2WW - for those TTC-ing

Hi Spin is back.

Just Finish one customer problem and now came back to chat. But u gals are knocking off soon.

Wanted to reply yesterday but forum down. So here is my reply:
What is your nature of your job? --> Application Engineer
Is it a must to travel? --> Yes this is the nature of the job.
U like your job? --> I like my colleague than my job. Basically, I hate Engineering.
Comfortable Zone? --> Yes. It's a retirement place but dun expect well pay salary.
Good salary? --> Not for me.
Does your company know u trying for BB? --> No but they should know since I have already marry more than two years.

Peeping Wong (hee hee I like this name),
I wanted an internal transfer but no position for me. Travelling oversea usually last one or two weeks at customer place. And the frequency depends. Sometime have to travel a lot in a month. It all depends.

I miss my hubby, miss my family and also my house my lovely bed. When i went biz trip, i alw felt very very sad. But when I saw the plane that will be sending me home, I feel like running over and kiss the plane. hee hee

Oh ya u like to eat. This is for u.

Eat too much, u will be like her from sexy to fatty. LOL...

No lah, Joking with u. Here is a nice piggy that really like u now.

Of course wouldn't miss u out.
This is so like u.

Try all your best for this coming Sunday. Win or no win, is ok. As long as u have tried. I will give u moral support.
And dun care about the Razor. They must have miss out featuring u.

finally u are in...haha...maybe u can post the icon one more time...put who is who beside the icon, so next time u juz indicate our icon when we chat here...hahaha...but really lor, is a good one man....espically yaataa one, if she see, she sure will laugh dun noe like wat....

You can save the pic and if wanna use, Just upload attachment from the button below.

Special request from Peeping Wong.

Here you go. *Please dun whack me hor*

Peeping Wong




StickyBFP, ya busy..now the remaining 2 arrows dateline shifted to early dec. So i shall sit on it for the time being. Brain really tired now. Will be knocking off on the dot.

Wish, maybe can bring to office to do ur image uploading provided not caught. :p
justjazz, now our office start budgetting exercise le, everyone is super busy. not so nice to do in office, keke
I'm still in office.... So many things to do.


Sound very promising and who knows, this cycle of trying, u will get what you want.
U also have polyps? Me too.
But some cycle when scan i do have it, sometime it's gone. Is it at your uterus area?
According to my gynae, he mention that as long as the polyps wasn't at your uterus, it will not cause any infertility issue. But there's still some cases where the polyps cause infertility.
So far, my gynae also didn't recommend me to remove the polyps (as it will still be back) and try natural for a few cycle.
hallo!!!!!!!!! wow i lost like mad at mahjong today. nearly had to take off pants and come crawling home.. haha! very sad leh T_T with the losses me and hubbs can go eat tao's lunch

spinbb your icons really make me LOL!!! erm sexy to fatty i think i definitely qualify liao!! love all the icons! BFP one really suits her too
thanks for looking for all these hilarious pics!

BFP, yes go show razor what they're missing out on! or... could they be saving the best for the last? chin up k.. we are all behind u for this sunday!! jiayou!!

ceraine, wah your cycle seems to be proceeding smoothly. most importantly rest well this period and eat your meals hor! even though i understand that appetite will drop, but must still nourish yourself k.

have a good dinner girls!!
Just bd with DH despite neg opk, really upset y I still encounter pain despite putting preseed. I dunno whether this will affect me conceiving? I dunno y I'm so dry n I'm quite low sex drive, very different from last time.
E-cups, everyone is around, just that for me 1st thing in the morning is to clear emails.hahha

Having appraisal with my boss later. Sure she got lotsa to say and comment.

you juz listen, the most impt thing is end of the day, hw much u going to increase...haha.....


good morning...either they r sleeping or busy...wish da jie is on leave today...
hi all, yesterday was so busy packing up for moving. sian la, last min facility guy send email out to ask everybody to pack up for moving. din even say when is the move.

last nite managed to get into action. hehe.
Ms Wong,
No use one, all these already pre-defined liao. We are already graded by the management staff 2 months ago without the appraisal. This appraisal is more of paper work thing for PD and chance for boss to talk. My org very ciao one lar... Also support staffs lowest ranking in the org coz' it is cost centre not profit centre.

Sleepygal u shifting office?
Sleepygal, at least got movers to help so not that bad. My place here all DIY one. haha
Takecare and enjoy ur weekend *wink wink*
hi ladies!! me started work very early this morning, was here by 8am.. just ended meeting and now going to SPH for some forum, then will head back here for invigilation, then a short break and i have to go amoy quee camp for hubbs' ceremony tonight! a super packed day for me but i am really looking forward to tonight cos it means hubbs free liao.. though we both got to work tomorrow but i will feel so much better!!

wish, enjoy your day off!

sleepygal, hope u enjoyed last night's session. i MUST rape my hubbs soon also!!

and bunny bummy, perhaps try to spend more time on foreplay? i find that it helps me a lot, especially when i not feeling the urge before proceeding with bd. watch some p0rn together also can! that's what my colleague suggested to me last time
i prefer watching it alone hahaha maybe before getting in action ba
spin: mine at uterus leh..... the lining looks good this round, but seems the line stops running halfway, so he suspects there's obstruction

hope it's not lah... maybe the scanner lousy hahaaa

all finalists went for vocal training yesterday for a remixed version of dan yuan ren chang jiu.. everyone sounded wonderful leh! i think cos during contest we were all like sooper nervous...

yaataa: watching helps... i totally agree whahaa
sticky: he said natural, then i asked if i can do iui, he said if i wan to maximise chances can too.... cos percentage slightly higher than natural of course, but i asked again with our quality (both hb n i) are chances good for natural... he said "to be honest, quite good actually" so then i decided to save the money this round... cos really broke broke broken
Morning gals,

Polyps may go off when having menses. So this round try natural then see how ba. But then I think LC foong is a good doc. Listen to his advise.

Not weekend yet. It's tmr. Your weekend came so fast.
hi ms wong,
thanks... me be free and be online all the way...
haha... so today forum wont be quiet...

cheers gals... my af finish liao... so exciting to embark on my ivf... haha...
hi spinbb,
haha... friday liao ma... is considered weekends for me... haha...
then when ur next work trip? where u always travel to?
Spin, in that case very hard to weigh in that case...Maybe u can try sending resumes to jobs u are looking forward.. is a hit and go thingy liao.. if not, then like me.. stick my butt to this job.. whaha... my job is quite ok.. lower pay but can go off at 5.30 sharp reach home at 6.00pm unless boss need my help at times..stress free lor.. own time own target.. but v aimless lor.. haha..
spinn, haha...like this icon so much...

i think u really hv to think very carefully on this business trip issues....but dun stress urself ok?

wish dajie, good morning....haha...good life ah...still lazing in bed...
after my last scope, my prev doc removed 1 or 2 polyps, then my menses came n one more came out.

Really hope no more in there....

wish: wahh envious! I soooo tired feel like lazing at home n sleeping too.....
soo tired of shuttling to n fro lately... but it will all be worth it rite? yesterday rushed to see doc over lunchtime, then had a quickie lunch, then rushed 2 places to find costume for my comp... tried so many outfits... then rush for vocal class... then go home do last dose puregon, then bd to clear stock.......

today lunchtime must rush for an hcg injection, then tonight need to source for accessories and drink liang-teh... cos my tcm medicine really super heaty... soo so tired.
thanks spin,
u too... dun stress urself...
many gals do work in high stress environment and they travel alot.... like air stewardess... and they conceive and still fly... till mid to end 2nd trim then they stop... be positive ar...
BFP, Wah you are like rushing here and there

Stickybfp, looking forward ya

Don't envy me la. Just so happen that I have last day of family leave to clear and my dh went to take mc. Today I wan to escape from the team building also. Dont feel like gg.

Ladies, I didn't manage to add all of you at my new fb acct. Can add me? [email protected]. Help me to advertise. Thanks a million. Today 3rd day, no biz
spin, slowly ok... *hugz*
i tot sticky is your first customer...?? hehe

havent have a chance to see your link yet.. jus bio buio only... so tired everyday...i try to go in and see see then measure measure.. see can wear bo.. haha
