(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Cindy: I apply moisturiser at nite but still very dry on the belly line.

Did you appy anything? Gosh .. guess it's not very effective for the one I use or is it normal?

Ethan: There're 4 dating scan at 11-12 weeks, fetal scan at 19-21 weeks, and growth scan at 26-28 weeks and growth + Doppler scan at 32-34 weeks.

The 20wk & 32wk scan is under the antenatal package. Like yvaine & some other mummies, I'm oso in the research programme to go for the above scans.

It's something I look forward to cos I realised my gynae dun u/s me on the monthly visits.

Yvaine: it's really 30 Sep .. so long rite. My next visit to see Prof is 13 Sep. Think no u/s cos not indicated in appt card. Just "RO".

My sono told me they just move over from ADC. FCC is just outside the women's clinic. Very convenient now & congenial.

Mangogal: But when I read most mummies here have put on weight .. can't help worrying on myself.

Perhaps I dun get to "see" bb monthly so tends to worry a lot more, or if I'm doing fine .. or if I need to "catch up".

I wonder if I got energy to push when I'm going to "pop". I'm lacking confidence [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


hello all..

been quite awhile.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes, i alr felt bb movements... pretty hard too cos hubby can feel it when he puts his hair on my tummy. wonderful but sometimes i want to pee. heehee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

n ya, finally did my detailed scanning @ NUH today (21wk) n im expecting a baby girl. Abt 400g now and dr says bb on the small side but not too small. ok i guess. everything ok! and everything just took 1hr. My appt was 9am n i was abit late cos i went to merlion! and I was out by 10am. the indian lady was very nice! she explained to us what she is measuring, showed us the blood flow from placenta, the 4chambers of the heart, the kidney, left brain, right brain, thigh bones, head, hands, legs etc...

my hubby asked abt 4d scan and she said better to do it during 26weeks when the bb has abit more flesh. but still she showed us bb face on the screen. can see the eyes socket, nose, mouth opened. but yea, really not much flesh yet. amazing! but my gynae say no need to spend on 4d, just take more pics when bb is out! heehee :D so today scan was like $128? cant rem exact cos hubby paid.

and is the Fetal Care Centre newly renovated? i hv no idea but i almost fell asleep cos after merlion abit tired and the room was darkened, aircon quite cold too. heehee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but glad everything went well and fast.

and after tt went down to taka bb fair. maybe cos i was early like 11am? the fair looks abit dead. the sales persons too. n we were so lost and i also feeling abit sick after another vommitting. so din get much. oni got a pigeon newborn starter kit (bottles) and some other clothing and accessories.

n ya, the mattresses they offered with the cot are mostly made of coconut husk? i felt the mattress n it's hard!!! so mayb i will be gg back to robinson expo sale to get the cot. not sure if they can make the delivery later in nov cos my nursery not ready yet. anyone got idea?

n strollers, quite a range but i feel tt discount not too tempting? or perhaps i was abit lost too la. maybe will just wait when popped then buy.


i did not do any special scanning except for scanning at my gynae + triple test (blood test) @18wk + this detailed scan @ NUH + monthly urine test (glucose & protein - kidney)+ blood pressure. think that shd be abt all the scans/test we need to take? not too sure too.


me also concern if can shed off the weight or not. i also gained abt 4kg+. well, as long as gynae din say anything, shd b ok ba cos they are also monitoring us monthly. just dun starve and stuff yourself lor... heehee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine: M pre-preg weight is 40KG and I'm 1.51m. Starting my 25th week now, and I've put on about 10KG already. Elizabeth's about 633g at the 24th week scan. Thankfully till now, I don't look preggy from the front and back view, and most of the weight is just showing on my boobs and tummy.

Not sure about the scans that I need to do... my gynae does it without telling me. As for the 3D photos, they are included in my package. I saw a 3D pic of Elizabeth at 24th week, with her hand over her face. Prolly camera-shy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi girls,

Long time never post... Haven't been well lately.. Plus both my boys took turns to fall sick...


Other than stretch marks , I have all that you mention.. They will fall off after birth.. But will take about 1-2 months ...

Detail scan ..

Yay tomorrow will be going for detailed scan...

hi mummies, i'm back from the visit with doc. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] everything's all good, doc said my weight gain is fine, as long as i'm not taking any milk i shouldn't have any great weight gain. also, he said the cramps i feel might be the uterus stretching or sudden/fast movements on my part. he gave me a pill to insert and cream to apply for my infection. oh, and he said they will book my hospital for me. so i guess i dun have to worry about anything! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

according to the scan, i am about 25weeks+6days along and gwen is about 900grams, 21cm. so big! lol!!! very happy to see her during the u/s. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Weight increase

I too did not gain much weight only 2kg.. I am worried coz my usual weight gain at this stage is about 5 kg for both pregnancy .. Maybe due to the high blood medication I totally can't eat...

Hi oshgosh, I'm probably going to put no.2 in a separate room with a baby monitor so he won't wake anybody. I think my no. 1 will feel insecure if we put him in a separate room and no.2 with us; besides, I don't want the no.2 to wake up daddy and now no. 1 can more or less sleep through.

I guess the only way for you is to try putting your no.1 on a mattress on the floor in her bedroom. Maybe sleep a couple of nights with her so you will know how she behaves. You'll be surprised at how adept they are. I was afraid of my no. 1 bumping into things in the dark but that never really happened. Try first and see how.

sunshine, i used to apply moisturizers, but once i develop very bad rashes - which led to eye swelling even, then i stopped any creams...coz not sure if creams are wat caused the allergy...

belly line - u mean where the pant line sits?

mine, i haveskin flakes almost whole body, arms and butt area also have, hopeless liao..

esquare, i hope all the 'symptoms' will go off after the delivery too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just dont know what else to expect in the coming mths haha..

dewdew, wow! gwen is really growing fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jus like 5 weeks ago u went for the detailed, now more than double!

i cant wait for mine too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi, just for your consideration.

thermoguard thermometer

- 32 measurement memory

- with backlit (able to see in the dark)

- Most preferred by Singapore Health / Environment Authorities

- preset alarm

price $115 discount for SMH, usual $180

warranty 2 years (1 to 1 exhange)

can visit http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/4333228.html?1282038025 or PM me.

i m going to see my gynae in 2 weeks time but i dun think he is going to do any scan for me as the growth scan will be another 2-4 weeks time .. i can't wait to knw my baby's development ..

i start to feel my belly buton quite itchy but then i dun knw hw to scratch it .. so far, i can see the skin flakes at my boobs

cindy, do u have sensitive skin? maybe u shd take a look at the ingredients in the cream you applied... your flaky skin is due to dryness, and with our stretching skin, it's bound to get worse. maybe can do patch test with different moisturisers, dun put all over your body first.

yah, gwen grew almost double in size, quite amazing! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just came back from Mrs Wong's first lesson. Very interesting and informative but the only downside is no notes given and really test your memory to remember all the exercises taught.

Any mummies there as well? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all mum to be

i have many sachet of milk powder of different brands selling at $1.20 each

similac mum 50gx3 sachets expiring 14/04/2011

Enfamum 50gx1satchet expring 13/11/2010

Dumex Mamil Mama 48g x 8 satchets (6 expiring on 13/11/2010 & 2 expiring on 16/05/2011)

Collection at Clementi Mrt/ Bt Panjang. Postage will be ard $2-$3 cos its a bit bulky.

Email me at [email protected] if interested

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember your pills and drink more water[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mangogal, Dr Woody don't really weight us, he is more concern on baby progress. As long as baby is growing well, he don't really bother with mommy's weight. I am 62kg before I am pregnant, so I guess I can't be back to 40+ weight liao.

Cindy, haven't bought the phone, but I guess on and off log-in shouldn't be a problem, since like the mommies are quiet leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Lunch time I would log-in longer.

dewdew, your gwen really grow very well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Congrates.

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

didnt log in yesterday cause big bosses were here and extremely busy. i konked out at 7+pm and was startled by my hubby and woke up 15 minutes later. we ate raspberry cheesecake from coffee bean... yummy! and fell asleep again at 9+pm. really tired! dont know why, this morning when i woke up, i still felt lack of rest.

talking about stretchmarks. i realised the day before that i have developed a whole patch of stretchmarks on my back! looks damn ugly!

amuro: wow! you went with your gal to yog... the most amazing thingy was that she managed to last a few hours without fussing. good for you!

debbie: welcome ^_^

i have gained 10kg since the last checkup. hence, terrible terrible.. considering the fact that i wasnt slim to start with.

dewdew: good leh you.. only gained 7kg thus far. i wonder how much more i have gained. darent take my weight reading at home. wait till this saturday checkup bah.

lilsunshine: stagnant meaning you never put on weight?

yvaine: did your gynae says why you have to go for the glucose test?

oh, just read that its a research study. hehe.. okok, at least not due to some symptoms or whatsoever.. *touchwood*

ethan: long time never hear from you. i think those two are the only tests le.

cheryl: congrats on your baby girl... huh?! 400g at 21 weeks small mey? mine 20+week only 311g leh.

esquare: aiyoyo.. take care leh. recently a lot of people around me getting sick too. the notorious flu bug is back. so please do take care.

wow! good for you, no stretchmarks.

dewdew: congrats on the healthy growth of Gwen. wow! close to 1kg liao.. thats fast hor. hehe

Cindy: Agree with Dewdew that you could be allergic to the cream/moisturiser that you are using. Although, sometimes, the change in hormonal levels in the body could bring about an onset of eczema or something. Go off the moisturiser and see how it goes. Also, do monitor the 'bruise-like' veins, as it could be indicative of blood clotting problems. Call your gynae for advice.

Mommies: Hearing you gals talk about the weight gain, I'm panicking now about my own 10KG weight gain. Seems a lot as compared to yours!! My gynae says my weight gain is healthy though.

Dewdew: We can't drink milk now? Shucks, I've been drinking a glass of full cream fresh milk every night since I found out I'm pregnant! Elizabeth kicks me nowadays if I don't give her that milk at night...

good morning mummies!

thanks everyone, gwen has been giving me good hard kicks last night and this morning. i think all my durian eating really made her big and strong! :p better stop liao.

muddypaws, no lah, my doc never say cannot drink milk. he only asked if i drink, and i said no. then he said good, then the weight gain won't be so fast. milk really makes us gain faster - but is also a good source of calcium. depends on individual's preference. so dun worry and dun deprive Elizabeth of her milk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eon & stefie, i cannot see my back and below tummy so dunno if stretchmarks are there - i thot of asking hubby to look for me but decided, aiyah, forget it! if it's there then there's nothing i can do anyway. hahahaha... so just slather on the creams and after birth use firming cream and hope for the best!

wah Dewdew,Gwen is growing very well almost 1kg! Gd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie yalo everything in moderation hehe

muddypaws,u are underweight also rit? So dun worry u gain 10kg hehe same as me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon/Stefie: I don't see stretch marks yet... but I see more cellulite on my thighs! Wail! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I truly truly hope I can get back my bikini-worthy body after delivery... I miss my 6-pec tummy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mommies: Does anyone feel that their feet are getting heavier? I can't walk too long nowadays... and have been checking my ankles for water retention. None though.

Working out a menu for hubby now who has decided to go on a diet. He's going on a south beach diet to try to lose about 30KG (gained from bulking up during his american football days in college and rugby). It's going to be fun to deprive him of food :p

dewdew, the moisturizer i used previously started b4 pregnancy, but only ard 2nd mth then the rashes developed quite badly...becoz i only managed to see the dermatologist after 4th day of the rash, it subsided abit and i was jus given calamine lotion..

stefie, its good to see u here more often too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

once awhile login should not be a problem i guess..not as though u playing game :p

muddypaws, due to family history of eczema (my mum has it), i'm also worried that i might get it due to the pregnancy hormones now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hubby is using my moisturizer now hehe coz i bought 3 tubes at my last restocking and b4 even finishing one, the rashes came!

i hope the vein issue is not a sign of blood clot, i'm jus hoping that it doesnt 'spread' LOL

its good to drink milk during pregnancy i thought, i dont take it only becoz of my puking and diarrhoea..

Good morning mummies!

Muddypaws: I drink 2 glasses of fresh milk every morning! my gynae encourages drinking of milk to get enough calcium a day for baby and mother. I guess that's why i can gain 4 to 5kg.

EonEon: Hi! haha i have horrible stretchmarks on my breasts.

good morning!!

talking about weight gain, i just stepped on the weighing scale and found that my weight increased so much these 3 weeks. talking about exponential weight gain... mine looks more like explosive weight gain sia!

have a great wed! It's mid week liao!

wah Cherry ur baby is same weight as mine for detail scan,how come is small?

Muddypaws, wah u hv 6 pacs bikini body then ur figure must be very good,hehe!

Can drink full cream milk la buy those anmum for preggie women to drink

i dun hv stretchmarks n cellulite for my prev pregnancy,hope this time round too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eoneon, wa u got good eyesight! i never even bothered to look at my back! haha

dewdew, maybe i should follow yr style of 'not bothering and hope for the best after birth!' haha

coz so far, i've spotted alot of stretch marks on my thighs, a little on my hip area...so i believe its 'growing' upwards LOL

Cindy: Try using aloe vera gel. It's cooling and easy on the skin. Maybe stress is triggering your eczema? My friend has that during her pregnancy too... and I see some rash on her baby now too (not sure if it's passed to the baby). I was at Cheong Choon that day, and the lady said the Medela Purelan 100 nipple cream can be used on the baby's face if she gets rash.

Debbie: Thanks! I think Elizabeth would horribly protest if I go off the milk and yogurt! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Eon Eon,

I'm oki...the test went well...BB is a princess..heehee..didnt want to know the gender actually but when i did the detailed scan last week, the gal announced it. Happy!!

But last evening i had serious constipation...dunno bb oki anot..worry. Should i call gynae or go normal gp to get pills for constipation??

Any advice anyone?

mangogal: 6pec tummy but small boobies. I hope to keep my boobies after birth! Haha... I like the size now ... hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ethan, congrats on your princess. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u can go to a normal gp, just make sure u tell him/her that you're pregnant. they will prescribe something that's suitable for u.

muddypaws, i'm in a dilemma regarding aloe vera now - is it ok to take aloe vera during pregnancy?

coz i remember one mummy saying not to take aloe vera...after seeing the post, i immediately stopped all aloe vera intake including creams le...

H hi girls,

I am now waiting for my detail scan at rh... Duno son will become bb girl or not .. Hahaha..

Just took my weight and realize that I only gain 1 kg... From pre preggy till now..

Btw does any mummies has super itchy ears? My poor ears has been itchy for 2 weeks already .. No matter what method I use also cannot help... Any solution..

muddypaws: you are not the only one leh.. me put on 10 kg as of 20weeks scan.. so i guess will be more more now..

dewdew: i saw my back stretchmarks via my mirror reflection. i got a shock after i saw it. and show hubby.. he said very jiat larg loh. i told him, theres more to come for me. quite depressed over it actually. cause back doesnt seem to be the common place for stretchmarks and yet im getting. means the rest of the body sure kena le.

muddypaws: i have one big pec tummy.. wahaha.. hopefully i can slim down after birth as i am the kind with low metabolism, put on weight fast and lose hardly.

i cant walk for long too.. not even standing. so am tired out easily. i have water retention on and off liao.

30kg! is your hubby very BIG in the first place? thats a lot of weight leh. haha, we just love torturing our hubbies, right?

cindy: maybe you use those moisturiser that is meant for preggie women, the contents should be mild enough bah.

i have spider veins on my thighs liao.. not sure about other parts of the body cause never observe closely.

debbie: aiyoyo.. 2 glasses leh. i stopped drinking during 1st trimester because of my morning sickness and sudden adversion of milk and only resumed drinking recently. but my weight increment is horrible. im only drinking low fat milk leh. imagine if i drink full cream milk, i think i will balloon into a ball le.

i can see stretchmarks developing all over my body liao... wana cry man!

Cindy: What I know is ingestion aloe vera by mouth should be avoided as it may cause uterine contractions. I still use aloe vera on and off for pimples now as it's gentler than Oxy5.

esquare, haha i'm hoping for no gender change lor :p

though gynae said maybe girl, but hubby n me been calling baby miss foo since detailed scan LOL

eoneon, dun be depressed abt the stretchmarks la...

maybe if yr eyes not as sharp as mine, wun see it liao :p coz i only realised got stretchmarks on my thight after its developed quite abit! haha

i've decided to make a trip down to mothercare this weekend or next le..see wat creams they have there for me..in the meantime hope the skin dun get too bad..

muddypaws, thanks for the advise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wa to think i totally stopped all aloe vera including creams haha

so kiasu of me :p

then i shall go back to my aloe vera creams that are waiting for me le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

EonEon: My hubby played rugby for the national team (and he still plays rugby now!) as well as college american football when he was younger, so he's big. Heavy-bone too, so I can only imagine Elizabeth being like him. I don't feel flutters or light kicks from Elizabeth but sometimes, bone-grinding pain when she kicks or moves. Ouch!

Well, if I do succeed in shrinking hubby by 30KG, you gals can use my recipes to lose the post-delivery weight! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha Muddypaws, ur bobbies will be growing n even bigger when u breastfeed! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BUT....the sad thing is it will shrink after u stop bf [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I stop bf once I gt pregnant n it shrink smaller than my pre preg size!

I was B size,than preggie become C or D cup but after total stop bf, become A!! Argg...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Nw preggie again so it is now B/C....haha my boobs are expanding/cobtracting of these changes for the past 2 yrs LOL :p

6 pacs, u exercise alot before preg?

Ethan, u try to take prunes, yogurt or kiwi for constipation problem, it helps to ease or maybe as wat muddypaws suggest fybogel.

Try nt to take pills lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mangogal: You just mentioned my worst nightmare... boobies shrinking to pre-preg size!!! I was A+ (at best B) pre-preg, now B+/C. Imagine going to A-???? Sigh.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I used to do crunches and long-distance running before I got married... Haven't exercised since then :p

wah muddypaws, u are very fit and slim!

yalor the sad thing abt bf is shrinking bobbies after bf[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but just to warn u, do nt hv any extreme or vigourous exercise after ur confinement. cos it will affect the breastmilk n harmful to the baby, if u intend to bf for long term ,bf will naturally burn alot of calories and since u are petitie as me, sure u will lost most of the weight withing 6 months just by bfing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mangogal: wah! envy leh. no stretchmarks. i read somewhere that 90% of preggie will get it de leh. so you are the 10% fortunate ones.

cindy: no loh, not good eye sight loh. the patch of stretchmarks very big and obvious loh. very very... i think i should ask hubby to take a picture of it man!

ethan: dr tham prescribed me with a solution that aids in preventing constipation, let me find out the name and let you know. i think we can get this solution from pharmacy. dont have to deliberately make a trip down to see him, unless your consultation date is near.

muddypaws & ethan: yes, duphalac seems to be the one prescribed to me too. ethan, you can give it a try.

esquare: wah! but then so long your baby is growing, dont have to worry.

my ears are fine. my neck has been itching a lot recently. think my neck area put on weight too and the skin feels kind of fragile, like anytime likely break out with rash, etc

cindy: is there mothercare in jakarta? get their stretchmarks cream loh. only one type there... if i never see wrongly.

muddypaws: wow! princess already taking after your hubby in her actions. haha... okok, looking forward to hearing good news from you. i need to slim as much as possible after birth. hehe

mangogal: arh! will shrink after breastfeeding de arh?! thats scary... i dont want. i like my pre-preggy size. any smaller will be too small for my size le.

Eoneon, haha but I gt veins on my legs leh...:p

Stretchmarks n celluite can be covered by clothings mah...dun worry it will fade off n become sliver colour as time goes by[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eoneon, dun worry abt the stretchmarks, after pregnancy then worry, like that dewdew said haha

now when i put creams etc, take out glasses le...dun wan to end up seeing too much LOL

yup there's mothercare in JKT...but think diff countries sell different stuffs...strollers there are mostly abt SGD 1k, make me want to peng haha..

anyone lost weight recently?

i put on bot 8kg since preggy and since beginning this week tummy seems to have shrunk and my weight is dropping hahaha... but ethan is still kicking me vigorously. wonder if anyone else experience this. i'm week 25 now. i lost bot 1kg.

lol... cindy, now that u mention it, i do put on the creams without my glasses! maybe that's why i can't see them. good also lah, less grief. LOL!

eon, the skin at our neck is very fragile, so any weight gain will also cause it to stretch and next time when we lose weight (hopefully), the skin will become wrinkly!!! make sure u put moisturiser on your neck too! not stretch mark cream, i think facial moisturiser is good enuf, otherwise go and buy a neck gel. i put my facial moisturiser on my neck everyday and night... but i still see lines. :p

cindy: ya, can only be like what dewdew said.

oh, thats expensive. get the strollers from singapore then.

crytal: have you been eating less?

Crystal: I had that problem a while back, but that was after a bout of gastric flu where I lost the water/gas retention and my tummy shrunk. Elizaeth is still happy in there. Did you eat anything that caused you to lose the water/gas retention?


eoneon, i also geting constipation again.. soo irriating.. fybogel doesnt help, cereal doesnt, fruits and vegs also doesnt.. arrghhhh.... i'm becoming a cesspool la...

