2WW - for those TTC-ing

Hopeful mum- actually i went for the dye after the failed IUI. Tubes not blocked...though last round of laparoscopy in 2009 checked 1 side was blocked.

maybe go 1 more round of iui then decide again. Thing is TCM takes time...and my hubby is actually not as keen as me to hv no. 2 de.

Junie2606, maybe you jus see a TCM to tiao your body at the same time too? If hubby not keen to see TCM , then at least for you, you tiao your body first:)

Stoney: how many eggs do u have currently? Dr loh so funny, ask me to count together with him when he did the scan on my ovaries.. lol.. my Hubby this round super enthusiastic to BD, will "automatically" initiate every alternate days.. cuz he know if we still unsuccessful, I'll need to do hsg.. he knows I'm scared of the pain.. :p
Stoney: how many eggs do u have currently? Dr loh so funny, ask me to count together with him when he did the scan on my ovaries.. lol.. my Hubby this round super enthusiastic to BD, will "automatically" initiate every alternate days.. cuz he know if we still unsuccessful, I'll need to do hsg.. he knows I'm scared of the pain.. :p
wah ur hb so SWEET! lol best is they initiate, at least its easier. less seducing to do. lol
Chocopiggie, hope you strike this month:) so don't need to go through HSG :) and hopefully both your effort pays off too:) Jia you!
lol true mah, sometimes they felt used by us. lol my hb says he is my sex slave during ttc last time. lol when I need him then use him! lol

so now I use softer approach, give him when he wants it too. lol. else, he quite poor thing.
Hi ladies, my fren told me she read that when TTC , best to avoid soy products.. I think I read that before but don't know true or not.. Next time if I see my gyne will ask her .. (Gosh! My next review appointment with gyne is march next year!) cos I used to like soya bean drinks, soya bean curds etc.. But cut down quite a lot liao.. Get my proteins from other food.. Any of you heard of this? I'm jus wondering only..
chocopiggie>> your hubby so sweet. Haha..ya, my hubby also says sometimes he felt "used".

hopeful_mum>> i've been reading the posts on TCM..but all looks quite far and long wait/queue. Scary!
lol true mah, sometimes they felt used by us. lol my hb says he is my sex slave during ttc last time. lol when I need him then use him! lol

so now I use softer approach, give him when he wants it too. lol. else, he quite poor thing.

Hahah.. Think the key is to BD regularly and naturally .. Heheh.. Whenever it is my so-called fertile period , my hubby will jokingly say his "精价上张”.. Heheh..
Angel_mommy - I liked what you hubby says! so funnie! but I think mem being men, they probably also enjoy the attention we give them during our BIG O!
Angel_mommy - I liked what you hubby says! so funnie! but I think mem being men, they probably also enjoy the attention we give them during our BIG O!
Hahah.. Yes, they definitely do:) so I make sure after the ovulation period , I still keep the BD momentum going just to assure him that he is still very important to me :)
Hahah.. Yes, they definitely do:) so I make sure after the ovulation period , I still keep the BD momentum going just to assure him that he is still very important to me :)
hmm now I cant think of ttc. can only wait... hopefully by feb I will be able to start trying.
Jia you! lets grad together :)

Ladies, happy Friday to all of you. if you are celebrating Xmas in advanced, enjoy your weekend!!
busy weekend, friends coming over and doing pot luck. need to cook, baked and clean!
Me too!:) guests coming over tonight:) has been busy in the kitchen since jus now:) next week will be lots of fun and celebration too:)

Have lots of fun ladies! :)
Today no do scan. So Dun knw. Ya. He will also tell me I got hw many eggs when scan...
Jia you.... I Tis cycle I will track o. Wun b seeing Dr Loh til next af arrived or preg.. Lol..
I will c tcm fr Jurong east. Heard quite gd.the one tat hv long q.will update u gals abt the tCm if i go c.
Stoney: dr loh still told me he got a patient come see him after that get pregnant immediately, 3 yrs later come back again to ask for advice for 2nd one. Then get pregnant again n disappeared! Haha.. how I wish I can be like that.. just heard my bro-in-law's wife got pregnant.. I should be happy for them but I just feel very down inside... m I sick..???
Stoney: dr loh still told me he got a patient come see him after that get pregnant immediately, 3 yrs later come back again to ask for advice for 2nd one. Then get pregnant again n disappeared! Haha.. how I wish I can be like that.. just heard my bro-in-law's wife got pregnant.. I should be happy for them but I just feel very down inside... m I sick..???

Chocopiggie, I think wat you are feeling is normal .. We are human afterall.. That momentarily sadness is being human.. I feel that way too when colleague after colleague get pregnant in the office.. Though I feel happy for them too but one part of me can't help but feel sad too.. But usually will pick myself up from there and tell myself to move on.. Another way that works well for me is to go shopping and buy something for myself ... Teheheheh.. ;)
Angel_mommy: one thing positive abt this is there'll be no more pressure from my in laws since their second son's wife is pregnant oredi... :D
Angel_mommy: one thing positive abt this is there'll be no more pressure from my in laws since their second son's wife is pregnant oredi... :D

Hahah.. Ya, that's true!:) you can relax as you TTC this cycle.. Hope you will be the next one to conceive in the family after your bro-in-law's wife!:)
Morn ladies!!!!!!! Am doin this frm airport... jus back frm my hols..
Will be e even better if only the ugly witch did not tagged along...
Well, frig it, kindda numb liao. LL try again aft af end.
Jus felt Sooooo discouraged... n sian...
Morn ladies!!!!!!! Am doin this frm airport... jus back frm my hols..
Will be e even better if only the ugly witch did not tagged along...
Well, frig it, kindda numb liao. LL try again aft af end.
Jus felt Sooooo discouraged... n sian...
Morn ladies!!!!!!! Am doin this frm airport... jus back frm my hols..
Will be e even better if only the ugly witch did not tagged along...
Well, frig it, kindda numb liao. LL try again aft af end.
Jus felt Sooooo discouraged... n sian...

Sloshy soupy , you went for holidays! So nice:) ya, we all hate to see the ugly witch when TTC .. New cycle new hope!:) Jia you!:)
Hi ladies,

I mia-ed for sometime. Hehe. Now at 2WW again, think I O late this month coz of a fever earlier on. My menses is due and I am still having PMS symptoms. :( Was thinking if I will ever get to use my daughter's old clothings again while packing her clothes. Haha. Lately a lot of new borns and preggers around me, happy for them yet feel sad for myself.

Jia you n good luck! :)
Hi ladies, i will b returning another 90 red eggs to shuang lin temple tmr (22nd Dec 2013) before 12pm. Pls do drop by and collect the eggs with your spouse!
Think really no hope for this month.
Abit crampy since yesterday and got abit of yellow discharge today.
Predict will have spotting tomorrow or maybe AF might even start straight.

Gotta work harder next month!!!!!! o_O
Think really no hope for this month.
Abit crampy since yesterday and got abit of yellow discharge today.
Predict will have spotting tomorrow or maybe AF might even start straight.

Gotta work harder next month!!!!!! o_O

Whiny pooh, as long as AF not here yet, still have chance!:)
Hi ladies,

I mia-ed for sometime. Hehe. Now at 2WW again, think I O late this month coz of a fever earlier on. My menses is due and I am still having PMS symptoms. :( Was thinking if I will ever get to use my daughter's old clothings again while packing her clothes. Haha. Lately a lot of new borns and preggers around me, happy for them yet feel sad for myself.

Jia you n good luck! :)

Mshoon, your menses is supposed to be due but not here yet? Is good:)
Me too, packing my boy's clothing the other day and also wondering if I should keep or give away.. Have another fren who jus got married last month and today she announced that she is preggie liao.. Happy for her but Feeling a little blue about myself too.. But gotta pick myself up again and tell myself to Jia you! U too, Jia You!:)
Thanks Angel_Mommy!!!!

I'm still trying hard to hold on to that small percentage that I might be BFP... LOL!!

Keeping all fingers and toes crossed!
Mshoon, your menses is supposed to be due but not here yet? Is good:)
Me too, packing my boy's clothing the other day and also wondering if I should keep or give away.. Have another fren who jus got married last month and today she announced that she is preggie liao.. Happy for her but Feeling a little blue about myself too.. But gotta pick myself up again and tell myself to Jia you! U too, Jia You!:)
Ya loh sounds positive :)

So when are u planning to test?
Busy weekend for me.. Guests came and we were out for lots of family and fren's gathering.. Tired but feeling recharged..one more week and gotta go back to work from my hospitalization MC.. Can't carry heavy things for 3 months after my laparoscopy as instructed by gyne but sure hope i can carry a baby in me if I can conceive in the next few months ... A bit daydreaming here but after carrying two of my fren's babies today, I really yearn for one in my heArt.. :) sorry, ranting away again.. Heheh..
Busy weekend for me.. Guests came and we were out for lots of family and fren's gathering.. Tired but feeling recharged..one more week and gotta go back to work from my hospitalization MC.. Can't carry heavy things for 3 months after my laparoscopy as instructed by gyne but sure hope i can carry a baby in me if I can conceive in the next few months ... A bit daydreaming here but after carrying two of my fren's babies today, I really yearn for one in my heArt.. :) sorry, ranting away again.. Heheh..
Lol u will soon be carrying one in your arms. Just need some time to rest and produce.

Then u better rest well these few mths :)
Lol u will soon be carrying one in your arms. Just need some time to rest and produce.

Then u better rest well these few mths :)

Thanks hopeful mum.. This weekend saw and carry too many babies during gathering and hear 1 news of a fren of mine preggy.. So feeling a little blue .. So jus wanna ventilate out.. Heheh.. Thanks for your listening ears:)
Thanks hopeful mum.. This weekend saw and carry too many babies during gathering and hear 1 news of a fren of mine preggy.. So feeling a little blue .. So jus wanna ventilate out.. Heheh.. Thanks for your listening ears:)
No need blue, u need to heal first. I believe once recover u will be having a baby very soon.

I also hope to carry my first soon. I wonder if I have my first I will still have energy for 2nd one or not.
No need blue, u need to heal first. I believe once recover u will be having a baby very soon.

I also hope to carry my first soon. I wonder if I have my first I will still have energy for 2nd one or not.

Thanks hopeful mum:)
I'm sure when you have children of your own, your capacity will be stretched and you will have greater capacity than before:) especially when u see their cute little faces, no matter how tired, you will sure persevere!:)
Busy weekend for me.. Guests came and we were out for lots of family and fren's gathering.. Tired but feeling recharged..one more week and gotta go back to work from my hospitalization MC.. Can't carry heavy things for 3 months after my laparoscopy as instructed by gyne but sure hope i can carry a baby in me if I can conceive in the next few months ... A bit daydreaming here but after carrying two of my fren's babies today, I really yearn for one in my heArt.. :) sorry, ranting away again.. Heheh..


It's very normal to be yearning for one!!!

Rest as much as possible and then try "leisurely".. ;)
Morning ladies,
Sorry i just want to rant.. Another weird cycle for me. Started to have painful boobs since 4DPO. Super early for me. Few days ago i started to have indigestion problem and no appetite to eat. In my mind, i tot maybe i got good chance this round. Cant wait for the day to come. But.... i started spotting yesterday. Sian to the max! i still got 3 days before my AF comes. :(
Morning ladies,
Sorry i just want to rant.. Another weird cycle for me. Started to have painful boobs since 4DPO. Super early for me. Few days ago i started to have indigestion problem and no appetite to eat. In my mind, i tot maybe i got good chance this round. Cant wait for the day to come. But.... i started spotting yesterday. Sian to the max! i still got 3 days before my AF comes. :(

Could it be implantation bleeding since it's like 4 days before yr AF comes? *Excited!!!

Dunno leh.. i dont have a good feeling. every time i see spotting i know AF is round the corner. Ai~~~

Actually same here.
I don't have a good feeling too.
I have been feeling nauseous and having heartburns but now that I see like yellowish discharge, I sort of know that AF is coming soon.

But there's still a little bit of hope as long as it has not officially reported for duty yet.

Hang on there!
