(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Mummies, talking abt bf here makes me sad sia. Been pumping and throwing away for the past few days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so heartpaun. Started on strong med for my never ending cough so milk cannot be used. Totally no motivation to wake up and pump anymore. Think my moo career will cut short for no 2 also


Andy, thanks. Think I also only know of similac brand. Will probably buy one tin for standby.

Congrats to Garfield and Amelia J!

Bubbly, Ask your hubby to talk to your MIL again? But if you have been able to cope without a CL then just take it as you don't need one. A lot of mothers here also end up wishing they didn't have a CL. Maybe it's not such a bad thing.

Debbie, maybe your husband doesn't want you to go through the pain and torture of engorgement although cost can also be a reason. But you can tell him your stand that no matter how costly or painful it is you would want to try your best to breastfeed.

You should ask your CL to wash your bottles after you pump coz we are not supposed to touch cold tap water. I did that for first two weeks, now after sleeping in aircon, my hands are very stiff. My husband also does nothing at home. Just ocassionally go see baby, carry her and talk to her. Since you paid so much for a CL to take care of you and baby, it doesn't make sense to ask your hubby to do the chores.

Oshgosh, I used to feed only one breast when bb only drank 40ml. But now she takes 100ml so i need to latch her on both breasts. Last time i don't pump the other breast but kinda regret coz my bm supply has reduced. So maybe you want to pump the other breast to help maintain the supply.

milo, my hubby also sleep through the night. There was one morning he commented that I woke up many times the night before like as though I disturbed his sleep. But I just told him off and said that I woke up to do my part as a mother and not as if I don't want to sleep throughout the night meh?! Since then he don't dare to "complain" le.

You fall sick also not something you can control. Just know that you tried your best le. If it's fated that can't bf for long then so be it. Most of us also grew up on FM and turn out fine.

Dear Amelia,

I am getting Mdm Ida for post natal massage tomorrow. Read about her in the past postings and apparently she is very good. I will update you after my massage tomorrow.

You may contact her at 9424 9829 and I understand that she will be away for holidays from Thurs onwards.

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt your thread. I have various mummy and baby items for sale or for exchange with carpark coupons/vouchers, etc...

Mummy Items

1)Tollyjoy Disposable Nursing Pads (40+8pcs) - $5 [Exchanged!]

2) BN Avent Moisturising Nipple Cream (30ml) - $21

3) BN Aeropostale Flowery Aero Graphic T -$16

4) BN Aeropostale Collegiate Striped Jersey Polo -$16

5) Preloved Ameda Lactaline Dual Pump - $280

- Warrantly until Jul 2011

- Used for only 1 month, in good condition

- Standard items PLUS free 2 4oz BPA free bottles, 1 box of Ameda milk storage bags, 1 manual pump

6) BN BRAND'S Bird's Nest with Rock Sugar (1 box of 6 bottles) - $32

7) BN Eu Yan Sang Bird's Nest with Wild American Ginseng (6 bottles x 75g) - $58

8) BN Eu Yan Sang Essence of Chicken with American Ginseng, Cordyceps & Huaishan Extract (6 bottles x 70g) - $22

9) BN Eu Yan Sang Essence of Chicken with Wolfberries & Red Dates Extract (6 bottles x 70g) - $14

10) BN ZTP Essence of Chicken with Bird's Nest, Ginseng & Cordyceps (6 bottles x 70g) - $55

Baby Items

1) BN Johnson's Baby Bedtime Oil (125ml) - $4

2) BN Disney Baby Bath Gift Set (5pcs) - $15

3) BN Montaly Baby Girl Gift Set (5pcs) - $8

4) BN Shears Baby Girl Gift Set A (4pcs) - $10

5) BN Shears Baby Girl Gift Set B (6pcs) - $15

6) BN Pureen Nappy Rash Cream (50g) - $3

View images at


Self collection at Bedok, Tanah Merah, Orchard, City Hall, Raffles Place at my convenience.

Please PM me if interested.



If you are using contact lens of -7.50 degree, and interested in daily disposable contact lens, pls contact me at [email protected]

I have two boxes of Acuvue for sale and price is negotiable.

Expiry date 2012 & 2013

Thank you!

hi mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, i got no idea wat the ang huay looks like :p

later i try google :p

good that no screamfest last night, but mine was terrible!

after her feeding at 4.46AM, she didnt slp until 8plus, then i had to pacify her to slp, omg!

hope its a one-off thing...

not sure if its due to too much carrying in the day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

debbie, dun cry le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i believe noone likes confinement :p anw u could learn from the massage lady how to massage the blockage and do it yourself...

but my hub also same, says that if bfing is causing too much problems, just stop it zzz

i also find that hes not supportive in this sense, but to him its like if less trouble for me, then dun do..i believe yr hub same [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo, dun give up so fast...

u got stubborn cough leh, continued from b4 baby was out?

i also pumping to throw, coz i dun wan to freeze BM in the freezer that is full of food! like alot of bacteria :p

normally i just keep 1 spare bottle for next day and i pump once a day only [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaws: ya, mil is the one tell me she cant n duno how to take care if bb, then when zaizai discharged, she says she took care so many kids of coz she knows how... So contradicting... We only md to pay cl 1/4 of the amt, if knew tis will happen shld have just ordered tingkat..

Milo/tenQ: was coping fine with zaizai even without cl, so not so gancheong she cut it short. She says really beh tahan liao... Hb wanted to confront his mum but i say no coz dun want to create conflict. Later hb can be really harsh towards his mum, i'll feel bad... Sigh... Hope confinement pass quicker...

Milo: saw ur hb in salon doing hair in fb, wat abt u? So happy end of all torture...

milo: u have been coughing for some time now.. Did u try to make some soothing stuffs to drink? Can try double boil china pear (peeled n sliced) with nan xing n bei xing n some rock sugar for an hour... Effective to soothe throat.

Dun be demotivated to pump, waste for now but good for Ash later on :) jiayou...

Just now when I pump out my milk I noticed my left bottle mlk being pink. I think there is blood but I dun see my nipple bleeding. Is it too long nv pump or is it pump too strong??

Hi mummies, thanks for the advice on coping with 2 children. I've taken LushVelvet's advice and have my no. 1 stay at home on some days, and I find that it helps to soothe his emotions and he is slowly getting used to having the baby around. Bad news is my csec wound got infected and recovery is going to be delayed. Which is bad cos I have exactly 1 month to be fully recovered from my delivery so that I can accompany my no.1 to school next year. Now stressed...

Oshgosh: I latch my baby on 1 side fully, then the other side if he is still unsatisfied; but he wont usually finish two sides. Then at the next feed, I will start him off on the side that he didn't finish. This is so that he gets enough hind milk that usually comes at the later part of the feed.

Hi! Have not been contributing for the longest time but been reading this thread on and off to keep in touch with wat's happning. Like many of you here, I have also delivered end of Nov instead of Dec.

Am just wondering, for those who have delivered with epidural, do you feel sensitive below around the pee area where they put in the tube for the urine bag? It has been about 3 weeks and I still feel a bit sensitive when I pee.... am wondering is it the TMC's nurse who inserted the tube was too rough or it is just me. sigh.

Btw, I don't pump at all. Try to latch on demand. Cos I find that my medela PIS overstimulates my breast. For my no.1, I had mastitis countless times just because I forgot to wake up to pump. This time round, I'm a sahm and I don't want that kind of pressure. Just going to let the body adjust to the baby's needs by continual latching.

Congrats eon!!!! Welcome to e world of motherhood...

Think i'm also giving up bfing.. My ss has never engorged and never seem full.. I need abt an hr to express out 100ml and expressing 5-6hrs apart... Whereas others can pump 100plus ml within 15mins.. Am on green fish papaya & fernugreek but still no improvement.. Sad man..

TenQ, thks! Hubby also say fm works just as fine. Think maternal instinct still stronger. When bb cry nonstop, I just couldn't get to slp too.

Cindy, ya lor. My cough been going on for really long. All the safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding med like no effect on me at all. This strong antibiotic seems to work fine.

Me also scare yet excited tat CL is leaving. Can't wait to have bb all to myself yet worried some weird habits established like slping with lights on cannot be change. I will soon join the panda gang!

Bubbly, in tat case, life wo CL may be a blessing ;p relax and dun worry too much ya. I did my hair as well. Went and dye. My hub eyes almost popped when he saw the bill!

Hi mummies, I am a July mummy. My baby is going to be 6mth soon and I have overstock 2 cans of Similac infant formula for 0-6mths. Would like to sell away the two new unopened cans for $60.

Details of the milk powder:

Mfg date: 20 apr 2010

Exp date: 09 apr 2012

Self collection at sengkang or Serangoon mrt station.

Please contact me at [email protected] if you are interested.

Thanks bubbly, Cindy, tenQ, Milo. I had a good talk with hubby and just agree that he needs his rest since we got CL. I guess I'm too uptight about things that I prefer to do things myself like washing bottles so as to make sure baby bottles are clean. I think due to my pain and tiredness, my mood got bad and I neglected hubby. I already started using hot stone that I got from mdm rokiah to massage my boobs before pumping and so I feel better now. Hopefully my hardworking-ness pays off thru no engorgement and good supply. I managed to pump 160ml today, day 4. I think my hormones went haywire just now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Debbie, np. Need a ear, jus rant here. my hormones went haywire since CL came. Cannot stand hub bocupness and buay tahan not being there to understand my own bb needs. When CL leave, I gotta start from scatch to know bb. Let jiayou tog!

Eon, congrats!

eoneon, congrats!

milo, think u should just take strong med, and kill that cough asap, then can continue back to bfing...dun give up, jiayou!

i'm in the panda gang liao :p now without hubby nights are all by myself..

to the extend that i had to hug baby sideways to slp last night LOL

debbie, good that u talked to yr hubby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

this 1mth is indeed a stressful period for most of us, dun worry it will go away soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anw confinement is 4weeks :p

Eon eon,



Feeling so down today.. That why bp went sky high..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Felt so sad when the kids came to visit and want me to go home.. Keep crying in the car.. So sad.. My heart breaks..


My hb has an arguement with his brother ..

Makes him moody.. His useless brother always gamble and then come home and squeeze every one dry.. Worse is that he works for my hb and he come work at 10 talk on the phone till 12 then go home.. But demand high salary .. Haiz..


can know what is the cord powder ur pd gave u. i think i need to go buy and apply to my baby cord too. coz i still see redish blood in his cord.

thks in advance.

Hello mummies have been v busy with baby.. Guess bring a ftm really is very challenging and am still quite stressed over it

My baby nose sounds very congested and we took her to a PD. PD said wow baby only 3weeks old already got problem, super pissed me off! In the end she got a rough nurse to help my baby suck the mucus out using the pigeon nose sucker, but my baby was wailing so loudly, really heartache. Donno whether the nose sucker hurts her.. Sigh. And now I have to do it myself, think I scared to do it hiazz

hi mummies.. cant help feeling excited yet same time alittle scared.. m turn for induction tmr if still no signs of labour tonite...

seems all Dec mummies here had popped except me...

Wasabe: my baby also nose congested, at only 2 weeks. Pd used a tiny cotton bub and dug out quite a bit of mucus. But she has infection so he gave antibiotics on top of some nasal medicine which I have to squeeze into the nose. Baby was wailing though he seems quite gentle, so I guess they don't like people digging their nose for them? Hehe

Aiko, rainbow, my medela Pisa also leak. Some more my milk supply still quite little. Every drop of bm is very preciOus. So I just went to get tomme tippee manual breast pump at 49.90 before kiddy palace discount since my supply low. Works better than medela Pisa.

I wasted $120 getting diff size funnel. In the end still leaks. Heng I bought USA set which are 50% cheaper. Will use it when feel like it.

Today bring Alexis for car ride cos hubby want her to get use to outside instead of staying at home. She very tired from the car ride, I think good for her also not so boring.

Debbie, take it easy. Everyone also have their own problem. At least yr milk supply is good. Me still trying very hard to increase my bm. I thImk yr hubby heartpain for you to go thro the pain and sufferings. Relax okay. 1 month very fast one;)[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milo, no heartpain ok. Now you need to take care of yrself then you can take care of ash. Take the chance to rest more.

At least yr bm is still good supply, mine still all time low, but imam not giving up, cos hubby says Alexis is trying also why should I give up. Just supplement with fm can Liao. I Also try to take it easy, just try my best lor.

Eon eon congrats. Finally your turn is here. Yr princess really knows how to make u wait.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dbaby, my baby shower also tmr. hopefully baby will not be too cranky...anyway re pacifier, my CL likes to give to him to stop him from crying. Not 24 hrs monitor her so sometimes bo-pian, anyway counting down to her departure soon.

Muddypaws, I think will take ur suggestion and offer breast as pacifier to Darius when he cries... just that nipple will become sore and harder to pump aft that

Aiko, my baby also wants to be carried all the time...trying to train him to sleep on my bed.

Debbie, *sayang* perhaps can ask CL to wash the bottles for you, sometimes husbands just dun understand...if you perserve, I m sure everything will work out fine for your 'moo moo'

Ten-Q, the stiffness in hands is cos we touch cold water ? I still touch cold water during 1st 2 weeks confinement. no wonder I have been feeling the stiffness in hands. I am sleeping in air-con too.

Eoneon, Congrats on your delivery. Hope both baby and mummy is doing well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do take care and rest well.

thanks to Mommies who responded to my qn abt whether to sterilize pump parts with every pump! So it looks like Im not being kiasi and kiasi to sterilize every time, heh.

Debbie - it's also partly the hormonal thing I think. Hope u can sort it out wih ur hubby n feel better soon. As for the washing, if u can trust the CL to do it, do delegate the task else u will feel very tired n burnt out. Conserve yor energy for the most important thing now - your little one!

Dbaby - wow finally freedom! Glad u r enjoying yourself n having a good break from being confined!

Muddy - well done that's a feat! Have loads of fun tomoro at the party [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eon - congrats once again n await pics!

Oh gosh so many posts I can't remember what I read n with iPhone it's too hard to scroll up n down to re-read the posts. Hope everyone is keeping above their challenges n let's continue to jiayou together! Me too having difficulty ssrablishig a routine for the two kiddos n bedtime is like wartime, can be tiring n stressful, depending on whether my no. 1 decides to fight sleep that night. Need to figure a better way to deal with it..

Just had my baby's full month celebration and I think it's more tiring than my wedding! Maybe because wedding is more spread out and I only had a small event.

I ordered my buffet from delihub. Comments about the food was pretty good. However, we ordered too much food, so end up wasting quite a bit. Tried to pack whatever left over but realised its not possible for us to finish the food. So always order lesser than the expected number of guests.

I ordered my ang ku kueh from ji xiang, hubby bought glutinous rice from chinatown (he had to go queue for it) and my mum helped me with the red eggs. Decided to diy instead of ordering ready packages from sweetestmoment, as I wanted the guests to eat nice ang ku kueh. I felt that the ang ku kueh in those packages are not so nice. Furthermore already paying extra for buffet as its festive season, so decided not to give individual gifts.

Got several gifts but most people still give ang bao. Some gifts are pretty sweet, some ? My hubby's colleague baked some cup cakes, but too cute to eat lah. Someone gave some chocolates and mint sweets, think it will be wasted. Quite a few clothings. Some other unique items, some useful.


Ya.. Glad to haf started eating 'human' food.. And today enjoyed myself... Had a great time chatting with my ex-collits (grp of gals), laughing and all, my BFF who stayed thru n helped me with photo takings, relatives who played MJ, FIFA & gossips too...

I ordered 40pax for buffet n also end up wasting the rice, braised veg as well.. Rest of food was all eaten up 80%. nice!! And i even spent $80+ on Arnold Chix delivery cos my relatives love it.. Had ang baos mainly n some clothes pressie.... Rayshon enjoyed the attentiom too..


Ya, i also find tiring. Jus did a brief clean up n tml gonna major cleaning... But great to see all of them...


Enjoy ur celeb!!!!

E Square

Poor u n HB.... Cheer up!! And congrats!!

HB going overseas on mon- wed... Dread tt!! Gonna go marketin for food tml as well... With a BB & Tod in hand to supermarket, stress!!! Haha..

sharon: To avoid your nipples being sore, do rub some purelan cream on them to condition them.

RE: Routine for babies

After liz' evening shower n feed, she would get drowsy n we would put her into her cot in her room, and it's lights-off for her. That would be around 730pm. Unless it's feeding time or soiled/wet diapers, we just let her sleep.

RE: Constipation

liz poos 1-2 times with 10%feed on enfalac. I experimented 100% feed on BM. Same problem... Find that she grunts, huffs n puffs in d mornings to 'push' d poo out... The puffing would go on for hours still she gets it out, n it's usually a mega explosion in her diaper. Poor girl, why must she take after my Constipation problem? Do your babies do d same thing too?!!!!!!!!!

Eon Eon, congrats! You must be so happy that your princess is finally out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] rest well and enjoy motherhood!

my bb bite il i bleed . now, pump will hv pink milk mos of the time ... i still give him the milk .. last night gave me a shock when he vomitted out some brownish n thought he vomit blood .. then realised is because of the milk expressed has blood ..

mummies who take liquor coz of confinement, do u notice that whenever u take liquor then bf ur bb, ur bb tend to sleep longer? seems like drunk ..

morning mummies and daddies ^_^

thank you so much for the well wishes. finally after 19 hours of labour, princess is in my arms le. will update the birth story and photos as soon as i can. hubby, the blurred packer, forgot to pack one of my chargers hence i could only informed some of the mummies whose contacts are saved in my sim card.

thank you for helping me to announce muddypaws.

i suffered from real bad episiotomy pain due to my bad swelling. cried so hard last night despite taking the painkillers. gynae was recalled back and he gave me a jab to put me to sleep.

yvaine: sorry i didnt tell you that i was going for induction on friday when you texted me cause mum warned beforehand not to tell anyone about my delivery as my princess super pantang. so the induction on friday only hubby, myself and gynae knew. we also only informed our parents yesterday after i had successfully delivered my princess.

i have to catch up on the posts when i can sit up properly liao. meanhwhile, all the best to all mummies, daddies and mummies to be in your parenthood journey.

Gd morning mommies,

Been really bz since i went cl-less n hardly has time to come online now. Hope everyone is doing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies wz more than 1kid

I'm having a real headache handling my #1. He's been really really naughty n refusing to eat! Even milk also dun wan to drink n we've to spend so much time coaxing him during meal times n its always chaotic. Even then, he usually wont finish his meals even after an hr of coaxing n cajoling... Sigh. Cant bear to see him lose weight if he continues like this...

Eoneon, congrats!! Finally its ur turn to pop. Rest well n hope to hear frm u soon.

Rainbow, try to pump every 2-3hrly n not drag till 4-5hrs. Are u taking fenugreek or nursing tea?

My supply was also low but i started taking fenugreek early n i can slowly see my ss increasing.

I actually got the sacred nursing tea n medicine frm gynae to increase ss but hv not took it yet. Jiayou!!

I'm also missing 'human food' v much... Cant wait for confinement to end? Counting down to another 9 more days!!

good morning mummies,

i also feel a need to complain today.

my hb stayed over last nite, told me he wants to help with bb night feeds. wah piang, slept like pig lor, help what? bb cry he also slept like the dead, didn't even stir from his sleep. i had to nudge him awake and tell him what to do. asked him to prepare milk, dunno how he measured, the milk turned out more than usual. told him to prepare the sterilizer next, he fell asleep on my bed. it's like... thanks lor?!?! sometimes really feel having him around is more a hassle than a help. buay tahan...

amelia, after taking liquor i believe we are advised not to bf baby or express bm for at least 2 hours?

stuffy nose:

gwen has that too. when i brought her to the pd for the skin infection, i mentioned it to her but was told it's normal for newborns to have that. she didn't even extract anything nor gave meds. now i'm wondering the pd did a slipshod work... maybe want me to go back again??

i did notice however, that the stuffy nose began after i switch on the aircon. maybe tonight i'll keep it off and just close the windows to block out the noise of the e'way, see if it will go away.

happyhippo, the cord powder is called Baneocin Powder. first you'll need to clean the cord area with alcohol swab or cord spirit, then apply small amount of the powder on the cord 3x a day.

milo, your cough has been there since before Ash's birth, right? really should get a second opinion and take a stronger med to kill it off. then u can continue with your bf-ing journey.

bloom-may, good luck and smooth birth!

Eoneon, if ur episiotomy pain, you try sitting and sleeping on your sides too? Mine was painful too and when I sit or sleep I try to tilt one side more.

Thanks mummies! I'm feeling ok already. Now I'm doing hot compress everytime before I pump and I feel less engorgement. Hopefully the hard work will pay off. My CL is washing more bottles now. She will need to keep

climbing up and down 3 storeys though as my room is third floor and she doesn't come use my room toilet if my hubby around.

Update on my baby:

yesterday went to see PD for first checkup and blood test for jaundice and thyroid. My baby put on 100g in 2 days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] happy. Anyone seeing Dr Simon Ng?? I find him quite good. Also, the super sad part was when nurse needed to take blood from baby, baby thigh/leg veins too tiny so the nurse poke my baby's both hands to get blood!! And it's the area whereby ppl normally poke to put drip there. So pain. So heartpain to hear him cry so badly and see bruise on his hands


thks for the info. can i jus clarify tat the cord powder is to use after the cord stump has dropped off? do u know how many days did it take to dry up?


happyhippo, my bb's cord stump has dropped off, juz that there's blood clot at the area thus doc gave me the powder to use. i think some other mummies here use the powder to get the stump to drop off faster also. not too sure abt that. my bb's one dropped off after about 1 week or so.

eon, yah sometimes it's better to be pantang. as long as u hv a smooth delivery and cheyenne's in yr arms, everything else is secondary. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] congrats again! as for the pain, maybe ask yr hb to get a baby float for u to sit on?

debbie, i thot usually nurses will take blood from bb's heel. that's what i saw at TMC and Mt A.

