(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Dewdew/Stefie/Yvaine/Melissa: After 1.5hrs, 3weeks worth of emails are finally downloaded! Yeah, i'm been stupid to be looking at my emails now. Just wanted to see if my bosses have emailed me anything regarding my MC, but they didn't. Would draft another email to them about the extension. Thanks a lot for your encouragement! Agree that it's silly of me to be worried about the job, but I'm just putting unnecessary stress on myslf as I didn't want to be a burden to my hubby... the cost of having a baby and all can amount to something astronomical [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yvaine: I'm underweight to begin with. Apart from my face, dunno where the rest of the 7kg went to tho...

Andrea: Not too advisable to 'bu' when you are ill. Too heaty for both you and baby.


stefie, wow, u can really do the knitting/crocheting very fast! just 2 days and u can finish a sweater?!?! kowtow to u! i think your princess will be a very lucky girl, have all these 爱心clothes from mummy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

afterwork i'm going to buy my crocheting materials, i'm so excited to start! haha...

stefie, u know the chicken essence right, my MIL made for me but she put 1 bowl of Martell into it. is it ok? she made for me to drink so i paiseh to refuse, in the end took half a bowl... i thot it was not very nice. :p i dun feel it's right to drink martell now leh...

Muddypaws, take care, you upset, baby would be much more upset than you. Take care. Just enjoy another month of holiday[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Candy, Heartache is okay, as long as you enjoy the durians. Your father very nice to you. If my daddy is still around, he would do the same for me too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Lucky woman.

dewdew, me have lots of free time, since hubby travels alot. Now I like aunty, watching HKG series and do crochet or knitting in front of the TV[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], and this project uses thicker yarn and bigger hooks, so faster, if I do it during weekend, I can finish in 1/2 day[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maybe just tell her not to put the martell. Maybe say your friend Chinese sensei told her, only use pure chicken and nothing else. I guess your MIL would trust what a sensei said right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Even the alcohol will evaporate, but still better play safe.

morning ladies!! super busy!

yes yes, ribena, can count me in for the bet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sharon, i booked a CL for $1.9k. dont knw hw much ang bao and hw much for herbs. no idea at all about this. and on top on tat, think need to giv her transportation fees to and back from harbourfront. mainly only to cook for u and take care of bbay and wash baby stuffs. i heard from friends, if u wanna her to do housework, add $100. need to cook for family, add another $100 etc etc...


i only put on 1.5kg to date. gynae says ok as long as baby growing well. cos i was so worried and yes, im underweight too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Cherrry, as long as baby grow can liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Don't worry too much about weight, just enjoy our pregnancy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lol... stefie, really enjoy leh, watch tv and knit at the same time. i was telling my hubby that i am going to start on the baby booties & hat project, he said he pantang, i cannot do on the bed. chey, then i sit on the floor lor, nowhere else to do already. :p

ok, i will tell her tonight. good idea saying the chinese sinseh thing. hehe... i was wondering how to tell her i dowan the martell. :p

dewdew, no pantang lah. I even crochet on my bed, cos it is not using scissor to cut or sew what, but when sewing I do it on sofa instead of bed.

Old people will trust what sinseh said lah, cos they know better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The pure chicken essence already very sweet, lucky you, MIL made for you. I feel heng I found my chinese sinseh, if not no one (my mom) knows how to bu me and baby. Just enjoy the attention.

Muddypaws, well 7kg of fats goes to ur tum tum, breast, arms, face and tighs evenly that is why u cant really tell la....eat more eat more!!

You all didn't put as much weight as I do. I put on 15 kg as at week 18 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I came back from my detailed scan yesterday and am still in shock. After believing I am having a girl for 4 weeks, I found out that the baby is actually a boy. Now I will have two boys... still can't believe it...

Asilmil, no shock okay, as long as baby healthy can liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Asimil, Dont worry about gender yah,as long its a healthy babe.

I am like you, still holding on to buying temptation after my detailed scan next week just in case.

Asilmil, congrats!! lucky u haven't start to buy baby girl clothings.. Yesterday my sis wanted to buy a ballet shoes for my baby, as gynae suspect is baby girl after the previous 2 scans, but gynae still dare not confirm. End up tell my sis don't buy first since is not confirm yet.

crown, you're having twins that's why different. but now maybe need to control your weight already. dun worry too much about what's already put on.

asilmil, baby boy or baby girl, it's made of u and your hubby. so nevermind, as long as healthy can already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can save money and reuse gorgor's stuff!

muddypaws, yah, i also told my hubby after drinking the essence that baby's drunk already! when i heard 1 bowl of martell was put into it, my eyes opened big big. that time i was coughing and had phlegm but she still make the tonic for me... is good intentions lah, but a bit wrong timing. :p

muddypaws - me too i was underweight to start with! mangogal is right - the weight goes all over the body.. it's true, when you're financially independent, the thought of quitting and having to rely on hubby alone can be strange and somewhat daunting. but honestly i feel that with one income, it just means cutting down on expenses, and it can work out. like for me, half time work means half time pay but still gota support my parents, but it still works out. just cut down on unnecessary expenses here and there. of course not as free to spend like i used to with a full time salary, but i find it's really worth it - i get to see my gal more and witness her developmental milestones as well. so don't completely wipe out that option. or maybe take a long break from work, and go back to the workforce when baby is a little bigger. there're countless options if you're open to them! ;)

crown - my friend put on total of 30kg when she had her twins... now back to her slim petite size. it's possible! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

asilmil - can imagine the surprise. i guess that's why many sonographers don't commit to tell their patients about the gender much earlier on, in case of errors. but boys are nice too! have seen really sweet ones around ;) i'm sure your hubby is delighted to have his boy gang expanded [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies .. so envy most of you have put on weight. I'm not progressing *,* at all .. dunno wats' wrong oso, sigh!

Lena, Asilmil: congrats on knowing your bb's gender [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gosh... been calling him meimei for the past 4 weeks! I know I should be grateful but I can't get over the disappointment and guilt at the same time for feeling this way. I guessed we had really wanted a girl..

Hi mummies!

Update on the aqua aerobics

ok,those without swimmin backgrd sure can join cos the lesson is at the end of pool(1.2m), can stand on feet still. then the exercise is like (warm up)joggin in pool, sisscors walk etc. then as it progress on,will have those empty bottle weights to strengthen biceps and triceps. so haf to move those weights in water, action is jus like normal lifting, can be little tiring cos i have exercise for past 5 mths! then there will be this 'noodle' long-float thingy where we need to exercise balancing with our legs and to do simple cycling while sitting on it.

Overall, i think it's pretty fun and does work out a bit though wont feel perspiration cos in water. But i dont see any preggy woman like me le..more aunties actually.LOL! my class is mixutre, earlier class was practically all aunties.

asilmil: dont be sad, boy can be fun too =D love him more from now on. i can understand how u feel.

lilsunshine: gues as we put on weight, we envy those who dont put on but bb still growing..lol.

Thanks CC. My first boy is very active and now i think of another boy, i wonder if i have the energy to keep up. But I hope all these doubts will disappear once I see him! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I have 2 boys already.. This 3rd one also boy! Tho very much wanted a girl but they are the same.. As long as healthy gender is not important any more

Lilsunshine: How many weeks preggers are you? If your gynae says that everything is ok, then don't worry about the weight gain. I'm currently in my 22nd week, and the weight gain is supposed to be exponential from this point onwards.

Yvaine: You are right about the job part... before I got pregnant, my hubby and I dreamt about me being posted overseas (cos of my job nature) and living the expat lifestyle, but now, I've decided that I would go for something simpler after I pop so that I can leave on the dot each day to watch my girl grow up. Career expectations change, and sacrifices must be made... but it's a path that we have chosen to take.

The joy from princess kicking me at the precisely the same time each night for me to take my milk and to pee, from her squirming whenever I play 'Sesame Street' when I drive or when my hubby attempts to read to her a lousy abridged version of Jack and the beanstalk makes me marvel at how the miracle in my tummy has grown. Guess all of us here have developed the maternal instinct huh?

Anyway, just a little joke to make you mommies to laugh about... during the detailed scan yesterday, my gynae said my girl has a sharp nose. That left me wondering for the whole day how come she has a sharp nose when both hubby and I have button noses. Hubby pondered for a long time about the gene pool too, until he finally remembered that his nose was sharp until he broke it too many times from sports!!!

Sunshine, no worries as long as baby growing well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You will get back to your figure faster after you pop[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddypaws, maybe just bear with it for the time being, after you take your ML, then tender and look for fresh start. I had given up my career even since married cos, $$$$ is not everything. So I becomes secretary, can leave on the dot and no worries about work after office hours.

Good to see you are taking it easy. Remember job is only for milk powder money, not to use your life to gets it. Take care.

Rainbow: The credit card address they wanted it to be my SG address. The last time i purchased it was ok le. Then this time dunno why like that. Erm... my bust area is quite big also but M fits ok for me. I'm a erm... D cup after pregnancy =P

BBribena: Count me in on the 4D.

Yvaine: Don't have the stock in hand yet as its still sitting at Singpost. =) I got the one in black though. May wear it this sat. =)

Muddypaws: Me too. I find myself not being able to squeeze into tight spaces anymore. My tummy will tend to get stuck or hit. =)

Dewdew: Why cannot knit on bed?

Good afternoon Mummies!

Seems like alot of mummies eating Mcdonald for breakfast... I've been eating like once week too cos i will crave for their nuggets and hotcakes!! Seems like my girl girl like junk food too, like me...

Hi Dewdew, Mangogal, Amuro, Yvaine & BBribena: Hehe, yup... i'm so glad when the wedding is over... It's was very tiring but indeed memorable too... haha... We did not go Honeymoon though, dun tin i can walk so much ba... Not much mood to go overseas too... So glad i can start shopping for my girl girl's tins liao.. What about you all? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Stefie: Sure, Np, you can teach me when you r free to do it... But do let me know beforehand so i can go and buy the materials first... hehe... Congrats on having a girl... My symtons also make alot of people guess that i'm having boy (just like u), but end up both of us having girl... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].. Girl girl good, can dress up and care more for family... My colleagues also said my tummy look like 7 months instead of 5 months... Haha...

You must be feeling sian that hubby going overseas again huh... My hubby went for reservist for from ytd till this friday n i already feel so weird w/o him...

Hi Candy: Wow, ur durian sure is very ex, must be very nice huh... I also crave for durians nowadays, haha...

Hi Cherrry: Tin should be ok since your BB is growing well... Some mummies are just tend to be smaller size and dun gain weight easily...

Hi lilsunshine: You mean you haven gain any weight at all? Try drinking more full cream milk etc lo...

In case some mummies are looking for confinement lady and no lobang, just to let you all know that my aunt opens a confinement agency so you gals may want to check out the website if you are interested. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The link is below;


Dear mummies, i am having a dilemma. Should i have a maid during my confinement or after 2 mths i gave birth.

my initial plan was to take over my dh's uncle's maid which will only come in mid Feb. Her contract ends with his uncle somewhere in Jan next yr then she wan to go back to her hometown for 1/2mth before she come back and work for us.

the maid is to help out my mil when i need to come back to work but alot of ppl commented that i need a maid during my confinement.....is it necessary???? i really dont know leh. Super sian, if i am to find a maid myself, i very scare i choose a lousy one then give me lagi more probs

CC - sounds quite fun, but I'm embarassed to wear swimming costume now. hehe

asilmil - boyboy also very cute. healthy bb mot impt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can try for another one! hehe

hi everyone, busy this morning.

lena, welcome back.

bribena, can count me in for the 4ds? i dont buy usually haha so no idea how to go around doing it hehee.

muddypaws, now most impt is your bb and u. the rest you can figure it out later. and your DH is soo cute haha forgotten he has sharp nose? ehee... msut be long long time ago when he stil had his sharp nose arh...

Bet day: 31 July 2010

Bet Number #1: 3107 ($5 big $5 small)

Bet Number #2: 2012 ($5 big $5 small)

No ibet.

Total amount: $20

MTB interested: bbribena, Crown, EonEon, dewdew, Stefie, Lovebyte, crystal


I've been craving for hot fish fillet from McDonald since ytd... there's no McDonald here near my office!!

Do you ladies feel pain on the abdominal? Like a kinda pressured pain?

hi mummies,

trying to catch up with the posts. just went for detailed scan yesterday. baby is healthy and fine. thank God! couldn't see the gender but sonographer and gynae said most prob shd be a girl which is good cos i have already started shopping. gained 2 kg which gynae said is good. bb is rather small built based on the measurements of the bones. s-m size. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi lilsunshine,

it's alright. i also lost 3 kg during 1st trimester but put them back recently. give urself some time to gain the weight.

hi sharon,

i'm paying $2K for my confinement lady. haven't add in 2 angbaos and the increase in utility bills. haha... utility bill during confinement is super high lor. i got a shock when i received the bill last time.

hi lovebyte,

are u the one who wants to sell the maternity dress? i'm interested but not sure if the dress might be too long for me. btw, how much are u selling it?

crown, personal view you may need a maid unless ur MIL is very hands on type and she can help u cos you going to have twins so its double of everything lo. imagine the diaper changes/clothes to be washed etc... and the rest of the household also needs to be taken care of. Or maybe u can consider a confinement lady in the interim until the maid come?

Dun worry,lilsunshine. I'm coming 19 weeks and i have gain only 1.5kg...as long as bb is doing well..dun worry much. My apetite is bad..so while i can eat, i will try to eat more and quality food. Gynae say he will monitor my weight gain only from 20 weeks onwards. Take it easy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal, my MIL suggest me dun take confinement lady [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] frankly speaking, where can the CL sleep?? No extra room. my house is too crowded

Crown, in my opinion, it's best to have your maid to come in before you even give birth, at least a month before. So you have time to train her, take her around so she knows where to buy stuff and food. Get her warm up with your environment and work flow around the house.

If you feel you don't have the time and energy to do it now, (you must consider the fact tat not all maid are good, you might need to 'return' one or two), hire one 2 mths after you gave birth. By that time, you prob already figured how to work around the house with your twins, when to feed, when to cook, houseworks, etc.

I do agree you might need extra help ard the hse during your confinement. If you aren't confident enough to have a pair of stranger hands from a maid whom you've no time to train her up, it's best to get someone you can rely on to help you with your confinement. Else with the new maid ard, you prob end up telling her what to do, how to do, when to do, and leave no time for you to rest. And also, the maid might get different instructions from different ppl (they prob trying to help), hence stress her up during her first few months with you.

Crown: My proposal is that you get the maid during confinement. As you are having twins, it's double of everything. Some CLs don't do certain chores, and without your maid, it would be tough on your MIL to take care of everything.

During this time, it would be a good training ground for the new maid too, to learn about the babies and your household habits. Speak to you uncle about the existing maid, and of course, interview the maid as well to know more about her before you make your decision.

Mommies: I just called MOM as I was worried about my office firing me during my hosp leave these two months. Found the policy that says 'If a notice of dismissal is given without sufficient cause within six months of an employee's confinement, the employer must pay her the maternity benefits she is otherwise eligible for'. For that I'm safe.

CC, jsut to check with you cos we are preggy so wondering if the instructors are equipped or are they knowledgeable enough to help us in case soemthing happen? hehehe i paranoid cos i cant swim ahaha

crown, i dun tink the CL needs a room of her own she can bunk in with someone lo. jsut a bed or a mattress shld be fine.. let her know ur house condition lo. and i agree with muddypaws and bribena that the maid if u taking shld come in before u deliver so she can familiarise herself

Crown: Just my 2 cents worth... I'm dropping the CL idea to just have a maid instead. The maid would help me with the confinement... I'm getting her to join me in Sept to familiarise herself with my household.

Crown, dun worry too much on the details like where the CL can sleep. If you feel you need a CL to help you out, feel safer with her around, hire one. Make sure she has experience with twins, and willing to go the little extra miles for you like cooking for you and your family, etc. So at least you dun have to worry about the meals part. As for the laundry, I heard my mum said some CL only do laundry for you and your bb, do check these details with her. As where she can sleep, I think she can bunk in with anyone, best to sleep with you and your bb, so she can be there to help immediately.

Try talking to your hub, see if you all can make space for the CL. I'm sure everything will work out ok when the time comes. Try to relax. =))

my SIL dun wan to share her room with anyone, that is the prob. Even i hire the maid, she has to slp in the living room....sigh lor. tonight i need to discuss with my in laws. frankly speaking, our income dun allow us to get a maid and my in laws is chipping in abit for us. So i dun dare to hire the maid so early cos it's not fully pay by us

Crown, if $$ is an issue, I think best not to hire a maid then. You want to save more $$ for the twins. Get a CL for your confinement. You can consider a part-time maid, so she can do the housework for you at least once a week. Sorry to put it this way, make sure the part-time maid do your chores, not chores for your SIL.

IIRC, part-time maid hourly pay is SGD10. They usually come once every week, for ard 2-3 hours.

Bet day: 31 July 2010

Bet Number #1: 3107 ($5 big $5 small)

Bet Number #2: 2012 ($5 big $5 small)

No ibet.

Total amount: $20

MTB interested: bbribena, Crown, EonEon, dewdew, Stefie, Lovebyte, crystal , CC

Bbribena: i count myself in liao =D

thank you. pay u on sat.

melissa: me oso look very awful in swim suit but don care so muc liao. cos i used to go gym b4 preg, but have stopped for so long. need to start exercising a bit or else my cellulite is going to get worse...sobsob. for me, i jus wanna get my body moving a bit, cos heard for exercise gd for us.

crystal: i didnt ask the instructor yesterday. but i can assure u, the height of water is really fine unless u r shorter than 1.2m. hehe. joking la. but one thing for sure, instructor are usually first aid trained. and i guess the worst scenario tat can happen to preggy mummies is cramp during aerobics. so i tell myself to go slow and not push myself too hard. the instructor is very nice too,she told us to go at own speed, no need to wory abt being slow. tat's very assuring for a 1st timer =)

crown, then i guess u need to tok to your PIL see how best to do the arrangement and maybe explain to them also that to have a maid earlier is better then later cos no pt to have come in after u deliver and then u got to teach adn look after the kids at the same time can go mad. let them go and deal with ur SIL lo.

CC, OOO okie okie that's good to noe ehhe i will sign up for the august class then ehhehe... YEAAHHH time to go shopping for swimwear hahahha

Ladies who wants to take part in the 4D, do you all mind if I evenly divide out the $20 among us? =)) Then I don't have to wait and see how many participating, I can go buy later when I knock off.

Bet day: 31 July 2010

Bet Number #1: 3107 ($5 big $5 small)

Bet Number #2: 2012 ($5 big $5 small)

No ibet.

Total amount: $20

MTB interested: bbribena, Crown, EonEon, dewdew, Stefie, Lovebyte, crystal , CC

crystal: let me know if u can find cheap maternity wear. i gues 1 more mth i cant fit into my old swim wear liao. saw those maternity 1pc swim wear, all very ex. like 80 to 100...dunno to invest or not. 1 more thing, u can go and watch other classes which has already started then decide whether u want or not oso can.


bribena, splitting is okie for me. thanks!

CC, OO.. ya hor... i will drop by next mon to look at your class hehee... sure... i will let you know if i find any cheap ones.. maybe i'll explore neighborhood shops instead of maternity boutiques see wat i can find.

