2WW - for those TTC-ing

Hi Pink Piglet, few of my relatives taken everyweek for the BFY till conceive. Now everyone of them already have 2-3 children. I think better check with tcm "yi shi"to confirm.


Ya lor, Cos i think it may be true cos since it helps to report our menses regularlly, so in a way may affect... today i will go ask the "Yi Shi"
Morning gals!!!

Long time no chat in here already since my exams, followed by xmas.....

Hope everyone is doing well here......
Hi Blackberry,
Got one forum mate check with Eu Ren Sheng they said its ok to take while TTC. Yest i also went to check with 2 TCM near my place they said same thing, i still worry so i went to consult Ma Guang TCM.

the Seng Seh also said should be ok, and the ingredient in BFY suppose to improve our overall health and Bu our womb. Just that certain herd may be too strong to take during pregnanacy, so she personally feel that taking BFY is ok while we TTC, just stop when preggie can liao.

I also read someone in other thread saying her menses only report once a yr. After check up gynae said chances of having BB is 0. then she try her luck and take BFY, just hoping can help regulate her menses. surprisingly she got preggie after 6 mths.

Sounds encouraging right.. Btw, how often do u take the BFY? for me I take one on 3rd day of menses and one after menses.. but this mth havnt take after menses, cos i heard abt the neg effect, so i worry lo..
Consuming Royal Jelly helps to keep skin smooth, toned and elastic, stimulates the immune system to fight viral and bacterial infection, regulates and balances hormones, has a bactericidal action on bacteria like staph, stimulates growth, lowers blood lipids and cholesterol, helps to regenerate bone growth, builds tissue and muscles, supports wound healing, increases vigor and physical strength, provides extra physiological support during pregnancy and menopause, helps to alleviate the pain of arthritis, stimulates better memory and mental function, has an anti-depressive anti-anxiety effect, can help to regulate weight, rejuvenates the aged, sick or weak.
my AF is still not here, already late for 4 days.

went to my chinese sinseh on Monday and he say that my BBT (36.6 and 36.7 +/-) is still consider high as my BBT is always around 36.3 before O.

actually i have tested with clearblue digitial pregnancy test kit but result is 'NOT PREGNANT'.
ok. this is what I found for manuka honey.

For Men: 2 Tablespoons of Honey taken before retiring for the day, may help increase semen count.

For Women: Mix 3 Teaspoons of honey with 1/4 Teaspoon Cinnamon Powder. Take 3x daily. Take 1 teaspoon of this mix and let it dissolve under the tongue for about a minute, then swallow the rest. Under the tongue there is a very high absorption rate. This mix may help increase fertility.

test again a few days later? did you test in the morning?
hi liz,

I didnt heard alot abt that particular, more for royal jelly..

wah seh really so fantastic ah...

Hi Sharon,

Maybe u can try test again...good luck leh!!
The other day very funni my friend tried using clearblue P test, tested twice shows fade positive...but later comfirm that she is not preg...dont know why..the instruction states that even fade positive also consider preg..but she is not using the digital one. later she tried using digital one it shows not preg. but later confirm with gynae side that she is not preg...dont know why..

I wonder how could this happened.
Hi Liz,

U think I can let DH take the honey by mixing with water? like honey water? dont know can put in fridge anot..taste better when cold..hahaha..
Liz, I heard abt the honey mixed with cinnamon but I heard it more for it improves complexion =)

Sharon, the fact that your bbt stays high is a very good sign! Perhaps test another this Sunday? bbdust to you!!
liz, i tested early in the morning but result is -ve.

pink piglet, the P kit expiry already is it? haha... such things also happen.

roxy, thanks for the bbdust. today my bbt drop to 36.58 (yst is 36.60). my breasts are so full and sore since wed... think AF should be coming.

actually i dun have high hopes cos never work hard this cycle
Hi Sharon,

Dont know leh, but she just bought it, so i think shouldnt be expired. actually 1 of the test she did w Dr also have very fade positive but, Dr told her its very fade so its not reliable. funni lor, i think is the birth control pills she took (to delay her last menses) which affect the result.
ha ha.. not bad to get good complexion also. anyway, i will start taking it as it seems to be good for the throat as well. have been coughing for months.

I should think so.
Liz/sharon/ roxy,

I think i O around day 16, U think its ok for me to BD everyday from day 12 - 17? will be 6 days in total..dont know will affect sperm quality anot? do u all BD every during the 6 fertile days?
ha ha... think the things to take are getting more and more ex.

eh.. my gynae told us to try only at the O day night.. so you got to check with the rest
Hi Pink Piglet, Yesterday I checked with one of my relatives, her AF only report 4-5 times per year ( every 2-3 months ), she took 1 bottle BFY everyweek and also 'baizheng' soup. For the 1st child, she took 9 months then conceive, second one took 5-6 months. Before the first child, her chinese shinsheh also comment that she had 'cold womb'.
Yes, I think want to continue to take the BFY. I took 3 bottles per month started on Sept onward. But last month stop after 'O'.Previously only take 1 bottle per month.

Ya, gynae also mention that BD every alternate day during the 'o' period.

cos i KS lor...my last cycle i try a day before O, once on O day and one after O...then also unsucessful leh..cos feel like trying more days lor..
Hi berry,

just now i went to ask the TCM "Fu Hua" they also said better not to take wo... cos in the BFY there is one herbs that help regulate the blood, "qi xue" this is the reason why pregnant women cant take that..

but i ask both Eu Ren Seng and Ma guang both said should be ok.
Liz, cough too much dun take honey... very sweet with phlegm, might cause even more phlegm and worse coughing...

pink my gynae advised do once 2/3 day before O and not to do anyday at all. Preserve quality... then test positive O, do as many times as possible 12 hrs later, i tried this method and striked...
hmm. sometimes i find pregnancy test not accurate lehs.
i remember yrs ago i did one pregnancy test on 5 kits but all show fade positive den go see doc also same and dr sae mayb is foteus not stable come back 1 week but by den had my menses.

tink preg kit also not veri stable?
hi gals,
it's been a while since i'm here ... was sick for the whole month of oct.. hope everyone is doing fine or many babydust to share.. hehe

hope u n ur bb are fine ya... jia you ok!

if u can.. take royal jelly mix with honey which is good for men n women fertility as well.. but dun take the capsule form of royal jelly cos it's been processed.. try to get those gooey texture type similar to honey.. my hubby n i have been drinking it for a couple of weeks now... this cycle my cramps were more bearable n i didn't take any medication...

got to bear in mind... dun touch honey or royal jelly with metal spoons or hot water as it will destroy the enzymes in it...

anyway, just a little trivia.. royal jelly n honey are produced both by the bees.. but royal jelly is food for the queen bee only who's job is only to produce thousands of off-springs n their life-span is like 2-3 yrs.. whereas normal honey is food for the workers' bees n they don't reproduce n their life-span is abt 2-3 weeks.. thus royal jelly would be more effective but much more expensive than honey..
Morning gals!
Happy New Year!!!

what our gynae says is test in the morning then try from 8pm to 8 am that night.

wah!!! royal jelly ex. ha ha... let me take my manuka first. want to cure my cough first. :p Thanks for your advice!!
Hi everyone,

Happy New year, Hope all of us here who r TTC will have good luck in 2008 & pple who is gonna be mummy in 2008 have a cute & healthy BB..

Hi Liz,

Oh wow, I didnt know what...I think i'm quite stupid leh, didnt really dare to ask much while i'm w my gynae wo...Thanks for sharing..heehee, I'm so stupid, my last cycle when i tested +, i quickly wake my DH to BD hahaha... maybe thanks why chances reduce le
Hi everyone, Happy New Year!

Pink Piglet, Pregnant women can not take BFY. Do you using opk to test?

Roxy, you mean try many times on that 'o' date?

This month I seem like not 'o', sigh!
Hello all
Just saw Dr A.L Lim today... he said baby is growing well all normal and baby seems big. But seems that my amniotic fluid looks abit low... it's making me so so worried!! He said nothing I can do except to sleep more. I'm praying and I know God will increase my level and keep baby safe. Am going for detailed scan next week. Hopefully by then fluid level go up.Praying hard and keeping hopes high. Hmm, my baby seems to be a mickey, saw a little something between his legs just now... Dr said most likely boy unless he bunched his legs so tight that it cause that little lump of flesh there...

Happy 2008 all!!
Hubby seems to trust Uncle Cheng more and he insists we stick to him, dun see so many gynae and make ourselves worried for nothing... will see wat uncle cheng says....
Hi blackberry,

Yap i did use the opk to test, i tested positive and quicky BD, but didnt really BD like what Liz mentioned.

WOW Roxy,

Thats so exciting...how many weeks are u now?? and whats amniotic fluid is all abt? and how does it affect the stablity? u dont worry so much i think overall ur Dr comments sounded positive..heehee Good luck for u and BB
Rata... coz we 2 weeks plus never see baby and DH missed baby... and Uncle Cheng unscheduled visit is so expensive!! So we went to see Dr Lim, much cheaper and he's not bad. Very detailed, measured baby waist, head length etc for me...but he's much more cautious and seems more pessimistic compared to Uncle Cheng. He told me how come I dnc in Mar and not so good to conceive again (I conceived 6 cycles later! I dun find it soon hee) then I got bleeding etc etc and I must be more careful etc. But if it's Uncle Cheng, he will be very reassuring and tell you everything is fine. But Dr Lim did say everything is fine and normal for baby, just I need more rest to increase oxygen level to baby. Will pray hard and see what Uncle Cheng says next week during my detailed scan and update everyone again.

Pink, me about 18 weeks now and tummy still not really showing :p Just look fat... Amniotic fluid is very impt for baby coz they swim, breathe and grow in the fluid. Impt for their lungs and major organs devt.
roxy, me too cant wait for next appt. So worry if baby is still coping fine is a long 4 weeks wait... 3 more weeks to go. But y Dr Lim say not so good lei? so to him must wait how long? For my gynae he tell me can start immediately after my CP. hmmm.........
hi <font color="0000ff">roxy</font>,
I'm also seeing Dr.Cheng. I'm 8+weeks now. My next visit will be in 18th Jan. I'm also very anxious to see my baby....me like you, thinking of seeing another gynae next week just to see the baby..hahaha...
Yeah Dr.Cheng's unscheduled visit is expensive lah.

<font color="0000ff">Ratatouille</font>
I think CP is different. CP no need to anything and just wait for AF to come naturally, right?
Doing is D&amp;C is quite harmful(?sorry dunno what word to use. but i think you get my meaning) to the womb. Thus, most gynaes will recommend to wait for few cycles before ttcing again.
The gynae that did my D&amp;C adviced me to wait for 3cycles.
Hi ladies

Happy 2008!

Can anyone share with me where to get BFY?
Read quite a few comments about it earlier on..
how's the price range like?

