2WW - for those TTC-ing

blackberry, yes I saw him for a cycle to check everything is fine and he is now my current gynae also. Progesterone test is a blood test taken approximately 7 days after you O... if high level means you have O and you have enough progesterone to sustain pregnancy if you get pregnant. If levels not high, might mean O did not take place.

jazz,hi today i went to kk and for fertilty check and i tell the doc ,we tried ttc for six mths yet no success ,he said we should b no problem base on my preconception check up last year,ask me go and try naturally,dun waste money,if one yr still dun have then will do thorough check for me,i told him my af come alway gt clot,tat y he suggest a scan of my overy ,abt 120.
Roxy,this progesteribe test expensive? My previous gynae never suggest me to do it ...

Ylang, my previous gynae also ask me try naturally for 1 year, only did the papsmear. Yesterday I went to KK also, the gynae also did the papsmear for me, cause my last papsmear done at dec 2006. Eventhrough I have been ttc more than 1 year, gynae also suggest us to try another few month naturally...arg!
blackberry,ya lor tho i told him we already not young already ,carry the bb will take almost a year mah,then he say no ,we are still young ,dont wori,bang!he say some healthy normal couples even take up two yrs to conceive,but if really two yrs can conceive still alrite la,but wat if tried for two yrs still dont have ,then by tat time then finding a solution,already lost alot of our precious time,that how i think lor.
then every mth using the opk until i sianz also,postive opk so wat?still wont strike,then sum mths did not o, test the whole mth of opk ,then af come ,wah that type of frastrating feeling really cannot discrible.then if opk positve,then have the hope uncontrollably ,yet in the end af still report.
if you've been coughing for months, gota avoid honey, of any kind. will trigger cough and more phlegm.
I am coughing again oso

hi girls,
i am back again.
MIA for quite a while as busy and tired from work.

went for my bloodtest yesterday, glad it dipped to 0.4. Dr Cheng was reluctant to scan for me as he feels its unnecessary since 0.4 = no residual tissue.
however i've been complaining of cramps and pains, so as a matter of assurance, we go ahead.
True enff, all evidence of last preg/miscarriage cleard off. Surprisingly, i have two nice promising eggs on my right ovary, good follicle size 27 mm, nice wall lining 7mm, and lots cervical muscus available. This explains the pains due to swelling of the ovary.
He encourage me to start TTC from sun to tues.
Was "chided" for having protective sex 2 days back, coz if we didnt, chance of conceiving this month will be very high.
Given 3-6mths of natural trying before seeking help.

He has given green light ever since the natural abortion, but I am skeptical and afraid body unrecovered. Afraid too of another misfortune if conceive so soon and body not ready yet.
Hubby very eager to try again.Saying dun have to feel paiseh towards my boss, or job etc. coz sooner or later i'll be pregnant and they have to accept it.

I've tested with OPK sat and sun, both -ve though.

Hope very soon, i'll announce good news.
Ylang, yalor, opk strips not cheap also..sometimes will feel this month seem like strike, but end up the af reported...

Cerine,take good care ya..hope u can strike this cycle ...jia you!
Hi gals,

Sorry that I MIA for a long time too.
Now i m in the 4th cycle of clomid. During my 1st & 2nd clomid cycles I O at Day 16 morning. 3rd Clomid cycle O at Day 16 nite. Now this 4th cycle till Day 17 morning I still didnt O, so I went to Dr Cheng. So after the scan at my right ovary only a 6mm egg, luckily at the left ovary there is a 23mm egg. Dr Cheng gave me 2 choice, either wait for it to naturally O which means continue using OPK or do an injection so it will help to release egg. He said if I wait for it to naturally O, i might not O eventually and it will become a cyst.
So i chose the latter, the injection was on my tummy. Dr Cheng said I can BD on sat nite and sun morning. So my hubby n I had faithfully BD on sat nite and sun morning.btw, i ask the nurse there do i need to test OPK on sat, she said no need. but i itchy hand tested on sat morning and got a smiley face.
So now I shd be offically in 2WW.

Why not ask ur gynae for excuse chit? but have to see also, dont get urself too stress over it wait affect the success rate how, or maybe to delay ur visit to gynae better?


I think this mth i also gone case liao...dont experience what i see during last cycle...things hormones haywire lah...sianz..

Ylang ylang,

How old r u? how long hv u been ttc..actually my thinking like u lor...dr also said still young all that "biang" cant stand...i told them i worry i will be like some pple, end up trying yrs to have a BB...how much precious time are wasted..i dont wanna waste the time, atleast if got problem should quickly find out..

Hi Caraine,

welcome back with such a great new, ya i seems like a very good news... i heard its very easy to conceive for pple who just gave birth or had a mc. u must take this as a good opportunity..and wow u got two egg.. izzit a common sign to have more than one? will have chances for twice anot one..hehee.

jia you jia you!!!but must take good care and eat well ok!


good luck to u!!! Base on ur experience on ur 4th mth, izzit consider the side effect after taking clomid? if not, do u experience any neg effect after taking it?
how much r u spending for ur monthly checkup all that when u r on clomid?
Hi Pink Piglet,

During my 1st clomid cycle, I dun feel anything when i took it. Btw my 1st clomid cycle, I manage to get pregnant, however at week 6 I got natural miscarriage.
Then 2nd, 3rd & 4th clomid cycle, when I took it for 5 days, I will get pek chek, emotionally unstable(get upset very easily).
1st cycle I spent abt S$1K as it was monitor by my gynae.
2nd & 3rd cycle, only went to gynae there to get clomid, the cost of clomid is only S$20+ per cycle.Buy OPK myself.
4th cycle, the same thing just took clomid from gynae. However, I could not detect O till Day 17 morning, so went to gynae did a scan and have an injection, total spent is S$200+.
Actually I very scared of taking clomid, cos of the side effect.
Morning gals... so sian, Mon blues and no more long weekend or hols.. haiz

Good luck to everyone in 2ww! Hope 2008 will have lotsa good news!

Pink, it is common to have a few eggs.. but most of the time, once 1 egg matures and drops (O), the body will detect and will stop O of the other mature eggs.. hence most people have singleton pregnancy. If egg drop and split into 2 = twins? Or unless through IVF whereby gynae inject more than a few fertilised egg into womb than get twins...
welcome back! Jia you and hope you have good news soon.

I also had the side effect of clomid. I found that I was in a foul mood all the time when I was on clomid. damn sianz!

this cycle is really weird. I got my +ve OPK but now all my post O symptoms are not there. usually, I will have BB pains. but this cycle nothing!!! arghhh!!! wonder what's wrong! Anyway, I had a funny dream last night. remember me having a dream of having a bb gal via c-sect. well... yesterday, i had a dream of delivering a baby boy naturally. he looks so cute!!! ha haha... (Liz is dreaming again!) wonder when it will come true.
good morning gals

hi ceraine, welcome back. Glad to hear that you are ok. Jia you and hope to hear good news from you soon.

Good luck to you twinstars!

Liz liz

Maybe something good this cycle!!!
Liz... dreams come TRUE!! Remember I had my dreams of twins and delivering before i got my BFP... good sign! Jia you!!
hoppi, roxy,
ha ha.. it's just a dream. eh... so I dream of 1 boy and 1 gal? So boy or gal?? ha ha... I think it's just my over active imagination.

btw, do you know the gender of your bb yet?
Morning all.

Ve been some time since i last posted. Everyone jia you.

Roxy, ya lor so sian no more PH till cny... how to survive??
Liz, last Mon scan saw something between baby legs, so gynae suspect it's a Mickey, but that was Dr Lim and not Uncle Cheng, somemore Dr Lim commented amniotic fluid like not enough etc etc Make me worried for so many days liao... plus tummy not really showing yet though next week is 5 mths liao ...I dun look pregnant, just fat!
Worry this, worry that,haiz.. worst than 2ww. Ive been praying hard and I'm sure all will be ok in God's hands. Going detailed scan this Thur, see wat Uncle Cheng says then.

And you never know, sekali you get 1 boy and 1 gal leh.
SO-IUI & IVF got higher chance of multiple pregnancies leh. So hold on strong to the dream and stay strong!! When are u seeing Uncle again to start process?

Rata, how are u? Any MS or subside liao? CNY need to bao ang bao liao.... hope CNY will hear more good news here and we have more mickeys and minnies.
wah... 5 mths liao... so fast!!! Don't worry lah. as long as Dr cheng never say anything. should be ok.

ha ha... am hoping that no need to go SO-IUI. now in 2ww. yesterday my dream i dreamt that the boy was conceived before I went for SO-IUI. Really very cute leh.. got dark hair.. ha ha.. liz dreaming dreaming... :p if this cycle fail. will see him on the 17 Jan
roxy, me so far so good. Expect some pulling sensation in the earlier part, on & off buttok pain (dun ask me y, sound funny dat i m the onli one having such a problem). Other than the above no MS so far. *finger cross* Easily feel full now. As for how baby is doing i also dunno coz last visit was 2 weeks back. Next visit still ve to wait for 2 weeks. Hope for the best.
Ho Roxy, no need worry too much if Dr.Cheng said ok..stay happy and relax..

Do you gals have purchase online opk strip? any lubang to buy? the strip accurate?
Thanks Liz and blackberry... Dr Cheng never say anything but his last visit was a mth ago, see wat he says now...Yes, time really pass very fast hor. Tink Ant and Jaspire already 6 mths and Cheesy,Kea and Cheryl should be delivering soon.... let's jia you everyone!!

Liz, dun worry... bbt sometimes not that accurate too. Just stay positive and lotsa babydust to you!! Hope your dream come true before 14th Jan.

blackberry.. i used dbest.. very accurate. abt $0.8-0.9 per strip. Not sure how to buy it now though.. anyone knows?

rata, good to hear u have no MS. Lucky you! 2 weeks will pass very fast de.. should be doing oscar then? If delivering at TMC, rem to apply for FBI card as got 10% discount for oscar.
Rozy, I saw at the Watson, Clear Blue cost around $70.00++. Is it same item with dbest? If I buy the clear blue now, can I use other brand for strip? sorry got so many question...

Hi Liz, the dream is good sign
Hi blackberryB,

Recently I just went to Mustafa (1st time there), I was shocked to see ClearBlue Digital O kit is S$66+, cheaper than Waston and Guardian. So I got myself one.
roxy, i still not yet decide where to deliver. My gynae goes to all pte hospital except east shore. Still thinking between Mt A & TMC. I not going for oscar lei, gynae say no need he will juz conduct blood test for me in my next visit. Ya i must say i m lucky to ve no MS yet.

yup, that's true. so even if you test +ve, it may not have O until temp goes up. the LH surge is due to hormones kicking in causing it.
Oh... watsons having sale on Clearblue now?

Btw, I'll be selling my Clearblue digital ovulation kits (got duno 5 or 6 test strips left) 1 box of Clearblue Digital pregnancy test kit (brand new,unopened) and another box of Clearblue Digital pregnancy test kit (open before but still got 2 test strips inside) Will go see how much watsons selling now then give further discount on them.. heee

blackberry, can try the link Liz provided.. I never use that brand before but should be ok bah? Normally use internet opk to test first... test +ve liao, then double confirm with Clearblue digital. Dun just use clearblue digital to keep testing..very expensive leh, heartpain
I am also selling my Guardian brand OPK strips. Need to check out the price. Will give discount too. Please PM me if anybody is interested.
Hi Twinstars, that is standard price at Mustafa?

Hi Liz, thanks for the information. Do you try this brand before?

Hi Irene, the watsons still have discount now?

Hi Roxy,I still never try any OPK yet. hehe..I found it quite expensive when I saw at the Watson...I should come in this thread earlier,know more information...if not like a blur sotong
Hi Blackberry,

Yes that is the standard price in Mustafa. I got a shock when I saw the price there.
I didnt know Waston having discount on it.
i used the strips before but I find it rather difficult to see the lines. but other gals seems to be ok with it?
Thanks for ur info on the costing gals. Will discuss with my hubby.

ylang ylang, Indeed it did feel furstated at times. Last time after my son is a few months old, my mum to me don't get pregnant now coz' it is young. And now he is going to 6 alerady still still no news via natural methods.. but I have irregular menses. :p

Liz, do not think too hard...try to relax...

Twinstars, you also seeing Dr Cheng from TMC?
For your cycle 4, you no need to book can just pop by for appointment huh?

BTW, I finally saw a darker test line yesterday so workhard this morning. Asking expert out here when would be the next recommended session?
Hi Jazz,

Yes I m seeing Dr Cheng from TMC.

1st cycle monitor by him.

Then he said I autopilot for 3 cycles.

this 4th cycle I didnt O on day 16, so I called the nurse in the afternoon, and she slot me in on my day17 morning. She did mentioned that if I O on day17 morning, then call in to cancel appt.
roxy, wah... you still remember me ah... me and Ant now in 6th mth liao... very fast wor.

Hope 2008 will bring the gals here all BFP and lotsa babydust! Good luck to you all ah!!!

wah like not easy also to take clomid hor...wah , the clearblue at mustafa is so cheap... i using both clearblue and those online strips.ks lor.


u are not alone...me too dream that i was abt to delivery, but my dog bark and woke me up...sianz...spoilt my sweet dreams.last time i will dream of getting preg...haiz~

I agree the online strips quite difficult to read sometimes....normally if wait awhile, may have no lines, but waited longer the extra line will appear, so i m confuse, that why i would still use clearblue


haiya...i just bought the clearblue digital from guardians last friday... no discount
hi everyone,

u all know of any Zhu Sheng Niang Niang Temple very "ling" one, i heard there's one near teban Road...but not sure exactly is the place...
pink piglet,mi coming to 31 nxt week ,i believe sure older then u alot ,doc still can say young.men may be bt dun think it apply to women lor,i oso use opk until pek chek,now still have alot in the cupboard.
ya u and mi the same thinking lor,if got problem discover fast aleast can solve fast right ,not until we tried so hard for one or two yrs then tell us we had problems sumwhere.
pink piglet ,we just ttc for 6 mths ,but i know i only o for 3 mths ,two mths did not o and one mth did not keep track.u ?ttc for how long already?sure younger then me right ?
pink piglet ,my mum also ask me to go and pray zhu sheng niang niang ,she say one of our relative daughther also married for a yr but dont have,after praying there strike already,but she said she forget where is the location.
Hi ylang ylang

I'm 28 , but mar will be 29 le..also abt the same age..very gang jiong leh... I consider started in nov 07..

Oh I really feel like trying to pray for luck...i read online if wan boy , buy white flower, for girl buy red one for prayer...actually i'm ok with both... so if can find the temple dont know what to buy also.. i heard teban garden got one, but i dont have the add...so dont know where izzit...

I heard its very "ling". pple pray they will buy cosmatics de, so funni..
Hi gers,
I am from the June08 MTB thread (hi roxy). Actually, when TCC, I had been following this thread, just that I never post.
Am on 2 days MC cos just done an amnio test yday bcos of abnormal marker detected on triple test. Hopefully, all turn out well.

Just tot that I share abit on my TCC journey. I tried for 10 months with clomid (with breaks in btw). Conceived on the 5th course. Hb and I were about to try IUI if still fail cos cannot stay on clomid for too long. My hb was tested with only 2% normal sperm. My bb was conceived in Koh Samui. For those with stressful lifestyle, I think it will be good to go for a holiday for your TCC efforts. What we did was to plan the holiday carefully to coincide with O and dun tell hb when I O cos it will add undue stress on him, esp when his sperm quality already not good.

When I was on clomid, my cycle very accurate de. Sure O on the 18th day. If didnt conceived, temp will definitely drop on CD31. Although there are side effects to clomid, for those who really have problem conceiving, I think it is still good to try.
Bcos of my irregular menses (1 year oni 6 times), my gynae prescribed clomid for me even when I had been trying naturally for only 2 months. I think pte docs are more open to prescribe clomid as compared to govt docs.
Hello Zuen!! feifei is in this thread also.... *waves* U take good care of yourself after the ammio...bedrest very impt
I also agree with u holidays are best time to conceive, when everyone is more relaxed and DH is not so stressed....

Jaspire, of course rem u
You, ant and MM are in same month. How are u all? Long time never see you post liao...

ylang, docs always say same ting.. you are still young etc etc.. no need to worry, im reaching 30 this yr and ttc for 8 mths liao then i decided to go see fertility specialist, at least set mind at ease whether "factory" still working or not...
Ylang, yalor, my gynae also say the same things to me as I also 29 this year wat, somemore I tried more than 1 year! TTC journey for me not fun at all right now...

Roxy/ZuEn, I also wish to have a relax time when I 'o', but always fall on weekdays...

Pink Piglet, I never listen this before , can't help!hey, you same age with me
you tried few months only, still have big chance to strike ya! normally couple with no problem also will take half to 1 year to conceive...
hi Blackberry, Liz,Hoppi, Pink Piglet
Yesterday Mc, hence MIA. Down with flu.

Was just talking about 2 eggs (multiple ovulation with high chance of twins).We actively TTC on Sat and Sun.

Guess God playing a trick on me. Yesterday night time spotting and AF reports right after. Though not full-blown.

Quite worried as Af should reports 4-6wks after a MC.
Called TMC and nurse advised since mine is natural, should be 3weeks, despite I am ovulating.
This "AF" could be a false alarm. The real one should report a month after, and was told to at least rest till the next AF reports before we TTc. LEt system clears up all the rubbish and operate per normal before TTC is healthier (so different from Dr Cheng's advise)

Anyway, all hope gone le this month, my 2 eggs wasted!!!!. But i guess its a blessing in disguise lah. Will continue to work hard, so does everyone okie!!
Let us all hav a good 2008 with wishes come true ">)

Hi Ceraine,recently very easy to catch flu, I also took vitamin C in the morning and night , very 'kiashi'..try to rest well, it is important to you ya..
