2WW - for those TTC-ing

My bulk purchase is up

hi, i m here again. i tink i missed the boat for this month liao. last nite got into action but no soldiers came out. haiz, dh on medication so like that lor. din test the opk last nite but on mon the ewcm was alot, wanted to bd but he cant make it and sleep early, so wasted. sian lor.
Sleepygal, u got tested "O"..
Like me.. got the dicahrge.. but tested -ve for "O".. more sian right,..Me more worse lor.. Jus anyhow hump tham on CD09 & CD15...see how bah..

I got a feeling my DH wants to give up on babies liao...
Hello gals...

Spin is here.

Jus as what E-cup say anyhow BD and who knows, u got wat u want.

Dun think too much. Jus try but dun stress your DH that u want to BD just for baby.
<font color="aa00aa">morning ladies!

horrible morning for me today.
to start with, i was feeling giddy when i left house. then dont know whay today the train interval were so long..6 mins apart.
when i boarded, the train was so full and i had to stand. as the journey went, i felt worse and worse.
luckily i decided to stop at toa payoh to rest first. by then im already seeing stars. i sat down on the bench and vomit and vomit. luckily, i got a plastic bag on standy with me just in case.
after i rested fro awhile then i continued my journey to cityhall.
arghh..if this happens every day then jialat ah.
i have to rethink how to go about my daily morning train journey.</font>
Lynzi babe, u better take care and see if your Dh can fetch u to work to reduce the standing and your tiredness...

I do admit that when i BD with DH.. my aim was to strike BFP..
really bad of me.. but i really cannt tahan of waiting anymore...
lynzi, you must take care. Maybe only for first trimester only, see if your dh can send you to work or not

Thanks, i dont know if it will succeed or not. I jus give it a try

really lor, dun ever think tht BD is the sake of making bb...enjoy the time spend with ur hubb is more impt...

like all gals here, who dun wish to strike &amp; fufil our wish but sometimes u really think back, the more u keep thinking of BD for the sake of bb, the more stressful u r cos u know tht u got a mission to complete..i dun noe u belive anot, one of my friend keep telling me...whatever u can do, u already do, the rest leave it to god...she tell me 1% is on human, 99% is on god...hope tht this can encourage all gals here....sorry for being too lor soh...
Ms Wong, i understand your gd intentions.. but sometimes i just feel so fustrated..

Dun knw what DH want and what i wan...

See how bah... boringzzz and sleepy now..*yawns*
Why u so sian...

Ask u, my job require me to travel a lot esp next year. Then we TTC very difficult to travel. If quit, also like not here not there cos if change new job, what if got pregnant within the probation or cannot try during that 3 mth or so? Also, try to send out lot of deskbound job but no reply. Wondering how good is the market now.
Wat should I do?
To quit or not to quit.
abit ah...now doing SOA for customers...

wake up la, ask spinn show the the big neh neh icon again to keep u awake...haha...
Spin, i ask u the qtns then u ans.. then we evaluate..
What is your nature of your job?
Is it a must to travel?
U like your job?
Comfortable Zone?
Good salary?
Does your company know u trying for BB?
spinn mei mei,

the job require to travel n stay at the destination for how long? if 1 or 2 days, to me i find is ok..(my personal view)...if not tell ur boss u r ttc, ask him to get someone to replace u to go...or can request dept transfer to office bound?
ms wong, there is nothing wrong la. only too quiet in here. our usual visitors are not in here. me failed to seduce dh last nite. will try again tonite as i m still seeing the ewcm, hopefully i still have not o yet.
Good morning gals!! is Thursday..

Chewing my breakfast now.. so tired and sleepy...

Y all the sudden the thread seems like going to die liao.. many more become a silent reader... haiz.. we have to be active.. otherwise the thread will die soon..
cos yesterday keep trying to post but keep telling me error, try again later leh....

nevermind work harder today ok...

with u around, sure will become lively...but these 2 days like never see yaataa here liao hor...
Good morning

Tomorrow im not working.

Yalor, alot become silent readers.

Yaataa now holiday liao and she doesnt have data plan hence cant surf net outside.
Wish, gd morning... I ask u har.. all your plus-sized dress i can wear bo.. i see liao quite nice leh.. but normally i dun dare to buy online cos scared cannt wear...

Yaataa!!! get your butt in the thread.. stop eating!! whwhahaha
Ecups, you need to see the measurements. They are all in cm. You try to measure your bust and waist and let me know. I help you to find. All those are pre order, i will order if i hit 10 pieces otherwise shipping fee will go up
haha...ecups, u said yaataa, wait she also use her neh neh to jingle u ah...her also not small ok? heehee....

wish da jie,

gd morning...where u go tmr? so envy...heehee....
haha...already predict tht he will hv MC tmr liao? heehee...then enjoy ur day with him tmr ok? go shopping &amp; relax...
Sticky: sun is 5.30pm lo but I no confidence this round.... I like not quite good stead after the injections n Tcm. N some more the song is they chose for me one.... Buy for money sake.. I'll do it haha

Ya I think something wrong yesterday vos yaataa n myself cannot post at all... Think their server something wrong

Before going to war u already lost half of your confidence.... Cannot like that. Wake up.
U will be the best!!! Trust yourself.
Morning ladies.
Today finally feeling so good to come to work..hahha usually is dreading to be here at work.

Wish, goodluck for ur BP.

BFP, have faith I believe u can do it, think of the 4K you will be motivated liao lor.

Sleepygal, try try again. Can try E-Cups method of surprise under the blanket.

SpinBB, that's a BIG sunshine..haha Nice one.
Must have faith Wish,
there are many plus size ppl around in S'pore one. Sure got market one lar, best if u are able to provide the clothes dimension easier for them to buy. If I am pregnant, I would just go for plus size clothing instead of normal maternity wear also. Maybe you can advertise in those mum-to-be threads as well.
i did indicate the measurement already. the thread at BP is so active, keep pushing my thread down. anyway, jus leave it lor

Put it in the Facebook lah.. liek those blogshops... and your blog.. should be ok..

Gals, i have a little issue here.. my hubby want to start up a business.. but i very dscared leh...
how ar..??

Wish, have multiple place to advertise your thread.

ECups, ya what business he wants to do and why are u scared?
