2WW - for those TTC-ing

littlebbsheep, u cannot determine fallopian tubes are not block using opk test :D opk is to see got O or not. i m very scared of cramping pains too :( tat's y till now i still dare not go for hsg test. i will ask my gynae when i see him next week to check my follicle to see is it doing any good? or ovulated? :) but i read tat doing the hsg can also help clear your tubes if your tubes are slightly block or like not clean... me thinking maybe it works just like e toilet drain... if it is stuck, we will use full force of water to unblock it. so maybe hsg works e same. *provided e block is not serious*

the clearblue EASY digital is not cheap. watsons selling $70+ for 7 sticks... sometimes got offer like 20%? 10%? i forgot le. 1st time i bought $56+ for 7 sticks on offer.
After tat i bought online. or Qoo10 at $60+ $70 for 20 sticks.

bubbleblue thanks, i don't need e tsb slot. seeing her next week. so excited. but it gonna be a no no news..

gamma, how's ur everything???

lemontart, do u need to take any painkillers b4 e hsg??? i know tat thy need to inject e ink/dye and the painful part is e ink flowing in and not e stick poking u. i don mind e stick poking in e V. but so scared of e pain. is it like AF pain? TIA worried me.

When your discharge is like egg white. It is the most fertile.
sunflower, this mth i don have EWCM (egg white cervical mucus) but i do have the white come, the sticky white... i know EWCM shld be like transparent stretchy one. mine this cycle no lei. it's only white col stretchy sticky type. does that consider egg white come?

Ha ha not very pain lah.....I don't find it pain at all, I feel more pai seh than pain cos u really expose yr VJJ under those bright lights OMG. U need lie down. Stand cannot ha ha cos the X ray dye will flow out.
not pain is good, my pain threshold is v low too. did u eat any painkillers or medicine b4 hsg?
dear all, I am back from my holiday!! I miss you all the sisters over here!!!! Was so tempted to surf the forum when I was holidaying hahahaa. Too many pages for me to follow up now & please let me congrats to all those ladies who BFP!!! So happi for you ladies!!!!

I was trying to catch up at work so didnt login for a long time. I also taking blackmores conceive well vitamin which I think is really helpful as I get egg-white discharge after taking it. My HSG report shows I am ok. By the way, anyone wants early appt with TSB? Mine is on 4 Jul but I am going to postpone it to next mth since my bbt chart is totally blank blank cos I was too excited to go hkg disneyland. I will call the branch at chinatown later so you can book my time slot in the evening around 5.30-6pm. o_O TGIF!! :p
hope this will be your time!!! read tat aft hsg, u will be more clear, bcos ur cleared ur tubes. :) good luck!
can share with me your experience? tia. i am seriously planning to do this since i am considering IVF - still not giving up trying b4 last resort of IVF cos i really hate n scared of the procedure :( n hubby oso don agree doing IVF so i don wanna force and make things worse.
dear all, I am back from my holiday!! I miss you all the sisters over here!!!! Was so tempted to surf the forum when I was holidaying hahahaa. Too many pages for me to follow up now & please let me congrats to all those ladies who BFP!!! So happi for you ladies!!!!

I was trying to catch up at work so didnt login for a long time. I also taking blackmores conceive well vitamin which I think is really helpful as I get egg-white discharge after taking it. My HSG report shows I am ok. By the way, anyone wants early appt with TSB? Mine is on 4 Jul but I am going to postpone it to next mth since my bbt chart is totally blank blank cos I was too excited to go hkg disneyland. I will call the branch at chinatown later so you can book my time slot in the evening around 5.30-6pm. o_O TGIF!! :p

@bubbleblue1 possible for the slot to be abit later? like 6.30 to 7pm? My appt is supposed to be 18 Jul. I dun mind early appt with her though.
sunflower, this mth i don have EWCM (egg white cervical mucus) but i do have the white come, the sticky white... i know EWCM shld be like transparent stretchy one. mine this cycle no lei. it's only white col stretchy sticky type. does that consider egg white come?

Hm, mine is normally creamy b4 ovulation then will turn to egg white around ovulation.
Can't advise you lei. Anyway just BD haha

Actually I also did bbt, opk and everything else. I find it that it is making me super stressful, worry y never O, worry y so late O. haha then I jus throw everything away and look at my CM. But I am quite lucky coz I am on a 28-30 day cycle every month and my O dates are quite stable.

I didrealize that eating EPO make me have a lot of ECMW and also drinking my TCM med give me a lot too.
littlebbsheep, u cannot determine fallopian tubes are not block using opk test :D opk is to see got O or not. i m very scared of cramping pains too :( tat's y till now i still dare not go for hsg test. i will ask my gynae when i see him next week to check my follicle to see is it doing any good? or ovulated? :) but i read tat doing the hsg can also help clear your tubes if your tubes are slightly block or like not clean... me thinking maybe it works just like e toilet drain... if it is stuck, we will use full force of water to unblock it. so maybe hsg works e same. *provided e block is not serious*

the clearblue EASY digital is not cheap. watsons selling $70+ for 7 sticks... sometimes got offer like 20%? 10%? i forgot le. 1st time i bought $56+ for 7 sticks on offer.
After tat i bought online. or Qoo10 at $60+ $70 for 20 sticks.

bubbleblue thanks, i don't need e tsb slot. seeing her next week. so excited. but it gonna be a no no news..

gamma, how's ur everything???

lemontart, do u need to take any painkillers b4 e hsg??? i know tat thy need to inject e ink/dye and the painful part is e ink flowing in and not e stick poking u. i don mind e stick poking in e V. but so scared of e pain. is it like AF pain? TIA worried me.

sunflower, this mth i don have EWCM (egg white cervical mucus) but i do have the white come, the sticky white... i know EWCM shld be like transparent stretchy one. mine this cycle no lei. it's only white col stretchy sticky type. does that consider egg white come?

Hi Emily,

Maybe this will help you regarding yr queries on CM.


TGIF everyone!
hope this will be your time!!! read tat aft hsg, u will be more clear, bcos ur cleared ur tubes. :) good luck!
can share with me your experience? tia. i am seriously planning to do this since i am considering IVF - still not giving up trying b4 last resort of IVF cos i really hate n scared of the procedure :( n hubby oso don agree doing IVF so i don wanna force and make things worse.

Hi Emily, thanks for your wishes!! It took me quite a while to decide to go HSG cos I was supposed to travel soon and actually it doesnt make sense to me why I have to go through it since I have a child before. It felt like pap smear (if you have done it before) then slowly insert the dye into you. I experienced slight cramp on my left side but not for very long and I could see the dye flowing on screen actually. Nothing felt on my right side. It was completed in a couple of mins. The doctor will tell you when to breathe and breathe out. Most importantly is must relax. I did take panadol that day cos I was having slight flu so you may try??? Thereafter I spotted 2 days which is normal.. Thanks to one of the sister, piggy2008 who told me to prepare pantyliners! Othewise the hospital will ask if you need a pad. After HSG, I went home straightaway to ZZZzzzZZz. haha....

My hb is also anti-IVF type de. I think the most important thing is you must be mentally prepared of the results of your IVF. The emotional aspect affects you & your spouse very greatly also.

@graceakaclouds, I usually register myself at 5.30-6pm but by the time I Q to see TSB, it's usually after 7pm liao. Do you want to PM me your chinese name or ref no. so I can call & make changes later? Actually I also not sure how it works since this is supposed to be my 3rd time seeing her. hehe...

Ladies, anyone do so before?
Hi Emily, thanks for your wishes!! It took me quite a while to decide to go HSG cos I was supposed to travel soon and actually it doesnt make sense to me why I have to go through it since I have a child before. It felt like pap smear (if you have done it before) then slowly insert the dye into you. I experienced slight cramp on my left side but not for very long and I could see the dye flowing on screen actually. Nothing felt on my right side. It was completed in a couple of mins. The doctor will tell you when to breathe and breathe out. Most importantly is must relax. I did take panadol that day cos I was having slight flu so you may try??? Thereafter I spotted 2 days which is normal.. Thanks to one of the sister, piggy2008 who told me to prepare pantyliners! Othewise the hospital will ask if you need a pad. After HSG, I went home straightaway to ZZZzzzZZz. haha....

My hb is also anti-IVF type de. I think the most important thing is you must be mentally prepared of the results of your IVF. The emotional aspect affects you & your spouse very greatly also.

@graceakaclouds, I usually register myself at 5.30-6pm but by the time I Q to see TSB, it's usually after 7pm liao. Do you want to PM me your chinese name or ref no. so I can call & make changes later? Actually I also not sure how it works since this is supposed to be my 3rd time seeing her. hehe...

Ladies, anyone do so before?

@bubbleblue1 haiz cos I finish work at 6pm de. I pm u
I noticed that since I stopped the pill. I tend to get aching feeling at the abdomen during ovulation period. Initially I thought it could be due to endo again so trying to think positive that it is ovulation ache?
possible, since it's not uncommon to have ovulation pains
doodoo, i think is to scan to check no other things inside?
like what things? polyps? babies? it cannot check for blocked tubes mah right? so it's just the womb...
You bd every alternate days?
actually hor.. when doing SA, the instructions are to clear then keep 3-5 days before doing the test. do you think tt means 3-5 days later is the best! although gynaes and other docs recommend bd alternate days.... but if 2 days enuff for them to mature, why need to wait 3-5 days for the test? or maybe bd 3-5 days is optimal?
Back to sprinkle more bb dust. my beanie is doing fine !

Happy for you, gamma.
How is everything? You seen hb previously right? So any new updates from the scan?
Really feel so happy for you... Sincerely hope we all here can soon have a chance to progress to the doctor's room to be scanned for babies. :D

By the way, *grabs dust* !
Happy for you, gamma.
How is everything? You seen hb previously right? So any new updates from the scan?
Really feel so happy for you... Sincerely hope we all here can soon have a chance to progress to the doctor's room to be scanned for babies. :D

By the way, *grabs dust* !

saw hb tt time when I rushed down cos of bleeding. now bb has grown bigger, now it's 8 wks 2 days. doc gave me a feb 4 due date ... ;)
Forgot to take pix again..when I did you OPK last night. 2nd line was more faint than C line. It did get me a bit worried but BD anyways
Just a random note my gynae was "nagging" over my heels *oops* and the hb told him...I already told her but she doesn't listen to me... and my gynae said... pls obstetricians wife alsp don't listen to the obstetrician ...
Just a random note my gynae was "nagging" over my heels *oops* and the hb told him...I already told her but she doesn't listen to me... and my gynae said... pls obstetricians wife alsp don't listen to the obstetrician ...

LOL!! I wore heels during 2nd pregnancy and was very vain. Somehow my girl turned out super vain now too :p
My gynae was saying... Half an inch!!!
Wa!!! I was quite heck care and just wore what made me happy. It was heels to car then to office then to car. Didn't have to walk so much so I figured why not :p

But up to you, if gynae says so think better to listen since it is first tri still?
Wa!!! I was quite heck care and just wore what made me happy. It was heels to car then to office then to car. Didn't have to walk so much so I figured why not :p

But up to you, if gynae says so think better to listen since it is first tri still?

I think no matter how need to get some kitty heels at least . what I wore tosay.. 2 inches at least.
gamma, time to wear flats!! Come to think about it, for safety reason & be extra careful during first tri. Remember to book your confinement nanny soon. CNY period very difficult to get nanny unless you have someone on standby to care your bb while you rest. Enjoy your pregnancy kk?

graceakaclouds, I cant help you get the earlier date appt. Sorry.
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I think I gonna get flats liao la. my hb, dolly gal and now my gynae are advising against it... hahaha. mebbe keep them for special dinners!
Ya I only wore wedges ard Wk14 for my company sales gala once. Then after tat flats again. My colleagues more gan cheong than me, ask me walk carefully..
gamma, time to wear flats!! Come to think about it, for safety reason & be extra careful during first tri. Remember to book your confinement nanny soon. CNY period very difficult to get nanny unless you have someone on standby to care your bb while you rest. Enjoy your pregnancy kk?

graceakaclouds, I cant help you get the earlier date appt. Sorry.
I think I can count on my mom n pil..Thank goodness
gamma, time to wear flats!! Come to think about it, for safety reason & be extra careful during first tri. Remember to book your confinement nanny soon. CNY period very difficult to get nanny unless you have someone on standby to care your bb while you rest. Enjoy your pregnancy kk?

graceakaclouds, I cant help you get the earlier date appt. Sorry.

@bubbleblue1 no worries, she gave me a even better slot thks to u muacks!!
Grace why so long nv c tsb ?

@bel_vodka cos gynae said after the op last yr to wait for a few mths before starting to try, best is Jan since i did a key hole surgery. Then Jan tis yr we started to try but not really hardworking. Like maybe BD 1-3 times max during O period nia. That's it. haiz the hb always say he v stressed at work leh. So technically, we seriously starting ttc-ing in april. But last mth again slack cos the hb v stressed wif work n study @@ So i tot maybe go to csb to tiao body again and prep bah.

I tell you hor, the last time I saw her in last July, it was my first time. So today is my virgin time for 2014 to see tsb hahaha. It wasn't really a very gd exp though. She supposed to check my pulse but forgot. Then she told me very hard for me to conceive cos I had cyst op before. But I just listen then orh orh then took her med....the next mth got positive test liao...
