(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember your pills and drink more water[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Had nightmare about my wallet been stolen. Ha!! ha!! Siao

Mango, Sharon, yes I am on Leave from tomorrow onwards. Feeling much more relax. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharon, can start coconut once a week once reached 36th weeks[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dbaby, Thanks for sharing, yours also quite fast delivery leh. jiayou. The end results will have back your slim figures and baby healthy. Bear with the pain first[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, I ordered 2 ice cream and get the waffles for free, more you hua[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Niice. Enjoy hoh.


good morning mummies ^_^

hubby woke me up at 6ish am. we went to old airport road for the lor bee hoon but ended up the stall never open. so we ate bah chor mee dry and then spotted another lor mee stall behind and decided to dabao home. will have lor bee hoon for lunch later.

esquare: i am thinking of reaching orchard around 1.30pm. once you are there, give me a call loh. i will pm you my mobile number.

dbaby: yours should be considered easy birth to me. hehe.. hope i can chop chop too.

aiyoyo.. how come you never pump with breasts pump? hopefully the cabbage will help loh.

woolsley: do take care and try not to overexert yourself k.

sharon: coconut can start drinking from 35/36 weeks.

cherrry: okok, i see if i will drop by bedok but i think higher chance i get from orchard this morning when i meet the gals for high tea. thanks for offering though.

aiyoh, how come tailbone pain? jia you wor! both baby and yourself need times to adjust.

crystal: luckily everyone is alright. ya, me too will have pain if i endure my pee for too long.

good morning mummies!

thanks for sharing your birthstory, dbaby. yours is really fast delivery also. 5 or 6 push only!

cherrry, sleepless nights again but so nice to have bonding time with baby right? mummies are the best! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yuening, if your mummy wants to join us, no prob! we'll see u both at carousel. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sharon, i only packed 1 set of baby's clothes 'cos in the hospital they will be wrapped in hospital's towels or something like that. i packed a romper, a hat, swaddle cloth, 1 set of mittens and booties.

woolsley, lucky u were not hurt in the accident!


i wanna check with you, the banned herbs that you were mentioning about in the confinement is? pardon my lousy memory =P need to do some homework to get the herbs in dec [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks!

good morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hehe seems that everyone enjoyed their weekend makan :p

crystal, after reading 'had a scary sat', i tot u next to pop :p

cherrry, think no matter how challenging it is, u'll still love bonding with the little one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wow 1 weekend so many posts, i have some catching up to do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy, hahahh if going to pop I tink not scary if get tb is scary need to be on medication for 4-9months le my poor Ethan will need to "eat" med even before he is born.

Just finish a small lunch of kimchi jiao Zhi felt like eating jiao Zhi so made some. Later will go Liang court for waffles.

Eoneon, u and hubby reallie felt like eating lor mee arh wake up so early to eat that.

crystal: cause hubby wasnt feeling well and cant sleep so woke me up for my lor bee hoon. i told him about my lor bee hoon and wanton mee cravings. so he woke me up to eat lor bee hoon. i was like huh.. so early! but still struggle to shower then went out to eat loh. hehe.. came back brew luo han guo with chrysanthemums for him to drink. haha..

Dbaby, I really admire u for being able to take the contraction. I am epi csec already quite traumatised. Haha.

Mummies u may want to bring one or two pairs of mittens. Coz I'm not tt good at swaddling the bb her a fingers did come out and scratched her face.

Mummies, before I forget, do bring bb button down top for bb to wear on the day of discharge. Don't bring romper, unless you confident to wear and take it off your bb. Esp coz of the umbilical cord will be sticking out, try to keep that area loose fit as possible.

Bring skirt or dress for yourself to wear on the day of discharge, coz the maternity pads are quite pouchy, ehh... not a very good sight from the rear side. =P

Try to find out the blood group of your baby asap. Apparently, if the blood group of your baby is different for yours, and you choose to fully breastfeed your baby, your baby's body might 'reject' your breast milk hence develop jaundice. That's what I read from websites. Different blood group, and you still want to kick start your breastfeed, best to feed him/her a little formula after each feeding. The downside to feed formula at such a early stage (day 1 and day 2) is that it will wash away baby's 'reserve' food that was present in bb's stomach after birth, he/she will cry for hunger at an earlier stage or more often.

Leah just discharged from kkh becoz of jaundice, so glad! Both my hub and I miss her really badly! Gotta go, need to wake and feed her. Btw, before feeding baby, remember to wake her up first! So she can keep awake thruout the feed. Today I'm going to try to keep her awake as much as possible in the day, see if she sleep better at night. This little one very naughty, she eats 30ml, then sleep for an hour then finish up her rest of that feed.

BRB. =)

Mangogal & EonEon, thanks for ur concern. I'll monitoring on this. Hopefully everything will b fine.

dewdew, ya lor. But it really give me a shock for this sudden accident. Plan to go to jb on Monday, but now have to cancelled. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


No, i didnt use Epi..

Last nite went KKH & with the help of the lactation nurse, managed to pump put 2 x 80ml home but still with harden rocks back hm.. But its all colostrum tt i pumped out so worth the pain and bruises on my breast. Nw need to work hard to pump & pump to reduce the 'backlog'..


Considered fast delivery but my gal made me underestimated the 'pain' of labour...

My Experience with BF-ing & Engorgement

Jus learnt tt we need to really massage our breast before we latch & also during pumpin if latch cannot empty the breast. Cos usually on 2-3rd day, breast will produce the milk supply & if nt properly emptied, can lead to serious engorgement.

I didn pump though my boy didnt empty for me & waited all the way til breast rather 'hard' yday then started to pump. By then, too late. Milk aldy harden & the breast cldnt even be 'soft' despite i keep puttin cabbage leaves. Pump also like less than 30ml for both breast. So if u latch frm Day 1, do coupled with pumping if ur BB nt emptying the breast. And latch/pump every 3hrs be it Day/Nite. Jus to share so mummies who are popping soon & bf-ing wont haf tis same prb as me. Jia you!!


My gal has been extremely rebelious.. And i haf been sleep deprived, both HB & me since the day of labour..

Nov 17 AM Admit to KKH for labour

Nov 18 AM Gave birth & didnt slp the whole day cos still suffering the aftermath of labour & discomfort.

Sleep & wake up, sleep & wake up

Nov 19 AM Discharged with BB ( BB aldy pushed to me early mornin 8am) Chng BB, HB packed up & get some necc items , breastpumps, pampers frm pharmacy etc..

Nov 20 AM Bring BB to Poly for Jaundice cos No.1 had bad jaudice. It was from 100+ to 180++. Reffered bk to KKH on Nov 21st morning. At nite breast too harden & cant slp, went KKH for lactation help from 1am to 6am. Home, chng BB, prepare everything, another 'moo moo' clearance, wake HB up frm 1hr+ nap & grandma went with him. I sleep frm 8am to 1030.

Now jus up again after 2hr of waking & sleeping afternoon nap after lunch. Seriously i am super tired & i need go relieve my harden breast again!! Wish me luck & perserverance to hang in..

Eoneon, I see i see hahhah get a nap now or so ba. Then continue ur food search.

Dbaby, gosh that sounds really tough. Jiayew Jia yew oki and thanks for the tip to make sure we empty our boobs. How is bb's jaundice nOw?

Hi mummies!! Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think I got morning sickness during 35 weeks pregnant zzz... Today morning almost puke again before going for church service. Felt breathless again so didn't stand during the worship singing. Thankfully body felt well again after a while.

Dbaby, wow you're really awesome! Can do without epidural! Wish I can be as brave as that. I feel that I'm scared of everything, both labour pain or epidural needle. Sigh. Anyway do u have anyone helping you besides your hubby? Like your mum or a CL?? You sound exhausted!! Please take care of yourself k? My SIL had almost the same tired story as yours cos she also got another toddler to care for when she gave birth to her baby no.2... Jiayou and don't give up! How about letting your older girl to be taken care by your parents or PIL for a day or so for you and hubby to concentrate on resting a bit and caring for your boy? Hope you can get to sleep more and your engorgement gets better!!

ribena: oh, i didnt know different blood group can cause baby to develop jaundice leh. thanks for informing.

i dont have any button down tops for baby wor. think should be ok lah with my mum around.

woolsley: friday i also went into jb with hubby. we went to bukit indah from 2nd link then from there drive back to 1st link.

never mind about canceling the trip. safety more important. take care wor.

dbaby: oh mine, your engorgement sound so painful. thanks for teaching us the right method. really must massage well before latching and pumping liao.

try to catch up on sleep whenever possible. too tired will do you no good. jia you!

crystal: both hubby and i took a long nap from 1+pm to 1+pm. wahaha... now so refresh!

hubby is out dabaoing food for us le.

debbie: aiyo, sayang! morning sickness is really making you suffer.

Sorry to interrupt. I am from Oct 2010 thread. Have given up on bf and have a Ameda Lactaline Breast Pump which is very very new to let go at S$250 as well as new box of Pigeon Breast Pads. Pls check my post on WTS thread if interested or email me your hp at [email protected].


Hi Dbaby, thanks for sharing your experience.

So should we bring our breast pumpo to the hospital? My friends told me that for the 1st 2 days, not much milk so need not bring breast pump to hospital.

Was catching up with the posts.

Btw just remember, my sinseh said no ginger for 1st 6 days cos that is when baby's jaundice level will becomes high. So mommies maybe you want to take note.

Woolsley, rest at home better lah. Jb also quite messy. Maybe ask your hubby to bring you to good makan[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal, mommies worries are never ending. Heng the maid is okay. Tb is airborne. Don't worry too much ok.

ribena, thanks for sharing. Never know about that. Enjoy your motherhood[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dbaby, jia you, you can do it[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the pain will be over soon. Bm will flow freely and no pain. Be positive.

debbie, poor mine. Bear with it, end of tunnel soon, can see light already. Jia you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Andrea, the herbs is long gu jiao. Now preparing for your herbs? Do rest more since you just recover from your sickness.

cindy, nauhing at home? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


BB Jaundice is 215, and if exceed 220 need to stay in.. So tml need go agaim, if nvr drop n over 230 then need stay in.. The 'max' measurement is based on BB born for hw many days one.. Stress!!


Ya, will do so.. Jus finish my session of pumping & 'pain' treatment frm HB.. Managed to pumped out 100ml.. Worth all the pain..


I scared of needles more than the pain.. So i rather go with the pain.. Luckily for No.2, i didnt even need to be put on drip..

My grandma is doing confinement for me. Help with cooking & bathing BB.. Cos she haf some health prbs last Nov & on med, i also dun wan her tire out. Prefer to try & do as much as i can. Also trying to give her ample rest at nite. But frm i in hospital, labour til nw, she didnt really rest well. Cos co-slp with my gal, she very rough one.. So nw my gal still slp with me & BB.. No choice..


I dun knw abt bringing pump to hospital is essential. But jus in case ur BB like my boy, cannot empty, maybe u can try pumping frm Day 2 onwards? Cos hor diff ppl, milk supply comes in at diff periods.. But usually frm Day 3 on ba??


Ya, am better now.. Hoping the swell & hardening will go off by tml?? Then i will diligently do my moo-moo career & massage properly.. Tough job sia...

Hi All

I am a Sep 10 mummy and have the following magazines for sale: -

Mother & Baby 12 issues (May 09 to Jan 10, Mar 10, May 10, Jun 10)

Young Parents 8 issues (Mar 09 to May 09, Jul 09 to Sep 09, Nov 09, May 10)

Motherhood 5 issues (Sep 09, Jan 10, Apr 10, Jun 10, Aug 10)

Today's Parents 1 issue (Apr/May 10)

Baby Chic 1 issue (Jun 10)

All magazines are selling at $1 each, except for Baby Chic $0.50

All magazines are maintained in good conditions.

If purchase all will be $26.00

Collection at Punggol.

If you are interested, please drop me an email at [email protected]

Thank you.

Dbaby, not tough, as long as your prince has best food in the world, Mommy's BM. Jia you, the pain will get lesser. Just bear with it, both of you will get use to the routine[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Don't give up.

Jia you jia you. Moo moo career will be soon soon one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmm... now i'm a bit worried... 'cos i plan to bf, but my pump won't arrive until 3rd dec... how to empty the milk if no pump? or maybe can rent pump from hospital first? jia lat...

crystal, hahaha! reading abt ethan 'eating' medicine made me laugh!

ribena, thx for sharing on baby clothes as well as the blood group, i didnt know about it!

going to repack the clothes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hehe enjoy bonding with Leah!

dbaby, thx for sharing on bfing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

din know have to do so much work! haha

hmm now i also learnt abt the jaundice lvl, that it goes with the 'age' of baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hope yr boy clears it soon, think bfing will clear jaundice?

stefie, haha i went out whole day after posting so havent done the catching up haha!

thx for ginger advise, coz my aunt was also talking abt it just now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, think pump can rent from hospital ba, i dun have also :p

hihi, hope everyone had a great wkend.

I'm feeling better, have been telling myself to be zen n ren for at least 1-2wks more b4 popping.

Eon, so u finally had ur lor bee hoon frm old airport rd mkt yah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bbribena n Dbaby, thks for sharing ur experiences. Have a gd confinement n jiayou! It may be tough initially but everything will work out fine if we persevere!


I feel tat getting a breastpump ready b4 we pop is very important. Cos we'll definitely need it to clear our breasts the 1st few days when both mommy n baby is still learning bfeeding together. Baby may not clear ur breast fully or u may need time to learn how to latch baby correctly. I didnt get a breastpump ready b4 i delivered my #1 n ended up scrambling to get one. By the time i realised i got the supply n went to get a pump, it was too late cos i ended up wz bad engorgement n lumps i couldn't clear. I didnt succeed to bf my #1 then. So this time, i learnt my lesson n alrdy got a new pump ready b4 i pop.


u're amazing! can go thru natural delivery w/o epi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hope u manage to get more rest, i can imagine how tiring it must be..

now i'm also v worried how i can cope w my no 1 getting extremely jealous and sticky over the slightest thing.. i dunno how i will manage when no 2 is here.. scary..

breast pump:

actually i never check my hospital bill the last time abt the pump charges.. but i think its quite good to use the hospital pump in the initial days.. cos my milk came in quite early, think ard day 2 so i started using their pump and because the pump is more powerful than any of the pumps we can buy outside, my supply very fast increase.. i remember by day 3, the nurses were commenting i got a lot of milk liao..

so if mummies dun mind paying for the pump (actually i dun even know must pay cos i nvr check the bill), it may be useful to use their pump to stimulate milk flow.

but of cos the con is i had very bad engorgement after tat cos supply came in too fast and i didnt massage my breast.

Hi Mommies, how's ur weekend? Hope it was good as e weather was not bad to go out=)


ThankQ so much on sharing w us on e blood grp thingie, will take note n ask e nurse upon delivery of my baby =) U take care too yea? rest well n hope to hear frm u soon =)


JiaYou n JiaYou!! i'm very inspired n in fact u're a motivation to me now, when u're tryin to cope w ur No.1 n now u're also tryin to do exclusice breastfeedin for even ur No.2.. ThankQ so much on sharing ur BF experiences as well, im a FTM, i will definitely take heed on wat u've adviced de=) i prob will rent a breast pump 1st as i didn't buy any.. =)


Poor thing, JiaYou k? mayB can take some sour or sweet stuff to suck when u're about to feel e queasiness? i tried tat last time, not bad leh, =) JiaYou too okie?


ThankQ for e ginger advice also, i didn't know about tat and my Dad was even prepared to buy loads of ginger to prepare e confinement dishes all w ginger le! woah, hahaS.. =)

Mommies, see u all tmr for those who're comin for e high tea gatherin ya?

Eoneon, dewdew:U haf my hp no? in case if im meetin u together, i can ring u? u take my no first k? then u can sms me, 91505957, seeya tmr=)

Mummies, if u all need Mdm Rokiah that expert in clearing bad eongorgement & blk ducts, I can leave her contact here...but weekend she is not available unless u bk her 3 days in advance to come ur hm on weekends..

Dbaby, I can truly understand ur agony now, sayang n bfing is n nt an easy journey (hugs)...hiaz ..just some 1st time FT mummies dun understand unless they go thru..cos nw hv nt pop easy said than done...cos I was also overwhlem by the engorgement cos it is even more painful than labour brith!

Like oshgosh I just pray that the sibling jealousy wont be that serious...ya can be overwhelming for new addition family member n ur gal get jealous...once ur routine is settled spent more time wif her..

Hiaz those jaundice days...my gal took 2 weeks to go dwn...hope my boy this time round will be better...cross my fingers manz...

Ginger and jaundice, nothing really connected...cos it is a liver functionality breaking dwn the cells n causing jaundice nt really the ginger intake...ang mo babies get jaundice too but their mothers dun do confinement wor


You are so right.. Especially bfing.. It not easy and it is really painful experience.. Every time I have engorgement I will have high fever.. And no matter how much I pump or feed direct still very little not enough to feed my milk monster .. So eventually gave up.. But I have friend commenting that I am not persistence and why gave up .. Must think of bb.. I cried every day.. My confinement lady encourage me and assure me that even if I dun bf bb , I am still a good mummy.. And she made so much soup for me to increase milk but still no milk.. No matter what take still same.. Very tought during that time .. So I told myself if this time no milk it's ok..

Hi mummies,

finally had the chance to on the com and not check the forum through iphone.

After the initial few days of little feeding, suddenly she wants to drink a lot! I am not sure if it is because I tried to feed her breast milk? (Finally managed to squeeze something out of my breasts) PD say 30 ml but I gave her 45 ml le. And she got hungry again within 2 hrs? Is it because breast milk is not as filling as formula milk?

I guess I wont be able to latch her on and got to relay on pumping. Now my breasts are so swollen but I am not able to empty it. Only managed to squeeze about 30ml. How often can I try pumping? Don't want to end up with sore nipples plus engorgement.

Is it okay to feed her more if she is still hungry?

Having bad backache now... tried to nap but end got woken up after a few minutes. Feeling stressed coz I am the sole person looking after baby and I am still doing the usual stuff I do (washing laundry, etc). My mum came over to help but only to cook for me, she is also not sure how to take care of baby. Hubby also dun dare to do this and that. Haiz.

Anyway do pack breast pump to hospital, in case cannot latch on or what at least can stimulate to get milk coming... important lesson learnt.

Jiayou to all mummies who have delivered and for all the rest, it will be your turn soon so get ready!

Aiko, poor u nt having enuff rest,washing laundry leave it to ur hb! Cook by ur mum and try to ask ur hb n mum to bottlefeed baby so that u can rest or lie douwn ok?

glad that ur moomooing is picking up,if u worried ur gal hungry,give her one feed of FM of around 50ml n see how much she can drink as a guide, u can try 50ml of EBM too, if engorgement is worse, try to latch n pump daily n set a prefrence day latch n nite pump vice versa

esquare, ya manz despite the pain but i still persevere to bf my gal for 1 yr old so hopefully this time round too

hi stefie,

ur posting also made me crave for wontan noodles too. haha... thanks for the advice on the ginger intake.

hi eon,

nice wall design. cheyanne is so lucky to have a nice room.

u finally had ur lor bee hoon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi woolsey,

luckily, u r not hurt. must take care. jb can go another day.

hi cherry, bbribena and dbaby,

enjoy ur bonding with ur baby. good luck for ur moo mooing career.

hi bbribena,

thanks for ur advice.

hi dbaby,

ur labour sounds quite fast and smooth. i'm hoping to do without epi this time cos of all the side effects. dunno can bear with the pain or not.

perhaps can try to get some help so that u can get a bit of rest.

hi aiko,

glad that ur baby's feeding well now. maybe her reserve is running out and is now hungry. ya, bm is more easily digestible and baby will feed more frequently compared to fm.

hi mangogal,

thanks for sharing ur knowledge on bfing. will need a lot of advice from u.

will be getting my hubby to sterilise and bring breastpump to hospital this time but how do we ensure that our pumps remained sterilised?

i din succeed in bfing the 1st time too. din know have to pump when the milk is not in. i only latched my boy but guess he din clear it. the ducts were blocked when the milk supply came in. tried pumping every now and then but breasts were too hard so can't pump out much. din know over-pumping can lead to over-stimulation and in the end, it was even worse. din manage to get lactation consultant either cos it was weekend followed by public holiday. my breasts were like rocks and armpits were all swollen. thinking abt it makes me rather scared. the pain is worse than labour pain.

hi esquare,

i had the same experience too. some ppl commented that i was not persistent enough. it hurt especially when i was trying my best to cope with baby's demands. hopefully, we will all learn how to handle it better this time and can have a successful moo mooing career. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tantan: why are u awake at 4.23am?????

Aiko: do try to get some rest. Get mum or Hubby to do d laundry or get a part-time help.

Re: breastfeeding

D stories from all d mommies on bf have made me more prepared for the 'hardship' ahead. I truly hope that I would have milk for liz. Anyway, does anyone know if I can get d hospital to sterile my pump after use?

Re: delivery

Less than 2weeks to my EDD (dec 3). More gan-jiong now cos still no sign of liz wanting to come out... And i'm stressed by d thought of going thru labor wo Hubby (he's due to fly off on dec 4) n working with a substitute gynae (org one flying off on dec 3 nite).

Thanks mummies, and yes moo moo is not easy and I also got depressed over it but I'm still hanging on

Aiko, yes bf can only last abt 2hrs de so jiayou ya. Do get some help ok. It's so tiring and housework let ur hb do. By night time, my whole body aching plus breast also ache le. So try rest more ya.

Muddypaws, don stress ok, the more u stress and worry, will bring bb stress to come out too. Relax [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ohya debbie, mt A doesn't sell nursing tea [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and I haven get them yet too tired to on pc for now. Will try to search online too le ;)

Heehee glad to know that I m not alone in this weird hours.

Yes, moomoo career really is not easy. I didn't succeed for my no 1 cos simply couldn't cope. Hope will do better for no 2.

Esquare, I was being 'blame' for not breastfeeding as well esp I got really good milk supply jus tat couldn't cope. Anyway, I feel tat FM is equally good also. If can, bf is the best, if not, fm also work well. Most imply, mummy must be happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tan tan,

Even after 2 , I still din manage successfully ..with many friends who are bfing pro .. Tried all methods, still failed;(..

This time I will try but coz I am leaving for japan on cny so I guess back to square 1 again..;(


I am suffering like mad now.. Told hb luckly this pregnancy is no3, if it would have been no2, I will never have no3..

I am having piles since my constipation started but all along it was inside the anus, therefore I would feel the pain only when I poo.. But since yesterday morning the piles came out /grow bigger to the opening of the anus.. I can't pee at all so

Painful even when I am walking or sitting down.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] never happened before...

Actuall Milo,

Bm is not 100% the best.. Many mom just feel that way coz it saves money.. I have few friends whose kids are total bf but fell sick less than 3 months and history of falling sick is not less as well.. According to the sinseh, it due to mummies health.. If mummy's health not good , antibody not good and not enough too thus not much protection..

So mummies just relax and leave this diffcult task in God's hands..

E square, o dear ur piles sound bad. Is there anything u can do to it?

Milo, ya alot of times I tink the mOmmies get the blame anyways we try our best if cannot cannot lo not end of world ma.

Debbie, u poor thing take smaller meals will help better digestion hopefully u won't puke again.

Muddypaws, would u consider to induce liz out? This way u prolly won't need to worry she's out at 'bad' timing ba. I'm due one day before u and Ethan so far no sign of coming out too but I can wait so it's not so bad to me.

Esquare .. Did u consult your gynae on your piles? Pls do so if u hav nt. I also kenna it, but dunno was mine pile anot, as I was having alot of white discharge, so last thurs, dr Adrian hav given me a pill to insert into my V.. After inserting, the next 2 days, the discharge was even more, den only yday morning I felt my below very sore.. But yet dint bother.. Only till afternoon den realized there a small lump near my anus area..(must be kenna infection, bcos of the discharge) Hav called dr. Adrian on this, it seem pretty normal to him, will be seeing him later, hopefully dun need to cut n removed it.. It is jus soo bothering to have this thing at this point of time, I aldy on standy mode liao, if really hav to cut n remove it, dunno will it increase my labour pain not since I hoping to go natural birth w/o epi... Y at this timing??!

morning all mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I agree tat we shdnt stress ourselves over our bm supply but its always gd to get ourselves prepared. Some of frds make bfeeding sound so easy but it really depends on a person's supply. I also really hope i'll succeed in bfeeding this time round cos at least i'm prepared n know wat to expect.

Having a good CL is also impt to me cos at least i can concentrate to establish my bm supply n let CL handle bb.

Well, we're all here to learn, share n encourage each other so jiemeis, lets all jiayou together!

tantan n other 2nd time mummies,ya we are all here to share and encourage, i am nt an expert in bfing too just want to share my ups and downs of bf journey here, but thk God mine was relatively smooth, only gt blk ducts twice, 1st few weeks wif my gal i also took awhile to set the routine and she willing to accpet both latch n bottlefeed so hope my boy this time will co operate too!

Like yureive, i hire CL is to focus n establish my moomoo career,let us jiayou! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bm n bb falling sick: so far my gal fall sick 3times during her 13mths of taking BM, well also depends on the quality of bm so mummies hv to eat as healthy as possible during bfing

muddypaws,ya perhaps u want to induce Liz out? Anyway she is engage n maybe ur cervix already dilate, discuss with ur gynae in details ok? Dun be stress[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cherry, rest as much as u can when bb sleep but i knw said easy than done cos i pump my milk when bb is sleeping,try ur best or u gt engage any malay massage to ease the ache n pain? That is the only relax part i look fwd during my confinement, Jiayou!

Mangogal/crystal: yes, we considered induction as doc did say my water is low. If liz doesn't come out by this sat, n my water dips lower, doc will induce.

Mount Alvernia charges flat $20 for breast pump that can be use unlimited during period of stay in hospital.

But I didn't rent it. First day didn't bf coz bb in NICU and I was stuck in bed. Second day got colostrum but very little like <5ml. 3rd day breast getting a bit harder. Manage to manually pump out like 30ml towards end of day. I had to manually pump coz bb is v small (premature at 35 wks and 2.28kg) and not latching v well trying to teach her but she will latch, suck once or twice, then sleep. Then I have stimulate again. I aslo think manually pump initially better since u have to massage ur hard breast n pump at the same time. Not sure if I'm right though since I had no prior experience.

Today hospital suddenly ask if I wanna do metabolic screening for bb. I only heard abt the hearing test before. But to be KS i'll just do all the possible tests loh. For those who are more cost conscious may want to check out what Screening tests are there for the bb in advance so tt u can make a more informed decision.

morning mummies ^_^

wow! so many of you woke up so early. i also woke up at 7.30am.

yurieve: i didnt have the xin mei xiang lor bee hoon cause closed but i managed to have the tiong bahru lor bee hoon. nice too.

yuening: thanks, have already saved your mobile number down liao.

aiko: good that your milk supply finally comes in. let your hubby take care of household chores if he is not helping in taking care of your gal. but i really think you should make him learn to take care of your gal otherwise it will be hard on you leh. jia you wor!

tantan: thanks, hubby was the one who put it up. i merely instructed him....haha, but very happy to have the room ready for my Cheyenne.

ya loz but i didnt have the xin mei xiang lor bee hoon cause not open. i had the tiong bahru lor bee hoon which is the stall behind. nice too.

muddypaws: i also agreed with the mummies that maybe you can try induction since your Liz is already engaged. discuss the option with your gynae and hubby again. i also wont want to be caught in the same predicament cause i know i will be miserable.

cherrry: jia you!

esquare: i think you better check with your gynae on your piles. sound terrible enough when you can feel pain just peeing.

Morning Mummies,

Anyone popped over the wkends? We managed to pack and re-organise the kitchen cabinets to make space for bb stuff. And went for harry potter movie and yummy dinner last night. Hee.. really enjoying our couple time before bb comes.

Muddypaws: When's your next gynae appt? 2more weeks to go.. maybe can consider inducing liz during next wk, so that your hb can still be around for the 1st wk to help around?

Aiko: Glad to hear that your moomoo career have take off and bb slowly increasing her feed. You must be relief. I concur with the other mummies to leave those household chore (like laundry etc)to your hb. You need to rest too. Take care!

Eoneon: You might want to consider getting some bb tops. My CL told me to get ready 5 set of tops & bottoms as newborn neck is very soft. The staff at the antenatal class also advise to get tops due to bb soft neck and sensitive umbilical cord area. We bought afew bb tops though we have around 20-30 handme-downs rompers. Think will only start bb on rompers after she reach 3mth.

Dbaby: Wow.. your labour is so short, less than 5hours only. Congrats! And your moomoo career also blooming well.

Ribena: Thanks for sharing. I didnt know about the blood group thing also. Good to hear that bb is back with you.

Cherrry: Cheer up. Just try your best, its important to keep your spirit high. Like what the others said, FM or BM, both are good for bb. We also grew up with FM last time. Take it easy ok?

Stefie: Congrats on starting your leave. Im still reporting to work today.

Cindy: I bought the breastpump already, but don't think I'll bring to hospital cause of sterlising issue and heard that milk supply doesn't come in during 1st few days. Initially I wanted to wait until milk supply stable then buy the pump, cause scare no milk. But later I read from quite a number of mummies that its important to standby a pump during the 1st few days after discharge. So I took the risk and buy first. Praying hard that my moomoo career will be smooth-sailing...

Esquare: Gosh, it sounds very painful. Maybe check with gynae if there's cream/lotion that can reduce the swell first so that you can walk/sit. I also got 'piece' popping out of my anus around my wk 30, I was so worried that it will get painful. Luckily for me, it just pop out but still painless. I heard that our body are heaty now, and can aggregate the piles. I have been drinking quite abit of grassjelly since wk 36, so far still ok. Crossing my fingers that it stay this way.

Hi mummies, reading about all the posts on breastfeeding reminded me of my past experience. It was definitely more difficult than I imagined it would be. I remember my son being in NICU for 5 days and me not being able to latch him on properly. Then I discovered my nipples were kind of flat and not conducive for him to latch on. But I persevered and one of the things I insisted on is not to give him the pacifier or the bottle teat as that will make him reject my nipple even more. Then I also refused to give him any formula milk and I just fed him as much as he wanted until finally, he gets it. It is definitely a long and lonely journey - my confinement lady didn't help at all - and the temptation to switch to fm is so great especially when you are tired. But 3 months later, I really see the benefits of the persistence. First, it's so much easier to bring them out without all the barang barang; Second, they are easier to soothe as they get a lot of comfort from mummy's breast; and thirdly, I find that they become relatively less fussy eaters later on as they have been exposed to all kinds of tastes from our breastmilk.

So I hope to encourage all new mummies who are thinking of giving up - it's still relatively early in the game. Persist and the rewards will come (especially in slimming!). It was a particularly uphill battle for me (I remember waking up every 3 hrs in the hospital to stimulate my milk) and I think it took an entire 3 months before I felt comfortable with bf-ing. You won't get it immediately, but you eventually will if you persist. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope this helps.

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember your pills and drink more water.

Wow really alot of mommies still awake at so early hours[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am having some on and off contractions at lower V area. Hubby this few nights very cute, He said must make sure he has enough sleep then I can pop, so he slept very early[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

High-tea today:-

Ladies sorry can't join you today, need to rest more. Nowadays walk abit tired liao. So will be nuahing at home. You enjoy hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddypaws,don't be stress lah. It is time will be time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you.

dewdew, can rent the breast pump from Hospital. I haven't even buy yet, will try out hospital one first then decide on the model.

Raspy, Thanks. Really need a good break now, plus my belly getting so big, walking also have problems. My hubby also feel better I am at home than office, just in case my waterbag breaks.

Esquare, Raspy, I also have a piece of flesh popping out of my anus, it has been there since 2nd trimester, as long as it is not painful, I am still okay with it. Just that have to wash very carefully and make sure that the underskin is clean.


raspy: ya, i think i need to prepare a few pieces of tops and bottoms le. i have so many rompers, partly bought and partly hand me downs for 0-3 months loh. think im mad liao. kept buying for 0-3 months. now regretted!

stefie: so sad! thought can meet up for the "last" time before we pop. hehe...

crystal: cause stefie's hubby is afraid he will not have enough sleep once stefie pop mah. so sleep more now. wahhaah..

