2WW - for those TTC-ing

Today i'm very bored leh. and free also...haha...so have been reading quite a number of threads.


wow already 18wks, dont worry should be quite safe ...whether the Dr is good anot is better just try to rest more, fat nevermind can slim down after that..heehee

what D&C btw?
rata... no idea, duno why also... anyway next week go detailed scan see wat uncle cheng says..Hubby seems to have alot more faith in him...

mulberry, yes the wait to see him can be very long hor... but it's a good sign he wants to see you only once a month, in the past when I had bleeding initially i was seeing him once every 2 weeks... so promoted to once a mth is good :p

Pink, dnc is dilation and curegette (duno how to spell) it's a surgical operation to remove foetus before 1st trimester ie miscarriage

so sian! back to work!
good morning gals!

Brand new year to start ttc! yeah! i'm so tired from my hols... think it's worse than going to work....had to wake up like 5+ every morning during my tour!

Oh..so scary..
, dont worry guys, I have cousin who conceive 2nd one within 2 mth after she got a still birth (37wk preg then), but fortunetly her 2nd one was ok..so dont worry abt the D&C thing..

ya lor, so sian to work today,

Btw roxy, if i O on day 16 last mth, doesnt mean i will on day 16 this mth de right, may O on 17? I used the clearblue digital O test, it state neg, but the strip actually show fade positive, so i think maybe approaching O only ba.
pink, I dun tink we always O on same day of each cycle... but should be within that range... it's good to start testing OPK.. if faint positive means should be approaching O liao... good luck!!

Btw, where's everyone? Still on leave?
So far I had see him at week 6, week 7 and week 8. coz I had slight bleeding and was admitted to hospital (week 7 was at hospital). Luckily now no more bleeding or spotting. So like you said, he 'promoted' me to 4weeks interval...keke..

My 18th Jan appt is actually my Oscar test. Did you do Oscar also? How much is it? (I forgot to ask the nurse).

Pink Piglet,
My O date also not same every month. It varies between CD16 / CD17.
haiz... first few days of the year.. i need to vent liao. feeling rather frustrated. Still sick from last year. still coughing. seem to be getting a flu. have been diligently taking medicine and vitamins but still like that. it seems that my nose is so sensitive that it is leading to other problems. feel very sad. feel that being sick seems to hamper my chances of being pregnant.
liz liz

maybe go see tcm for sensitive nose cos western doc only give anti-histamines and stuff. never find the root of the cause.
seen liao... still like that. very sianz... never had this problem before so seriously before. really feel very pek chek.

tcm have to take med over 2 - 3 mths then can see the effect. i used to have very serious hives. after seeing tcm and boiling those horrible yucky herbs, i recovered from it. hee hee
Dun be pek chek, new year new hope! Drink more water, and dun forget to control your diet as well. Hope u get well soon!

I also a bit pek chek today, waiting for my AF to report. Keep seeing pink and brown discharge since yesterday, but the real one playing hide and seek with me, dunno whether today counted CD1? Aiyo...

Can send me the trip plan to my email account: [email protected] Many thanks.

Need advise from you all, I tested on OPK on MON & TUE. On MON I saw a fade line likewise on Tue. does it mean O approaching? my temp is like rising though it is still consider low - from 36.08 to now 36.36. Could I have Oed already?

So far tested on the OPK, i never got a test line darker than control line.
okie. send to you tonight.

I have been kuai kuai leh. never mind.
Anyway, today not considered CD1. CD1 is only when you see red. erm... you sure this cycle no chance? test?
poor Liz,

Dont be sad...Must really take care of health.. So did u tell ur doc u are TTC, just in case the medi they gave are safe to take..

Hey Phtanus,

pink brown discharge maybe got chance wo!!

Hi Jazz,

Did u test today? For me abt two days before I o and if i use clearblue digital opk it will show fade line, but result show neg. on 3rd day then positive.
oh ya Jazz,

maybe even u see fade line, maybe o soon, just ham tam and try ur luck, as long as DH powerful enough to take it
Liz & Pink piglet,
Confirm gone case le, already seen a small dot of red, will call my gynae tomo, see when shud i start the clomid.

R u feeling better now? Now I can understand why that time u so stressful and worry unable to conceive even thru SO-IUI. I shall start mine very soon, and cant help to worry and feel very stress, sigh...Btw, have you O? Good news on the way?
Hi Pink Piglet,
Tested just now..no more line other than control line. So does it mean I have Oed already?

liz, Thanks & do takecare.

Pardon me, how is SO-IUI different from IVF?
Just now I happen to meet my cousin on the way asking me if I am trying for no 2. Then told her tried so long also didn't have. Then she told me she tried for 6 years before having no 2. She went for the procedure which extract the good sperm and inject into the eggs. So this one is known as what huh? And she commented she was lucky to be success on the 1st try. Now I am also toying with the idea of going for it as my son is now coming to 6 also. What you all think?

Beginning of the year only I am so stressful! Sigh
Your coousin's treatment shud be IUI. The diff btw IUI and SO-IUI (Superovulation & Intrauterine Insemination), SO-IUI involves medication and injection to stimulate production of eggs (usually 2 or 3), hence to increase your chances of conceiving. U can refer to KKH websites for detailed info abt SO-IUI and IVF.



Ya, so stressful over TTC! May our wishes come true!
sorry. concuss yesterday. will send the trip plan tonight. How abt getting the opinion of the doc? maybe not so drastic as to go for IVF? Pardon me for asking, was your no 1 conceived naturally?

no good news yet. still patiently waiting for AF. lol... so you starting treatment today? Haiz.. i also stress leh. worried that my stupid cough and nose might hamper my chances of striking. haiz.. had a dream last night. gave birth to a pretty baby gal via c-sect. siao liao...
Phtanus & Liz,
Thanks for info.
Liz, yes my no 1 was conceived naturally.
Phtanus, i think my cousin did not go through the SO-IUI, for her is able to regulate monthly. But her hubby got low sperm count. I now worry my hubby got low sperm count too.

Wonder how to I open my mouth and ask or tell the gynae? When do u all think I should book an appointment with my gynae?
Current I think I have Oed liao based on the 2 days of light lines on the OPK.
Don't think your DH has low sperm count lah. if not, how to get no 1. Why don't you call the gynae office to check? Not too sure if you O already or not. Thought the test line must be darker than the control line.

but i read on the web even though if u have managed to conceive no 1, it does not apply that you do not have infertility problem. This applies if after a few years of trying still no naturally still no baby.
Will start tomo, on my CD3. Haha...we really desperate for bb, until "ri you suo si, ye you suo mong" ah! I also ever dreamt of delivering a bb boy, sigh...dunno when our dream can become reality ho?

If your hubby ok with SA test, why not request for one just to clear ur doubt? Anyway, is just a simple and relatively cheap test as compared to wife's. Actually I am ovulating well too, but after trying hard for so long, still no result, so decided to move on to SO-IUI to maximize my chances of conceiving lo. Nowadays doc are very "on" lay, they also dun wan to delay our plan, so try to talk to ur gynae, see what he/she suggest to u. Good luck!
oic. good luck to you then. So you starting on clomid and jabs? From what I understand from my doc, I will be doing all jabs. Next time can qing jiao you liao.

oic. then ask your DH to do SA test and see what the doc recommend lah...

Which gynae u go to?
I also thinking going for the faster way liao :p
by the way, SO-IUI, i need to take leave to stay at home or not?

Oh ya, this late morning I saw a sticky white thing (i think is mucus discharge) after i wee.
How can I tell the difference between the 2 (mucus and sperm discharge)? Any idea?

Can my hubby just drop by TMC and say wan to do the SA test? which department should be go?
you can go to the thomson fertility clinic on the 5th floor. Tel: 62527766 you can just call and tell them that you want your DH to do a SA test. but must abstain for 3 days.

When will be a better timing to go and see the gynae. I read that on the 1st visit u would need to do tests. Now I am in the mid of my cycle.

Also do you think I should go back to my previous gynae who deleivered my no 1 for advise 1st or directly go to thomson fertility clinic ?!? My gynae is from the Thomson Woman's Clinic - Sun Plaza.
Hi ladies,
just want to get opinion for you gals, I ttc-ing now, meanwhile can I look for new job? Because I worry once I get new job and conceive before confirmation or less than 6 months, the new company will ask me leave. Any idea?
My DH told me that his colleague's wife conceive after work at the new company for 6 weeks, the HR manager asking her to leave.
maybe you should go to the fertility clinic as he specialises in such cases. you should visit on CD2,3 as he will do a scan and blood test.

Just change your job if you feel like it. you'll never know what will happen.
Jazz.. alot of us here are seeing Dr Cheng aka Uncle Cheng... heard he and Dr LF Foong from Gleneagles are both very reputable fertility specialists... can consider seeing either of them..

Liz, dun be sad k. I also had very very bad flu adn cough with lotsa green green phlegm. After dosing myself with lotsa water and chrysanthetum tea, phlegm has gone... so remember to drink more water...

blackberry.. the company has every right to ask u to leave but Im sure big MNCs will not do that coz reputation is at stake.. and im sure we can complain to MOM if we feel we are unjustly dismissed because we are pregnant.

Ya i think u may have ovulated le.


U very cute leh, some more can dream that its by c-sect...So izzit seems like a painful process to u during the dream?

U dont be sad ok, must take good care of urself 1st...can Dr give u any medi to help to recover fast fast de?


Ya i agreed ttc very stressful process...haiz...I feel so stress that i feel like crying last few days..got see Egg white, but maybe i didnt do my o test early enough so i dont know whether i have miss my LH surge, by the time i start my test its fade positive.. but on the other hand i worry that it could be something wrong w my hormones...

and i did tried to BD alternate days somewhere from day 12... but i m confuse my mucus with sprems too somewhere on day 15..
Hi Roxy,thanks for you advise!

Hi Pink Piglet, I din see any egg white this month. As I know, try althernate day also can strike even you din BD on the 'o' day.

izzit if we dont see egg white means we didnt o? i'm not very sure....

hmmm...i m trying to BD alternate days, but i worry DH will be stressful.. :p
Afternoon gals,

for those seeing fertility specialists, would like to know roughly how much should i standby?

I think i Oed too, but temp today dropped abit.
so I am as confuse. Anyway, let it be lor..what is done cannot be undone right?

if you O-ed, your temp should remain high until AF reports. If there is a temp drop, as long as it's above the coverline it's ok.

i really scared i will be overstress doing so much for TTC...scare i breakdown one day

hahhaah...3mths charting some more i really hope we dont have to wait so long...
i got orientation programme during the week which I'm starting my SO-IUI. The stupid programme is in Sentosa for the entire week. I need to see doc every other day... now thinking of what I can do to siam it.
yap. the programme lasts the whole day till late at night. the problem is that they state that full attendence is compulsory. now I don't even know how often I have to go and see Dr. might be 2 times during the week or 3 times during the week. if working, at least I can go during lunch... arggghhhh!!!!!
Jazz... First cycle costs us abt $800-$900 to see him, including all the necessary hormonal, ouvlation,progesterone test, hubby SA test. Not sure how much is medication eg clomid coz I didnt take. Tink subsequent cycles will cost abt $400 - $500 per cycle. (pls correct me if Im wrong)

Pink, chart for 3 mths not considered long lah.. I charted close to 5 cycles then my wish come true..

Hi Pink, not really,sometimes just we didn't notice it.Normally I saw egg white everymonth..this month I think I didn't 'O' because my temperature never increase...
Today I visit my gynae, the egg already release..think not sucess this cycle ....arg!!!

Hi Roxy, are you seeing Dr.Cheng at TMC?
What is progesterone test?
