2WW - for those TTC-ing

I think I'm so calm and I can joke with the gynae, she is just impressed bah. Lol I wasn't crying. I was explaining in detail of my history etc. a&e is in a mess and I can tell her that the bed is dirty I don't want to lie there half naked. Lol

I'm worried but have understood there's nothing much I can do except to wait. But she is very nice and patient. Very caring and sensitive towards my feelings.

Glad to meet such a nice gynae. Now I'm hungry and in pain but can't do anything

Is it too early to chk using home kit before period is due?

I've got symptoms like tiredness, cramp, bloated, tender boobs for the past few days. Nauseous at times. But tested negative. Period due on 28dec
Hopeful_mum: how's it? Very worry abt u lei, ttc is important but health come first ok?? Pls keep us updated hor!! *Fingers n toes crossing tightly for u*
Is it too early to chk using home kit before period is due?

I've got symptoms like tiredness, cramp, bloated, tender boobs for the past few days. Nauseous at times. But tested negative. Period due on 28dec

If your period is due on 28 dec, i feel it is too early.. Best is to wait till you missed your period for a day or two.. Cos some pregnancy test kit not so sensitive.. Need higher hcg level to be detected.
If your period is due on 28 dec, i feel it is too early.. Best is to wait till you missed your period for a day or two.. Cos some pregnancy test kit not so sensitive.. Need higher hcg level to be detected.

Thnks angel_mummy
So anxious just kept testing cos the symptoms are really strong and unbearable :(
I think I'm so calm and I can joke with the gynae, she is just impressed bah. Lol I wasn't crying. I was explaining in detail of my history etc. a&e is in a mess and I can tell her that the bed is dirty I don't want to lie there half naked. Lol

I'm worried but have understood there's nothing much I can do except to wait. But she is very nice and patient. Very caring and sensitive towards my feelings.

Glad to meet such a nice gynae. Now I'm hungry and in pain but can't do anything

Hopeful mum, you are so brave and I really admire your positive outlook in life. I know how much you desire to have a child of your own, I can feel it genuinely in you and I sincerely hope that your perseverance will pay off .. And one day you will have a beautiful baby called your own:) big hug to you, hopeful mum! :)
Thanks ladies for being here with me all these weeks. Lol hope I have not been too whinny.

Now is like beggars can't be choosers. I rather just have a natural mc becox cannot work out than to have ectopic. Of cox best is give me a baby lah! Lol

Sigh I'm hungry. Sorry to make u ladies worry. Hubby and me just sit here so bored!!! And hor I'm in the food court. Look at the prata I really want to eat. But cannot makan. Like seriously? But I rather to be here than at the stressful a&e.
I understand the anxiety to want to test .. The 2ww is quite heart wrenching sometimes.. But have to be patient. Meanwhile, take your folic acid daily and rest well

Thanks ♡

Thanks ladies for being here with me all these weeks. Lol hope I have not been too whinny.

Now is like beggars can't be choosers. I rather just have a natural mc becox cannot work out than to have ectopic. Of cox best is give me a baby lah! Lol

Sigh I'm hungry. Sorry to make u ladies worry. Hubby and me just sit here so bored!!! And hor I'm in the food court. Look at the prata I really want to eat. But cannot makan. Like seriously? But I rather to be here than at the stressful a&e.

Hugs ♡ though hvn got th time to read what actually happen but jiayou!
Thanks ladies for being here with me all these weeks. Lol hope I have not been too whinny.

Now is like beggars can't be choosers. I rather just have a natural mc becox cannot work out than to have ectopic. Of cox best is give me a baby lah! Lol

Sigh I'm hungry. Sorry to make u ladies worry. Hubby and me just sit here so bored!!! And hor I'm in the food court. Look at the prata I really want to eat. But cannot makan. Like seriously? But I rather to be here than at the stressful a&e.

We certainly hope you can have a baby:)

You can't eat now? Doctor's order? If can eat, take something light.. Like fish soup :)
Ya drs order. In case they need to push me inky the op theatre. Share with u all something interesting. She says if the level in my hcg is higher means I will need to wait longer for the results. Lol not sure how true.
Ya drs order. In case they need to push me inky the op theatre. Share with u all something interesting. She says if the level in my hcg is higher means I will need to wait longer for the results. Lol not sure how true.

If it is true , that means your hcg level have chance to be higher;) keep us updated:)
Ladies. I'm no longer pregnant. It's a chemical pregnancy. So my guess was right. So sad. But glad that I'm okay and no need to go under a knife or really go through a miscarriage per say.

I will work hard and try again next mth :)
Ladies. I'm no longer pregnant. It's a chemical pregnancy. So my guess was right. So sad. But glad that I'm okay and no need to go under a knife or really go through a miscarriage per say.

I will work hard and try again next mth :)

Hopeful mum, though it is no longer a valid pregnancy, but on the positive note , it is a chemical pregnancy and not ectopic or miscarriage that require D&C. I had chemical pregnancy too, so I can understand how it feels like. But the good thing is, you can immediately try again next cycle :) Jia you okie.. Let's Jia you together :) still in time for horsey baby:) have a good rest and start afresh again. Hugz! :)
Ya. I will try again :) back to ttc! Jia you! But can't help but feeling down. But it's okay lah no choice. Sad for one night and back to ttc :)
Ya. I will try again :) back to ttc! Jia you! But can't help but feeling down. But it's okay lah no choice. Sad for one night and back to ttc :)

I understand that disappointment . That time I was really disappointed too.. Cos HTP tells me I'm pregnant until I started bleeding.. But yes, don't suppress your grief in this, allow yourself 1 day to grief over the loss and tomorrow start afresh again :) Jia you!;) you will find your dreams at its beautiful timing :) have an early rest :)
Thanks angel mommy. I'm fine already. Cried a bit and over Liao. Had my dinner. Satisfy my prata cravings. Lucky my hubby is so considerate. He was upset and disappointed but he was so glad I don't have to go under the knife again. He cheered me up.

All the time and a&e money well spent. Lol at least he was there with me to hear the news. So nice to have him with me. Now I can't wait for AF to start!!!! Argh so I can ttc again!
Thanks angel mommy. I'm fine already. Cried a bit and over Liao. Had my dinner. Satisfy my prata cravings. Lucky my hubby is so considerate. He was upset and disappointed but he was so glad I don't have to go under the knife again. He cheered me up.

All the time and a&e money well spent. Lol at least he was there with me to hear the news. So nice to have him with me. Now I can't wait for AF to start!!!! Argh so I can ttc again!

Your hubby is so sweet:) that time my hubby also was with me throughout.. Went A&E too.. After I realized that I'm no longer pregnant , I also cried a few times. Hubby consoled me saying that we can always try again.. Chemical pregnancy also means though sperm meet eggs but due to chromosomal abnormality, it couldn't stick and got flush out (gyne told me).. Since we wanted a healthy and normal baby, guess it is also a good thing in a way I guess. But can't deny the loss too. Cheer up and try again.. Everything will be well and fine again :) Jia you!:)
Ya he saw me cry. He says stay be we shd just live a life of 2. Every mth try not successful I will be sad. and when pregnant I will be so happy and then turn devastated when mc the past 3 times.

I am a tough cookie so when he sees me break it's only when associated with ttc. Other times, just difficult to break me. Lol

I'm glad to have him :)
Ya he saw me cry. He says stay be we shd just live a life of 2. Every mth try not successful I will be sad. and when pregnant I will be so happy and then turn devastated when mc the past 3 times.

I am a tough cookie so when he sees me break it's only when associated with ttc. Other times, just difficult to break me. Lol

I'm glad to have him :)

How sweet:) yes, our hubby is the one who will grow old with us, who sticks with us through thick and thin:) while you ttc, enjoy your twosome .. Life of twosome also has its treasured moment and is equally wonderful too:) people always said a family can only be complete with children but I read a book, it says encouragingly that when a husband and wife are in a marriage, the family is already complete :) children are a gift .. May we also receive this gift and while we await this gift, we cherish and treasure the twosome we can have with our hubby:) rest well , hopeful mum:)
morning ladies !
didnt manage to login yesterday as am currently overseas for biz trip.

hopeful mum,
sorry to hear your loss !
you are so impressive, can be so calm and strong !
hang on there, i am sure god will watch over us and grant us a gift !
your hub is so sweet and he is one that u need now !
2 cents of thought , although TTC is impt while we are trying to focus, lets not neglect the one who sleeps beside us, sometimes just the 2 of u can also be blissful, right ?
time being dont think of TTC and spend some quality time with your hb, okie !

saw your result posting !
nevermind ... we are all here on the same boat !
see and plan with dr loh and see what is the next step !
meanwhile enjoy the holiday season !
haiz .. really no mood to work ! counting down to the surgery and off for my break for the year end.
Thanks ladies. I'm emotionally okay Liao. But I'm still feeling pain on my lower left abdominal. I wonder what's wrong.

2 days Liao. Last night maybe too sad so the pain lessen. This morning wake up still very pain lo. The drs at a&e last night cannot determine leh.

Ya lah now I can enjoy my holiday season go for drinks etc. lol. Don't have to think of excuses why I can't drink.
morning ladies,

gd to know u are ok. lets try again, Me also trying naturally this mth... lets all jia you!!!

seeing dr loh this fri to discuss lor. haiz. sianz 1/2. but nvm. will try harder this time.
heard dr loh goin on leave next wk. when is ur surgery???
Stoney Jia you. We are back ttc together. Now my cycle is just screw up lol. Going to we dr us now. She has no patients now wor. Next time I know. I go on weekdays morning. No need to wait. But I still call to get number.
morning to all!

hopeful_mum: you are very strong. Glad to hear that you have a supportive hubby who was by your side the whole evening ytd. Cheer up! im sure you will be blessed with a bb soon. dun give up!
in the meanwhile rest well and you can start to bd soon..

did the doc prescribe you any med for your pain?

saw a posting frm a fren.. shes hvig #2 le.. sigh
all ard me getting pregnant here n there..
wheres is mine???
Thanks ladies. U all really very sweet. Make my life so much easier. Maybe the constipation due to af lah. Cox I usual will be constipated before af arrived. But since I was erm "pregnant" lol I attribute it to pregnancy.

Don't know what pain maybe constipation pain. But first time like that leh. Now not pain already. It's on and off. Later go toilet try and see if can relieve the pain. Lol.
Just finish seeing dr Su. She really so sweet. She sees me like that I think a bit pity me. She didn't charge me consultation fees or give me meds. Just ask me go tcm buy those soup to tiao and bu. she ask me not to try ttc for 3-6mths. She says if I ganna and mc again my menopause will come very soon. That time want also don't have Liao.

Wah I really freaked out. But With this can tell she is saying for my own good. Where got dr don't charge consultation fees. Think I'll take a break and tiao my body. But when I go buy the soup the lady say what she ask me to buy is super Heaty type. Ask me don't get so many dosage. She says my body probably can't take it. So buy lesser. If can take it then buy again.

One mth later than go back see dr Su again. Omg I can't get rid of the menopause in my mind.
Just finish seeing dr Su. She really so sweet. She sees me like that I think a bit pity me. She didn't charge me consultation fees or give me meds. Just ask me go tcm buy those soup to tiao and bu. she ask me not to try ttc for 3-6mths. She says if I ganna and mc again my menopause will come very soon. That time want also don't have Liao.

Wah I really freaked out. But With this can tell she is saying for my own good. Where got dr don't charge consultation fees. Think I'll take a break and tiao my body. But when I go buy the soup the lady say what she ask me to buy is super Heaty type. Ask me don't get so many dosage. She says my body probably can't take it. So buy lesser. If can take it then buy again.

One mth later than go back see dr Su again. Omg I can't get rid of the menopause in my mind.
Fighting!!!! we are bk to ttc lifestyle. hahaha..
tink tis cycle will juz hit n error liao. becoz not under any major medication.
hahaha.... JIA YOU!!!!!

urs will eventually b urs.
ok? juz tat we need to try harder than other ppl....
but dun worry,. the day will comes...
Stoney & hopeful_mum, let's aim to graduate from this thread together!!!

Btw, I think dr loh is gd cuz he got remind us to clear the old stock army troops just before the fertile period, then put in fresh stocks on alternate days during the fertile week.. I always thought when O strip is positive then BD got high chance, but he say it's less chance to strike this way.. he advised to keep putting troops on guard there for Princess Eggy's arrival got higher chance.. lol...
hahaha. is like tat de lor. sure is keep having fresh troops there, chances higher. thats y always ask us to BD alt days.
lol... his nurse more cute. heard the doc say tat, she say poor hb. hahaha... tired die him. lol...
Stoney: ya.. the nurses all very nice n friendly.. but hubby nag abt the facility fee charges.. lol.. he say "drink 2 cups of coffee cost $10+!! Crazy!!"
Hi hopeful_mum, I have been silently reading your updates on your status since you detected pregnancy and I have been praying hard for you all these while.
Sincerely hope that your wish can come true this time where the baby will stick tight to you and I am very sad that you have to go through another round of mc :'(

I seriously feel that you should tiao your health first before you start another round of TTC.
You have no problem concieving, so just need to build up your health first so that the embryo will stick tight to you when you BFP again in another 3-6 months time.
Don't give up hope as I have a friend who mc for 3 times but just delivered healthy twin babies.
As long as we don't give up hope, there is still chance where we will become proud parents one day.
I will jiayou for you and for myself. Fighting! :)
Hi hopeful_mum, I have been silently reading your updates on your status since you detected pregnancy and I have been praying hard for you all these while.
Sincerely hope that your wish can come true this time where the baby will stick tight to you and I am very sad that you have to go through another round of mc :'(

I seriously feel that you should tiao your health first before you start another round of TTC.
You have no problem concieving, so just need to build up your health first so that the embryo will stick tight to you when you BFP again in another 3-6 months time.
Don't give up hope as I have a friend who mc for 3 times but just delivered healthy twin babies.
As long as we don't give up hope, there is still chance where we will become proud parents one day.
I will jiayou for you and for myself. Fighting! :)
Thanks demen for your kind words. I really very happy to meet you ladies here, nvr hiam me whine too much and reply to my posts.


ya after what she told me today I not in a rush already. both gynaes and tcm says I can conceive easily so I just hold on. I wont actively track for ovulation and ttc. but I told hubby we just take things by nature for the next 3 to 6mths.

if have then have if don't have then good also we tiao our bodies. I really scared leh, menopause means no matter do what also cannot try liao.

after I shared this story in another thread, they told me its true, coz they have a colleague, 30 years old 2 kids then menopause after giving birth to the 2nd one. wah I dam sian, I 32 liao! lol

so now, I just guai guai, they ask me eat what I eat. but even the one who packed the herbs for me say too heaty liao, she cannot understand why the tcm ask me to eat so much. then again hor, she don't charge me consultation fees she really meant well for me lah. its not the money, but it makes me trust her more. so I just follow see how. if I can take it I just EAT.
Hopeful_mum: menopause is because ovaries stop functioning then will happen right? If you have healthy ovaries will menopause meh...?
Hopeful mum, hahah.. We won't hiam you for being whiny lah.. Heheh.. We are all here to support and encourage:)

Dr Su is really nice :) I think good to let your body rest for a while if you think it will help u in the long run.. Maybe good to listen to doctor's advice:) like wat u say , jus leave it.. These 3-6 months will be rest and relax mode.. Tiao your body well and then ready, steady, go again :)

When I learnt I have the cysts problem and require surgery, honestly I really struggle to think that I have to KIV my TTC plan. But in the end I have to accept it and proceed with surgery , recuperating.. In the long run, guess will be better for me :)

Meanwhile, enjoy your sweet moment with your hubby:) you are growing old together with him and cherish those times with him now, just you and him for now:)
Hopeful_mum: menopause is because ovaries stop functioning then will happen right? If you have healthy ovaries will menopause meh...?
ya lah in theory shd be loh, that the ovaries no longer functioning. but I scared lah. coz hormones go haywire will affect also. she says this because I mc 3 times, and to her chemical pregnancy is also a mc. so in her eyes I mc 4-5 times liao, this is my 2nd chem pregnancy.

she just shake head. u can tell from her face, she like feel so sad for me. lol makes me feel bad for myself too. lol but she really genuine, at least hor not like want me to buy this and that to tiao to earn money. some more the soup she asks me to buy is from those traditional Yao Cai dian. Not from her shop one. no earn a single cent. but just now funnie, when I walked out I so scared they shout and say "eh u haven't pay money" LOL

coz she just keep the card, she say don't need to bring out to counter.
ya loh, he quite sweet lah but don't know how to express himself. I think he more poor thing, coz I cry, I will shout I will sob, I will do all sorts of funnie things to express myself. like hug him, send him msgs etc. he is the kind u think he doesn't care coz he emotionless LOL!!!!
but im quite glad, next sep we will be married 7years, but our marriage life is still sweet and I think all these failure in TTC makes our relationship stronger. who asked me, don't want kids earlier. lol

also I think I too strong liao, I was the one who has to teach him to console me leh! lol I ask him why so sad, then I say actually im in pain leh, can console me? lol since we got together he is like that. funnie man
Hopeful_mum: oic... my Hubby oso must "train" to know how to sayang me etc. I think watch too much korean dramas liao, those sweet n romantic guys in there do not exist in Singapore! Lol... but they do indeed have their own unique Singaporean style of loving us nevertheless! :D
u suddenly reminds me of a latest korean drama.
hahaa... wif handsome guy Lee Min Ho being so nice to his gf. hahaha......
oops. out of topic.

but anyway all hbs is sure nice in certain way, if not y we married them. rite? hahaha..
u suddenly reminds me of a latest korean drama.
hahaa... wif handsome guy Lee Min Ho being so nice to his gf. hahaha......
oops. out of topic.

but anyway all hbs is sure nice in certain way, if not y we married them. rite? hahaha..
lol true true. but I tink we also nice lah, see trying so hard to give them a baby lol :p
ya loh, he quite sweet lah but don't know how to express himself. I think he more poor thing, coz I cry, I will shout I will sob, I will do all sorts of funnie things to express myself. like hug him, send him msgs etc. he is the kind u think he doesn't care coz he emotionless LOL!!!!
but im quite glad, next sep we will be married 7years, but our marriage life is still sweet and I think all these failure in TTC makes our relationship stronger. who asked me, don't want kids earlier. lol

also I think I too strong liao, I was the one who has to teach him to console me leh! lol I ask him why so sad, then I say actually im in pain leh, can console me? lol since we got together he is like that. funnie man

Wow, so sweet.. Next year 7 years wedding anniversary for you :) mine will be next year June .. 8 years wedding anniversary :) I totally agree with you that it is through all these ups and downs that we grow closer to each other as husband and wife:) when my boy was born 5 years ago, when I see how my hubby willingly take turns to wake up in the middle of the night to attend to our baby (feed express out breast milk, change diaper, carry baby and tuck him to sleep etc) even though he still need to prepare to go to work at 6+am , makes me love him even more. We didn't engage confinement lady cos my boy is born during CNY period (some don't want to do confinement, those who wants asked for double the salary) and mother-in-law can only help us until afternoon (we only discover this when I was discharged from hospital.. It was a last min decision by my mum-in-law due to her work constraint).. You know, I actually cried cos I had c-sec (still In pain) and I don't know if I can cope when hubby is at work and mother-in-law not around from afternoon onwards.. (Too late to engage a confinement lady) . I still rem My hubby holding me and assuring me that he will help me. Indeed, he not only wake up in the middle of night to help me with baby , he also rush home after work everyday to help me with housework and baby. It is through such tough time that our love for each other grow stronger:)
So tough times will toughen us up and help us see that we are already blessed with our wonderful hubby:) sorry for long post again and all those ranting away.. Heheh..
Wow, so sweet.. Next year 7 years wedding anniversary for you :) mine will be next year June .. 8 years wedding anniversary :) I totally agree with you that it is through all these ups and downs that we grow closer to each other as husband and wife:) when my boy was born 5 years ago, when I see how my hubby willingly take turns to wake up in the middle of the night to attend to our baby (feed express out breast milk, change diaper, carry baby and tuck him to sleep etc) even though he still need to prepare to go to work at 6+am , makes me love him even more. We didn't engage confinement lady cos my boy is born during CNY period (some don't want to do confinement, those who wants asked for double the salary) and mother-in-law can only help us until afternoon (we only discover this when I was discharged from hospital.. It was a last min decision by my mum-in-law due to her work constraint).. You know, I actually cried cos I had c-sec (still In pain) and I don't know if I can cope when hubby is at work and mother-in-law not around from afternoon onwards.. (Too late to engage a confinement lady) . I still rem My hubby holding me and assuring me that he will help me. Indeed, he not only wake up in the middle of night to help me with baby , he also rush home after work everyday to help me with housework and baby. It is through such tough time that our love for each other grow stronger:)
So tough times will toughen us up and help us see that we are already blessed with our wonderful hubby:) sorry for long post again and all those ranting away.. Heheh..
wah this post not long, very sweet and heart-warming to read. good lah, I think the ladies here all quite fortunate got good hubby.
some of my friends not so lucky one hor, don't say help with housework, they go out and have affair. so common nowadays right. so scary.

a few of my friends, younger than me already divorce with kids liao. sigh.

actually im very guilty one, coz I don't like kids in the past. im selfish I just want to go through motherhood. but when I got married my perception changed, I want kids, just that want to work hard and climb corporate ladder first. I those super pia type but nvr step on ppl to climb LOL, just hardworking. so we waited and wanted a good life mah to enjoy go tour.

now want kid since 3 years ago, wah dam XIN KU! lol
wah this post not long, very sweet and heart-warming to read. good lah, I think the ladies here all quite fortunate got good hubby.
some of my friends not so lucky one hor, don't say help with housework, they go out and have affair. so common nowadays right. so scary.

a few of my friends, younger than me already divorce with kids liao. sigh.

actually im very guilty one, coz I don't like kids in the past. im selfish I just want to go through motherhood. but when I got married my perception changed, I want kids, just that want to work hard and climb corporate ladder first. I those super pia type but nvr step on ppl to climb LOL, just hardworking. so we waited and wanted a good life mah to enjoy go tour.

now want kid since 3 years ago, wah dam XIN KU! lol

Heheh.. Glad you change your perception and wants kids:) sure will have.. Have faith and Stay hopeful:)

I have frens until now still don't want to have kids. She told me the reason is that she worry her figure will increase size.. Heheh.. After seeing one of our frens put on 20kg after birth.but with breast feeding and exercise , possible to shed those weights de. :) I've tried and it is possible as long as you exercise and maintain healthy lifestyle :) heheh..
lol now im the type don't mind put on weight if I can have a child! lol, willing to sacrifice almost anything. but I exercise so I believe shd be able to slim down a bit :)
its to the stage whereby, like drama, if something happen to me, and have to choose my life or my kids life to give birth, I will sacrifice my own life.

but hubby says its silly coz if I keep my life I still can have kids. lol which is true, but I want a kid for so long, if really have then carry to term and I need to sacrifice I will. I told him, as long as when he remarry he can find someone who truly treat my child well can liao. don't expect them to love as their own, but at least don't ill-treat them. got give them care I'm happy.

lol now im the type don't mind put on weight if I can have a child! lol, willing to sacrifice almost anything. but I exercise so I believe shd be able to slim down a bit :)
its to the stage whereby, like drama, if something happen to me, and have to choose my life or my kids life to give birth, I will sacrifice my own life.

but hubby says its silly coz if I keep my life I still can have kids. lol which is true, but I want a kid for so long, if really have then carry to term and I need to sacrifice I will. I told him, as long as when he remarry he can find someone who truly treat my child well can liao. don't expect them to love as their own, but at least don't ill-treat them. got give them care I'm happy.

Hahah.. Looks like you really really love children.. Sure hope your dreams will come soon !:) I'm sure when you have one, you will love your baby dearly:)
