2WW - for those TTC-ing

Wah shang nao jing leh..hmmm...but if really not well, then can dun go mah rite?

Liz, at least u are younger than me leh...hahahaha....shang nao jing...if the MOM up there doesn't want to distribute the stork to us as yet how to???



Ask u something..u take your BBT previously rite? so wat's yr BBT before/after u tested +ve?

I dun take BBt for a long time le, so asking on behalf of a fren..
oh no.... it's the dreaded ang pow time again?????

haha... i love this festive when i haven said my 'I do'.. but now.... haha...
liz: no symptoms might be good news wor.. esp since ur usual pre AF symptoms are not around, hehe...

huh? muz go JB ah.. so tiring leh...

e*: hey hey... how u coping with ur new job? seems like doing well.. hehe, since u seem to be spending more time online now wor..
Sasa Principal!!!!

Long Long Long Time......never see you here oso le...hahahaha...happy to see you here again...

I oso like CNY before I was married leh...hahaha but now minus the AP giving part, I still like the prep part...*crazy me*

How have you been??

So how's yr AP "hang qing" like???

Now work slightly better lar, got a better hand at it le...so if free juz be silent reader most of the time but sometimes want to relieve stress so want to find some "old forum mates" to chit chat le...might nt be TTC stuff lar just any other things under the sun hahahahaha......

Keep me company leh... :p
E*, wah lao.. so cheapo ah? Then u must rem who they are and dun give their kids this year. :p My side relative never really give me AB since get married liao but hubby side very nice, still gave us, somemore range from $10 - $20 each..

BBT was abt 36.6 - 36.8 before testing BFP, dip to 36.7 on day test +ve, CD28.. before O, temp range from 35.9 - 36.4

Wah Liz, so ulu ah? But sounds fun
Last time my ex bf ah gong stay in Pulau Ubin, we also go there visit him, also got chickens etc in backyard.. so fun. Tell hubby SO-IUI liao, jab very pain and Uncle Cheng says cannot move too much.. sure can siam de...

Principal SASA!! How are u? In 2ww now??

I have some enquiries.

My menses should be due on 5th Jan. However I tested negative. I have slight bleeding and brown discharge on 9th Jan, which is 3 days after my menses is due. So I went to my gynae and was told that there was no sac in the uterus and I tested negative again. Instead I was detected to have ovary cysts. I was given medication for this and also some hormone pills that will induce my period to come.

The thing is, my period has always been on time, if not earlier. It has never been this late. Now it is already 9 days pass my menses. I am very worried and I don’t know whether to take the medication or not. What if there is really a sac but still too early to be detected? What should I do now?
hi galribena, why not do another test and see what it says? it should show a pretty reliable reading since you're already 9dpo. another way to find out would be to do a blood test, i guess; it apparently is able to pick up very low levels of hcg which would otherwise be missed out by the usual test kits. i hope this helps.
muack!!! you are back!!! miss you leh... how are you?

ha ha... got symptom lah. leg ache loh. PMS symptom. :p

hope you are on your way back home to rest. ya ya.. good idea!!! will tell DH that this year. muahhahhaa....

only slightly younger lah. :p
hi xuanting, i am afraid of disappointments again, so i would like to wait for another few more days to test. Besides i dont have any symptoms at all. i saw the ultrasound screen. there is really nothing at all.
Liz.. i decided to stay in office to clear my stuff.. paiseh last year take so many MC, this year take so much again... yes, tell hubby it's uncle cheng advice and he will sure exempt you... I hope by then you already get BFP liao, so get even more legitimate reason not to go...

galribena.. how abt taking a blood test? If you are very early in your pregnancy ie 5 weeks or earlier or hcg lesser than 1200, u will not be able to see the waterbag yet. It's safer to go for a blood test to confirm the pregnancy esp if you are having spotting, best to confirm pregnancy earlier and let gynae prescribe you with medicine to stop spotting...

That's how cheapo some of them are, my mum said if they know how to "di gong" we oso "di xiao" buangz siah....

Your DH side still quite nice, that's gd! I always tell my mum, u think I very "gian" their AP meh, I can earn those $ wat's that few miserable $$ if they are unwilling to spare. Just a token oso act blur....-__- watever lar...cheapo!!

When did u test +ve? which DPO??

Are u facing alot of stress lately?? becos if so, your AF could be delayed de.....like you, I'm oso a regular 28 days, but last 2 mths, mine went haywire, came 1 wk after AF was due and for the next coming mth, my AF reported on CD22!!...

If not, are u taking any herbs/medication (eg "BFW" or etc?), it could oso result in AF going haywire.

A sac can normally be spotted at wk 5 onwards, if you gynae did not detect anything, it could be way too early...are u experiencing any other unusual symptoms?

You may like to do a blood test to detect for pregnancy, it's the most accurate way to know if you are pregnant or not? You can head down to TMC as walk in patient and opt to do a blood test. The results will take about an hour or so, at least knowing the results you dunnit to keep guessing...
e*: **sasa pats e* on the back**..

yeah man... long time nvr 'see' u here le.. hehe.

no no.... i hate the AP part and the prep... hehe.. i think the onli part i like is BUYING NEW CLOTHES!!! YEAH!!! hehe
this is the only time I can buy new clothes and hubby won't nag... hehe

hhmm... AP hang qing ah... this is wat i gave last yr. (eh.. u juz married meh? how come this will be ur 1st yr giving??)

Parents - $200 each
Grandparents - $80 (all my grandparents still around leh, haha)
Siblings - $50
Cousins - $8 - $10 (depends on close ties, hehe)
all others - $4

so u see.... the hole so BIG hor... and mind u.. i started giving out last yr leh.. (my 1st yr of marriage) tho some ppl say dun need to give lah.. but boh pian lor... hehe.. but den got collect oso lah. think this yr dun have le.. sob sob

muz work hard pop one.. den can collect all back.. haha

it's good to hear tat u r coping well at work.. hehe. do come in here more often. these days the thread like deadtown leh... i'm a silent reader.. hahha
roxyz: wah.... hehe.... u seem to be the only MTB to keep popping by leh... hahaha

i'm fine wor.. juz recently got cough and flu lor.. so uncomfortable..
roxy..i only have very very very slight red bleeding on 4dpo and slight brown discharge on 5dpo.. then nothing happens till now... i was like ??????? ..what is happening?

i have been ttc for many many months.. it is either the menses are early or zhun zhun.. never this late... so now its either taking medication to cure the cysts and induce period to come.. or wait or go blood test.. btw can i do the blood test at normal GP or polyclinic?

i dont have stress in my work ... only stress in ttc.. heeee..... when will be a good time to test? i dont have other symptons.. only burping n slight bloatedness..that is premenses symptons lor.. else..nothing..
**Big Bear Hugz to Sasa** muack muack...

I like the prep, hate the AP part hahahahaha....

Of coz I just married not long leh...tis year 1st yr giving out leh..diao diao..u think I married for how long le huh? ;p


Sasa, think your "hang qing" and mine pretty sama, but will give my parents & sis more...hohoho...the rest similar....

1st year marriage hv to give only just tht we can still receive hahahaha....am sure your parents will give you rite? so dunnit sob sob lar ...

Ya ya, muz jia you to pop one by nxt year to "recuperate" the "loss" lolx..muhahahahahahaha ;p

Yeah, am back now lor..so u muz be back oso...hope the other "old classmates" will oso come back here!!

CNY mah, must reunion!!
Liz: **sasa winks to liz**.. hehe.. u miss me ah??

ur leg ache hor.. i think its coz u stand around too much lah.. hehe. or u work very hard over the weekend isit? so muscle tense le...

ya roxyz... not feeling well better go back n rest lah... dun overstrain yrself...
E*, Sasa
actually i don't like CNY. I got nothing to prep leh. then I hate to buy clothes during CNY. usually wear during CNY then never wear liao.... ha ha ha... so these few years never buy new clothes liao. last time still need to get new underwear, shoes and PJs.

U can go and have the test done at your GP, but the test results will take a longer time to be revealed becos they nd to send to an ext lab mah...Polyclinic am not too sure, maybe u can call and check with them

Dun get too stress in TTC ok, it won't be gd! the key is to relax and take it easy, like dat easier to strike leh! How long have you been TTC-ing? Normally, if one missed their AF by a day, can test le, some pple get a +ve on DPO9 onwards it depends....u use FMU to test rite??
ya lah. miss you loh!!! today no mood to work. so yak here. :p no lah. never work hard after O liao. no mood!!! Oops!!!
Galribena: Welcome!! yeah.. i agree with the gals here. it might have been too early when u tested and scanned. I would suggest u go see another doc and take a blood test.

Not to make u worried but we need to eliminate the chances of an ectopic pregnancy. so if u feel tat ur AF has always been regular and till now, it's not made its appearance but all HPT tests have shown -ve.. u would need to take a blood test fast. doc should be able to comment from there..

hope this helps.

For me I get all those that I can wear for work and outings, so not just limit to CNY only, did spring cleaning recently and throw away couple bagfuls of clothes to make way for new ones...;p hahahaha...

Recently, have been buying clothes then can act as Maternity wear
hahahaha...DH said good man, like that can use for now and future hahahaha ;p *diao*
wah good good..... this forum is coming ALIVE!!!! haha...... suddenly it reminds me of chicken biscuit.. u noe the tagline "Alive with Flavour" haha

e*: wah.. realli ah. eh.. all this while hor.. i tot u married earlier den mi leh... oops...

liz: haha... u are 1 of those rare few leh.. who dun like to buy new clothes for cny.. hhmm....

yeah... yak yak yak..!!!
e*: tats the way to go ah-ha ah-ha... hehe

anyway nowadays oso fashion mah.. those baggy tops.. hehe... i oso bot a few..
ha ha... same here. got one piece from Zara sale. DH pick it for me. he say can use as maternity wear.

i weird lah. I hate to buy clothes cause I have very bad taste in clothes. Most of my clothes are black. ha ha ha.. that's why at CNY always get those bright clothes which I don't wear. give up liaoz...
starrynite.. ya.. i already try to relax.. but until today i still have alot of ????????? .. i want to make a final attempt on 14dpo.. ie to test again...after which i will take the medicine if negative.. or do a blood test..

what is FMU?

halo sasa
what are the symptons of ectopic pregnancy?

"Alive with Favour" so are you bringing Chicken Biscuits to class??? *yummy*!!!

Diao diao diao...fainted...I oni got married last year leh...hahahaha....oops muz be becos I LKK le lolx

Ya lar, now everywhere all selling those "doll-like tops/dresses" hahahaha....so it's gd for preggies as well!! hee hee...


Yr Dh and mine sama sama, most of my clothes he will pick de lor...he said even if preggie oso muz be stylish! hahahaha...he can't stand pple wearing those orbit cha cha maternity wear..hahahah shang nao jing...

My CNY clothes all black leh..hahaha becos it's the oni colour I can wear..hohoho
galribena: actually u can start testing again a week after u miss ur menses. by den it should show the result. but if still show -ve, i would strongly suggest u go for a blood test.

FMU = First Morning Urine

hhmm... symptoms?? no symptoms.. but i guess more pulling cramps on the side of the fallopian tube tat the foetus is attached on.. oops... not to make u worried k.

It might realli be a case tat u tested too early. coz maybe ur HCG levels not high enuff yet..
sasa.. i did not use the FMU test.. i tested at nite..
there are even no cramps for me to feel..if they are cramps then at least i m not so worried.. cos i would have taken the medication liao.. :p

anyway i will test again 1 week later.. but i m prepared that it will be negative.. cos maybe there is really something wrong there.. n the ovary cysts might be the cause of it..
e*: aiyo.... i wish leh.. but these days hor.. chicken biscuits so exp. am waiting for sale to come again.. hehe.

oops.. u onli got married last yr? haha.. paiseh wor

ya ya... can u imagine.. last time the maternity wear so obiang one.. so flowery.. haha... big and flarry.. hehe

FMU = First Morn Urine (the first pee after you get up in the morning), it's supposed to contain a higher level of HCG.

Some symptoms of ectopic preg include:

1) Pain in the abdomen area
2) Shoulders ache
3) Abnormal bleeding
4) Fainting Spells
galribena: hhmm..... nah nah.. den i think its bcoz the hcg levels are not high enuff yet. hehe... FMU has the highest concentrated hcg.. so most tests will recommend tat we test using FMU. mayb observe this week and see how lor... hehe.. den test again. this time using FMU k..

any symptoms?? from wat u describe, i have a feeling u strike le.. hehe. good luck!! we will hear from u again a week later?
starrynite.. i have none of the symptons that u mentioned above
... not even cramping..!!!

sasa... u know i can see v clearly fm the ultrascan that there is nothing in there...n i think that in 4dpo u can already see if there is a sac growing.. after that gynae also asked me to use test kit..negative again... so how to have hope??

if strike ..will at least have some funny funny symptons .. now i have none...
..so i m not hoping to be tested positive.. it feels nothing at all...
I'm confuse. you mean 4 days past AF due date right. Now you are around 9 days past AF due date right?
Anyway, are you very sure you have ovulated this cycle? Tested with OPK? Check cervical mucus and taken BBT? If not, this might be a case where you did not ovulate this month. thus, the lining might take a longer time to shed.

But no point guessing if you are preg or not, the best thing to do is to take the blood test and confirm. You can get the results in 1 hr if you got to TMC

my MIL LKK mah. :p sianz!!!
liz.. yes now i m 9 days past AF due date... errr.. i did not know if i have ovulated.. n i did not test with OPK n no charting and no taking of BBT.. hehee.. just bang n go n wait...
liz...thanks....I always thought so too until I read galribena saying she's DPO9 in 1 post n 9 days past AF due date in another....
sorry for the confusion here cos i was following the wrong abbreviations..just to clarify.. its actually now 9 days past my AF due date....
liz...I'm doing fine except for the suspense I'm feeling nw as I'm at my 2WW nw...hee...wedding was tiring but fun...nw I can look back and tell my frens who r getting married to relax and be a beautiful bride!
never mind lah. we all also very blur with these abbreviations.

I jia lat today. super duper no mood to work. cham liaoz...

cool. I miss my wedding. a bit sad that my PIL invited sooooo... many pple that I had no time to mingle with my frens.
so how days DPO are you?

luckily for me. suspense will be over in 2 days. :p
