2WW - for those TTC-ing

hi ceraine

it's ok lah. Let your body adjust back well before you get ready for the baby to come! dont be upset about the 2 eggs, always have chance lah! you preggy once will preggy again de!

Hope you are feeling better now. Yes, let body recover first. Perhaps still ttc as normal but dun take opk or bbt and dun bother abt O. If will strike is v good, if not, treat it as a time for body to recover. Now is good time to finish all ur med, antibiotics, let body recover fully from all the flu, coughing, sore throat etc so by the time next AF reports, body well and no more medicine coursing through your blood. 2 eggs will happen again de!
piglet ah gal... buy from watson.....

They always put 1/2 boxes on the shelf... so if u dun see the digital test kit, u should request.
Hi Zuen

Thanks for sharing so now how many mths r u? or given brith le?

Oh caraine,

wah biang, really wasted eh the 2 egg!!! if me i will feel very dui!!! but what u said is true let body clear up abit 1st...and restart again with strong healthy body.




heehee i have found the contact of the temple le, later i will go pray pray..heehee. oh we same age ya..i tried in nov07, but hor, really torturing the tcc process..

hahaha malu experience siah...hahaha.. ok lah

When i reach the place i feel so paisey, cos i seldom pray or o temple de. i told the uncle there i dont know how to pray, they are nice and friendly. after paying for the Joss.. he show me which is Zhu Seng Niang Niang.

Btw, i was suppose to bring those "Gu Long Shui" or call "Hua Lu Shui" (not v sure) english maybe call cologue water. or we can buy "Hua fen" u know those mini square box and inside is something like foundation powder one.. but i think only our old granny may use before de.

anyway i dint know i need to buy them. but uncle said its ok, if next time i really hv bb can come back with them. He told me to say my name , where i stay and my wishes.. then he said so loud, i think pple around me know i that i'm praying for a BB...Oh my god...

worst some more, when i was praying i told niang niang that i'm "PAISEY" never buy anything today, i stay at bla bla bla.... "AVENUE".... dont know how to translate into hokkien or chinese lah..hope she know what i meant..
My O always fall on weekdays too. After so many failed attempts, that's why we decided to try while on a holiday. Plan the holidays to fall across O. Hehe.

Pink Piglet,
I am 17 to 18 weeks preggy.
HiPinkPiglet, hahaha...good experience ya...first time I listen for this, pray need bring such things along...so special..I though fruits and flowers only..hope niang niang hear your pray!

ZuEn, saw the calender only able to do it on March..Maybe go to a short trip during the 'o' date..hehehe...that day I attended wedding dinner, my hb's colleague also bring along her baby..she tried for 3 years with gynae method (only natural trying). Only got 1 month she lazy then take 2 days leave to stay at home because her husband aslo clear leave, that month strike liao....she also advise that must relax and don't think too much...you also strike on that month on your holiday?
harlo everybody
dun be so stressed up k. i also striked in the mth i didnt expect to. was ttc'ing close to a yr thn finally saw the 2 lines!

roxyz- me fine
cant wait for the D day! hehe.. started to feel bb kicks last wk. reali amazin
nxt appt is tmr! cant wait to see bb again. hw r u?
hi blackberry, i'm in my 24 wks
bb dust to u! jia you ya! most imptly dun be so stressed up, jus enjoy the BD process
Ant!! My next appt is also tmr!! Im going tmc to do detailed scan... u leh? Maybe we can bump into each other leh!!! Heee
Me much better now, thanks.. MS has finally gone, but another gynae mentioned something about low fluid level so making us so worried, but leaving all to God. My tummy still quite small and cannot feel any movement yet... u started to feel last week? Must be such a wonderful moment for u.

Elchwong.. jia you! Shoo your AF away for 9 mths.. babydust to u!

pink, u so cute... hope your prayers come true. No need 2nd honeymoon lah, sometimes just take leave to relax also can liao... that time I tested +ve opk, i actually took half a day off to BD, very rushed, did it once but mei xiang dao strike...so take leave and have fun!
hi hows everyone?

roxy: detailed scan is very fun. i enjoyed alot, confirmed my bb gender also. have u confirmed ur bb gender? 1st time MTB usually feel movements much later. between 16-22wks. for me ard 17wks i felt her movements. now can even see her kicks on my tummy. hope u enjoy ur detailed scan...

Rata: im delivering at MTA, din do the oscar test also. for me i was given 2 options (triple test & oscar test), i choose triple test then... so nurse just take my blood at gyane's clinic for risk of down syndrome.
Hello cheesy! Long time no "see" you here too, suddenly all the graduates coming here to post... hope can spread more bbdust to everyone here and everyone will graduate. More BFPs!
Me now in 19week liao, cannot feel anything yet ... likely Im having a prince but not confirmed.. wait for tmr detailed scan to confirm... Ur D day must be coming soon, must be so excited!
roxy: wow tats nice... little prince for u. am having princess
not to worry if you haven felt any movements yet. i notice bb kicks more at nite. becoz when u're less active u tend to feel the kicks more. for me, my little nest is getting smaller for her as she grow bigger so she kicking all over my tummy now. me into 28wks this week, next week will be last trimester liaoz... my D day is in late mar, very excided as my D day is approaching nearer & nearer.
roxyz- wat time is ur appt tmr? mine at 430. so sad my hb cant make it so i wil be goin alone.
dun worry so much. everything is in God's hands
yup reali amazing feeling! i felt the kicks qte late . tink my skin reali too thick! haha

yo cheesycake! so fast into 3rd tri liao! i also felt my bb kicks more in the nite. me too cant wait for the D day! hehe
Thanks elch... hope u have good new to tell us 2 weeks later...

cheesy.. wow, D day coming soon, must be real excited, hope all goes smoothly for u!!

Ant, mine is at 11
Aiyah, cannot get to meet u liao, so sad... yes everything in our Abba's hands!
roxyz- aiyah, bo yuan =D do u need to go bk to see ur gynae after ur scan? shd be able to cfm ur bb gender tmr! hee... tat time i went for mine, bb was sleepin n doc got to wake him up to take the measurements. thn shortly after, he went bk to sleep again! lolz

heehee ya lor hope can bring me luck.


wah u so lucky BD once that once strike le..


u meant BB sleeping inside womb..so cute...so if they r awake do they open their eyes?
ant, ur bb so cute haha... went back to sleep! Sounds so familiar :p

pink, no ah, i been ttc since jan 07 already... was lucky to strike in 2nd mth of ttc but had mc... then tried unsuccessfully for 6 mths before being given a second chance... so dun give up k! The road to ttc is never a smooth one, but if we perserve, we will succeed!!
Hi roxy,

OIC, u have have gone through a hard time.. must take good care of urself now.

dont know leh sometimes i feel stress i feel like giving up doing OPK just estimate roughly when is the best time to BD will do..like that maybe i wont feel so stressed up..
pink piglet- i cant reali see if got open eyes but can see the eye socket. abit scary thou. haha
if u reali feel stressed, dun use opk! jus BD regularly.

heehee ya lor, look scary during early pregnancy one.. very big the eyes..

ya lor, i will finish off whatever i have bal..but hopefully before i can finish them i bingo!!! hahaha..chay, day dream again!
hi gals, me back fr my adhoc gynae visit. had a fell on tue
no bleed, no pain but worry abt baby so decide to go do a scan as last night i experience some watery discharge. Good to see dat baby ve grown & is kicking away
as for the watery discharge gynae look into my v say is fugas was given a medicine to into v so eee hor. I ask can dun wan he say no but reduce fr 2 pills to 1 pill for me. Will ask hubby to insert it for me tonight. 1 more week to end my 1st tri.

Alemek, are u ok? must be extra careful oh next time..oh must insert the pill inside de?? really eeee leh..

Last mth, while i was on 2ww, was walking on a slope, so i told myself, to be more careful and i walk slowly...wah biang, can still fall, hahaha, heng not preg lah... but bleed lor my leg...

wah so fast coming 2nd trim..ah wah, so happy for u..
Rata: be more careful... preggie woman tend to fall easily. becoz with the big tummy, more clumsy. i almost fell few times... got to be extra careful...
rata... be very careful pls, must take very good care of yourself. If you have alot of white discharge can take the discharge for a test to check for fungus/bacteria infection. Test only $25. I have alot of discharge too, sent for lab test, everything ok. And rem not to wear tight pants and try to wear skirt wherever possible to air your area to prevent infection.

I'm back from detailed scan. Praise God, all is well and healthy with baby. Amniotic fluid is slightly low but Uncle Cheng is not worried at all, just tell me to drink more water to keep myself hydrated. He like very relaxed while I'm so gan chiong haha :p My hubby is super relieved to hear Uncle Cheng not worried at all.
Baby lazy and dun want to move :p but he keep waving his hands at us. Baby is a little Mickey.
roxy: congrats on ur bb mickey & also good detailed scan result
tat time i can see my minnie sucking her thumb twice. guess she's hungry... hehe~
thanks pink, roxy, cheesy, i will b extra careful.

roxy, congrats on ur mickey. me still far away to know my baby gender. I ve been wearing 1 size bigger jean since test preg till now still as lose. Glad dat so far not yet put on weight. in fact fr week 6 to week 11 i lost 700g. keekee happy. coz i overweight one, read dat overweight mummies cannot put on more than 11kg in whole preg.
Thanks cheesy! She must be very bored in her womb, hence suck her thumb. Next time she come out, sure become thumb sucker hee heee.. so cute!

Rata, u so good lose weight. I put on 4 kg in 1st trimester.. till now already put on 7kg! faintz. So amazed Uncle Cheng never say I put on too much and ask me go diet leh....

Pink, your turn will come too and very soon! Are you in 2ww now? Jia you!!

Sorry all 2wwers if we keep talking abt bb tings.. we stop talking abt them and stick to 2ww topic k? quick come in here and yak yak to make the thread active.. everyone MIA now....
roxy & pink piglet: ya very cute de... i think she likes to suck thumb. saw many times during ultrascan liaoz...

i put on all in all close to 15kg since preggie. still have 2mth+ to my EDD. so i think i will put on at least 8kg more... my gynae haven warn me yet~

hope to hear good news in 2WW, lotsa of bb dust to all!!!
Morning Gals...


Seems like tis thread should change title le...lolx....

All the excited MTBs who graduated from here are back to talk about their bb! I know it's very exciting to discuss the progress of your bb and etc....But But But... think better just stick to the topic lar, must put yourselves in other pple shoes esp to those who are still aiming/trying hard for that BFP. You gals have been at that stage before, so just keep it in check ya ^_^....
Hi everyone..recently quite busy on my work..very tired! Wish my AF don't report this month ...hehe!pray hard!

Cheesycake, very cute..I don't know baby will suck thumb
Yes e*! I totally get what you mean, I felt very happy for those MTBs but yet v sad for myself when they were yakking abt their babies then... I'm so sorry that I got carried away and drifted off-topic...hope this will not make everyone stay away and this thread become as empty as the initial TTC thread...sorry sorry..let's stick to 2ww topics now k?



I can understand how MTBs feel esp when they are talking abt the developments of their child! Surely very excited de, esp when you can share what you experience/see with other MTBs.

But being a "guo lai ren" am sure u know how u felt initially when someone strike and you are still back at the drawing board! No one wishes for it and hope that they can get that miracle too ^_^

Dunnit apologise lar, it's easy to get carry away sometimes
, but most imptly juz practise a little discretion.... after all tis is the 2WW thread hahahahaha....;p

Come to think of it, I really miss those good old days when our "old forum mates" gather here and talk about just anything apart from TTC...now somehow, that feel is no longer there....**sad**
