2WW - for those TTC-ing

Stoney: yes! I watched finish the show oredi! So sweet & nice! Kekeke...

Hopeful_mum: when I was younger I dun like kids also! Cuz I'm the youngest in my family I'm always the bb at home, so how would I like kids when I'm one! Lol... but ever since I saw my hubby love kids so much, I want to have a small family with him... still trying hard to reach that objective, but I know someday I'll get there! :D

Chocopiggie. Same! High 5! Lol. I'm also youngest and in my 3rd gen paternal side some more. The worst part was those aunties around me always tell me don't let my mum give me a baby sibling or no one will love me and sayang me. So evil right these ppl! Lol

So I believe cox my mum sayang my younger cousin (maternal). Of cox lah her sis son, then ppl son u must let ppl play with ur children's toys etc mah. But last time so young I don't understand. So I believe those auntie words and began to dislike anyone younger than me!

Omg I'm such a jealous kid!

Lol but over the years will grow up sure have ppl younger. And got along with them so okay loh I okay Liao. Slowly by 20 I think they are cute.
i also finished. ya too sweet n nice to be true... hahaha....
but still like. hehehe....

kids are cute but is devil when naughty. hahaha..
tats wat i learn fr my sis daughter which is 2yrs old now. hahaha..
but i still wan kid. partly also becoz of my PIL. but then the stress is there lor when they start to tok abt this topic.

anyway, my hb told me if iui cannot then the most dun hv.just say its our fate. He dun wan me go thru the pain in IVF. nice of him but at the same time feel sad. becoz if really dun have like really bad lor. becoz my hb likes kids alot.....
i also finished. ya too sweet n nice to be true... hahaha....
but still like. hehehe....

kids are cute but is devil when naughty. hahaha..
tats wat i learn fr my sis daughter which is 2yrs old now. hahaha..
but i still wan kid. partly also becoz of my PIL. but then the stress is there lor when they start to tok abt this topic.

anyway, my hb told me if iui cannot then the most dun hv.just say its our fate. He dun wan me go thru the pain in IVF. nice of him but at the same time feel sad. becoz if really dun have like really bad lor. becoz my hb likes kids alot.....
but ur hb really chill hor as in really kan de kai. i guess no choice ur PIL need to respect both your decisions. but don't give up yet, just first round of IUI.
got possibility one. :) may i know how old are u?
haha.. ya. but i kan bu kai. lol....
anyway also haven til tat stage yet. so lets try n c ba...
Jia you lor...

me ar. Monday Juz 32 yrs old lor. hahaha... although not tat old. but also not tat young liao...
haha.. ya. but i kan bu kai. lol....
anyway also haven til tat stage yet. so lets try n c ba...
Jia you lor...

me ar. Monday Juz 32 yrs old lor. hahaha... although not tat old. but also not tat young liao...
oh happy belater birthday! we are the same age, we all rooster babies! lol. are u feeling better already?

ya i also kan bu kai. ever since my ectopic, my mum keep telling me my life is more impt. now modern society its okay to have no kids. plus hubby sibling married and having kids soon why pressure myself so much. then hor, my bro not married so no kids. and then im the next sibling, my house will totally have no kids loh!

she so kan de kai, coz i guess we are the children and parents want us to be safe and happy. just like how we would want our own to be happy and healthy.
thanks. me ar. ok lar. not too bad.
ur mum so nice. kan de kai.
my PIL there no kids. my hb bro n sis not married yet. somemore they are older than my hb.
so all the pressure will come to us.

my side still ok. as my sis got 1 daughter liao.
i agree lor. but ur case is juz tiao ur body. once gd gd. then can start to try.
u can conceive. me is haiz...
anyway, 1 ting so funny. ytd eat lunch wif 2 colleagues (both guys), n we tok abt BD n kids. lol..
n still say til which position is better. whahaha...
suddenly realise ytd we tok so X rated. lucky another gal colleague not wif us. lol. if nt she sure pai sei de, hahahaha...
thanks. me ar. ok lar. not too bad.
ur mum so nice. kan de kai.
my PIL there no kids. my hb bro n sis not married yet. somemore they are older than my hb.
so all the pressure will come to us.

my side still ok. as my sis got 1 daughter liao.
i agree lor. but ur case is juz tiao ur body. once gd gd. then can start to try.
u can conceive. me is haiz...
anyway, 1 ting so funny. ytd eat lunch wif 2 colleagues (both guys), n we tok abt BD n kids. lol..
n still say til which position is better. whahaha...
suddenly realise ytd we tok so X rated. lucky another gal colleague not wif us. lol. if nt she sure pai sei de, hahahaha...
lol no lah not x-rated. the context is abt how to conceive easier mah its okay one. unless talking abt pleasure that one is different thing, but true lah some gals will pai seh. lol u also try not to put too much stress on yourself.

so u going to see that Dr tan tcm right? i nvr quite believed in tcm leh, but i tink now i slowly believing. i don't think i can achieve 100% what tcm asks me to do, but i will try to achieve as much as possible. meanwhile, u continue to take prenatals okay.
hahaha... ya lor. tok abt hw to conceive lor. my colleague got 2 kids le ma. both is conceive while on holiday. lol...
ok lar. will try lor. tis wkend goin to batam for short trip wif colleagues. time to relax....

shld b c dr tan (tcm). but her q sooo long. next yr feb. so i tinkin able to find alternative tcm or nt.
if wait til then, dun knw hw long. hahaha.....
hahaha... ya lor. tok abt hw to conceive lor. my colleague got 2 kids le ma. both is conceive while on holiday. lol...
ok lar. will try lor. tis wkend goin to batam for short trip wif colleagues. time to relax....

shld b c dr tan (tcm). but her q sooo long. next yr feb. so i tinkin able to find alternative tcm or nt.
if wait til then, dun knw hw long. hahaha.....
where u stay?
i know marine parade one that oen super famous also quite good. also brew herbs to drink one. then the one im seeing is at bukit batok. think got a few more. u go see how loh. but the Dr su that im seeing is holidaying liao. only back on 28 dec. anyway hor, tcm needs to drink and eat for abt 6mths for it to be effective, that's what others told me. but i tink some ppl their body is good they absorb faster.
morning ladies

I went to see Dr Tan (TCM) early this mth. Have been drinking the medi she prescribed. But the thing is... I can't seems to track my O this mth. I used the kit since day 13... not sure if the chinese medi screwed up my cycle. Looks like this cycle is another unsuccessful one.
I say at west area. hahaha....
so still better to go bk c west side tcm more convenient.
i knw nt so fast. becoz i tinking wan to cont iui or nt, or c tcm first. hmm...

oh. will it mess up?
she got say the med is for wat purpose???

I'm not sure if its cos of the medi. B4 seeing her, I can track my O using the kit. She didn't say the medi is for wat. Like someone said in this forum, she doesn't really like to answer questions. Only mentioned that I have a 'heaty' body.
I say at west area. hahaha....
so still better to go bk c west side tcm more convenient.
i knw nt so fast. becoz i tinking wan to cont iui or nt, or c tcm first. hmm...

oh. will it mess up?
she got say the med is for wat purpose???
lol actually u can do both at the same time. Dr Su not ex. first time u go she only give u one week meds then u take, if u go back again then 2 weeks meds. my friend was seeing the dr loh and then the marine parade tcm. after tiao liao the hb sperm count from low become normal. very amazing right. and it was the tcm who told him to check his sperm count leh.
Hi Ladies

Hope all of u still remembers me??? I am back here again after long weeks of break. So so so many msg, i did not scroll up to read :)

Went to gynae to do ultrasound early dec becos my last menses was 2 oct till now still no AF! Gynae suggest to wait for AF then do another ultrasound. So it has been a long time since i saw my AF. Imagine for 70+ days no AF??? I have also tested so many times that are all negative. Gynae suspect maybe is PCOS.

I dono what to do already. Enjoy myself to hope for maybe chances of pregnancy or wait for AF to come?
Congrats Rinko for her pregnancy too! She is in the Aug 2014 chat! So happy for her. 1 person from this group leaped to another stage liao :)
Hi Emily. Thanks I'm doing so-so.

Well think u shd stop testing first and see how ur Gynae can treat u. Once treated u will be able to conceive. :)

Jia you
hi ladies,

it has been a long time since i last log in...and i have been trying to catch up with all your posts.

another disappointing month for me too....AF came 1 week late, at first still thought have chance cuz period usually quite accurate (+2 or 3 days).

just got to know another friend due in feb, her no.2. happy for her but yet same time feel so envious.

i think i'm going for another round of IUI (if this time still cannot, then i'll stop trying for IUI already as success rate is very low and it's my 2nd try le).
morning ladies....

I also tink u stop testing le. since gynae did an ultrasound le.
really mayb is PCOS as PCOS will cause menses to be late.
so guess u can only wait til ur menses come. gynae cannot give u med to induce ur menses???

me also failed 1st round IUI. will be goin to review wif doc on y FAILED?
but IUI sucess rate got so low meh???
if u stop IUI, u proceeding to next step IVF or wat?
Just finished d12 scan. All abt 16mm. Prof said stim for 2 more days and mon egg retrieval. Haiz must continue jabs for 2 more days... tummy pain bloated v full n crampy liao.
Ya June I think IUI can do quite many times leh. It's ivf cannot. I hear ppl do 7-10 times. But of cox hope u all strike earlier lah by ur 2nd try :)
But IUI also very painful right? I still dun dare go n do the HSG to check my tubes lo... I told my Hubby to check his troops first, if everything normal then I will go do the tube check... lol...
I'm supposed to do HSG before the doc decided that I needed laparoscopy to remove my cysts and endometriosis .. Heard my frens said that it is painful .. But gyne said since I'm doing laparoscopy via GA, the checking of tubes will be done while doing laparoscopy .. So it kinda kill two birds with one stone .. During laparoscopy , gyne checked and she said my tubes are not blocked .. So i didn't exactly have to do HSG ..
hi ladies,

it has been a long time since i last log in...and i have been trying to catch up with all your posts.

another disappointing month for me too....AF came 1 week late, at first still thought have chance cuz period usually quite accurate (+2 or 3 days).

just got to know another friend due in feb, her no.2. happy for her but yet same time feel so envious.

i think i'm going for another round of IUI (if this time still cannot, then i'll stop trying for IUI already as success rate is very low and it's my 2nd try le).

Junie2606, Jia you!:) persevere on.. Hope your IUI will be a successful one !:)
Angelmimmy. Went to see Gynae and scan today after the a&e scare. So Gynae says I'm just miscarrying super early. I was okay already but he kept saying miscarrying. I damn sian. 4th time liao
Angelmimmy. Went to see Gynae and scan today after the a&e scare. So Gynae says I'm just miscarrying super early. I was okay already but he kept saying miscarrying. I damn sian. 4th time liao

that time me too, when I had chemical pregnancy, I also need to go back for another ultra sound and blood test to ensure hcg level went down and ultrasound scan to ensure no remaining tissues (if there is) are still in uterus. the doc also told me chemical pregnancy is like a super early miscarriage .. Jus that many ladies went through chemical pregnancy without realizing.. Especially ladies who are not actively TTC and they realized AF a few days late and they never test, so won't realize.. For them is like AF late for a few days then report. Then they jus take it that AF comes and life goes on.. Heheh.. That time when I first time kena chemical pregnancy, I tested be is my AF always comes on the dot but thAt time was late for two days.. My gyne said go ahead and try again the next month. Different gyne gives different advices according to different women's body condition. But after that chemical pregnancy, I also never conceive loh.. Sian.. Don't worry , wait for AF to come , tiao your body well:)
Hopeful_mum: I.consider myself high tolerance for pain (since I've got 3 tattoos and 10+ ear piercing, nose piercing n naval piercing), BUT I think pap smear test abit pain liao lo, so I think hsg sure will always me cry back....
Ya I know. I think this is my 2nd chem preg Liao. But I always consider that as. On existence. Lol.

Sigh damn sian. Just have to tiao my body first
To me, HSG is painful. but then only few mins. so still ok.
IUI is much better than HSG. so i can take it.
Dun knw is it my tolerance high or wat. lol...

so ladies, dun tink so much. anyway u all might not need to go thru iui.
good afternoon ladies

Just an update to the ladies here seeing tcm bt batok Dr Su. She is on leave from 18-28 dec:)
thanks Wivi789, think i will go and see her after 28 Dec.

think i have the same situation as you, cos i was also asking the doc to check on tubes and after knowing tt its quite painful, i gv up the idea. and since i am gg to do laparoscopy, doc said all can be done at the same time, no pain

stoney buddy,
when is ur appt with dr loh ?
u still planning to go for 2nd try on iui ?

its already friday ... hope everyone have a great weekend. Another 5 more days to xmas
thanks Wivi789, think i will go and see her after 28 Dec.

think i have the same situation as you, cos i was also asking the doc to check on tubes and after knowing tt its quite painful, i gv up the idea. and since i am gg to do laparoscopy, doc said all can be done at the same time, no pain

stoney buddy,
when is ur appt with dr loh ?
u still planning to go for 2nd try on iui ?

its already friday ... hope everyone have a great weekend. Another 5 more days to xmas

Pooh, yes, perhaps this is one thing good about killing two birds with one stone.. I'm glad that I can piggy back HSG with laparoscopy. Since we bo bian have to do laparoscopy .. During laparoscopy , gyne may see other stuff that ultrasound scan or intravaginal scan can't detect and will help clear up as best as he/she can.. She help me clear up scar tissues behind my womb too.. Plus some superficial endometriosis .. Check tubes etc. your surgery next week?:) Jia you and rest well and you will recover fast!:)
Seen dr loh Today. Hmm. Shld b goin iui again. Tis round try on my own. Next round on clomid again. Increase to 4tablets per day. Seems tat my egg are quite stubborn. Need more to hv more eggs...
stoney>> after my first failed IUI, gynae didn't say why. Only asked me if I want to check if tube is block or not? So she suggested doing dye test or go through laparoscopy again (though she said she's quite reluctant for me to go through lap again cuz I did it 4 yrs ago). actually based on internet info, IUI success rate is low so many people say if fail IUI a few times, might as well g do IVF cuz cost wise end up almost the same and IVF chances higher.

But for me, I won't do IVF for personal and religion reasons.

hopeful mum>> ya, hopefully.

angel_mommy> thanks. can only pray for the best.
stoney>> after my first failed IUI, gynae didn't say why. Only asked me if I want to check if tube is block or not? So she suggested doing dye test or go through laparoscopy again (though she said she's quite reluctant for me to go through lap again cuz I did it 4 yrs ago). actually based on internet info, IUI success rate is low so many people say if fail IUI a few times, might as well g do IVF cuz cost wise end up almost the same and IVF chances higher.

But for me, I won't do IVF for personal and religion reasons.

hopeful mum>> ya, hopefully.

angel_mommy> thanks. can only pray for the best.
junie, why need to go under the knife to check if tubes are block? go for HSG will be better. I had my fibroids removed via lapo, then they checked my left tube was blocked. after that a year later I still didn't conceive so I thought maybe still blocked so went for hsg. and its all cleared.

just do what you are comfy with, my u can also try TCM. my friend went through iui, ivf also cannot. but after tcm she conceived.
Hopeful mum- actually i went for the dye after the failed IUI. Tubes not blocked...though last round of laparoscopy in 2009 checked 1 side was blocked.

maybe go 1 more round of iui then decide again. Thing is TCM takes time...and my hubby is actually not as keen as me to hv no. 2 de.

Hopeful mum- actually i went for the dye after the failed IUI. Tubes not blocked...though last round of laparoscopy in 2009 checked 1 side was blocked.

maybe go 1 more round of iui then decide again. Thing is TCM takes time...and my hubby is actually not as keen as me to hv no. 2 de.
I see. if not blocked by right it wont be block so soon again lah. u all have a good discussion loh, imptly both are happy :)
