2WW - for those TTC-ing

stoney: oso can.. as long as u r comfortable... dun worry abt these.. im sure all will be well for u..
hehehe.. mayb ur MIL will cook for u daily when she heard abt ur BFP.. ya agree, stable stable le den let them know.

u noe hor I hv ever think of when I wan to deliver on that day den inform my in laws...
hahaha. but i dun stay wif her. so only can go once a wk to her place.... lol...
anyway too nice tinking. saw abit brown blood when wipe...
dun knw if AF coming or nt???? still last dosage of med need to insert tonite...

Rainbowbb, no worries:) I know it is good to tiao my body first:) I think I asked my gyne like 5-6 times when I can start to TTC.. She always very patient and motherly , told me after 1 cycle of menses, which is the first cycle after surgery, I can TTC. Cos she didnt operate on my right ovary and uterus. But I know I must recover completely first then talk about TTC. Will leave it to the one above :)

Stoney, dun worry first .. Brown staining could be implantation bleeding. If u are concerned, can call the nurse to check and meanwhile monitor first.. When is your AF supposed to due? As long as it is not blood flow type, it should be alright:) pray for u :)
hahaha. but i dun stay wif her. so only can go once a wk to her place.... lol...
anyway too nice tinking. saw abit brown blood when wipe...
dun knw if AF coming or nt???? still last dosage of med need to insert tonite...
hmm sometimes progestrone suppositries can casued some spotting one. dont think so much, just a few more hours to go for blood test liao.

no leh tcm ask me dont eat fruits at all say no good. lol so i just listen loh. anyways i follow but i dont follow everything. i hardly drink cold water, but when i go out with friends, no choice i will drink abit. or really too hot. coz if not my friends will think im sure up to something. coz im that type dont believe in not eating chicken when there is flu/cough. so suddnely become so patang, they will find it fishy. lol.
I dun tink is spotting lor. might really is AF. as the flow is nt those spotting type...
later the nite then c hw. if really AF.
if really report tink no need to blood test liao
can direct c gynae......
wat a day???? Now is in super no mood

went toilets 2 time. still c blood....
I dun tink is spotting lor. might really is AF. as the flow is nt those spotting type...
later the nite then c hw. if really AF.
if really report tink no need to blood test liao
can direct c gynae......
wat a day???? Now is in super no mood

went toilets 2 time. still c blood....
hug hug! lets hope it stops. if af, gynae will talk to u on next try?
angel_mommy: yeah.. listen to ur gynae's advises... im sure u will be able to get ur BFFFP very soon! hv faith!

stoney: dun scare urself.. it might be implantation bleeding.. think positively!!
Hi Ladies, it's my bb's full mth tmr and i'll be returning 50 red eggs at the zhu sheng niang altar at the toa payoh shuang lin temple at about 2 pm.. if any of you interested, can go and take.. I had also taken the eggs returned by an ivf mummy who had twins last yr and received her blessings and succeeded in my ivf.. Baby dusts to all!! :)

Is there any meaning to go n take the eggs ?
Rainbowbb, thanks.. :) I'll be focusing on recovering first then tiao my body too.,heheh..

Stoney, don't worry okie. Monitor first .. Hugz !:)
I dun tink is spotting lor. might really is AF. as the flow is nt those spotting type...
later the nite then c hw. if really AF.
if really report tink no need to blood test liao
can direct c gynae......
wat a day???? Now is in super no mood

went toilets 2 time. still c blood....
stoney i hope u are feeling better. hugs
Stoney: did u go for the blood test?? *Hugs*

hopeful_mum: u also doing another round of blood test today right? Take care & good luck!!!
Morning ladies. Yup. Still got go.Did tell the nurse. So say still hv to take blood test.
Result out. Negative.
Juz As Wat I expected. Sure is sad. But no choice.
Will make appt Wif gynae to discuss on failed iui.
yup. my first iui. will persist lor. now is need to make appt to visit my gynae,
monday will call up c when can mit my gynae. persist on ba....

thanks. Fighting.....
although still sad lar. hahaha...
actually ytd already guess the result le.
did not expect AF to report so zhun for IUI
Stoney, hugz:)
persevere on.. I know it is easier said than done ... I'm sure you will get your BFP as long as u persevere on:) it will happen.. Have faith:)
yup. my first iui. will persist lor. now is need to make appt to visit my gynae,
monday will call up c when can mit my gynae. persist on ba....

thanks. Fighting.....
although still sad lar. hahaha...
actually ytd already guess the result le.
did not expect AF to report so zhun for IUI
ur af usually also so accurate? maybe can consider go tcm to tiao also. i nvr believed in tcm, but after 3mcs, i finally believe and go and see. now I'm taking tcm meds, hoping that the meds can help me carry through for this pregnancy.

Jia you, don't give up. go enjoy sushi etc first have a glass of wine. relax ur mind. big hugs!!
ur af usually also so accurate? maybe can consider go tcm to tiao also. i nvr believed in tcm, but after 3mcs, i finally believe and go and see. now I'm taking tcm meds, hoping that the meds can help me carry through for this pregnancy.

Jia you, don't give up. go enjoy sushi etc first have a glass of wine. relax ur mind. big hugs!!
Hopeful_mum, are u due for your blood test today also?
Hopeful_mum, are u due for your blood test today also?
nope, going for my 3rd blood test on tues. if the numbers rose to abt 180 i think then will be a good sign and really consider pregnant in the dr eyes. can't help but take a preg test with the clear blue (conception weeks) test last night, it finally says I'm pregnant. at least i think for now the hcg not dropping, coz last week sun/mon i took it as negative.

meanwhile just cautiously optimistic hoping that its not another chemical pregnancy, miscarriage or ectopic. lol
nope, going for my 3rd blood test on tues. if the numbers rose to abt 180 i think then will be a good sign and really consider pregnant in the dr eyes. can't help but take a preg test with the clear blue (conception weeks) test last night, it finally says I'm pregnant. at least i think for now the hcg not dropping, coz last week sun/mon i took it as negative.

meanwhile just cautiously optimistic hoping that its not another chemical pregnancy, miscarriage or ectopic. lol
That's very good news. Continue to eat properly & rest more before next blood test. So u also go to tcm to "tiao" your body?
That's very good news. Continue to eat properly & rest more before next blood test. So u also go to tcm to "tiao" your body?
yes. actually i just started tcm in nov when i had my af. wanted to do so for very long, but many tcm are very far from jurong. those good ones i hear are in marine parade, chinatown etc and I'm very lazy one. then through this thread and the mc loss support grp they recommended one at bukit batok so i went to see her. she says i need to tiao coz from my ectopic my health didn't recover very well. but she says overall my body is quite strong and healthy so "xiao tiao" can already.

so yest morning i went to her tell her abt my situation. she says my pregnancy pulse not strong enough, i think she cant really feel it. so she gave me some meds hoping that it can help me in this possible pregnancy.

i ask some other ladies they took both chinese and eng meds throughout their pregnancy. many felt that the chinese meds helped them to conceive and maintain the pregnancy.
yes. actually i just started tcm in nov when i had my af. wanted to do so for very long, but many tcm are very far from jurong. those good ones i hear are in marine parade, chinatown etc and I'm very lazy one. then through this thread and the mc loss support grp they recommended one at bukit batok so i went to see her. she says i need to tiao coz from my ectopic my health didn't recover very well. but she says overall my body is quite strong and healthy so "xiao tiao" can already.

so yest morning i went to her tell her abt my situation. she says my pregnancy pulse not strong enough, i think she cant really feel it. so she gave me some meds hoping that it can help me in this possible pregnancy.

i ask some other ladies they took both chinese and eng meds throughout their pregnancy. many felt that the chinese meds helped them to conceive and maintain the pregnancy.

I see. I'm also taking Chinese med to "an tai" now. Been taking it for 5 months already. Initially wanted to regulate menses and now continue to take it cos I also believe that it will help to maintain the pregnancy.
I see. I'm also taking Chinese med to "an tai" now. Been taking it for 5 months already. Initially wanted to regulate menses and now continue to take it cos I also believe that it will help to maintain the pregnancy.
ur first trim over soon right. jia you.
actually i was quite confused, don't know if i shd take chinese meds or not. but since many taking i think i will also continue.
keke. i will preserve. time being i also tinkin to c tcm.

any of u heard of Tan Siew Buoy or Chen Qiu Mei?? Shld be the same person. my fren recommend me to c her.
at chinatown.... but saw got clinic at NUS. but only open during day time..... tat one is super near my place....
keke. i will preserve. time being i also tinkin to c tcm.

any of u heard of Tan Siew Buoy or Chen Qiu Mei?? Shld be the same person. my fren recommend me to c her.
at chinatown.... but saw got clinic at NUS. but only open during day time..... tat one is super near my place....
yes i heard in another thread she is good but think the appt now have to wait until jan liao. also one of the members here got pregnant after seeing her for 3mths, but unfortunately end up in a mc. there are a few members i know who believe in her. think if u wan must go make appt quick.
keke. i will preserve. time being i also tinkin to c tcm.

any of u heard of Tan Siew Buoy or Chen Qiu Mei?? Shld be the same person. my fren recommend me to c her.
at chinatown.... but saw got clinic at NUS. but only open during day time..... tat one is super near my place....

Hi Stoney, for TCM tan Siew buoy, before my laparoscopy , I've tried to make an appointment to see her. I called in nov. But her clinic rule is, first timer will only get appointment one month later. So I got my appointment on 9 dec. but after my date for laparoscopy was confirmed to be end nov, i wasn't sure if I should see her so soon after my surgery. In the end, I decided to call clinic to postpone my 9 dec appointment. End up the next nearest date is 27 Jan cos I'm a first timer ! The lady told me after the first visit, it will not be such a long wait anymore . Her clinic at NTU. But it is a super long wait. That is why I'm contemplating to see the TCM that hopeful mum and pooh232 go to.. The one at bukit batik, Dr Su. Relatively Near to my home too. But I'll only start seeing in jan. Give my body one month to fully recuperate from the surgery first:)
But it is good that we see TCM after seeing gyne. I believe so too.. More to tiao our body:)
Oh yes, forgot to add that.. That time tan Siew buoy's clinic staff said there is a 15 jan slot .. But too bad I couldn't take that slot. So ended up the 27 jan slot. But she did tell me that if anyone cancel their earlier appointment date, she will give that to me. So maybe u can call on Monday to see any slot in dec if you are keen to see her:)
Oh yes, forgot to add that.. That time tan Siew buoy's clinic staff said there is a 15 jan slot .. But too bad I couldn't take that slot. So ended up the 27 jan slot. But she did tell me that if anyone cancel their earlier appointment date, she will give that to me. So maybe u can call on Monday to see any slot in dec if you are keen to see her:)
Lol can't rem who was it. So u are the one who waiting to see her in jan. Buy I hear very good reviews. After 3mths get pregnant Liao. And she is the type who has issues conceiving. No luck. So I think good to go pay her a visit.
Lol can't rem who was it. So u are the one who waiting to see her in jan. Buy I hear very good reviews. After 3mths get pregnant Liao. And she is the type who has issues conceiving. No luck. So I think good to go pay her a visit.

Hahah.. I read reviews about her that she is not the type who will patiently to listen to your questions. Some said she is the type who just want you to take her medications as instructed. And don't ask too much. Not sure if true but I'm still thinking if I should see her or dr Su. Heheh.. But dr tan's medicine is the brew type, I heard.. I prefer the ready-to-eat type cos not sure I have the time to brew them .. Heheh..
Hopeful mum, for dr Su, need to make appointment beforehand or jus walk-in to take queue number? Long queue? Any better hours to see her with less crowd?:)
Hahah.. I read reviews about her that she is not the type who will patiently to listen to your questions. Some said she is the type who just want you to take her medications as instructed. And don't ask too much. Not sure if true but I'm still thinking if I should see her or dr Su. Heheh.. But dr tan's medicine is the brew type, I heard.. I prefer the ready-to-eat type cos not sure I have the time to brew them .. Heheh..
But they say got a few types. 1) brew means fresh herbs so it's more expensive but also the best

2) syrup - but not sure what this is. Maybe brewed already but I'm not sure, I hear is 2nd best

3) then the dr us type is last cox powder form. Which is also why cheaper.

But I think so long effective can Liao. Lol I lazy one so I go to the one nearest my house and easy to take.

She is in ntu also very near me lol.
Hopeful mum, for dr Su, need to make appointment beforehand or jus walk-in to take queue number? Long queue? Any better hours to see her with less crowd?:)

They say first time need to go down personally. After that can call to take number. Best is to avoid fri. So far I went fri morning and night. Night waiting time is the longest. Fri morning one hour. Then sat also quite long. Good thing is can go west mall walk walk if u drive lah. Or sit there at mcdonalds to wait. Or eat at kopitiam. But other ladies say they go in morning abt 10ish on weekdays not so crowded. Only wait for awhile. So they don't even call in anymore.
keke. i will preserve. time being i also tinkin to c tcm.

any of u heard of Tan Siew Buoy or Chen Qiu Mei?? Shld be the same person. my fren recommend me to c her.
at chinatown.... but saw got clinic at NUS. but only open during day time..... tat one is super near my place....
I'm seeing her @ the NTU clinic. Tan Siew Buoy & Chen Qiu Mei is the same person.
Hahah.. I read reviews about her that she is not the type who will patiently to listen to your questions. Some said she is the type who just want you to take her medications as instructed. And don't ask too much. Not sure if true but I'm still thinking if I should see her or dr Su. Heheh.. But dr tan's medicine is the brew type, I heard.. I prefer the ready-to-eat type cos not sure I have the time to brew them .. Heheh..
Angel_mommy, she has the ready to drink powder type of medication @ the ntu clinic but only brew type @ the Chinatown clinic.
Angel_mommy, she has the ready to drink powder type of medication @ the ntu clinic but only brew type @ the Chinatown clinic.

Thanks for the info , rac14!:) you are taking which type? Brew or ready to drink type? You are still seeing her to "an tai"?:)
Rac14, u are seeing dr tan Siew buoy.. How is she? And her medication? Brew type? How is the doc ? Patient ? Heheh..
Yup, I'm seeing her. She will ask u questions like how's your sleep? Do u wake up to pee every night? Got constipation? Stick out your tongue & show me... Feel my pulse etc. she's ok cos I usually don't ask question.
How long did u see her before getting pregnant. Wah she seems really powerful hor. So good!
Have been seeing her for 4 mths before pregnant. Intention of seeing her was to regulate my menses (range from 30+ - 80+ days). Managed to shorten it to 28-30 days after 2 mths. She will ask u to take bbt & show her the chart each month u go & see her. Then she will highlight a few "must try" dates for u to focus on. I'm taking the powder type of medication.
Thanks for the info. Did u make appt mth's before u c her?? Ntu Clinic also super near my house. Juz the timing Nt So gd. Mayb i try to make an appt at ntu clinic. Ur hb got go with u to c her??
Stoney, the clinic nurse told me only first timer who visit the clinic the first time need to make appointment 1 month before. After the first visit, the next visit will be better liao. She told me priority is given to regular patients who visit the clinic. I believe they should still have dec slot. Cos I told her due to my surgery, I'll only start seeing her in jan. So she told me during early dec that for jan left with 15 jan and 27 jan. But there are always pp canceling or postponing their appointment, so shouldn't be too bad. Can give clinic a call on Monday .. Hope u can get a super early slot:)
Rac14, thanks for all the valuable info about dr tan:) sounds not as bad as I read from other forum.. May just give it a try to see her.. But that will only be 27 jan.. Unless the nurse notify me of any other available slot due to cancellation.. :)
Thanks for the info. Did u make appt mth's before u c her?? Ntu Clinic also super near my house. Juz the timing Nt So gd. Mayb i try to make an appt at ntu clinic. Ur hb got go with u to c her??

I think I was lucky. Someone cancelled the appt so my appt with her was 2 weeks after I called in. Yup, hb came along & was given med in powder form to drink as well.
Stoney, the clinic nurse told me only first timer who visit the clinic the first time need to make appointment 1 month before. After the first visit, the next visit will be better liao. She told me priority is given to regular patients who visit the clinic. I believe they should still have dec slot. Cos I told her due to my surgery, I'll only start seeing her in jan. So she told me during early dec that for jan left with 15 jan and 27 jan. But there are always pp canceling or postponing their appointment, so shouldn't be too bad. Can give clinic a call on Monday .. Hope u can get a super early slot:)
If I'm not wrong, she left for holiday already. Back only in Jan. U can call the clinic to check.
Rac14, thanks for all the valuable info about dr tan:) sounds not as bad as I read from other forum.. May just give it a try to see her.. But that will only be 27 jan.. Unless the nurse notify me of any other available slot due to cancellation.. :)
You're most welcome. To me so long as the med works, I'm not bothered about whether the tcm practitioner is patient or chop chop type.

Today Sian. Just came back from a baby shower. Then slightly constipated but went to toilet and try. Only can pee. But when I wiped, my discharge has some red streaks of blood :(
