good for you, your sis so nice. My sis is more like my mei mei than Jie jie, I have to take care of her. No Mom or MIL is best, cos own mom may have "old" methods of doing confinement, like cannot wash hair for 40days, etc ect

Milo, I thought coconut water is every week during last month, so baby's skin will be smooth smooth one. I can't wait to eat, cos can count down to another month then pop liao.

Muddypaws, good that you have think it thro' but must take the 4 month ML. Your boss really kns. Don't worry too much. I guess the mcs are doing you some good[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Wow lucky you can save alot on big ticket items[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Your friend very nice.

Cindy, can your mom do confinement for you instead. The 1 month rest is really important. After 1 month then fly back to JKT better.

E Square, poor mine. I guess we have to take it easy, must learn to do selective listening, cos some "words" from MIL are not good for us. Just ignore them. Even my hubby is her fav child, she will still say stuff like that. I was telling hubby as long as Alexis has Ah ma and ah gong to sayang I am happy liao.

But I guess I would just ignore her till I pop. My MIL also had post-natal depression, so she should hands-off some stuff when I am having my ML. I guess if hubby needs to travel again, I will move to my mom's during ML, wow will have more logistics, like the dogs stuff and baby stuff[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SO this time round, you should enjoy your preganancy and ML. You deserve it. Heng our hubbies supportive, if mommy's son, I guess things will be worst right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It is a blessing we have hubbies at our side.

Thank Eon Eon, now I have pull out the telephone cord and switch off my handphone, now my ears are free from all the unnecessary stuff from my MIL. Maybe she meant well, but it is more of showing off she has smart kids and she is a good taker. Which is not true, cos she was working and hubby was taken care by care-taker and my SIL is taken care by her MIL. So I guess she is lucky that her kids really make it thro themselves. Today am thinking of what to eat for my tim sum lunch liao and maybe shop for some skincare, ha!!! ha!!! (Even I have tons of stuff at home now), I need retail therapy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon eon, rainbow, can eat prawn mee, just that maybe the soup have dang gui. But whatever eaten already out of the systems liao, then don't think too much. Just eat what you want[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Like I had BK on thu, wow nice, even just fish burger with fries without salt and cold sprite. Nice mah, finally can drink something that cold and chilli sauce at night[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


morning daddies and mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dunno why my gal always wakie so early during weekends but not on weekdays!! :-S today she woke up at 6am to ask for her daddy! on usual weekdays, she ll laze on her bed until im almost late for work!


so good to see you posting again. hope all is well with you. dont bother too much about your MIL, there are some ppl out there who dont talk sense at all. dont let these ppl affect your pregnancy, take it easy and enjoy while you can [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] also, next time dont drink holicks and drink your regular milo!


i think prawn noodles should be ok right? i will get that on and off. moderation is the key ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i think its best for you to complete your confinement then after you fly back to jkt. how about asking your hub to take another 2wks of unpaid leave. must really take good care of your health and body during this time kk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

hubby is sick since yesterday so have been busy taking care of him. guess this weekend activities have to be moderated also le. i guess tomorrow wont have kite flying session le. hehe. next time perhaps. whole night, hubby's running nose and sneezing was the culprit for waking princess and moi up. haha... this morning, kena wakey by hubby at 7+am too. so decided to get up and brew more chrysanthemum with "golden-silver-flower" drink for him to drink. now am waiting for my minced pork to thaw before i can cook macaroni soup for him. hehe...

stefie: yes, its always better to have peace of mind and shut out those unnecessary and insensitive comments. so best method is to avoid mil.

think about your tim sum better. i also wana eat tim sum but gona hold on since hubby cant take with me.

andrea: i think cause your daughter knows that weekend is the time both parents will be home to play and spend quality time with her loh. so she wakes up early so as not to waste any single minutes. hehe....

stefie and andrea: yes, i think moderation is the key. even if they do put dang gui the quantity wont be there else can surely take the dang gui de.

Good morning mummies and daddies!

Anyone going down to taka fair today? My wife and I will be going down in the afternoon to have another round of familiarizing ourselves with all the baby products.

Following that will be her week-long-anticipated dinner @ Ding Tai Feng. Her favorite is zha jiang mian with lots of vinegar.

Oh btw, the chilli crab xiao long bao is back till end of this month. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Mmmmm.... can't wait.

Andrea, thanks. your gal so cute[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now boiling hot water for my milo and frying prata for breakfast, will add some cheese to it.

Eon Eon, you are such a nice wife[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I guess I am back to my old self now, now thinking what to buy later and tomorrow will drink my golden worm soup, later will get black chicken.

Yugal, you and wife are really cute couple. So kan cheong[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Enjoy your Xiao long bao. It is nice to see hubby so excited about the pregnancy

Good morning mummies and daddy!!

Yugal, wat can I say!! U r really a wonderful husband!!! My DH doesn't hv your kind of patient. When we were at e taka fair, he just followed me with no comments and looked impatient cos he has totally no interest in such things! *humph*

Stefie, isit cos e bao too oily? Once I had big bao and vomitted too. Now my main concern is I scare my mil will come my house everyday!!! I dunno how to entertain her. I told my DH if she comes everyday than I'll ask him to come home. No choice.. When I shifted to my place, she come every sun to watch tv and one time brought all her relatives! A few times I stayed at home but later on when I heard from my DH she's coming again, I take a quick shower and dashed out. Will return when she gone home. Till my DH commented, if she dun go home u won't come home isit!!! From then on, she never come liao.. Hehe, very bad hor me..

good morning mummies & daddy!

wow, quite a number of u are up early today, amazing! i'd be still sleeping if i didn't have to work. :p

stefie, welcome back to the forum! lol... i can see you're making up for the ban in the office - glad to have u back. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ignore your MIL - i dunno why but it seems elderly ppl dun think about their words before saying one... they dun know it hurts or maybe they dun care if it hurts. as long as alexis is a happy & healthy baby, u dun have to care about comparing her to anyone else. she's unique and special 'cos she's yours!!! i've always hated the comparisons that my grandma used to do when i was younger, so i understand the feeling. enjoy your dim sum later!i also craving for dimsum.. maybe will go for it next week! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

andrea, hahaha... maybe your girl knows her daddy dun have to work today, so want to spend more time with him? she's so cute leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but poor mummy cannot sleep in. haha...

eon, take care of yourself also! we're more susceptible to colds & flus so make sure u pop your vitamin c and dun share utensils with your hubby.

yugal, nope not planning to visit the fair today. enjoy it and your din tai feng! chilli crab xiao long bao sounds interesting!

rainbow, omg, your MIL brought all her relatives over?!?! very buay zi dong right... it's your house so should be under your invitation then can bring ppl over mah... but u also funny lah, dash out of house b4 she comes over. lol! but i think i'd do that too, if it's once too often!

Dew2, actually she's ok but she loves to hao liao her son in front of her relatives!! My DH side loves comparing their sons and daughters, I just dunno y!!! Heng my DH *hum hum* type. Everytime I ask him "eh, just now your mum say ..." He'll always reply "dun listen to her la she also anyhow say de". Last time when I used to gng back her place on sun for dinner she'll always complain say my DH slim down la, never eat izit etc.. I asked my DH wat she meant by saying this I never feed u well huh!! Now started gng back on sun for dinner again, she'll say my DH put on weight!! Than I'll tell her, no lei he's still so slim!!! Haiz, dun talk abt mil liao later spoil my day.. Kekeke

wahahahah... yah yah, dun talk about MIL 'cos you'll be seeing her tmrw liao. enjoy your Saturday first! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Esquare, heng not staying with them!! Now I hope my DH elder bro faster get married than she'll fan him. But e prob is he has no gf lei..:p

Bb's movement:

I realise tat mine is more in e day.. Now seldom kick liao but moving ard. Any mummies e same as me??

rainbow, my bb now is the opposite! she kept moving last night, aiyoh! so today i'm a bit like panda. :p she still kicks though, plus the moving around bit.

Good morning mommies!

Yugal: Have fun at the taka fair. One suggestion is to go Cheong Choon at People's Park first to check the prices before going to the fair. The lady at Cheong Choon tells me what I need, and what I don't, so I save a bit of moolah. It's easy to be overwhelmed at the fair and end up buying everything.

DewDew/Rainbow: My princess woke up early this morning when my hubby woke up. When hubby touched my tummy saying "Ah Girl, do you want breakfast?" She gave my hubby 4 huge kicks! We had Jalan Kayu prata for brekky. Now she's squirming around, prolly liking the smell of the choc chip cookies I'm baking now.

Eoneon: Good to know that you are 'babysitting' your hubby. Do take care though cos our resistance tends to be lower during pregnancy.

Rainbow: Maybe your hubby takes some time to warm up to the idea of baby stuff? I thought my hubby wasn't interested too, but he recently bought a life-size stuffed dog and Eeyore for princess' room. Says the dog is to guard Ah-girl's cot... so cute...

Stefie: Good to have you back. Your presence has been sorely missed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

melissa, ya husb is stationed for work in JKT..

u ok with MIL doing confinement for u? T_T

eoneon, haha! u also stay with MIL? how come yr MIL will check on u haha!

if u cant contact guys even then might as well dun work hehe

stefie/andrea, actually both my mum and MIL working....and also not very nice for me to go back mum's hse for confinement esp now i'm staying with in laws..so if there's no complications, i'll most prob be flying off once the doc gives the go ahead instead of torturing myself staying at MIL's alone...husb's leave difficult to take, coz even if he's on leave, he might have to end up working in SIN office, which defeats the point - on leave still have to go office...

Back not too long ago from taka bb fair. Bought all the misc items like bb shampoo, soap, wipes, breast pads ...etc. Forgotten about the maternity pad... have to go down again next weekend i guess.

The "infamous" china sales promoter at the far corner selling Vanille bb cot was replaced by another another country mate. When asked how thick is the mattress, she claimed it is 10 inches thick when it is at most around 4-5 inches. I questioned her if she know how thick is 10 inches, and she point to the mattress. omg. :s

Yugal, maternity pad dun hv to buy so early....cos take up space..haha maybe u 1st time parent so more kiasu to prepare stuff early :p

Buy at 36 weeks still early =)

Baby cot matress: So far the most reliable brand is babysafe..buy frm kiddy palace...I dun trust other brand, gonna buy this for my boy too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mangogal, hehe yeah you are right, just wana get everything prepared so wun kan cheong last minute.

how do you determine a good mattress? Is coconut husk fibres filled mattress good?

yugal,wah wat is coconut husk filled mattress? Neverheard before :p

I go for reputable brand n frens reconmendation n look for sturdy so that safely support the baby spine n posture.

babysafe is good n my active 16 month old gal still sleeping till now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mangogal, supposedly provide good support as according to the sales promoters @ taka bb fair. Many of the mattress sold there are coconut husk filled.

Babysafe mattresses are foam or coil?

the babysafe mattress are foam, my gal like to jump n bounce on it n still very durable,will be buying the same mattress again for my no. 2

well u may chk out frm ur frens for cocout husk filled mattress for feedback n review if they r using, promoter always say the best n positive comment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Can i ask what will be ur sleeping arrangements be for ur no 1 and 2?

I was thinking of taking my 16 mth old out of the cot soon and training her to sleep on mattress on the floor so tat no2 can use the cot so i dun hv to buy another cot.

But she is so active now, i dunno how to make sure she is sleeping and not walking all over the room exploring stuff.

I'm also worried tat after all her exploring in the middle of the nite, she might jus fall asleep right behind the door, then i cant open the door! This happen b4 when she stayed at my parents hse and slept on mattress on floor.

So i wanted to ask u and maybe mummies of other young toddlers wat u intend to do.... Thks!

good day mummies and daddies ^_^

wow! its sunday already. time is always not enough during the weekends.

stefie: no lah... *paiseh*, anyone would have done the same should their spouse be sick loh...

yeh, im having wormy soup today too. cooking more to share with hubby. need to build up his immune system. our wormy soup day falls on the same day. we are going to ntuc later.

how was your dim sum yesterday?

rainbow: haha, our mils share the same trait. they love coming over during SUNDAY TO WATCH TV. mine will require dinner to be served though. haha

you are so funny when you mentioned you will dashed out upon hearing mil is visiting. wahaha..

dewdew: thanks thanks. ya loz.. i told hubby he is a big virus! wahaha...

muddypaws: thanks thanks... ya.. need to take care of myself too.

your hubby is so cute hor! i also will want to buy some stuff toy for princess once her room is ready. now all the stuff we bought for her are in one corner of her room. waiting for her mattress to arrive before we start setting up her cot and arrange the room.

cindy: no, i dont stay with mil.. we stay alone. but mil will call to check on me whenever hubby is not in singapore de loh. ask this ask that... wah piangz! she is scare i will give the son green hat to wear isit?!

mangogal and yugal: for us, we customised a mattress from seahorse for princess. not expensive and best is that we know the mattress is good.

Eon Eon, the tim sum is good, 3 of us spent $97. We even had 1/2 peking duck. The tim sum in tung lok is quite good. My mom & sis even came over to my house and had dinner at Rivervale mall cos my sis want to shop in Daiso. All of us had great time.

Maybe you can get the sakura chicken (if your hubby coughing, then better use pork). Very sweet one. I just cut up the chicken and put 2 drum sticks and chicken breast, balance boiled chicken can cook macrononi soup tonight. We same same timing, every 2 weeks golden worm soup[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now just waiting for my rice to cook, can't wait.

Yugal, That Vanilla cot Sales like not well train, better not to get from them. The coconut husk one package is $400-$500 plus right. I also ?? when they said coconut husk good for baby. I think foam one better. My colleagues was suggesting to get from kidding palace at about $90+ and very durable.

Muddypaws, thanks. I also miss my "home" here. Wow you baking, so good, I can't even bake well. Must be very nice that's why your Princess so happy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy, I guess as long as you are comfortable, do what you like and be happy.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rainbow, my alexis only kicks at night. Day time like swimming here to there like that[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

New Pigeon Newborn Set to let go at $30.

Package content:

1 x Silicone Pacifier with Hood

2 x Wide Neck Feeding Bottle 200ml

1 x Wide Neck Feeding Bottle 300ml

1 x Bottle and Nipple Brush

1 x Milk Powder Container (Revolving)


Cindy - yupyup I'm actually ok with her doing confinement for me, though I still prefer my own mum though, so I can throw tamtrum and all. Haha. But I'm staying with her now, so its not very nice to go back to my mum's. But she's quite easy going, non-calculative and been very nice. Just that maybe our thinking will be different at times. One good thing is she doesn't nag, not even to her own family members. And she does almost everything for the without complains. She's a really good wife and mother.

mangogal - does the babysafe mattress fit for all cots? Is there like a standardised size?

Yeah, just received good news. A friend gona hand me her baby cot, which means I have only the mattress and bedding set to buy!

mangogal, unfortunately I do not have too many mother friends to ask around. I am one of the pioneer batch entering parenthood... hehe.

How much is the babysafe mattress selling at kiddy palace?

eoneon, customized as in the size and the filling?

stefie, yeah same thoughts too. The coconut husk seems a bit hard to me. But of course I am in no position to judge with zero experience.

melissa, from the work I've done at taka fair, the standard size for most mattress is 28" by 52".

Is taka fair a good place to buy bedding set? I saw many too good to be true deals there, thus having some doubts. :s

hehe Stefie,i agree wif u dun buy the mattress from taka :p u kiddy palace member ah then go buy babysafe mattress [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ohshgosh, haha gd quesrtion but right now i am too tired to train my gal to sleep on mattress cos she flip everywhere while she sleeping! I think she will roll out on floor when she sleep on mattress w/o cot :p

will train her when after i give birth :p

no choice lor gt to buy another cot nw n i hv nt even clear up the other room for my gal to sleep cos she zz wif us now

eoneon n stefie,

wah wormy soup nice hor?

Hehe tonite my mum brewing birdnest for me

yugal, i forogt the price but is less than 200

glad u save money on the cot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i will buy the mattress later in oct

hello mummies,

recently have been experiencing something like menstrual cramps feeling, gave me such a scare. then realised it's the braxton hicks contractions... wow, i thot it was a bit painful already leh ('cos i hardly get menstrual cramps) so i can't imagine how real contractions will feel like! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

melissa: think gt diff sizes so hv to measure the cot first before buying

mummies: btw do u all feel thirsty most of time even u drink water? I very scared is symptoms of gestational diabeties [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

dewdew, if u concern abt the braxton hicks shld cal ur gynae tomr n chk? Ventolin helps to relax the womb n i am taking for this pregnancy n previous pregnancy

esquare, i'll be getting a chinese CL here to cook me chinese food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eoneon, wa yr MIL really 'protects' yr hubby haha...she dun have to worry one la..as long as yr hubby got confidence in you! hehe

stefie, ya i'm trying to make myself comfortable, but again have to depends on how to delivery is, if have to do c section then will have to change plans, thats y alot still unsure [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

melissa, most impt is that u're comfortable with the arrangement i guess [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nice to know that yr MIL is easy going, mine is ok too, but maybe i'm not comfortable only, esp if hubby wun be with me throughout haiz...

stefie: yum yum... tim sum. good that you enjoy your tim sum and peking duck.

yah.. im using pork ribs instead of chicken loh. cooking the soup now. so will only be able to have it for dinner. so for dinner today, just stirfry a veggie and a meat dish and we can have a complete meal le.

yugal: customised accounting to the size and the hardness (material) you want.

mangogal: ya loz.. wormy soup is nice and nutritional. oh, birdnest for me is next week. for me, birdnest and wormy soup is on alternate week. hehe

dewdew: huh?! crampy feeling is braxton kicks arh? i also have been feeling it every once in a while leh. hope its nothing serious wor.

cheer up! we can definitely get through the pain de. just have to keep in mind we are going to have our little bundle of joy after the misery is over.

mangogal: i have that thirsty feeling occasionally loh. i think due to weather bah.

cindy: ya lah.. faint big time man! cannot stand her loh. this should be between hubby and me mah.

For Sale:

1) BNIB Avent NewBorn Starter Kit

Avent: http://www.philips.com.sg/c/avent-baby-gift-set/scd271_00/prd/

Wrapped in box and unopen.

Avent: Retail SGD49.90 , My Price SGD40

2)BNIB High Density Foam Playpen Mattress (Shears)- 28" x 41" x 3" High Density Foam

Wrapped in box and unopen.

Mattress Retail SGD58, My Price SGD25

3) Themed "Its a Boy" Baby Shower Bouquet

Used for one afternon and fully filled with Helium.


My Price: SGD20

4) Unused Baby Handprint Kit - DIY

Tender Prints My Baby's First Impression Keepsake Kit

Condition: Box looks abit old and is green in colour (attached picture is blue), otherwise everything inside are unopened / intact


My Price SGD10nett

All Items Cash and Carry

Call 98204176 for immediate transaction

HI Yugal & Cheery: Thanks for the update... Hmm... haha... y din i tin of reading the instruction too.. lol... Accordiny to what Cherry explained.. I tin is when the warmer hit the degree we adjust, the light will go off but the warmer will continue to warm the bottle to 40 or 70 degree ba... Thats y need so many minutes... I only tested 40 degrees and also use my hand to feel the water inside the bottle... Do feel like it's warm and abit hot on hand.. But My hubby tried the water inside and said it's ok for drinking... haha....

Wa... chilli crab xiao long bao sound yummy!

Hi Sharon: My aunt and uncle with some other partners are shareholders or partners at GPLS confinement agency.... I iniatially though of gettin CL from them too but since my mum has agreed to do for my, i dun need liao... I tin they're the first agency that comes with guarantee so if you dun like the CL or CL givin you problems, u can ask for replacement or sometin... Not too sure abt the details too... Btw, their night(24 hours) nanny is cheaper than just just day ones...

Yugal: Tin i was recommended by a promoter at Baby kingdom abt the mattress with coconut husk too.... Quite ex and close to $200 rite? I'm just gonna use the normal foam mattress that comes free with my BB cot first, if not good den go buy others ba... For bedding set, there's a shop at AMK which sells BB stuff and i tin their bedding set pricing quite ok at ard $60-80 i tin... Can get discount if got kiddy palace card i tin..

Hi Lena

I just made a deposit at GPLS today. Yeah they do have a money back guarantee where in the first 4 days ( If I recall correctly) if you do not like their CL and do not want a replacement, they can refund you. Alternatively, you can request to change CL. Hopefully I do not need to change.

Btw they also have a promotion, pre-natal massage at $38. Anyone going for pre-natal massage? Is it good?

hey there mommies, how did your weekend go? After getting the hand-me downs from my friend, we realised that we were short of car seats (didn't want to inconvenience my friend who is planning for No. 3, and who sometimes needed the car seats for hols). Hence, we bought a Cybex car seat for about S$400plus from Baby Meadows. The car seat can be used till princess is 12 years old. So it beats having to buy a new car seat at different stage of her childhood.

Lena/Yugal: If you guys have time, you can consider driving up to Jusco JB to get the bedding set. While an average set here would cost about S$99, I bought fitted sheets for mattress, bolster/pillow case for barely S$15 in total.

Mangogal: Yes, I'm always thirsty. Not diabetes, but due to the weather and the constant pee-ing :p

mangogal, thanks for the info. i only experienced it twice so far, in the past few days. i read in Dumex website that it's our body doing "dress rehearsal" for the big day. lol! but will check with my doc on tuesday when i'm visiting him.

eon, yah, i got that info from Dumex website. gave me quite a scare, thot i going into labour liao?!? lol... but it was just for a short while...

dewdew, I see..so u continue to monitor cos too many times ard this stage u gt to alert ur gynae asap, cos frequency shld be in 3rd trimester ard 34 weeks onwards....

My gynae very kiasu put me on ventolin to help me relax my womb :p


oki thks...maybe I didnt drink enuff water also la :p

So hv u buy any mattress for ur cot?


Mummies, what is ur baby postion,u all went for last scan, bb head dwn liao?? Or breech or moving ard?? :p

Cos my last detail scan is breech...i hope my boy will turn his head dwn soon cos I dun want c sect...:p

good morning mummies!

mangogal, yah, i will monitor if it gets too often but so far no replays yet. *phew*

as for baby's position, mine is still happily moving here and there, so i dun think the position is fixed yet. u can feel your baby moving around, right?

Hi oshgosh_baby, my 20 mths old boy is sleeping on a mattress in my bedroom now. He still gets up in the middle of the night to look for me though to pat him back to sleep, so I put him in my room for convenience.

We started by putting him on a mattress on the floor in his own bedroom, cushioned by pillows on both sides so he won't knock his head in case he turns 360 degrees. We left the door ajar and our own door ajar too, so that if he wakes up, he will know how to open the door and find his way to ours. You'll be surprised that when all the lights are off, except for a dim light, they don't feel like they want to venture around and the first instinct they have is to look for you. We were worried about him falling down as well so we have a baby monitor so we can rush to him if we hear his cries. So far, it hasn't happened actually.

Now he is so comfortable on the floor, he doesn't really want to use the cot anymore cos it restricts his movement. We are thinking of promoting him to a bed next but am scouting around for something safe and suitable. Hope this helps.

Good Morning Mummies! Brand new week brand new start!

Hope the Mozart for Relaxation music is doing good for mummies and bbs here. Will share more once I get my hands on more of them.

Any mummies used Homecare Services from your hospital before? I chanced upon this while surfing KK and TMC website and it seems helpful in my situation when my mum is helping out with the confinement.

Morning all Mummies!

Monday blues again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

dewdew - I get them too sometimes. But they are quite mild-like menstrual cramps. My menstrual cramps monthly usually quite painful. But I've read mild menstrual like cramps occur usualyl when uterus is growing or stretching. Maybe can check with your gynae.

mangogal - okie thanks! I'll go scout around and take a look at the babysafe mattress. Thanks!

yugal - morning! you've uploaded the Mozart on facebook?

Any mummies feeling pressure in your pelvic or inside the V? I'm feeling it more often now, kind of worried going to check with gynae this thurs.


morning mummies & daddies!

dew, i also experienced hardening of the tummy occassionally and i remember this only happened in my 3rd trimester last time... was a bit panic but since it doesnt happen often, i think shld be ok bah.

