(2010/12) December 2010 MTB


agreed...for milk powder onli...my colleagues work longer den me shld able to sort out by themselves.


vy excitied n nervous aso...hehe


i gt think of tat too...*cross finger better dun happen* hehe


Raspy, thanks[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Really must make use this special previlage[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ribena, my chinese stall you tiao, not hot and fresh one. I just make do[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] No fish, prawn also can lah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I just had 3 pang jio. No lunch for me today cos super full.Wow your Leah so lucky to have BN to drink.

Later teabreak then eat cream crackers and Milo kosong + cherry tomatoes[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hungry must find food to eat okay.

PSH, Jia you together[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Even your colleague can't do, also none of your biz liao. Should enjoy your ML.

Ok thanks. I think I will bring a set of bb clothes just is case. Anyway, we will be using cabin luggage also! Lol! When my hubby wanted to use, I told him, u think we going holiday ar? But when I pack, seems like quite alot of stuff esp the cordlife kit is so bulky. Hopefully no one laugh at us.

Mango: thanks for the chicken essence tip. Will drink also, can we start drinking now? Hehe. Get more energy to push!

Stefie: why not start yr HL or ML soon? just nuah and rest at home? Hehe. If I were u I would def take oredi. Haha.

Juliana, can't leh. See what my gynae says this sat. If he ask me to rest, then I will not wait any longer liao, just take. My work wise, I have plan everything already, even my co-worker don't know how to do, also not my problem. Cos I can only do so much. Work not important, me time before popping more important[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie, I hv Eu Yang Seng vouchers, so just buy bottled BN lor. Else I also don't know what else I can buy. Hungry coz this morning raining, cannot head down to buy breakfast. Am going to treat myself with some good korean food during lunch, a teh sui dai, fried banana and kueh kueh for tea break. HOHOH! Eating like a pig manz! Hv been gaining 2-3kg every two weeks for the past 1.5 months! My gynae is shocked and worry. Total weigh gain is 13kg (that's during my 36 week), I think. Luckily I didn't gain alot during my 2nd tri....

Agree! Nothing more impt that our and our little ones' health! No stress no stress!

My fren suggest tt I wear whatever I wear to hospital upon discharge. She says anyway when u reach hospital immediately change Into gown le. So the clothes won't be dirty.


Jia you!!!

Confinement herds

So far I only buy ginseng and pao seng yesterday from Fu hua.. Will buy the other cheaper items nearer to date..

Can buy now coz fuhua have special price for those 2 items..

After buying just put in freezer to keep fresh

Wow Ribena, EYS stuff very ex, If I were you UI will also buy BN.

Enjoy your lunch hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I have put on 16Kg from beginning till now. I don't care as long as Alexis is healthy. I can be moomoo during my ML, BF her fully so can slim down faster also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I really can't be bother about work now. Worst comes to worst plan B, get a new job lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TenQ, that's provided you admitted into the hospital becoz of contraction and not water break. If water break, I'm sure your clothes will be wet. So best to bring along a set of clothes.

Oh mummies, carry sanitary pads with you ard now, incase your water break, you get some coverage. You don't water to walk ard leaking water. =)

Stefie, I hope my moomoo 'business' can last for a few good months or a year! My boobs not really grown in size leh... sob sob...

Ribena, size doesn't matter for BF, just be positive and happy, Milk will be alot. Can get some supplements and tea to increase milk supplies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Don't worry.

Mango suggested using our baby's diapers like using our pad like that. Diapers are more waterproof than our pad.

athena / cherrry

the 40% during birthday month cannot be used for the disney range! thus cherrry, dont "tui" lol


is your next visit to dr heng on weekly basis now? so excited for you!! cant wait to "see" my baby on mon again.


my boobs didnt really grow too! sobs lol... they merely grow by 1band size.

crystal, haha i'm back liao! but nv get my snacks for noon zzz had to rush coz i expecting courier haha! argh!!!

tenq, water lvl how much then is 'low'?

i no idea, gynae measure and say ok only..i dun even know my water lvl how much..ahha

mango, ya my ankle still swollen, but walk not too pain liao..only uncomfortable coz swelling hard to fit in my shoes comfortably hehe

ribena, diao my boobs also nv grow much T_T

suddenly talk abt bf, i getting the stress also zzz

bbribena, size of the boobs really don't matter de. If you want to successfuly latch baby on, it's the nipples that matter more. But if cannot latch nvm still can pump [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie/Aiko/Andrea/Cindy/Debbie, must be determine to pump and feed! Kept telling myself that. I actually dreamt that Leah successfully latch on, easy to feed after Mrs Wong's BF lesson! Must be too stress LOL!

boob size increase:

it is normal now boos wont increase at 3rd tri.Oh dun worry, then u all will experience the engorgement 2 or 3 days after delivery...n will be very uncomfy cos will be very hard n producing milk, expanding like balloon :p

Julinana,hee I dunno leh..I only drink the day I pop lo[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ooh stefie, like tat ah. okok. ya.. jus take HL and relax at home first lar. hehehe! but hor, i also so bored, nothing to do. no nesting instinct instead is my hb the one who keeps cleaning, washing and setting up the stuffs. lol~!! im so lazy! good thing is no need to rush urself to wake up early morning. Heee...

i've started drinking the raspberry le. any mummies too? taste quite okay. the brand i got is clipper.

yeah, ribena, i already bring the maternity pad with me in bag le. Haa!! dont worry abt size ba. me too, didnt grow in cup leh.

i see, Andrea... thanks for making me feeling better now. haa!! so angry one lor, when i went to their store and during the phonecall to so many outlets, i say tat its my bday month and i've nothing to buy as they hav no stock for the babies bedding set!

mangogal, can we start drinking nursing tea or taking fernugreek supplements the moment after we pop at hospital mah?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ribena, haha so far i havent dreamt anything abt baby, must be i too relaxed liao :p

only when suddenly such topics come up then i start to headache again :p

thanks for the link on antenatal, it helps coz i nv attended [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i have added u on FB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mango, haha i hope the engorgement wun hurt too much! haha abit scary :p

Debbie, yup u can start drinknig after u give birth in hospital[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am also bringnig nursing tea to drink cos hospital wil lbe serving confinement food too, yummy!

Cindy..eh uncomfy n abit painful when boobs expand like balloon, so after pop must keep massaging breasts wif warm small towel dun wait till engorgement[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy, the engorgement will hurt! My cousin lah!! She just gave birth, first birth, so she has the first hand experience and told me about it. She suggest to keep massage our boobs even there isn't much milk during the first few days. Quote from her "Just try massage as much as possible, coz on the 4th day when the milk increases, the engorgement will definitely kick in. It feels like rock!!"


mangogal, ok noted! I must remember to include nursing tea into my hospital bag list! Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbribena, you giving birth at TMC? Mangogal say TMC got sell organic nursing tea. I bought mine at drugstore spree. I'm also gonna check if Mt A pharmacy sells or other organic shops sells the nursing tea.

Bribena, u giving birth at which hospital?

I am gng to get it frm TMC pharmacy..

Haa...i try nt to use word painful for eongorgement but is true lor...painful n hard like a rock:p So i keep massaging my boobs wif warm towel for let dwn feeling flow of milk n it helps[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy, I also find it scary that she give birth so earli... Ur BB already hit 2kg so should be ok k... Dun worry... BB still got some more time to grow in ur tummy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Maybe she will suddenly grow alot leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mi too plannin to get Iphone next week so can adapt to smartphone and also go online easily w/o havin to use computer... haha... I tin bringin laptop to hospital is good cos durin the waiting time and contraction not so close, can watch some shows or what to distract us from the pain... Maybe i tin tilll too relax liao.. :p

Melissa, Wow... u r the first to pop among us... JIA YOU!! You got all our support here... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Feeling so excited for you now!!

Yuening, Oic... Haha... sotong very slippery leh... anyway, i dun tin my hubby cut before... lol... Lookin at his pattern, dun tin he will cut the cord.... U reali goin to force ur hubby? haha

PSH, Wow... so you maybe the second one to pop here? Jia you Jia you!! Btw, how do you tell the contractions? Izzit very different from BH, menses cramps?

Melissa: Guess you may be busy with last minute touches etc. But if you are reading this, I'm so excited for you! We are all rooting for you, and do remember to post pics of kiddo later okie?

Cherry: I'm equally bored too. Hubby has banned me from driving out on my own. My helper does everything now... i'm just bumming around doing nothing but surf the net or eat eat eat! Munching on PODS (with Snickers filling) now. Yums!

RE: Hospital bag

I only packed stuff for myself and Liz (clothes/nursing bra, breast pump/wipes/collection shells, cordlife kit, toiletries). Hubby said not to pack anything for him cos if anything he would just drive home to freshen up before coming back again (since Mt A is 15mins away from my place). So it's just a simple overnighter for us.


I don't think it's BH but Liz has been moving so much it's simply bone-grinding pain. I also feel discomfort down there... like she is slipping out any minute. My crotch area feels tender too...

RE: Swelling

My helper says to relieve the swelling, you can either take ginger tea (boil fresh ginger slices for 15-20mins, and then add brown sugar) or take green bean soup. I've been taking ginger tea every other day and it really really works for swelling and even gastric reflux.

Hi moms,

sometimes we are dilated or having BH just that diff people feel diff level of intensity.

I have more hardening than actual contraction.

And lotsa pressure at the bottom.

Lena: I was suggesting to my hubby that he bring his netbook to watch TVB drama serials in the delivery room. Hubby laughed and said "Please, as though there is not enough drama in the delivery room already!"

Anyway, I asked hubby if he would stand next to me to stroke my hair/wipe my sweat etc, or stand at the other end to see the progress. Hubby says he would stand next to me cos he didn't want to stand in the way of the nurses or doctor (what if he trips or pulls something accidentally?).

Debbie/Mangogal, I'll giving birth at Mt A. Mt A has pharmacy?? I don't remember seeing it. TMC pharmacy was under reno when we went there weeks ago... not sure if it's done already. What's inside the nursing tea?

mangogal, the description for engorgement is indeed like ROCK. even touching it is tough and baby will have difficulty latching on if too engorged.

My gynae just reminded me that if our water breaks or u feel regular contractions, remember NOT to call for ambulance. she said just put on a pad and call a cab. if call for ambulance, they'll only bring u to KKH/NUH/SGH (for preggys). Remind our well-meaning colleagues/friends/relatives/panicky husband too!

bbribena, Actually i don't know if Mt A got any pharmacy shop or not. The time i went for tour at Mt A i forgot to check. If not maybe can go see if organic shops got sell. Normally, nursing tea will have the following ingredients: fenugreek, anise, fennel, caraway and lemon verbena. Details in the link. The basic ingredients are fenugreek and fennel normally, because they are herbs that are known to increase BM supply.


similarly, you can go GNC to buy the fenugreek supplements in tablet form too. That is if you don't mind swallowing large pills.


I also packed a cabin luggage for the hospital stay. Like going HOLIDAY like that. But hubby also say easier that got wheels so just wheel it around instead of carrying la. So Juliana you are not the only one.

Re: Sleep

I'm starting to realise that I can sleep alot. Like I wake at 10am then but 1-2pm i want to sleep again then can sleep 2-3hr nap then at night by 1am sleep again. Is it just me or are we easily tired these days.

Re: Massaging of Breast

On my last check up last mon, the nurse already started me on massaging my breast. She say every evening after shower must massage each breast for like 1 min. If got anythign come out then just clean away with water. Its a sweeping motion on each side of the breast towards the nipple area. After that must pull the nipple forward twice or something like that. Anyone else doing this?

RE:BH or Hardening Tummy

These few days I also realise my tummy is quite hard. Was telling hubby this morning that probably 3kg baby no more space so that's why so hard...

RE: Medela Breast Pump Spare Parts

Any one knows where to get and which parts need changing. I have 2 breast pumps given to me by my cousin and SIL. One is the mini eletric and the other is SWING. Will need to get spare parts for these. Anyone know where to purchase and which are the essential parts that need changing?

bbribena, i think got a lot of brands of nursing tea. The one i bought is weleda. The one in your link provided is also a nursing tea that is organic.

lovebyte, i do massage the breast when i shower everyday. Ros thought me how to massage the breasts lightly when bathing with warm water. Its also like using both hands/palms and gently press the sides of the breast towards the nipple. I pull the nipple forward also to try to lengthen the nipple. I think my nipples a bit short so both Ros and my gynae told me to pull it a bit when massaging.

i got my medela spare parts through medela spree. It's much cheaper through spree or bulk purchase

Oh yes,

those moms who had or going to buy avent pump like me. Their spare parts is avail at their philip main office.

Gotta buy straight from there. Mothercare dont sell their spareparts.


My hospital bag is ,also a luggage and also we are storing my daughter clothes as she might wanna nap in the hospital instead of home. She told me her sis will come out on dec 3rd when i ask her .

Oh yes, and also her so called gift from her sis when she goes visit .

Debbie, i'm going to the parkway organic store this weekend see if there's nursing tea, i will let u know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lena, i will also pack in netbook cos hb will sure play those series shows hahaha...

muddypaws, yalor, but the good thing is off from work stress and those irritating ppl and emails in offc. lol~!! i'm enjoying it. but i also miss my buddy colleague so will be going back to meet her for lunch tmr as hb hav appt ard my workplace too.

lovebyte, oh, we gotta start massage now huh. okok. better do it then. i scare trigger contraction. lol... ohya, breastpump. gotta take out from box and sterilise it le. cos Mt A do charge for using their breastpump during the stay. i also dont knw why must bring but my gf asked to do so. so i shall jus pack it in with my bag ba [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ohya, those who wanna sign with stemcord, let me know, can get referral $50 off annual fee for both of us.

And cleaning of baby's mouth. I rem Mrs Wong did show us something to clean the tongue during class. Anyone knw wat isit and where to buy?

mango, haha now i have to prepare small towels for myself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lucky u said, i dun have any towels :p

ribena, wa 4th day, i cant imagine having to go back to hospital n complain of sore boobs!

i really hope i wun be too bad, will try mango's method of warm towel, startig from hospital stay hehe

lena, ya the 2 gynae i spoke to seems quite 'relaxed' when hear that baby now above 2kg...

so guess if my baby want to 'ai mei' and be slim even b4 born, let her be LOL!

i can only eat more, but if she doesnt absorb i no choice le...haiz...

dun think i be getting the data plans, not much use for me i think haha! so i will just login via computer, so backdated :p

cherrry, ok thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Regarding cleaning of baby's mouth/tongue, Mrs wong say buy those type of special cloth and twirl it around our index finger and then clean the tongue.. I saw it online selling at the bulk purchases here before but now i can't find it! If i find i will tell you. My SIL she use normal cloth to clean her baby's tongue.

NateM, Ya mine one was rock too..:p very pain when touch, ouch! :p

Ribena, the TMC pharmacy is open liao...I dun take thid brand of nursing tea..I take other type, I post the pic or brand tonite[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cherry/Debbie: I got those cleaning cloth from Cheong Choon. Very cheap... Just tell the Uncle/Auntie you want to clean the newborn baby's mouth and they would know what cloth to pass you.


Hope u'll are doing well..

Jus an update, i'm into aldy 37Wks2D, BB weighing 2.6kg,but till now Dr. Adrian have nt arrange my pre-admission doc. My instinct also tell me tat BB will arrive within the next 2 week..

Anyway cherry, for HL, you jus request from dr. adrian for HL, he didnt say anything? And btw the chart for our updates, is it possible to add in one more coloums for type of delivery? Hehe.. Thanks Cherry!

Melissa: Congrats on your delivery! Do updates us on your birth story.


i used a normal baby washcloth or those pigeon washcloth to clean my babe tongue, and i do it mostly at night after her last night feed.

BUT usually for babies whom latch on or drink BM doesnt need to clean everyday. As it doesnt contain a lot of residue as formula.

Everyone is so excited about their labour but I am still in the thick of preparations for my no. 1's birthday party next saturday even tho' I'm turning 37 weeks soon. Hopefully baby will stay till kor kor celebrate his birthday.


Crystal: Im clearing my AL, so I planned 2-3 days AL per week. But some of the ALs are cancelled as I need to return to work. So I re-apply them at a later date, so seems like the 'cut-off' date kept moving.

TenQ: I think I need to bring a set of go-home clothes as I think I'll be in pants when I admit (now my bottom grew until can only wear this pant). And going home time, I'll prefer to wear a dress cause of the wound below. I guess should be able to fit into that dress cause the cloth kinda fit my tummy size just nice now, so not very comfy for bb. I guess tummy size will go down abit after delivery?

Ribena: Thanks for the reminder. I just threw into my bag a disposable panty and maternity pad this morning. Hee.. hopefully won't get to use them in the office.

Muddypaws: I think like your hb, better don't drive out alone now. I don't intend to bring any breast pad, collection shell etc, cause the parent craft staff from mt a told us during the antenatal class that usually first few days, we won't have much milk, just the colostrum and latching bb on for sucking. By the way, we went to the hospital tour. The Mt A delivery ward had a corner with a sofa seat for our hb during the delivery. The rest other equipments are at the other side, so no worries about hb tripping over those things. Hee..

lovebyte: Wow.. the nurse massage for you during the check up. I just learnt how to do the massage during the antenatal class but I don't dare to massage yet cause I heard that massaging the breast/nipple might tigger contractions and I haven't reach wk 37 yet. So still holding back until week 37.

