2WW - for those TTC-ing

aiyo Ms Wong, be careful when you walk. what if you are pregnant and you dont know.

BFP, will they post the youtube in fb?

wish da jie,

thks, i will be careful...but i think this cycle no chance liao...
hi ms wong,
oh dear...*sayang sayang*
bruises go away... must be really painful wor... and a big fright... must be extra careful hor... eat more vit C and vit E stuffs... then bruises can recover faster...

hi wish,
how low is ur temp?
hi wish,
thats very low... now u spotting huh?
i rem u say u spot 3 weeks then 1 week rest then now start spotting? is low enough for full flow of af liao...
yo yo yo

yes wish usually when temp is so low, it means AF is coming.. u mean when you were spotting, your bbt is still higher than this? sometimes my temp will only dip on CD1 or 2.

ms wong why u so blur! yes must take care of yourself. rub the bruised part with a hardboiled egg and eat it up!! erm, my fave part is definitely when i get to eat the egg.. muahahaha.

bunny mummy what colour did you buy?? i am the biggest make up noob in the world!!

ok ecups don't sad/jealous liao la. let me share the saddest news in the world.. all the canteen stalls in school are NOT OPEN!!! argh!! i am frustrated and so sad.. i only have bread and an egg
yaataa, yes lor. my last mense still got slightly above 36. sigh, duno what is happening inside. wan to come, quickly come. dun disturb my trip. 2 more weeks to go! i think i have to change another $1K then enough. I can understand you must be damn sad today
i am really really really craving some salty (and filling food). bread is like a snack for me.. omg i feel the monday blues in FULL force cos no food!! i can't take it, going to walk out and hope no one will catch me
yaataa, omg... poor yaataa and baby... no good food... but good lah.. u must constraint yourself also.. wau alua.. very meal so heavy.. i see liao also scared lor.. whahaha

Ms Wong, my weekend is nua at home on sat... talk to DHa bout the new business... haiz.. sunday morning go buy all the ingredients and try out.. xiong man.. poor me.. hehehe
If not my hubby kena tortune at work.. i also wont encourage him to come out and do lor..high risk high venture leh..
mswong: aiyoooo why u fall until like dat?? ok or not? better see doc if not leh.. cos head leh...
me going to taiwan on 27 dec!!! cannot wait man... my 2nd honeymoon hahaa

yaataa: thank uuuu yaataa.... we really similar.. hungry woman==angry woman
i also hungry now.... but not angry lah hhahaa i going to buy food!

wish: ya i think they will post in facebook, passi0n chingay c1ub's page lor..
wish, yes, by right temp drop at the end of the cycle means menses coming.

me managed to get busy last nite. this morning, saw some white creamy and stretchy stuffs. dunno is it the leftover soldiers or my cm.
U mean just now..?? or over the weekend..??
If over the weekend.. dun think so leh... i saww u and sticky going to buy some clothes... i also want.. bif today send me pm.. i cannt check cos company cannt log into hotmail...

Wish i ask u har.. for the bust area.. is measure under the bust or centre of the nehneh...:p
i am backkkkkkkkkkkkkk

see smiley face means i happy liao!! hahaha!! erm wish, how you know i sneak out to buy food?? so shiok leh!! i feel ultimately satisfied now.

BFP, what's for breakfast?? u covering both taiwan and HK during your trip? shiok to have extra cash on hand!!

bunny mummy, sounds like those greek goddess kind of make up
put on some the next time we meet k?

ecups, yes lor i felt so poor thing for myself just now. now happier le! hahaha!!
Good Morning..


Congratz!!! Was I the last to congrat u??? Good good, with the money u can do a lot of things w/o worry about money. Perhaps, u can enjoying shopping in Taiwan/HK. Sorry I can't go down to support u yday.

I saw from your wedding photo from FB, I remember i saw your wedding photo before i know u.
I guess is in Multiply. I remember clearly because of the very blue beautiful sky in your wedding outdoor shoot.

Ms Wong,
U ok? Saw u ok on Sunday. Still can go jogging.
hi wish,
if so, u better take black fungus today... if u take more, ur af will flow... plus ginger tea...

hi yaataa,
i havent take my breakfast de lorz... now gg to office... today whole day got meeting... so boring le... their meeting not solid de... go liao, i got no motivation to work... haha... i rather meeting myself...
i think should be centre of neh neh ba. i measure like that la, haha

i pm you yesterday. you email me to me by afternoon can? cos i need to send out today, i need mine by 26 Nov. Not enough time liao, scare it cant reach me on time
Btw any gals try using putty to seal up the ants hole? I can only confirm tat the ants is coming out from the hole btw the cermamic tiles & my window frame. Went to Home-fix buy the putty & apply few layers along the whole frame....kiasu. My china colleagues told me the ants will bite thru the putty again...dunno issit true? In fact want to buy the sealent but its more like plastic type feeling & the SA says its not that gd compare to putty.
tonight around what time? cos it's someone else helping me to order, not myself. I have to transfer the money to her too. After this order, i am not ordering liao. Not doing anymore, no biz at all. I am cancelling my bulk purchase too

me ok, juz only head & hand only...so still go n walk walk on Sun at the park..even my ah lao also said tht u look familiar...heehee..


thanks...not pain if dun press the head..
spinbb, never too late to offer congratz one hehehe. so no worries (walau machiam like i can speak for BFP like that lol)!

ms wong so fit and healthy!? jogging on weekend?? i will go jogging next year i hope. now less and less fit. climb stairs and hubbs ask me why i panting like elephant lol!!

sticky, yes i dread meetings. waste my time and i hate it!! but now i superb mood liao A+++ after the lor mee. i da pao for hubbs but he poor thing he got normal serving and i add liao (ingredients) for myself nia. not that i selfish, is cos he laosai ok.. hehehe.
ecups, i am cancelling the bulk purchase, really no biz at all

the rest i am still selling but plus size i am riding on someone's order
I never log in to Multiply after my wedding. Forgot my username le.
Last time my house also have ants. But i dun know where is the ant hole. I use some ant poison medicine (given by my mum, so dun know what is the name) to kill and now i never see any ant.

Now how to exercise for u. But have to walk walk for easy delivery.

Ms Wong,
Haha told u, my face too common. haha
Wish, issit abit too early rto say no biz...*sayang sayang*
Is just less than a week.. we need to heat up correct...??
Like that how... tonight will be only about 10++ then i can respond to u leh..
ecups, the bulk purchase is only for 1 week nia. do you wan me to send you the picasa album? can you view that??
yaataa: yeah but will be giving some to my parents... i think 2 months no give them liao so paiseh... all the bills piling haha

bfast is dumpling noodle!

bunny: i had super ant attack before, at least 500 haha but i used the ant poison my mil uses... it comes in a plastic transparent tray, then inside its like small little brown granules... the ants will eat then bring back to their colonies then all will get wiped out...
gals, those ordering the dresses, dont mind i need you all to transfer to me the money first cos this mth i am very tight. i need to change more yen.

yesterday 1 gal put me aeroplane, last min cancel order. luckily i didnt pay for her first, wait i kanna con again.
Good morning!!

BFP, Congrats!!! Was watching the news at 630pm yesterday evening, only shown a short part, but cant see u leh.. will look out for the clip in fb
anyway, as the saying goes, when a door closes, another will open for u.. like u said u need the $$ for ur consultations and bills, now u have it.. haha.. next thing is BFP wish for u!! jia you!!

Ecups, how was ur try out for ur otah during the weekend??

Ms Wong, take care wor! and use the boiled egg to rub but cannot eat after that ah!! Yaataa always eat up the supposed 'rotten' egg lor!! hahaha...
Wish, Dress 23: K1012340 Black (nice bo..?? hehe

MJazz, havent really start.. only buying the ingredients and maixing the chilli paste... not even start to cook yet.. faints... alot of hardwork bah.. i can say...
Wish, The dress i cannt squeeze in lah... not even the XXXL =.="

I choose another one... u see this one nice bo...?? How is the shipping like..?? already include in the $25.90/-?

Top 18: K1012286 Apricot - $25.90
XXL 60 42 112 110

Spinsbb & BFP,
i do have big ants attack last yr tats crawls in from cooridoor to MBR, think got few thousand cos wipe out 3 nests. Can u imagine they r living inside new clothes plastic & pen ink tube? In the end engage Pest Controller & have stop seeing them after i busted their nest.

Now recently i found them in my kitchen for 1wk+ liao & manage to find them crawling out from the same spot. This ants are very tiny ants thus they dun eat those granules leh...i plan to monitor aft sealing up with the putty.
